June 1891

1 June 1891 • Monday

Monday, June 1st, 1891.

President Smith and myself were at the Gardo House this morning. President Woodruff did not come up until later in the day. As soon as I could I went to the Tabernacle, and was present at the Conference. The audience was very thin. Bishop Whitney spoke. I had to leave before the meeting was entirely finished, there being a meeting of the stockholders of Zion’s Savings Bank at 11, which, however, had adjourned before I reached, and also a meeting at 12 of the trustees of the Young University. At that meeting I was elected chairman of the board of trustees, and also chairman of the building committee. President Woodruff was made chairman of the finance committee, and Brother Jos. F. Smith chairman of the committee on by-laws. The brethren of the trustees were each put on one of the committees, and some of the brethren on more than one. Willard Young was selected as President of the Institution, and Brother Geo. Reynolds as Secretary of the board of trustees; Hiram S. Young as Treasurer.

Brothers J. M. Tanner and Geo. Thatcher, a son of Brother Moses Thatcher, were blessed today under the hands of President Smith, Thatcher and myself, preparatory to going for four years to Harvard University. I was mouth in blessing Brother Tanner. President Smith was mouth in blessing Brother Thatcher.

I intended to have been at the meeting this afternoon of the Y.M.M.I.A; but at 3 o’clock there was a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co, which prevented me.

Brother Anthon H. Lund came up from Sanpete, and President Smith and myself had considerable conversation with him concerning political affairs.

A Mr. Sloan called on me. He is very anxious that I should take hold of a project that is under consideration for building a railroad to Deep Creek. I promised him that I would have a conversation with Brother N. W. Clayton on the subject.

Brother John W. Young telegraphed in cipher that the German girl and Swedish family that had been stopped at New York because of their not answering questions properly, had been returned to England. A dispatch was sent to him suggesting that as another company was about to land at New York, it would be well to employ legal talent to be present while the immigrants were catechized.

If President Young had lived till today he would have been 90 years old.

2 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 2th, 1891.

The First Presidency were at the Gardo House today. President Woodruff, however, was suffering from a severe cold.

In view of information that Brother Young had furnished us, it was decided to cablegram to President Brigham Young, at Liverpool, to stop steerage emigration for the present. We thought it would be better for our people to come intermediate, if there was a disposition to turn those back who came steerage.

$300. was appropriated to assist P. O. Thomassen in publishing the “Bibuken”, which he has purchased from Brother Winberg.

We had a call from the committee headed by Bishop Preston, which attends to the getting up of excursions for the old folks. We talked over the proposition, and made several suggestions which the brethren appeared to appreciate, and also appropriated $100. towards assisting them.

I attended a convention of teachers of the church schools at the Social Hall. President Woodruff was not able to attend. President L. Snow and Brother A. H. Lund were there. After Brother Maeser had spoken at some length, Brother Snow made some remarks to the teachers. I also followed in a very few remarks.

At 12 o’clock the General Board of Education met at the Gardo House and attended to some business.

In the afternoon I went again to the convention and listened to the reports which various principals made concerning the situation of their schools. President Woodruff and myself had some conversation with Sister Jakeman, of the Young Woman’s Journal, who called to submit a plan for a United Order building which Brother Haines, of Logan, had got out. It seems that Sister Susie Y. Gates, who is the principal person connected with the magazine, is confined to her house by sickness, and Sister Jakeman was acting for her. Some of the sisters had thought this plan would be a nice thing to put in the Young Woman’s Journal; but Sister Geo. H. Taylor, who is the head of the Young Ladies Association, did not wish to take the responsibility of putting it in, unless it met with the approval of the First Presidency. President Woodruff was averse to putting it in, in which feeling I agreed; for I saw no practical utility in its publication. This led me to make a number of remarks concerning the United Order. I expressed myself as not being a believer in the idea that it was absolutely necessary in order to live in the United Order to have people all crowded together in one building. I thought that the most perfect freedom should be enjoyed, and everything avoided that would be likely to produce friction. The earth was broad enough to furnish room without it being necessary for us to live all in one house or in a combination of houses jammed together. Sister Jakeman said that she believed that, too; but she had supposed that it was really necessary that we should live in that style in order to fulfill the requirement.

3 June 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 3rd, 1891.

President Woodruff was at the office today, feeling much better.

Brothers F. S. Richards and C. W. Penrose called in to make enquiry as to the shape we wished to have things presented in the Territorial Committee, which expects to meet on the 10th. This led to a general conversation on political matters, and before our conversation was finished, Brothers John Henry Smith, H. B. Clawson, W. H. King and John C. Graham, also Brother H. J. Grant, came in. Brothers Richards and Penrose seemed to intimate that there was too much church influence being used to make converts to the Republican party. Brother John Henry Smith felt that these remarks were directed to him, as he was the only prominent man that was around talking politics to the people. After considerable conversation, I gave my views as to the course that should be pursued: it was to leave everyone to choose for himself which party he would affiliate with. I thought it would be unwise for a man who had expressed himself as being a Democrat to suddenly turn round and join the Republican party, or vice versa. I favored, however, giving the Republicans the best of opportunities to get their views before the people, as it was undoubtedly the case that the predilections of our people were Democratic, and I would look upon it as a misfortune for any great preponderance to be with either party; and I would like to see a large number remain indifferent to either party, so that both parties would have reason to think that they had good fighting ground in Utah. That which we now wanted most was to have the influence of both parties in favor of our rights. At 2 o’clock we had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

Brother Thos. R. Cutler, the manager of the sugar factory, and James E. Jennings the Secretary, called upon me today, in company with Brother Grant, to talk over financial matters. We stand in need of $150,000. more to complete our building and meet our expenses. While they were in I requested Brother Cutler to give a description (which he had done to me while at Provo) of the condition and prospects of the beets and factory, and also what he had seen in California in his investigation of the beet culture there. He thinks our prospects are very bright, and the season has been a most favorable one for the growth of the beets, which are doing exceedingly well.

4 June 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, June 4th, 1891.

We had a meeting today of the school trustees, in company with Brother Penrose, to take into consideration the question of the issuance of school bonds—whether it would be wise for the people to vote for the issuance of $600,000. in bonds. We listened to what the brethren had to say, and then decided that under the circumstances it would be better to have the people vote for the bonds.

We had quite a lengthy conversation with Colonel Trumbo, who came in to visit us with Bp. Clawson. We carefully canvassed the political situation. Marshal Parsons is being placed in a very awkward position by the Liberals. In order to obtain material for campaign purposes and to justify the continuance of their organization, they propose to the Marshal to give him the names of prominent men who are living in violation of the law, and say to him that if he will arrest them they will furnish the proof of their guilt. They say that while it may be that the Mormons have discontinued marriages with plural wives, they still are living with their wives in polygamy. Col. Trumbo had done all in his power to stiffen the Marshal, to prevent his yielding to this clamor; but it is necessary that our brethren should be very prudent so as not to expose themselves and put the Marshal in a false position.

At 2 P.M. the First Presidency met with the Apostles. We did not dress. Brother John Henry Smith prayed.

I met with the sugar company, and we had an informal discussion of its affairs; but as there was not a quorum present we did not transact any business officially. A committee, however, was appointed, consisting of Manager T. R. Cutler, Heber J. Grant and L. G. Hardy, to examine the question as to which is the best method to raise the money we need. I told the brethren that I thought if money was no tighter than it had been I would be able to get $50,000. more in California.

I had another interview with Mr. Sloan concerning the Deep Creek railroad project.

Sister Amelia F. Young called with her father, to get my views concerning her making a visit to Europe, where her friend Sister Lizzie F. Young is at present, and who had written to her desiring her to make a visit. I told her that it might be beneficial for her to go. She came into the room where several of the brethren were, and she was blessed preparatory to going on this journey. Brothers Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and myself laid hands on her head, and I was mouth in pronouncing the blessing. We also laid hands on Sister Grant, the wife of Brother H. J. Grant, who has a torn womb. Brother Lyman was mouth.

