June 1892

1 June 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 1st, 1892.

Brother F. D. Richards had invited President Woodruff and myself to attend the Primary conference at Ogden today, the anniversary of the birth of President Brigham Young. We left on the 9:20 train, and was met by Brother Richards and taken in a carriage to the meeting in the pavilion in Lester Park. There was a large assemblage of children, and the exercises continued from 11 until a little after 1. President Woodruff and myself made brief remarks, and Sister Felt, the President of these associations, addressed the children also. We adjourned and went over to Brother Nye’s, where they had prepared dinner. There was a large company present, and we spent the afternoon there in pleasant converse until about 4:30, when we were taken in a carriage down to Brother F. D. Richards’, where his son Franklin S. was sick. We had some conversation with him, and at 6 o’clock left Ogden for home, having had a pleasant day.

In the evening I had a very pleasant interview with the teachers of the Ward. I gathered my family together in the dining room, so that they could talk to them.

2 June 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, June 2nd, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

At 9 o’clock we had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank, and at 11 a meeting of the General Board of Education.

At 1 o’clock I attended, in company with President Jos. F. Smith, the funeral of Ben. Rolfe, whom I had known in Nauvoo, and who was one of the pioneers to this valley. He has been sick for about ten years. It was his request that I should speak at his funeral. I occupied about 35 mins., and Brothers Jos. F. Smith, Angus M. Cannon and Bishop Kesler occupied 5 or 10 mins. each.

After this we had a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve. Of the latter there were present, Brothers F. M. Lyman, A. H. Lund and A. H. Cannon. Brother Lund prayed.

I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

3 June 1892 • Friday

Friday, June 3rd, 1892.

President Woodruff and myself were driven out to Saltair, and returned shortly before 2.

At 2 o’clock I attended a school teachers convention at the Latter-day Saint college building.

4 June 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, June 4th, 1892.

I started this morning at 9:20, in company with Brother Lyman, to attend conference at Centerville. We were met at the station by Brothers Wm. R. Smith and B. H. Roberts. Brother Smith took me to his home, Brother Roberts took Brother Lyman.

The meeting house was well filled, and the morning was occupied by some of the Bishops and by Brother Lyman. In the afternoon myself and Brother B. H. Roberts occupied the time.

We left the meeting at 3:45 and were taken by Brother Hiram Grant, who had a very fine team, to the dummy line at Bountiful. We drove the two miles in about 10 minutes. We reached the city about 4:50

5 June 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, June 5th, 1892.

Brother Lyman and my son Abraham, Brother George Goddard and myself went to conference at Centerville again. The meeting was held in a bowery, and the proceedings were very interesting. The forenoon was occupied by my son Abraham and Brother Lyman, both of who spoke excellently. Sacrament was administered in the afternoon, Brother Goddard spoke about 25 mins., and I spoke the remainder of the time. There was an excellent spirit in the meetings, and much good instruction was given.

We were again carried by Brother Grant to the dummy line.

Abraham invited Brother Lyman and myself to take a meal at his house with his wife Wilhelmina. Brother Lyman afterwards went to the city to deliver a discourse on the proprieties of prayer, which had been announced as his subject at the Young Men’s Conference in the Tabernacle. I felt somewhat tired and did not go.

6 June 1892 • Monday

Monday, June 6th, 1892.

Held a meeting today of Cannon, Grant & Co.

At 11 o’clock the stockholders of Zion’s Savings Bank met for the election of officers. The same officers were elected as had been acting.

Held another meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co, to listen to a proposition made by Brother Jesse W. Fox concerning some mining property in Nevada, which he described as being very promising.

I dictated a letter to my son Hugh and one to my son David, also an article for the Juvenile Instructor.

7 June 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 7th, 1892.

Through the kindness of the U.P. people, and for which we are indebted to Brother James Sharp, a private car was furnished to carry President Woodruff and wife, myself and daughter Rosannah and Brother Arthur Winter to Milford. Jos. H. Young, the Supt. of the road, accompanied us. There was a cook on board, and our meals were provided, making the trip a very pleasant one for us.

A carriage and span of horses had been sent down by the Grant Livery Co. to carry us, and a young man by the name of Frank Angell had been sent also to drive. We found the carriage and driver at Juab, and they went from there on our train.

At Milford we were met by Brother Thompson, who had come from St. George, and a young man by the name of McAllister, a son of John D. T. McAllister.

President Woodruff and wife and myself and daughter rode in the carriage to Minersville. Brother Winter rode in company with Brother McAllister. President Woodruff and wife and my daughter were entertained by Bishop Walker. I was entertained by Brother Wood, his counselor.

8 June 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 8th, 1892.

We intended to have got off by 7 o’clock this morning, but it was about 8 before we started. We drove to Rush Lake, where we stopped and fed our horses and got dinner ourselves. Brother David Ward owns this place, and was very kind to us. When I offered to settle with him, he declined, saying that he never charged the brethren engaged in the work of the Lord as we were. Between here and Cedar we were met by a young man who brought a dispatch in cipher, which we translated and sent a reply to Brother Jos. F. Smith. It was to the effect that Mr. Clarkson thought that we should do our share in striving to get Blaine nominated, with Estee as Vice President, and that if that were the case one of the first things to be urged would be statehood for Utah. If Blaine did not receive the nomination, the money asked for would not be used, Our proportion would be about $2500. We instructed Brother Smith in cipher to send that amount.

