September 1883

1 September 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, September 1st 1883. At the Office. A deputation of Navajoes had an interview with us. They had come for the purpose of expressing their friendship and getting some presents. They were accompanied by Bro. G. W. Hill an Indian interpreter, but who does not understand their language.

Bro. Thomas Taylor returned from the south where he had been taking preliminary steps for the manufacture of iron and reports everything favorable. At 3 p.m. Prest. Taylor and daughter (Ida) and neice (Miss Scharts) L. John Nuttall, John Irvine and myself started for Provo to meet with the saints in Conference tomorrow. My wife Eliza and two sons were also on the way to Payson where they intend to spend a few days in visiting her sister.

We had a Priesthood meeting this evening. Prest. Taylor and myself spoke to the Assembled Elders. I put up with Sister Hester Bebee my mother-in-law.

2 September 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Sep 2, 1883. Had two delightful meeting[s] with the saints today, at 10 and 1.30. After attending to some business in the forenoon, I occupied the remainder of the time, and had a good flow of the spirit, though the meeting has been excessively crowded and the heat almost overpowering. The afternoon was occupied by Prest. Taylor who gave excellent instruction to the saints. We were detained this afternoon one hour and forty minutes waiting for the train, and reached home at 8 oclock instead of 6 oclock.

3 September 1883 • Monday

Monday Sep 3, 1883. I remained in the City all night. Was driven down home early this morning by my brother Angus. Bro. Sanders commenced keeping school again for me in my school house, my children being his pupils.

At the Office. Attended to various business. Dictated journal to Bro. Irvine. Heard further report from Bro. Thomas Taylor and Bro. Robertson who is employed to build the furnace and superintend the works concerning the prospects for making iron at Iron City. They made a very favorable report.

Sister Bell Harris has been released from her long imprisonment in the penitentiary to which she was consigned on the charge of contempt by Judge Twiss. She has exhibited the qualities of a heroine, and her conduct has called forth great admiration. I was a little surprised at her appearance. She is a very young, lady-like, graceful woman of mild manners, a sensitive face, and eye I should think from the play of her face that she has been a petted child. But underneath this there must be considerable good metal, or she could not have endured what she has. I felt to bless her for her courageous course.

4 September 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sep 4, 1883. In company with Bro. Joseph F. Smith I called to see the crayon drawings of Bro. Armitage – one “the Light of the World”; another “the Crucifixion of the Savior” and the third a cartoon representing scenes alluded to in the revelations of the Apostle John. I admired them very much though they <were> allegorical and imaginative in many particulars. Still he is evidently an artist of great skill. The features of many of the figures were beautiful. He proposes to make a cartoon representing baptism for the dead.

We afterwards called upon Lorenzo M. Richards at the house of his father-in-law Bro. George Dunford. He has been nine weeks confined to his bed, for seven of which the doctors were entirely ignorant of his ailment, but then discovered that he had broken his thigh. He is in a very low condition. In company with the Presidency of the Weber Stake and Jos. A. West, my nephew (who has just returned from a mission to Europe), we administered to him, his father (Bro. F. D. Richards) and mother being present, Bro. Richards joining in the administration. At 3 oclock Prests. Taylor, Smith and myself, Bro. Wm Jennings, the Mayor of the City, Thomas W. Ellerbeck and James Jack, officers of the Gas Co. went up the canyõn to examine the building being erected for the generating of electrical power. We examined the foundation and then proceeded up the Creek to the head of the race and then walked down the race to the point of the mountain where it is intended for the water to descend to the building. The object in visiting this was to have the Mayor and Gas Co. officers examine it with a view to having it incorporated with the Gas Co. in which the Church and the City both have interests.

