February 1892

1 February 1892 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 1st, 1892.

We were taken to the train this morning and met Judge Estee and Col. Trumbo, and I had a long conversation with the former. He impressed us very much with the necessity of having a good memorial got out by the Legislature asking for admission as a State. He feels confident that we could do a great deal of good in that direction, if they would get out a memorial.

President Smith joined us, he having come up on the morning train.

After the Judge had gone East, we returned to Salt Lake.

Bishop Joseph Kimball, of Meadowville, whose mother is Sister Prescinda Kimball, called upon us this morning and informed us of the death of his mother at 7 A.M. He said her wish was that President Jos. F. Smith and myself should speak at her funeral. It was decided to let the family have the Assembly Hall, as there were a great many friends who would be likely to more than fill any meeting house that we had.

Colonel Trumbo called upon us, in company with Brother H. B. Clawson, and we had a long conversation with him over political and other matters.

I found my daughter Ann still very sick, and I was up most of the night with her.

2 February 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 2nd, 1892.

President Smith and myself were at the office.

At 10 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co.

Brother Andrew Jenson, whom we sent to gather up facts connected with the Mountain Meadow Massacre, returned from the South and we had an interview with him and my son John Q. Brother Jenson has obtained some important information, and I think what he has secured will be able to clear up some obscure points.

President Smith and myself had an interview with Sister Jakeman concerning her difficulties with Sister Susie Y. Gates.

We arranged with Brother Geo. Bywater, who came to see us in company with Brother Don Carlos Young, to pay him as engineer $1800. a year. Col. Trumbo and Brother Clawson, President Smith and myself drove down to President Woodruff’s, and we spent nearly two hours with him in conversation over the situation of affairs. He is getting himself again, but we all felt that he ought not to come out while the weather is so unpleasant, and we urged him to take care of himself.

I was present at a meeting of the Co-op Wagon & Machine Co.

Upon returning home today I found my daughter Ann much improved, which was a great relief to me.

3 February 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 3rd, 1892.

President Smith and myself attended the funeral of Sister Prescinda Kimball in the Assembly Hall. There was a good attendance. I addressed the assembly for about 40 minutes, and read a portion of the vision in the 76th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, and had excellent freedom. I was followed by President Smith, who read a portion of Alma’s instructions to Corianton concerning the resurrection. He occupied about half an hour.

We had a meeting of Zion’s bank at 1 o’clock.

4 February 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 4th, 1892.

Brother John Henry Smith has determined to go to Washington. The Republicans of this city are very anxious that he should go, thinking that his presence would do good, and that it might lead to the defeat of the home rule bill, and perhaps the passing of an enabling act. He desired before going, to be blessed. President Jos. F. Smith, Brothers F. M. Lyman, A. H. Cannon and myself laid hands upon him. I called upon President Smith to be mouth.

At 2 o’clock President Smith and myself and the brethren of the Twelve above named, together With Brother John W. Taylor , met, attended to some business, and joined in prayer, Brother Taylor being mouth. It was decided that President Smith and Elder Lyman should go to the Summit Stake Conference, which is to be held on Saturday and Sunday.

At 3 o’clock President Smith and myself went to Bishop S. A. Woolley’s, of the 9th Ward, where we had been invited, with other friends, to dine. I had arranged that my wife Martha should go there also, but by a mishap she could not find the place and returned home, so that I was without a wife. There were present, Elders John Henry Smith and John W. Taylor , of the Twelve, and Bishops Preston and Burton, with quite a number of other brethren and sisters. We had an enjoyable time. Dinner was served between 4 &5, and general conversation prevailed until about 8, when Bishop Woolley requested me to make some remarks, which I did, and President Smith followed. After he had concluded, I excused myself, as I had an appointment with my son David, who was going to take me home, to meet him at the theatre. I stayed and witnessed the remainder of the performance, which was “Indigo”, an opera performed by the Carleton Opera Co. I enjoyed it very much.

5 February 1892 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 5th, 1892.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning, but found him asleep, and therefore did not disturb him. His family told me that he was still improving. I also called yesterday.

We had a special meeting of the bank to consider a proposition made by Brother Heber J. Grant concerning an additional loan from the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Co. of San Francisco, and it was agreed that we should make the loan to the extent of $50,000., if he could get it, and I was requested to write to him, which I did.