At Cedar we were very hospitably entertained by Bishop William Corry. We were also met by Brother Uriah Jones, a young man who has recently been appointed President of the Parowan Stake.

A meeting had been called for 7:30, which we attended, and I was very much gratified at the excellent house which has been erected here. I occupied about 40 mins. and spoke with a great deal of freedom, and President Woodruff spoke 25 mins.

9 June 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, June 9th, 1892.

We left Cedar this morning at 9:30, and drove to Kanarra. It was a very windy, and therefore very disagreeable, ride, the roads being very dusty. At Kanarra we put up at the house of the late John Berry, an old acquaintance of mine, whose family entertained us hospitably. At the request of Bishop Ford I went to his house and administered to his daughter. Bishop Ford has been sick for some time with la grippe. His daughter was married a little over a year ago, and her husband took la grippe and died, and she has been confined, but has lost her baby, and is now in a low condition herself. I spoke to her upon the principle of faith, telling her that in order to have the benefits of the administration, she herself should arouse and have a desire to live. I felt to encourage her very much, but in administering I did not feel led to make any special promise to her, except to tell her to exercise faith in the Lord.

We drove from Kanarra to Belleview. It was quite cool during the afternoon, and when we reached Belleview it was almost cold. Myself and daughter and Brother Winter put up at the house of Brother Allen. President Woodruff and wife and Sister Thompson stopped with Sister Gregerson.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

10 June 1892 • Friday

Friday, June 10th, 1892.

The weather is delightfully cool—so cool that a fire in the stove was found comfortable this morning. It rained heavily during the night, and when we made preparations to start it was still raining. It was about 9:30 when we got away. I offered Brother Allen pay for our entertainment, but he declined to receive anything and said we were very welcome and pressed us to stop there as we returned. It rained for some time after we started, but the rain had this advantage: it wet the sand and made the roads much better.

At Leads we were met by Brother Anthony W. Ivins, first counselor in the presidency of the St. George Stake. President Woodruff and wife and the two teamsters put up at the house of Sister Wilkinson and partook of lunch. Myself and daughter and Brother Winter went to Bishop McMullin’s whose wife had been confined a week previous and had a fine boy. Brother McMullin seems like a very intelligent man.

From Leeds we proceeded on, and a little south of Harrisburgh we were met by Prest. D. D. McArthur and my brother David. Brother Arthur Winter rode more comfortably from Leeds than he had previously, for he had a seat in Brother Ivin’s buggy, and when Brother McArthur came up I rode with him into St. George. We were met by a number of the brethren on the way, and reached St. George about 6 o’clock.

President Woodruff put up at Father Cottam’s, Brother Winter stayed with Prest. McArthur, and I was taken by my brother David to his residence.

I felt much gratified at the success of Brother Frank Angell, the driver of the carriage in which we rode. It was a very heavy vehicle, quite unsuited in its construction for such a country as this, but it was very comfortable for President Woodruff, and Brother Angell proved himself to be an excellent teamster. When we reached St. George I congratulated him on the success that has attended his driving. I never rode in anything short of a Pullman car that was so comfortable.

11 June 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, June 11th, 1892.

We met at 10 o’clock in the Tabernacle with the Presidency of the Stake and the High Council, to take into consideration the doctrines that had been taught by Father Edward Bunker, who resides at Bunkerville, a settlement over which his son, Edward Bunker, Jr, presides as Bishop. It seems that the settlement has become divided on the question whether Adam is our Father and God and the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Myron Abbott, first counselor to Bishop Bunker, and his mother’s brother, had advocated this doctrine, and Father Edward Bunker had disputed it, and also disputed the doctrine that Adam was a celestial being when he came here to begin the work of the procreation of man. He advocated the idea that Adam was a distinct creation, and had been made out of the dust of the earth, as he claimed, in the same way and by the same power or law that men’s tabernacles would be resurrected from the dead. The High Council had had the question before them, and as Father Bunker was not there himself, he had been represented by his son, but had asked the privilege of setting forth his views in greater fullness in writing. This privilege had been granted to him, and this document was read this morning before us and the High Council.