Just as I was about to leave, Brother J. Whitely, a gentleman who was converted to Mormonism in England, called and submitted a prospectus of a school that he thought of establishing in Sugar House Ward. Brother Whitely was a regularly ordained minister of the Church of England. He heard the gospel and was convinced of its truth, and the result was all his friends turned against him, even his own wife and children, and he came to Utah alone. We promised to examine the prospectus.

5 June 1891 • Friday

Friday, June 5th, 1891.

We were at the Gardo House this morning.

A letter on emigration, to President Brigham Young, was prepared and read to us.

We had a call from Brother Christofferson, of Mexico, and Brother A. F. Macdonald, and had some conversation with them concerning Mexican affairs. We learned from Brother Christofferson that a good many of our brethren in Arizona are being again attacked under the Edmunds-Tucker law. Some have been indicted and put under bonds, while others have found it necessary to go to Mexico.

At 11 o’clock we went to Zion’s Savings Bank and held an election for bank offices. The old board in its entirety was re-elected. A subscription of $200. for the Eagle Gate was decided upon. At 2 P.M. the Directors of the bank met and elected the same officers as before.

We were gratified to learn this morning that the company of Latter-day Saint emigrants which Brother John W. Young feared would be stopped and sent back, had landed at New York and had passed through without any interruption, and were on their way to this valley.

We had a call from Brother Christopher Merkeley, who is nearly 83 years old, and who wished to get our counsel about re-visiting Canada, where he has two brothers and other kindred living. He is very hale and strong for a man of his age, and has not the least apprehension but he can perform the journey without trouble. He desired to be set apart, and Brothers Jos. F. Smith, F. D. Richards and myself laid hands upon him, and I was mouth.

I was pleased to meet my brother David this afternoon. He has come up to attend the Territorial Convention which meets next Wednesday. He is in good health and brings word that all our kindred at St. George are well.

I had some conversation this afternoon with Col. Trumbo and Bp. Clawson concerning the situation of affairs, and especially about Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co’s affairs. There is something very strange about the manner in which this property is being managed. Eight months have nearly passed now since we had a dividend, and yet those who are expert in such matters and not connected with the property say that there is no reason why there should not have been good dividends paid every month, as they allege there is plenty of ore in the mine. I was led to expect that there would be a dividend last December; but month after month has passed and no dividend has been declared. I cannot help believing that there is some reason for this more than appears on the surface. The statement was made that ore could not be sold to as good advantage as last year. Then the statement was made that the ore was very lean and scarcely did more than pay for the working of the property. During this period, as I learned when I was in California, Brothers A. E. Hyde and John Beck had been to California and had arranged for the purchase of stock there. Some they had purchased at $6. per share, and other stock at $8. Is it for the purpose of lessening the value of the stock with a view to buying it up, that the policy of making no dividends is pursued? I cannot help but think that there is some motive for the condition of affairs that exists; but what it is I do not pretend to say.

My brother David accompanied me home this evening.

After dinner a number of my family, my brother David and myself attended the festival of the Choral Society at the Tabernacle. There were probably about 4000 present, and the view from where we sat, in the front of the gallery at the extreme east, was very grand. There were upwards of 400 in the chorus. Their singing was remarkably good. In fact, the whole programme was an excellent one. Miss Thursby and Mr. Whitney had been brought here to join in the Festival, and they acquitted themselves excellently. The only feature that was not pleasant was the constant clapping which compelled encores to almost everything that was done, and prolonged the entertainment beyond a reasonable limit. I sat by President Woodruff and his wife. There was a beautiful star of variegated colors, illuminated by electricity, hung over the centre of the organ.

As my boys are out of school now, I have been employing them in painting, having two or three objects in view; one, to keep them out of idleness; another, to teach them how to work; and another, to improve the appearance of my buildings.

6 June 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, June 6th, 1891.

I came up to the Gardo House this morning for the purpose of having an opportunity of being with Brother Arthur Winter to bring up my work, which has got very much behind. I have denied myself to all visitors, excepting Brothers Jos. E. Taylor and C. W. Penrose, of the Presidency of the Stake, for whom I sent in order to suggest to them that they make some explanations concerning the free will offering fund, that the people might not labor under a wrong impression—that they might not think there was no longer any need of this. I dictated articles for the Juvenile Instructor and other, including my journal, to Brother Winter.

7 June 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, June 7th, 1891.

My son Brigham took me in a buggy to the U.P. depot in time for the 7 o’clock train. In order that I might inform him when I would be likely to return, I spoke to a brakeman on the platform and asked him the time the train would pass Centreville this evening. He informed me, and after telling my son I went into the car and sat down. While waiting I dropped asleep and was awakened by Brother B. H. Roberts coming and speaking to me. We sat and conversed a little while, and the brakeman came in and asked me if I was intending to go to Centreville. I told him I was. He said this train did not stop there. This seemed to be providential; for if I had not asked him the question on the platform I should have sat there without any suspicion and been carried past Centreville to Ogden. I waited until the next train, which left shortly before 8.

I was met at Centreville by Prest. W. R. Smith, who carried me to his house. We had quite a conversation today, in the intervals before and after meeting, upon the church academy question. There were present, Brother Smith and his counselors, Brothers John W. Hess and Hiram Grant, Bp. Barton of Kaysville, and Bp. Parker of South Hooper. I gave them my views about not attempting too much in this direction, as I feared there would be a revulsion of feeling on the part of the saints if they attempted to carry so much of a load. I thought it was our duty to avail ourselves of the benefits of the District schools, which are now free, being made so by our taxes, especially where these schools are taught by our people.

At 10 o’clock the conference opened in a bowery which had been prepared. It was very cool and pleasant. There was a good-sized congregation. Prest. Smith occupied a short time describing the condition of the Stake. I spoke for the remainder of the time.

I took dinner at Prest. Smith’s, in company with a number of other brethren. In the afternoon meeting the authorities were presented, and Brother Jacob Gates spoke for a short time, and I followed and occupied the remainder of the afternoon. I enjoyed excellent liberty at both meetings, and the Spirit of the Lord was poured out.

From the meeting I went, in company with Brother C. H. Wilcken, who had come from the city this morning in a carriage, to Brother John W. Woolley’s. I desired to pay my respects to him and his family, because of the kindness which they had shown to me while I was on the “underground”, President Taylor and myself having stopped there for a number of weeks. My recollection of their home produced mingled feelings. It recalled sorrowful days and nights which I had in consequence of my son John Q’s affair, and it recalled also many pleasant hours which I had enjoyed with the family and the brethren. It was here that I was attacked with a sort of bilious colic, which came very near killing me.

Brother John W. Woolley took me to the train, and my son Angus met me upon my arrival.

8 June 1891 • Monday

Monday, June 8th, 1891.

Came up to the Gardo House and found Presidents Woodruff and Smith.

Brother H. B. Clawson called and read to us a letter from General Williams, of Washington, in reply to Brother Clawson’s letter concerning amnesty. My brother David called upon me this morning, also Brother Wm. D. Robinson, of American Fork.

Brothers H. J. Grant, John R. Winder and my son Abraham were in today and we had a long conversation concerning the History of Utah which is being written by Bp. O. F. Whitney. Some questions have arisen concerning the course which the publisher, Dr. Williams, is taking in collecting subscribers for this book, and serious doubts have been expressed in regard to his responsibility. Bp. Whitney was sent for and he was interrogated. We felt that it was a very grave affair, because we had written a strong letter, which had been used as a circular, to our people, urging upon them the importance of subscribing for the work, etc, and we felt that if there should be any failure on the part of Dr. Williams it would be a very serious blow to our influence. The final conclusion was to refer this business to the committee which had formerly acted upon the question, and have them give the whole subject a thorough examination.

