August 1861

1 August 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, August 1st 1861. This morning Elders VanderWoude and Schettler left for Hull en route to Holland where they have been appointed to travel and declare the Gospel to the people. Elder G. Peacock alone, of the Missionaries is left. Dr. Wood, Surgeon, who acted in his profession on board the ship “Underwriter,” on which our people sailed, called at the Office and had an interview. He seemed to be pleased with our people and expressed his admiration of the order, unity and peace which prevailed among those who sailed by the “Underwriter.”

2 August 1861 • Friday

Friday 2nd. Bros Amasa, Charles and myself took our seats in the Cars for Manchester where we arrived at ¼ to nine o’clock. Met with Elders Kay and Dame, (the former being slightly indisposed.). We breakfasted at <123> Oldfield Road where the brethren stay. We walked through the town, but saw little of interest. The weather was changeable.

3 August 1861 • Saturday

Saturday 3rd. The weather was gloomy and rainy. Manchester, considered to be the industrial metropolis of the Kingdom is situated near the southern extremity of Lancashire. It comprises the boroughs of Manchester and Salford, the first returning two, the other one member to Parliament.

The Irwell, a small narrow river navigable for barges divides the two boroughs. Manchester lying to the east and Salford to the west. The Irk and the Medlock, two small streams, fall into the Irwell within the boundaries of the Borough.

The population of Manchester and Salford, according to the Census of 1851, amounted to 401,321 persons, and the number of inhabited houses to 68,546, of which 316,213 persons and 53,204 houses belong to Manchester and 85,108 persons and 15,342 houses to Salford. The Parliamentary and Corporate boroughs are not co-extensive the former including the townships of Newton, Harpurhey and Bradford, not included in the borough of Manchester, and part of the township of Pendlebury, not included in that of Salford. The population of the corporate borough at the same period was 367, 232 persons dwelling in 62,208 houses, being for Manchester 303,382 persons and 50,731 houses, and for Salford 63,850 persons and 11,477 houses. In 1857 the population of the two boroughs was computed to amount to 427,324 persons. It has a liberal share of Railroads and their conveniences for traffic and travel, having four stations, namely, the Victoria, London Road, Oxford and New Bailey. Its omnibus accomodations are good. Its oldest religious structure is the Cathedral founded in 1422 by the 12 Baron – Thomas de la Warre.

Manchester under the name of [blank] became a Roman Station within the first century of the Christian era. This shows its antiquity, and of its renown we may judge when we consider that in its ancient time worn Cathedral were celebrated the nuptials of Elder J. M. Kay and Miss Ellen Cockroft.

In the evening we visited the Zoological Gardens at Belle Vue. The collections of natural curiosities were comparatively meagre, the development in the assembled multitude of obscenity, drunkenness and prostitution were disgusting in the extreme. The exhibition of fire works was an interesting reflection of human ingenuity and imitative skill, as we returned to our lodgings the streets were being measured from side to side by numerous unfortunate inebriates for whom the streets seemed to have too much length but were sadly deficient in width.

4 August 1861 • Sunday

Sunday 4th. August. This morning we met with the saints in the Corn Exchange who numbered about 300. I addressed the Congregation at the request of Bro. Amasa, and urged the saints to so live as to enjoy the blessing of that inspiration which brings the soul into that communion with God that affords it a knowledge of God beyond what can be learned from the written word. Bro Lyman then followed with some excellent remarks when the meeting was adjourned until 2, o’clock. We met at the time appointed and the congregation was addressed by Bro. Rich for one hour on the subject of practical religion, after which I followed on the same subject and occupied about half an hour when Bro Lyman followed with a few suggestive remarks on the origin of right and wrong, of good and evil, life and death. The meeting was afterwards closed.

5 August 1861 • Monday

Monday 5th Today I returned to Liverpool where I found matters quite satisfactory, and all at home well. The mail brings news from America of a defeat on the Federal Army under command of General McDowall by the Confederate Army commanded by Genl Beuregard and Gen. Johnson who commanded the wings and President Davies lead the centre.

6 August 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday 6th Bros Lyman, and Rich returned from Manchester both in good health and spirits. In the evening Bro. Amasa, in the presence of Bro. Rich and myself also a few others of the saints, joined in wedlock William Ajax and Miss Emma Jemimah Hughes.

7 August 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday 7th. Wet day. The brethren are well and engaged writing chiefly all day.

8 August 1861 • Thursday

Thursday 8th. The day is beautiful and fine.

