May 1892

1 May 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, May 1st, 1892.

Today being fast day, myself and a number of my family repaired to the Farmers Ward meeting house and spent from 10 o’clock to 1:45 in meeting. President Woodruff desired me to speak at the opening of the meeting, which I did for some time. He also made some remarks. A number of the brethren spoke and bore their testimonies, and one of the sisters. Several hymns were sung also. I prayed. Subscriptions were afterwards taken up for the Temple. President Woodruff subscribed $1000. I also subscribed $1000. The members of my family subscribed $332.50.

I hastened home and ate dinner, and then drove to the 13th Ward meeting house to attend the funeral services of Brother John L. Blythe, which took place at 3 o’clock. I was a little late. Several of the brethren spoke, among them myself. I related some interesting particulars concerning his coming into the Church in California, where I baptized him. It was about 36 years ago. I spoke of his generous conduct both in that country and since. I accompanied the corpse to the grave, and at the request of the Bishop I dedicated the grave.

2 May 1892 • Monday

Monday, May 2nd, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

There was a meeting of the Sunday School Union this morning, also of the Rexburg Milling Co. The Saltair Railway Co. held a meeting, and at 3 o’clock I met with the World’s Fair Transit & Trust Co., of which I am President.

3 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 3rd, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

At 10 o’clock I met with the Brigham Young Trust Co.

The First Presidency had a meeting with the Presiding Bishops in relation to furnishing the poor, and other matters.

Will Carleton, the poet, who lectured at the theatre last evening, called upon us in company with Brother H. J. Grant , and was introduced. He seemed favorably impressed with what he has seen since he has been in the city.

The question was submitted to the First Presidency concerning the propriety of the Church attorneys defending brethren who were arrested for violations of the Edmunds law. I expressed my views to the effect that while there might be an impropriety in our Church attorneys defending flagrant violations of the law, still I thought it was our duty to help our brethren make such defense. We had a Defense Fund, to which the saints generally subscribed, and it was for the purpose of defending ourselves against attacks made upon us under this law that this fund was created, and our present lawyers are paid from it. I therefore thought, I said, that if a man were arrested he should apply to our attorneys and state his case to them. Many men might be arrested who were entirely innocent, and whom they could defend with perfect propriety, and who ought to be defended by them; but if there were cases that they felt might not be wise for them to identify themselves with, I thought that they should arrange with some other attorney whom the accused party might select and get them to do the business at as low a figure as possible, and that we should pay for it. Brother Le Grand Young came in to learn about our views, and at the request of President Woodruff I expressed these to him. They were approved by Presidents Woodruff and Smith, and Brother Young saw the force of them and said, as far as he was concerned he did not see that there was much impropriety in Brother F. S. Richards and himself defending these cases, unless it was some filthy case such as one that has been brought to light lately. He said Brother Richards seemed to have scruples, but in the last conversation he had with him upon this subject his scruples had been partly removed. We did not wish them to defend men who were guilty of any filthy conduct, even if it had been with their wives.

The names of the trustees for the Church university were decided upon and the charter was read and approved by the First Presidency.

At 4 o’clock there was a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co.

At 7 o’clock I went to the house of Brother Geo. H. Horne, who had married a grandaughter of Sister Bathsheba W. Smith. Myself and wife had been invited to go there and spend the evening, it being Sister Smith’s 70th birthday anniversary. My son William brought his mother, Eliza, and called again for us a little after 10 and took us home. There was a very nice gathering of friends. Presidents Woodruff and Smith and their wives and a number of old-time Latter-day Saints were present. President Woodruff, myself, Sister Kimball and President Smith spoke. We had singing, and then partook of refreshments.

4 May 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 4th, 1892.

Came to the office and held a meeting with the Brigham Young Trust Co at 9 o’clock, and from there proceeded to the 7th Ward meeting house to attend the funeral services of my brother-in-law, Charles Lambert, who died Monday morning at 2:30. He is the husband of my sister Mary Alice. The meeting house was crowded, for he and my sister were highly esteemed and were long residents of the Ward, having taken up their abode there in 1849. I sat with my sister among the mourners, as did my brother Angus. There were quite a number of speakers, all intimate friends of his, and it is seldom that I have listened to more favorable remarks concerning a man’s life than were made about him. It is true, Charles Lambert had weaknesses, as all men have, but he had many admirable traits of character, chief of which was his love for the truth and his devotion to the cause of God. He was an unselfish man. He might, with the opportunities he had had, have been in much better circumstances than he was, but his mind did not run in that direction. He was a very kind and sympathetic man, would do anything in his power for another in need, and thought more of others’ comfort than he did of his own. He had a great gift of healing, and was always sent for in the neighborhood to administer to the sick. He was about seventy-six years of age, and though his health has been poor for some time[,] the news of his death was quite unexpected by me, as on the occasion of my son Angus’ wedding reception he and Mary Alice were with us, and he seemed to be in better health than he had been for some time. He stayed with us all night, and he had promised to attend William’s reception if he was able. I rode in the carriage with Mary Alice and his other wife and two of her children, to the graveyard, and dedicated the grave.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co.

We had a call from Brother Curtis, first counselor to Bishop W. D. Johnson, of the Diaz Ward in Mexico. He is about to return to Mexico, and desired to take with him some help for the people of his Ward, whose condition he describes as being very poor, in consequence of their not having been paid for the work they have done on Brother John W. Young’s railway. We did not come to any conclusion concerning what we should do, but requested him to call in again on Friday.

