March 1891

1 March 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, March 1st, 1891.

This is the 84th anniversary of President Woodruff’s birthday.

The Salt Lake Conference was appointed for today and tomorrow, and I attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 10 o’clock. President Woodruff was there, but was compelled to retire shortly after the meeting opened, in consequence of a severe pain in his stomach. My son Abraham accompanied him and took him home. The meeting was very interesting, there being reports made by the local officers. Bp. O. F. Whitney reported his Ward, D.F. Davis represented the home missionaries, Elias Morris the High Priests Quorum, and Counselor Penrose reported the condition of the Stake and explained in a very lucid manner the character of the organization of the High Council and the method of doing business before it, also the Bishops’ Courts.

In the afternoon the Tabernacle was very well filled, the gallery being opened. Brother John Morgan occupied about 15 mins, Abraham H. Cannon about 20 mins, and myself the rest of the time. There was an excellent spirit in the meeting, and I enjoyed it very much. The singing of the choir was very good, under the leadership of Brother Stephens.

It rained very heavily today.

I went to the Gardo House after the forenoon meeting and had a lengthy interview with Col. Isaac Trumbo and Bp. Clawson. The news arrived of the death of Senator Hearst, and Col. Trumbo was under the necessity of leaving tomorrow for California, as Judge Estee, who is a candidate for the vacant Senatorship, stands in need of his help. I promised him that we would render some financial aid, this having been understood and promised by the First Presidency when this matter was first mentioned.

I went down and took supper at my brother Angus’ wife Amanda’s. My daughter Mary Alice and her husband, and my daughter Emily and son Sylvester were there also.

At 7 o’clock I attended meeting again in the Tabernacle. The audience was rather thin for so large a building, although there was probably two or three thousand present. The streets were in a horrible condition and it was storming violently. The meeting was quite interesting and spirited. Brother McLachlan, of the 7th Ward, spoke. He was followed by Brothers James L. McMurrin and James E. Talmage, and Bishop Bennion of North Jordan. The singing of the choir was very sweet.

2 March 1891 • Monday

Monday, March 2nd, 1891.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him quite weak. I think his trouble is an attack of la grippe.

At 10 o’clock I met with the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co, it being the hour appointed for the election of officers. There was quite a full attendance, and all the stock was represented except that owned by C.O. Card, L. John Nuttall and Geo. Reynolds. Col. Trumbo was there, and he brought with him Judge Judd and U.S. Marshall Parsons, he having given them proxies in order to have them present. Brother Moses Thatcher returned from Mexico yesterday and prepared his report, which he read, as President of the Co. The Company’s lawyer, Thomas Marshal, was present also. After the reading of the report and its acceptance, the question arose about the representation on the Board, and a recess was taken for the purpose of endeavoring to arrange a ticket that would be acceptable to all concerned. Those who held the majority of the stock, and who were combined, were John Beck, President Taylor’s heirs, Moses Thatcher and W. B. Preston. Then W. J. Beatie, the secretary, had proxies for about 8000 shares, and Brother Preston had proxies for Brother M. W. Merrill’s stock. The holders of this stock were quite willing to have a representative of mine on the Board. They preferred myself, if I would accept. When this report was made I plead very hard for the remainder of the California stock to have a representation, but this could not be yielded. I then proposed that a representative of the California stock be elected in my place, as I thought that stock ought to be represented. I told those assembled that I had not conversed with anyone upon this subject. I had no entanglements nor any compact or arrangement with any party. I had not even conversed with my own sons in relation to the officers of the company; and therefore what I said was in the interest of fair play. I would like those people to have a representation on the Board, as I thought it would save a great deal of feeling, and that it would be better for the company, as it would remove all chance of surmises and feelings which I knew did exist in relation to the management of affairs. But my plea was unavailing. I was classed in the minority, and the statement was made that if two were given there would be only sixteen thousand shares behind each, while behind the others there were twenty two thousand shares each. This called from me the question how it came that I was placed in the minority, and why I was called a minority stockholder of stock. What was it that divided me from the rest? To this Brother Hyde said that he could answer that question. He said this went back considerable distance. There were differences between the company and the California stockholders and my representative; for my stock had always taken the side of the California people; and he went on and described how improper it would be to allow the minority representation such as was asked for. He said, there were only five directors, and suppose one of the majority members should be absent, and there should be two minority members present, they might take advantage sometime and change the entire policy. He went on in this strain, making remarks of the danger there would be of putting another minority member on, and in the same conjunction he and Bishop Preston both spoke of the oaths that they had to take as members of the company—that they were not representatives of majorities or minorities, but they represented the whole and were bound by their oaths. I took exception to Brother Hyde’s remarks, and I told him, in a low tone, unheard by the rest, that I resented such remarks; that when he said I might do so and so, and at the same time saying they were bound by their oaths, as though I would not be bound by mine, I thought it an imputation that I could not submit to. I said my oath would be as binding upon me, I thought, as on either him or Bishop Preston. He said he did not mean anything of that kind, and offered to get up and explain. I told him, no, I did not wish that; what he said satisfied me. If he did not mean anything, that was the end of it. The remarks, however, that were made concerning the causes of my being put in the minority gave me the liberty, which I accepted, of stating to those present, what those causes were. I related the contract that had been entered into by President Taylor and myself, through the company which was formed in our interest and whose members accepted our views, by which these gentlemen from California were to have an option on the property for a certain length of time, and were also to have, in case they succeeded in compromising the lawsuit, 25% of the stock; that afterwards, at the expiration of that option, another option had been granted, which I had consented to as one of the company and as its president, and this stood until John Beck came back from Germany, when he and others were determined to break the option. He had offered me $9. a share for my stock, to which I had replied that if he were to offer the whole State of California I could not accept it, as we had given an option on our stock to these people, and therefore I was bound by that. But knowing the feeling that existed, and that there was likely to be serious consequences follow, if the people in California accepted the option, I had used my influence efforts to induce them to let the option go, which they did. Subsequently, what is now called the majority refused to comply with the contract which had been made and give the California people the 25% of the stock. I had felt that this was their due, and I had all the time been willing that they should have that, and held my own stock ready to transfer it to them, and in fact did transfer it to them. Those who were now called the majority refused to do this. But that my judgment was right in this matter had been fully established now by the fact that the majority had found it necessary to turn over their 25% also. I said this is the reason why my stock is called minority stock. I did not differ with those who called themselves the majority in regard to the management of the property. This was the only difference that I had with them, to any extent at least. After I sat down, Brother Thatcher said that he had no doubt I was entirely conscientious in my statement, but there were others who held different views on the subject.

