August 1889

1 August 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 1st, 1889.

Drove down to Brother John R. Winder’s this morning and had an interview with him. He is quite sick, suffering from kidney troubles. He was pleased with my visit, as it has a cheering effect upon him to be visited by his friends. He has just had a well bored about 100 feet deep and has secured a very strong flow of water—I should think about 60 or 70 gallons a minute, in a one and half inch pipe. He can throw it, with a hose, on top of his tallest trees.

I was very busy after I got to the city. Had an interview with Brothers A. E. Hyde and John Beck concerning the arrangement which I made last night with them. I told them that since we parted I had recalled the fact that I was garnisheed and could not pay anything to him until the garnishments were raised. There were four persons who had served these papers on me—T. R. Jones, the banker, the Germania Smelting Works, Z.C.M.I. and Pioneer Rolling Mills. They suggested different plans to avoid these garnishments; but I told them that the most simple way, I thought, was to permit me to pay them. Brother Hyde said that they had made some arrangements to compromise. I told them that would make no difference; they could draw orders for the amounts and I would pay them. I did not wish to have myself embarrassed in any way, because there were plenty of people ready to take advantage of me, in case I should expose myself. It was finally arranged that they were to be paid—upwards of $19,000.00—at Zion’s Savings Bank on presentation of the receipts of the different parties; and I also arranged for upwards of $8000.00 to be placed to the credit of Brother Alonzo Hyde, as the agent of John Beck. I wrote out a transfer also on Brother H. B. Clawson for 9325 shares of stock to be transferred from the Dedicated Stock standing in my name, to be placed to the credit of John Beck.

I started for Logan on the 3:40 train, and went to the “Standard” office at Ogden, where my son John Q. found me and took me to his home. I spent the night at his house.

2 August 1889 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 2nd, 1889.

Started at 8 o’clock this morning for Logan. My wife Emily was on board the train, accompanied by Brother David M. Stuart, but in consequence of my position I was unable to have any communication with her, and we traveled as strangers. Was met at Logan by Brother Moses Thatcher, who took me in his carriage to his residence, where I found President Woodruff, who had come up the day previous. My wife Emily and Brother Stuart went to Brother Parry’s boarding house near the temple.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Brother Joseph Bull and his wife, Brother Stuart and my wife Emily and myself met at the temple, and Brother Bull’s mother and stepmother, whose names are [blank] were sealed to me, and then Brothers Bull and Stuart were adopted to me and my wife Emily. In the evening Brother Thatcher took President Woodruff and myself out riding in his carriage.

My health is very poor. I have been unusually sick yesterday and today—scarcely able to move around; but I feel better this evening.

3 August 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 3rd, 1889.

Conference convened at ten o’clock. The house was filled. Meeting was addressed by Brother Pitkin, who reported the condition of the Stake, and Brother Lyman and President Woodruff. In the afternoon I was called upon to speak, which I did for a short time; but I felt very unwell and was not able to say much. Brother Merrill and Bishop Preston followed me. There was a Priesthood meeting called for the evening at 8 o’clock, which was also attended by the sisters, who were invited to be present. Brother Pitkin spoke and gave some excellent counsel against extravagance and running into debt. He was followed by President Woodruff. I also spoke and had much more freedom than I had in the afternoon. I spoke upon the Priesthood and its obligations, especially upon the manner in which the teachers should visit the saints and instruct them concerning their duties.

A letter was received at noon today by Brother Thatcher, in which Alonzo Hyde stated that Brother Beck was very much dissatisfied with my action and what <said> I had been guilty of double dealing in my transfer of stock which I had made; and the letter was full of complaints against me. Brother Thatcher read the letter to President Woodruff, and then President Woodruff sent for me, and I explained the whole transaction. It was most unjust and cruel to accuse me of double dealing and wrongdoing in this matter; for I have done exactly as I said I would do, with the exception of instead of drawing the order for the transfer of stock on George Reynolds I had drawn it on Bp. H. B. Clawson. He was the holder of all the stock that we had, and it was in escrow in his hands; but I had thought, since I left, that perhaps I ought also to have drawn an order on George Reynolds, asking him to transfer this stock on the books of the Company. To save further trouble, I telegraphed immediately to George Reynolds to transfer the amount of stock—9325 shares—from my Dedicated Stock to John Beck, and also to have Brother Schettler pay the amount accruing as dividends on that stock, amounting to 50¢ per share, that being the last dividend declared just as I left the city on Thursday.

