July 1893

1 July 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, July 1st 1893. Rose early this morning, and Sister Cannon, Sylvester, and myself, accompanied by Bro. John W. Young’s daughter Merza, went to Covent Garden Market. It did not give us as much pleasure as the viewing of St. Johns Market in Liverpool did. Went out with Sylvester to buy some clothing, afterwards visited the National Gallery of Paintings. In the evening accompanied Bro. John W. Young to Earl’s Court. The most interesting feature of the performance there was what is called the “Toboggan Slide.” Tracks are arranged on the slide of considerable height and flat-bottom boats which will hold probably a dozen persons start from the top and descend with considerable velocity and strike the water at the bottom of the slide in such a way as to create considerable amusement. Each boat is steered by a man who checks its speed as it strikes the water and prevents it from coming in contact with the opposite bank of the little lake. There is quite a scramble among the people who witness the performance when the other features of the exhibition are over to get seats in these boats to make the descent; royalty in some instances taking their seats in the boats as was the case with the Duke of Connaught and his family and the daughters of the Prince and Princess of Wales. After the exhibition we went over to the Welcome Club, passed through the grounds which were brilliantly illuminated with the electric light. There is a very fine model of the Eddystone Lighthouse in these grounds.

2 July 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, July 2, 1893. Attending meeting with the Saints at 36 Penton St. in the afternoon and evening today. The afternoon was devoted to the bearing of testimonies by the Saints. In the evening I spoke and had good liberty. We were fortunate in meeting a number of the Elders who had just come in from different parts of the conference to make a report of their labors. Elder [blank] Hall of Huntsville has charge of this district and he has as co-laborers John Owen of Salt Lake, Samuel Wayman, a Cook of Weber Co., [blank] Coe of Logan, [blank] Thorn, son of Bishop Thorn of Salt Lake, [blank] Kelly of Salt Lake, son of John D. Kelly the book-binder, [blank] Dinwoodey of Salt Lake, [blank] Howick (?) of Mill Creek, and Bro. [blank] of St. John, Arizona. The building which the Brethren occupy here for their quarters and as a meeting house is a miserable place and in a low locality. It will be strange indeed with such surroundings that many respectable people could be induced to attend the meetings of the Saints. The congregation was small, but seemed to be very good people. I could not help but contrast the meetings of today with those which I formerly attended when in London before. Our congregations then were large and the work in London was in a flourishing condition.

3 July 1893 • Monday

Monday, July 3. Sister Cannon, Sylvester and myself visited Westminster Abbey, and spent two or three hours wandering through. (In Saturday[‘]s I forgot to mention the following reply which I received from Lord Rosebury:[)] [blank]

At 3 o’clock Bro. John W. Young having lent me his carriage, I drove to the Foreign Office and had a pleasant interview with Lord Rosebury. I stated to him the object I had in coming to London and said that knowing the interest he had formerly taken in us I desired to consult with him as to the proper course to take. He asked me a number of questions about our affairs and said that he had but little to do with financial matters but he would be pleased to give me a letter to his relative, Lord Rothschild. He complained of being very much over worked and his appearance gave evidence of it. While his manner was cordial he did not display the interest which he formerly had in us and our affairs. Twenty years have made a great change in his prospects. When I knew him before he was young and ardent and was just entering upon life. Now he stands as the most prominent man in his party next to Mr. Gladstone, and is looked upon as Mr. Gladstone’s successor as the head of the Liberal Party. He married a rich wife, who since died, and it is not improbable that he may marry into royalty as his name is associated with the name of one of the daughters of the Prince of Wales. The man who is overcrowded with work as he is does not have room for very much interest in the affairs of a people like the Mormons Latter-Day Saints. I cannot however complain of his treatment to me, for he treated me with great courtesy, gave me a kind letter to Lord Rothschild and upon parting he told me if he could be of any service to me to call upon him. This evening my wife and myself visited Madame Tussaud’s exhibition of wax figures, and museum.