There having been some friction the other day between Brother John R. Winder and Brother John Henry Smith and some other brethren, I had quite a conversation with Brother Winder upon the question of politics, Brothers John Henry Smith and F. M. Lyman being present, and endeavored to explain to him more fully the position the First Presidency had adopted, and why we had been led to take the course we had in trying to prevent the Democrats from inducing all our people to join that party. I said that it would result in as serious consequences for us all to become Democrats as would have followed the continued maintenance of the People’s Party as a solid body. Our safety, as the First Presidency believed from the testimony of the Spirit to them, was in dividing upon national lines, and I pointed out why our people had thought they were Democrats. I said there was a time, and quite recently, when a man would have been considered disloyal to his religion and almost going into apostasy if he had joined the Republican party, because that party had made war against plural marriage. But there were very many Latter-day Saints who took the same view of governmental policy that the Republicans did. Now matters had changed, and there was no reason why a man, if he believed in the principles of Republicanism, should not join that party; but many of our people, through prejudice, had felt reluctant to have anything to do with it, and had rushed into the Democratic party, thinking, as some had said, that no man could be a good “Mormon” and not a Democrat.

Bishop Winder, after the conversation was ended, which was quite lengthy, expressed his pleasure at what he had heard, and apologized for the warmth he had displayed at the previous conversation. The brethren shook hands with him, and I think amity and good feeling were restored.

I was pained to learn from Brother John Henry Smith that Oscar R. Young had gone to Judge Judd, who is a strong Democrat, and represented that I had conveyed the idea at a meeting of the B. Y. Trust Co, that there was a compact entered into between the leaders of our Church and the Republican party, by which this was to be made a Republican state, and that the people had gone back on us and defeated our wishes, etc. This was a false and malicious statement. When I heard of it I called Brother Isaac Clayton from the other room, who was present at the meeting and with whom I had done the most of my talking, and asked him concerning this, in the presence of Brother John Henry Smith; and at that juncture Brother H. B. Clawson, who was also present, came in, and they both pronounced it utterly false. I afterwards had a consultation with Brother Richard W. Young, who was also present during part of the conversation, and he said that Oscar B. Young had taken him down to see Judge Judd for the purpose of corroborating what he had said. He started with Oscar without knowing what the purpose was. They had not found Judge Judd in his office. Then Oscar explained to him what he wanted. He then told him he could not do that. I requested Brother Richard <W. Young> to write a letter to Franklin S. Richards at Washington and tell him the truth about this matter, as I understand Judge Judd started for Washington this morning filled with the idea that there was some secret understanding of this kind, and he had expressed the intention to find out all about it and to break it up. The fact is, Oscar B. Young is not responsible much of the time for what he says. He frequently talks more like a maniac than a sane person.

There was a meeting of the Sugar Co, at which there was some business done connected with the issuance of bonds for the purpose of bonding the property, and the executive committee and the attorney were instructed to communicate with Bishop T. R. Cutler, who is in the East, concerning this matter.

In the evening I attended a social reunion of the 14th Ward, to which all the old residents of the Ward were invited. The room was comfortably filled and refreshments were served about 10 o’clock by the young ladies of the Ward. The occasion was a very interesting one, as it brought together many old acquaintances. There was some singing of a very sweet character, a fine recitation by Sister Nellie Colebrook, and speaking by Brothers Jos. Horne, S. W. Richards, Geo. Romney, myself and Brother F. M. Lyman. I related some incidents connected with our early settlement of the valley. The lot where the 14th Ward meeting house now stands was mine originally, and I broke it up the first time it was ever plowed, and planted it with corn, which was harvested by my brothers and my brother-in-law. Those present were very much interested apparently in the recital. It is remarkable how few there are left of the old settlers. Brother Horne and myself are almost the only ones of those who settled first in the Ward. Brother F. M. Lyman, however, was also in the Ward in 1849, his father having come in with his family in the fall of 1848. My cousin Geo. J. Taylor was not present. He has resided in the Ward longer than any other person. His residence has been continuous from the time we moved out of the fort up to the present—43 years. I enjoyed myself very much. My wife Martha and my daughter Mary Alice and her husband went with me in the sleigh, and we returned together.

