October 1854

[1 October 1854 • Sunday]

On Sunday, conference was continued and after some business was transacted Bro. R. called on me to give a recital of my labors on my mission, which I did and was blessed in speaking.1 Bro. Dewey was likewise requested to give a statement of his labors &c. which he did; it was very interesting and another testimony in favor of the power of God to deliver his people.

[October 1854?]

I hunted the mules that I had traded for and after several day’s hunting I found two mules that the boys who accompanied me said were them. Bro. Lumme very kindly got them shod for me. They were thin, especially one of them, and I thought best to trade them. I made considerable inquiry but did not get a chance that suited me until a day or two before we left, when I made <a> trade, giving a horse &c. as boot, that Bro. John Spitler gave me, for a large span of mules; half an hour after the trade was made one of the mules I had traded, the largest and poorest, was claimed.

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October 1854, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1854/10-1854


  1. [1]The published minutes of the conference report that in the morning session Cannon “addressed the Conference at length with an interesting account of his labors on the Islands, and bore his hearty testimony of this being the work of God” and prayed in the afternoon session (“Minutes,” Deseret News, Apr. 18, 1855).