4 August 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 4th, 1889.

Brother Lyman spoke to the saints this morning with a good deal of power. He delivered a most excellent discourse. He was followed by Brother Moses Thatcher, and I spoke afterwards for about 15 minutes. We met at two in the afternoon and had sacrament. President Woodruff spoke and occupied about 57 minutes of the time, and I spoke for about 20 minutes. I had much more freedom and felt better in talking than I had at previous meetings. In his remarks President Woodruff said that he would be willing for Brother Thatcher to start the United Order if he wished to at this place. He gave him full authority, as President of the Church, to do so. This was called out by remarks made by Brother Thatcher concerning his great desire to see the United Order established, and also that he was ready to lay his property at the feet of his brethren. My remarks were to the effect that unless the people manifested more faith in paying tithing and paying in their surplus property, there was very little room to hope that they were prepared to enter into the United Order. Notwithstanding the principle might be divine and as glorious as any from the Lord, there must be faith in the hearts of the people concerning it or it could not be carried out successfully.

After the meeting we went down to Dr. Ormsby’s and took dinner. The Doctor is an old companion of mine in the penitentiary, and we had a very enjoyable visit. From there we went to Brother Geo. W. Thatcher’s and paid my respects to himself and wife Luna, a daughter of President Young; and from there President Woodruff, Brother Moses Thatcher and wife, Brother Geo. W. Thatcher and several other ladies, and myself, went and called upon Brother Haines and family and went through their garden, which is very fine. He and Brother Larsen, who is an experienced gardener, have started a flower garden, nursery and vegetable garden, in order to give employment to the children of the Ward. They have been very successful in their operations and have a very promising nursery and beautiful flower garden. Brother Haines has a very remarkable experience which he related to President Woodruff and myself a day or two ago. He was brought into the Church in a most miraculous manner. He came to the city about five years ago, and brought a letter of introduction to me. He was then baptized and his family afterwards emigrated. He seems to be very firm in the faith, and at the time he had his manifestations was a man of considerable means and occupied a fine business position. He lost his property, however, when he came to Utah and got in quite reduced circumstances, having been compelled to sell a life insurance policy to furnish him the necessary means to travel.

5 August 1889 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 5th, 1889.

Several persons called upon us for counsel this morning. At 10:50 we started for Salt Lake on the Utah Northern. Brother Thatcher and Brother Preston came down on the same train.

My sons John Q. & Frank met me at Ogden, and Frank accompanied me to the City. I explained to him concerning the affairs of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co and my wishes that he and my two sons John Q. & Abraham should act under a power of attorney and represent my stock.

It is election day today. Everything was reported to be quiet at Ogden, and when we reached the city the same report came to us concerning the election here. We found Mr. Alexander Badlam here. He called upon us, in company with Brother Clawson. He had been telegraphed for by Brother Clawson, in consequence of the shape affairs were taking connected with the Bullion Beck & Champion Co.

Brother Job Pingree had an interview with the First Presidency and gave a report of the affairs in the British Mission, he having been requested to see us personally by Brother George Teasdale. The conduct of Jarman and other men who were fighting the work of the Lord in that land is leading to strange results. Anti-Mormon Societies are organized in every place where the Elders labor, and it has become a very dangerous thing for the Saints because of the great excitement which these people raise. The effect upon those who rent houses to the Saints in quite marked, and many have given notice to their tenants that they must leave, and shopkeepers have petitioned the owners of halls which our people have rented to stop renting to them, as they felt that their property was not safe, through the violence of the Anti-Mormon mob.

We are informed that the new United States District Attorney and Marshal are contemplating making an attack upon the leading men as soon as this election is over. My name has been prominently mentioned as one whom they expected to get into their toils.