6 February 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 6th, 1892.

Dictated my journal and article for Juvenile Instructor to Brother Winter.

7 February 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 7th, 1892.

I was taken to the Rio Grande Western depot for the 9:50 train, and met Brother Wilcken, who accompanied me to Bingham Junction, where we were met by Brother Joseph Holt, and were taken by him to his father’s house. We went by way of my farm, and I stopped and looked at the stock. Brother Jesse Vincent and Bishop Bills were with Brother Holt waiting for our arrival, and we had conversation concerning the business that had brought me down. Brother Vincent, while President Taylor and myself were on the “underground”, was applied to by Brother Wilcken to give us shelter, as his house was somewhat secluded. Brother Wilcken did not mention our names, and Brother Vincent says he did not understand who it was. He was afraid himself of a visit from the deputy marshals, and declined to give shelter, under the circumstances. Brother Wilcken thought also that he treated him very coolly. This occurred in the summer of 1886. It seems that his refusal has leaked out, and it has created a great prejudice against him in the South Jordan Ward. People are shocked to think that a member of the Church should refuse to entertain the prophet of God. Brother Vincent called at the office, in company with Brother Holt, and made his explanations. I told him that I knew President Taylor had no feeling, and I had none myself. The occurrence had passed from my mind, because we had made frequent inquiries for places at that time, as we found it difficult to obtain suitable quarters, and that he had done this had entirely gone from my mind. I thought his explanation was quite satisfactory, and I promised him that I would go down on Sunday to the Ward and remove any wrong impression that they might have. We had a full, free talk, and Brother Vincent unbosomed himself concerning things that had occurred and expressed his satisfaction with what I said to him.

The meeting house was quite crowded. I spoke for nearly an hour, and Brother Wilcken followed. There was a very good spirit in the meeting. Brother Holt’s son took us to the train at Bingham Junction, and we reached the city at 6. I was met by my son Sylvester.

8 February 1892 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 8th, 1892.

We were delighted this morning by seeing President Woodruff come to the office.

President Smith had been to Coalville, and he did not return until late in the date.

There was a meeting of the stockholders of Zion’s Savings Bank today to consider the propriety of increasing the number of directors from 9 to 13. Upwards of 1500 shares were represented, and the motion to increase was carried, and four directors were selected—Elders Lorenzo Snow, F. M. Lyman, A. H. Lund and L. G. Hardy,

Bishop Preston reported to us today the condition of the mortgage which Thomas Taylor had given upon the Iron Co’s property. Thomas Taylor is turning out very bitter, and has filed a long list of charges for services rendered the Church, more than enough to cover the mortgage. The bishop says he has also written to Mr. Varian, the district attorney, informing him that this is a Church affair. It was decided that it would be better to release the mortgage than to have a trial about it, as it would be very unpleasant, and the property itself at the present time is not marketable.

9 February 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 9th, 1892.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith were at the office. President Woodruff’s health is quite good.

A dispatch was received today from Col. Trumbo, through Bishop Clawson, in which he reported the situation of affairs in Washington, what he is doing, and stating that they desired Bishop Clawson and myself to be in Washington by Tuesday next. We concluded that we would try and get away by Friday or Saturday.

Brother John Morgan has addressed a letter to President Woodruff which gives a deplorable account of the condition of affairs in the San Luis Stake, and makes grave charges against Brother Silas S. Smith for his mismanagement in financial matters, through which, he says, not one quarter of the people would sustain him as President if they were left to their own choice. We decided to send Elders Lorenzo Snow, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon to that Stake to investigate matters and set the Church there in order.

The First Presidency took into consideration the situation of political affairs in the State of Wyoming. We feel that it would be almost a calamity if our people should be influenced to change their attitude in the State to the Republican party. Some of our brethren in authority are showing such a zeal for party that they can scarcely be trusted upon these questions; and overlooking other interests and confining their view to the success of the party with which they are associated, they are in danger of doing the cause of God and the liberties of the people great injury. We have gained great influence through our people in Wyoming having cast their votes in a manner to result in the election of Messrs. Carey and Warren as U.S. Senators, and Mr. Clark as Representative. These are warm friends of ours, and it has made a good impression in the country, especially the course we have taken in sustaining Mr. Carey, who while Delegate resisted all the importunities of Dubois, of Idaho, to have Wyoming insert in its constitution the abominable features that were in the proposed constitution of Idaho.

