October 1893

1 October 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, October 1, 1893. A beautiful day. We strolled a little in Golden Gate Park, the first relaxation we have had since being here. At 2:30 p.m. went to Col. Trumbo’s and dined. Gen. Clarkson left for the East at 5 p.m. We accompanied him to Oakland and saw him on the train.

In the evening I called on Mr. John S. Hittell with Brother Clawson. He is an old friend of mine, since 1855, and he had called and left his card. We had an interesting conversation. He is an old journalist and is now writing a book. He has printed but not published the first volume. He has not let the public or the press people see it. He gave me a copy, and also two pamphlets, lectures which he had delivered.

2 October 1893 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 2, 1893. At 10 o’clock went to Judge Estee’s office and went over the Mem. he had prepared for us in relation to the railroad project. A number of points were added. We had intended to leave for home this afternoon at 5 o’clock; but Judge Estee protested against our going, as this Mem. was very important and it could not be properly prepared by that time. The remainder of the day was spent at his office and the office of Col. Trumbo, conversing upon various points connected with the railroad project.

We were taken in a carriage by Col. Chadbourne to his Art glass rooms and shown some beautiful specimens of work. With this process any portrait, landscape or work of art can be copied and the most delicate tints preserved. The inventor is Mr. Mellen, to whom we were introduced. The portraits of Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself have been copied by this process from photographs, but not colored.

3 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1893. At 10 a.m. we were at Judge Estee’s office and again discussed at some length the Mem. which he had prepared. It was finally closed, and two copies were to be made by 3 p.m., when I would again call for them. The following is a copy:-

“PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT made this third day of October, A.D. 1893, between GEORGE Q. CANNON and his associates, not now named, all of Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, the parties of the first part, and J. S. CLARKSON, and his associates, not now named, of the States of Iowa and New York, the parties of the second part.


THAT WHEREAS the party of the first part and the party of the second part have caused to be made a preliminary survey of a line of railroad extending from Salt Lake City in the Territory of Utah, to the Cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, in the State of California,-

AND WHEREAS the parties of the first part have constructed and now have in successful operation, about twenty miles of said railroad commencing at Salt Lake City and extending west on the line of the same,-

AND WHEREAS all of the parties to this agreement are desirous of constructing the whole length of said railroad from Salt Lake City in the Territory of Utah to the shores of the Pacific Ocean in the State of California, thus forming a direct railway communication between Salt Lake City and the navigable waters of the Pacific Ocean,-

AND WHEREAS both parties hereto are desirous of making a preliminary agreement whereby the general outline of what each party is required to do to attain said purposes, is indicated, and which in a general way will also indicate the interest which each of said parties will have in said enterprise.



That the party of the first part and his associates will at their own cost and expense, furnish all labor, do all the grading of the road-bed of said railroad, build all bridges along the line thereof, furnish all railroad ties and lay the main track and all switches and side tracks thereof; and in a word, do all the construction of every kind and character necessary to be done to make said railroad a first-class road for freight and passenger traffic, for the whole length thereof from Salt Lake City in the Territory of Utah, to the Pacific Ocean; and that all and every part of said work shall be done and furnishe finished for a fair and reasonable price, and to be paid for in the bonds and stock of said corporation as hereinafter prescribed.


It is agreed that the party of the second part and his associates will furnish as shall be required, and as the road-bed is graded, all of the steel rails and all fittings of iron or steel belonging thereto and necessary for the construction of a first-class railroad with a single track main line, together with all steel rails for side tracks and turnouts and switches, and all steel or iron frogs and all metal material of every kind and character necessary for the laying and completing of said railway track, side tracks and turnouts, and to fully equip and complete the same for the whole length of said line.

And the said party of the second part and his associates agree to furnish all first-class telegraph wire necessary to construct and maintain a first-class telegraph line along the whole length of said road; it being understood and especially agreed that the party of the second part and his associates shall furnish all metal material of every kind and character necessary for the construction and completion of said railroad, and for the construction and completion of said telegraph line, and also all telegraph supplies, and that these articles shall be furnished as the work progresses and as the same shall be required: and that all of said metal materials of every kind shall be furnished for a fair and reasonable price, and to be paid for in the bonds and stock of said corporation as hereinafter prescribed.


It is agreed that within three months from the date hereof, two corporations shall be formed under the laws of [blank][.] The first of said corporations shall be known as the SALT LAKE AND PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, which shall be incorporated for the building, owning and operating of said proposed railroad. It shall have a capital stock of [blank] million dollars: that such capital stock of said corporation shall be issued on payment therefor, as follows:-

The party of the first part and his associates shall receive, hold, and own fifty-one one hundredths of all of said stock, and the party of the second part and his associates, forty-nine one hundredths of all of the said stock. It being agreed that each of said parties shall furnish the full value, either in work, or material or labor or money for the stock so to be issued and as hereinafter prescribed.