Mr. Badlam and Bp. Clawson drove President Woodruff and myself to our homes this evening. My son Frank took my team down and spent the evening with me. I gave him full particulars concerning the Bullion, Beck property and the action I wished taken, and he also gave me a brief report of what he had done in the East. I have a claim that I have felt I ought to make for my dedicated stock which was paid by President Taylor to John Beck as part of the fifteen thousand shares which he received in lieu of the twenty five thousand dollars that we were to pay him out of the output of the mine, and I am led to think, with my sons, that the better course for me to take is not to assert this claim, but rather suffer wrong than do wrong. This is my feeling at the present time, though I have felt exceedingly strenuous in regard to the stock that I dedicated to the Lord and feel averse to it going into other people’s hands and for purposes for which it was not designed when I dedicated it.

6 August 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 6th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning and took him to the city.

The stockholders of the B. B. & C. Co held their meeting today, and they had quite an exciting time discussing various questions and electing the officers. I was informed some two or three weeks ago by Brother W. W. Riter that a Gentile, who did not wish his name mentioned, had told him to inform me that a conspiracy was being formed between the “Taylor boys”, Alonzo Hyde and John Beck, to get possession of that property, and that I should be on my guard. Brother Riter could not mention the name of his informant, but he told me that Mr. Bamberger, another Gentile, had told him the same thing. Brother James Sharp was present and heard what Brother Riter said, and he remarked that he had heard the same thing. From the proceedings of the meeting today I should judge that there was truth in this statement. I wrote a note to the Secretary, informing him that for reasons which I did not think it necessary to explain at present I had made out a power of attorney in favor of my three sons, and that they would act in my stead. I have felt that I could not, with any sense of propriety, take part in these proceedings. The dignity of my office would not permit me to do so. My word or my counsel, I knew, would not be listened to. I would have to descend to the plane which certain of the stockholders occupied, and in doing so I would only sacrifice dignity without receiving any benefit. I could not carry my points, neither would my wishes be paid any respect to. The spirit appears to be to undo everything that President Taylor and myself have done, and to change the entire affairs of the Company. The report that I received of the way the meeting was conducted showed very plainly that it had been previously arranged what each one was to get. They had secured a majority of the stock, and in order to do this they had courted John Beck very assiduously. The very men who had, while he was absent, found fault with Brother Clawson, and incidentally with myself, for sending him money, now turned round and professed to be his warmest friends and thought that he had been cruelly wronged by the Company, and that the Company was greatly in debt to him. It is a strange proceeding to me, because I know that it was frequently stated by these same parties that we did not owe him anything and we ought not to pay him anything for his claims, and I had to stretch my authority as President of the Company to send him funds which Brother Clawson said was necessary to sustain him. Brother M. Thatcher was made President of the Company; Brother John Beck, Vice President; Brother Geo. J. Taylor, Secretary, and Brother W. B. Preston, Treasurer. An attempt was made to elect Brother H. B. Clawson a Director, but it failed. Those who held the majority of the stock were determined that he should not be on the Board; but they did grant that my son Frank should be a Director. There is a disposition to grant Brother Beck One hundred and twenty five thousand dollars for alleged expenses which he claims that he was under in defending the mine against the attacks of the Eureka Co. This is a claim which President Taylor utterly repudiated when he was living, because it was clearly understood and was entered into the contract which we made with John Beck, that in leasing to him the property he should meet all the legal expenses of the contest, and all that put it into his head to make a claim at all was the fact that we would not renew his lease. If he could have had the lease renewed, he would have made no charge against us, he said, for expenses. I have lost confidence in this man and his word. But what can you expect from people who break their solemn covenants made with the Lord? How can you expect them to fulfill covenants or keep their word with their fellow-men? I feel mortified and humiliated at their action towards the California Company. They have manifested a disposition to go back on all that was done with the members of the California Co.

Brothers W. W. & H. H. Cluff and F. A. Mitchell came in and saw the First Presidency today concerning the purchase of land in Skull Valley as a place of settlement for the Hawaiian Saints. They informed us that Brother John T. Rich was willing to be content at present with the payment of $5000.00 down, and the remainder divided into five yearly payments. This committee was instructed to get the payments extended over eight years if possible.

I dictated a number of public letters in answer to correspondence, to Brother A. Winter.

I took President Woodruff to his home in my buggy this evening.

7 August 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 7th, 1889.

Called for President Woodruff this morning.