The situation of the “Bikuben”, the Danish paper here, was brought to our attention by Brother Anthon H .Lund, and after hearing all that was said we appropriated $1400 for its relief, to be credited the Deseret News on its account with the Church, it owing the Church, and the “Bikuben” owing the Deseret News.

5 May 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, May 5th, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Brother M. W. Merrill came down from Logan and we had some conversation concerning land in the vicinity of the Temple there. The question was whether it should be sold or leased. The impression appeared to be that it would be better to lease it to suitable parties than to sell it.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Elders F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith and A. H. Cannon met and attended to some business. Brother F. M. Lyman prayed. It was arranged that Brothers Jos. F. Smith and F. M. Lyman should go to Wasatch on Saturday and Sunday, A. H. Cannon to Summit, and President Woodruff and myself to Logan on Sunday and Monday.

I had been invited with my wife Carlie to eat dinner with her daughter Mamie, my son Abraham’s wife, at her new house. My son Lewis, and William and his wife were there also. We had an excellent meal and a very enjoyable time.

6 May 1892 • Friday

Friday, May 6th, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

President Woodruff and myself before President Smith came, listened to the reading of correspondence from Mexico concerning the situation of affairs there. There seems to be a very bad condition of feeling respecting the rent which is being collected from the brethren who occupy the land. We have been thinking of visiting Mexico for a long time, but it seems almost absolutely necessary that some of us should go there soon, as the presence of the presiding authorities is needed to regulate affairs and set them in order. There is considerable destitution there, and this makes the people more irritable, doubtless, and more open to the spirit of murmuring.

A young man by the name of Alfred Lambourne, who has exhibited considerable talent as an artist, and who came here with his parents in his boyhood as a Latter-day Saint, but who does not now belong to the Church, made application to me to get employment in the Temple. He is more familiar with what is called distemper work than probably any of our artists here. He is very modest in his request, and I think his feelings have considerably changed. He may have felt somewhat unfriendly, but if so, he now feels very kind and friendly. I told him to address a letter upon the subject, and I handed it today to Bishop Winder, and President Woodruff and I conversed with him about it. I said so far as I was concerned I saw no objection to employing him at work there as an artist, with the feeling that he had. His home is in Utah. He is identified with us here, though not as a member of the Church, and a young man of talent, and I thought it was our duty to draw him to us as much as possible. He had suggested as one landscape that he would like to put on the wall, the hill Cumorah, and for that purpose would be pleased to go down and make a sketch of it. President Woodruff and Bishop Winder both expressed themselves as being in favor of employing him.

I spent some time this afternoon with Brother Richard W. Young, in ascertaining what my interest is in the Brigham Young Trust Co. I find that I have 325 and a fraction shares. I have recently bought 52 shares from Ernest I. Young, which makes 378 shares that I now own. I am in debt for this stock, and a proposition has been made to me by Brother Heber J. Grant, which, if agreeable to the other members of Cannon, Grant & Co, he will carry out, viz., to take all my stock and allow me $50 a share for it, with the privilege of getting it back again, if I wanted it, by paying 8% from this time, if the company do not purchase another hundred thousand dollars worth. If I let this stock go to Cannon, Grant & Co at that price, it would entail a loss upon me of about $4700; that is, I would get that much less from Cannon, Grant & Co than I have paid for the stock. The only object that I would have in letting the stock go would be to stop the interest that I am now paying, and this loss would be made up to me if Cannon, Grant & Co were to buy sufficient of the stock in the Brigham Young Trust Co. to give me my proportion as one of the members of that firm. If I were entirely out of debt, I would not think of accepting the proposition. This matter will be left in abeyance till Brother Grant returns from the East, and he intends to leave to morrow.

Myself and wife Carlie and my sons Abraham and William and wives were invited to Brother J. D. C. Young’s house, it being the anniversary of his 37th birthday. The evening was very agreeably spent.

7 May 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, May 7th, 1892.

President Woodruff went to Cache Valley yesterday afternoon, and President Smith went to Wasatch. I came to the office and dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

At 3:30 I took train for Logan. Reached there about 8 o’clock, and was met at the station by a son of Brother Moses Thatcher, with a vehicle, in which Brother Lorin Farr and myself were taken to Brother Thatcher’s house. I was kindly entertained by Brother and Sister Thatcher.

8 May 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, May 8th, 1892.

President Woodruff arrived from Smithfield this morning, whither he had gone on Friday evening to visit a portion of the family there and to make some arrangements about increasing the warmth of their house by adding to its walls. He came from Smithfield by team. The roads were very muddy, and he had difficulty in crossing ditches.

The quarterly conference commenced at 10 o’clock, and there was an excellent attendance, the house being filled. After Prest. Smith, the Stake President, had made a report, President Woodruff desired that I should speak. I spoke about 70 mins., taking as a foundation for my remarks the words of King Benjamin. There has been considerable division here and ill-feeling over politics. Local papers have indulged in personal attacks upon members of the Church—Democrats on Republicans, and Republicans retorting. I must say, however, that so far as I have seen, the Democratic organ here has been the most abusive. I did not wish to allude to politics, but I felt led by the Spirit to speak upon the principles of love, and the Lord was with me to a very great extent, His Spirit was poured out upon the people, and joy filled the hearts of the saints. I spoke without the least premeditation on the subject, and I felt that the Spirit spoke through me.