It is further agreed that the party of the first part and his associates shall forever have the first right and privilege, should the work and labor and material supplied by him or them not be sufficient in amount to cover the 51/100 parts of the capital stock thereof, to buy the same and to pay therefor as hereinafter may be agreed upon between the parties, but at a price not exceeding the par value thereof; the true intent being that the party of the first part and his associates, his and their successors or assigns, shall forever hold the full 51/100 of the capital stock of said corporation; and the party of the second part and his associates or assigns 49/100 of the capital stock thereof. It is also intended that the party of the first part and his associates, their successors or assigns, shall have the right to select a majority of the Board of Directors thereof[.]

The other or second corporation to be formed by the parties hereto and their associates, shall be known as the CONSTRUCTION, INVESTMENT AND FINANCE COMPANY, and said company shall be organized within three months from the date hereof, and shall have a capital stock of [blank] million dollars.

Said Company shall be authorized among the purposes for which it is organized, to buy, sell, transfer, convey real or personal property, to make, execute and deliver trust deeds, mortgages and other incumbrances on property, to receive donations, grants, gifts or transfers of real or personal property of evry kind and character, to issue bonds, to borrow and loan money, to receive property in trust, to buy and sell bonds, to construc[t] and contract to build urban and suburban railroads where the same shall be operated either by steam, electricity or other power, to build, lease, operate and carry on eating houses and hotels, to construct, maintain, own or lease wharves or other terminal or depot properties, to condemn or acquire property therefor, to build and navigate steam and other vessels, to build, own, and use dredgers and to do dredging and filling, to make, own and construct bridges and moles for railroad and other purposes, to build, lease and maintain ferries and ferry boats, and to collect tolls thereon, to do a general contracting, purchasing, negotiating and finance business; and in a word, to do and perform all acts necessary to be done and performed for the successful carrying out of the foregoing enterprise.


It is further agreed that each party holding a share of stock in the railroad corporation herein first referred to, shall be entitled to and shall receive upon the terms hereinafter to be stipulated between the parties, and for a valuable consideration a share or an equal number of shares as the case may be, of the capital stock of the said CONSTRUCTION, INVESTMENT AND FINANCE COMPANY, the intent being that the owners of stock in the one Company will be entitled to the same number of shares of the capital stock in the other Company, but in no instance shall the same persons be directors in both corporations.


It is agreed that all payments to be made to the party of the first part and his associates and to the party of the second part and his associates, for the work and labor done or material furnished in the construction of the said railroad, shall be paid for in the following manner, viz:-

By issuing and delivering to each of said parties as such labor and material shall be furnished, the bonds of said corporation issued and delivered in payment at par, accompanied with an equal amount of the stock of the said corporation.


It is further agreed that provision shall be made forever limiting the bonded indebtedness of said road to twenty thousand dollars per mile for each mile of said road which shall have been completed, and that no bonds issued shall bear a greater interest than six per cent per annum, such interest to be payable semi-annually, and said bonds shall be issued to run for the full term of thirty years.


It is further understood that this memorandum is only a preliminary agreement intended to voice the oral interviews heretofore had between the parties hereto, and that neither party to this agreement is to be bound by the terms hereof, unless within ninety days from this date, both parties shall be prepared to enter into and carry out in some substantial form, its general provisions, this agreement at this time being considered optional only.”

I wrote a letter to Mr. J. J. Riser, Centerville, Alameda Co., explaining why I did not call upon him and family, which I had promised himself and wife I would do when I next came to California.

I also wrote a letter to Elder John L. Dalton, who is laboring here as a missionary, and who has called upon me twice, and enclosed five dollars to help him.

At 5 p.m. we crossed to Oakland. Col. Trumbo accompanied us to the ferry boat. The train was a heavy one and the sleeping cars were crowded.

4 October 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1893. We passed through Nevada and suffered but little from the dust. We were, however, about two hours late.

5 October 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 5, 1893. We reached Ogden this morning about two hours and a half behind time. My son Frank met me. Brother F. D. Richards rode with us from Ogden to Salt Lake, which point we reached about 10 o’clock. Brother Wilcken met me at the train and took me to the office, where I met Presidents Woodruff and Smith. I read to them the memorandum that had been drawn up between Gen. Clarkson and myself, and they appeared quite satisfied with it. Brothers Clayton and Clawson were present at this interview.

