January 1876

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1876

29 January

Effort to dissuade Senator Isaac Christiancy regarding his bill to exclude “all who believe in or practice polygamy from juries where polygamy was being tried”

17 February

“Called upon the Attorney-General [Edwards Pierrepont] and had quite a free talk with him.”

20 February

Gratitude for “delightful seasons of communion with my Father”

25 February

“My contestant, [Robert N.] Baskin, . . . doubtless poisons every man’s mind that he can reach.”

7 March

“Procured maps at Engineer Corps to send to Pres. [Brigham] Young.”

16 April

Gave a “copy of my printed argument” to Peter D. Wigginton, one of the sub-committee “to whom bill for admission of Utah was referred. . . . I said it was a very serious thing to say to a people that they could not have their rights under the Constitution.”

4 May

“Made an argument before the sub. Com. on Territories against the Luttrell bill for regulating elections in Utah.”

4 July

Celebrated the Fourth of July on “the platform at Independence Square”

18 July

“The Lord in His Providence will bring them [our rights] around in his own time and way.”

6 November

Reflections on persecution of Bishop William H. Dame in respect to Mountain Meadows Massacre

9 November

“We were all eager to get a glimpse of the [St. George] temple.”

10 November

Description of the interior of the St. George temple

4 December

Samuel J. Randall, Speaker of the House, denounced “unauthorized and unconstitutional acts of executive officers.”

6 December

“We are on the eve of great events, and it will be most extraordinary to me if we do not have a conflict growing out of these difficulties.”

29 January 1876 • Saturday

I called upon Senator Christiancy to-day and had a long and interesting conversation with him upon his Bill upon the qualifications of jurors in Utah, that is excluding all who believe in or practice polygamy from juries where polygamy was being tried.

I wrote a letter to the President Young under to-morrow’s date and gave him a report of the interview.

30 January 1876 • Sunday

Did not feel well to-day. Attended to Sacrament as usual.

31 January 1876 • Monday

Page of Ca. introduced a most outrageous and malignant resolution asking <requiring> the Judiciary Com. to bring in a bill against Utah. The preamble was very lengthy and bristled with falsehoods from the beginning to the end. (See Cong. Record)

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January 1876, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1870s/1876/01-1876