President Woodruff followed in a few remarks, bearing testimony to what I said.

In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and President Woodruff, Elders Moses Thatcher and John W. Taylor spoke.

In the evening we had a full attendance again, and I occupied the greater portion of the time, at the request of President Woodruff, and was singularly led to speak upon pre-existence and future existence. My mind was lit up, and the people listened with wrapt attention. I was told afterwards by some of the brethren that they were very sorry when I stopped.

9 May 1892 • Monday

Monday, May 9th, 1892.

The attendance at the conference today was unusually large; in fact there was very little difference in the size of the congregation today to that of yesterday. The authorities were presented, reports made concerning the condition of the Stake, and Brothers M. W. Merrill and W. B. Preston occupied the remainder of the forenoon in giving some excellent practical instructions.

I went to the Temple with President Woodruff, as he wanted Brother Joseph Hall and his wife and some of their kindred adopted into his family. We took lunch at the Temple.

In the afternoon, at the request of President Woodruff, I spoke about an hour, and he followed. The Conference was then adjourned.

I have enjoyed this conference exceedingly. The Spirit of the Lord has been poured out powerfully, and much valuable instruction has been given to the people. I think that the effect will be visible in good fruits.

After the meeting we visited a district school house called Woodruff—a very fine building, which has just been erected. We went through all the rooms. There is an excellent basement, and the attic is well lighted and finished.

President Woodruff and myself afterwards called on Brother Geo. W. Thatcher and family and visited with them awhile.

Just before retiring, the orchestral band, led by Geo. W. Thatcher, Jr, and composed of thirteen young men, came to Brother Thatcher’s and serenaded us. They played a number of excellent tunes, and we were delighted. They were dressed in nice uniforms, and showed excellent proficiency.

10 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 10th, 1892.

We were taken to the train this morning by Brother and Sister Thatcher and left for Salt Lake at 6:55. Reached Salt Lake about 11.

I had a call today from Mr. Geo. R. Wales, an official of the War Department, Washington, who has been appointed to come here in connection with the civil service examination. He brings a letter of introduction to me from Mr. S. D. Miller, a son of Atterney General Miller and private secretary to Hon. S. B. Elkins, Secretary of War. I had quite a lengthy conversation with him, and procured a carriage for him to see the city under the guidance of Bishop H. B. Clawson, who very kindly proffered to go with him.

Brother Wm. Budge called in and we had quite a lengthy conversation on political matters.

My horse “Pirate” broke away from the stable man in the Tithing Office yard and ran off with the harness on, and I started men after him, but he could not be found. He is a valuable horse, and I do not like him to fall into such ways.

11 May 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 11th, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office this morning.

We had a call from Brother Elijah Box, of Brigham City, who informed us that he had been asked to resign the position of Sunday school supt. of his Ward. He says his offense consisted in differing with the City Council in relation to the establishing of water works in Brigham City. He claims that he has not been guilty of anything that would justify this severe action against him. His school is a good one—the best in the Stake—and everything, so far as he knows, is unexceptional; but he has displeased some of the authorities by the stand he has taken concerning the water works. In doing this, however, he has not meant to do anything wrong, but merely to have, as a taxpayer, the City Council pause before going to that expense. We promised him that we should correspond with the President of the Stake upon the subject.

Professor Talmage has just returned from a visit to the southeastern part of the Territory, where he had gone under the direction of the First Presidency, the brethren having received letters while I was in the East from a man by the name of Llewellyn Harris, who had represented the extraordinary discoveries which he had made of hieroglyphics and figures on rocks and also archealogical ruins of cities. Brother Talmage had traveled considerable distance and over a very rough country to see the things reported by Brother Harris, and had brought back with him a small slab of rock which Harris declared contained a remarkable figure. The fact is, the man is evidently crazy, and when Brother Talmage failed to see what he said the face of the rocks contained, he declared that he saw them by the Spirit, and that Brother Talmage had not the Spirit. This slab that he brought contains no markings, only those produced by the erosion of the elements. We decided to send a letter to Harris; for he is doing great injury. He has written to Europe and to the East, stating that he had these discoveries, and offering to show them for money, etc.

We had a very long and interesting interview with Brother Samuel R. Thurman, who has recently returned from a mission to England. Before going on his mission he was a strong Democratic politician, and he is desirous to know what to do now that he has returned, as he had been solicited by one and another to take active part in politics. He has come back with the spirit of his mission, and is desirous to know what course he should take. We gave him a very full description of our position and the aims that we had; that we were laboring for the liberties of the people, and not for the success of a party, and that consequently we were misjudged, because we could not explain publicly that which we were doing, or our motives, and people misunderstood and misconstrued our motives. But we desired him to understand exactly our position, and why we were doing as we did. He appeared to thoroughly appreciate what we said to him, and said that that which we had told him was what he himself had perceived and felt impressed with in England. He felt very grateful for our explanations.