At 12:30 the First Presidency retired to the Temple, Brother Lorenzo Snow having come up to invite us to join with him and the brethren of the Twelve in partaking of the sacrament, it being fast day and the Twelve having had meetings for one or two days there. We found ten of the Twelve there, the only absentees being Brother George Teasdale, who had not reached from Mexico, and Brother Anthon H. Lund, who is in Europe. I went into this meeting more than usually depressed. I had some of the old feelings of dread that I had had in the days of my trial after the death of President Taylor; but I besought the Lord in my heart to remove them and to give me that joyous and serene feeling which the presence of the Spirit produces. My feelings of depression arose in the first place from finding that money matters were very close, and that we were warned that we must make certain payments. I expect that I had a feeling of elation at coming home from California where I had been so successful, and hearing this news produced a re-action. In the second place I feared that the brethren might take exception to my reticence in regard to the object of my visit to California and might make inquiries which I could not answer; for before going to the meeting I had spoken with Presidents Woodruff and Smith as to how much, in their view, I ought to say respecting the purpose which they had had in view in my going to California, and they had replied that they agreed with me that nothing should be said at the present time about this. But it gave me great happiness to find that the Lord removed that feeling from me as soon as I entered into the meeting, and the brethren manifested such a cordial, kind feeling and did not enquire into the objects of my visit, that I felt greatly relieved. At the request of Presidents Woodruff and Snow, I asked the blessing on the bread and the wine, by kneeling down while the other brethren sat. After partaking of the bread and wine, Brother Snow asked President Woodruff to speak, and he said he had nothing special on his mind; but before we broke up I told the brethren I wanted to say to them that I felt deeply impressed that a brighter and a better day was dawning upon us and that we should emerge from our present financial difficulties without loss of credit or honor and in a better shape than we had been. I said I felt to say this and to prophesy it. I told them I had come into the meeting rather depressed in my feelings; but the Lord had removed that, and I felt to say that much to them for their encouragement, and that we should be cheerful and happy; for I knew that the Lord would deliver us from our financial embarrassments and make us stronger than ever. The brethren seemed to appreciate what I said. We adjourned and then came to the office and attended meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. After this meeting I drove home, and was very happy to find my family all in the enjoyment of good health[.]

6 October 1893 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 6, 1893. At 10 o’clock the Semi-annual Conference of the Church convened in the Tabernacle. There were on the stand President Woodruff and myself of the First Presidency (President Smith had gone to Cottonwood to attend a funeral) and ten of the Twelve. The congregation was smaller than usual. President Woodruff’s health was very poor this morning. He desired me to take the lead of the meeting and requested me, after singing and prayer, to make the opening remarks. I felt very free in doing so, and was followed by President Lorenzo Snow and F. D. Richards, who both spoke very spiritedly. We had a most excellent meeting, and I believe the people generally enjoyed it.

In the afternoon the speakers were Elders H. J. Grant, J. H. Smith, J. W. Taylor and M. W. Merrill.

In the evening, a Priesthood meeting was held, and President Jos. F. Smith, Bishop W. B. Preston, myself and Brother H. J. Grant spoke.

7 October 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 7, 1893. Conference convened again at 10 oclock. Elders F. M. Lyman, Geo. Teasdale and Abraham H. Cannon addressed the congregation.

In the afternoon I read several statistical reports and presented the authorities of the Church; the remainder of the time was occupied by Elders B. Young and M. Thatcher.

8 October 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 8, 1893 I attended the Conference in the Tabernacle at 10 o’clock. President Jos. F. Smith delivered a lengthy and very interesting discourse, at the conclusion of which, Brother R. C. Easton sang “O my Father, thou that dwellest.” I made a few remarks about this hymn, explaining that it had been sung by Brother Easton at every concert that had been given by the Tabernacle choir on their recent trip to Chicago, and showing forth the beautiful ideas expressed in it.

In the afternoon the sacrament was administered. President Woodruff spoke for about 20 minutes, and I occupied the remainder of the time and enjoy[ed] a goodly degree of the Spirit.

There was an overflow meeting held in the Assembly Hall.

I went home feeling quite sick, and I scarcely thought that I would be able to get back to attend the Sunday school meeting; but after drinking some composition tea, I returned and enjoyed the meeting very much. The speakers were Brothers Geo. Goddard, Geo. H. Brimhall, Geo. Reynolds, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant, Geo., Teasdale and myself, and the remarks were brief and to the point. The singing, which was rendered by the Tabernacle choir, was very superior. The house was filled and most excellent order prevailed among the young people. It was a joyous occasion and it is worthy of note that so large an assemblage, numbering from eight to ten thousand people, could be gathered together in one hall in the interest of Sunday schools. It shows how deep a hold the institution of Sunday schools has on the minds of the people.

9 October 1893 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 9, 1893. At 10 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve met with the Presidents of Stakes, the Bishops, the High Councilors, the Patriarchs and some few others in the lecture room of the Church University building. To begin with we held a meeting of the Literary & Scientific Association and adjourned and then Capt. Willard Young, at our request, made a statement to the brethren concerning the Church University, after which I was called upon to offer the dedicatory prayer. I felt quite unwell previous to this; but in praying I was relieved and felt very well during the remainder of the meeting, which lasted four hours, during which a great many valuable instructions were given to the brethren. After the proceedings closed, the brethren were conducted through the University to see the apparatus and view the building.