Attended theatre this evening with my daughters Mary Alice and Emily, my son Sylvester, and my son-in-law L. M. Cannon, and enjoyed immensely the play of “Henrietta”, in which Stuart Robson took the principal part. He is an actor whose performances I am very fond of.

10 February 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 10th, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office.

We had an interview with Col. Stevenson, civil engineer and president of the Polytechnic Society, concerning a bill that he and other friends had framed for the creation of the office of State Engineer, and also for the proper registering of water rights. We viewed the matter as one of some importance, and expressed our views favorable to the proposed legislation in a letter to him.

Mr. Isadore Morris and Brother Amos Howe called upon us to inform us what was being done concerning general amnesty. Judge Goodwin had induced a Senator, whose name they did not give, but who, we have since learned, is A. S. Paddock, Senator from Nebraska, to present the petition for amnesty to the President, and Goodwin expressed through them the hope that action would be taken upon it within a few hours.

11 February 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 11th, 1892.

I stayed at home this morning packing my trunk and arranging for my departure, until 10:30. Upon my arrival at the office I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith there, also Brothers L. Snow and M. W. Merrill, who had come down for the purpose of going to the San Luis Stake in Colorado. The correspondence that we have received from various sources was read to the brethren, and it was desired that they should go this evening, so as to be at Manassa in time to hold Conference on Sunday and Monday next. A letter was written informing the three Apostles what we wished them to do and authorizing them to make such changes in the Presidency of the Stake that they might deem best for the restoration of harmony.

A dispatch came from Brother John T. Caine this morning, suggesting that Brother Clawson and myself should not go East at the present time; and shortly afterwards two dispatches came from Col. Trumbo as though he fully expected us to be on the point of starting. We could not understand this. It seemed as though the dispatches were at cross purposes. Brother Clawson telegraphed to Col. Trumbo informing him of the dispatch that had been sent from Brother Caine, and we were quite unsettled today as to whether we should go on Saturday or not.

There was a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve. Besides the First Presidency, there were present, President Lorenzo Snow, M. W. Merrill, John W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon.

The question as to the proper form of rebaptism came up. This question has been pending for some time. The forms now in use in the three Temples, where people renew their covenants, is to rebaptize them for the remission of sins and for the renewal of their covenants. These words are inserted in the form which the Lord has given us in the revelations; and when they are baptized for health, that also is mentioned. President Woodruff expressed himself quite emphatically upon the subject, that he was in favor of not inserting such language in the form of baptism; but as there was not a full quorum of the Twelve present, he preferred not to change the written form that they had in the Temples, which apparently they had received from President Young, until there could be a full attendance of the Apostles. President Jos. F. Smith leaned, judging by the way he expressed himself, to the idea of preserving the words “for the renewal of covenants” in the form. A letter had been written by President Taylor, while he and I were on the “underground”, on this question, which expressed his views and mine at the time, that the Lord had given us a form of baptism, and that we did not think it proper to make any addition to that.

This question was raised through Brother Penrose having written an article for the “Deseret News” upon this subject, which some of us thought ought to be carefully examined and decided upon before it was published. It was decided today by President Woodruff that the article should not be published.

12 February 1892 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 12th, 1892.

President Smith started this morning to attend the Bear Lake Stake Conference, to be held Saturday and Sunday.

President Woodruff and myself were at the office.

A dispatch came to Brother Clawson requesting us to go straight to New York, and we made our preparations accordingly. I was busy arranging my affairs so as to get away tomorrow morning.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

We had an informal meeting of the Saltair Railway Co. at 10 o’clock. Brother N. W. Clayton, who has just returned from the East, made a report of the information that he had gained while gone. It was decided informally that he should be, as Manager, go ahead, make arrangements for the survey of the line, for the grading, and for anything else that was needed. Mr. Matthew White was not present. We are not altogether satisfied with his manner of doing business as Manager of the Saltair Beach Co., and it was determined that at the next meeting of that company a motion should be made to abolish the office of Manager of the Beach Co, and that we concentrate all our strength on the railroad.

Had a meeting of my family last evening and gave them instructions concerning the manner of lives which they should lead, etc.