Brother John W. Young has written us upon the subject of somebody who is familiar with irrigation going down to Dodge City, Kansas, to give parties there the benefit of his experience. There is quite an important enterprise being carried on there in the shape of irrigating canals, and the principal party had requested Brother Young to suggest some person who would be suitable. We concluded that if Brother Jesse W. Fox’s health would admit of his going he would be as suitable as any person we could think of, for he has laid out most of the canals in this Territory.

Brother A. F. Macdonald expects to leave shortly, his health being now restored, for Mexico. He desired me to give him an interview, in which he asked my counsel as to the proper manner of arranging his family. Part of his people are in Mexico, part in Arizona, and he has one wife here. After considerable conversation upon his personal affairs and upon public business, I advised him to wait awhile before making any decisive move about the location of his family, as we hoped to hear something that might affect him and have some influence upon him regarding his movements.

9 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 9th, 1891.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith and myself were at the Gardo House this morning.

Brothers John Henry Smith and John Morgan came in and we had considerable conversation respecting the political situation. Both these brethren are Republicans.

Brother Willard Young came in with a majority of the building committee of the Young University, to examine plans for the building. It was decided to build around the square and have the grounds left inside; but for the present it was decided to build only one corner on the square. It was decided also to employ a good architect, and Brother Willard Young was instructed to go East, when the proper time came, and endeavor to secure a fine plan for the building.

Brothers F. S. Richards and C. W. Penrose called and read to us resolutions which had been prepared to be submitted to the meeting of the Territorial Committee. We thought the resolutions quite suitable. Brother Richards also brought the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court upon our property question, which he read to us, and he desired to know whom we should endeavor to obtain as a master in chancery. He mentioned the name of Judge Harkness. We felt that that would be, as far as we were concerned, a suitable appointment, but as we desired to get the views of others we did not come to any definite conclusion.

I took the liberty, as President of the Deseret News Co, to point out to Brother Penrose an article in the News entitled “A Nasty Question”, which had been drawn out by an article in the Tribune. I thought that wrong impressions might be drawn from the article. Brother Penrose defended the position he had taken with some warmth. I sent for the paper and pointed out the article to him. He still continued to assert that there was nothing improper in it, and I rather lost my temper, as he did also. I told him I did not wish to have any quarrel with him, but as the President of the Company I thought I had, at least, the right to call his attention to an article which might convey wrong impressions. It certainly conveyed a different impression to my mind than he alleged was his intention in writing it. Brother John Henry Smith was present, and he said it conveyed the same idea to him as it did to me. I regretted the warmth of the talk, because I thought it might be annoying to the brethren. President Woodruff, however, thought that I had a perfect right to make the correction which I did.

The Presidency of Utah Stake had been sent for by President Jos. F. Smith with a view to giving them our views concerning the political situation, as from what he had heard he thought there was danger of their taking a wrong course. President Woodruff opened the conversation, followed by Brother Smith, and at President Woodruff’s request I spoke and had much freedom in talking to them.

There was a meeting of the sugar company this afternoon, but I could not get at liberty to attend it, and it adjourned.

At 3 o’clock I met with the Brigham Young Trust Co and transacted business. In the evening I went to Bishop Clawson’s, by invitation, to attend the marriage of his daughter Winnifred to Geo. E. Ellerbeck. I should not have gone to this wedding, if it had not been Bp. Clawson, who has been very kind to us, requested President Woodruff and myself to go there at 6 o’clock to dedicate the house, it being a new house that he has erected for his wife Ellen. There was a very nice company present, and I was requested by President Woodruff to offer the dedicatory prayer. Shortly after, Bp. Whitney performed the marriage ceremony of these young people. I could not help contrasting this marriage with those that are solemnized in the Temple. The Bishop’s ceremony was very brief, and I remarked to my wife, who was present, that if I had been married with such a ceremony I should have scarcely thought myself married. Refreshments were served to a number of us early in the evening, after which a great many more came in, principally young people, and a large tent had been prepared for them to partake of refreshments in. It was lit by electric lights, and presented quite a beautiful scene. But the night was so cold that many of the ladies and gentlemen were pinched while eating there.

My wife Carlie had been invited, and she was there, and we returned together on the cars.

10 June 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 10th, 1891.

Fourteen years ago today my son Sylvester Q. Cannon was born. He is now taller than I am.

My brother David has been stopping with me most of the time since he has been in town, and came up with me this morning. He brought up before the First Presidency a question concerning the baptizing of persons for their health, for the remission of their sins, and for the renewal of their covenants, at the same administration. We talked the matter over, and decided that it was not proper to use the one administration for two different purposes, but to baptize persons for each.

Today had been set apart for the Commencement exercises of the Deseret University at the theatre, at 10:30. I had conversation with Chancellor Harkness, and afterwards with Judge Zane, who sat beside me. I thought that to the audience this would be a spectacle of note and probably as good an indication of the change that had taken place as any that could be witnessed, to see Judge Zane and myself sitting side by side, in familiar conversation, on such an occasion! I offered the opening prayer. There were addresses by the Chancellor, Judge Zane and Governor Thomas. A Miss Norton delivered an address, “Apollo vs. Mars”, which was very well done. But the best feature of the occasion was an address by Miss Lillian Hamlin on “The Triumphs of the Century” and the delivery of the valedictory. It was given with fine elocutionary effect, and the language was very beautiful. She held the audience very well in hand, and a number shed tears. There were upwards of 20 in the normal class who graduated.

We had a meeting this afternoon of the Territorial Committee of the People’s Party and a number of other brethren, to talk over the political situation. The Committee had met at 2 o’clock and had adopted resolutions favoring the dissolution of the People’s Party and giving reasons therefor. As these brethren were from various parts of the Territory, we thought it a good opportunity to speak to them concerning this movement.

President Woodruff made some few remarks; then called upon President Jos. F. Smith, and I followed.

When I returned home this evening I was shocked to find that my son Preston, 9 years of age, had been left on the mowing machine by my hired men and the horses had got frightened at the motor and ran away with him. He had been thrown from the machine, and his head cut in such a manner as to cause a great loss of blood. His fingers and his shoulder were injured. It seemed providential that the boy had not been killed. If he had fallen on the side of the knives he would very likely have been cut to pieces. He is a very self-confident boy and can be trusted very well with a team; but he ought not to have been left alone under such circumstances. When I saw him he felt quite cheerful, and laughed about it; but in the evening his head troubled him, and my brother David and myself administered to him. He seemed considerably broken up because of the pain that he was suffering.

My wife Sarah Jane got my family together this evening at her house, because of my brother David being there, and I joined them. She furnished a very nice collation.

11 June 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, June 11th, 1891.

My brother David came up with me to the office.

The First Presidency had a number of letters read to them; one very interesting one from Prest. Brigham Young, enclosing letters from Brother Fred Stauffer, dated at Haifa and Constantinople, describing the condition of affairs in that region. His letter was full of encouragement for us as a people, as it showed the progress the Jews were making in Palestine.

We had a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve this afternoon. Brother Lyman prayed.

I met with the Co-operative Wagon and Machine Co.

I had an interview with my son Frank. He was at the banquet of the Alumni of the University last night and made a speech, which, I have head [heard] said, was very fine.

I arranged today with Brother James Jack about assuming a loan which the Juvenile Instructor had at the bank, for which I wished to furnish collateral.

The following is a portion of a dispatch received from Col. Trumbo, San Francisco:

“Stanford has made arrangement with Harrison that special agent will leave Washington tonight to stop any raids until general amnesty can be fixed. Parsons (U.S. Marshal) has got notice. So any trouble is over for the present. I urged such course, thinking it best until Stanford can make Harrison understand importance of amnesty. … I think Cannon ought to prepare points for the amnesty, as I cannot do it. Stanford asked me for them.”