I had interviews with my sons and Brother H. B. Clawson concerning the affairs of the B. B. & C. Co. The stockholders agreed to pay Beck One hundred and twenty five thousand dollars, and they also agreed to pay Brother Clawson Ten thousand dollars. This amount was very reluctantly granted; but it was contended for by my sons as simple justice to Brother Clawson and in fulfillment of the agreement made by President Taylor with him, and the matter was so arranged that those who wanted to pay Beck his amount could not get that through without consenting to Brother Clawson’s claim. President Taylor had told him in my presence, when he first commenced to try to dispose of the mine and to effect a compromise about the lawsuit, that if a sale was effected Brother Clawson should be remunerated. I urged upon Brother Clawson at that time that he take the necessary steps to secure the payment that President Taylor promised; but nothing has been done until the present. I felt very desirous that he should receive some compensation, though I do not think that the amount that he claims now would have been granted by President Taylor. Still I am glad, as it is probable that he will be dismissed from the position of Manager, that he has secured this amount. He has done well by us and has been indefatigable in his labors[.] I felt exceedingly pleased today, in listening to the reports which he and my sons gave me of the meetings they had had, that the Lord is a God of revelation. It was plainly shown to me by a dream and by the manifestations of the Spirit that there was going to be considerable trouble over this B. B. & C. mining business. I have known beforehand every step that would be taken. I knew that there was a determination to get control of the company by certain parties, and that every means would be used to effect this. It would have been an exceedingly painful position to me to have been in. The Lord plainly revealed to me that I should appoint my sons with a power of attorney and let them meet with these people. This I did, and I am filled with gratitude for this counsel which the Lord gave me; for it has saved me two days of what would have been [an] exceedingly painful experience. Besides, I did not think it consistent with the dignity of my position as one of the First Presidency to have to meet and wrangle over affairs of this character and with such persons[.] Mr. Badlam met with them this afternoon, and the spirit that he manifests is so much better than that of our brethren that I am surprised. I took the liberty of telling him this afternoon that I hoped he would not suppose that we were all ungrateful because of what had occurred; for I felt, for one, to say to him that we had been treated in the most honorable and straightforward manner, and all that they had promised had been fulfilled.

I carried President Woodruff to his home this evening.

8 August 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 8th, 1889.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and brought him to the city.

We had a meeting with the committee appointed to establish the Hawaiian colony, and with various other parties.

At two o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers F. D. Richards, B. Young, John Henry Smith, H. J. Grant and John W. Taylor met in prayer circle. Some of the brethren did not clothe.

9 August 1889 • Friday

Friday, August 9th, 1889.

My son Abraham drove me home. My son Frank returned to the city with him. I called for President Woodruff on my way from home to the city. My sons Abraham and Frank called and brought receipts in full from John Beck, per his attorney, Alonzo E. Hyde, in my favor, for his stock which he had dedicated and the dividends, and for everything else. Afterwards John Beck called and offered to buy my stock in the B. B. & C. Co. in exchange for the Hot Springs.

I dictated answers to public letters.

At 3:40 p.m. I started with President Woodruff for Ogden. Brother L. W. Shurtliff met us with a carriage. Brother F. D. Richards also met us. I had a good rest in the evening. My son John Q. called upon me.

10 August 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, August 10th, 1889.

We started at 7:45 on the Utah Northern. Brother Moses Thatcher called upon us at the depot as we were passing through Logan. We reached McCammon at 3 p.m. Brother Andrew Kimball traveled with us to this point on his way to visit some of his relatives in Bear Lake. We tried to obtain something to eat at McCammon, but failed. A Mr. Harkness, who keeps a hotel there, was very churlish.

We left McCammon at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, and when we reached Soda Springs Brother Arthur Winter succeeded in getting for us some scraps of food from a hotel. It is a long time since I felt as hungry as I did this afternoon, and we felt that this man Harkness was very inhospitable.

We reached Montpelier at 10:15 p.m. A number of carriages were in waiting, which Brother Budge had brought, he not knowing the number of the company, and was therefore prepared for any probable number. President Woodruff and myself rode with him to Paris. We stopped at his house there. Sister Budge had supper prepared, but I only drank some warm milk.