5 September 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Sep 5, 1883. On my arrival this morning at the Office I was informed that Prest. Taylor had gone to the Temple block, and that he wished me to join him there. I found himself and Bro Jos. F. Smith in conversation with Archetect T. O. Angel. The question under discussion was: Shall we proceed to get out at the present time the lumber for the Temple and put the roof on before the towers are raised? It was decided better to work on the towers and get them, if not completed, at least nearly so before any attempt was made to put on the roof, as it was felt that the roof being on would interfere with hoisting of the stone, and further that the sun would warp the timbers. We deferred the consideration of the kind of frame work that we should have for the roof for the present. After this we went through the carpenters shop, and through the stone cutters sheds paying our respects to all the employees. Upon my return to the Office, instead of eating dinner I devoted the time I had to spare between that and the meeting of the Council to dictating to Bro. Irvine “Topics of the Times” and “Editorial Thoughts” for the Juvenile Instructor. At 2 p.m. met in Council.

My wife Eliza and little sons returned from a visit to Payson. I took her and Read down in my buggy and my brother Angus our son William.

The lightening was most vivid last night, presenting one of the grandest displays of heavenly polytechnics that I ever saw in this country. There was considerable thunder afterwards, and down at my place a very sharp fall of rain. I returned with my brother Angus to the city and stayed all night.

6 September 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Sep 6, 1883. At the office. Variously engaged. Had conversation with Prest. Taylor respecting the Beck matter, and also the Iron Works. I forgot to mention that on Tuesday last my aunt, Mrs Eleanor May, called upon me at the Office evidently in trouble. She had been living with my sister, but she is so excentric and flighty and not content to stay there she had gone we knew not where. She told me that she lived with a Sister Evans, and was short of funds. I told her she was welcome to the amount that I had heretofore sent her to England, £40, English, or about $200 per annum in our money; that I did not want her to work nor to go short, and that anything I could do for her should be done with pleasure. She was profuse in her expressions of gratitude to me for my kindness. I told her that she was my oldest living relative, and that I would take pleasure in doing all I could for her just as if she were my own mother.

Dictated my journal to Bro. Irvine.

7 September 1883 • Friday

Friday Sep 7, 1883. My brother Angus rode down with me last night and stayed with me all night. The wind was very violent during the night.

At 10 oclock this morning had a meeting of the Iron Manufacturing Co. in the Presidents Office where we attended to a great deal of business. The position of affairs I think is somewhat satisfactory and we feel encouraged.

–I have received two telegrams from General W. H. Mills advising me as to the time he would arrive at Ogden. I could not understand them as I had not received any explanation from him; but this afternoon a letter from him explaining what these meant. He was on his way from San Francisco to Ogden with Sir Sidney Waterlow, (a member of the British parliament and a prominent financial man) and party, and wished to have conversation with me at Ogden if I could spare the time and come up.

8 September 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, Sep 8, 1883. I started for Ogden at 5.40 this morning having come up last night from my home to the city so that I could get an early start. The Central Pacific brought General Mills in the Directors Car. We met and he explained to me the objects of his wishing to see me. It is his intention, as the agent of the Central Pacific, to dispose of 60 to 80 thousand acres of land, the most of which is in the occupancy at the present time of our people. He would like me to take hold of this for the company and to dispose of it for them to our people on such terms as will be suitable. In this way the Central Pacific Co. would be saved the necessity of establishing a land office here with all its machinery and expense. He thought our people could do this much more conveniently than they could do so. In addition there were four tracts of land also that he thought we might stock with cattle and be able to sell to capitalists as would suit us or to some of our own people on terms that would be very satisfactory. They were the Promintory, Haslets, Blue Creek and Curlew. He was not prepared, however, to talk with any degree of definiteness about this. He merely wished to have this <preliminary> conversation, and thought that perhaps Sir Sidney Waterlow might wish to buy some of their lands as there was quite a desire among English capitalists to invest in lands for grazing purposes. I stopped and lunched with him in his car, and then returned by the Denver & Rio Grand R. R. to the City.

My brother Angus took me down home this evening.