9 August 1861 • Friday

Friday 9th Fine day

10 August 1861 • Saturday

Saturday 10th August. This morning I started with Bros Lyman and Rich for Birmingham where on our arrival we were met by Bro. W. G. Mills with whom and his lady we dined and lodged. In the evening we made a call on brother Edward Price and family whom we found well. Bro Rich lodged with them.

11 August 1861 • Sunday

Sunday 11th. To day we met with the Saints in Conference in the Oxford St. Chapel, the poor ventilation of which rendered our meeting and the service rather wearisome and unpleasant as a most excellent spirit prevailed. with the saints in whom the hope is daily brightening of a deliverance from the oppression of their poverty and of their gathering to Zion. Bro. Mills reported the condition of the Conference, after which Bro. Rich presented the Authorities of the Church in the customary manner, and they were all unanimously sustained, after which he addressed the people for an hour on the subject of practical righteousness, after which Bro Lyman spoke to them for about thirty minutes on the importance of labouring while detained here to develop that practical purity of life which render them acceptable to God both here and in zion. Meeting was afterwards adjourned until half past 2, at which meeti time we had a large attendance and the congregation was addressed by myself for about an half hour. Bro. Lyman again spoke to them on the importance of choosing a correct stand-point from which to contemplate and consider the purposes of God in relation to man in order to arrive at correct conclusions in reference thereto, as well as to the record of the scriptures. The evening meeting was opened at ½ past 6, oclock. The audience that filled the Hall to overflowing were addressed by myself on the necessity of confidence on the part of the saints in the living Priesthood in order to render their growth in grace and the knowledge of the truth requisite to their exaltation to the high and holy condition in which they as the Constituents of zion must be raised to become the light of the world and the perfection of beauty out of which according to the Prophet the Lord would shine or which should from its combined and accumulated excellencies reflect the perfections of our Father and our God.

Adjourned at ½ past 8. o’clock, and repaired fatigued and waried to our lodgings, glad to find fresh air after breathing as we had done for hours during the day the fetid atmosphere of our crowded hall and found slumber pleasant.

12 August 1861 • Monday

Monday 12th Aug. After dinner Bros Lyman, Rich, Mills, Adams and myself walked to Aston Park where some 3 or 400 of the saints had assembled for recreation and a Pic-nic amusement.

As we entered the Park we passed along a beautiful avenue formed by two parallel rowes of aged and wide spreading maple trees, our walk through this Avenue brought us to the Aston Hall in relation to which we gleaned the following items of history (from an entabliture over the front entrance) namely that it was founded in 1618 by Sir Thomas Holt, and completed in 1635. The structure is of brick, and the surface shows some signs of decay. Some tastefully arranged beds of flowers add their beauty to the surroundings of this old ancestral home. Passing around to the rear of the building we had a fine view of the low ground decked in its robe of modest green supporting here and there over its broad bosom some aged trees that spread abroad their giant arms. We travelled down from the Hall and joined our friends who accorded to us a hearty welcome and a share of their simple and unostentatious provision of creature comfort for the occasion.

A casuality occurred to mar the festivity; bro. John Smith aspiring to the lofty, ascended a pole (fixed in the ground) some twenty feet, from which height he fell to the ground and was severely injured by the Concussion. On leaving the Park we called at Bro. Tucker’s and family and took tea after which Bros Rich and Adams repaired to their lodgings at Bro Price’s.

13 August 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 13th. At twenty minutes past six o’clock, Bro. Mills <Lyman and myself> met Bro. Rich at the Railway Station and started for Liverpool via Birkenhead where we arrived about 11. o’clock. Found matters all right at home.

14 August 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday 14th Elders Sloan and Graham returned from the Isle of Man having spent a few days there. They report that a spirit of enquiry is among the people. They baptized some persons during their <short> stay and were heard with apparent interest in both public and private.

Bro Rich, who was attacked by rheumatism in the back while at Birmingham is still suffering from that affliction.

15 August 1861 • Thursday

Thursday 15th Bro. Rich is still afflicted with pains in the back. Writing my editorial for the “Star

16 August 1861 • Friday

Friday 16th. Finishing the preparation of my editorial in writing which I have had more trouble than ordinary, not being able to get my thoughts on to paper to suit me. Afterwards met in the upper room in prayer circle with the brethren. I led in prayer, Bro. Rich prayed in the circle. From the symptoms of Bro. Rich’s affliction, we think it a nervous affection of the spine. Shortly after noon accompanied the brethren in a cab to the Railway Station for Hull. They intend taking passage at Hull for Hamburgh, where they expect to meet Bro. Van Cott, and thence to Copenhagen. They expect to be absent some weeks. They intend visiting the Saints in the different parts of Scandinavia and holding Conference with them. In afternoon wrote a letter to Bro. N. V. Jones and Jacob Gates, Great Salt Lake City. Wrote also to Bro. W. H. Miles at the same place.