11 August 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, August 11th, 1889.

I felt much refreshed by my sleep last night.

The meeting house here is a very beautiful building. The architect is Brother Don Carlos Young. It is, I think, the finest specimen of architecture of this kind that I have seen in any of our settlements. The seating capacity is 2800. President Woodruff, myself and Brother F. M. Lyman spoke. I enjoyed much freedom. In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and we spoke in the same order as in the forenoon.

We were invited to take dinner at Sister Mary Rich’s, one of Brother C. C. Rich’s widows, and we had an exceedingly enjoyable visit there.

In the evening Brother Lyman, myself and President Woodruff spoke to the priesthood, and the sisters, who had also been invited to attend.

12 August 1889 • Monday

Monday, August 12th, 1889.

At the Conference this morning, Prest. Budge made his report. I followed, occupying 50 mins. Brother Lyman followed, occupying 30 mins. After the meeting we went to the residence of Thomas Oakey, and President Woodruff, Brother Lyman and myself ordained him a patriarch, President Woodruff being mouth. He is 78 years old, and though his body is quite feeble, his intellect is bright. In company with Brother Wm. Rich, I called upon his father’s wives Sarah, Emmeline and Harriett and met a number of his sons.

In the afternoon we ordained Brother Hugh Findlay a patriarch before the congregation. I was mouth in the ordination.

President Woodruff addressed the congregation and bore testimony concerning the manifestations of the power of God in his behalf. I also followed in a similar strain, relating incidents from my experience regarding the manifestations of God’s power in my behalf. President Woodruff made some further remarks. We had a delightful conference, an excellent flow of the spirit, and the singing was excellent.

After meeting we took dinner at Sister Stucki’s, whose husband is on a mission in Switzerland, he being the President there. There were with us Brother and Sister Budge and daughter and a daughter of the late R. L. Campbell. After dinner we had a free conversation on the porch with Brother Hyrum S. Woolley and other brethren concerning the paying of tithing. Questions were asked as to how men should be tithed. Among other things that were mentioned about this was men tithing their hay and then feeding their tithed hay to the stock and then tithing the stock; also questions connected with merchandise tithing and in co-operative institutions, etc. Before we left Sister Stucki’s we administered to a son, whose name is Charles Stucki, and who is a deaf mute.

13 August 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 13th, 1889.

Brother William Piggott, who is the husband of my sister Elizabeth, took President Woodruff and myself in his carriage to Montpelier. My sister Elizabeth accompanied us, also Brother Budge and wife and Sisters Stucki and Campbell and Brother H. S. Woolley.

We took the Oregon Short Line to Granger, riding in a Pullman car. There we took another Pullman to Ogden. We took supper at Evanston. On the way from Evanston we were joined by Mr. Isadore Morris, with whom we had considerable conversation concerning the situation of affairs and the efforts which he had made to have our brethren relieved from prison. Mr. Morris is a jew, but his conduct has been very remarkable. He has spent a great deal of his own means, has gone east several times in the interest of our imprisoned brethren, and has succeeded by his efforts in having several released from the penitentiary.

My son John Q. met us at Ogden. We reached Salt Lake City at 11:30 p.m., where my son Abraham met me. President Woodruff was met by the Tithing Office carriage and was taken home.

14 August 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 14th, 1889.

Had a meeting with Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. We decided to allow $300. a year to the Executive Committee.

Afterwards had a meeting with the Deseret News Co, where it was decided that the executive committee of that company should visit the paper mill in the morning. I carried President Woodruff home.

15 August 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, August 15th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning and took him to the city.

We met General McClernand, of the Utah Commission, at F. S. Richards’ office. We had a very interesting conversation with him. He dwelt upon the gravity of the situation and what measures we might expect to have enacted against us, and urged upon us that something should be done; that we stood in a responsible position, and that the people were looking to us, and if misfortune came upon them we only would be held accountable for it, if it could be averted by timely action, which he thought might be done. Of course, we could not view it as he did; but we felt thankful to him, and so expressed ourselves, for the interest he had taken in the matter and the kind feelings he had shown us as a member of the Commission. We have had many suggestions made to us concerning some announcement that we should make upon the subject of plural marriage; but I, for one, have not seen my way clear to do so without stultifying myself, and President Woodruff has the same feeling. We shall have to trust to the Lord, as we always have done, to help us.