This afternoon an appointment had been made for the arbitration of a difficulty that had arisen between Brother B. Y. Hampton and wife and the Brigham Young Trust Co. Brother Hampton, who represents his wife, had been loud in his expressions against the Trust Co. for their conduct towards him in the matter of a lease. He is a man full of fidelity to his brethren, and who, I believe, would die for them if it were necessary; but he is an intemperate man in his language, and very abusive and unreasoning. He has written two letters to the Presidency of the Church concerning this, asking for an opportunity to have this matter settled by the Church. He accused the Trust Co. of having “robbed him” of thousands of dollars, treating him worse than even the very worst Gentiles are treated. I have brought the matter before the Trust Co. and said that while it is true we were a corporation and could not be dealt with by the Church, I was willing, as one, that we should be bound to abide any decision that might be made by any of our brethren. The privilege of choosing arbitrators was given to him, and he decided that he would choose one, and we should choose one, and they two should choose a third. The executive committee of the Trust Co. had chosen Le Grand Young, but Brother Hampton objected to him. Then they chose Brother John R. Winder. He himself chose Brother Orson A. Woolley, and they two chose Brother J. P. Freeze. He brought with him Brother Barlow Ferguson. We had some preliminary skirmishing this afternoon over some points, and we adjourned to meet at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

I have been elected in the 2nd Precinct, so I was informed by R. Kimball, secretary of the meeting, a delegate to the Territorial Democratic Convention to be held at Ogden on the 14th. I wrote a reply to the effect that as I am disfranchised and could neither vote nor hold office, and besides, a non-resident of the precinct, I thought there was a manifest impropriety in my accepting the appointment.

I had received a letter from Jesse B. Barton, an attorney at Ogden, asking me to use my influence in favor of Hon. Mr. Magianis as Delegate to the National Democratic Convention. I also informed him that I should not be a delegate to the Territorial Convention, and gave him the reasons therefore.

12 May 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, May 12th, 1892.

Brother Reynolds read to the First Presidency this morning some letters.

At 10 o’clock I met with the arbitrators in the Lion House, and spent nearly four hours. Brother Hampton had the fullest opportunity of making known his side of the case. He got through by 1 o’clock. The brethren then talked of adjourning, but as I had another meeting, I told them I would much prefer their remaining and the Trust Co. would condense its side of the case, which we did, only occupying about half an hour in making explanatory statements. I said to the arbitrators in my testimony that I had the highest respect for Brother and Sister Hampton. They had treated me with kindness, (I referred in this to the fact that when on the “underground” I had been entertained at their house with Presidents Woodruff and Smith, for which, however, we had made compensation) and I knew that he was a man that would willingly lay down his life for his brethren, if necessary, but he was intemperate in his speech. I desired to say to the arbitrators that if he and Sister Hampton and Brother Ferguson would remain and tell the arbitrators wherein I, as an individual, had injured him in any way, whatever they decided I should do to make it right I would do gladly, whether it was in apologizing or making it good in a pecuniary sense. I had not in thought, word or deed, to my knowledge, injured Brother and Sister Hampton, and would not do so. We withdrew, after the testimony was given, and left the case with the arbitrators.

The First Presidency and Twelve met at 2 o’clock. Besides the First Presidency, there were, Brothers F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. It was decided that Brother Lyman and myself should go to Sanpete Conference, Brother John W. Taylor to Morgan, and A. H. Cannon with the President of the Salt Lake Stake to ordain a Bishop for Sandy.

Attended a meeting of the Co-op Wagon & Machine Co. at 4 o’clock, and at 5:50 a meeting of the Deseret News Co., taking into consideration the report of the committee on the paper mill.

My horse that escaped was found and brought to me today. I gave the man $10. for finding him.

13 May 1892 • Friday

Friday, May 13th, 1892.

Correspondence was read to the First Presidency this morning by Brother Reynolds.

Bishop Clawson called with Mr. Roth Baumgarten and Mr. Kabis, of Wyoming, who expects to be candidate for Governor of the State on the Democratic ticket.

Wm. H. Shearman wrote to me <from New York> concerning a man whom he had found by the name of Juchau, who desired to be rebaptized, and he wanted to know if he should re-ordain him. He desired a dispatch sent if it was all right. We decided to authorize him to ordain him as well as baptize him.

Sister Susie Y. Gates came in and had a long talk with us concerning the situation of the B.Y.Academy at Provo. She called at my house last night, in company with Brother Don Carlos Young, and laid the matter before me, and desired to get my aid in having the block on the hill, which we now contemplate using for University purposes, turned over to the B.Y.Academy as an endowment. I told her I could not advocate such a measure, but I should not oppose it.

At 2 o’clock I met with the Bullion-Beck Co. and had a lengthy session, occupying upwards of three hours. A dividend of 25 cents per share was declared, payable next week.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

14 May 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, May 14th, 1892.

At 9:10 I left the Rio Grande depot for Manti. Dr. Seymour B. Young was also on board, bound for Manti. We were met at the station by a carriage which Brother Maiben had sent down for us. We went directly to meeting, which had been postponed till 2:30 in order that we might be there. The house was well filled. Brother Lyman spoke for an hour, and I followed him for about half an hour.

After the meeting we were taken to Brother John B. Maiben’s where we had dinner, and then went to view the reservoir for the water works, up on the side of the mountain. The spring from which the reservoir is fed only yields 13 gallons per minute. This seemed a very small amount of water with which to supply a city through pipes, but so far they have enough. They think the quantity can be increased by enlarging the spring.

I put up at Brother Maiben’s. I do not know any place in the Territory where a visitor is more hospitably entertained than by this family.

15 May 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, May 15th, 1892.

The meeting house was crowded this morning. The authorities were presented, both local and general. The statistical report was also read. I spoke about sixty-five minutes, and enjoyed excellent freedom.