9 September 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 9, 1883. My daughter Mary Alice and myself were driven up to the station by my son Angus for the 7.15 train. My son Abraham also accompanied us from town. We were met at Farmington by Bros. J W. Hess and Ezra T. Clark. Bro. Woodruff was stopping at Bro. Clarks he having come up yesterday. We were driven to Bro. Hess’. The conference was held in a grove. The attendance yesterday was small, but today was quite large. I occupied the forenoon. Bro. Woodruff added a few remarks when I got through. The afternoon was occupied by my son Abraham and Bro. Woodruff, and the presentation of the Authorities and the Sacrament. Besides myself and daughter, Bro Woodruff, Prest. Smith and his counselor, Bro. Call, with their wives dined at Bro. Hess’, who is first Counselor to Prest W. R. Smith. After the meeting we were taken down to Bro. Clarks near the station, and took train to the City a little after 7 oclock. My son Angus met us and took us down home.

10 September 1883 • Monday

Monday Sep 10, 1883. Busy all forenoon arranging for my work. My hands do not manage well, and the labor of getting the ensilage drags for the want of proper plans. I made a new arrangement of assigning each one his work, which I think will forward the labor. If I had the time myself to dictate the labor I could save considerable, but as it is I have to let my own work go.

Mr & Mrs Thorn called upon me today at the office, and expressed pleasure at meeting me. They had been to California and the Sandwich Islands and were now returning. I had known him in Washington.

Rode down home and drove back in the carriage with my wives Sarah Jane & Eliza, and Mary Alice and Emily, and the rest of my family came up in a buggy to attend an exhibition of Bro. Stephens’ class in the Assembly Hall. Ten of my children are members of his class. The Hall was crowded and the exhibition was very interesting. There was some good singing by Miss Agnes Olsen and Miss Nellie Druce.

11 September 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Sep 11, 1883. I see the good results this morning of my arrangement of the plan of labor in getting ensilage. It is likely to be much more expeditiously done than heretofore. Working in the silo with my son Angus leveling the ensilage.

After I came up this morning, Prest. Taylor and myself listened to Bro. George Reynolds read the minutes of the meeting respecting the School of the Prophets.

I afterwards read a discourse, delivered at Paris, preparatory to printing.

On a division of the shares of the Iron Manufacturing Co. today, President Taylor and myself each assigned 125 shares to Bro. Jos. F. Smith. Bro. Thomas Taylor gave him 250 shares.

Had a call from Mr Farnham of the Lake Erie road who resides in Chicago.

Administered to Lorenzo M. Richards, son of F. D. Richards, who is in a very low condition his thigh having been broken. There were present besides myself Prest. Jos. F. Smith, Prest W. Woodruff, H. J. Grant, D. H. Wells, Jos. A West, F. S. Richards, Charles C. Richards, and Bro. F. D. Richards. Bro. H. J. Grant anointed him, and I was mouth. We all felt that nothing but the power of God could save him, but we felt hopeful in administering.

Today is the anniversary of my wife Sarah Jane’s birthday. She was born in 1839. My Brother Angus’ wives Mamby and Clara and some of their children took supper with us, also my son Abraham and his wife Mina.

After supper Abraham drove me to town and attended the lecture of Henry Ward Beecher. His subject was “The Moral uses of Riches, Luxury & Beauty.” I only heard him for about half an hour as we were late in reaching the theater. His style is conversational with occasional outbursts when he wishes to impress his hearers with some thought or desires to make a point. The audience was a large one and paid close attention to him occasionally breaking out into applause. After his lecture President Taylor and myself were taken by Bro. David Mackenzie back to the Green room and introduced to him

12 September 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Septr 12, 1883. At the Office. Bro. Card, Superintendent of the Logan Temple, laid before us the plan of seating the upper hall of that structure, which we considered and decided upon the character of the seats.

We had a conversation with a committee of brethren from Provo respecting a theater which they are building there. Bro. H. H. Cluff is the president. He and Bishop Johnson and Bro. John C. Graham represented the condition of the company to us and desired the Church to take some stock in the building. Prest. Taylor agreed to take $2500 worth of stock. We had a long conversation with Bro. John Beck respecting his labors, and jointly advanced $2000 to him.

Attended meeting at the Endowment House. Prest. Taylor was not present owing to an attack of vertigo. I appointed a meeting for tomorrow morning at 10 oclock at his office to consider some business items.

13 September 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Sep 13, 1883. We spent the morning in Council attending to various items of business. Among them was the helping of the Indians at Washakee who had sustained a loss of $5000 through a fire which had burned their grain.