President Woodruff was desirous that I should manage the case. I thought I detected in the document a disposition to make Jesus the Eternal Father and the sole object of our worship. My first question, therefore, to Father Bunker was whether this was the case—whether he believed that the being to be worshipped was the Father, in the name of Jesus, or whether Jesus was the being to be worshipped? This confused him. He said that it would take some time to explain his views, and he proceeded to speak at some length, but I told him it was not necessary to go to any length, but to give a simple answer to the question. He then said that he worshipped the intelligence, wherever it was found. Then I said, he would have a great many gods if he worshipped intelligence, and how could he worship intelligence without it was tabernacled? Upon being pressed upon this question he admitted that it would not be possible to worship intelligence unless it was in a tabernacle, and also said that he believed in worshipping the Father in the name of Jesus. I tried to have him answer my question as to whether he believed our Father and God had a father or not. We knew that the Savior had a Father, but did he believe that the Father whom we worshipped had a father? My object in asking that question was to get from him the idea as to how he believed he had received a tabernacle. But he would not answer this. I then proceeded to take up his views concerning Adam being a distinct and separate creation—a new creation, so to speak. I said that we knew that the Savior received his tabernacle through procreation. The Bible said that the Holy Ghost overshadowed the Virgin Mary. Of course, we have been taught that there was a celestial being who overshadowed the Virgin Mary and begat the tabernacle of Jesus, who was the Son of God, and He was born of a woman, and all the beings that we knew anything about, of our species, were born in the same way. I took up his quotation from the new translation of the Bible concerning the creation of Adam, and I said, according to my reading and interpretation, it is as clear to me that Adam was begotten in the usual way, through procreation, as it appeared to be in the mind of Father Bunker that he had been made as an adobie was made. I said, now we know that the Lord Jesus received a tabernacle in the manner in which our tabernacles were organized, and no doubt his father, if he had received a tabernacle, had received it in the same way; and I asked, Why should Adam be sui generis—that is, the only being in all the species that was a new creation? I reasoned upon this, and I think made it clear to all who were present that it was nonsensical. I then referred to a number of passages to explain how difficult it is, unless we have the light of the Spirit, to understand the Godhead. I said the Savior—and I quoted revelations to illustrate the point—spoke to His servants as though He were the Father himself and spoke of himself as the Only Begotten Son. I said the reason for this is that Jesus represented the Godhead and spoke for the Godhead. Viewed in this light, many passages that would be puzzling might be clearly understood. I said that according to the teachings of President Young Adam was our Father and our God, and the father of the Lord Jesus, but it was not necessary for us to argue or contend about this. If we cannot understand it, let it remain without agitation and without discussion; for it would inevitably lead to bad consequences if men indulged in that spirit. I then referred to the case of Brother Orson Pratt, who had been a strong opponent of President Young in regard to this doctrine, and related instances where Orson came very nearly loosing [losing] his standing, and would doubtless have lost it if President Young had not been determined to hold on to him. He contended against this doctrine for a long time; but for some time before his death he ceased his opposition, and had acknowledged that whenever he contended against Brother Brigham on these points his mind was filled with darkness, and he did not feel happy, but when he received the doctrine and submitted to the teachings of President Young his mind was light and clear and he had peace. I said this was the experience of Orson Pratt, and we would do well to profit by it.

President Woodruff made some excellent remarks and bore testimony to the truth of the position that I had taken and the views that I had set forth.

There was a good mild spirit in the meeting, and in interrogating Father Bunker I endeavored to do so in a way not to arouse any feeling on his part. His son, the Bishop, had shared with him in his views, and he admitted, after he had heard what was said, that he had had light thrown upon his mind concerning the Godhead and the principle of procreation. I had spoken of this last power as the gift of eternal lives—the gift by which the universe was peopled, and by which all worlds would be peopled and the glory of God increased. The brethren seemed to accept our views, and Father Bunker expressed himself as perfectly satisfied. I took occasion to say to Brother Myron Abbott that I hoped he would not indulge in a spirit of triumph, and think that he had been fully vindicated and had come off conqueror.

At 2 o’clock we met with the High Priests’ Quorum. President Woodruff made some excellent remarks, and I also spoke with gre some freedom.

At 4 o’clock there was a general priesthood meeting, at which I felt led to give a very full explanation of our position on political questions. I related many things that had never been mentioned in public before. I spoke at great length and with great fullness concerning our movements.

President Woodruff followed, bearing testimony to what I said.

I am sure that the effect of these explanations will be good. There has been a good deal of partisanship here on the part of some of the leading brethren in favor of Democracy, and they have endeavored to get everyone to be Democrats. Some of them came to me afterwards and said they were exceedingly pleased to hear what had been said, and they knew it would be profitable to them. I set before them the importance of our endeavoring to secure our liberties as a people and to get freedom for Zion—that that was the great end we had in view. We had the vote and we should use our votes wisely and in such a manner as to make ourselves felt for good.

12 June 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, June 12th, 1892.

The Tabernacle was very well filled this morning. Brother McArthur afterwards said that it was the largest conference he had seen there.

The conference was opened by Prest. McArthur making a few remarks, and he was followed by Brother A. W. Ivins, who made a report of the condition of the Stake. After this I spoke for 70 mins.

In the afternoon sacrament was administered, and President Woodruff occupied about 45 mins. and Brother B. H. Roberts about 35 mins.

President Woodruff and wife, myself and daughter, and my brother David and wife were invited to dinner at Prest. McArthur’s, and at 7:30 in the evening we went to the tabernacle to attend a joint meeting of the Sunday school representatives and the Young Men’s and Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Associations. President Woodruff spoke, after reports had been made, and I followed. The meeting was short, but quite interesting.