13 February 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 13th, 1892.

My wife Carlie is in a delicate condition. I therefore feel sorrowful at the prospect of my departure. I blessed her this morning and promised her that everything should be right.

David took me to the train, where I met Bishop H. B. Clawson, who will travel with me. At Ogden I met my sons John Q. and Frank J.

There was nothing unusual occurred this day in our travel.

14 February 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 14th, 1892.

We had a dining car on our train, which traveled with us from Ogden to Omaha. We reached Omaha at 9:15 this evening. We took the Chicago and Northwestern R.R. to Chicago.

15 February 1892 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 15th, 1892.

Reached Chicago at 12 o’clock noon. Took a hack and called at the New York & Erie R.R. Office and secured tickets. Mine was free, as President of Deseret News Co. Brother Clawson’s cost him $5. I called at the Western Union office to get a book of franks; but Colonel Clowry, the Vice Prest., was absent. I saw Mr. Bristol, to whom Brother W. B. Dougall gave me a letter of introduction.

We left Chicago for New York at 1:30.

16 February 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 16th 1892.

We were a number of hours behind today, and did not reach New York till past midnight. We put up at the Hoffman House. We found that Col. Trumbo, who had been here, had left for Washington in the evening.

17 February 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 17th, 1892.

Bishop T. R. Cutler called at our hotel this morning and gave us some particulars about his labors and the movements of other brethren who are here.

I afterwards went down to the North American Exchange, 57 Broadway, which is Brother John W. Young’s office. I met there Brother Junius F. Wells, who is in charge of Brother Young’s business; also Brothers Moses Thatcher, A. E. Hyde and John Beck.

Brothers Thatcher and Cutler and myself met Mr. Oxenard, the beet sugar manufacturer, at the office of the Messrs. Cuttings, and talked over sugar-making operations in Utah. Brother Cutler is here in the interest of the sugar factory, for the purpose of trying to raise a loan on a mortgage.

I afterwards called at the Western National Bank, in company with Bp. Clawson, to see the bank people concerning my stock in the Oregon Short Line which had been sent down for this bank to sell. I introduced myself to the Cashier, Mr. Smith, who introduced me to the President, Mr. Brayton Ives, and the Vice President, Mr. Snyder. These gentlemen treated me with great courtesy, and offered me the use of a desk in their office while I remained, and the liberty also of using their office as a place of meeting my friends whom I might wish to see while in town.

I met Brother Spencer Clawson in the evening, he being here purchasing.

Bp. Clawson and myself went to the Standard theatre to see a piece called “Jane”. The performance was a humorous and very good one.

18 February 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 18th, 1892.

In company with Brother Spencer Clawson, I went into the office of the New York Traders & Importers Bank for the purpose of conversing with them concerning a loan that we wished to obtain for the Brigham Young Trust Co., of which I am President and Spencer Clawson Treasurer. We had conversation with Mr. Townsend, Cashier, and Mr. Perkins, the President. Mr. Perkins saw me at Salt Lake in 1874, and he met President Young at the same time. In speaking of President Young, he expressed a very high opinion of him.

I went with the brethren to Dr. Noyes, who is a most eminent oculist, to have my eyes examined. I have been troubled lately with my eyes running water when I went into the cold—quite a new feature for me. He gave me a thorough examination and appeared to be surprised that I had never used glasses. All that he appeared to find was that my eyelids were congested somewhat. He thought this was partly the cause of the tendency of the eyes to run water, and that using my eyes too much without glasses was perhaps another cause. He gave me directions as to the kind of glasses which I ought to have for use in reading and for looking at a distance, and also a wash for my eyes.

I accompanied Bishop Cutler and Spencer Clawson to see the officers of the New York Guaranty & Indemnity Co. concerning taking the bonds of the Sugar Co.. We met there Mr. Turnbull, one of the officers, and Mr. Packard, President of the Company.

19 February 1892 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 19th, 1892.

Busy during the day calling upon different parties, and as Brother Thatcher intended to leave this evening, he invited me to dine with him and Brother and Sister Hyde, R. K. Thomas and Charles W. Nibley, which I did at the 5th Avenue Hotel.

20 February 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 20th, 1892.

Busy all day as usual visiting various parties.