In the election I received about 99,500 votes, being the largest number cast. Col. Trumbo and his friends cast their votes for me, but would not vote for any of the other officers of the company. The Board elected is, Moses Thatcher, president; John Beck, vice president; Wm. B. Preston, treasurer; A. E. Hyde and Geo. Q. Cannon, directors; W. J. Beatie, secretary.

There was a motion made by Geo. J. Taylor to the effect that the officers of the company receive compensation for their services. When he made this motion, it was as though it was those who were then elected, but before the matter had been spoken upon a few minutes it was evident that the design was to have those who had been acting receive pay. Brother Hyde spoke about some of the members coming from Logan, spending a great deal of time, which was valuable, and they ought to be remunerated, as the company were not beggars, etc; but he himself, being a paid officer, did not expect anything. My son Frank who, with Abraham was present, arose and asked how far back this was intended to go. To this there was no answer made. He then said, according to the constitution they could not receive pay. In this he was corrected by Brother Hyde, who said it was not the constitution, but the by-laws. Well then, he said, the by-laws forbid the giving of compensation. To this Brother Hyde responded that the by-laws had been repealed. Frank then said, that at the time of the last election the by-laws were in force, and they could not have been repealed till afterwards, if they were repealed; and, said he, the officers then elected must have known that they were elected with the understanding that there was to be no compensation. These remarks of his put a quietus on the attempt to get back pay. I said nothing, because I wanted to hear what was said. If those elected at the last election were going to get back pay, to the principle of which I am quite opposed, I should have extended it back to have covered others who had acted as presidents and directors of the company.

A committee was appointed to fix the pay for the new officers.

After the stockholders meeting adjourned, the Board of Directors met; and lest it should not have been the prerogative of the stockholders to elect the president and vice president, secretary and treasurer, the form of electing them by the Board was gone through. After we had organized, Judge Judd came in and stated that he wished to do a little business with the Board, and produced a paper in which, in substance, it was stated that Sutherland & Judd, on behalf of certain clients of theirs, among whom were Mr. O’Connor, General Brown, Gov. Perkins, W. W. Stow, Alexander Badlam and Isaac Trumbo, of California, demanded a statement of all the ore that has been taken out of the Caroline mine through the shaft of the B. B. & C. mine. He then withdrew and promised to send a copy of the paper to the secretary. I informed the brethren, after he had withdrawn, that I had understood from the lawyers who had settled the compromise between the Eureka and the B. B. & C. that the Caroline mine, under the settlement, belonged to the B. B. & C. But, I said, this proceeding of Judge Judd was quite unexpected by me, and I supposed that this was the meaning of it. I took pains to say this, because I know that there is a feeling of suspicion in their minds that I am intimate with some of the California people, and that I am party to their operations. I do not wish such an impression to go out, because it is entirely unfounded, and all the sympathy or connection that I have with these people arises from the fact that I know the terms which we made with them, and as they fulfilled their part and saved our property, I feel bound, in common gratitude to them, to see that they have their rights. This suit will only affect John Beck, and not the company, unless it choose to take part with him against the others, which, for one, I do not propose to do.

After this meeting, I went to the Tabernacle and met with the saints, and after listening to some of the brethren speak, I made some remarks.

I got a message from President Woodruff desiring to see me. I drove down and found him somewhat relieved. He had an attack of pain which caused him to be delirious for about an hour this afternoon. I thought it was the result of having slept very soundly and being feverish. I administered to him and felt well in doing so, and made promises that he should live.

3 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 3rd, 1891.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him much better. I had arranged with him to have Brother Andrew Smith come down from the office to wait upon him.

I received a note from Brother H. J. Grant, asking me to get some of the brethren and call upon his cousin, who was at his mother’s house quite sick, and administer to her. With my son Abraham I called and administered to her, and also to her mother, and to Sister Grant, Brother Grant’s mother. Sister Grant has an attack of la grippe.

After this we walked up into the north east corner of the 18th Ward, to see a sister Davy who had sent several messages to me to go and see her, if I could. She has, the doctors say, an ovarian tumor, and they hold out no hope for her recovery unless she has an operation performed. Before submitting to this she wished to get some counsel. She said the matter had been pressed upon her somewhat, and the family had fasted and prayed to know what should be done in the matter. She said that she dreamed that an operations [operation] was performed upon her. She saw the place where she lay, with a pillow under head, and alongside of it was an empty coffin, and there were several gashes in the bottom of the coffin. She said nothing of this dream to any of her family, and a few nights afterward, dreamed that she was told to tell her family the dream that she had had, and she thought in her dream that she did so, and she described how her daughters received the dream. They <We> asked her what impression the dream made upon her. She said it was an unpleasant impression. I did not feel, neither did Abraham, to counsel her to submit to the operation after hearing her description of the dream that she had had in answer to prayer. She is a feeble woman, and advanced in years, and is now and has been confined to her bed, and it seemed to me that the operation would not be likely to result favorably. We told her our feelings, and she seemed reconciled. She then asked counsel concerning her husband, Charles Davy, who deserted his family some years ago, but who now had come back and wished to have them receive him with open arms. After she had explained all, I told her that she was released from him, in my opinion, and that she ought to leave her wishes in writing with her family concerning herself, so that they could attend to the sealing ordinance for her.

I was invited to spend the evening at my son Abraham’s wife Mamie, who was brought up by my wife Carlie, and is her neice. This is her 25th birthday. We had a very pleasant evening, Carlie being present, and Brother and Sister Dougall and Brother Walter Beatie.

4 March 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 4th, 1891.

I called upon President Woodruff this morning and found that he had a bad night, but had slept well in the early morning and was feeling much better. Indeed, he looked very well.

It snowed very heavily this morning.

We are making preparations to have Mr. Henry M. Stanley and wife and party entertained. Brother John W. Young has telegraphed, urging the propriety of this. Bishop Clawson has been told to look after the matter. Sister Jennings has also been spoken to by Brother Junius F. Wells before he left for the East, and she promised to open her house to the party. Brother John W. Young ’s wife is also making preparations. As there might be some confusion, in consequence of so many different ones preparing, Brother Jos. F. Smith and myself suggested to Sister Jennings and others that they get together and arrange a programme among themselves. Brother Clawson telegraphed to Mr. Pond, who is managing the lecture business for Stanley, telling him of the appointment of the committee and expressing the hope that their efforts would be accepted.