13 June 1892 • Monday

Monday, June 13th, 1892.

Conference opened at 10 o’clock. President Woodruff occupied a considerable portion of the time, and was followed by Brother J. D. T. McAllister, after which President Woodruff again spoke. The meeting was quite interesting, Brother McAllister having given a relation of his deliverance from apparent death, and President Woodruff relating a number of interesting instances showing how he had been delivered from danger and death by following the promptings of the Spirit of the Lord.

In the afternoon I occupied about 55 mins., and Brother Roberts spoke 35.

From this meeting we repaired to the tithing office, to hold a meeting with the Indians who had come in large numbers, hearing that the two chiefs of the Mormons were coming, and we had a number of presents prepared, consisting of flour and beef and some dry goods. President Woodruff spoke and his words were interpreted by Brother A. W. Ivins and “Railroad George”, and I afterwards made some remarks which were interpreted in like manner.

Brother Joseph Meecham had invited us to take dinner at his house, and after this meeting we went there and had an interesting visit with him. He was 86 years old last February. He is wonderfully well preserved, especially in his mind. It was interesting to listen to him relate his experience in the Church and the manner in which he received the Gospel. President Woodruff and myself laid hands on him and blessed him, and ordained him a patriarch in the church.

At 8 o’clock we repaired to the theatre, to which we had been invited. We got there before the doors were opened, and the performance did not commence till nearly 9:30. It ended shortly before 12. The play was “A Celebrated Case”. The scenery was good, the acting was tolerable.

14 June 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 14th, 1892.

I dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor and my journal to Brother Winter.

I have not mentioned the news that we have heard, through dispatches which have been forwarded to us, from the Minneapolis Convention. The straight Republicans had sent as delegates O. J. Salisbury and my son Frank. The “Liberals” had sent as their representatives Judge C. C. Goodwin and C. E. Allen. They had quite a contest at Minneapolis, and the issue has been a straight one between what may be termed Mormons and anti-Mormons. All the old anti-Mormon charges have been brought up against the straight Republicans. Notwithstanding this, the straight Republicans have had great success, and on some points have beaten the others, though the Convention divided the representation between the two parties. Frank, however, succeeded in making what is said to be an eloquent speech before the Convention, in making a minority report, and was much applauded; while Goodwin was not listened to. I think it quite a victory, and it shows what a wonderful change has taken place, when a Mormon will be listened to and applauded by a National Convention, and be appointed also, as he was, on the Committee on Platform and Resolutions. I was much gratified at the manner in which he has conducted himself there and the boldness he has shown in standing up for what he considered right.

I went to the Temple at 11 o’clock and had a number of persons, living and dead, sealed to me. Sister Gillies had made an appointment to meet me here. She came with her son and had her family adopted to me. Brother Engelstad and wife, also, had come from Long Valley to be adopted with their kindred dead, and Brother Daniel Sill was also adopted.

President Woodruff had a large number of people adopted to him.

I married one couple, John Urie, Jr., and a daughter of Bishop Henry Lunt. I spent a very interesting day in the Temple. President Woodruff was very much fatigued with the labor he performed.

After coming from the Temple I called upon my brother David’s wife Josephine. Her daughter Leonora is quite sick. Josephine has a very interesting family, and children look promising.

15 June 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 15th, 1892.

I had conversation with a number of persons who desired counsel; among others Brother David Milne, who is in trouble with his family. He desired me to lay hands on him and bless him.

I got into a buggy with my brother David and drove, in company with President Woodruff and a number of other brethren, to the new dam which has been constructed on the Rio Virgen, a distance of about 10 miles from St. George. This dam is a very important structure and has cost a large amount. It with the canal, as far as it has been constructed, has cost about $15000. When the canal is completed it will bring into cultivation a large area of the land on the Rio Virgen, and which to all appearance will make good land for cultivation. Since I have been in this country I have seen several fields of grain which looked very promising. I am told that they have at last discovered a way to raise grain south of the rim of the basin; it is by sowing lucerne and keeping the land in lucerne for about four years, and then plow it up and sow it with grain. In this way they can raise very good crops. The spill for this dam is over a ledge of rocks that forms quite a fall in the river, and to all appearances the sight <site> for the dam is an excellent one, as it has a rocky foundation.

We returned to the Temple, where President Woodruff and myself had conversation with the Presidency of the Temple concerning improvements that were to be made. Brother J. G. Bleak desired to be set apart for his duties as assistant to Prest. McAllister, and President Woodruff desired me to be mouth.

From the Temple I went to my sister Annie’s and spent the evening there, and took dinner in company with a number of her children and grandchildren. My brother David was also of the company.

16 June 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, June 16th, 1892.

We had arranged to leave St. George this morning. Before doing so my brother David, who is going to take me in his buggy to the Parowan Conference, took me down to Brother Thomas Hall’s house, who had expressed a desire to see me. Brother Hall and wife were baptized about the time my father and mother were in Liverpool, and were well acquainted with them. I have a high regard for everybody in the Church that has known my parents. This couple have been very faithful, though Brother Hall is a violent-tempered man and creates feelings through some of his expressions and conduct.

