April 1854

1 April 1854 • Saturday

Engaged same as yesterday. Wrote notices for English meeting.1 This evening Capt.’s Allen & Pope came up to Bro. H’s on a visit—Allen was out here as mate in the fall of ’51 and attended our meetings and appeared to be believing—he feels favorably inclined and quite sociable. The evening was spent in conversation on different subjects not much allusion made to our doctrines.

2 April 1854 • Sunday

Attended early morning meeting and preached on the subject of faith, the necessity of it, and the effects following its exercise. Afterwards we attended public meeting and <I> preached on the Book of Mormon, Bro. Hammond followed, bearing testimony to what had been said; we had the spirit. English meeting convened at 2 o’clock, some 7 or 8 being present. Bro. H. called on me to speak. I arose and commenced on the first principles and spoke a short time, I felt embarassed and found it somewhat difficult to convey my ideas and I felt quite unwell withal; the contrast between talking English and native was so great, the former being so much more difficult than the latter, that I could not help noticing it, and feeling <felt> somewhat embarrassed in consequence. When I found that my fear and embarrassment was likely to prevent me from enjoying much of the spirit and also from doing the subject justice, I sat down & gave way for Bro. H., who followed on the same subject, and after he had done I made a few remarks more, desiring them to seriously consider the importance of our message & testimony, &c., &c.2 After meeting Bro. H. invited them over to the house, Capt’s. Allen & Pope accepted the invitation; we conversed some little on our doctrines until the native meeting time when I left to attend it, leaving Bro. H. to entertain them. I could not help remarking the contrast in my feelings between preaching to the natives and the whites, in native my ideas flowed with ease and found utterance with facility through the native language, making it a real pleasure to talk.

3 April 1854 • Monday

Attended early morning meeting and preached. We thought of starting for Wailuku, but being desirous of seeing Capt. [Otis] Snow, who had stopped there sick his ship having gone on to the whaling ground, we concluded to stop till morning. We went down to his place of residence, but did not find him <he> having taken his afternoon stroll; on our return we met him on his way to Bro. H’s place. We spent a very agreeable afternoon in conversation; he is a very fine man and one that I feel desirous to see embrace the truth.3 After supper Capt’s Allen & Pope came in and the evening was spent in conversing on our principles, we endeavored to set them before them with simplicity, bearing testimony with plainness and all sincerity to the truth of these things, they appeared to have a good effect upon them.

4 April 1854 • Tuesday

After breakfast this morning we saddled up our horses and started for Wailuku around the North end of the island by way of Kaanapali, the way I first went round when I started on my peregrinations among the natives, about three years and a month ago. I could not help comparing my feelings and the prospects of the work now with my feelings and the prospects then; at that time we and our principles were entirely unknown, now we are known from one end of the group to the other, and there are very few districts or villages that has not heard the sound of this gospel. During my travels on the different islands I have been surprised at my own notoriety, they seemed to be as well acquainted with me on Kauai as far as my name, (George Pukuniahi,) and my proceedings were concerned, as they were on Maui. As far as a name is concerned I have got one on these lands, and the Lord has blessed me with influence far beyond what I ever could have expected, but I do not want the praise of men[.] I desire to be approved by my Heavenly Father and all the influence I can attain to over the hearts of the children of men I desire to have wisdom and grace to use it in spreading and building up the kingdom of God.

At Kaanapali it commenced <a> drizzling rain making it very disagreeable for man and horse the roads being very slippery. We arrived at Honokahau and stopped and ate dinner at the house of Ikuaana, we were somewhat wet. In afternoon started again, our anxiety to proceed stimulating us to brave the rain and the slippery roads, and arrived at Hononana where we stopped a few minutes to administer to a sick sister, we then proceeded on our journey and arrived at Kahakuloa about sundown, about thirty miles from Lahaina, tired as well as our animals—they [the] roads were steep and bad.4 We stopped at the deacons, Bro. [blank] They had a jack ass cooked, it had fell down a precipice and been killed, and they ate it with excellent gusto, saying, that it excelled horse meat as much as horse meat excelled beef—beef they said was strong and not near as sweet as horse or ass. We had the curiosity to try it. Bro. H. said he would have recognized it very readily as not being anything he had ever ate, but I feel pretty certain that if nothing had been sat said about it, and it had been set before me to eat, that I would have eat it without having the least suspicion that it was anything of that kind; it was very tender and not at all lean.

5 April 1854 • Wednesday

We held meeting with the saints this morning and exhorted them to diligence setting before them the necessity of standing firm. We ate breakfast and then started; the morning was a fine one but we found the roads slippery, very fatiguing for the animals, we had a good deal of hilly road until we arrived at Waihee, before we arrived there we took a delightful bathe in a cool mountain stream, which came tumbling over its rocky bed seeking its way to the ocean; I felt invigorated and refreshed. We arrived at Wailuku at Bro. [Jonathan] Napela’s about noon, and found the Brothers [Reddick and Reddin] Allred and Bros. Green & Woodbury here, they were well as well as all the rest of the folks. The folks appeared glad to see me and expressed much love. At 4 o’clock we held meeting, a good attendance of the saints who had come from different places to attend conference. Bro. Redick called on me to speak, I arose feeling my weakness very much and gave them a brief history of my travels and labors since our seperation, saying, that “I was <am> filled with love and gratitude to the Lord for having preserved us and blessed us with the privilege of again seeing each other, my heart is filled with love for you all, and I feel that we are indeed brethren and sisters and have passed from death unto life, because we love one another.” I then spoke on the subject of the rolling forth of this kingdom, that no power in earth or hell could stop its progress—no matter who apostatizes or who may oppose, even if all the inhabitants of these lands should reject it, it will yet roll forth and triumph over every opposing obstacle. I felt full of the spirit and was blessed in speaking. Bro. Hammond followed and spoke on the necessity of preparing our hearts for the conference on the morrow, &c., to seek the spirit and be prepared for all that might be taught. I made a few more remarks on the same subject after he had finished. My feelings were peculiar when I looked around upon them and I could not refrain from tears and I had some difficulty to speak when I arose. They were also much affected many of them. This evening we spent in councilling for the morrow. I also had some pleasant conversation with several of the brethren, Napela, Kanahunahupu, Geo. [George] Raymond, &c. &c. Bro. [David] Rice came down from Hamakua, where he is at present burning [manufacturing] charcoal, to-day; he is well.