There was a meeting of the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co this afternoon, which I attended as a director.

Prest. Budge, of Bear Lake, and Brother Hoge called and attended to business connected with Idaho.

Brother Edward Davis also called and reported his situation and the difficulty he had in obtaining a recommendation from the Bishop of Paris. Brother Budge explained to him some of the reasons why this had not been done. I told Brother Davis that he must be careful and not allow his wife to influence him improperly. She is reported to be a woman of no faith, and one who is inclined to be a mischief-maker.

There was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank at the usual hour.

We gave Brother Budge counsel today to make enquiry among attorneys in Idaho concerning their view of the constitutionality of the test oath which had been passed lately by the Legislature, by which everyone who is or who ever has been a Mormon is excluded from the franchise.

We were greatly pleased by receiving the following dispatch from Brother Caine:

“All proposed anti-Mormon legislation for Utah failed, except provision districting Territory for members of the Legislature. This was amended by striking out Governor of Utah and Secretary, and leaving Utah Commission to do work.”

5 March 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, March 5th, 1891.

The roads are in a horrible condition.

I called upon President Woodruff this morning. He was sleeping, and I did not have him disturbed. His wife informed me that he had had an excellent night’s rest, and she thinks him greatly improved.

Prest. Orson Smith, of Cache Stake, called and submitted a number of questions to us.

Brother James E. Talmage submitted a letter to me which he had received from the Royal Microscopic Society of Great Britain, in which he was informed that they had elected him a Fellow of that society. This is a very distinguished honor, and but few men in America have received it. There are many of the members of the Royal Family and of the nobility who are honorary members of this society. He called to ask my counsel about accepting the position, stating that it might involve some expense in entertaining members of that society whenever any came here, which he would be unable to meet. I encouraged him to accept, and told him that if anything of that kind occurred we would make efforts to assist.

Brother Dougall submitted the question of selling our telegraph line, a proposition having been made by a gentleman to buy it. Besides President Smith and myself, there were present, John W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve Apostles, and James Jack and H. B. Clawson, of the Telegraph Co., and we were united in our views that the offer be declined.

President Smith and myself and Brothers John W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon met and prayed today, and attended to some other business.

6 March 1891 • Friday

Friday, March 6th, 1891.

The roads are in such a horrible condition that I have put up my horses and buggy, and came up today on the motor and the electric car, which makes it very clean for me traveling, as the motor runs through my land and I have a plank walk to the motor line.

I did not go to President Woodruff’s this morning, but learned from his son that he was better.

As it was important that the people of Mexico should know of our deferred departure to that land, in order that they might not send teams to meet us, a dispatch was sent today to Brother Geo. Teasdale, and a letter also written informing him that our departure had been delayed still further, and that he would be informed later when we concluded to start.

I had an interview today with Colonel Morrison, of the Bancroft Company of California, and we settled the bill of that company for the copies of the History of Utah.

During President Woodruff’s absence I have signed a number of orders. My usual way of signing is to put his name down and then “per G.Q.C.” underneath.

7 March 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, March 7th, 1891.

I came up to the Gardo House this morning. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were not there. I attended to a variety of affairs; among other things, dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor. I had an interview, in Abraham’s private room at the Juvenile Office, with David Eccles, John Boyle, my son John Q. and Abraham.

8 March 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, March 8th, 1891.

I arose this morning feeling very unwell, with a feeling of despondency such as I am rarely troubled with; and if it had not been that an appointment had been made for Mr. H. M. Stanley, the explorer, and his wife to have an interview at the Gardo House today, I think I might not have gone to meeting; but I came up and attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Brother J. E. Talmage preached, and his discourse was tolerably good. The singing was very excellent.

After the meeting, I went to the Gardo House, and Mr. Stanley and wife, accompanied by Major Pond, his agent, and by Bp. Clawson and W. W. Riter, came there. I had about 50 minutes exceedingly pleasant conversation with Mr. & Mrs. Stanley. We conversed together without any interruption. My familiarity with his trials made the conversation somewhat interesting, as I was able to draw him out, and he spoke with much eloquence in describing many of the scenes through which he passed. His wife evidently idolizes him. He is a hero in her eyes. The brethren said they had not heard him talk at all. He was very reticent at his rooms, and would scarcely say anything. He is a short man, probably not over 5 ft. 6 in. in height, sturdily built. Although he is only 50 years old, his hair is quite white and his face is that of a much older man, owing doubtless to the hardships he has endured. He has a strong face, is a self-poised man, of few words, unless aroused, then he is forceful and eloquent. While all his features indicate strength of character, his eyes are the marked feature of his face. He is a man for whom I have had a great admiration, he having shown himself as possessed of heroic qualities.

9 March 1891 • Monday

Monday, March 9th, 1891.

Sister Luella Young, the wife of Brother John W. Young, had the Stanley party in charge at the Templeton Hotel, and she sent me a pressing invitation to accompany them out to the Lake this morning; so I wrote a note very early to President Woodruff and sent it by one of my boys on horseback, informing him of the party going out to the Lake and expressing the wish that he could find it convenient and agreeable to his health to go along, as I knew his presence would be much appreciated. He did go. We had a very pleasant trip. The party saw the buffalo which are out at the point beyond Garfield, to good advantage. Mrs. Tennant, the mother of Mrs. Stanley, was of the party, and besides talking with Mr. Stanley I had a very pleasant conversation with her. After I reached the city on our return, I obtained two silk handckerchiefs at Z.C.M.I., made out of our own silk and manufactured here, and presented them to them as souvenirs of their visit to Salt Lake, thinking they would be so light that they would not burden them. Mrs. Tennant was very much pleased, and on parting gave me her card and pressed me, if I came to London, to call upon her there.

A reception was held in the afternoon; but Mr. Stanley kept his room, much to the disappointment of those who called. His wife, however, received the visitors, and Sister Young had some excellent music there.

