February 1880

1 February 1880 • Sunday

The day was occupied in reading and writing. Had a call from Mrs. H. S. Kimball.

2 February 1880 • Monday

Met with the Delegates; not a quorum present. Call of the States and Territories in the House; afterwards went into Com. of the Whole on the Rules. Had a call from Bro. Jas. Dunn of the Provo Woolen Factory. I tried to induce him to stay a day or two but he had to go this evening. We had an evening Session and Mr. Chas Stewart Parnell, the Irish agitator, a Member of the British Parliament, delivered an address. The galleries were crowded, although Members had the privilege of taking ladies of their families on to the floor of the House it was not crowded. His address did not impress me. He spoke about ½ an hour, and the general feeling was one of disappointment. He did not rise to his theme.

3 February 1880 • Tuesday

Met with the Com. on Ter. In the House, after the morning hour the discussion of the Rules was resumed. Wintry day.

4 February 1880 • Wednesday

Met with three of Com. on Appropriations for the purpose of getting a deficiency appropriation for the Legislature of the Ter. I induced the Delegates of Wyoming, Washington and New Mexico to join me.

After the morning hour in the House, the discussion of Rules was resumed.

5 February 1880 • Thursday

Received a telegraphic dispatch from Gen. Kane asking me to come up to meet him at the Continental Hotel Philadelphia this evening. I was able to arrange to get away and left on the 1.30 p.m. train. Met the General at the Continental Hotel. He urged the going ahead with the plan of which I shall write to President Taylor (see letter to him Feb <9th or> 10th/80)

6 February 1880 • Friday

<Returned to Washington this morning and reached at 12.30 p.m.>

Prof. Congdon, a Professor of Elocution has been anxious for a long time to give me lessons in Elocution. I have put him off, for I have felt that I did not have the time to attend to it. He is hard up now, and urged me again to-day to take a series of lessons. I finally consented to do so, and to commence to-morrow. The course is to consist of ten lessons of two hours each.

7 February 1880 • Saturday

At the Departments. Wrote to John Q. Took my lesson at Prof. Congdon’s. Sister Cannon’s health is still very poor.

8 February 1880 • Sunday

Busy writing. After dinner went to Prof. Congdon’s room and took a lesson

9 February 1880 • Monday

Met with Delegates from Territories. After call of States and Territories in the House, held discussion on rules. Took lesson in elocution in the evening.

Bought a portrait of myself, which had been done in crayon by Col. [blank] without my knowledge. He brought it to the Capitol and had it on exhibition there and it was pronounced by all an excellent likeness, but not a flattering one.

10 February 1880 • Tuesday

Met with Com. on Territories. There was no quorum. Agreed to meet to-morrow morning. Had lesson in elocution after the adjournment of the House. In evening took Mary Alice and Emily to the Presi reception of Mr. Hayes to meet the Diplomatic Corps. Senators and Members and the officers of the Army and Navy of the higher grades were invited. The scene was a most brilliant pageant. Sister Cannon’s health did not admit of her going.

11 February 1880 • Wednesday

Met again with Com. on Ter. no quorum present.

During morning hour the House discussed a bill reported by the Com. on Judiciary; after which discussed the Rules.

Took lesson in elocution.

Senator Garland from the Senate Com. on Judiciary reported the old Christiancy Bill – a hateful measure.

12 February 1880 • Thursday

Took my daughters Mary Alice and Emily to the photograph gallery to get their portraits taken.

During morning hour discussed the same Bill as yesterday.

After which discussed the Rules.

Took lesson in elocution.

13 February 1880 • Friday

Called upon Senators Thurman and Bayard; but failed to see either of them. I desired to talk with them, as they were Members of the Senate Com. on Judiciary, respecting the Garland Bill. I had Bro. Cummings call and see Senator Garland.

The House was in session and on private bills

Took lesson as usual.