6 April 1854 • Thursday

The anniversary of the reestablishment of the church on the earth in these last days; it being the first Thursday in the month we kept it also as a fast day. Attended early morning meeting, Bro. Woodbury preached making allusion to our last conference, and the favorable circumstances under which [we] now met, telling them the object of our fasting and conference, and exhorting them to remember these things and pray for the prosperity of the kingdom and all the elders, the prophet in Zion, &c., &c. Bro. Hammond followed on the same subjects, and they both had the spirit. At 10 A.M. conference convened, and after singing and prayer Bro. Redick N. Allred was sustained as Pres. of the Maui Conference, Bro. Napela was chosen Clerk, and then motions were made to sustain Pres. Brigham Young and counsellors, as the Presidency over the whole church, and Pres. P. [Philip] B. Lewis and counsellors as <the> Presidency over this mission. Bro. Allred then arose and made a few remarks in regard to the business of the day &c., that inasmuch as it was a fast day we would defer our business until the morrow and devote this day to preaching &c. He then called upon me to speak. I arose and read the 3rd Chap. of Malachi and a portion of the 4th, and spoke on the coming <forth> of the messenger to prepare the way of the Lord, showing unto them from the scriptures the Lord’s mode of doing business in all ages of the world among the children of men, that it was by empowering men from on high as He did Noah, Moses, and others, that this messenger was the prophet Joseph [Smith], &c. I had the spirit and was blessed. Bro. Woodbury followed on the same subject and spoke with freedom, as also Bro. Hammond who followed him.5 Adjourned for half an hour. During intermission Bros. [J. H.] Keanu & Keolanui, who had been sent to Hawaii from this island on a mission, last conference, returned, bringing a letter from Bro. Keeler and one from [H. K.] Kaleohano; the work is on the increase there, and notwithstanding all the opposition, which is very strong, the saints are rejoicing and are unshaken.

Conference opened again by singing and prayer, and Bro. Keanu was called on to speak; he spoke with the spirit and <gave> them a few leaves out of his experience, telling them that if he had lacked nothing and they had been filled with joy, &c., &c. I followed and spoke on the joy experienced in preaching the gospel of Jesus and in living pure before the Lord, that I rejoiced in hearing Bro. Keanu’s voice again in our midst and I was glad to see the elders return pure and free from sin, said that our folks in the valley would rather hear of our death than hear that we had fallen into transgression, death, they felt, was preferable, and this was also my feelings; when I returned <to Zion> I wanted to return spotless that I may be able to stand in the presence of the Lord and His Saints perfectly pure and blameless. I was much blessed with the spirit in conversing <on> and teaching these principles, and was enabled to speak with power. Bros. Hammond, Woodbury & R. [Reddin] A. Allred followed and all spoke with spirit and power on the necessity of obedience to the priesthood, humility &c. &c.6 I followed on the subject of the priesthood telling <them> that the lines would be drawn tighter from this time forth, that if a man promised to go and fill a mission and <did> not [choose] to do so, as some of them had done, that their licenses would be taken from them; if we had <done> as many of them had done we would have <had> our licenses taken from us, but the Lord had patience with them on account of their ignorance. I also spoke at some length on their duties. Conference adjourned until 10 A.M. on the morrow.

7 April 1854 • Friday

Attended early morning [meeting.] Bro. Napela <spoke> and was followed by Bro. Hammond, they both spoke with freedom and power. Conference convened at the hour appointed and after singing, and prayer by Pres. R. [Reddick] N. Allred, a representation was made by the native elders & priests of the different branches, <with> the standing, increase, prospects, &c., which was quite interesting; there had been a good many cut off since last conference.7 Adjourned until 2 o’clock p.m. with singing and prayer. At 2 p.m. met again and after the customary exercises proceeded to call and appoint the native elders whom we wished to take different fields, Bro. Lewis having <given> us liberty to appoint from this conference such as we thought would be necessary to fill the call from Hawaii and to send also to Kauai. Bros. Kapono, Kaelepulu, Kaaiunahi, Nahakuelua, Peleleu, Hopiiaina [Hoopiiaina] to Hawaii; and Bros. Geo. Raymond and Kalawaia to Kauai; and Bros. Kanahunahupu and Haole to Lanai. Before making these appointments were made a motion was made to restore Bros. . . . &. . . to their former standing, they having been suspended by the brethren on Hawaii for moe kolohe [adultery].8 I then arose and spoke on the nature of the offices and gave them much good instruction on these things, that they must go forth fearing and trembling lest they should be overcome with temptation, not to fear men but the Lord and try to realize the greatness of their calling and enjoy the spirit of their calling, the spirit of revelation, and <if> they would live near to the Lord they need never be ignorant in regard to any principles or doctrine. I said when I used to travel around <before I commenced preaching> I appeared as a man of low degree, without friends, houseless, and homeless, yet I felt that I was the principal man in this nation, and that our word was the word of the Lord to this people and they had to take <it> from us as we taught it or be damned; I always felt that I was [a] much greater man than the king [Kamehameha III], for I was in possession of the Holy Priesthood which was the power of God entrusted to man on the earth, and that its power was far ahead of the kingly power. They You must, I said, realize the importance of this power which the Lord has placed upon you, &c. Conference adjourned until 10 A.M. on Sunday morning allowing them to-morrow to prepare food for Sunday. We appointed a meeting for to-morrow morning and also a general meeting for to-morrow evening by early candle lighting.