In the evening, at Sister Young’s request, I sat with her and some of the committee in a stall that she had engaged at the theatre. The theatre was packed with a most appreciative and attentive audience. Stanley had a native of Zanzibar with him, who had been learning English, he said, for 12 months, and he pointed out on a very large map of Africa the various spots as Stanley described his travels. Stanley was introduced to the audience by Judge Zane. I had been requested to introduce him; but I felt that it was scarcely proper, as he had been in our people’s hands entirely, and it might create a feeling that we were monopolizing him. I therefore suggested that Judge Zane should be selected. Zane’s feeling and talk of late have been quite acceptable to us, and he has shown a good deal of fairness, and it struck us that it would be an appropriate thing to select him. He was invited yesterday and accepted. But I was quite disappointed in his speech. It was a very poor effort, and he spoke like a schoolboy reciting something that he was afraid he would forget. Stanley is a most excellent lecturer. I think it is the best lecture I ever listened to, and this is the expression of a great many. Everybody was deeply interested. He leaves this evening for California.

As the roads were so frightfully bad, I concluded to stay at the Gardo House all night.

10 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 10th, 1891.

I went down early this morning to my home, took breakfast and came back again. It was storming very heavily.

President Woodruff came up through the storm to the office. It thought it was almost imprudent for him to venture out. As the day, however, became warm and finer, it did not seem so bad.

We attended to a good deal of business. We were occupied a long time in listening to Brother F. S. Richards report of his doings in Washington. Brother Willard Young called to see about the trustees for the new university. The names which he submitted were all approved.

We had an interview with Bishop Winder, also with Brother Clawson, who at our instance had a conversation with Mr. Varian, who just at present is a very important personage in our estimation, as very much depends upon the report that he will make to the Department of Justice concerning our property. It is desirable that we should conciliate him and make him see the justice of our side of the case, so that his report might not be damaging to us.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

Brother W. H. Gibbs, of the presidency of the Malad Stake, submitted a number of questions to us to be answered, also the resignation of Bp. Thomas A. Davis of Cherry Creek. We gave him instructions on various points.

11 March 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 11th, 1891.

President Jos. F. Smith is sick with la grippe, he having been attacked with it last Saturday, and is confined to his house.

President Woodruff and myself were at the Gardo House today. We had an interview with Bp. Wm. M. Bromley, who has been for some time in concealment. He came to see us concerning giving himself up. We had considerable conversation with him, and we felt that it would be quite proper for him, if suitable arrangements could be entered into, to surrender himself and relieve himself from his present awkward position. There is a disposition at the present time with some of the judges to deal leniently with cases like his.

Elder Moses Thatcher and Bishop Preston came in to bring to our attention a dispatch which had been received from Brother A. F. Macdonald concerning a tract of land known as the Huller tract in Mexico, which lies contiguous to our settlements, and which, if not bought now by us, would pass into the hands of others. A dispatch was framed and sent to Brother Macdonald, asking some particulars that we did not have in our possession.

We had considerable conversation with these brethren concerning affairs in Mexico. Brother Macdonald’s letter just received was read, in which he informs us of a concession which he had secured, by which, on the condition of 300 families being brought into the country within five years, lands amounting to 62500 acres could be obtained in Canton [blank] and 12500 acres in Canton Galeana, at a very low figure.

Prest. Thomas E. Ricks, of Bannock Stake, called and we had some conversation with him.

I had an interview with Sister Susie Young Gates and Brother Willard Young, he having brought her so that she might give her views concerning two lady trustees being put on the board of the university. I told her that I had no objection myself to women acting on that board, but did not want to have them put on for reasons which she mentioned, namely, that the interests of the sex would not be cared for properly without they were on. I told her I could not admit that it was necessary for women to be put on in order that the interests of their sex should be looked after, as I believed they would be fully respected by the brethren who were already on the board; and I notice a disposition to be aggressive in these things at the present time, and we scarcely knew where it would stop. I said, let that feeling prevail and after awhile it might be thought that there ought to be a woman among the Twelve Apostles in order to protect the interests of their sex. Sister Susie did not think this could ever be the case. I said that I would be very willing to have women on the board, because I thought they could be of service. It was finally decided to put Sisters Maria Y. Dougall and P. P. Jennings on the board.

At 1 o’clock there was the usual meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. I afterwards attended a meeting of the B. B.& C. Co. The mine scarcely pays expenses, and there is but little prospect of it being better, as the ore is of quite low grade, and there is very little sale for ore at prices that pay. Brother Heber J. Grant met me as I was leaving the Gardo House, he having just returned from Colorado. He gave a very vivid description of the result of the labors of Brothers F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith and himself in that Stake in investigating the charges made against Prest. Silas S. Smith and in holding conference. They had thoroughly gone to the bottom of everything, and he hoped that there would be a better feeling hereafter among the people. I had been invited to Brother C. H. Wilcken’s to eat wedding dinner, his son David having married his wife’s niece. My wife Sarah Jane was invited also. It was a pleasant company, and I enjoyed myself very much[.]

As the roads are almost impassable, I stayed there all night.

12 March 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, March 12th, 1891.

When I reached the Gardo House, I heard that Brother Jos. F. Smith was improving.

I had an interview this morning with Dr. Williams, the publisher of the History of Utah which Bishop O. F. Whitney is writing. He was very desirous to get an order for a steel plate engraving of myself. He wanted something better than anything that had yet appeared. He would like to put in a $500. engraving, or if not, one costing $350. I told him I was not in a position to go to any such expense. He said he would wait six months if it were necessary rather than not have it. I told him I would consult with my friends and let him know in a few days.

President Woodruff and myself had an interview with Theodore Curtis about a mission. He is 76 years of age, and we told him he had better confine his labors to the Stake as a home missionary rather than to go elsewhere, with which he appeared satisfied.

John B. Milner called to make us acquainted with some movements on the part of Captain Dan Jones’ heirs, looking to the planting of a lawsuit to recover property that had been owned by their uncle in Sanpete Stake, and which he had willed to the Bishop for the benefit of the ward.

We were quite shocked today to hear that a gentleman by the name of Le Grand C. Layton, whom we had known in Colorado, and who had entertained us there, had died of paralysis at the Continental Hotel yesterday. We did not hear till last evening of his being in the city. He came here about a week ago. He was stricken in the East, but was anxious to come to Utah, as he had expressed his intention to be baptized into the church, he having been convinced by conversations with President Woodruff, as they were riding together in Colorado, that this was the Gospel. Brother John Henry Smith was sent down to the hotel to see about it, and found his cousin there—Mr. Capers—who gave him the particulars of his death. He was having the body prepared to send it East.

We had our usual meeting today, and there were present, besides President Woodruff and myself, Apostles Lyman, Smith, Grant, Taylor and Cannon. The room was too cold for us to dress, and we went downstairs, where Brother Lyman prayed, after which I was requested by President Woodruff to offer prayer in behalf of Judge Estee, who is a candidate before the California Legislature for the office of Senator.