14 February 1880 • Saturday

I called upon Senator Garland this morning to converse upon the subject of S. 1266 which he had reported. He requested me to draw him up a letter, setting forth the reasons I had for asking for a reconsideration, and he would present it to the Com. on Judiciary and if sufficient in their minds he would ask <the Senate> for the recommital of the Bill.

I drew up a letter to him and also wrote letters to Senators Thurman, McDonald and Bayard of the Com. setting forth other reasons why the Bill should be reconsidered. (see letters)

15 February 1880 • Sunday

Copied and sent letters off to the before-mentioned Senators.

Attended lesson on Elocution

16 February 1880 • Monday

Met with the Delegates.

Call of States and Territories[.]

At 2 p.m. the Com. on District of Columbia took the floor.

Last lesson on elocution, making 20 hours in all.

17 February 1880 • Tuesday

Met with Com. on Ter.

Morning hour was occupied in discussing bill from Judiciary Com. After which the discussion of rules was resumed.

18 February 1880 • Wednesday

Discussed the rules.

19 February 1880 • Thursday

Discussed the rules.

20 February 1880 • Friday

Private Bill day.

After morning hour discussed rules.

21 February 1880 • Saturday

The House was in session for debate only and not the transaction of business

22 February 1880 • Sunday

Reading and writing

23 February 1880 • Monday

Met with Delegates. After the morning hour eulogies were delivered on Mr. Lay, late M. C from Mo.

A beautiful crayon portrait by Col. Cudlif was brought to our rooms to-day. I had employed him, after seeing and buying my portrait which he had finished, to take the portraits of my daughters, Mary Alice and Emily. We were all very much pleased with the group. I paid him $75 for it with the frame.

24 February 1880 • Tuesday

Met with Com. on Ter. <and> discussed various measures.

Met in House. After morning hour discussed the Rules.

25 February 1880 • Wednesday

Discussing the Appropriation bill for Star Route service.

Elizabeth (my wife) passed a very bad night, coughing almost incessantly. I was kept awake nearly the entire night. My feelings were very poignant, for it seemed that in this condition she could not last long. Before retiring this evening [I prayed in secret in the way that was given to me by the Lord. This is a common practice of mine every evening1] after the folks have retired. I felt to dedicate my wife to the Lord. I was much softened. My prayer was that if He saw that it was better for her, for her children and for the work to go hence through this sickness, then His will be done; but if He saw that she could be of use and be a comfort and blessing to her family and the work I earnestly desired her life to be spared. But not my will but His to be done. I dedicated her to Him. He had given her to me. With all her faults, she had been a faithful wife and a great help and comfort to me. Now if it was His will to take her hence I prayed that we might be prepared therefor, and that she herself might feel fully reconciled.

26 February 1880 • Thursday

I arose this morning <(Thursday)> and after Elizabeth had arisen she felt much better and we all felt encouraged. I told her that if she would bow before the Lord in faith and covenant with Him that she would devote her life and influence to doing His will and sustaining His work, my faith was and I believed I could promise her, that the Lord would spare her life.

Discussing same bill as Yesterday.

27 February 1880 • Friday

A beautiful day, warm enough for May.

Reports of private bills from Committees occupied the morning hour, after which the House discussed the rules.

A marked improvement in my wife’s health.

28 February 1880 • Saturday

A rainy day. Took Elizabeth to the Photograph Gallery to get her likeness. She had three taken and I had two.

No session of the House today.

29 February 1880 • Sunday

Variously engaged.

[We partook of the bread and drank the water in remembrance of the Lord and his death.]2

Took a carriage ride with Elizabeth and the children and Bro. Cummings. These rides seem to do my wife great good.

Cash Account – February.










June 10

To traveling ex. B. F. C. Jr.



″ coins




″ papers



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February 1880, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1880/02-1880


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: ua pule malu au e like me ke avao i haawiia mai e ke Akua. He mea mau keia me au i keia

  2. [2]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua ai makou i ka berena a ua inu I ka wai e hoomanao aku i ka Haku a me kona make.