A Mr. Jas. [James] J. Robinson, a son-in-law to Bro. Birch having married Isabella [Birch Robinson], attended our meeting all day yesterday and appeared to enjoy it; this morning when he came over he brought over 9 yards of double broadcloth to make us a coat apiece, several handkerchiefs, for <the> Bros. Allred and 4 pairs of drawers, 2 shirts, 1 doz. prs. of socks for the Bros. Allred, and $5 in cash towards the press. What he gave was valued at over $100 at the prices that he sells goods at.9 His Father is a white man and his mother a native; he was educated in England. I feel thankful to the Lord for these things and feel to bless Mr. R. for his kindness. He invited us to go over to his house to bless his child, a girl, this afternoon. We went over and he provided us with a very good supper which I enjoyed much, we had all the figs, raisins, almonds &c. that we wished; we sung some hymns and had prayer and then blessed the child, first in English and then in Native, I was mouth; she was called Charlotte Victoria [Robinson]. About 8 o’clock p.m. we left. It rained very much while we were going over to Waiehu. The old man, Birch, was very much reduced and it did not seem that he could hold out much longer. . . . 10

8 April 1854 • Saturday

Attended early morning meeting, Bro. Maiola spoke and I followed & was followed by Bro. Hammond; we had the spirit. A young man, Kamakakao, a teacher in the church, came into-day [sic] and gave his horse, the only one he had, towards the press and the return of us, the first five elders, to the valley; half to the press and half to us. This man was poor and his faith works showed that although rich poor in this world’s goods, he was nevertheless rich in faith. My heart was full of blessings for him and gratitude to the Lord, and that evening while speaking on this subject before the congregation I did bless him in the name of the Lord Jesus and all the congregation said Amen, and I felt that he would realize it.11

About 7 o’clock p.m. a very large congregation collected with lamps, and after the meeting had been opened Bro. Redick called on me to speak, I arose and spoke on the different dispositions of the children of men, differing with their education and circumstances and consequently their trials were different, what one people would consider hard and a trial, another would not balk at it a moment, and thus the Lord would try us in all things and make us a perfect people—a people that would obey his laws and listen to his counsel at all times and under all circumstances; for this purpose the Lord had restored the Holy Priesthood to the earth again, and man must become obedient to it or suffer the consequences, and there was one thing that filled me with joy continually, that is, that let all the powers of earth and hell unite to oppose this work, and let those who are now endeavoring to help roll forth his work turn against it and oppose it, yet all they can do will have no effect in stopping it, for the word of the Lord is immutable and cannot remain unfulfilled. I then spoke on the necessity of us holding ourselves and all that we possessed at the disposal of the Almighty and set before them with great plainness that all our blessings, riches, cattle, &c. were from the Lord, that we were only stewards placed over these things, and if the Lord should call upon that man thro’ his servants to give a portion, or even the whole of his property, for to forward on his kingdom, it would be his place to do it and comply with the requirement and he be would be blessed in doing it, if he would not do it he would come under condemnation and the Lord would remove his property from under his jurisdiction and give it to one more worthy. I told them that they must hold themselves in readiness to do all they could in this way, in faith, believing that he would reward them for all they [had] done. I said, the time is drawing near for five of us to return and the duty required of the saints on these lands, is, to make every exertions to fit out these elders that they might return, if you do this, I said, with the right feeling you will be blessed, but if not you will have refused to do the thing which the Lord requires at your hands. Imagine what our feelings would <will> be when we are called to give an account of our labors here, the number in the church, their faith, &c., &c. and upon being asked where we raised our means to get home with, have to say that we obtained it after we left the islands, that we could not get the means there. If we had to make such a statement as this they would immediately say that our labors had been fruitless and that you could not have received the spirit of love, the same spirit that they of other lands who had embraced the gospel had received, or you would never have left us to ha get our help from other sources. I never spoke better to my own satisfaction than I did this evening, the people sat in breathless silence and paid the best possible attention, and the spirit was poured out very powerfully on all present and the house was filled. I felt filled with the power of God and spoke to my own edification, and, as I have every reason to believe, to the edification of all present for an hour and a half. Bros. Hammond, Napela & Redick <N> Allred followed and was much <blessed>.12

9 April 1854 • Sunday

Bros. Redick, Stillman W. [John Stillman Woodbury] & I attended early morning meeting, I spoke on the importance of partaking of the Lord’s supper in purity and with the right feeling, Bro. Stillman followed and was blessed. The Conference assembled about 10 o’clock and Bro. Redick called on me to speak, I spoke on the gathering and was blessed in speaking, the congregation was larger to-day than it had been any day previous and they paid pretty good attention. In afternoon Bro. Kamakahanohano was chosen to accompany Bro. Raymond to Kauai to preach. Bro. Hammond spoke and was followed by Bro. Woodbury and I me; we were blessed much in speaking, afterwards attended to the sacrament and while administering it Bros. Kamakahanohano, Kanahunahupu and Napela and [sic] were filled with the spirit. I afterwards arose, feeling impressed by the spirit, and bore testimony to the truth of the work and that Joseph Smith was a prophet equally as true and legally sent as our Lord and Savior or any other prophet, that they world would have to believe his testimony and words or be damned. I said, I know these things to be true just as I know that Jesus and his Father are true, for one sustains the other. It was the most powerful testimony that, I think, I ever bore for I testified in the name of the Lord and before God, men and angels that these things were verily true, I was filled to overflowing and was, as it were, carried away. I afterwards arose again and reasoned on the nature of knowledge, what it took to constitute knowledge, and how I knew Jesus to be the Son of God and all he professed to be, Joseph also a holy prophet of the last d and all he professed to be, and the Book of Mormon <& Bible> to be true books containing the word of God. I said, the sects of the day boast much of their faith and knowledge of the Bible, but this is merely traditional with them, for they have not proved its truth for themselves, but have believed because their parents and teachers have taught them so to do. The divinity of Jesus and the truth of the Bible is easily proved, Jesus has said, in his character as Son of God, that if men will do certain things, become obedient to certain requirements, that they shall receive certain privileges and blessings, <among the rest the gift of the Holy Ghost,> now if a man believes these words of Jesus and goes forth determined to obey them, and afterwards receives the very things which Jesus has promised, does he not at once come to a knowledge of the truth of the words of Jesus? and he attains to a perfect knowledge that Jesus is all he professed to be, even the Son of God, else if this were not so, if he was an imposter, how is it possible that this believing and obedient man ever could attain to these privileges which come from some other <& higher> power? If a man does not attain to these blessings, does not receive all that Jesus promised, he has cause to immediately doubt the validity of the church who administered the ordinances unto him, or else doubt the truth of the words of the Savior; there is no other alternative. By this means I have proved and attained unto a knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon and the Bible, and in no other way can a man satisfactorily prove the truth of these things. Joseph Smith came forward professing to be a prophet of God, saying, that the Book of Mormon was the word of God, and that if men would believe on Jesus Christ, repent and be baptized properly that they should receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost and all the other gifts and signs as promised by Jesus—this was an assertion that could easily be proved or disproved—men had believed his words, had become obedient, and had received the very things that he said they would and which were promised by Jesus. Have they not proved to their own perfect satisfaction that these things are true, for how could they receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, a gift independent of man, unless these were true? The belief of the sects of the day in the Bible is about like the belief of the Mahomedans in the Alcoran [Koran], they believe it because they have been taught so, but yet they are entirely destitute of any real knowledge on the subject. I had great freedom and a good flow of the spirit. Several strangers were present.13 After meeting we all went over to Mr. Robinson’s with Bro. Rice to supper—it was excellent, one of the best I have ate on the islands, he had a plum pudding that I wished those I love had had the privilege of trying, it was the best that I have ate for years.