We went from the meeting to the Temple and took dinner there—that is, Prest. C. Petersen and Brothers F. M. Lyman, Anthon H. Lund, S. B. Young and myself.

In the afternoon, sacrament was administered. Brother Lund spoke about 30 mins., Brother Lyman and S. B. Young each occupied about 20 mins., and I spoke for 20 mins.

After the meeting we were taken in vehicles to Ephraim, where I had made an appointment for an evening meeting. I was entertained by Brother A. H. Lund. The meeting house was crowded and a sweet heavenly influence prevailed. At the request of all the brethren, I occupied the time and spoke just sixty minutes, and it is seldom that I have felt more of the Spirit of God than I did at this meeting.

I felt led to suggest Brother Petersen, Prest. of the Stake, as a Patriarch, and he was sustained as such at Manti and again at this meeting, and he was ordained on the stand in this meeting, under the hands of Brothers Lyman, Lund and myself, I being mouth. I was filled with peculiar power in ordaining him, and he cried like a child.

I felt in my bedroom this evening overpowered with thankfulness to the Lord for His goodness to me in choosing me to be His servant. I felt to praise Him for considering me worthy of this high honor.

After the meeting I called with Brothers Lund and Young at a house belonging to Brother Petersen, where one of his daughters is very sick, nigh unto death. I felt to promise her, and did promise her, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that she should get well, if she would exercise faith and not yield to her feelings. The family were very much affected, as her condition has been looked upon as almost hopeless.

Sister Lund has a very beautiful son which was born to her soon after my last visit to this valley. I found her in a very depressed condition while visiting at their house, and I promised her that she should get through her confinement safely and be preserved. This was a comfort to her, and when the child was born she called it after me. It is now called Cannon Lund.

16 May 1892 • Monday

Monday, May 16th, 1892.

Bishop Lund, of Mt. Pleasant, had desired that I should hold meeting there this morning, if possible. I promised him I would. So we started pretty early in a carriage provided by Brother Geo. Taylor. The roads were muddy, and the morning a very cold and disagreeable one, it having rained heavily in the night. We reached Mt. Pleasant at 10:30. The congregation was assembled at 10 o’clock and the meeting had been opened. Brother Young spoke for half an hour, and I occupied 45 mins.

After meeting we went to Brother Peel’s and took dinner, and was carried by him to the station. The train left at 12:45.

Brother and Sister John A. Silver were on the car. Sister Silver is a daughter of Orson Pratt. They came down yesterday to the Temple at the request of their oldest son, a boy about ten years. He has been in a precarious condition for some time, and he was exceedingly anxious to go to the Temple. He saw the Temple and appeared satisfied, and yesterday evening after his arrival, he quietly passed away. They were in deep sorrow, and were carrying the body back with them to the city.

My son Lewis came to the train for me and took me home in my buggy.

17 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 17th, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office this morning.

We had a call from Sisters Elmina Taylor, and her two counselors, Sisters Maria Y. Dougall and Mattie H. Tingey, of the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Associations to this Stake. The object of their call was to learn whether it was obligatory on the young ladies to study the Manual which had been prepared for the Young Men’s Mutual. They felt that it was not suited to the wants of the Young Ladies. President Woodruff expressed himself to the same effect, and said it would be better for them to prepare a Manual for themselves that would be suitable.

At 11 o’clock there was a matter meeting of Z.C.M.I. President Woodruff had come up purposely to attend this meeting, his health being such that he would have stayed at home if this meeting had not been pending.

At 2 o’clock President Woodruff felt that he would go home. He requested me to take charge of a case that had been brought to our attention by Brother Elijah A. Box. Brother Rudger Clawson, Prest. of the Box Elder Stake, and his Counselor, Charles Kelly, and the Mayor of Brigham, Jos. E. Jensen, had come down personally to explain the causes for the action which had been taken against Brother Box. Besides President Smith and myself, there were Brothers F. D. Richards and John Henry Smith, of the Twelve, and Bishop John R. Winder. The fullest opportunity was given to the brethren to state their position, I having in opening the proceedings related what Brother Box had informed us concerning the action that had been taken against him. We listened patiently to all they had to say, and I asked each of the brethren their views concerning the case, and they all expressed themselves freely. After hearing them, I decided that the action against Brother Box should be suspended, as it was an inopportune time to take action against him, the apparent reason for taking action being that he had differed with the Presidency of the Stake and the leading officers of the Church in opposing the construction of water works at Brigham City and the taxation which it would involve. This decision was evidently not to the liking of any of the brethren from Brigham City, as they felt that it would be construed into a triumph for Brother Box, both by himself and his faction, and they inform us there is a faction there which follow his lead. I explained to Brother Rudger Clawson that it would be far better for him to not have his action carried out, because it would injure his influence in the future among the people, as it would be difficult to prevent them from believing that Brother Box had been dealt with in the Church for his opposition to action by the civil authorities; in fact, the evidence that they gave in our hearing conveyed that idea itself. I suggested to him that he go and have an interview with Brother Box, talk kindly to him, and say to him that the matter had been left in the hands of himself and counselor, and upon looking at it in all its lights he had concluded he had better not take such action, as it might be construed into an attempt by the Church to punish the opposition to any water-works, and as a Latter-day Saint he could see that that was not a proper impression to go out; but to assure him at the same time that the action against him had not been with the intention of condemning him for his opposition to these waterworks. We had a lengthy interview, and after this explanation the brethren appeared satisfied and went away with the expectation of carrying it out.