The Saints of the Sandwich Islands were very anxious to have me come down and attend their conference and dedicate their new meeting house which they have just completed. It is expected the King and Queen of the Islands will be present at the dedication; but it was decided I could not be spared.

14 September 1883 • Friday

Friday Sep 14, 1883. At the Office. Bro F. S. Richards had been selected some short time ago to go to the States for the purpose of securing the services of some eminent Counsel to fill the place of the late Judge J. S. Black. He and his father came up to the Office today to talk the subject over. He was quite emphatic in declining to go alone, and in suggesting that I should go, for with my acquaintance with public men of such character he thought I was much better suited than he for this task. After considerable conversation the motion was made that I should go down in company with him after the Conference for this purpose, and in the meantime that I should write to Washington to get some attorney to watch the case of Kimball v. Richards which might up in October.

15 September 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Sep 15, 1883. At the Office all day attending to various matters of business.

16 September 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Sep 16, 1883. After my children returned from Sunday School had some conversation with them respecting their conduct and interrogated them all respecting their secret lives.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Prest. Taylor was not present. I called on Bros. Brigham and John W. Young and Bro. Woodruff to speak. The[y] occupied the afternoon.

In the evening Bro. Clawson came down to my sister-in-laws for me and took me to the Twel[f]th Ward School house, the ward over which he presides as Bishop, and we had a most interesting meeting, the subject being that of Sunday Schools. The speakers were: John Alfred, Richard S. Horn, T. E. Taylor, John C. Cutler, William Willis, George Goddard, Supt. Williams of the 12th Ward and myself. The meeting commenced at 20 minutes to 7 oclock, and closed at 20 minutes past 8 oclock. Besides the speeches Bros Goddard & Willis sang three songs between the speeches. The meeting was a very interesting one, and appeared to be enjoyed by the audience which filled the hall.

17 September 1883 • Monday

Monday Septr 17, 1883. At the office.

18 September 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Sep 18, 1883. Had an appointment with F. S. Richards to call upon Judge Harkness to converse over the case before the Supreme Court in Washington, but found he was absent from the City.

I had a conversation with Sheeks & Rawlins respecting the demand of Mrs Cobb, one of President Young’s wives, for an increased allowance. She asked for $75 per month, and if this were not granted it is her intention to ask the court to give her $100 — per month. Our attornies decided that if her case was an exceptional one and she required more in our judgment to sustain her than the others, we had the right to make her that additional allowance; but he appeared to think it would be much better to do so than to go before the Court and petition for an increase, as the Court might be quite willing to grant any one who might apply and consume the entire fund which we had to depend upon for the support of the wives. They remarked that if the heirs were wise they had much rather leave this matter to the discretion of discre[e]t Trustees, such as we were, than to ask the Court to have an additional allowance granted. Afterwards Bro. Brigham Young, Bro. A Carrington and myself had an interview with her, and requested her to give us an itemized account of her expenditure and what she needed in addition, so that we could form a judgment as to whether she really stood in need of an increase.

In the afternoon my wife Eliza and myself attended a supper at one of the residences of Bro. B. Young – the residence of his wife Sister Jane Carrington Young. It was the design to have the house dedicated, and I was requested to be mouth in prayer; after which we sat down to a fine supper. Prest. Taylor and wife, Bro. Carrington and wife, Bro. John W. Young & wife, & Heber J Grant were present. After supper Prest. Taylor and myself paid a visit to Bishop Hunter who has been confined to the house for two or three days with a violent attack of bowel complaint.

19 September 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Sep 19, 1883. At the Office. Called in Company with Bro. F. S. Richards upon Judge Harkness and Arthur Brown, Attornies.