Presidents Woodruff and Smith, in talking over this business, felt that I ought to go down to Washington. I suggested that if so, everything should be kept very quiet, so that it would not leak out what we had in view; for our enemies, if they knew we had any desire to obtain amnesty, would do all in their power to prevent it; and before going I should desire to consult with friends east and west, so as to know whether my presence there would be desirable.

Bp. Clawson came down to my house in the evening, and I framed dispatches to be sent to Col. Trumbo in California, and to General Williams in Washington.

12 June 1891 • Friday

Friday, June 12th, 1891.

My son David took his departure this morning for the east, it being the request of Brother John W. Young that he should go there while he was absent in London. I would have preferred David going on a mission; but Brother Young had been depending upon him so much that I did not like to take him away till he has an opportunity to supply his place. He left home this morning feeling worse than he has at any time previously. The First Presidency listened to correspondence this morning, read to them by Brother Geo. Reynolds.

The Presiding Bishopric came in to see us about excavating a cellar under the annex to the Temple. While they were present we voted to suggest to the organization that had been formed to hold the Social Hall property that it transfer that property to the Latter-day Saints College, so that it may be sold to aid in the cause of education.

I had a call from Orson F. Whitney and my son Abraham. The former had a proposition to make to me to assume Dr. Williams’ interest in the History of Utah which Brother Whitney is writing. Williams has got thoroughly dissatisfied with the stories that are put in circulation concerning him, and the suspicions that seem to be entertained respecting his operations. The company is organized with 100 shares of stock, of which he has 45, Brother Whitney 25, a Mr. Webster 25, and F. S. Richards 5. Dr. Williams values his interest at $50,000, but upon appealing to Mr. Webster, he thought it was worth $30,000. Well, he said, he would sell it for half that. After listening to them, I brought them in to Presidents Woodruff and Smith and submitted the case to them. After it was thoroughly considered, it was decided that it would be better to have Williams remain connected with the company and not throw it up, but that in the event of his being determined to do so, then Abraham was left to negotiate, if he chose to do so, for the Cannon Publishing house. Brother Whitney’s anxiety to have me take hold was that there was a great deal of prejudice in the country concerning the affair, and he thought my name with it might restore confidence. Mr. Williams proposed to leave the country if he sells out, unless he should be employed to canvass.

In the afternoon I visited the Temple, in company with President Woodruff and Bp. Clawson. We were joined there by Bishops Preston and Winder. We went through the building and saw all that is being done. It is very gratifying to see the progress that is being made.

I dictated a letter of appointment for Dr. J. M. Tanner, who is going to Harvard. Brother Gibbs wrote it out.

In the evening I went to the theatre and saw the play “Shenandoah” in company with my wife Carlie, my sons Lewis and Sylvester and my daughter Emily. We enjoyed the performance.

13 June 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, June 13th, 1891.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith were not at the office this morning.

I went to a meeting of the Bullion-Beck at 10 o’clock, and we attended to a good deal of business. The four directors present agreed that the best thing that could be done with the property would be to endeavor to sell it[.] Three million dollars were talked of as the price. But as John Beck was not there, no definite conclusion was reached, but a meeting was suggested for Monday. In the meantime Brother Beck is to be seen and reasoned with, so that he may consent; for he values this property so high that no price apparently is any inducement for him to consent to sell. We feel, however, that he has no right to hold the rest of us in this position.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter, but was called off to attend a meeting with Brothers Moses Thatcher and T. G. Webber and Mr. Auerback, Col. Donnellan and Judge Colborn. The object was to consider the propriety of forming a company for the purpose of arranging for people to go to the World’s Fair at Chicago. They are anxious to have my name connected with it, also Brothers Thatcher and Webber, as they think it would be guaranty to the people that it was a safe and reliable company. Mr. R. C. Chambers is the seventh party proposed, but he was not present today.

My object in even discussing this question is to protect our people. It is a foregone conclusion that some company will undertake to furnish transportation for the people in this Territory and Idaho to the World’s Fair, and if this should be the case, it seems to me that it would be much better for some reliable home company to do this than to have a company from abroad come in and do it. Whether it is wise for me in my position to be connected with such a company is a question that is not altogether clear in my mind. As to the money that may be made, that to me would be a secondary consideration. Whatever is done in this matter will have to be done quietly, because there are other parties who are contemplating the starting of a similar enterprise.

14 June 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, June 14th, 1891.

I heard yesterday evening that Bishop Alexander McRae of the 11th Ward was quite sick, and I promised that I would visit him. On my way there this morning I called to see a person by the name of James Pitt, who had sent eight of my cows to his stray pen and had put me to the expense of paying to pay $18. to get them out. The cows were driven to pasture and somebody had gone afterwards and opened the bars and let them pass out. They had not been many minutes in Pitts’ grounds, but he had assessed the damages at $8. and had got two men to sign a paper who never saw what damage they had done, as they [were] working at a distance. I examined the Lucerne field in which it was said they had gone, and I could not see the least sign of a track. Still they might have been in.

Afterwards in getting out of the buggy, which my nephew Lewis M. Cannon was driving, the mare suddenly backed and caught me in the wheel and hurt my leg very much.

I found Bp. McRae very low, and he seemed to be desirous to pass away. He will be 84 years of age next September. I administered to him and then proceeded, in company with Brother Jos. H. Felt, to the Sunday school, where a review was held. It was somewhat interesting. I occupied about 10 mins. after the review in speaking to the children[.]

I went down to my brother Angus’ and got lunch, and went to meeting in the afternoon. My son Abraham was called on to speak and did so about half an hour very spiritedly. I was much edified by what he said. I followed and occupied about the same length of time, speaking upon the evidences of the Prophet Joseph’s prophetic mission.

The day was a stormy one, and there was not so large a congregation as usual. After meeting, my son Abraham drove me to his wife Mina’s house, and my daughter Mary Alice and her husband, my daughter Emily, my son Sylvester and my brother Angus were there and took dinner.

15 June 1891 • Monday

Monday, June 15th, 1891.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith were at the office this morning.

I received letters from Brother Brigham Young in which he alluded to the claim that Brother Geo. W. Thatcher had made against the estate for $5000., and sent me a copy of a letter that he had written to him and his sister Luna upon the subject. He seems to be considerably stirred up at their action in making this demand, and wrote a very strong and feeling letter to them upon the subject. He also called to my attention my article in the Juvenile and my discourse at conference concerning the Elders going out without purse and scrip, and said that if this were carried out strictly, it would soon wind up the mission in that country. Since I have received his letter, I intend to bring the matter up before the First Presidency.

Brothers John Morgan, W. H. Rowe, H. M. Wells and J. W. Summerhays called to speak to us in relation to some of the brethren taking stock in the Times newspaper, and also to know whether we would grant an interview to the editor. They brought to our attention the unfair methods which were being resorted to by some of the Democrats in order to get the brethren committed to the Democratic party. There had been a meeting at Draper yesterday, where Jos. L. Rawlins had spoken, and the people were led to believe that there were only two parties—the democratic party and the liberal party—and that if men became republicans they would only become liberals. In view of this a number had signed the paper agreeing to become members of the democratic club whose sympathies were republican. I suggested to the brethren that in the absence of an organ through which they could communicate their views to the people, they might issue a circular and set forth the facts.

We had conversation with Bishop Clawson concerning the appointment of master in chancery. Our friends in the west say it makes no difference whom we have, if he is only satisfactory to us.