After returning to the office, we had interviews with a number of brethren concerning matters about which they desired counsel. Among others, Prest. Geo. C. Parkinson of the Oneida Stake sought counsel concerning families leaving that Stake and Cache Valley to settle in Boise Valley. We decided it would be an improper move under present circumstances.

Anthony W. Ivins, with Daniel D. McArthur, consulted us respecting his being nominated for office. Counsel had been given on this point in the meeting of the Presidents of Stakes. I having stated that it was our view that all the brethren holding leading offices in the Priesthood should abstain from active participation in politics, especially as partisans. and should stand in such relationship to the people that they would be arbiters between conflicting parties and pacificators. Their influence would be greatly increased, we thought, by abstaining from office seeking or office holding. President Woodruff expressed the feeling to Brother Ivins that he would rather have him go to the Legislature then [than] somebody that could not <be> controled.

10 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 10, 1893. We had a long and interesting interview this morning with Rev. Hugh Reginald Haweis, whom I met in San Francisco, and with whom I had a lengthy interview there. He had come on here and it had been arranged for him to give a free lecture this evening at 8 o’clock in the Assembly Hall, we bearing his hotel and other expenses here. He is a man of marked intelligence, a graduate of Trinity, Cambridge, and a man who has traveled a great deal. He is quite diminutive in stature, and lame; but a man evidently of fine culture and broadminded in his views. He expressed himself as being deeply interested in our affairs, and also the pleasure that he had in listening to the explanations we gave him.

Brother B. H. Roberts reported to the First Presidency the results of his attempt to get a hearing before the Parliament of Religions at Chicago.

We had a lengthy and interesting interview with Brother Grau, who has recently arrived from Haifa, Palestine, where he has lived for twenty years. He speaks German, and my son Abraham was interpreter. We learned considerable about the situation of affirs [affairs] in Palestine, as Brother Grau is a very intelligent man, and a man who in his manner gives evidence of being energetic and pushing. His reports concerning that country are quite encouraging, and he expressed himself freely that we could form a colony on the Jordan that would be attended with excellent results and would meet with favor, in his opinion, from the Turkish government, provided they were known as Americans and not as Mormon Elders.

My health was not good, and I considered it wise not to attend the lecture of Mr. Haweis, as the weather was stormy, and I instructed my son John Q. to apologize to Mr. Haweis.

11 October 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1893 The First Presidency had an interview this morning with Elders Seymour B. Young, John Morgan and Geo. Reynolds, of the First Seven Presidents of the Seventies, in relation to the unwillingness of some of the presidents of Seventies who were separated from their quorums to resign or to be ordained High Priests. We gave our views upon this question and had some further conversation with them about missionary labor and the kind of men that should be selected for missionary service.

12 October 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 12, 1893 At 10 o’clock we held a meeting of the Sugar Co. and attended to considerable business.

At 2 o’clock we held our usual meeting in the Temple. There were present the First Presidency and eleven of the Twelve. After attending to business, we clothed in our priestly robes.

We had a long interview with Col. Trumbo, and the Presidency called to pay their respects to Mrs. Trumbo.

We had an interview with Mr. Brudget Meakin, an Englishman who has been a resident for many years in Morocco, and a lecturer and correspondent.

13 October 1893 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 13, 1893. At 11 o’clock we had a meeting of Z.C.M.I[.] directors, and at 12:30 we met with Bishop Clawson and Col. Trumbo and had a two hours’ conversation; after which we met with President Lorenzo Snow and the workers in the Temple, and my brother David H. Cannon, who had perceived some differences in their mode of administering endowments in the Temple and had called attention thereto. We gave a patient hearing to him and to the brethren working in the Temple under Brother Snow, and it was decided, upon my suggestion, that we send for Brother Merrill of the Logan Temple and Brother McAllister of the Manti Temple, and that we hold a meeting next Tuesday at 10 o’clock in Salt Lake Temple and go over this matter, so that there shall be harmony in all the operations, and that we shall not be under the necessity of going into details one after another, but that all will learn at one time the proper order as we shall decide upon it.

I took Brother Brigham Young down to my house, where his wife and Sister Amelia Young and Brother Wilcken and his wife Eliza were visiting my wife Carlie.

14 October 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 14, 1893 Dictated my journal and an article for the Juvenile Instructor to Brother Arthur Winter.

Brother C. H. Wilcken and myself went to my farm Westover. I desired to learn concerning my horses and horned stock. Brother Brigham Young and his wife Katie overtook us on the road and accompanied us there.

15 October 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 15, 1893. I went to Ogden to attend conference there this morning, accompanied by my son Abraham. Were met at the station by Brother L. W. Shurtliff and my son Frank. Brother Arthur Winter and myself accompanied Brother Shurtliff to his residence, and Abraham and his wife Sarah went with Frank. It is upwards of two years since I met with the Saints in Ogden. I spoke this morning about 65 minutes. In the afternoon the time was principally occupied by my son Abraham. I followed in remarks of about 20 minutes. The meetings were well attended and a good spirit prevailed. I enjoyed Abraham’s remarks very much.

