December 1872

1 December 1872 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 1st, 1872. Snowed last night and to-day. Sarah Alexander had placards out to lecture this evening on “the inner workings of Mormonism.”

2 December 1872 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 2nd Visited Mr. Cleland and got passes over his road the Fort Wayne & Pittsburgh. I called on Mr. Sarjent of the Michigan Central and had a pleasant renewal of our old friendship. Called on Mr. Smith of the Chicago and Rock Island and Mr. S. P. Rounds who sells type, presses &c. He insisted on getting myself and friends tickets to the McVicker’s Theatre. Miss Jane Coombs was the principal character – a most beautiful lady. The play was the School for Scandal, and it was well performed and the dresses were magnificent.

3-21 December 1872 • Tuesday to Saturday

Tuesday, Dec. 3/72. Capt. Hooper arrived this morning. We called on Mr. Coolbaugh, Pres. of the Union National Bank, and on Mr. <N.> Corwith. The former took me to the Board of Trade and introduced me to many members. There was considerable buying and selling going on. The building was a magnificent one. But We (Bro’s. Hooper and Preston and wife & myself) left this evening by Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne and Pennsylvania Central, for New York. Reached there at 6 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 5th, I employed myself giving round a little with Bro. Hooper and in purchasing engravings for the Juvenile Instructor. I called on Spencer Clawson, son of Bro. H. B. C., at H. B. Claflin & Co’s. On Friday eve. Bro. H. and I took cars at Jersey city for Washington. Reached there 6 a.m. Saturday 7th of Dec. 1872. Put up at Willard’s Hotel. Excellent house. On Monday visited House of Representatives and was very kindly received. I was not surprised at the warmth of feeling shown towards Bro. Hooper, for he is an old member and very well acquainted; but I was a little surprised at the cordiality shown to myself. We moved from Willard’s to the Hamilton House, Bro. Hooper having found rooms there that suited him for his family, on Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 1873 [1872]. We I remained here, attending Congress and visiting the Departments every day with Bro. Hooper until Thursday, Dec. 19th, 18732, when we started, he to go to Galena to his family, I to visit home. Congress had resolved to take a recess from Dec. 20th to Jan. 6/73[.] This would enable me, if I made connection, to go home and spend a week there. We had several Members as companions – Griffiths of Penn., McKinney & Samison of Ohio, Coburn & Wilson of Ind., Snapp of Ill. and Rusk of Wis. We missed connection at Pittsburgh and also at Chicago. We reached the latter point at about 4 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 21st. Terribly cold. We stopped at the Clifton House. Sunday morning went out on C. & Rock Island Road. Very cold at Omaha. As we traveled West weather moderated. Tuesday night quite warm in cars. Reached home on Wednesday eve., Christmas. Found ground soft, weather rainy. Bro. Angus met me at Depot. Found family well, and [56 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.] President Young and Gen. Kane had gone to St. George. Pres. Wells was confined to his room, having symptoms of Inflammatory Rheumatism. Reported by dispatch to President Young. The Line was down.

30 December 1872 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 30th, in the evening received the following dispatch from Pres. Young, it came via Pioche, over the Western Union Line, ours being down.

“I wish you to hop in the Stage and come to this place. Let me see you before you go East. Or if you choose, let John W. Young take you into a buggy and bring you to this place.”

The stage ran irregularly and was slow and dreadfully uncomfortably, it was said, at this season. John W. Young had also a dispatch requesting him to visit St. George also. After consultation we determined to take buggy and harness from the city to the end of the Utah Southern at Lehi and arrange for a change of horses every ten miles or thereabouts to take us through. Telegraphed Bishops to know if they could furnish teams and received affirmative answers in very instance.

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December 1872, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024