While this business was in progress I had a call from two gentlemen from the Isle of Man, who left their cards—Mr. J. R. Cowell, of Ramsey, and Mr. J. T. Cowell, of Rose Lodge, Douglas. I could not see them, and they said they would call back at 10 o’clock tomorrow. As soon as I was free, however, I went to the Knutsford hotel, where they were stopping, but found they were out. I left my card.

18 May 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 18th, 1892.

I called at the Knutsford about 8:30 this morning and met the two gentlemen who called on me last evening. I found them very intelligent, superior sort of men, both of them members of the House of Keys—that is, the Manx Parliament. By the way, this House of Keys is the oldest legislative body in Christendom. My heart warms towards a Manxman, because of the traditions which I have from my parents, and the conversation I had with these men was very interesting. I thought at first they might be relatives of mine, as I had a second cousin by the name of Wm. T. Cowell. They are of the same family, but not closely related. I sat with them while they ate their breakfast, at their request, as they wished to converse with me, and they were going by the train at 11:15. I remained about an hour and a half. They desired me to correspond with them, and any information they could furnish concerning the Island or the obtaining of genealogical data or books, they would gladly give me. I sent them each a copy of the Book of Mormon, Voice of Warning, and some pamphlets.

Mr. Wm. Irvin, a Presbyterian preacher, called, accompanied by his daughter.

We had a visit from Bishops Preston and Winder, and their secretary, Brother Robert Campbell, who submitted the annual statement of the tithing and how expended. Brother Winder submitted the decision of himself and fellow-arbitrators in the case of B. Y. Hampton and wife against Brigham Young Trust Co. It was altogether favorable to the Trust Co. They decided that we should not be required to change the terms of the lease, nor to pay anything to meet the claim which he made against us.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

19 May 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, May 19th, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Brother John Henry Smith has just returned from Rock Springs and he reported the condition of affairs there. He found the branch there in a bad condition. Comparatively few of them pay tithing, and a great many were drinking men, and some even were guilty of beating their wives. He represented to them how unworthy such conduct was to <in> men of their profession. They brought disgrace upon themselves and upon the body with which they were religiously connected, as people would form their conclusions about the rest of the members of the Church by what they saw in them. He gave them a very plain talking to, held a number of meetings with them, and organized a Ward, ordaining as Bishop Elder Saulsby, who has been President of the Branch, and two other brethren to be <as> his Counselors.

At 11 o’clock President Jos. F. Smith and myself attended the commencement exercises of the Latter-day Saint college in this city. The exercises were very interesting, and all who took part in them acquitted themselves in a satisfactory manner. The valedictory was delivered by Phillip S. Maycock, a young man who displayed considerable ability, and who will, I think, if he gets proper training, make a good speaker. President Smith and myself were called upon to speak; he occupied two or three minutes, and I spoke about seven or eight minutes. We then withdrew, as our appointment for meeting with the Council of the Apostles was near.

At the meeting of the Council there were present, besides the First Presidency, Brothers F. D. Richards and A. H. Cannon. Brother Jos. F. Smith was mouth in prayer. It was decided that Brothers Jos. F. Smith and F. M. Lyman should attend conference at Millard Stake on Sunday.

At 3 o’clock Colonel Elliot F. Shephard [Shepard], proprietor of the New York “Mail and Express”, accompanied by Mr. Critchlow, an attorney of this city, called upon us. We had nearly two hours’ interview with him. He asked a great many questions concerning our religion. With the permission of President Woodruff, I answered the most of his questions, and presented him with a Voice of Warning, which he desired me to put my autograph in. He promised to read it, and expressed himself as very much pleased with the interview. He has been, we understand, very bigoted on our question. He is a very religious man, and his paper has never spoken favorably upon our question, so far as we know.

Marshal Parsons called afterwards with Mr. Rappeleye, private secretary to Col. Shephard.

20 May 1892 • Friday

Friday, May 20th, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Brother John Henry Smith came in, accompanied by my son Frank. The latter, at the request of Brothers Jos. F. & John Henry Smith, has prepared a review of the oration delivered by Brother Moses Thatcher at the Democratic Convention held at Ogden last Saturday. The reading of the article was listened to with great interest. It seemed to me to be very conclusive. President Woodruff has been anxious that something should be written, as he has felt that Brother Thatcher had exceeded the bounds of propriety, as an Apostle, in using arguments to the effect that Lucifer and those who rebelled with him were acting upon a Republican theory of government. It was decided that the article should be published on Sunday in the “Standard”, and then Brothers Jos. F. & John Henry Smith get up a short article upon the points concerning which President Woodruff felt so much exercised, which would be signed by themselves, and perhaps be published in circular form with Frank’s article, afterwards.

My brother Angus came in with Brother Wm .H. Walker, who had been selected as a patriarch in this Stake, and President Smith and myself, at President Woodruff’s request, ordained him a patriarch, President Smith being mouth.

Bishop Winder brought to our attention a letter that had been received from Brother A. F. Macdonald, representing that our people in Mexico were likely to suffer for the want of food, as crops this season had failed, and asking if a loan of two carloads of flour could be obtained from us if he should be successful in having the duties remitted by the Mexican government. He had appealed to the government to have this done, and he would telegraph if successful. A telegram was received this afternoon to the effect that no duties would be charged, and it was decided that we should furnish the two carloads of flour.