Brother H. H. Cluff and Elihu Barrell came to the office today and we set them apart for their duties in connection with the Hawaiian settlement in Skull Valley, Brother Cluff to preside there and Brother Barrell to be secretary and to assist all he can in other directions. I was mouth in setting Brother Cluff apart, and Brother Jos. F. Smith was mouth in setting Brother Barrell apart.

At two o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers H. J. Grant and John W. Taylor met in the prayer circle. I opened by prayer. President Woodruff was mouth in the circle. Afterwards a letter was dictated by myself concerning Brother Richard Jenkins’ case, who lives at Nephi. There has been difficulty there between himself and the authorities and he is in danger of being cut off the Church. We counseled the brethren that they must be careful and not interfere in such a manner as to set aside legal rights of our brethren or to do anything that would have the appearance of coming in contact with the courts and their decisions.

We had conversation with Brother Thomas Judd concerning the Washington Factory. Brother Judd proposes to take this on some terms that will be mutually satisfactory and run it. He thinks it can be made of great benefit to the people, if properly managed. There is no doubt but it can be of great value to that section of our Territory if an enterprising and judicious man had it in his hands. Brother Judd has this reputation. He proposes to take it at a cash valuation. We favored the idea.

My son Wilford, I hear, is quite sick and I took my brother Angus and my son Abraham with me to my wife Carlie’s and administered to Wilford.

I afterwards carried President Woodruff home.

16 August 1889 • Friday

Friday, August 16th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning.

I had an interview with Marshal Dyer this morning.

Afterwards attended a meeting of the Deseret News Co. I am quite disappointed in the results which have followed the management of Brother T. E. Taylor of the paper mill. It seems that he has not come up to expectations, and in fact his management may be described as a failure. The paper mill is in an unsatisfactory condition. The First Presidency listened to public correspondence. I answered the letters by dictating to Brother Winter.

We were invited this evening to ride in the electric cars, being the first trip they have made over the line. They run with great speed and comfort and will be a wonderful improvement on the old service, which was run by mules.

A Denver paper had been communicated with concerning the Salt Lake and California Ry. Co, and in the article which appeared in the Denver paper I was accused of having tried to blackmail that company. The facts are that a hundred thousand dollars in stock in that company had been offered myself if I would consent to have my name put on as one of the directors. I had declined this, as I wanted to have nothing to do with the <a> scheme of that kind, and certainly could not approve of that method of being paid for my influence. I telephoned to my son John Q. at Ogden the facts concerning it, with the wish that he would publish something about it, because the clipping from the Denver paper had appeared in the Ogden paper.

I took President Woodruff home.

17 August 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, August 17th, 1889.

I remained at home today. I was very busy looking after outdoor affairs. I had also a conversation with my children concerning the principles of the gospel.

18 August 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, August 18th, 1889.

I had my carriage ready to drive to meeting today, but just as I was about to start I was taken with severe pain and sickness, accompanied by diarrheoa and did not go to meeting. It stormed heavily. The rain was very welcome.

19 August 1889 • Monday

Monday, August 19th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff and took him to the city. At ten o’clock we met with members of the City Council and Brother John W. Young, for the purpose of conversing concerning the right of way for the latter’s railroad. The First Presidency suggested that he should have granted to him a right of way out of the city like other roads. The objections which the people might have should be removed by proper explanations.

I afterwards called on Major Powell, of the Geological Survey, and he accompanied me back to the Gardo House, where we met Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brother D. H. Wells. We had a very pleasant conversation.

The U.S. Senate Committee on irrigation matters is here in the city, and Elias A. Smith, Chas. H. Wilcken, James A. Little and Jesse W. Fox appeared before them and gave testimony.

I dictated Topics of the Times and Editorial Thoughts for the Juvenile Instructor to Brother Winter.

I afterwards carried President Woodruff home.

20 August 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 20th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning and carried him to the city.

I afterwards spent an hour with the building committee of the bank, listening to the agent for Hall’s burglar proof vault, the explanations which he had to give us and the recommendations.