I mentioned to the brethren the conversation I had on Saturday with Brothers Thatcher and Webber and Messrs. Donnellan, Auerbach and Colborn respecting a plan for carrying the people to and from the World’s Fair. I wished them to give me their views, as I did not wish to have anything to do with it unless it met their feelings. They did not speak positively about it, except to say that they saw no objection to my engaging in that enterprise. The only fear Brother Smith seemed to have was that myself and brethren being connected with that scheme would cause many to go to the World’s Fair who perhaps would not otherwise go.

We decided to counsel the brethren of the Social Hall Co. to transfer the Social Hall to the Salt Lake College for building purposes. Le Grand Young was instructed to arrange to have it transferred in a legal manner.

Brother Wilcken brought us word concerning the peril that Brother George Wood of Bountiful was in, and arrangements were made for him to go to warn Brother Wood.

Bp. Whitney and my son Abraham came to see me on the subject of the former’s history of Utah. I laid this matter before the brethren of the Presidency, and it was finally decided that Abraham should be left free to make such arrangements as he could with Dr. Williams for his interest. We all felt, however, that it would be far better for him to retain it.

Attended a meeting of Z.C.M.I.

In talking to the brethren this afternoon in relation to this World’s Fair project, I told Presidents Woodruff and Smith that I did not feel like doing anything in the matter, and I would have no connection with it. I so told Brother Webber, who intended to meet with the other parties this afternoon.

I wrote Topics of the Times this evening for the Juvenile Instructor.

16 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 16th, 1891.

Since the vacation of the schools has commenced I have been using my little boys for painting the roofs and wooden part of my houses, and they have done very well. Sylvester especially has made a very nice job painting the house in which he lives.

My son William has been doing business in selling lumber and work connected therewith. He has contracted debts, which the closeness of the money market prevents him from paying. I have had Abraham go through and examine his affairs, and have told him he must do all in his power to straighten things out, so that, if possible, William can continue in some branch of that business. Abraham is clearly of the opinion that it is a larger business than William can handle, especially with his small capital.

Mr. Ellis called upon the First Presidency this morning and represented what he had done in the States. He had been quite successful in his recent visit, seen a great many leading men, especially editors, and got his views of the Utah situation before them.

I had a call this morning from Brothers Thatcher and Webber to urge upon me the propriety of my acting in conjunction with themselves and the non-Mormon gentlemen whose names I have mentioned in this project for carrying passengers to and from the World’s Fair. They used various arguments to induce me to not withdraw, and President Woodruff heard them, and he expressed himself strongly in favor of my connection with that enterprise. Brother Smith came in directly afterwards, and the matter was laid before him, and he also assented. I felt very reluctant about this; but hearing President Woodruff’s wishes upon the subject, I waived my own objections and promised to meet with them at 5 o’clock this afternoon.

I had a visit today from my wife Emily, whom I seldom see now, in consequence of her peculiar situation. I do not feel safe in going down to her premises, as it is a neighborhood where I would be watched, and advantage might be taken of me.

We listened to correspondence this morning. Among the letters received were two very interesting ones from the Samoan Islands, one written by Brother Lee, the president of the mission, and another by Brother Bassett, the clerk of the mission.

Bp. Ezekiel Holman came in to get our counsel concerning securing a town organization for Sandy. After listening to all the reasons for and against it, we expressed ourselves in favor of that organization. He desired to be administered to for his sight, which he has nearly lost, and my brother Angus, Brother Gibbs and myself laid hands upon him, and I was mouth.

My sons Frank and Abraham met today with Dr. Williams and Bp. Whitney to examine the books and accounts of that company. Williams places his interest at $15,864., and if he can get that he will transfer his entire interest to the purchaser, and then will take up the work of canvassing, for which he would receive 33% of the value of the work. I was not impressed favorably with the proposition. One great reason among others is that Bp. Whitney, who has been engaged on this work for upwards of a year, has only written one half of the first volume, and he said that he expected it would take him till the close of the winter to finish that volume, and as there are three volumes to write, it seems to me that it is too long a period to wait for publication and to invest money without getting returns.

Frank had to go to Ogden, and he promised to write his views and send them down. I desired to get his as well as Abraham’s, because they had both examined the books and accounts and had a very good idea now of the scheme. I met at the office of Z.C.M.I. with Messrs. Thatcher, Webber, Donnellan, Colborn and Auerbach. I was elected chairman of the meeting, and Brother Thatcher, who expects to visit Denver and perhaps go further East, was authorized to see the railroad people concerning the project that we had in contemplation and learn from them the best terms that could be obtained, and a letter containing the points was drafted out for him to have. He intends to leave tonight for Denver. It was agreed that we should bear him expenses in the event of the project not being carried out.

I had a little conversation with Brother Thatcher concerning the sale of the Bullion-Beck. He and some others had agreed to take up an argument with John Beck to convince him that to sell this property was the best step that could be taken. I judged, by the remarks that Brother Thatcher made to me, that they had not succeeded. For some reason, Beck seems to have great influence with a number of the brethren, and it is surprising to me that they do not assert themselves more than they do in connection with these affairs. When this matter was brought up, everyone felt that it was the proper thing to do, and it was intimated to me that whether he consented or not, they were determined to sell; but Brother Thatcher’s conversation was not of that tenor today.

Judge Harkness has been talked of as master in chancery in our property case, but, though District Attorney Varian and our attorneys agreed upon him, the Judge declined to act. Brother Richards wanted to get our views concerning the next suitable man, and Judge Sutherland was suggested.

17 June 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 17th, 1891.

The First Presidency was at the Gardo House today. Brother John Cooper came in with a letter of introduction from the Bishop of Almy Ward. He is represented as being an excellent man. He came to get us to use our influence with the railroad company to have Mr. A. C. Beckwith appointed paymaster for the U.P. coal miners. I dictated a letter to Brother Thatcher, who expects to see Manager S. H. H. Clark of the Union Pacific, to have him use his influence in favor of Mr. Beckwith’s appointment as paymaster. The Bancroft History Company has written to us bringing to our attention a circular that had been issued by Bishop Whitney and Dr. Williams, which the History Co. felt did them great injustice. Col. Morrison, secretary of the company, wrote to me, and to President Woodruff also, on the subject. He appealed to me as a personal friend of his to correct this injustice. I dictated a letter for President Woodruff and myself to sign.

We had the case of a man named [last name redacted] brought to our attention today by Bishop [initial of first name and last name redacted]. While on a mission to Switzerland, [last name redacted] had illicit connection with a young woman there, who had borne him a child since his departure. The case had come to the knowledge of the civil authorities there, and though she had endeavored to shield him they had discovered letters from [last name redacted] in her possession, and it was creating considerable scandal. Brother [last name redacted] was told to advise him to have the woman and child and her mother sent for, and that he should be dealt with and cut off [from] the church.

My son Abraham made a report to me today of the condition of my son William’s affairs. I was much touched with the devotion of Abraham in this matter, and I could scarcely refrain from weeping in thinking about the manner in which he has helped me on various occasions and done what he could for my sons, some of whom seem inclined to lay heavy burdens upon me, without any design on their part to do so, but through mismanagement. Abraham has always stood by me and done all in his power to assist me, and I felt to bless him for it. There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co. today. I was taken with a violent pain in my bowels and had to withdraw, and while I was gone a dividend of 8% was declared. When I returned I stated that if I had been present I should have objected to such a dividend being declared, and felt now to say that I was not in favor of it. I thought it would be safer and better for us to make a 6% dividend. President Jos. F. Smith took strong ground against this view. His view was that it would strengthen the bank to make this dividend, and Brother Jack and my brother Angus shared with him in this feeling. I said I did not wish to argue the matter, but still that was the view that I took of it. I felt somewhat hurt at the tone in which the proceedings were conducted, after I had stated my views. I need the dividend probably as much as any of the brethren, but it seems to me that it is not a wise thing to declare so large a dividend at the present time, as the funds of the bank, in my opinion, scarcely admit of it; but as I was only one, the matter passed and the dividend will be declared.