Brother Lyman made a report concerning the labors of himself, Brothers Smith and Grant in the San Luis Stake, which was very satisfactory.

I had a meeting with the board of trustees of the Brigham Young Trust Co and we attended to some business connected with the lease to Mr. Arbogast.

13 March 1891 • Friday

Friday, March 13th, 1891.

Brother B. S. Young called to explain his position and to ask if he could have time, he having been called on a mission, to settle up his affairs in a better manner than they are at present. Time was granted to him for this purpose.

We had an interview with Brother F. S. Richards, in which he reported the result of the meeting that he had had with Mr. C. S. Varian in regard to the final decree and the suits for church property that had been lately instituted. Mr. Varian promised to treat the question fairly in the report to the Department of Justice.

We also requested Brother H. B. Clawson to call upon him and have a conversation with him, and endeavor to influence him to make a report that would be favorable and in accord with the feelings that he entertained in Washington. Brother Clawson reported to us the result of his interview as being quite encouraging.

Sisters Zina D. H. Young, Jane S. Richards and Emily S. Richards, called, in company with Brother F. D. Richards, to report the result of Sister Jane S. Richards’ mission to Washington.

We had some conversation today with Bishop Winder concerning the purchasing of a majority of the stock of the “Times” newspaper, which he had been informed was for sale.

Brother C. W. Penrose has been sick with la grippe for some time, and he got out today and called upon us. He called to our attention the action of the Secretary of the Territory in announcing that none but registered voters could vote at the school election. He said this was contrary to law. It is suggested that a number of intelligent brethren who are interested in this matter, and our attorneys, call upon the Commissioners and remonstrate with them against such a decision.

14 March 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, March 14th, 1891.

I remained at home today. Brother Arthur Winter came down to my place and I dictated an article to him for the Juvenile Instructor, also my journal and other matters.

15 March 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, March 15th, 1891.

I had conversation with my children this morning after breakfast, upon various matters and I gave them some instructions concerning prayer. I am in the habit of calling upon my children to pray with the family night and morning, and I wish them to attend to this duty understandingly. I spoke also to them upon other points connected with their conduct, and impressed upon them to treat all with whom they were brought in contact, especially those who occupied a subordinate position, with the utmost kindness. I said that I would be very much displeased if I were to hear of one of them taking liberties with any of our help, either men or women. They should be considerate of their feelings and treat them with the utmost kindness.

At 2 o’clock I went to the Tabernacle. Brother Grant spoke to the large congregation about 35 mins, and spoke with considerable freedom and power. I occupied the remainder of the time, and felt quite well in talking.

16 March 1891 • Monday

Monday, March 16th, 1891.

This has been a very busy day. It has been a constant succession of meetings.

President Jos. F. Smith is still confined to his house, but we hear he is better.

Among others, we saw Bishop J. R. Winder and Brother W. H. Shearman about trying to secure a majority of the stock in the “Times” newspaper, so as to control it. It [If] we could secure the control of this stock, it would have to be carried in the name of someone not a Latter-day Saint.

Sister Geo. Dunford, who is a daughter of Brother Lorenzo Snow, was in to see me two or three times concerning her affairs. Her husband left a will which his children by his first wife are about to contest, and Sister Dunford is in trouble over it. We brought her case to the attention of Brother James H. Moyle today and desired him to examine it and see what could be done about it.

Brothers J. M. Secrist and Jonathan D. Wood, of Farmington, called to obtain counsel concerning the latter’s action, he having been indicted for adultery. He as been on the “underground” to escape arrest. President Woodruff and myself felt that if he could make proper arrangements to go into court and get a light sentence, it would be better for him to meet it than to have it hanging over him. Brother Moyle being present, we suggested that he see District Attorney Varian and find out if he could not get the indictment for adultery dismissed and a new one for unlawful cohabitation.

At 2 o’clock we had a meeting of Z.C.M.I., and after the meeting the brethren were invited to remain; and the brethren of the Twelve who were in the city, with the Presiding Bishops, joined us, and Brother Winder laid before them the proposition concerning the “Times” stock, after which I made a fuller explanation, and it was unanimously decided by the meeting that it would be a good thing for us to try and secure that stock and have it remain a Republican paper. All the brethren felt that this would be better than to have it sold to the Democrats, which there was danger of, if something were not done to prevent it.

17 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 17th, 1891.

President Smith is still confined in his house, but he is improving.

It is five years ago today since I was expected to appear in court, having been put under bonds for $45000. How many events have taken place since then! It seems as though they have been enough for an ordinary lifetime. I am thankful to the Lord for the good circumstances in which I now am and for the liberty which I now enjoy, for which I feel I cannot be too grateful to my Father. There was a time when it seemed as though I should never be able to enjoy liberty again; but through the overruling providence of my Heavenly Father, affairs have been so shaped that I am free and enjoy all the liberties opportunities I can ask for in moving to and fro; and considering everything I have reason to be very thankful also for the position my family is in. We might be in far worse circumstances. I can see now reasons which I did not see formerly for my being moved upon as I was to remove my family from the city to the place where we now live. I have opportunities of seeing and associating with them, and especially of gathering my children together, that I could not very well have in the city.

President Woodruff and myself had another interview with Brothers John R. Winder and W. H. Shearman, and informed the latter of the action of the meeting yesterday.

At 10 o’clock I attended a meeting of the board of directors of the sugar company, which was, I think, the most pleasant meeting I have attended of this body. We have $50000. in cash to raise by the 1st of April, to pay an installment on the machinery which we have ordered. The question is how to raise this. It was thought that the First Presidency had better borrow it; but afterwards, Brother Thatcher suggested that we should try and collect what we could from brethren who ought to help in this industry. Brothers Thatcher and Grant and myself, who are the finance committee, met at the Gardo House to consider the best course to take. This was after the sugar meeting was dismissed. At the sugar meeting we selected Bp. Thomas R. Cutler to be the manager of the business, and James E. Jennings to be the secretary, Brother Arthur Stayner having resigned the latter position.

A good deal of my time this afternoon was occupied in connection with the sugar business, and I dictated a letter, for the First Presidency to sign, to be addressed to a number of our leading financial brethren, asking them to take stock in this company. Brothers Thatcher and Grant felt that if they had such a letter as this they could go round and collect subscriptions and be successful. President Woodruff approved of the letter.