We drove to Leeds. My daughter Rosannah rode in the carriage with President Woodruff and wife. She has been sick all forenoon. President Woodruff and wife and Rosannah and Brother Thompson, who is driving the baggage wagon, stopped at Sister Wilkinson’s. My brother and myself stopped at Bishop McMullin’s, and Brother Winter and Brother McArthur’s son, who was driving the buggy, in which Brother Winter rode, stopped at Brother Wm. Latham’s.

From Leeds we drove to Belleview. The sand was heavy and it was very hot, and the horses were bathed in perspiration. President Woodruff and his wife and Brother Thompson put up at Brother Gregerson’s, and the rest of us put up at Brother John Allen’s.

17 June 1892 • Friday

Friday, June 17th, 1892.

I was awakened this morning before daylight by a messenger from President Woodruff, requesting me to come up, as he was very sick. My brother David and I proceeded to the house where he was and found him suffering very much from diarrhoea. He was in great pain, and had been suffering in this manner all night. We administered to him and did all we could for him. He gradually got better through the day. His sickness prevented us carrying out our programme which we had arranged for our journey. It had been arranged that we should have a meeting at Cedar tonight, but as this was impossible, I sent a dispatch by a boy on horseback to Toquerville, informing Bishop Corry that we could not keep our appointment.

I dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor and my journal to Brother Winter.

18 June 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, June 18th, 1892.

I went up early this morning to see President Woodruff and found him still weak and suffering from his attack. I plainly saw that it would not do to leave him while he was in that condition, and I therefore proposed that we should travel together, if he was able to travel at all, till we reached Kanarra, and see how he would be affected by the journey that far. We started about 8 o’clock, and he endured the journey to Kanarra very well. He really felt better than when he started. I consulted with him then as to what I should do, and he expressed himself to the effect that he thought I ought to go on to Parowan, and he would stay at Kanarra till tomorrow. Therefore, my brother David and myself and Brothers Winter and McArthur started out and reached Cedar at 1:30. We stopped at Bishop Corry’s and got dinner.

About 4 o’clock we left for Parowan. We reached there about 7 o’clock and put up at Brother Morgan Richards, Jr.’s.

The people had heard of President Woodruff’s illness and were glad that he was better, though they regretted his inability to be at their conference, as they had counted upon seeing him.

19 June 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, June 19th, 1892.

Brother B. H. Roberts came in this morning from Cedar.

The Conference was opened in the usual manner, with a full house. I spoke a few words to the effect that I desired the Bishops, there being five of them in the Stake, to make their reports of the condition of their Wards, so that we might know how they were situated and what their standing was before the Lord. I wished them to give us full and truthful representations. Bishop Jones of Paragoonah, Adams of Parowan, Dalley of Summit, Corry of Cedar, and Counselor Roundy of Kanarra made reports. Taking the reports in general, it left the impression that the Wards were not in as healthy a condition spiritually as they should be. Drunkenness was increasing, the use of tobacco was increasing, a disposition to seek for pleasure on the Sabbath day was increasing, neglect of family prayers was common, and Bishop Adams described the existence of sexual sins in his Ward and a disposition on the part of some members to pay their tithing after their living expenses had been deducted from their income.

After their reports were made, I called upon Brother Roberts to speak and he occupied the remainder of the forenoon, delivering a very good discourse. Before the meeting adjourned, I announced to the conference that I could not conscientiously permit the sacrament to be administered until a better understanding was had concerning their condition. I wished them to understand, and I desired to explain to them, my feelings concerning certain things that the Bishops had alluded to, and I therefore suggested that the administration of the sacrament be suspended, at least today.

In the afternoon meeting I occupied an hour and a quarter in speaking to the people upon the subjects that had been mentioned by the Bishops, and I endeavored to do so with plainness, so that they might realize their condition, and that if they were guilty of the sins described they were not in a condition to partake of the sacrament, and I wished to warn all of them against partaking of it until they had made the necessary confession and obtained the necessary forgiveness for the violations of the laws of God.

The Presidency of the Stake made remarks, occupying the remainder of the time.

A vote was taken as to whether the sacrament should be administered tomorrow and a large number held up their hands as being willing to partake of the sacrament. A number, however, did not lift their hands. As Brother David Ward proposed to leave for home after the forenoon meeting in order to meet President Woodruff at his place, I suggested that the sacrament be administered in the forenoon, as he desired to have the privilege of partaking of it.