At 2 oclock met with the brethren in the Endowment House. Afterwards we adjourned to the Tabernacle to take into consideration the change which Bro. Henry Grow proposed to make in the seating of the authorities and of the choir. It was decided to make the change as he suggested. I ate supper with my daughter-in-law at her mothers’, Sister Emiline Wells. Prest Wells was present, and after supper an English lady by the name of Milne joined us. We had a very interesting evening. I tied my buggy outside and had a package of sugar (25 lbs) and a linen cloth stolen from it. Was up most of the night arranging for the departure of the most of my family on a trip for a day or two to Mountain Dell. The children were all excitement over it and could not sleep. I succeeded in getting them started by half past 3 oclock on the morning of

20 September 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, Sep 20, 1883. At the Office. Dictated “Editorial Thoughts” and “Topics of the Times” to Bro. John Irvine, also my journal.

In the evening went and viewed the panorama painted by Bro. C. C. Christensen of Fort Ephraim. It consistes of scenes from the history of the Church, and possessed some meritorious features.

President Taylor and myself had an interview with Lieut. Willard Young of the Corps of Engineers of U. S. A, and a son of President Young, upon the subject of establishing a school in the city to bear his fathers name. He proposed to buy a piece of land now belonging to the Church adjoining to the Lion House for the purpose of erecting the school, and the only condition that he would ask in connection with the purchase was, that the school should be called after his fathers name. One of his objects in endeavoring to purchase this land next [to] the Lion House was that when the Lion House should be sold it would make an excellent dormitory for the school.

21 September 1883 • Friday

Friday Sep 21, 1883. My son Abraham came down to my home and drove me up to the City this morning.

At the office until 11 oclock, when in company with Presidents Taylor and Smith I attended a meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I. A full report of the condition of the business was made by the Secretary and Treasurer, T. G. Webber, after which a dividend of 5% was declared for the six months ending Sep 30.

Engaged in the afternoon in various matters of business that came up before us, principally concerning missionaries.

My Nephew Louis M. Cannon drove me down home and back again to the Childrens Concert in the Theatre. I was very pleased on the way down to meet a wagon load of my troop of little ones dressed for the concert. There were Eleven of them who were going to take part. They had returned at 5 oclock this afternoon from their trip to the Canyõn, where they had had an exceedingly pleasant time, so much so that they were reluctant to return. I felt greatly relieved to see them, because I had been afraid of [an] accident there being so many little ones. The concert was excellent, though the attendance, I was sorry to see, was thin. I rode down in the wagon with the folks after the concert, my wife Eliza being also with us.

22 September 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Sep 22, 1883. At the Office early this morning and listened to the reading of the minutes of the meeting of 22nd of August respecting the School of the Prophets. While they were being read Bros Joseph F. Smith, Wilford Woodruff and Brigham Young came in. After they were finished a motion was made to accept them. Conversation was then had respecting the School of the Prophets and some plain talk was had respecting one or two men prominent in the priesthood. Prest. Taylor said that as the First Presidency were present he would submit their names to be members of the School and asked about himself, – was there any objection in any of our minds to his being a member of the School? I told him that so far as I was concerned, his course and teachings I was in perfect accord with, and could meet with him in the School and be in harmony with him. A vote was taken to accept him which was unanimously carried. He then proposed me and it was unanimously carried also; also Bro. Joseph F. Smith. Bro Woodruff was instructed to get the Twelve together – as many as possible – with their counselors to a meeting that would be held at 3 p.m. on Thursday next, 27th inst. The case of Sister [last name redacted] came up. Bro. Clawson, the Bishop of the Ward in which she resides reported the conversation he had with her respecting the child of which she was the mother, and that she accused Bro. [first name, middle initial, last name redacted] of being the father. He was instructed to take further steps to investigate the matter.

It was decided today that one of Bro. John Henry Smith’s wives have the privelege of joining him at Liverpool. Respecting Bro F. S. Richards and myself taking wives with us on our trip to the states, we were at liberty to do as we felt led. I wrote several letters. Lieut. Willard Young had another interview with us this afternoon respecting his project of starting a denominational school, and after considerable conversation, President Taylor, in consequence of the statement which he made that he could raise $50,000 if he had a months time to do it in, gave him the liberty to see what money he could raise from the brethren towards such an institution. He commenced by appealing to me — what would I give if this scheme were favorable to Prest. Taylor. I told him to put down $1000 which my circumstances would not permit me paying immediately, but which I would hold myself responsible for. Bro. Jos. F. Smith in like manner promised $200.