16 October 1893 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 16, 1893 I called this morning at the house of my brother Angus to pay my respects to my cousin, William Qualey and his wife, who have come on a visit from Brooklyn, accompanied by another cousin, Mrs. Eleanor Creighton, of Cleveland. I invited them to come down to my house and stop with us and arranged for a carriage to take them down. At 2:15 I went with them and a party of relatives and friends to Saltair. I have very few near relatives outside of the Church. These cousins have been very kind to us and our people when we visited Brooklyn, and I desired to show them some attention. William Qualey is a New York pilot, a plain man, but I think a very honest, straightforward and fair man. He is not a man of the ability of his father, my uncle Joseph. He sympathizes very much with us and has felt greatly aroused at the persecutions we have suffered. He is a man of some means.

17 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1893 Attended meeting this morning at the Temple at 10 o’clock with Presidents Woodruff and Smith and President Lorenzo Snow of the Salt Lake Temple, M. W. Merrill of the Logan Temple, J. D. T. McAllister of the Manti Temple, and David H. Cannon of the St. George Temple, also a number of the workers in the Salt Lake Temple. Brother McAllister and my brother David explained in detail their manner of administering certain parts in the endowments, which Brother Merrill said was the manner in which they were administered at Logan. There were a great many things came up for consideration, occupying two or three hours, and I think great benefit will result from our meeting.

After this I went to the B.B.& C. Co’s office and met with the board there.

Had an interview with Brother Macdonald concerning the Garcia brothers land, which is contiguous to our settlements on the south. He is their agent, having a power of attorney to act for them. The terms on which they offer the land are very liberal.

I spent a very interesting evening at my wife Carlie’s with my relatives. My brother David was present.

18 October 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1893 Had a long conversation with Brother Wm. W. Cluff concerning business we have entrusted to him, also Brother N. W. Clayton concerning the railroad. Brother H. B. Clawson brought us a dispatch which he had received from Col. Trumbo at Chicago concerning the steps they were taking to prevent the prosecution of cases which had been reported to us that Judge Judd intended to bring before the courts—five in number, viz., Jos. F. Smith, Heber J. Grant, Abraham H. Cannon, H. B. Clawson and myself. Dictated a letter to Hon. J. Sterling Morton concerning this subject.

Upon invitation of Brother Wilcken I went to his house to celebrate the second anniversary of the birth of our grandson, the child of his daughter May and my son Hugh. My wife Sarah Jane was invited also, and there were present Brother Brigham Young and his wife Lizzie, my brother Angus and his wife Amanda, my brother David, and my cousins, Mrs. Creighton and Mr. Quayle and wife. We passed a very pleasant evening.

19 October 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 19, 1893. The First Presidency had an interview with Bishop Preston in relation to fast offerings and listened to a circular letter which he had prepared to send to the various stakes upon this subject.

Afterwards the First Presidency conversed upon the subject of sending someone to represent us educationally at the Mid-winter Fair at San Francisco, an oportunity having been presented to us by Alexander Badlam, Esq., Secretary of the Fair. We thought Brother Karl G. Maeser would be a suitable person for this purpose.

At 2 p.m. the First Presidency and President Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale and A.H. Cannon (Brother Geo. F. Gibbs, secretary) met in the Temple, clothed and offered prayer. Brother Young was mouth in the opening prayer and I in the circle. The question of our reorganizing prayer circles was brought up, and it was decided, on my motion, that the members of the Twelve who felt like doing so take steps to organize circles, each member presiding over one circle, and that they be held in this Temple. It is understood that the brethren forming the prayer circles have their names submitted to the First Presidency.

$40,000 was appropriated to the General Board of Education.

I was invited to dine at Mina Cannon’s, the wife of my son Abraham, and all our relatives were invited also. There was quite a large number present, among them my sister Mary Alice and my two brothers.

20 October 1893 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 20, 1893 The First Presidency had conversation this morning with Brothers N. W. Clayton and James Jack on the situation of the Saltair Beach Co.

In the forenoon the following named brethren met with the Presidency: Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo. Teasdale, A. H. Cannon. Bishop Clawson was also present. The case of Sister Mulhall, whose husband had died out of the Church, was presented by President Snow to us for consideration. She seems determined to be sealed to her deceased husband, if we will grant the privilege. She evidently has a strong affection for him and confidence that he will embrace the Gospel when he has an opportunity. After consideration, it was decided that she should have that privilege.

The following dispatch has been received from Col. Trumbo:

“Mr. Olney’s (the Attorney General) decision is that transgressors of the Edmunds law will on reliable evidence be prosecuted. Your friends presented every point possible, setting forth false evidence, persecution, the nature of rulings which have been characteristic of the past. This was all granted, but denies that it will become persecution. The government will administer justice only. Your friends hope to avert this crisis, but your people must have nothing whatever to do with plural families. They must keep away from their houses and hold neither public nor private intercourse with them, because this man is afraid. Leaders are all watched.”