A priesthood meeting was held in the evening and much instruction was given. Brother [redacted first and last names]’s case was brought up before this priesthood meeting. It has been a case of long standing, and his conduct has been such as to excite considerable dislike to him, and there had been an unwillingness on the part of the Bishop to give him a recommend. He had been cut off the Church some time before, and had been rebaptized, but did not have his priesthood or his former blessings sealed upon him. He now expressed a desire to have these, and this request he has made repeatedly to one and another. Between the meetings I dined with Bishop Adams, and he came there and had a long conversation with the Bishop and myself upon the subject. The Bishop said he could not conscientiously give him a recommend, but suggested that perhaps if the case were laid before the priesthood meeting there might be a willingness to accept his acknowledgements. It was for this purpose that the case was brought before the meeting. Brother [last name redacted] spoke and expressed some contrition and made a favorable impression by his remarks. Brother Roberts also spoke in favor of mercy. I myself felt very much inclined to be merciful to him; but I did not wish my feelings upon the subject to prevail alone, because I thought I might be too lenient in view of the fact that he is one of the few persons living who knew my parents. He crossed the sea when we did, and saw my mother buried in the ocean, and I have known him now for over fifty years. I was greatly gratified, therefore, to have a motion made by one of the local brethren that his acknowledgment be accepted, and that the meeting should recommend that he be ordained to the priesthood again and his former blessings be conferred upon him. I instructed my brother David, who has all the authority to perform sealing ordinances and every other ordinance in the temple, to attend to this—join with the High Priests and be mouth in sealing these blessings upon him.

20 June 1892 • Monday

Monday, June 20, 1892.

We had very full meetings today. The forenoon was occupied by my brother David and Brother B. H. Robert [Roberts.] I enjoyed the spirit very much, especially of my brother David’s remarks. It is the first time that I have ever heard him speak in public. He spoke with great earnestness.

During the forenoon I received the following dispatch in cipher, which Brother Winter translated:

“Presidents Woodruff & Cannon,

The President desires to follow the policy exercised towards the South at the close of the war, namely, amnesty 40 or 50 individuals of your selection, and if this does not call down too much abuse on him from the nation he will grant general amnesty immediately after. Tobias answered he did not like continued humiliation imposed on our people in return for demands for mere justice. Elkins says tell his good friend Cannon that he is warm in love and friendship for him in having the proposition accepted, so it will show to the nation that polygamy is dead in Utah, and satisfy any argument which may be brought up by enemies and pave the way to statehood[.] He also says the Democrats promise much but fulfill little, as of present home rule matter. Answer quick, as we want to go to Washington tomorrow evening.


What answer shall we make. Telegram dated yesterday.

Jos. F. Smith”

I sent the following answer:

“I am sorry I cannot consult with President Woodruff. He is out of reach of telegraph. But personally I would accept and select the names. I have no doubt it will pave the way for general amnesty. I recognize the embarrassments of the position of the President and administration, and would do anything that we can do without endangering or sacrificing principle to assist him

Geo. Q. Cannon.”

The sacrament was administered, and the people seemed to rejoice[.] The afternoon meeting was occupied in presenting the authorities and statistical reports, and I spoke for 75 minutes and enjoyed considerable freedom.

I am satisfied that this conference has done considerable good here. The officers have expressed themselves to this effect and all the brethren whom I have heard mention it, and I myself feel much gratified at the spirit that was poured out upon the conference and the character of the instructions that were given

In the evening I had an interview with the Indians here and made them some presents, which I instructed the Bishop to give to them.

I took dinner at Brother Wm. Mitchell’s.

In the evening Brother <Durham> brought his choir to Brother Richard’s residence, and we listened with great delight to their singing, and some of the young ladies gave us some recitations, which were very well rendered. They afterwards came into the house, and gave us some more singing; and we had prayer, I being requested by Brother Richards to be mouth.

21 June 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 21, 1892.

Brother Marsden took us this morning to Minersville. We started at 7:40, and reached Minersville a little before 3, having stopped one hour on the road to feed the team.

We found President Woodruff at the Bishop’s, with his wife and my daughter Rosannah. Rosannah’s health has improved and she is feeling very well. President Woodruff’s health also is much better, although he is not very strong yet.

I put up at Counselor Wood’s.

22 June 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 22, 1892.

At 10 o’clock this morning we held a meeting. There was a good attendance. President Woodruff thought it not wise for him to go to meting [meeting], as he did not feel very well. I enjoyed considerable freedom in speaking to the people. The Bishop afterward remarked that if I had been advised of the condition of affairs I could not have spoken more to the point. I felt very thankful of this.

I invited the saints to call upon President Woodruff and see him at the Bishop’s house, which they did in great numbers.

A little before 3 we started for Milford, which we reached at 5, and were very thankful to get in the special car which had come down for us.

23 June 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, June 23, 1892.

We reached Salt Lake City about 9:30 <a.m.> My son Lewis met me at the train, also Willard, with a conveyance, and I put Rosanah and our things in the vehicle and Willard took her home. I went up to the office with Brother C. H. Wilcken and spent the day there reading and answering my correspondence.

I did a great deal <of> work today, and when I went home I felt quite fatigued.

My wife Carlie and her daughter Ada had sent out invitations for a large company this evening, and some 80 people came. We had singing and recitations, and spent a very agreeable time. Excellent refreshments were served, with fruit. Many of the company did not leave till after 12.