I took supper at my brother Angus’, and afterwards accompanied him and his wife Clara to the Children’s Fair held in Prest Brigham Youngs old school house. The display was very interesting, and many of the children showed remarkable skill and industry. It is very encouraging to the young people to see the work of their companions in the various branches of industry. My brother Angus afterwards drove me home.

23 September 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Sep 23, 1883. I had my son Angus drive me down to Mill Creek, where there was a meeting of the people and the children of the Sunday School. Two meetings were held one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. The speakers were: Bros. John Alfred, Richard S. Horn, Thos E. Taylor, John C. Cutler, Levi W. Richards, Wm Willis, J H. Parry, George Goddard and myself. I spoke about twenty minutes in the forenoon, addressing the children, and about twenty five minutes in the afternoon, speaking to children and parents. I dined with Bro John [blank] who lives on the banks of the Jordon. After the meetings I drove to administer to a daughter of Sister McAllisters who is sick, having just been confined, and afterwards drove to Bro. John R. Winders and administered to his wife who is paralysized in her lower limbs. He has got a very fine place. We examined his stock and I was greatly pleased at his thrift.

24 September 1883 • Monday

Monday Sep 24, 1883. At the Office. Listened to the appealed case of Wm C. Rydalch v. Harrison Severe. The decision of the High Council was in favor of the latter, and we were compelled to sustain that decision, though it is evident that Bro. Rydalch had acted a very friendly part to Bro. Severe. I wrote the decision.

Had an interview with Tabby Autero and George Sowiette, who had just come over from the Uintah Reservation.

We afterwards visited the Tabernacle for the purpose of deciding upon the manner in which the seats on the stand should be changed.

Bro. Bishop Shoenfeld called and reported himself as ready to start on his mission to Switzerland and Germany. After I reached home this evening my brother Angus came down with his buggy, and took me back to town.

25 September 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Sep 25, 1883. Busy thrashing out the grain. The yield is not near so good as I had hoped it would be in the spring. My farming operations do not meet my approval. I am paying out heavy wages, but do not get proper returns. If I could dictate the work myself and then have my suggestions followed it would be much better, but I am away so much that I have necessarily to trust to others, and I find that a man who cannot manage business to advantage for himself makes but a poor manager of another man’s business.

At the Office. Lieut. Willard Young had a long interview respecting the school project that he has in his mind at which I was present. Prest. Taylor urged him to carry out the express wishes of his father in the deeded trust property which he had given for the establishment of the school.

26 September 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Sep 26, 1883. At the Office. Engaged with various items of business. Received an interesting letter from my son John Q. in which he explained among other things his feeling respecting his wife Annie going to Europe. He said that he had understood that it had been suggested by some of the brethren. Under such circumstances he was willing that she should come; but if the wish had been expressed by herself or any of her folks or of his own folks he did not wish her to come much as he would like to see her. He had not asked a permission for her himself and he did not wish her to ask for one. He seems to have the spirit of his mission and full of energy in discharging its duties.

Bro. Willard Young proposed today to sell to the Trustee-in-Trust a lot 9 rods x 7 rods, which is on the corner opposite the Endowment House west, known formerly as the Uncle John Smith lot for a piece of land 4 rods x 10 rods next [to] the Lion House and $500 credited on his tithing – that is, $5000 for his lot, $4,500 for the piece he wishes in exchange. We drove round and looked at it and also called upon Sister Berthsheba Smith, the widow of George A. Smith, at her new house which has been built for her in part exchange for her share in the Historian’s Office.

The First Presidency and some of the Twelve met at the Endowment House at 2 oclock.

The sad news reached us today by telegraph from Bro. B. H. Roberts, Chattanooga, Tenn., of the death of Elder Chas. E. Robeson at [blank] S.C. He died at fifteen minutes past one oclock this morning. We have received no other particulars. This intelligence has shocked us, because Bro. Robeson was as healthy a looking man and comparatively young as was sent out as a missionary. He is a son of Bro. Louis Robeson and was Bishop of Montpelier in the Bear Lake Stake of Zion. Dispatches were sent to Bro. Budge – to break the news gently to his wife, and to Bishop John Brown – to break the news to his father, Bro. Daniel H. Wells agreeing to call upon his mother who resides in this city and inform her of the sad news.