After the reading of this dispatch, the best plan of reaching this was canvassed, and it was decided by the Council that the First Presidency should do whatever they thought best under the circumstances to break the force of this attack.

We then had explained to the brethren the power of attorney which had been given to Brother Macdonald concerning three zones, comprising the district called Guerrero, which lies immediately south of our possessions. The Garcia brothers are the owners of this tract, and they with their wives have signed a document that bestows upon Alexander F. Macdonald the most extraordinary power, giving him the right to do everything that he chooses for them, with very few restrictions. Brother Macdonald thinks that this would be a good country for our people to settle in and suggests that the Papagos, some 1200 of whom are in the Church now residing in Southern Arizona, be gradually transported there and obtain all the benefits arising from colonization, which amounts to from 50 to 75 acres of land for every person over 12 years of age. We explained this at some length to the brethren, and then sent for Brother Macdonald, who made further explanations, and a committee was appointed to represent the First Presidency in examining this tract of land and ascertain whether it would be suitable or not. The committee is Brigham Young, Moses Thatcher. Geo. Teasdale, A. F. Macdonald and Henry Eyring. The Mexican Colonization Co. had had a meeting the previous evening and they reported to us at this meeting that the government had decided that it would not be consistent with the laws of Mexico to withhold the title of the land from the colonists. This, of course, prevents the carrying out of other ideas respecting the manner in which our lands in Mexico should be held to prevent the evils with which we have been afflicted in this country by people selling their inheritances and admitting a wicked element into our midst to establish liquor saloons, gambling houses or other places of evil resort.

My wife Martha is very seriously sick with typhoid fever, complicated with pneumonia. Brothers Brigham Young and C. H. Wilcken were invited by me to administer to her, and Brother Wilcken expressed himself to the effect that I ought to have a doctor. Some of my own family have been of this opinion also; but I cannot do so and maintain my feeling of self-respect and consistency; for I have been speaking considerably of late against the practice which many of the saints have fallen into of sending for doctors when anything ails their children or themselves. I feel to trust in the Lord in this, and this is the feeling of my wife also. We are nursing her and taking as great care of her as we can.

21 October 1893 • Saturday

Saturday. Oct. 21, 1893.

I came to the office and attended to some business and left early in the afternoon.

22 October 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 22, 1893 Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. My cousins went also. I called upon Brother Geo. Teasdale to speak; he occupied about 50 minutes, and I followed for about 30 minutes. I felt considerable freedom.

After meeting I went down with my wife Carlie to Sister Sarah Maria Cannon’s, the wife of my brother Angus, where my cousins and myself had been invited to take dinner. We spent a very pleasant evening together.

23 October 1893 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 23, 1893 My brother Angus had arranged for my cousins to go on a visit to the sugar factory and spend the remainder of the day in Utah county and the night at American Fork mills, which Brother Robinson and I own; then they were to proceed on Tuesday to the Bullion-Beck mine and examine it.

President Woodruff at the office. President Jos. F. Smith had gone to attend conference in the Oneida Stake and had not returned.

Brother James S. Brown came to the office and spent considerable time in explaining the situation of affairs on the Friendly Islands and reading correspondence which he had received from the elders there.

My wife being sick and I not feeling very well today I left for home early this afternoon and requested Brother Brigham Young to go down with me and administer to my wife.

I spent the afternoon in dividing my crop of apples among the different branches of my family.

24 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1893 A letter from Brother F. S. Richards, containing a copy of the resolution introduced by Mr. Rawlins for the return of the personal property of the Church, with the amendments added to it in the Senate, was read. We learn from the papers that the resolution as amended has passed the Senate and awaits the signature of the President. This will bring us great relief in the midst of our financial embarrassments.

President Jos. F. Smith and Brother F. M. Lyman returned from the Oneida Stake conference and gave an interesting account of their meetings. They stated that among other speakers, Governor McConnell of the State of Idaho addressed the conference on Sunday afternoon for over an hour and was listened to with great interest.

The widow of Brigham T. Young (son of Joseph A. Young) and a daughter of the late Geo. Peacock, of Manti, called to set forth a claim that she felt she had on the Church for the entry and deeding by B. T. Young of two pieces of land now owned by the Temple Association at Manti. She had an interview with Brother L. John Nuttall, who reported to the First Presidency her feelings. We felt that something should be done to meet her request, as it appeared evident that there was an understanding on the part of President Young that his grandson, when he entered the land, should receive compensation for doing so.