I found that Mark, Carlie’s son, had been badly scalded while I have been gone, and is confined to his bed.

Today I went to the Temple and climbed to the top with Bishop Winder.

24 June 1892 • Friday

Friday, June 24, 1892.

Came to the office this morning, and was joined afterwards by President Smith.

Captain Willard Young had an appointment with me upon university matters.

Prest. Smoot and the Trustees of the B.Y. Academy at Provo, with Dr. Maeser, called at the office by appointment to converse about the situation of that institution. President Woodruff was not here. I dropped him a letter and sent a carriage for him, and he came up, it being Brother Smoot’s wish to see him. Brother Smoot’s health is very poor, and he looks as though he had not long to live.

We conversed about the financial condition of the Academy, and after reviewing the whole matter and finding out that there was $60,000.00 indebtedness, with real estate which might in the opinion of all be sold at the present dull time for that amount. They were anxious that some plan should be adopted by which this might be numbered among the church institutions; in other words, that the church should assume the liabilities, releve [relieve] the trustees from their responsibility, and take the real estate. I said that I was decidedly in favor of Brother Smoot being relieved from all responsibility connected with this institution, as it would be nothing les [less] than barbarous to keep him under the load; but how it could be done did not appear clear. The younger men of the Board could carry their share of the load, and he could financially, but it was not justice to him to do it. It was out of the question at the present time for the church to take this load upon itself. I therefore suggested that a meeting be called of all the principal men of the Utah Stake and the whole business be laid before them, and see if they cannot be induced to help carry this burden, and that President Woodruff appoint a committee of brethren to attend the quarterly conference at Provo, which would be held on the 16th. & 17th. This was unanimously adopted.

I went with Brother Wilcken to my Westover farm, which I found in very good condition. We got back at 8:30.

25 June 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, June 25, 1892.

I came to the office and dictated articles for the Juvenile to Brother Winter, also my journal, and attended to various items of business.

26 June 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, June 26, 1892.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Bro. John Morgan occupied about 50 minutes, and was followed by Bro. Heber J. Grant, who spoke about 15 minutes.

After the meeting I had an interview with Brother Wm. H. Shearman at the Juvenile Office. He has been desirous to have a private conversation with me for some time. He said he was very much exercised in his feelings. He said that he had been trying for a good while to get himself in a position that he could talk to me, and he felt that he could not get relief until he did. He seemed to be very much affected, and cried. I gathered from his remarks that he wished to confess something that he did prior to his baptism, and which weighed upon him. He said he knew that I was a servant of God and his friend, and he thought he could get comfort by relieving his mind and telling me that which had been burdening him. When I learned that it was something that had occurred prior to his baptism, I said to him that I did not think he ought to mention it to me or to anyone else. It was between himself and his God, and I did not think it wise for him to communicate it at all. I said to him, I know, from the manner in which the Spirit of the Lord has worked with you, that the Lord is not angry with you, or He would have withdrawn His Spirit from you; but you have had given to you the spirit of repentance, and I can testify to you, as a servant of the Lord, that the Lord is not displeased with you, but has forgiven you your sins. I felt quite impressed to say this to him, and I did so with a clear conviction that I was telling him the will of the Lord concerning himself. I spoke to him in this strain for some little time; for it has been apparent to me that he had not grieved the Spirit of the Lord to such an extent that it had entirely withdrawn itself from him, as in the case of others of his companions who left the church about the time that he did—Godbe, Lawrence, Harrison and others. Some of them, especially Lawrence, had shown a most bitter antagonism to the work of the Lord and to the servants of the Lord, and had mingled with the apostates and the enemies of the church, and joined with them in all their wicked schemes for the destruction of the people of God. But not so with this man. He has been very friendly and kindly disposed, even when he was not in fellowship, and the Spirit had wrought upon him sufficiently to humble him to seek the Lord and to obtain a membership in the church, and afterward the priesthood. He has a remarkably sensitive organization, and is subject to melancholy, and has been all his life more or less subject to the feeling that he was so great a sinner that the Lord was offended with him. While on a mission to England with myself he had these feelings, and after I left England to come home he wrote me a letter in which he conveyed the idea that he was a lost soul, and so much did this work upon him that he had to be sent home in charge of one of the Elders. He said to me today that he felt so exercised in his feelings that had he not known it was a sin he would have been tempted to have taken his life. I have not asked him any questions about his people, but I have understood that his father was inclined to insanity, if not entirely insane. Brother Shearman possesses many excellent traits of character. He is a man of talent, and is an exceedingly charitable and generous man and very conscientious. He felt much better after my conversation with him, and said he was greatly comforted by it.

27 June 1892 • Monday

Monday, June 27, 1892.

At 9 o’clock there was a meeting of Zions Savings Bank & Trust Co., at which a dividend of 8% was declared

At 10 o’clock there was a meeting of the stockholders of the Sugar Co.

Judge Estee was at the Knutsford Hotel today, and the First Presidency called upon him. He is on his way home.