18 March 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 18th, 1891.

President Smith is still confined to his house, though improving.

At 10 o’clock I met at the Juvenile Office with all my sons, from the oldest down to and including Willard, to talk over business affairs and the organization of my family as I had often spoken to them about. Abraham, Hugh and Mary Alice were appointed to go and take the necessary oath, so that we might incorporate. I explained my views fully. We remained together nearly three hours. There were thirteen of my sons present, and my daughter Mary Alice.

At 9 o’clock the regular meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank was held.

President Woodruff and myself had a long interview today with Brother A. F. Macdonald, from Mexico, and Elders M. Thatcher, J. H. Smith and W. B. Preston, in which Mexican affairs and the proposed purchase of land were fully discussed. We did not, however, finish, and had to adjourn till tomorrow morning.

After this meeting we had an appointment with Brother F. S. Richards. He submitted a proposition that had been made by Mrs. Salisbury to his wife concerning the committee for the World’s Fair. The committee is to consist of sixteen ladies, and Mrs. Salisbury was anxious that eight of those should be members of our church. We approved of it, and a list of names was to be sent to us that we might examine them.

Brother Richards also brought to our attention, Brother C. W. Penrose being present, the condition of the school bonds and the necessity there would be for a judicial decision in order to have the bonds valid, there being at the present time a dispute as to the law and the rights of the Utah Commissioners to prescribe rules for the election.

19 March 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, March 19th, 1891.

President Smith is improving, but is not at the office.

The brethren who were with us yesterday met again today to talk over Mexican matters, and after a full discussion it was decided that we should write a letter to Brother John W. Young concerning the Huller lands which had been offered for sale.

Brother John Morgan had visited Ogden recently and had spoken condemnatory of the political movements there, and Brother F. D. Richards, through his son F. S., brought this matter to our attention. We thought it better to call for the Seven Presidents of the Seventies, who were then in meeting, to come to the Gardo House, that we might explain matters to them. Several of the Twelve were in town, and they were present when we had our conversation with the Seventies. There were present, Jacob Gates, S. B. Young, John Morgan, C. D. Fjeldsted, B. H. Roberts and Geo. Reynolds. We went over the whole ground and told the brethren what we had been led to do, and there was considerable instruction given concerning political matters. I was led to speak with great plainness.

President Woodruff and myself, Elders M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith. J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon, held our usual prayer meeting.

We were somewhat disappointed this afternoon in getting the news that our friend Judge Estee, who yesterday was within four votes of being elected U.S. Senator of California, had been beaten by Charles N. Felton. A private dispatch informed us that he had been defeated after a gallant fight by the liberal use of money.

This evening I did not go home as usual to my dinner, but stayed at the Gardo House and afterwards attended the theatre to witness the opera “Fatinitza”, played by the Bostonians. I enjoyed it exceedingly. The music is stirring, and the whole piece is a very lively, entertaining one. Hoff, the tenor, sang “My native land” very beautifully, and was encored twice. I never heard it sung so sweetly and effectively. I invited my wife Carlie, my son David, and my daughter Mary Alice and her husband to the box. They came up together in the carriage, and as there was only room for the four, I remained at the Gardo House all night.

20 March 1891 • Friday

Friday, March 20th, 1891.

President Woodruff and myself had an interview with Brother William Spry, the President of the Southern States Mission, and we expressed our gratification at his labors, and told him that the Lord was satisfied with them, and that he would be at liberty at any time now, after we had selected someone to succeed him, to retire from his labors in that Mission, he having been first called 5½ years ago. We suggested to him that he give us a list of names of men that he might think as proper persons and we would make a selection of a President. He said he had no wish to withdraw; he would remain just as long as we wished; but we thought that his private affairs would need some attention, as he had not devoted any time to them and was without means.

We selected today the names of ladies to act as part of the World’s Fair Committee, and sent them to Sister Emily S. Richards.

We listened for several hours to the reading of correspondence by Brother Geo. Reynolds and suggested answers.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

21 March 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, March 21st, 1891.

Spent the day at home attending to various matters.

22 March 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, March 22nd, 1891.

I was carried this morning to the Union Pacific train by my son David, and left at 7:10 for American Fork. I was met at the station by Brother W. D. Robinson, who promised to carry me to Alpine for the purpose of holding meeting there. Bp. Geo. Halliday, of American Fork, and Brother Marsh were also there with a buggy, and we rode together to Alpine, calling at Brother Robinson’s as we went by. We drove to Bp. McCullough’s. He and his wife are in rather feeble health. The meeting was opened at half past ten. The house was crowded, being the largest meeting they had had for a long time. I occupied an unusually long time for me—an hour and half. Before closing I dwelt on the importance of the sugar industry, and urged the farmers who had land suitable, to raise a good breadth of beets for the factory.

We took dinner at Brother McCullough’s, after the meeting. I enjoyed what I ate; for I had not broken my fast.

We drove to American Fork in time to hold meeting there. The house was very crowded, and it is seldom that I have spoken with more freedom than I had there. I called attention to the importance of the farmers raising crops of beets with which to supply the sugar factory.

I returned to the city in the evening. Had a pleasant conversation with Brother Jos. E. Taylor a part of the way, and Brother Rasmus Nielson, of Spanish Fork, one of my fellow prisoners in the penitentiary for keeping the law of God.

23 March 1891 • Monday

Monday, March 23rd, 1891.

President Jos. F. Smith was sufficiently restored to be present today with President Woodruff and myself.

We had a long and interesting interview with the Presiding Bishops and Brother Don Carlos Young, at which a good many matters were conversed upon connected with the finances of the Church. The showing of the Bishops was not very encouraging. A large proportion of the tithing was consumed in the wards for various purposes. Our meeting was interrupted by word coming from President Wells’ house that he was quite poorly. I had only heard this morning that he was in town. I had supposed that he was still at Manti, and had proposed to Brother Reynolds to send a dispatch there to enquire as to his health, when he informed me that he was here. We adjourned our meeting to give me the liberty of going and administering to him. The Presiding Bishops and Brother Don Carlos Young accompanied me. We found him suffering from what is known as pleura-pneumonia. A Dr. Harrison, who had married one of President Young’s daughters, was in attendance. He is considered a very skilful physician, and is favorably disposed. Brother Wells’ wives were with him, and several of his children. He was quite bright in his mind. He suffered very much from pain. We found Brother Heber J. Grant there. Brother Wells requested me to administer to him and call on someone to anoint him. I called on Brother Grant. I felt some degree of hope concerning his condition.

