November 1888

6 to 21 November 1888 • Tuesday to Wednesday

Wednesday <Tuesday>, Nov. 6,/88. to Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1888. During this period I have had the usual visitors. Bro S. H. Hill and Frank Boyer and Fred. Yates went out. As I expect to have a list of all I do not notice those who come in, as I do not always get the names. Bro. S. H Hill came up and visited us. On Tuesday and Thursday I sat for my portrait with the brethren. They formed different groups, and each group desired me to sit with them. Thursday was a very chilly day and I was kept out, most of the time with my head uncovered, for about two hours, sitting before the Camera. The result was I took a very heavy cold. Bro. C. R. Savage, accompanied by May Wells the first day, and Bro Ottinger, Jr., the second day, was the photographer. On Tuesday, the 20th I was surprised by receiving a visit from Hon. Geo. A. Halsey of New Jersey, who had come out to the Pen. to see me. We had served together in Congress. He was accompanied by a party of prominent gentlemen to whom I was introduced. Mr. Halsey said he had been much interested in watching my case and therefore desired to see me. After inquiring as to my treatment and how I bore my confinement he asked me what I would do when I got out. This he said pressed upon him. This led to an animated conversation on the situation, in which several took part, particularly, Senator Fish of Ind. (?) a bright young man. I described how necessary it was that we should have clearly defined what we could do with our families and what we could not do without violating law. In conclusion Mr. Halsey said when you get free, you have influence, come East and get these matters arranged. I told him I might call upon him to help. He said he was not in Congress, but he would do what he could. The party manifested kind feelings. On the same day I met and had conversation with Major Strong and Mr. Perry of the Dept. of Justice who came here to inspect the prison. I have had an interview with Bro. John T. Caine and several interviews with Bro. F. S. Richards in which I have urged a <attention to a> number of points, principal of which is to get some ruling, if possible, to define what men can do for their wives and children without being open to arrest when they emerge from the Pen; and also to do every thing possible to prevent indictments and convictions for adultery, especially to have a count for unlawful cohabitation and a count for adultery cover the same time. This I view as another form of segregation and punishing twice for the same offence. Bro. Joseph F. Smith sends me word concerning the feelings [of Moses [Thatcher] and the Bishop [Clawson] about the mine. It is as if they were both enemies to me, Moses particularly. A letter from L. John Nuttall, though on a different subject confirms what Joseph Says. It is astonishing when Moses contests me. It is God above who watches both of us and sees us, and it is he who either curses or makes things right—just like his working of miracles. I have been wronged by this man’s actions and his words, but I continually pray unto God that he will protect me and help me to triumph so that I don’t fall into despair.]1

I find it difficult to get down to writing much in prison. The atmosphere is not favorable to it, besides the brethren keep me well occupied relating to me their circumstances, asking counsel, asking questions concerning doctrine, &c. In addition I am called out often to see visitors and this occupies considerable time.

29 November 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 29/88 Was taken in the evening by [blank] to Bro. Woodruff’s where I met Pres. W., Bro. Jos. F. Smith and Mr. Alex Badlam, Jr. Spent two hours <& a half> with them. (Must describe this meeting hereafter[.]) At 9 p.m. [blank] called for me and took me back. Bishop H B Clawson remained at the Warden’s while I was gone. The next day (Sunday) <On Saturday> the Warden was kind enough to take me down to my house on the river to see my son Read who I was told was dying. I had a brief visit, with the Warden’s permission, with my folks and my sister-in-law, Jane Simonds. Read is very low. I felt well in administering to him. I took dinner at my wife Elizabeth’s late residence—the best meal I have had in eleven weeks.

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November 1888, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: o Moke a me Ka Bihopa no Ka mine. Me hea mea la he mau enemi laua ia’u, o Moke particularly. A letter from L. John Nuttall, though on a different subject confirms Ka olelo a Iosepa. Kupaianaha ia’u ke kue o Moke ia’u. Na ke Akua e nana mai ia maua, a nana mai ia maua, a nana no e hoohewa, a i ole ia, e hoopono, e like me ka maua hana. Ua hoohewaia au e kana hana a e kana <mau> olelo; a ua kanaka no hoi. Aka, ke pule mau nei au i ke Akua e ho’opakele mai ia’u a e hoolanakila mai ia’u, i haule ole au.