17 August 1861 • Saturday

Saturday 17th. The following extract is an extract from a letter to President Young respecting the Elders: – The aid we have received by the arrival of these brethren is much appreciated, and, as you suggest we feel desirous of making the best use we can of the facilities within our reach. We know the brethren are needed elsewhere as well as in the British Mission, and, therefore feel perfectly satisfied with whatever arrangement you may feel led to make, knowing that it will be all right. In looking over my letters to you now I have notice that I have mentioned in almost every one our desire for more help. I did not intend to press this matter upon your attention as much as I now see I have, nor to give it what might be termed undue importance. We intend to do the best we can with whatever number you may think best to send, and to make up in diligence what we may imagine we lack in numbers; this I believe is the feeling of all the Elders. You allude to sending more help this fall, I have thought that it might not be amiss to mention to you the condition of the Office that you might be suggest or arrange in relation to it. When I arrived here there were two brethren engaged in the editorial department who had been in this position for some years – Bro’s E. W. Tullidge and Henry Whittall. Bro. Tullidge was shortly afterwards released and emigrated to the Valley this season. Bro Whittall, still remains, and, being a printer, finds employment in reading proof, arranging copy and managing the internal affairs of the printing office; his time is fully employed in this manner without finding any time to write. I have thought (in this feeling the brethren have joined) that it would be a great blessing to Bro. Whittall in many aspects to emigrate this coming season. He has been upwards of four years in the Office, and needs a change to impart unto him that experience which can never be gained here. Should he be released to emigrate I know of no one here with such qualifications as would be needed to take his place. It needs a man to have an understanding of the business and taste an experience as a writer and printer’s reader. The first part might be dispensed with by selecting a suitable foreman to manage the Office; but the latter qualifications are indispensable. Probably you will think it proper to select or suggest some persons. My own preferences would be in favour of somebody from Zion, rather than any one who had never been there; but upon this point I am perfectly easy. There was a young man, with whom I was acquainted in California, who at that time was well adapted for such a position, ˗ Bro. Wm H. Shearman; but there may be scores of other brethren who may<be> equally suitable with whom I may not be acquainted”

Also wrote a letter home to my wife, Sarah Jane.

18 August 1861 • Sunday

Sunday Aug. 18th. Attended meeting in the afternoon and evening. Spoke at both meetings.

19 August 1861 • Monday

Monday 19th. Wrote letters to Cousin George J. Taylor, Essex Conference, and to Bro. David M. Stuart, Scotland. In afternoon my mother’s sister Mary and my Mother’s brother, Charles’, wife (Aunt Hetty or Esther) called upon us and stopped the evening. We had a very pleasant visit. Aunt Hetty has passed through considerable trouble. Uncle Charles died [blank] and she has lost four children, – two boys named William who died before their father, and two girls, Ellen and Jane, who had attained to womanhood, the former (who also died before her father) being 17 years of age at the time of her death; the latter 26. Charles, the eldest, a very promising young man learned the ship Carpenter’s trade and became an excellent workman; he went to sea several voyages before and after he was out of his time; while on one ship, he and the Captain had some words about a letter of Charles’ which the Captain had opened. He left the ship, and shipped as Carpenter’s mate on board a man of war, and while acting in that capacity he had a sun stroke which affected his intellect so much that he has been incapable of work ever since. He came home with his memory almost completely gone and a mere wreck of his former self. His father had to, support him. After his return he took it into his head he ought to marry, a girl who had been attached to him previous to his receiving the injury to his brain, she was willing and they were married, notwithstanding the hopelessness of his condition and the remonstrances of all his relatives. He has had three children but has lost one and, with his wife, lives in Peel, Isle of Man, with his mother who has to keep them all. Grandmother Quayle lived with Aunt Hetty until the day of her death. She lived to the age of [blank] years and retained the use of all her faculties in a remarkable degree until the very last. They describe her flow of spirits as being more like that of a young person than one who had lived to such an age – outliving seven out of eleven of her children, all of whom had grown to man and womanhood. Her almost constant talk was about myself and brothers and sisters, mourning and pining for us in our orphanage and our supposed lonely condition; constantly invoking the blessings of the Lord upon us. She died [blank]