10 April 1854 • Monday

Conference continued this morning, elders were appointed to preside over the different portions of the island under direction of the white elders.14 I spoke at some length on the nature of their callings and priesthood, and showing the obligations they were under to magnify it, and also explaining their duties &c. also spoke about my return &c. that they had received the truth and not to desert it or follow the dictates of any man who spoke should speak contrary to the spirit of what they already had received, that if I or any of my brethren should deny the truth of these things not to give heed [to] it, but seek the spirit and the knowledge of the truth for themselves. I blessed them all in the name of the Lord praying that they might be kept firm unto the end. I felt full of the spirit and with peculiar feelings. I loved them and notwithstanding all their failings I feel that <they> are a people that will yet be highly favored of the Lord—their love and affection for me makes me feel thankful to the Lord for having made me instrumental to some extent in bringing them to a knowledge of the truth, and also for having given me strength and wisdom to stay here and try & do something.15 Bro. R. N. A. [Reddick Allred] called on me to dismiss the meeting which I did calling on the name of the Father in the name of Jesus to bless them in every thing that pertained to them for my heart was full of blessings for them.

During the day variously engaged. In evening David Kaauwai-Kahalekulu—a nephew of <Bro> Napela’s and son of Kaauwai one of the pillars in the Calvinist church and a great opposer of the truth, called upon me desiring to be baptized, he has been one of the wildest youths in the nation, is of chief blood, understands the English language, and is member elect of the present parliament, he is capable of doing great good if he will keep his covenants. I baptized him and we afterwards repaired to the house and after singing and prayer I spoke at some length and by the spirit on the spirit of the Lord, its offices, the nature of the gift, &c., &c. and also on the priesthood &c. as we had deemed it wisdom to ordain him an elder as he was going to start in the morning to attend parliament and would have need of all the strength he could get to sustain <him> in battling for the truth—he is naturally a very fearless man. Bro. Napela also made some remarks, after which we confirmed and ordained him, I being mouth.16 This morning Bros. Lepo & Kamakakao, who had just given his horse, gave in a cow apiece for the benefit of the returning elders.17

11 April 185418 • Tuesday

Five of us, Bros. Green, R. N. & R. A. Allred, Woodbury & myself, started for Lahaina this morning, our ride was a very pleasant one and we arrived about 10 o’clock A.M. We found Sis. H. [Mary Jane Hammond] <unwell,> and the youngest child, Samuel S. [Hammond], just recovered from a fit; Bro. H. & Rice had administered to him; when we arrived we administered again and there was a perceptible improvement in his health. In the afternoon Capt. Snow came up accompanied by <a> Capt. Allen, not the Allen to whom I have alluded before, he was a stranger. We had a very long conversation on our principles[.] Snow sat and listened only making remarks enough to keep the conversation up; Allen was on hand to argue the subject and would not relinquish any point until he was obliged to. He had been much prejudiced against us having heard all manner of stories, but he left with quite a favorable impression in favor of our doctrines, as we afterwards learned from Capt. Snow.19 Bro. R. N. Allred received a letter from Bro. Bigler in which we learned of the wreck of the vessel [John Wesley] on which Bro. [Nathan] Tanner started for the coast; she had gone on shore on the island of Kauai, the passengers were all on shore at the time. We were very sorry to hear of this accident, as it is likely to be not only a loss of time but also of means, as the passage money has been paid ($80)20 I wrote a long company letter to the brethren on Oahu giving all the news21

12 April 1854 • Wednesday

I was at morning meeting & preached. I received two letters to-day from the valley which afforded me gratification in perusing, they were written by my brother-in-law, Charles Lambert, and by my sister Anne [Ann Cannon Woodbury]; they were all well were enjoying themselves, and were very desirous of seeing me there; the fall was a very pleasant one, the winter so far, Jan. 29 & 30th, rather cold. I learned with regret of the sickness and precarious situation of Dr. Willard Richards, he has had two shocks of the palsy [stroke], and Chas. says, “it is doubtful whether he will recover”; I hope <it is> not <so bad,> for it seems as though such a man cannot be spared, but the Lord knows His own work and the need he has of him, best. While Joseph was on the earth I used to think that there was no man living that could fill his place, yet when the time arrived that he was needed elsewhere the mantle fell upon Brigham, and it seems now when I look around, just as much as it did when Joseph stood at the head of affairs, that no other man, seemingly, could fill his place; I realize, however, very plainly that it is the priesthood and station and responsibilities that make the man honorable and fitted to do all required of him, and not his talents and acquirements independent of an upright and righteous walk and conversation. Anne says that Elizabeth [Hoagland] is well that she is still teaching school and speaks in high terms of her faithfulness and constancy to me. May she be blessed, O Lord, and supported continually.