18 June 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, June 18th, 1891.

President Woodruff, being over 84 years of age, was expected to join the Old Folks Excursion to Springville today, and the committee waited upon him a few days ago and expressed a desire to have him with them. He said he would go if I would accompany him, which I promised to do. So this morning I repaired to the train and had a very enjoyable time riding down, and also at Springville, where we received a warm welcome. The people turned out in large numbers. The occasion was a delightful one. There was music and singing, and an address of welcome, and I was requested to make the reply; after which an excellent dinner was served. After dinner it rained, and I took the opportunity of dictating to dictate my journal to Brother Arthur Winter, who had joined us at 12 o’clock. The rain passed off about 2:30, and the programme was carried out. We left Springville at 5 o’clock.

Upon my arrival home I was much surprised to learn that my daughter Mary Alice had been safely delivered of a boy at 12:30 noon today. She has been wonderfully active in moving around, running upstairs, and performing all the labor that devolved upon her, so much so that I have felt to caution her and her husband against doing as she did. From her movements I would not have suspected that she was likely to become a mother so soon, and her confinement has been wonderfully easy. My wife Carlie said she was in at 10 o’clock and Mary Alice was all right then and no indications of a birth. It is a beautiful boy. I found her seemingly all right and as though nothing had happened.

19 June 1891 • Friday

Friday, June 19th, 1891.

Upon arrival at the office this morning I found a note from President Woodruff informing me that he was sick and would not be up. President Smith was there.

Brother Henry Burton, Bishop of my Ward, came to me this morning for my subscription on the meeting house. I had subscribed $500. It is about the first time in my life that I felt myself unable to fulfill an obligation of this kind, but I have been very much cramped of late, and though I have seen many times in my life when I had as little money at my command, I never saw a time when I had so many obligations to meet. I promised Brother Burton to raise some money, and did succeed in borrowing $250., which I sent to him. Mr. Balderston, of the Salt Lake Times, called at the office this morning, in company with Brother W. H. Rowe. He brought with him a number of questions which he desired us to answer, if agreeable to us. We had quite a lengthy conversation on the situation, and he expressed his anxiety to secure these answers because of the falsehoods which were being circulated by the Tribune. He thought it necessary that something of this kind should come from us, as he believed it would have the effect to weaken a great many men who now felt to cling to the Liberal party, and they might be led to dissolve their connection with that and join the national parties. He seemed favorably impressed with what was said. After his departure, Brother Clawson came in and he read to us a letter that he had received from Col. Trumbo, in which he expressed himself upon the subject of our affairs and said that things had reached such a position there that our presence was really necessary, as he felt that he could not do anything more himself, the responsibility was so great. I also read to the brethren two letters that I had received from Judge Estee in relation to our affairs.

The question arose, “What had we better do? Had we better go to California or not?” In order to come to some conclusion upon this subject, as we felt that it was important some decision should be reached, I suggested that we go down to President Woodruff’s. Brother Wilcken secured a close carriage, in which Brother Jos. F. Smith and myself rode, and Brother Clawson took Brother Winter down in his buggy. The letters of Judge Estee and Col. Trumbo were read and discussed; after which the questions submitted by the Times editor were read. Some of them were quite difficult to answer; but President Woodruff thought I might be able to answer them satisfactorily. Brother and Sister Woodruff are both suffering from bowel complaint, having contracted a cold probably while out yesterday.

Upon our return we had an interview with Prest. W. R. Smith and Bishop Chester Call, of the Davis Stake, concerning the Birmingham case.

Brother F. S. Richards came in shortly afterwards, and we talked over the situation and exchanged views concerning a master in chancery. Judge Sutherland’s name did not seem to strike District Attorney Varian favorably. We talked over various names for that position. I read extracts from Judge Estee’s letter, without informing him who the writer was, containing suggestions connected with the property suit. I interrogated Brother Richards at length as to the line of proceedings which he intended to pursue before the master in chancery. I had Brother Gibbs take down what he said, in shorthand, as I thought if we should go to California it would be useful to refresh my memory in talking this business over with Judge Estee.

We had a call from Brother [first and last name redacted] to make enquiries concerning his son [first name redacted], who is deceased. He desired to know what he could do for him. He seemed to believe his son’s statement that he had never committed himself with women. I told him that while I knew nothing upon this subject, I was led to seriously doubt the correctness of that statement from what I had heard, and I was satisfied that there were well-informed persons who certainly thought him guilty of adultery. I said so far as I was concerned, however, I should be quite willing that he should be baptized for his son, but in relation to sealing all his former blessings upon him, I thought that ought not to be done, at least until his wife should be consulted. If she had no objection to having his former blessings sealed upon him (which, of course, would include the sealing ordinance by which she was bound to him) it would remove feeling from me that I now had. Brother [last name redacted] left to see her.

We had a call also from Prest. Abram Hatch, of the Wasatch Stake. He informed us concerning the position Bishop Noon had left his ward in. We brought to his attention the case of Elder [last name redacted], of [location redacted], who, upon his own confession, had been guilty of adultery while on his mission in Switzerland.

I had a visit this morning from Brothers F. M. Lyman and C. H. Wilcken, who took breakfast with me. Brother Lyman desired to converse concerning the appointment of a new President for the Beaver Stake and the consolidating of the two wards into one. He is very desirous that Abraham should go with him, and I suggested to Abraham that he had better do so.

20 June 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, June 20th, 1891.

I arranged with my boys Sylvester and Willard about painting the houses. They both said they would be willing to work during the vacation at painting and divide the proceeds with theirs [their] brothers who worked in the hayfields.

President Woodruff came up to the Gardo House this morning. President Smith was not there.

After some conversation we decided to go to California to meet our friends and talk over our property suit. I was very much crowded to get myself ready, as I had considerable to do.

President Woodruff returned home.

I dictated answers to the Times questions to Brother Winter, amid several interruptions.

Among others who called was Don Carlos Young. I have been desirous to have a conversation with him concerning his duties. President Woodruff, in my hearing, has expressed his dissatisfaction with Brother Don Carlos, and I felt it to be my duty to tell him of this, because I should be very sorry to see him dismissed from his position. He is a young man, and quite capable, but does not apply himself as he should do, and is not maintaining the influence that he should have. He listened to me with patience. I told him that what I said was for his own good and I hope he would profit by it. Just as I was starting off to go home I met Brother Penrose and asked him if he would be kind enough to look through the answers which I had dictated and make any suggestions that he might think proper. I told him to take all the liberty he chose with what was written. As the time was so short for the brethren to get this ready, I arranged for Brother Gibbs to copy the questions and Brother Winter the answers, and paste them together, and for Brother Winter to meet me at the train with them.

Brother Wilcken drove me home and helped me pack my trunk. I had only one hour to get ready in. I took a hurried leave of all the family who were there. My wives Eliza and Sarah Jane were in town. I met the latter as I was going to the train.

President Woodruff and wife were at the train ready to start at 8:30. Brother Winter was there with the manuscript of the questions and answers, and I thought it better for him to accompany us to Ogden.

On my way to Ogden I had a long and pleasant conversation with an old friend of mine—Brother Henry E. Gibson. He was one of our company who went to California in 1849, and we had worked together in the mines and were very intimate. I have seen <him> quite rarely since that.

My son John Q. met us at Ogden and took us to his home in a carriage. I found his son Daniel H. with his arm broken, he having fallen off the verandah.

The questions and answers were read in President Woodruff’s and John Q’s hearing, and I was much surprised at the satisfaction they gave, as they had been dictated very hurriedly. Brother Penrose had only suggested a change of two or three words, and President Woodruff was quite pleased with the answers.