4 July 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 4, 1893. We had a call this morning from Bro. Hall of this conference, and Dr. Talmage. I presented my letter from Lord Rosebury to Baron Rothschild and had quite a lengthy conversation at which two of his brothers were present. I was surprised at their ignorance of us and our situation. If we had lived at the other end of the earth they could not have appeared to know less than they did. The lending of money appeared to be out of the question with them, but he sent a gentleman by the name of Gordon of the firm of Panmal [Panmure], Gordon, Hill and Co., and introduced him to me in the best manner, reading to him <what> Lord Rosebury had said about me. I had a long conversation with Mr. Gordon over financial affairs and he took me to his office and introduced me to his partner Mr. Panmal. We went over the entire situation and it became plain to me that as affairs are in this city it is useless for us to try and get money here with which to release our selves. We are not known sufficiently to have credit, <and> as Mr. Gordon explained, the name of the Church being associated with any scheme for raising money would injure it in the eyes of the bulk of the people. Money might be raised on bonds with proper security upon them but the Church should not appear in the transaction. The first thing necessary would be to obtain credit and this would take time to do. If a Municipality Building Company were over from [blank] and they wanted to raise money it might be done. After this conversation I laid awake most of the night. At half-past six having received a cordial invitation to dine with Mr. William Braithwaite, a gentleman who crossed <in> the steamship with us at the National Liberal Club, I repaired there and was introduced by him to a Mr. [blank]

4 July 1893 • Tuesday1

July 4, 1893. Dinner given by Jno. W. Young at his residence. A number of Utah people residing in London were present.

6 July 1893 • Thursday

July 6, 1893. Celebration of the wedding of George, Duke of York (now – 1931– King George V) and Princess Mary of Teck. President Cannon and wife and Jno. W. Young obtained seats along the route of the procession going to and from Westminster Abbey from St. James Palace. Queen Victoria in the famous Gold Coach drawn by eight cream-colored Hanoverian horses, Edward, Prince of Wales, and many others of royalty and nobility, both English and foreign.

7 July 1893 • Friday

July 7, 1893.

Visited places of interest, including the Tower of London.

8 July 1893 • Saturday

July 8, 1893. Made preparations to leave for Liverpool. Mission here has not been successful in obtaining financial aid for the Church. Jno. W. Young has been very generous and hospitable.

9 July 1893 • Sunday

July 9, 1893. Returned to Liverpool. Stayed at small hotel adjoining 42 Islington.

10 July 1893 • Monday

July 10, 1893. Trip to Isle of Man. Visited Douglas, Peel. Glen Helen, Glen Maye, Kirkmichael, including many localities of ancestral homes.

12 July 1893 • Wednesday

July 12, 1893.

Returned to Liverpool.

16 July 1893 • Sunday

July 16, 1893

Sailed for New York via Guion Liner “Alaska.” Bro. Jas. E. Talmage and various returning missionaries on board.

25 July 1893 • Tuesday

July 25, 1893

Landed in New York.

27 July 1893 • Thursday

July 27, 1893. Reached Chicago. Located in apartment house on Michigan Drive. At World’s Fair.

29 July 1893 • Saturday

July 29, 1893. Left for home.

30 July 1893 • Sunday

July 30, 1893

Reached Omaha on way home.2

30 July 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, July 30th, 1893. We reached Omaha at 2 o’clock, and were joined by Brother Heber J. Grant. The day was a very hot one.

31 July 1893 • Monday

Monday, July 31, 1893. Last night was a delightful night. Today has also been very fine, making the journey very pleasant.

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July 1893, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1893/07-1893


  1. [1]Before this entry is the following notation: “Notes—Sept. 21, 1931—By Sylvester Q. Cannon. Taken from memory and from Account Book.-” These notes comprise the rest of the July entries.

  2. [2]End of journal designated Journal kept by Geo. Q. Cannon per S. Q. Cannon. Return to journal titled on the cover: JOURNAL of PRESIDENT GEO. Q. CANNON 1893.