This afternoon Capt. Snow called again, saying, that he had come to hear us talk “Mormonism.” The afternoon was spent very agreeably indeed, and, by the request of the brethren & Capt. Snow, I read Bro. O. [Orson] Pratt’s pamphlet, “Was Joseph Smith sent of God?”22 We conversed until a late hour on these subjects and he said he was convinced that we had all the truths of the other sects of the day combined. He also expressed himself quite favorably in regard to going to the Valley. In parting this evening I bade him good bye as I expected to go back to Wailuku on the morrow; he pressed me to write to him, Otis S. Snow, East Freetown, Mass., and said he would be happy to respond; I promised him I would. My feelings were peculiar to this man, he is the most like a Latter-day-Saint of any man I ever knew who was not one, and I pray that all the seed that has been sown may not be destitute of the desired fruit. In speaking to him I have been blessed with freedom and with the spirit. He told me that an Aunt of his wife, whose maiden name was Catherine Howland, had moved to the Valley last season with her husband &c.23

13 April 1854 • Thursday

Attended early morning meeting.24 Bros. Kaleohano, Kaui, and Kakaula returned to-day from Hawaii; they gave an account of the progress of the work, which was pretty good; they also brought letters from the brethren there, they were all well.25

14 April 1854 • Friday

Bro. Reddin & I arose early this morning and started for Wailuku, leaving Bro. Reddick, who was rather unwell. We arrived at Wailuku and found all well. Met this afternoon with the officers and saints for the purpose of instructing and blessing the officers appointed to go to other islands. I was blessed very much in teaching them in relation to their duties and the course they ought to take while out among this people in order to do good and accomplish a good work. Ordained Bro. Makahanohano, who is going to Kauai, an Elder.26

15 April 1854 • Saturday

I determined to start to see Bro. John Winchester, and Bro. Reddin also started to Honuaula to spend the Sabbath. Bro. Napela furnished me with a horse. It was quite showery. I found Bro. John, well, as well as his wife. In consequence of the rain I was not able to return this afternoon, as I expected. While here I hastily read a book written by Lieut. [John W.] Gunnison, one of the exploring party sent by Government to explore the Great Basin, called the History of the Mormons, or Latter Day Saints [The Mormons, or, Latter-day Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake], in which he gives an account of our people and their doings. His work I do not like; to a stranger, one unacquainted with us and our history, it may, possibly, appear candid and plausible, but to me it is sophistical and just the kind of work calculated <I think> to create a prejudice against us and our moves; he had told a great many truths in regard to our customs, modes of living &c., that is calculated to have a good effect to a certain extent; many other things are truths and irrefutable that he has told as being our belief and practice, but he has not told them in the spirit of truth, bu rather ridiculing and speaking underratelingly of some of the greatest truths and principles,—truths and principles that can be sustained by abundance of testimony from the word of God and also by reason.

16 April 1854 • Sunday

Raining this morning, I waited till about 10 o’clock A.M. when it cleared up, and I started <&> arrived at Wailuku in time to participate in part of the morning services—Bro. Redick N. Allred had returned from Lahaina early this morning; his health had improved. In afternoon, I spoke, followed by Bros. Raymond, Napela, <&> Allred, and we were blessed with the spirit. I had made up my mind to go to Hawaii from the east end of the island, from Hana, in a <large> canoe of Bro. Namakaiona’s; Bros. R. N. Allred & Napela were also going to accompany me and also four of the elders who were appointed at Conference—Kaelepulu, Kapono, Hoopiiaina and Peleleu. We, <Bro. A. & myself,> called on the brethren to let us have a horse apiece to go to East Maui on, Bro. Kanahunahupu, the brother of Bro. Napela, gave Bro. Redick his to keep until he (K.) returned from Kauai his mission on Lanai; Bro. Geo. Raymond let me have his. Both these brethren, as well as many others, have been very kind to us in letting us have horses &c. to assist us in our travels, &c., and my prayer is that they may reap all the reward that has been promised by the Lord for their kindness to His servants. I wrote a long letter to Elizabeth this evening telling her of my return and desiring her to write me a letter to San F. [Francisco] & San B. [Bernardino] telling me what would be suitable for me to take home should I get means.27

17 April 1854 • Monday

Writing &c. Bro. A. baptized a young man, a Catholic, and we confirmed him. Made preparations for our journey and started about 2 o’clock, p.m. and arrived at Keauhou, towards the mountain from Honuaula, and met with Bro. Reddin A. Allred who had baptized nine yesterday, and stopped at the house of Bro. Nahiolea.

18 April 1854 • Tuesday

Wrote a note to Bro. Hammond about having him hurry <off> the brethren who were chosen to go to Hawaii that we might meet with them in conference there; and also wishing him to buy some thick clothing for me, if he had a chance, &c. &c.28 I was anxious to have Bro. Reddin stop round Wailuku and dispose of the animals that had been given into the hands of the Committee for the benefit of the press, and also what had been given to us for our return, as I was desirous to have it converted into cash as soon as practicable. After breakfast we seperated, Bro. Reddin to go to Wailuku and Bro. Reddick & I <to> continue our journey; we arrived at Nuu towards sun down and stopped at Bro. Kanapu’s.

19 April 1854 • Wednesday

Held meeting this morning I spoke, and was followed by Bro. A. After breakfast started and reached Kipahulu, and stopped, <at Bro.> Paao’s. Had meeting this evening, Bro. A. spoke and I made a few remarks.

20 April 1854 • Thursday

Held meeting this morning I spoke on the subject of us being a people distinct from all others, and that we ought to approximate to a oneness in all things, and that it was is our duty to improve continually, temporally and spiritually and forsake everything that was <is> not callculated to exalt and happify us, &c. &c. Bro. A. also made a few remarks. We ordained Bro. Kalawaia, a priest, and blessed him preparatory to his mission to Kauai. Engaged in writing this forenoon, wrote a letter to Bro. Wm. Farrer, Kauai,29 and one to the brethren in Honolulu, giving them an account of the progress of the work and the prospects and all the news in regard to my success in raising means. Also wrote a licence for Bro. K.