21 June 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, June 21st, 1891.

John Q. awakened us this morning by telephoning from the Standard office. He afterwards came with the carriage and took us to the train. Brother Jos. F. Smith and two daughters were on the train, asleep. Brother Clawson was up and received us. He had had our beds made. We started at 4 a.m. from Ogden. There was a dining car on the train and we took our meals there. The ride was quite monotonous.

22 June 1891 • Monday

Monday, June 22nd, 1891.

We reached San Francisco about noon.

Our car—Saya—was a very elegant one; the finest sleeping car I have been in. We were met by Col. Trumbo upon landing. He had secured us rooms at the Palace Hotel, and we were taken there. My room was 154 on the second floor, and Brother Clawson’s 155. We had a bathroom and closet.

After lunch, Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Sister Woodruff and the girls went out to the Cliff House.

Before they returned, Judge Estee called and I had a long conversation with him, which was resumed when they arrived.

23 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 23rd, 1891.

We had a call this morning from Mr. Badlam.

At 12 o’clock Judge Estee called, and he had made minutes of a plan of action in relation to the property suit.

We have felt that this man has worked in so friendly a manner and so unselfishly that we could not ask him to continue his labors without remuneration, and the question of employing him to manage this case and to take direction of our political matters in Washington, came up. It was mentioned to him by us. He did not seem eager to be employed; in fact, he did not know whether it would be best for him to consent to act in that capacity. He thought perhaps there might be others who would do us more good. He was willing to do what he could for us, and had been, for he felt that we were a greatly wronged people.

Upon mentioning the matter to Col. Trumbo, he said that Judge Estee was a very high-priced man, and he did not know whether we would feel to pay him at the rate that others were paying him. He said, however, that he thought the Judge, knowing our circumstances, would not ask perhaps as much as he would for cases in California. Col. Trumbo felt that if he were employed it would put him in a better position, and he would be more free to go to him than he had been. He said he had gone to him a great deal and he felt that he was almost trespassing upon his kindness in visiting him so frequently and pressing upon his attention our affairs. President Woodruff remarked that we ought to have Judge Estee. He seemed very emphatic upon this point and did not think the cost any consideration.

I injured my leg a week ago on Sunday and have neglected it until I arrived here. The wound is so serious that Brother Clawson has urged upon me that I send for a surgeon, and Col. Trumbo took the liberty of sending Dr. Eckel to see me. He came and prescribed something, and charged $5. for the visit.

We had an interview with Gov. Zulick today and conversed at length about our people in Arizona and our affairs generally. He is a man for whom we entertain great regard, because of the courage which he has exhibited in dealing with our question in Arizona. He is a Democrat, and aspires to be U.S. Senator from Arizona when it becomes a State. He spoke in the highest terms of the Latter-day Saints and gave us some idea of the attacks that had been made upon him because of his attitude towards our people. He had been called Jack-Mormon and all kinds of names; but it did not appear to have had any effect upon him to weaken him in his views as to the rights of our people. He is here for his health.

The rest of our party went to the theatre this evening. I deemed it better to stay in my room and nurse my leg.

24 June 1891 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 24th, 1891.

We had an interview with Judge Estee and talked over the question of his employment. He gave us his views concerning it, and also the policy to be pursued. Respecting his employment I expressed myself to the effect that I thought it would be better that it should not be known publicly, as I did not wish his connection with us to have the least injurious effect upon him or his business, or his political prospects, and I felt that he could be more useful to us if his connection with us as our paid attorney were not widely known.

Mr. Badlam called in and had a long conversation with me concerning Bullion-Beck matters. He talked seriously of commencing suit against Beck on the Caroline property. He denounced Brothers Beck and Hyde in vigorous language. At 6:30 we went to Col. Trumbo’s to dinner. Mrs. Trumbo’s mother, Mrs. White, who lives in Salt Lake, is visiting her. She dined with us. We had a very delightful evening. Mrs. Trumbo sang and recited in excellent style.

25 June 1891 • Thursday

Thursday, June 25th, 1891.

We had a call from Mr. Badlam this morning. He wished us to take lunch at his house at 1 o’clock. He had desired us to dine with him, but as we intended to leave here this evening he concluded to have us at his house at lunch.

At 11 o’clock, President Woodruff and myself, accompanied by Col. Trumbo and Bp. Clawson, called at the Southern Pacific offices. We hoped to see Senator Stanford, but he was not there. We left our cards for him. We had an interview with Manager Towne, who treated us very kindly and offered us passes to Salt Lake.

After this we called at the Bohemian club, and left our cards for Captain Macdonald. We had called yesterday on Dr. Macdonald, the president of the Pacific Bank, and had there met the Captain. The Doctor wanted us to dine with the Captain at the Bohemian club, but we had to excuse ourselves. From there we went to Mr. Badlam’s. His wife and daughter received us with much warmth, and we had a very elaborate lunch.

My reflection, in partaking of the hospitality of Mr. Badlam and Col. Trumbo, has been, “how am I to ever return such meals and attention as we have received here?” Their houses are so elegant, and all their surroundings in such striking contrast with our humble surroundings at home that I feel oppressed by receiving attentions; for it seems as though it would be out of my power ever to return them.

I left the folks at Mr. Badlam’s in order to keep an appointment with Judge Estee at his office, where I went with Col. Trumbo. We talked over the terms of employment. He is willing to engage for one year at the rate of $12,000. a year. If he should go to Washington or to Salt Lake his expenses would have to be paid. He said he could not promise to spend his entire time in Washington. He would be willing to go there for two or three months, and he would go to Salt Lake whenever we wanted him. His firm also would draw up any papers or do any business for us that we might need, and he would give our affairs all the attention possible. He would work in harmony with our attorneys, and would like it understood that he should have free access to us whenever it was necessary; for he looked upon it as important that there should be harmony and a perfect understanding between us on all matters. He would prepare a bill for the admission of Utah, and would do anything that we wanted in political matters; for he desired very much to see us admitted as a State and would work to this end. He thought it better that nothing should be known about his political services, as it might interfere with that which we wished to accomplish and might lessen his influence. After we talked fully over this, he called in his partner, Mr. Wilson. He has two partners, Mr. Wilson and Mr. McCutcheon. The latter is absent. In Mr. Wilson’s presence he stated the terms of employment and what was expected of him, to which I acquiesced.

I made an appointment with him to meet the brethren at the hotel at 5 o’clock. S. W. Sears called upon us at the hotel. He is here settling up his business the intention of removing to Salt Lake City.

Judge Estee called upon us, and he went over in the presence of Presidents Woodruff and Smith the conversation that he and I had had as to terms, etc. At 7 o’clock we left San Francisco. Col. Trumbo accompanied us to Oakland.

26 June 1891 • Friday

Friday, June 26th, 1891.

The usual monotonous ride across Nevada. There was a sister on board who came and introduced herself to me. She is a widow of William Snow, a brother of Erastus Snow. She had been to California on a visit. She is a daughter of Daniel Shearer. A Mr. Baker, an attorney of Reno, was on board, in whose company Sister Snow was traveling. He is a partner of a nephew of her’s. He is about to move to San Francisco. He speaks of Nevada as a decaying State, its population becoming less all the time. The prospect before the people must be very dark, and how they can stand up under their load of taxes is a very grave question. There are only a little over forty thousand people in the State, and it seems like a farce to have so few people with a State government, and the two Senators having as potential a voice in the affairs of the nation as the State of New York with its millions of people and varied interests. It will be a serious question one of these days what shall be done with the State.

27 June 1891 • Saturday

Saturday, June 27th, 1891.

We reached Ogden on time. My son Frank met us at the station and accompanied us to the city.

After my arrival I had an interview with Brother F. S. Richards to know what, if anything, had been done concerning the appointment of a master in chancery, and found to my gratification that affairs remained as they were when we left for California. I have felt uneasy about this and anxious on that account to return.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

My son Lewis met me at the train with a buggy. Brother Wilcken also was there. Presidents Woodruff and Smith drove directly to their homes.