Aunt Mary’s condition is rather saddening. After we left Liverpool she married a man named Cowan who treated her in a most brutal manner and when she left him (which she did after suffering for a long time the most cruel abuse) vowed he would “be the death of her.[”] Since she separated from him she has supported herself from <by> keeping a shop; but in this she failed, being of an easy disposition and giving too much credit, besides having been robbed systematically sometime by the use of false keys by one of her neighbours; – and for a few years back going out to service; her wages being low in consequence of her age and not strong body, she has only been able to live alone without being able to accumulate anything against a time of sickness or want of employ.

20 August 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 20th., 1861. Wrote a letter to Mr. John Thomas Dexter acknowledging his kindness in furnishing me with a report taken by him and published in the Christian Cabinet, London, of remarks made by me at the London Conference. Writing editorial in the evening.

21 August 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 21st. Finished editorial. In the evening went to see Aunt Hetty about visiting the steamship Great Eastern tomorrow, she having intimated a wish to see her when she was at the office on Monday. I proposed to take her and Aunt Mary and Elizabeth on Thursday, if the weather should prove favorable. I found my mother’s sister Margaret (the sister next in age to herself) there. We arranged to go tomorrow morning Aunt Margaret saying she would accompany us if her husband, Thomas Wilson, had no objections. I had an agreeable visit with Aunts Margaret and Hetty and the latter’s sister and her husband, named Beresford, with whom she was stopping. I escorted Aunt Margaret home. She is in very comfortable circumstances, having a number of houses, the rent of which from what I can learn is more than sufficient to keep them. Her husband has not worked for a long time and has been but little assistance to her. She is and always has been but little assistance to her the contriver and to her devoted attention to the acquisition of means and management their present position may be attributed. Her whole soul has been devoted to the accumulation of means. She never had any children and it seems as though all the affection that she should have had for them has been diverted to lucre. Between her and Aunt Mary there seems to exist but little love, and though she has plenty the latter might suffer for want (so she, Mary – informs me) before her sister would help her, so deadened have her feelings become through the killing influence of a love of money.

22 August 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, August 22nd, 1861. Rained heavily through the day. My Aunts were here, but we did not go to see the “Great Eastern,” it being so stormy.

23 August 1861 • Friday

Friday, 23rd. Went up to Aunt Margaret’s this morning to see her about visiting the Great Ship. I found her quite unwell and unable to go. We went down to Mr. Beresford’s where Aunt Hetty is stopping and thence to the landing stage where we went on board a tender which took us off to the Great Eastern. There were five of us, – myself and Elizabeth, Aunt Mary and Aunt Hetty and her sister Mrs. Beresford. The day was very fine and we enjoyed the trip very much; we spent about three hours on board. The hull of the “Great Eastern” is built entirely of iron, and is 680 feet in length, 83 feet in breadth and 60 feet in heigth, from keel to deck. Her immense heigth out of the water has the effect to dwarf everything in the shape of a vessel that comes near her; steamboats that anywhere else are respectable in point of size when alongside of her become contemptible coal sloops, or flats as they are here called, when alongside unloading coal are only known by those on deck to be there by the point of their masts being seen protruding but very little above the top of her bulwarks. She is divided transversely into ten separate compartments of 60 feet each, rendered perfectly water tight by bulkheads, having no openings whatever lower than the deck. About 10,000 tons of iron plates have been used in the construction of the hull, they number 30,000 plates and 3,000,000 <rivets> have been employed to secure them. At the bottom these plates are an inch thick; in all other places but three quarters of an inch. Up to the water mark the hull is constructed with an inner and outer skin, two feet ten inches apart, each of equal firmness and solidity; and between these at intervals of six feet, run horizontal webs of iron plates, which materially increase the power of resistance of the inner and outer skin. By this mode of construction it is calculated the danger of collision at sea is very much lessened, for, though the outer skin might be pierced, the inner one remaining intact, as it would except under most extraordinary circumstances, the safety of the vessel would not be endangered. Again, should she be short of ballast, this space between these two skins can be filled with water and 2,500 tons of ballast in this way is at once obtained. She has six masts; the first, fifth and sixth are two feet nine inches in diameter, and are two feet nine inches in diameter, and are of wood, while the second, third and fourth are three feet nine inches in diameter, and are iron. The paddle engines alone give a power of 5000 horses; and the combined screw engines work up to an indicator-power of 4,500 horses of 33,000 lbs; but they are, however, made to work at the tremendous power of 6,500 horses. She has twenty horses boats hanging to her davats, fitted up with masts and sails complete; they are said to be capable of accomodating over 2000 people. There are ten anchors on board weighing, with the cables, 253 tons. The four large anchors weigh 7 tons each, and each link of the cables attached to them weigh 72 lbs. The two others at the bows weigh 5½ tons; the two at the stern 6 tons. Some idea may be formed of the strain expected to be made on these when we are told that the large bower anchors of the largest man-of-war only weigh 5 tons. The internal arrangements of the saloons and state rooms are of the most costly, elegant and commodious description, leaving nothing to be desired in the fitting up. It is in standing upon her paddle wheels and looking fore and aft that a full conception can be formed of her immense size. Everything that money could do, combined with the best known skill in Great Britain, has been done to make her what she is, – the greatest ship in the world.