After our return, at 2 o’clock we resumed our meeting.

Brother Evan Stephens called and we had some conversation concerning a concert. We favored the holding of it on the evening previous to Conference, for various reasons.

My views as expressed today to the brethren concerning our tithing are, that there should be an active business men [man] found, who will keep the run of the markets, and who will dispose of the various articles of tithing that are paid in to the best advantage, and not leave them, as in too many instances is the case now, in the offices to be frittered away in one way and another, and to cause the people to feel that their tithing is not properly cared for. Another result of keeping the tithing in this condition is, that meeting houses are started and donations are called for, not only for them, but for other purposes to which the people think the Church should contribute, because of their being tithing unused in the tithing offices. My view was that if the Presiding Bishops cannot attend to this themselves, they should have an active man under their control.

We also took into consideration the question of floors for the Temple. I advocated fine hardwood floors such as I had seen in palaces in Europe, and as are now commonly introduced in fine dwelling houses in America.

It was decided today, upon application of my brother Angus, who is president of the Board of Education of this Stake, to suggest to the organization that has control of the Social Hall, that it be deeded to the Stake Board for school purposes.

It rained very heavily today.

24 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 24th, 1891.

My brother Angus accompanied me home last night, and spent the night with me. He appeared to enjoy our method of living, and spoke in praise of it. This morning he and I repaired to Brother Wells’ residence. We found a change for the worse. His face had assumed a purple hue. We administered to him. He was quite sensible and talked clearly. This was at 10 o’clock. As I left I requested his son Rulon to send us word of any change, whether favorable or unfavorable. Close upon 1 o’clock Brother Grant came in and said that Rulon had told him to tell us that his father was much the same as he was when I was there. Not a half hour had elapsed after this when Rulon came in and informed us that his father had died at 1 o’clock. I was scarcely prepared for so sudden a departure. I thought he would at least last a day or two. But this disease is very fatal, and its effects are sudden. It gave me deep feelings of sadness to hear of the demise of this faithful servant of God, a man of integrity, a man of unconquerable courage, a most devoted friend, of kind and sympathetic feelings, and a man of great strength of intellect. The consolation we have is that he died faithful and true, as he had lived.

We had a long conversation with Prest. A. O. Smoot and H. H. Cluff, of the Utah Stake, and Brothers Karl G. Maeser and Benjamin Cluff, of the B.Y.Academy, concerning Brother Cluff coming as a teacher to the college in this city, a notification to this effect having been sent to Brother Smoot. It has raised quite a storm, so he says, in Provo, and the feeling is very strong that we have done wrong, and that we are injuring the B.Y.Academy of Provo and drawing away their best help, in order to build up Salt Lake College. President Woodruff spoke very sharply upon this subject, and said that we had no feelings for one more than another. We wanted to do right, and as that Academy had been in operation for a great many years, we must draw teachers from it. They could not expect to keep everyone there. The First Presidency all felt, however, that it would be imprudent under the circumstances to call Brother Cluff to come here. Brother Smoot said that all they would ask would be to have him for one year; if we did not want him then, they would like to keep him for five years.

Messages were sent to the brethren of the Twelve, and also a cablegram to Brother Brigham Young, informing them of the death of President Daniel H. Wells.

25 March 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 25th, 1891.

President Jos. F. Smith was not with us today, he having been scared away by a deputy marshal following his family after they came out of the Gardo House and telling them that he knew who they were. We had a lengthy interview with Brother F. S. Richards concerning the church suits and political matters connected with the Territory. It was suggested that the Territorial Committee should get up a diagram of the various precincts in the Territory and make out a map to submit to the Commissioners, to give them a proper idea as to the apportionment which they were authorized to make in the Territory, under the recent law.

At 1 o’clock Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. held their meeting.

Brother Le Grand Young called and had some conversation with us on various matters.

Brother B. H. Roberts read to us some matter that he had prepared for President Taylor’s biography, about which there was some question in the minds of Brother John Jaques and L. John Nuttall, who were going through with it as a committee, at his request. We corrected a number of things, and President Woodruff felt that some part that he had written, referring to Elders Orson Hyde and Orson Pratt, should be omitted entirely.

26 March 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, March 28th, 1891.

Brother Joseph F. Smith was not at the office today.

Brothers H. J. Grant and Junius F. Wells and my brother Angus came in to talk over the arrangements for President Wells’ funeral. Brothers Lyman and J. R. Smith were also present. It was decided that the First Presidency should take charge of the funeral, and that Bishops Burton, Winder and Clawson, who were prominent officers with Brother Wells in the Nauvoo Legion, were appointed a committee of arrangements to look after all the details. We sent for them and gave them instructions upon that subject. It was decided not to expose the body to the public, but to close the coffin after the family had looked at it, and then have it carried to the Tabernacle. It was decided to have the services commence at noon 12 o’clock on Sunday. Brother Penrose came in and was spoken to concerning an obituary notice.

Dispatches were sent to all the telegraph operators, informing them that the funeral would take place on Sunday.

My brother Angus submitted the name of Nelson A. Empy to be Bishop of the 13th Ward, and the appointment was approved by President Woodruff and myself. At 2 o’clock President Woodruff and myself met with Elders Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. President Woodruff did not dress. My son Abraham opened by prayer, and I was mouth in the circle. The question of the church becoming interested again in Z.C.M.I. was brought up by Brother H. J. Grant. A good many who are connected with the institution would like the church to have an interest there, and now there is an opportunity, as the stock is to be enlarged a quarter of a million. We talked the matter over, but came to no definite conclusion concerning it, it being thought better to wait until we could have more of the Apostles together. Affairs in Mexico were also considered, and a number of names were mentioned in connection with the selection of a suitable man to preside over the Stake. We feel that an organization is very necessary, and that the people should be arranged in wards and stakes, with suitable officers, as early as practicable.

I did not go home this evening, as I desired to attend the theatre to witness the performance of a play entitled “All the Comforts of Home”. The house was very crowded. I had heard this play spoken very highly of, and it being my wife Carlie’s turn for the box, she invited myself and my son David and daughter Mary Alice Emily to accompany her and her daughter[.]