21 February 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 21st, 1892.

In company with Bishop Clawson and Col. Trumbo, I called at Mr. Popper’s. He explained to me concerning the failure of the sale of the Bullion-Beck mine. His brother-in-law, Mr. Baumgarten, accompanied us to the Metropolitan Art Gallery, where we met Junius F. Wells, Spencer Clawson and John Henry Smith. The latter had come up from Washington, where he had been, in company with Judge Bennett, representing the Republican party of Utah before the committee that had in charge the home rule bill. The collection of pictures in this Gallery is simply magnificent.

In the evening we went to Mr. Carnegie’s Music Hall to hear the Orchestral Society of which Mr. Damrosch is conductor. Col. Trumbo took a lady friend—a Miss Wilson, of California. We had a box in the balcony, and the view from where we sat was very fine. The hall is a very superb one, admirably adapted for the purpose for which it was built.

22 February 1892 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 22nd, 1892.

This is Washington’s Birthday, and a national holiday.

Brother John Henry Smith returned to Washington.

23 February 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 23rd, 1892.

Busy visiting different parties. Brother F. S. Richards called on his way from Washington. He is en route home.

24 February 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feby. 24th, 1892.

General Geo. B. Williams, who is much interested in our affairs, and from whom we have received considerable service, has just returned from Europe. Bishop Clawson and myself met him at the Gilsey House this evening and had an interesting conversation on the situation of affairs.

25 February 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Feby. 25th, 1892.

General Williams called upon us at 9 o’clock this morning, after which I accompanied Col. Trumbo down town. We called on Mr. Francis Hendricks, who is the Collector of the Port of New York, Mr. Phelps, the district attorney, and Mr. Wilson, the assistant district attorney. We also called on Mr. Burras, who is a stock broker. He is a relative of Col. Trumbo’s. We went in on the floor of the Stock Exchange, a privilege that is rarely granted. It was not a very exciting time. There are times, I am told, when it is a babel of discord.

I went over to Brooklyn this afternoon, and called upon my cousin, Williams Qualey. Neither he nor his wife were at home. I had a pleasant interview with their daughter Nellie. William called upon me at the hotel in the evening, and I promised to visit him again.

Col. Trumbo, Bishop Clawson, Mr. Millholland and myself dined together at the Hoffman, and we had a very interesting conversation. Mr. Millholland is one of the officials connected with the Emigration Office in New York. He is disposed to be friendly and has taken the part of our emigrants. He described in a very interesting way the prejudice that he formerly had upon our question, and how he had changed his views, and also what he had since done for us. He is connected with the New York “Tribune”, and said he would be very glad if I would write a column or two for that paper, and he would see that it was published.

26 February 1892 • Friday

Friday, Feby. 26th, 1892.

My old friend, Hon. Lorenzo Crounse, of Nebraska, now Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, was at the 5th Avenue Hotel. I called upon him and had a pleasant interview with him.

27 February 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Feby. 27th, 1892.

Busy visiting around.

28 February 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Feby. 28th, 1892.

I spent the day at Brooklyn, visiting my cousin William Qualey and a cousin of his, Mr. & Mrs. Boyce and family. Mrs. Boyce was a Martin before marriage, and her father and my cousin’s mother were brother and sister. Mr. Boyce lives some distance from Brooklyn, and I was much delighted with his house and surroundings. The view of the Bay from his place is very fine, and I was greatly pleased to see how elegantly their house was <is> furnished. They treat me with the utmost kindness. Mrs. Boyce had two of her sisters there, one of whom (the younger) had just married and was visiting with her husband. They pressed me to come over, leave the hotel and stay there with them. I entertain very kind feelings toward Mr. Boyce; for while I was in the penitentiary he came to Utah, principally for the purpose of seeing me and finding out how I was treated, and called upon me at the penitentiary. I found that from his place I could go to my hotel in about 40 minutes. My cousin William and his son Joseph accompanied me to New York. The ride across the harbor was fine. It being very dark, the lights had a beautiful appearance.

29 February 1892 • Monday

Monday, Feby. 29th, 1892.

I spent considerable time today with Spencer Clawson on Brigham Young Trust Co’s business. Mr. Robinson, of the firm of Claflin & Co, accompanied us and introduced us to different parties.

In the evening I went with the brethren to see the Lion Tamer. Francis Wilson, a very fine actor, was the principal character.

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February 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1892/02-1892