24 August 1861 • Saturday

Saturday Augst. 24, 1861. Variously engaged. Had a call from Captain Richard F. Burton, this morning, who is on his way to Fernando Po where he has been appointed consul.

25 August 1861 • Sunday

Sunday Aug. 25th. 1861. Attended meeting in afternoon and evening, spoke at both meetings. There is an indifference in this branch that, considering their advantages, is surprising. They do not appreciate the presence of the servants of God as they should do. In the country branches our arrival is hailed with gladness, and it is not an uncommon thing for the saints to walk 15, 20 and 25 miles to have the privelege of listening to the Elders from Zion; but here they will scarcely turn out and walk a mile if the weather should be a little unfavourable, though they have a hard pavement to walk on and probably an umbrella to shelter them.

26 August 1861 • Monday

Monday, 26th. Bro. John Kay came in from Manchester. He is well. Attending office business. In the evening visiting with Elizabeth at Mr and Mrs Beresford’s where Aunt Hetty is still stopping; Aunt Mary was also present.

27 August 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday 27th. Wrote a reply to Mr. Dexter acknowledging receipt of a note from him enclosing some cuttings from a London paper. Also a note answering Mrs Isabel Burton’s (Captain Burton’s wife) inquiry respecting this Office and our Office in London. She wished to know if they were the one office, as they were the both in Islington and the London direction left her by the Captain had not London on it. The Captain had instructed her to forward to these directions a copy of his work on America in which mention was made of our Country and people.

28 August 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday 28th. Writing &c. Wrote a letter to Bro’s Lyman and Rich, Copenhagen. Bro. Bramall came upon a visit from Southampton where he has been laboring.

29 August 1861 • Thursday

Thursday 29th. Writing &c

30 August 1861 • Friday

Friday Aug 30. 1861. Reading proof &c. Went down to the New or Princes’ Landing Stage to see my Aunt Hetty off to the Isle of Man. It was so rough that she did not think it well to go. I went up to her place of residence, Mr Beresford’s, and saw and bade her farewell as I intended to go tomorrow morning to Nottingham to hold Conference with Bro. James S. Brown. Wrote the following letter to Bro. Joseph F. Smith, being a reply to one from him making a statement to me of the condition of the Bradford branch in his district and the language and sentiments of the people priesthood expressed in conversation with him. –

Dear Bro. Joseph,

Your favours of 24th and 28th came safely to hand. Your description of Bradford Branch unfolds a very bad condition of affairs there. I am sorry that it should be so, because of the injury which they inflict upon themselves by such wicked conduct. It is very evident that the priesthood in the branch are in a bad condition and unworthy of their positions. If the priesthood of a Branch are true to themselves and their responsibilities and united, the people generally are easily controlled and give but little trouble; but if they are not, as in the case of the Bradford Officers, they are a hindrance to the work and an obstacle in the path of the presiding officers. I hope that they will adhere to the promise they have made to cease speaking evil of one another; but I fear that people who fail to keep the covenant which they made at the water’s edge, when they took upon them the name of Saint, and which they renew every time they partake of the Sacrament, will hardly keep a covenant of any other description which involves the same requirements. If you become satisfied hereafter that they partake of the sacrament unworthily, I think you would not only be justified in withholding it from them, but I view it as a matter of duty and obligation upon you. I did so in San Francisco while there, and would do so again to any Branch (while I hold any present views, and until additional light or instruction shall be given Me) under similar circumstances.