We started after noon and arrived at Kawaipapa about 5 o’clock, the people were together feasting and as they were about through we were invited to preach to them. I spoke on the first principles and was blessed and enabled to speak with energy; it was hard speaking, as it was quite windy.30 This evening Bro. Napela arrived bringing me six letters—two from home written <by> my quorum, the 30th, of which I had been made <president, and from> Elizabeth; and four from the brethren on the islands nei:31 Bros. Tanner, Bigler, Hawkins and [J. W. H.] Kauwahi. The letter from the quorum stated that they met once in two weeks at Bro. [Joseph] Cain’s, and they enjoyed the spirit very much in their meetings; ten of the Quorum were on foreign missions: Bro. H. W. Bigler, <Bro. T. [Thomas] McKenzie> and myself, Presidents, <Bro. McK. to the Lamanites,> Bros. Hy. [Henry] Phelps, John Armstrong, Matthias Cowley, Jas. Bond, <W. [William] Hennefer, Jos. [Joseph] Bull,> and [Frederick] Margetson, members; they <first four> were in Europe <and the remainder to the Lamanites>. A resolution had been passed by the quorum, to write to all absent members on the fi[r]st of every year and have them respond. The letter was full of good counsel which will be beneficial to me <if> I only obey it.

Elizabeth’s was not very long, as she had written in a hurry; I felt good in receiving it as I have looked long and anxiously to get a letter from her; she expresses her love in affectionate terms and looks with anxiety for my return, hopes that it will be in the spring, and desires me to write to her <&> telling her when I was am coming home; they all join in love to me, and hope I may be blessed, and how can it be otherwise if I do right, as long as I have the prayers of those who love me and whose heart’s desires are to see me blessed and prospered, continually offered up in my behalf.—

Bro. Tanner says, he has taken passage again for California on the Sovereign, which sails in a few days. The work is progressing steadily on Oahu and all are well, so say Bro. Hy. [Bigler] & Jas. [Hawkins]; Bro. Jas. has opened some new places. Bro. H. says, that in conversation with Bro. Lewis and the other brethren in Honolulu, Bro. L. had said that we, that is, the five who were intending to return, <“are at liberty> as quick as we can get the means, and that there has been no particular need of our staying as long as we have &c., and that we are at liberty to drop the shovel as quick as we can.” They had also said that, “they did not want us to write home that we were staying here because the work would not go on without us, but that we were at liberty to leave and had been ever since Conference, and all that we were waiting for was a vessel, as we had no means and no prospect of getting any.” Presuming that Bro. Hawkins has given me a true version of the conversation, I could not help being grieved that such remarks had been made or that there had been any occasion given for them to make such remarks, for I thought them <both> unkind and unjust and without foundation in truth. I cannot divine what time the word “Conference” refers to, it cannot possibly mean last Oct., the last time we held Conference, for at that time we were appointed fields of labor until <next> conference, and we could not, therefore, in reason, think ourselves at liberty; for my own part I do not want to leave these lands without having papers from a Conference, if possible, signed by Bro. Lewis as Pres. Bro. Kauwahi says, that although in prison and persecuted by the servants of the devil—the Calvinist Priests, and they doing all they can to bring trouble on him, yet he does not feel cast down neither does he want to see or hear of the saints being any disturbed or shaken in mind on account of his imprisonment. Bro. K. is a man that I love, he is <a> gifted and useful man and there has been as great a change effected in him by the influence of the gospel as I ever saw in any man; he was a lawyer, famous from one end of the islands to the other, not only for his smartness (akamai) in the law, but also for his wildness and tricks—drinking, whoring, and rowdyism, when he joined the church; since he obtained the priesthood his course has been exactly opposite, and his voice has been constantly raised, teaching the people to forsake their sins and all their evil practices, and enjoy the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Bro. Redick received a letter from Bro. [James] Lawson, and one from Bro. [Thomas] Karren, Hawaii, containing news of the progress of the work &c. there, which was moderate; he also received one from Bro. Reddin stating that Bro. Kaleo had turned over a beef [donated a cow to be sold to raise money] towards the elder’s return. Bro. Hy. says that there was a good many papers for me, but Bro. Lewis had kept them thinking that I could get the chance of perusing some of the brethrens’ papers. There were eight papers, <the “News,”> along with the letters which we thought were intended for Bro. Lawson, they were dated from the 8th of Dec., 1853, to Feb. 2nd, ’54, inclusive, and were filled with good news and sweet instruction, a good many discourses by the principal elders in the church, &c., &c., which were gratifying in the highest degree and admirably calculated to fill our hearts with joy and thanksgiving and if attended to by me would <will> result in my I exaltation and eternal glory. The papers were filled with accounts of the rapid spread of spirit rapping, mesmerism, biology,32 and other things in the hands of the Evil One, deluding and leading astray thousands of this sign seeking, wicked and adulterous generation, who love falsehood and deception, something that is mysterious and unfathomable to them, better than they do the simple and true principles of the gospel of the Lord Jesus, which the most ignorant can <easily> comprehend by taking the proper course, the course prescribed by Jesus. This all goes to fulfill the words of the apostles and prophets of <both> the former and latter dispensations, that strong delusion would be sent that those who love not the truth but loved a lie, may be damned. The days appear to be fast approaching that every thing will be shaken that can be shaken, and all who are not built on the rock are sure to fall, for strong delusions are being sent among the people by Satan to harden their hearts. I feel fearful and feel to tremble lest I should by any means bring myself in subjection to the Evil One and be led away, and my cry to the Lord is constantly that, He will give me strength and grace to overcome. His promises cheer <me> for I know that He will never desert me so long as I walk in humility and meekness before Him.

21 April 1854 • Friday

Attended early morning meeting Bro. Napela preached and I followed. We heard to-day that the small pox had again made its appearance in Honolulu. Bro. A. and I were invited by Mahoe, a High School graduate, at present a school teacher, to spend the evening with him, he wanted us to talk to his wife, quite an intelligent and interesting native woman who had [been] brought up by the missionaries and who understood English well, and instruct her on our principles; he was believing and <he> desired to see her come in with him, and emigrate to the coast. The evening was spent agreeably.

22 April 1854 • Saturday

Bro. A. & I spoke in early morning meeting. Bros. Kaelepulu, Hoopiiaina and Peleleu arrived to-day, they brought news that Bro. Namakaiona was waiting for men to go from here to bring the canoe to this place. This surprised me, as the understanding I had with Bro. N. was that, he was to meet us here with the canoe on Thursday, the 20th; the brethren here say the understanding they had was, that they, the brethren of Koolau, was to bring the canoe, and they, the brethren of this place, was to take us to Hawaii. Wrote a letter thro’ Napela to them to bring on the canoe. Held meeting this afternoon and I was much rejoiced and edified in listening to Bros. Kaelepulu and Hoopiiaina.33

23 April 1854 • Sunday

Held meeting at ½ past 10, I preached on Zion &c., from the 60th chap. of Isai<a>h, and was much blessed; Bro. Napela followed and had the spirit. In afternoon, the native elders, Bro. A. & I spoke, administered the Lord’s supper, ordained an elder, Pahili, in this branch, blessed Elder Kapono who was going on a mission to Hawaii, and confirmed seven who had been baptized today—three of them by me. I called for volunteers to go for the canoe, four offered and as there was six wanted, I wrote to Koolau calling on the brethren to make up the number.