21 May 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, May 21st, 1892.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith not at the office today, President Smith having gone to the Millard Stake Conference, and President Woodruff at home.

I dictated my journal and articles for the Juvenile Instructor to Brother Winter.

22 May 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, May 22nd, 1892.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle in the afternoon. Brother Jos. McMurrin delivered a most excellent discourse, and at the request of Brother Penrose, who was presiding, I followed for about 25 mins.

Myself and wife Carlie took dinner at her daughter Mamie’s, Abraham’s wife, and had a pleasant evening.

23 May 1892 • Monday

Monday, May 23rd, 1892.

President Woodruff and myself were at the office.

We listened to the reading of a number of letters.

Brothers Wm. W. Cluff, H. H. Cluff and F. A. Mitchell came in and we had a long conversation with them concerning affairs with the Hawaiian saints at Josepa. The question arose as to whether Brother H. H. Cluff, who had been sent over there at the death of Brother Wm. King to take charge of affairs, should continue to labor there, or someone else be appointed in his stead. President Woodruff and myself felt, and so did the other brethren, that as far as we knew there was no one so suitable as he for this position, and our feelings were that he should continue there. Brother Mitchell suggested that some young man should also be selected to assist him, so that he <they> could work into the business.

Brother John Henry Smith came in and read to us correspondence between Brother Fuller and the Prest. of the San Luis Stake, and also a letter of the latter to Brother Smith, from which correspondence we learned that several of the brethren who have plural families are pursuing an unwise course and bringing their families into Colorado, which action excites the fears of the Prest. of the Stake. He thinks there is danger of an attack being made. It was decided that Brother John Henry Smith should go to San Luis as soon as convenient and correct this; show the brethren the great danger in which they are not only placing themselves, but the whole people, by such conduct, because many of us have told leading men in Colorado that our folks were not living in plural marriage in that State, and if cases of this kind were discovered and brought to the attention of the courts, it might be attended with serious consequences.

24 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 24th, 1892.

President Woodruff at the office. Brothers Jos. F. Smith and F. M. Lyman reached here about the middle of the day from Millard.

I visited the cemetery this morning, in company with my son-in-law, Lewis M., to look at my lots there, as I am making arrangements to have coping put around and the lots sodded. This is a work that I have felt should be attended to for a long time; but for various reasons it has been postponed. I bought half a lot adjoining one of mine, in order to make my enclosure as compact as possible.

Brother Penrose came in today and reported that Mr. Charles Ellis, who has been lecturing and writing for some time in our favor, had stated to a Mr. Stephens (who, by the way, is a son-in-law of Brother Lorenzo Snow) that he had great opportunities of finding out all about the Mormons and their endowments, etc, and he said he knew the leading men thoroughly and they all ought to be hung, and their property ought to be taken from them; that the organization was a treasonable one, etc. From that which Brother Penrose had heard, he supposed that it was the intention of Mr. Ellis to try and make money out of lecturing against us.

Brothers Oscar H. Hardy and Eli A. Folland, members of the City Council, came to see whether they could have the privilege of taking the Aldermen of Boston who are expected here in a day or two, on a visit to the Tabernacle and have the organ played and some singing done for their pleasure, also if they could ascend the tower of the Temple, to all of which President Woodruff assented.

25 May 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 25th, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

I had a call from Postmaster Benton of this city, who had brought up Mr. Crossthwaite, an examiner from the Department of Justice, who is traveling over the country examining judicial affairs. He seems very favorably impressed with Utah, and expressed a wish to have further conversation with me on Utah affairs. He is a gentleman whom I met in the Department of Justice while I was at Washington recently.

Brother L. W. Shurtliff came down from Ogden at our request, as we desired to learn from him some points which were not clear to us in the written evidence submitted in the appeal case of Nathan Tanner, Jr, vs. Job Pingree. Brother F. D. Richards was also present during our conversation.

There was a meeting held of Cannon, Grant & Co, to which President Woodruff was invited. There were ten of the company present. President Woodruff was invited for the reason that the question was one which required counsel from the First Presidency. Brother Grant submitted the question and wished to have an answer by telegraph, whether he should accept the agency of one of the large life insurance companies in the East. In his letter he stated that he had objected to being an agent for a life insurance company, though he had been offered high salary if he would accept, but he did not like to engage in any business that would take the money out of the country. Now, however, since the organization of Cannon, Grant & Co., matters had changed, and the money that would be brought in through the influence of a life insurance company would more than offset the premiums that would be sent out, and as our people were insuring their lives quite extensively he felt that perhaps it would be necessary for Heber J. Grant & Co. to secure the agency of one of these companies. After some discussion on the question, it was resolved that we approve of his action in endeavoring to get the agency of a large life insurance company. I sent him a telegram to that effect, and wrote him a letter also on the subject.

I received a dispatch from Judge M. M. Estee, informing me that he would be in Ogden at 6:30 in the morning, and expressing a wish to meet me there and ride with me from there to this city. As there is no train leaves this city early enough to reach Ogden by the time mentioned, I determined to go up this evening, and drove down home and then was taken to the U.P. depot at 6:30.

I went to my son Frank’s at Ogden and stayed all night.