Upon arriving home I found my family in usually good health, although two of the children had had the measles. My daughter Mary Alice appeared to be doing very well. Her husband and herself had had their son named Lewmar Quayle Cannon. My son Abraham had been mouth in blessing. Before I left for California they had been casting about for a name for the baby, and I suggested that they take the three first letters of Lewis’ name and the three first letters of Mary Alice’s name and make a name of them—Lewmar, and in addition they could call the baby Q. after myself. Then the child, if he lived, could say he was called after his father, his mother, and his grandfather. Although I made the suggestion in a not very serious way, they decided on adopting that name.

28 June 1891 • Sunday

Sunday, June 28th, 1891.

I remained at home all day in consequence of my leg, which gave me a good deal of anxiety.

29 June 1891 • Monday

Monday, June 29th, 1891.

On Saturday, after my arrival, my sons Abraham and Frank and Brother F. S. Richards came up to the Gardo House to read to me a contract which had been drawn up, between Geo. Q. Cannon and Sons Co. and Dr. J. O. Williams and his partner, Mr. Webster, for the interest in the Historical Company. There were some points in the contract that I could not consent to. One was that Dr. Williams and Mr. Webster should have the entire $10. that they collected for the first volume, which would cover their commission for the three volumes. I felt that at least they should leave some portion of that to cover the second and third volumes. They had a meeting this morning with Dr. Williams. I was informed that an agreement had been reached, and he had consented to take three-fourths of the amount, and leave $2.50 till sometime afterwards.

President Woodruff and myself were at the Gardo House today; but President Smith was at home in consequence of sickness in his family.

I had a call from Brother Spencer Clawson, who submitted to me a form of lease from the B. Y. Trust Co., leasing the old offices to Brother James Jack, as our agent, for a yearly rent of $900.

Brother H. J. Grant came in and related with much enthusiasm his investigations into the manufacture of sugar upon his recent visit to California. He seemed so thoroughly convinced that the enterprise was going to be successful that he said if he had $50,000. he would invest that in it.

I had arranged on Saturday for the Twelve Apostles to meet today at 11 O’clock, and there were present, Elders F. D. Richards, M. Thatcher, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, M. W. Merrill, A. H. Lund and A. H. Cannon. Subsequently Brother F. M. Lyman came in. We remained in session until 1 o’clock, then took recess for one hour, and met again until 4 o’clock. I was requested by President Woodruff to state the object of the meeting. My leg giving me so much pain I asked for the privilege of remaining seated while I made my remarks. I said to the brethren that in five weeks from today we should have an election in this Territory for members of the Legislature. Probably this would be as important an election politically as ever had been held in this Territory. It was a critical period in our history, and it was exceedingly necessary that the leading men should be united in their views, that in giving counsel we should give the same counsel. I then stated the views which the First Presidency held concerning the politics of the country. We had felt that it would be a most unfortunate thing if there should be an overwhelming Democratic vote or an overwhelming Republican vote cast. We thought there was no danger of the Territory going largely Republican. That which would be best for us, as we viewed it, looking at the results to be achieved politically, would be for the Legislature to be somewhere nearly equally divided. I said that we had felt that there should be a large body of voters behind, that is, indifferent to either party, that would furnish hope to both the parties. We desired it so that both parties would be disposed to favor us, and not one or the other make war upon us. I made explanations at some length, showing what the results of this policy would be, and answered a good many questions that were propounded. This led to a general discussion on the subject. After the brethren had expressed themselves, I suggested that in order to get this question behind us, we vote that it is the sense of this meeting that we do all in our power to prevent the Legislature being composed of too large a preponderance of one side or the other. All the brethren seemed to be in favor of this, excepting Brother Thatcher, who, though he did not oppose it, said he would rather defer voting on that at the present time. The question then came up concerning Salt Lake City and County. The propriety was discussed of sending Gentiles to the Legislature. I expressed myself on this matter in this way: I thought it would be a very proper thing, under the circumstances, for us to send non-Mormons, if we could find men whom we could trust. It would, however, be necessary to get pledges from them that they would oppose disfranchisement, and that they would favor the admission of Utah as a State. I was asked what my reasons were for thinking that a Gentile ticket would be better. I said that members from this city would now be voted for at large, and if Mormons were put on the ticket, there might be what is called in politics “whipsawing”. The Gentiles might scratch the Mormon and put on a non-Mormon. In that way some Liberal might be elected. Whereas, if a ticket were formed that contained the best names that could be found among the Gentiles, the chances would be that they would be voted for by the full strength of the people who nominated them. It seemed to me, however, that it would be absolutely necessary for us to have a fusion ticket, because if we are divided in this city, the Liberals would hold the balance of power and would come in and defeat us. This was the general feeling of the meeting, and it was decided that some steps should be taken to secure a fusion on some basis. It was said that some Democrats were opposed to fusion. We discussed also the propriety of having a committee appointed which would be secret, and of which there would be a member in every county. There was not entire unanimity of feeling in regard to this plan, though all felt that something of the kind was necessary and they could not suggest anything better; but some of the brethren seemed to entertain the fear that if anything of this kind were done the knowledge of it would leak out and be used against us by our enemies.

I was quite pleased with the results of the meeting, because from remarks that had been made to us we had been led to think there might not be that union of feeling that we found after conversing with the brethren.

Brother Seymour B. Young came in and dressed my leg today.

30 June 1891 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 30th, 1891.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith were at the Gardo House. President’s [President] Smith [Smith’s] family is in better health.

Dr. S. B. Young came in this morning, accompanied by Dr. Benedict, and they examined my leg. Dr. Benedict suggested a mode of treatment to Brother Young that struck me as likely to be good. We had quite a conversation with Dr. Benedict concerning diseases of various kinds, and among other things spoke to him about the suicides of young men in our community. There were five names mentioned of young men who had either committed suicide or attempted it, who, he said, were diseased and had what is called the bad disorder, and this was the cause, he alleged, of their destroying themselves. A most horrible reflection!

Brothers F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant came in and we suggested to them that they had better call a number of brethren, whose names we gave them, together and take steps to see if there could not be some basis of agreement reached by which there could be a combined effort made at this coming election to beat the Liberal party.

Sister Lucy S. Grant, wife of Brother H. J. Grant, was brought to the office to be administered to, as it is the intention tomorrow to operate on her for a rent in her womb. Brothers Jos. F. Smith, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and myself laid hands upon her to bless her. Brother Smith was mouth.

Prest. W. R. Smith, of the Davis Stake, came in and reported a case which had been brought before the High Council of that Stake. It is a case in which Jos. Bates Noble and Dr. S. B. Young were parties, they having endorsed a note of Geo. O. Noble for $1000. Brother Smith said he had given a decision, and his own counselors as well as the High Council had not agreed with him, and he wanted to know what should be done about it. We decided that there should be a new trial of the case. His statement of his position led to a lengthy discussion between himself and President Smith, in which both were very positive in maintaining their views.

We found Brother L. John Nuttall at the office this morning. He has for many years worked in the office of the First Presidency, and of course ought to be employed because of his length of service and general usefulness. Presidents Woodruff and Smith felt, in which I also joined, that Brother Geo. F. Gibbs, being a shorthand reporter and taking down minutes of the proceedings in shorthand, and then coping [copying] them direct in the record, saved the work of one man, because the practice had been to take the journal in longhand and then employ another man to copy it, and as Brother Gibbs can also use the typewriter, he is really more useful to us than Brother Nuttall. We therefore talked with Brother Nuttall about his turning his attention, in company with Brother Reynolds, to the getting up of the records of the Twelve, etc.

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June 1891, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1891/06-1891