I then called at the office of the Utah Commission and saw Senators Jones of Arkansas[,] Plumb of Kansas, and Stewart of Nevada, who are the U.S. Senate Committee on Irrigation which is in the city. Brother John T. Caine and Governor Thomas walked with me down to the Walker House, where I saw Senator Reagan and made an appointment with him at half past one. I afterwards saw Senators Reagan and Stewart at the Tabernacle, and then called at the Continental to see Senator and Mrs. Jones, and rode with Marshal Dyer and Senator Jones to the D. & R. G. depot. We took the cars to Garfield. The train was made up by Brother John W. Young. It consisted of the senatorial party and several others. He provided dinner for us at Garfield. After our return I carried President Woodruff home.

21 August 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 21st, 1889.

I called this morning for President Woodruff.

I had an interview with another burglar proof vault man, who reperesented the Diebold, and heard his recommendations in favor of his vault.

The First Presidency had a long and interesting interview with Senator Plumb, whom Brother Arthur Stayner brought to the Gardo House to see us. He is very kindly disposed and seems to have obtained a great deal of knowledge concerning the situation of affairs here.

Brother Wm. C. Bryan of Nephi called and we had conversation with him concerning the case of Brother Richard Jenkins.

Brother F. W. Marchant called and we set him apart as one of the Elders called to labor for the benefit of the Hawaiian saints at the settlement in Skull Valley.

We had a bank meeting this afternoon and decided to raise the new bank building two stories higher, making six in all.

The First Presidency listened to the public correspondence, and I answered a number of the letters.

I then took President Woodruff home.

22 August 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, August 22nd, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff and brought him to the city.

The First Presidency listened to communications from the Seventies and answered them.

We had our usual meeting in the prayer circle. The First Presidency were present and Elders B. Young, J. W. Taylor, of the Twelve.

23 August 1889 • Friday

Friday, August 23rd, 1889.

I was busy all day today with public correspondence and dictated many answers. I also answered a few private letters.

I have had it in my heart for some time to secure for President Woodruff a carriage and a span of horses. I suggested to some of the brethren and they have raised enough means to buy a very elegant carriage and harness and lap robes, and I made a present of my horses that I drive, to him[.] They are a very handsome pair of horses, gentle and valuable. The presentation was made to him today. He was very much surprised and expressed himself as being unable to give utterance to the feelings that he had; but he blessed us all for our kindness to him.

Brother Hans Peter Larsen brought me up a load of fruit from the farm which I have purchased from Brother Chas. Haun. The fruit was divided among the family.

24 August 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, August 24th, 1889.

I remained at home today. I spent part of the forenoon gathering pears from my trees. I then spent some time in revising my journal which my son David had taken in shorthand. I also had a swim in the river with several of my boys.

25 August 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, August 25th, 1889.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 p.m. The body of the house was full. Brother John W. Taylor was called upon to speak and occupied 75 mins. in explaining the first principles of the gospel. I was much interested in his remarks.

26 August 1889 • Monday

Monday, August 26th, 1889.

My brother Angus, Brother C. H. Wilcken and myself drove to West Jordan this morning to attend the funeral of Sister Haun. It is not often that I have felt more sorrowful than I did at receiving the intelligence of this sister’s death. Brother Haun has been anxious to sell his place and had spoken to Brother Wilcken about it several times, and to me. I did not feel able to buy it; but Brother Wilcken persuaded me to go down and look at it. I did so and was pleased with it, and we agreed upon a price for it which seemed to be entirely satisfactory to Brother Haun. But I got an idea that Sister Haun felt reluctant to part with the place. I told him that I did not want it unless it was perfectly agreeable all around; for I would not, on any account, purchase the place of him if his family felt that he should not part with it. I had no desire for it and had not thought of purchasing it; in fact, did not feel able to do so till I came down and saw it. He assured me that everything was satisfactory. We went into the house and I made some remarks to his wife, and they both said that the place had to be sold, because he could not do otherwise, as he had debts and the interest was eating him up. She remained there till she was confined, and after she was able to move they moved. The news of her death was quite a shock. It seems that she had a backset and took cold. I was particular to inquire whether it was because of her having to move, but was assured by the folks that this was not the cause. She was a daughter of Brother Archibald Gardner. There was a large turnout at the meeting. I spoke and had much freedom. My brother Angus followed.