This afternoon Brothers John Nicholson, W. B. Dougall and W. A. Rossitor, members of the Board of the Salt Lake College, and Brothers Willard Young, K. G. Maeser and J. E. Talmage had an interview with the First Presidency in relation to matters connected with the Latter-day Saint’s College and the church university.

28 June 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 28, 1892.

The form of the petition, with the list of names of brethren, asking the president for amnesty, was agreed upon by the First Presidency.

I was busy making preparations to leave this evening for Arizona.

As I went home this evening I called at my neice, Mary Alice Woodbury’s, and got my sister Mary Alice, whose health has been very poor of late, and took her down in my buggy to my home, as I wanted her to make a visit to my folks, and be where she could be free from care and any kind of labor.

At 8:30 my son Lewis took me in a buggy to the Rio Grande depot, where I met President Jos. F. Smith, Brothers Geo. Reynolds and Arthur Winter, my companions on the proposed trip to Arizona[.] Brother Spence was there to help us get off, also Bishop Clawson

At 9:25 we started.

29 June 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 29, 1892.

The weather is delightfully pleasant.

We traveled along without anything serious occurring until we got to a place called Busk, when we were detained 4 hours in consequence of a landslide across the track. The travel for some hours before reaching this point was most romantic. We kept climbing the mountains until it seemed as though we were at the very top of the Rocky Mountains. Snow covered the ground in large patches all around us, and the weather was quite cool. The scenery was sublime, and the windings of the railroad in order to make the ascent formed loops of considerable magnitude. There were a good many snowsheds, but they were not so closely built as to shut out the view, so that we could see where we came from and where we were going. We passed a number of lakes, formed by the melting snow. This is a wonderfully well timbered region, and there were a great many sawmills, and the pass that we crossed is called Hagerman Pass, and said to be nearly 12000 feet above sea level. Some of the brethren spoke about the difficulty they had in breathing. I felt it myself a little before we left there.

We reached Leadville about 6 o’clock. This place has achieved great notoriety because of the richness of its mines and the terrible character of the society that congregated there. I suppose that affairs are much more settled now. At present it is quite a town, but there is nothing to induce people to live there except the mining business. In the morning we traveled for a long distance along the bank of Grand river, afterwards we came to the Roaring Water, and then for a long distance we traveled by the Fryingpan, a clear mountain torrent. The Fryingpan and Roaring Water unite and empty into Grand river. After crossing the divide we came to the headwaters of the Arkansas river, along which we traveled for some distance. Its water was muddy, and the banks were nearly full.

I do not know that I ever traveled on a train where the officials knew as little about the road they were traveling and the changes to be made as on this line. We were kept in uncertainty as to whether we should change cars at Colorado Springs until we reached there. Our 4 hours’ detention, however, was not an injury to us, for we went to bed at the usual time and found that we could remain in the car until it reached La Junta. At Colorado Springs it remained standing about two or three hours in the night.

30 June 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, June 30, 1892.

We found ourselves at La Junta a little after 8. Here we changed cars and got on a sleeper which was going straight through to San Francisco. There are two trains which leave here. One is called the through train, and the other the accommodation train. The through train was so full that we could not get passage on that, so we were compelled to get berths in the sleeper on the accommodation train. In consequence of this we will not be due at Holbrook until 3:10 on Friday, instead of 12:05, so I had a dispatch sent to Brother Jos. Fish at Holbrook, informing him that we were on the train that would be due at Holbrook at 3:10 on Friday. The sleeping car conductor was very accommodating to us, in marked contrast with the old petulant man on the other train.

After passing Raton, where we took dinner, (and by the way the meals on this line are excellent) we were overtaken by a violent storm, and the rain poured down in torrents. It seems, however, that the train that preceded us went right into the midst of it, and hail fell so profusely that 36 windows in the cars were broken. Some of the passengers on our train picked up handfuls of hailstones when we came along to the place where it had fallen and some of the stones were nearly as large as walnuts, although they had fallen some time before. There had evidently been a cloudburst, for a roaring river apparently ran alongside of us, which was so high that it covered the fences, and was of great width. We stopped for some little time at an iron bridge in order to learn whether it was safe to cross. We got over in safety, but we heard afterwards that in ten or fifteen minutes after we crossed it was washed out. We felt very thankful at being so fortunate as to get across this without accident. The whole country was covered with water, and its current was rapid and threw up waves of considerable size. We proceeded to Las Vegas, where we took supper. It was raining there also. Two hours after passing this place the train was brought to a sudden standstill by a severe Jerk. I had Just dropped asleep when the concussion came. It wakened me up. I knew there was an accident but what its nature was we did not learn for a few moments. It seems that what had been a dry gully, and which was bridged over, had a raging torrent of water running down it, which had washed out the foundations of the bridge, and when the engine struck it, it went across, but turned over immediately upon crossing, and the two baggage cars broke through. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. The engineer and fireman had a most narrow escape. When the engine was turned over they crawled out of the cab into the water. We felt to congratulate ourselves that matters were not worse, for it might have proved a very serious disaster. After learning the extent of the accident, the passengers went to sleep.

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June 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1892/06-1892