25 October 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 25th, 1893. President Woodruff and myself had an interview with Bishop R. T. Burton this morning in which considerable conversation was had in regard to the financial situation. I took the liberty to remark to the Bishop that it seemed to me proper that the presiding bishops should take into consideration the erection of elevators in which to store grain for the people, so that they might save it, that when the day of scarcity should come—whether soon or late—that we might have breadstuffs on hand; for undoubtedly the word of the Lord will be fulfilled in relation to famines, and our people ought to be trained in the habit of saving grain. As it is now it is difficult for private individuals to erect anything in which grain can be kept and have it free from weavels and mice, or in such a position that it cannot be stolen. I said it seemed to me to be the province of the Bishopric much more so than some things in which they are now engaged. In making this remark I referred to the fact that the presiding Bishopric is handling the funds of the church in a way that is without precedent in the church. The functions of the Trustee in trust have now fallen to the Bishop to perform which I think quite out of place. But I am waiting patiently for the Lord to move on President Woodruff, as I feel that he will do in the right time to have this corrected. Bishop Burton agreed with me in regard to the suggestion concerning elevators.

We had a conversation also concerning the books and records of the church which have been taken away from the Historian’s Office and stored for safe keeping to prevent the receiver from getting them. We felt that the time had now come when they should be restored to the places where they were formerly kept, as the danger of their seizure which we apprehended has now past for the present at least.

We received word to-day that the President of the United States signed, to-day, the Resolution restoring our personal property.

We have felt strongly impressed to suggest to Presidents of Stakes and their counselors, and to Bishops and their counselors, that they should keep out of politics and not suffer themselves to be put forward as candidates for office; as, to do this would have the effect to injure their influence and prevent them accomplishing the good which their ecclesiastical position entitles them to among the people. But before this counsel could reach many of them some had been nominated, among others Brother Alma Eldridge, counselor to President Wm. W. Cluff, of the Summit Stake, and later Brother Cluff himself, the former as the Republican candidate for the Legislature, and the latter as the Democratic nominee for the same Legislative district. The Democrats nominated Brother Cluff despite his protestations to the effect that he would not accept the office, as he could not serve. And now the question arises, what shall be done in these two cases? I reported the situation to Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and after deliberation we concluded in those cases that they had better remain as candidates. One great reason for this is, that a great many new, inexperienced men have been nominated, and the prospect is we shall have a weak legislature. Brother Cluff, who is likely to be elected from his council district, is a man of ripe experience in the Legislature and his presence there will be of benefit to the Territory. In consenting, however, that they shall run, we told Brother Cluff, who came in shortly after we had considered this question, that he and Brother Eldridge must refrain from stumping, at least in their own stake; and Brother Cluff promised to communicate our counsel to Brother Eldridge.

The question was raised by Brother Arthur Winter, which of the discourses delivered at Conference he should transcribe. We left it undecided in order to talk with the brethren in council tomorrow on the subject.

I wrote a letter to Mr. Henry Wadsworth, Wells Fargo & Co’s Cashier at San Francisco, concerning a loan of $25,000 which was due last September. This note was for money which the Presidency borrowed to assist the Sugar Company, and which was endorsed by a great many of our leading citizens. I enclosed in the letter a communication from the Sugar Company upon the subject of the loan, stating when they would be able to meet it. An extension until the first of January was asked for.

26 October 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, October 26th, 1893 The First Presidency at the office this morning attending to various items of business.

2 o’clock the First Presidency, and Elders Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, and A. H. Cannon (Geo. F. Gibbs Secretary) met in the Temple. The Presidency and Twelve clothed and offered prayer. Brother Lyman was mouth in opening, and President Smith was spokesman at the altar.

It was decided that Brother Arthur Winter should transcribe the sermons of the brethren who spoke at Conference, and that each should decide for himself whether his remarks should be published or not.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Elder F. M. Lyman and myself are to attend Conference in Logan on Sunday and Monday.

I requested Brother W. C. Spence to arrange for a special engine and private car to take us to Logan; but the U.P. being in the hands of a receiver, it involved considerable trouble to get the engine, but he succeeded in obtaining Brother James Sharp’s private car for us.

I went to Brother John T. Caine’s and ate supper and spent the evening there in company with my relatives and my wife Sarah Jane. My relatives had shown Brother Caine attentions in Cleveland, and this was to reciprocate.

27 October 1893 • Friday

Friday, October 27th, 1893 I can discover a slight improvement in my wife Martha’s health; am doing all in my power for her, administering myself when at home at least twice a day, and getting some of the brethren also. She has not been at all delirious during the attack.

The First Presidency had a call from Brother David Eccles and H. S. Young in relation to money due to them on their contract for building the pavilion on Saltair Beach. The cost far exceeded the contract price, and they wished that considered. They were quite pressed for money. After they were here for some time I told Brother Eccles our motives in endeavoring to keep this Beach property. I explained to him that the brethren could sell out at an advance. Already there had been an offer of a considerable sum; for the salt works; but pressed as we are for money this offer had been declined. We could sell the salt works, the Railway, and the Beach property without doubt for a good price; but we, as the First Presidency, felt that the time had come for us to endeavor to retain properties of this kind in our own hands and not sell out everything to the Gentiles. They would make us bondmen if we pursued this policy. We felt as leaders of the people that the time had come for us to endeavor to have our people sustain enterprises of our own and retain them in our own hands, and not be tempted to sell by big offers. Brother Eccles and Brother Young were both softened very much by my remarks, as it brought to their recollection our former statements with additional points that I advanced.