24 April 1854 • Monday

Attended early morning meeting, Bro. Allred spoke <inciting the Saints to diligence and to good works, and to try to excel all others who were not in the covenant.>34 In afternoon held officer meeting and bro. A. called on me to instruct them. I was very much blessed in doing so and spoke on all the duties of the different officers. <Bro. Redick also spoke on this subject.> This is a delightful subject to me.

25 April 1854 • Tuesday

Bros. Kaelepulu & Napela preached this morning I followed in a few remarks. The canoe arrived this morning about 11 o’clock. Commenced a letter to Chas., Mary A. [Lambert], Orin & Anne [Woodbury], Angus, David, Leonora [Cannon], &c.

26 April 1854 • Wednesday

Making preparations to start on the canoe; we set sail about 8 o’clock; we did not have much wind for about an hour, during which time we had some heavy swells which made me feel sick but <not> enough to vomit; Bro. Redick [Reddick Allred], Kaelepulu and a boy, Punilio, belonging to Bro. Napela, were sick and vomited, Bro. Redick ceased when the wind sprang up and enjoyed the remainder of the passage. I also felt better directly after the wind commenced and enjoyed the passage better than any previous one that I have made about the islands; the channel was very smooth, smoother than many of them ever had seen it before; it is considered a very dangerous place to cross and many canoes and lives have been lost. They thought (and with truth,) that the Lord had heard our prayers and blessed us with a favorable time. Both ends of the canoe had a board fitted in and then covered over with mats and lashed on, making the top or deck as round as a log and water tight, on this the rowers were perched with their paddles; in the centre a place was left open and the sides were raised by lashing mats to the poles that were raised above the edge of the canoe; in this space a place was fixed quite comfortable for us to sit or recline and was covered with mats—the sides were raised to keep out the water that might dash over. It really looked as though it must be very dangerous for men to sit on the top of these canoes when the tops or decks are lashed on—it looked like going to sea on a log. The sail was hoisted on the other side from the outrigger; and to prevent the canoe from turning over, a man sat on each of the sticks that ran transversely from the canoe to form the outrigger, easing up and bearing down upon it <as necessity required> to counterbalance the effect of the sail which had on the other side and tended <a tendency> to raise the canoe <outrigger> out of the water. This canoe is about 45 feet long, and there were35 fourteen of us on board and some of them over 200 lbs weight; its depth was about three feet in the largest place.36 We arrived at Upolu, Kohala, Hawaii, at about ¼ past 3, and met with Bro. [James] Keeler and the saints here who were in the enjoyment of good health and spirits. I was glad to see Bro. Keeler once more after so long a seperation; the other brethren, [Thomas] Karren, [James] Lawson and [Edgerton] Snider were in their different fields.

This <part of the> country is level and is destitute of timber and of running water; the water near the sea is very brackish, tolerable drinking water is procured inland in natural basins where it settles in time of rain. <Sweet> Potatoes are the principal food of the people; kalo grows inland. This is the place where Bros. [Nathan] Tanner, Karren and [I. W.] Kahumoku were obliged to land on account of stress of weather and where the work first started on this island. Persecution has raged very strong here; a meeting house that had just been built [at Kapali‘iuka] the Catholics had torn down headed by their Priest, a Frenchman, just as our people were dismissing meeting. We held meeting in the afternoon and Bros. [Jonathan] Napela, Kaelepulu and I, spoke.

27 April 1854 • Thursday

Held meeting this morning. Several spoke and we enjoyed the spirit. Commenced a letter to Bros. [Henry] Bigler and [James] Hawkins. In afternoon held meeting, I preached on the Book of Mormon followed <by> Bro. Napela.

28 April 1854 • Friday

We started this morning, Bros. Keeler and Allred, Napela, Kahono, Kaelepulu, Hoopiiaina, Peleleu, Nahakuelua, and two boys, and myself, to go to Waipio, Hamakua, we ascended from the sea inland, the country is beautiful, rolling hills covered with verdure and in some cases with timber, very much <like> the California country; oats were growing luxuriantly by the roadside all along, and they country in places was covered, affording splendid feed for horses &c.; all the animals here are in good order. We stopped where they were having a feast and ate dinner. We travelled several miles through the timber and arrived at Mr. Lincoln’s after about 19 miles travel and stopped all night; he did not belong to the church, but entertained us willingly; he is investigating the truth.37

29 April 1854 • Saturday

Arose this morning and after eating breakfast started, travelled about 9 miles and arrived at Waimea where several white men resided. Its situated on a large plain bounded on the right by the bay of Kawaihae, where vessels often touch for supplies, on the left by the ocean but hid from view by a large body of timber; on the South East there is an extensive prospect reminding me of views that I had on the continent while crossing <the> plains, bounded by Mauna Kea, apparently the nearest, Mauna Loa, in the distance looming up between, and Hualalai, the lowest of the three, on the right. Mauna Loa is dome like in shape, very regular there being nothing to disturb the equality of its surface. They have both a slight coating of snow at present. We called at a Mr. Be<a>dle’s, a blacksmith, who is believing, and ate dinner; we found there a brother by the name of [Samuel] Gess, <alias, [Augustus] Side,>38 a white man, who had been baptized by Bro. Karren. We had quite a long conversation on the principles.