You will need wisdom, and I should shall seek for and endeavor to exercise it, if I were situated as you are with those men. An unwise or hasty move on your part would give them an advantage over you. But you should not rest till you have a change in them or have them ousted from a position where they can operate for evil as they have been doing. They should not be permitted to destroy the flock, and faith and works should be united to make their wickedness and folly manifest (for that they are guilty of both and have forfeited the spirit their conduct proves) that their influence for evil with the well-disposed maybe destroyed. When you get them in the proper position deal rigorously with them, and clear them out of your way and let them know that there is a God in Israel and power in his priesthood, though it should be that portion of it that has been sent to Bradford, which has hitherto been so unfortunate “in having the worst men in England sent to it.”

In my writings for the Star I have endeavored to avoid setting stakes in the shape of special requirements of the Elders only such as are recognized as general principles, broad in their application. Presiding Elders must have some freedom of action or you make them mere puppets and leave them no scope for development. My view has been and is to give every Elder from Zion who has had experience the greatest possible latitude, compatible with the laws and general counsel which are alike binding upon all. If he takes advantage of this and abuses his privileges, let him be removed and placed where he can do the least possible amount of injury, until he learns to appreciate and make a right use of the liberty which may be given him. The Elders should seek for wisdom and the spirit of revelation to guide them in in the government of their fields, whether districts or Conferences; to be, in fact, living oracles, who have the principles and laws of God written in their hearts, who know what is right and true, and suitable, whether written in the Star, in the Bible or anywhere else, +or not written at all; and when they are in this condition, a man is worse than an idiot, who under their jurisdiction, will dictate to or find fault with them; he shows his nakedness without unstripping himself. You are placed in charge of the Sheffield District, and are responsible for its conduct, and affairs; should you deem any measure necessary for the welfare of your field and should seek to carry it out, it is not for Bro’s Hage or Curtis or Pears or anybody else. there to take you to task and dispute your views and right to do so. They have no such right; no matter what their age, the length of time they have been in the Church or the wisdom they may possess. They did not choose, or ordain or send you; but the priesthood and authority you hold, chose, ordained and made them what they are as officers in the Church, and they have not a single right as officers but what came through that channel, nor one but what you can, upon any occasion when needed, bestow upon any other man. It is gross folly for men to talk about their wisdom and what they know, and at the same time be rebellious and disobedient. No man that has wisdom will be disobedient to legal and proper authority, or its exercise.

When you find out all the actions of these men, Bro. Joseph, you will find that they have transgressed. The Spirit of the Gospel does not entirely desert men for nothing; neither does the Spirit of darkness and folly take possession of men without cause. They have encouraged it by flagrantly disobeying the whisperings and teachings of the other or good Spirit, or it would not be there. Of course, you will continue, as hitherto, to try and save them; but I need scarcely say that justice has its claims as well as mercy. You are in the position to know what steps to take. If things are not ripe enough for action now, they will be after awhile, that I can promise you, and you will yet see those men either repentant or out of your way and you having good times even in Bradford, though there may be only a few-left for you to enjoy them with.

Accept my love to yourself and remember me to Bro’s Samuel and Parley.

May the Lord bless you all and make you mighty in the truth is the prayer of

Your Brother,

(Signed) Geo. Q. Cannon.

Wrote a letter also to Messrs Longman, Green & Co., Captain Burton’s publishers in reply to one of their’s written at the instance of Mrs. Burton, requesting the arms of Deseret, and President Young and the Twelve Apostles’ portraits. These I sent to them.

This evening Bro. Joseph Bull came up on a visit from Bedfordshire (his field of labour) on a visit. I was glad to see him; he was looking much better than he did in the Valley and appeared to feel very well indeed.

31 August 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug., 31st. 1861. Started this morning for Nottingham to spend tomorrow in Conference with the Saints of that District. Reached there at [blank] p. m. and was met at the Station by Bro’s Ja’s S. Brown and Chase. Bro. B’s health was poor and had been since I parted with him at London. Bro. C’s health had improved. I found Bro. S. L. Adams, Pres’t of the Warwickshire Conference, (from Nephi, U. T.) there and Bro. Joseph C. Rich. They were both well. They had all made calculations on my wife coming with me. Bro. and Sis. Oakey, with whom the brethren stopped, treated me very kindly, while on this visit, as they did when I stopped with them for one night while on a visit to the Derby Conference early in the season. The saints crowded into the house in the evening and we had a very pleasant time together.

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August 1861, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024