26 May 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, May 26th, 1892.

The train from San Francisco was about an hour late. My son Frank and myself met Judge Estee. We breakfasted together, and he and I then came on the train to Salt Lake. He explained a great many things to me; stated that he was going to the Nicaragua Canal Convention at St. Louis, and if he should be appointed on the committee to wait upon the Minneapolis Convention he would repair to Minneapolis and work in our interest there, and from there he should proceed to Washington. He intended to talk with great plainness to President Harrison and the leading people of the Administration and Republican party, as he said he was not under any obligation to them in any form, and he could afford to talk plainly. He is quite dissatisfied with the non-action of the President on the proclamation of amnesty. He said he was promised last February while in the East that it should be issued, the only question then being the language that should be used. He had proffered, he said, himself to write it for the Attorney General, and it ought to have been issued months ago. He proceeded on from this city to Denver, en route to St. Louis.

Brother N. W. Clayton submitted to us plans for the bathing resort at Saltair, which we examined. I suggested that care should be taken to provide for the raising or lowering of the lake.

In the afternoon we had our usual meeting of the Council. The First Presidency and Brothers Lyman and Cannon were present. President Woodruff was mouth in prayer. We had some interesting conversation concerning unsound doctrines that had been advanced by some of the Twelve in past times, notably that of Brother Orson Hyde concerning the resurrection, of Orson Pratt in regard to the great first cause, and of Amasa Lyman in opposition to the atonement of the Savior.

We took into consideration the approaching conference at St. George, and it was decided that the First Presidency should leave here about the 7th prox. for St. George. President Woodruff expressed a wish a few days ago that I should go to Mexico. This was also a subject of conversation, and in view of the extreme hot weather, it was decided that this visit should be postponed till September.

I attended with my wife Carlie a wedding reception at the house of the late Judge Elias Smith. Geo. A. Smith, the bridegroom, is a son of Brother John Henry Smith and a grandson of President Geo. A. Smith. His bride is a granddaughter of the late Judge Smith and of President Woodruff. Her maiden name is Lucy Woodruff. There was a fine company present, and an excellent supper was provided. Myself and wife remained till 2 o’clock.

27 May 1892 • Friday

Friday, May 27th, 1892.

Dr. Talmage and Capt. Young and the First Presidency had a lengthy conversation concerning relics of the cave dwellers, etc, also with Brother Maeser upon the same subject. The information that we get is that scientific companies are searching our country for archealogical remains, and have succeeded in finding many interesting things connected with cliff dwellers, and the subject of our conversation today was whether it would not be a good plan for our Museum to take measures to secure some of these interesting relics before they are all taken from the country.

We listened to the reading of correspondence by Brother Reynolds. I afterwards dictated a decision, for the First Presidency to sign, in the case of Tanner vs. Pingree, also a letter to Brother Tanner upon the subject.

I dictated my journal.

28 May 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, May 28th, 1892.

I came to town. President Woodruff was not at the office. I dictated articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

29 May 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, May 29th, 1892.

Attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Elder E. J. Wood, lately from Samoa, gave his experience in a very interesting manner, occupying about 45 mins. He also closed his remarks by speaking, at my request, in the Samoan language. Brother Wood has filled a good mission, and has the reputation of having learned the language better than <any> of the Elders. President Jos. F. Smith was at the meeting, and I desired him to speak, but he excused himself on account of the soreness of his mouth, through his teeth. I spoke about 25 mins.

From the meeting President Smith and myself drove to the residence of Bishop Warburton, of the 1st Ward, where we had been invited to dinner. We found President Woodruff and his wife there and my brother Angus, Brother Wilcken and the Bishop’s two counselors. After partaking of dinner, we went to the meeting house of the Ward and dedicated it by prayer, Brother Jos. F. Smith being mouth. President Woodruff, myself, my brother Angus, Brothers Jos. E. Taylor and C. W. Penrose and President Jos. F. Smith all spoke. The meeting was quite lively and interesting. My son Lewis came to take me home.

30 May 1892 • Monday

Monday, May 30th, 1892.

Decoration Day—a legal holiday.

In company with Brother C. H. Wilcken, I drove up to the cemetery.

Spent the remainder of the day quietly at home.

31 May 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 31st, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Mrs. Bamberger and Mrs. Siegel called upon me to know if they could get the two stone lions belonging to the Church to put in a fair that the ladies were going to hold.

We had a long conversation with Brother Edward Stevenson concerning Mexican affairs.

I had a long conversation with my son John Q., explaining to him the position of the First Presidency and our action in political matters. This conversation was the result of remarks which he had made to me respecting our attitude that led me to think he did not understand our motives, nor that which we were doing in political matters. I had a very plain talk with him, because I wished him to understand. I told him some things concerning Bro. Thatcher’s treatment of myself <at> times back <past> that I did not wish to mention, and had not mentioned to any of my family, as I did not desire to contribute in the least to giving them any prejudice against any of the authorities of the Church; but in this instance John Q. was evidently so mistaken in his views of Brother Thatcher’s conduct in political matters and his professions of the extreme reverence that he held the Priesthood in, as stated in the third paragraph of his letter in reply to Brothers Jos. F. & John Henry Smith, that I thought it due to my son that he should know the exact facts in relation to this point.

At 2 o’clock I went to the Scandinavian Methodist church to attend the funeral services of the mother of Dr. Garrett, who is a neighbor of mine on the south, and who had sent a request that if agreeable he would like to have myself and family attend the funeral of his mother. I was introduced to the pastor, Rev. Mr. McKeever. After the services, the Doctor introduced me to his father, his wife and his sister, and thanked me for my attendance.

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May 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024