The first act was disappointing, and I thought the play had been overrated; but before it got through I changed my mind. It was exceedingly funny, especially in the third act. One of the actors who created the most fun was known as Theodore Bender. He reminded me exceedingly, as he did all of us, of Brother Brigham Young, being a man about his figure, and he resembled him in his motions. Brother Brigham is an excellent mimic, and this man’s assumption of the character was very much like Brigham’s manner.

I stopped at the Gardo House all night, and the folks returned home.

27 March 1891 • Friday

Friday, March 27th, 1891.

I returned home early this morning, and after breakfast came to the city and joined President Woodruff at the Gardo House. President Smith was there also, very much improved in health. President Woodruff and myself accompanied Dr. Williams, who is publisher of the History of Utah which Brother Whitney is writing, to Sainsbury & Johnson’s photograph gallery, as he desired to get our photographs with a view to getting out portraits of us for his work. We had our likenesses taken in a great many positions, and we spent nearly two hours in the gallery. President Woodruff returned to the Gardo House, and I went to Brother Savage’s gallery, Brother Ralph Savage having asked me a number of times to go there and give them a sitting, and I took this opportunity of doing so. My son Abraham accompanied us to Sainsbury & Johnson’s and afterwards went with me to Savage’s.

We had an interview at the Gardo House today with the committee of arrangements for President Wells’ funeral, and they submitted a programme of proceedings, which we approved.

I attended a meeting of the Sunday School Union.

It commenced storming in the evening, and the ground soon covered with snow.

28 March 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, March 28th, 1891.

I did not go to the Gardo House today, but stayed at home attending to various matters, and was joined by Brother Arthur Winter, to whom I dictated my journal and several letters, also articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

29 March 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, March 29th, 1891.

The funeral services of President D. H. Wells were held today at 12 o’clock. The day was an exceedingly unpleasant one. It stormed before the services and after. The stands were beautifully decorated, the sisters of the Relief Society having attended to that. The decorations were white, and the flowers were splendid. The house was filled. The coffin, which was also white, was laid on the table in front of the Bishop’s stand. The Twelve were the honorary pallbearers, and other brethren were selected to carry the coffin. I have had some dread about these services, as President Woodruff had intimated his wish that I should do the principal speaking.

After singing and prayer, President Woodruff opened with a few remarks. Brother A. R. Lund followed. He had been Prest. Wells’ assistant at the Temple, and it was the wish of the family that he should speak. He occupied about 15 mins. Then Brother F. D. Richards addressed the congregation. Two verses of the hymn commencing “Oh my Father” were then sung by the choir, after which I spoke, first reading from the 76th section of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants concerning the future of those who obeyed the Gospel in the flesh. I had liberty in speaking, and dwelt upon the character of Brother Wells. The singing was very fine. When the corpse was brought in, the whole congregation arose to their feet. There was a very long procession of carriages, and though the weather was so very disagreeable, everything passed off excellently. At the grave President Woodruff did not get out of the carriage, and I called on Elder F. M. Lyman to dedicate the grave. There was singing by a quartette of singers. This has been a sad day to me.

As I was a little late for the electric car which joins the motor that I go down on home, President Woodruff’s son drove me in the carriage to where the motor was, which I reached a few minutes before starting. In this way I saved waiting two hours in the cold and wet.

30 March 1891 • Monday

Monday, March 30th, 1891.

The First Presidency were all at the office this morning.

I had an interview with Bp. J. R. Winder and W. H. Rowe concerning the Times newspaper. We have been hoping to get an influence with that paper to have them defend human rights on a broad platform. The sale of the paper to the new purchasers, however, does not give us much hope, as they are inclined to affiliate entirely with the Liberal party.

We had a call from Brother John T. Caine, who returned from Washington on Saturday evening.

The First Presidency had an interview with Prest. Silas S. Smith, of San Luis Stake, in the presence of Apostles John Henry Smith and H. J. Grant. We agreed to help himself and Brother Hammond in meeting their interest for $425.

We had a call from Brother John D. T. Mcallister, of St. George Temple, and had conversation with him concerning the articles of dress to be worn by men in receiving their endowments. There had been a proposition made to have a garment buttoned in a very peculiar way; but we decided that it would not be wise to adopt any such form of garment, as after awhile the idea might prevail that it was an indispensable article for men to wear, there is such a disposition to seize upon everything of this character and consider it fixed. We prefer that the men should wear drawers, though if they wear long-tailed shirts we see little necessity for them wearing drawers. We approved of some purchases which Brother McAllister thought necessary to be made for the Temple.

We had an interview with Sisters Maria Y. Dougall and Susie Y. Gates. They brought to our attention a circular that had been signed in favor of Wm. M. Palmer as canvasser for the Contributor, which was very strong, recommending him to the local Priesthood, and they desired to have a similar document furnished their agent in behalf of the Young Woman’s Journal. There was considerable conversation, part of which was quite amusing, more probably to me than it was to the other brethren, because they had signed the circular, along with Brother M. Thatcher, as the Presidency of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Associations. President Woodruff felt that it was too strong a letter, and should not have been signed.

President Woodruff and myself had been invited to a surprise party, the person to be surprised being Dr. Maggie C. Shipp. We spent the evening there. My wife Sarah Jane was also there. Brother McHennery, of the Tithing office, at President Woodruff’s request kindly carried my wife and myself down home. The roads were in a dreadful condition.

31 March 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 31st, 1891.

We had an interview with Bp. John R. Winder upon the subject of the St. George Tithing Office, Brother McAllister having desired his orders at Parowan. There is a condition of things existing in the tithing offices throughout the country which is very unsatisfactory. Values are reported to be on hand which when examined do not seem to be valuable. For instance, upwards of $17000. is reported to be on hand at S. George, and yet there is between seven and eight thousand dollars which apparently cannot be paid out of this amount reported on hand. The First Presidency felt to urge upon the Presiding Bishops the necessity of disposing of this property that is accumulating in the various tithing offices, and convert it into available funds to relieve us in our present straitened circumstances. The leaving of it in these tithing offices has the effect also to create in the minds of the brethren of the wards where this property is a disposition to ask for appropriations for various purposes.

We had an interview with Brother W. B. Dougall, Supt. of the Des. Tel. Co, he having just returned from the East. He reported the success that he had with the Union Pacific people in securing transportation for some line repairers, and also a moderate rate of freight for transportation of supplies. Brothers Jack and Spence brought a draft of a letter to be read which had been prepared to send to President Brigham Young, of the European Mission, concerning emigration. We listened to it and made some amendments.

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March 1891, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024