We drove from there to my farm which I had purchased of Brother Haun and had a very agreeable time. We reached home about dusk.

My son David brought a son of Brother John W. Young to my house and I found him there. His name is John Wesley Young.

27 August 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 27th, 1889.

Mary Alice and my granddaughter, John Q.’s daughter, Sweetie as we call here [her] (Louisa her name is) rode to town with me in my buggy. President Woodruff has now his own carriage to ride in.

The Presidency had an important letter from Chas. I. Robson before them, to which I dictated an answer.

We had conversation with Brother Franklin S. Richards respecting perjury cases in Idaho and it was decided to carry one on habeas corpus to the U.S. Supreme Court.

I had interviews with W. P. Nebeker and S. R. Thurman.

We held a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Literary and Scientific Association today. There were present, James Jack, F. S. Richards and my son John Q.

I had an interview also with my son Frank.

I carried Mary Alice home with me in the evening.

28 August 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 28th, 1889.

I drove to the city quite early this morning and attended to the business of the General Board of Education with Brother Geo. Reynolds, the secretary. I dictated a letter to Brother Jesse W. Crosby, Jr.

We afterwards held a political meeting with Brothers John T. Caine, F. S. Richards, C. W. Penrose, J. W. Young and Angus M. Cannon concerning the steps to be taken to prepare for the municipal election. A manager was said to be wanted. Brother Richards made a number of remarks concerning the kind of man that was wanted, and he felt, as did others, that I was the most suited for that position. We selected names that were thought suitable for the Municipal Central Committee.

At one o’clock we had a meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank. At 2:15 President Woodruff and myself and a number of other brethren went on a special car to Saltair. We went down to the lake and examined the pumping apparatus by which water was lifted from the lake into a large trough that carried it to the works.

I drove home in the evening and came back again to a meeting at the 14th Ward at half past seven. My son Lewis accompanied me.

29 August 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, August 29th, 1889.

My son Lewis drove me up this morning.

I sat for a portrait to a Mr. H. E. C. Peterson, an artist who has come on from Chicago, and who has been very desirous to get my portrait.

I had an interview with Chester Call and David Stoker about Brother Call’s case, he being the Bishop of East Bountiful ward. There is some feeling concerning him that he ought either to resign or to devote more attention to his Ward.

In the afternoon President Woodruff and myself met with Brothers Grant, J. H. Smith, of the Twelve, in the prayer circle.

I hear that my wife Emily is very sick, suffering from erysipelas, but it is said that she is a little better today.

We had an interview with Brother Karl G. Maeser, superintendent of the Church schools[.] After which we listened to the reading of public letters.

I drove home in the evening.

A Mr. Lever, of the firm of Lever & Pattee, came to my house this evening and stayed two hours, determined to get an order from me for a likeness. He tried every way to get my name; said it would be worth hundreds of dollars to him. He offered to accept almost anything I would trade with him and give him an order for a portrait, but I told him I could not accept a portrait if he were to give it to me for nothing.

30 August 1889 • Friday

Friday, August 30th, 1889.

Mr. Lever came to the Gardo House this morning and wanted to know if I would introduce him to some of the leading men. I declined, but wrote him some letters of introduction, making them as brief as possible. For this he desired to pay me, but I declined.

President Woodruff and myself were invited by Bishop O. F. Whitney to partake of dinner at his house and then from there go to the new schoolhouse which had been erected in his Ward as a church school building. My daughter Mary Alice accompanied me there and we had a very excellent meal. At the meeting I was called upon to offer the dedicatory prayer and several brethren spoke.

Brother C. H. Wilcken came to the schoolhouse at the close of the meeting with my buggy, and we drove to my new farm, which we reached about half past twelve.

31 August 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, August 31st, 1889.

I remained at the farm till 1:30 p.m., when we started for the city, which we reached at 3:30. One of my families was there—C. Y. C.

At 4 p.m. we met at the Gardo House and attended to political business, President Woodruff, Brothers F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, John T. Caine, F. S. Richards, A.M. Cannon, J. W. Young and myself being present. After this I drove home.

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August 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024