Bishop John R. Winder was married in the Temple to-day to Sister Burnham of New Mexico. She is a young woman of twenty four years of age. Brother Winder is a widower and I suppose is about fifty years older than she. But it seems to be a love match, she admires him very much, and he appears to be very much attached to her. The First Presidency, with a wife each, were invited to Brother Winder’s house at six o’clock this evening; to avoid anything that might be construed into a violation of the law I sent my wife ahead in a separate vehicle, and drove down myself. There were present, besides the First Presidency, President Snow, and the bride’s grandmother Sister Burnham, and her aunt Sister Mary Freeze, and Brother James P. Freeze, also Brother Seymour B. Young, who is connected with the bride by marriage. The other folks were Brother Winder’s own family. We spent a very pleasant evening.

28 October 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, October 28th, 1893. Brother John Beck desired an interview with me, and we had a long talk over his situation. President Jos. F. Smith was in the room at the time, also Brother George F. Gibbs. Bro. Beck’s condition is in many of its aspects a very sad one. His ruin seems impending. I felt great sympathy for him, though he has wronged me very seriously in the past; but he is exceedingly humble now, and would like to have my good will and friendship. He described many things quite painful connected with the treatment he had received from Brother A. E. Hyde. He informed me that to obtain the influence of Brothers Thatcher, Preston, Hyde, and Richard W. Taylor he had given them $3,000 apiece, for which he was now paying interest, besides paying them the interest on the money which they had loaned him. It was painful to listen to his statement about the manner in which he had been treated; and I could not help but remember my own predictions as to the fate which would befall him. He is like a squeezed orange at the present time without juice, and therefore easily dispensed with by those who heretofore flattered him.

My wife Eliza had invited my visiting kindred to dine with her at her house and I went there and ate dinner with them. I was greatly pleased at the manner in which Eliza arranged for the dinner and her apartments. I have not been able to visit her only in cases of sickness for some time, and therefore did not know how well she could set off her table and her apartments.

I did not stay till the meal was through, as I had to reach the train by 8 O’clock. My son Joseph drove me. We went to bed in the car that had been furnished by Brother James Sharp, and we reached Logan after midnight and remained in the car till morning.

29 October 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 29, 1893 Brother Moses Thatcher sent his team down to the train for President Woodruff and myself, and President Orson Smith came down to carry the rest of the brethren up. Brother Brigham Young came down with Brother Smith, he having reached Logan last evening. We found Brother Thatcher’s health somewhat improved. We breakfasted and then repaired to the meeting. The house was pretty well filled. President Woodruff called upon me to speak, and I occupied 65 minutes and felt considerable freedom. I was followed by Brother Brigham Young.

In the afternoon President Woodruff spoke half an hour and was followed by President Jos. F. Smith, who spoke a little over an hour. The house was very much crowded, so much so that an overflow meeting was held in the basement, which Brother Brigham Young, C. H. Wilcken and other brethren attended. In the evening there was a meeting of the Priesthood, to which all the saints were invited. President Woodruff, myself and Brother Lyman were the speakers.

President Woodruff and myself remained at Brother Thatcher’s.

30 October 1893 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 30, 1893 The Logan Tabernacle was well filled this morning. President Woodruff spoke and I followed. In the afternoon, Brothers M. Thatcher, M. W. Merrill, Jos. F. Smith and myself were the speakers.

After meeting I went to Brother Thatcher’s and took dinner, and then Brother Wilcken and myself rode with a son of Brother Samuel Smith’s of Brigham City to Smithfield, where we held meeting at 6:30 in the evening. President Woodruff divided the time between four of us—himself, Brother Jos. F. Smith, Brother Lyman and myself. There was a good congregation.

From the meeting we went down to the car and went to bed.

31 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1893 We reached Salt Lake City at 10 o’clock and I was met by my son Willard, who told me that his mother was worse. I went down home immediately and found her quite low; but after administering to her, she revived and felt much improved. I have had several elders go down today and administer to her, and in the evening I found her considerably better. My wife Carlie, however, is still suffering from quinsey. She has not been able to sleep for several nights, and she can scarcely breathe and has to set up most of the time.

I went to the office a little after 11 and attended to various matters of business.

At 2 o’clock, in response to an invitation, the First Presidency went down to the Temple to partake of dinner furnished by Bishop John R. Winder to the Temple workers on account of his marriage. The company was very select and the dinner was a remarkably good one. Before partaking of it, however, President Snow called upon President Woodruff, myself and President Smith to speak, which we did. Everybody felt to congratulate Brother Winder and his bride on their union.

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October 1893, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1893/10-1893