27 September 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Septr 27 1883. At the Office. Bro. Erastus Snow and Bro. L. John Nuttall arrived from the South this morning. We were glad to have them here as it was intended to hold a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve to lay before them the subject of the organization of the School of the Prophets. At 3 p.m. we met – Prest. Taylor and myself of the First Presidency; Prest. Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, A. Carrington, B. Young, M. Thatcher & H. J. Grant of the Twelve; Secretaries L. John Nuttall and George Reynolds. Bro. John Irvine was also present as reporter. Prest Joseph F. Smith and Counsellor D. H. Wells came in afterwards. The minutes of the previous meeting respecting the School of the Prophets were read and approved. There was much speaking, principally by Bro. Erastus Snow, about the order of the washing of the feet in the Kirtland Temple and the washing of feet for the School of the Prophets, it being evident from the remarks that these were distinct ordinances, or in other words that the washing of feet as an introductory ordinance to the School of the Prophets was practiced long before endowments were given, when the feet of the Elders were washed in the Temple.

Adjourned until 10 oclock tomorrow morning.

28 September 1883 • Friday

Friday Septr 28 1883. I met with the First Presidency and Twelve according to appointment at the President’s Office at 10 oclock in the morning. Prest. Taylor talked at some length and suggested that the Twelve and their Counsellors have a meeting among themselves and take into consideration the subject of membership of the School of the Prophets. He wished them to enquire into each others feelings and to become satisfied respecting each others standing. They could then report to the First Presidency. Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself had an interview afterwards with Prest. Taylor at the Gardo House in which he made known his feelings respecting expressions that I had made concerning Lieut. W. Young’s proposition to establish a school. He thought that before saying what I had that I ought to have had conversation with him, and that we should be agreed. I expressed my regrets for saying anything that hurt his feelings. My only object was to let him know what my feelings were, leaving him perfectly free and unembarrassed – as I told him I had – to give his decision, which I would submit to with cheerfulness, and that was the end of all controversy. He said it was a great difficulty to contend with that they did not have time to consult together, and questions were sprung upon us and to which decisions had to be had immediately without proper deliberation. This I also felt was the case. We had an excellent feeling, and I was glad he gave me the opportunity of expressing my views and relieving any feelings he might have in his bosom respecting either my words or actions.

A number of Members of Parliament were in town and called at the Office. We had interviews with them. At 1/2 past 4 oclock Prest. Woodruff and the Twelve came to the office and reported himself ready to give a report of their condition and feelings. They had had a free and full talk upon family matters, upon the Word of Wisdom, their private lives, and the duties which devolved upon them. Bro. Jno. W. Young had reported himself to the satisfaction of the Twelve as willing to do all in his power to magnify his Priesthood. Certain reports concerning Bro. Carrington had also been examined, and Bro. Carrington’s statement concerning them listened to. This question again came up before the First Presidency and Bro. Carrington made further explanations in response to interrogatories. The vote was again called upon respecting him, and he was unanimously sustained. The First Presidency were accepted, and they in turn accepted the Twelve.

29 September 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Sep 29, 1883. President Taylor and his wife Sophia and myself and my wife Eliza went to Provo this morning to attend a meeting of the Provo Directors of the Provo Manufacturing Co. We met with the board and attended to business. Myself and wife put up with Judge Dusenberry who is married to a cousin of my wife’s. We returned at 6 p.m.

30 September 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Sep 30, 1883. I accompanied my brother Angus to South Jordon Ward this morning. We went by rail to Sandy where we were met by a carriage. Bro [blank] was also of the party. Bishop Bells is the President of the Ward. We met with the Sunday School in the morning and with the Saints in the afternoon. I spoke at both meetings. Bro. Wardell drove us in his carriage from Sandy to the settlement, and his son drove the carriage back.

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September 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024