I made a bargain with Mr. Bedell <Beadle> for a California saddle, new one, for my watch; he thought that the watch was worth more than the saddle would be, and he said he would make me a bridle also. This is a missionary station occupied by a Mr. [Rev. Lorenzo] Lyons. When we left here we travelled over a good level road for about two miles and then came to the timber through which we travelled for several miles; the road was full of ruts and puddles all the way through. Waipio is in a deep valley, very pretty indeed and situated on the ocean. When we got down the pali (hill) to the creek, through which we had to wade by pulling off our clothes, it was dark. We found Elders Lawson, Snider and [Gustaf] Linn, with Elders Kailihune & Kalawaia, their helps, all well and in the enjoyment of the spirit. We were very much tired and I had quite sore feet. This branch is a good sized one; they have built a good sized meeting house.

30 April 1854 • Sunday

I felt very sore and weary this morning; I was so much fatigued that I did not rest very well last night. We held public meeting. I was called upon to speak and preached on the building <up> of the kingdom, &c. and was blessed. Bro. R. N. Allred followed on the same subject. During intermission I baptized two—one man and a woman. In afternoon, Bros. Keeler, Linn, Napela and I spoke on the Sacrament and other places principles and were very much blessed. I enjoyed it much. Several repented, confessing their sins, and two were cut off, for adultery.

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April 1854, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1854/04-1854


  1. [1]Hammond provided further information concerning Cannon’s activities: “Bro. Cannon attended meeting. Myself employed in making a pair of calf skin shoes for Bro. C. Bro. C. also attended court for me. he was detained till near noon on a trial of trasspass &c, of a couple of officers from Ships . . . they were fined 10 dollars each. Wrote and put up some notices for english preaching on the morrow” (Hammond journal, Apr. 1, 1854).

  2. [2]At the morning meeting “Cannon preached on the ‘Book of Mormon,’ from Is. 29. Showing that such a book was plainly predicted by the prophets of old, and that Joseph Smith was chosen of God to receive the book and translate it &c.” At the afternoon meeting “there was but a few out some 8 or 9 mostly captains. Capt. Allen and Pope were present and paid good attention. But there was some of them who did not appear to believe our testimoney” (Hammond journal, Apr. 2, 1854).

  3. [3]Hammond also was “very much struck with Capt. Snow, he appears to be an honest man” (Hammond journal, Apr. 3, 1854).

  4. [4]Their travels took them “up and down steep palis” (Hammond journal, Apr. 4, 1854).

  5. [5]Woodbury, Hammond, and Reddin Allred captured the forthrightness of Cannon’s preaching: “[He] spoke of the Lords sending a messenger before his face, and that he should suddenly come to his temple. he said that Malachi spoke of the comeing of christ, and that there had to come a prophet before him to warn the people of the things whitch are comeing on the Earth and of the comeing of the Saviour. said that Joseph was that prophet that the priesthood is again restored to the Earth. He spoke of the different dispensations and that God also sent prophets to declare his will” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 6, 1854). “He taught the saints that a prophet of God sent to a people was as God to them, and they would be damned if the[y] rejected his word” (Hammond journal, Apr. 6, 1854). “[He] told the saints plainly that they must be subject [to] the authorities that God had established in these last days for the goverment of his Kingdom if they ever expected salvation” (Reddin Allred journal, Apr. 6, 1854).

  6. [6]Woodbury told the congregation: “Bros. Cannon, Keeler, Hawkins, Bigler, & Farrer have laboured faithfully among you from the beginning. . . . Now the time has come for you to shew your faith and love by assisting them to return home” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 6, 1854).

  7. [7]Woodbury reported that “some 22 branches wer represented and near 1000 members in good standing” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 7, 1854). Hammond noted “that the increase for the last 6 months has not been much, many have been cut off from the branches on the East end of Maui” (Hammond journal, Apr. 7, 1854).

  8. [8]These individuals were restored to full fellowship “as they had repented before the church at Hawaii and also here at Wailuku when they returned” (Hammond journal, Apr. 7, 1854).

  9. [9]Robinson gave the Allreds “paper and a dime worth of ink and a hankerchief and pair of stockings to each of the others” (Reddin Allred journal, Apr. 7, 1854).

  10. [10]Woodbury reported that Birch “had a shock of the numb palsy [stroke] over two years ago & is at presant very low and prety mutch lost his reason, he was formaly a very large, robust and harty man” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 7, 1854). In the remainder of the day’s entry, Cannon recounted a confession made to him during the return trip to Wailuku and a subsequent meeting held to discuss the transgression.

  11. [11]Reddin Allred described Kamakahao’s gift as “the most that had been done by any one considering his circumstances” (Reddin Allred journal, Apr. 8, 1854). Following the morning meeting the elders remained in “the house all day as we had no mee[t]ing to day, giving the saints a chance to prepare food for the sabbath—it was also a rainy day” (Reddin Allred journal, Apr. 8, 1854).

  12. [12]Woodbury noted of this evening meeting: “A crowded house with listening ears. Bro. Cannon Spoke to them for over an hour haveing a great flow of the Spirit Spoke on various Subjects. Spoke with feeling on his haveing Soon to leave them and return to the Valley, and that it was the duty of the Saints on these lands to assist him and his Brethren with means to get home. the Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon the congregation and our meeting was a time of rejoicing to me and I believe to all presant” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 8, 1854). Hammond related that Cannon “also called upon them for [money for] the press a good spirit prevailed” (Hammond journal, Apr. 8, 1854).

  13. [13]Woodbury reported that “the house was crowded. Some 500 inside besides a great many on the outside who could not get in” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 9, 1854). Hammond recorded additional details about the meeting: “Administered the sacrament to about 700 saints. . . . Bro. Cannon then arose and bore a strong testimoney to the truth of this work and of Joseph Smiths being a true prophet &c, he spoke by the power of the most High and saints rejoiced & Sinners trembled. I never heard a stronger testimoney born before a congregation” (Hammond journal, Apr. 9, 1854). Hammond also described the close of the meeting: “Sang the new native hymn E puka ae Kakou mai babulona aku &c. [‘We Ascended Out of Babylon’ etc.] Benediction by Elder Cannon, he blessed them in the name of Jesus Christ with the blessings of heaven & earth &c.” (Hammond journal, Apr. 9, 1854).

  14. [14]Reddick Allred clarified the nature of the organization the missionaries put into place: “The business of the morning was presented, which was to divide the conference into districts and appoint native Elders over them. The Island was then divided into eight wards and an Elder appointed over each” (Reddick Allred journal, Apr. 10, 1854).

  15. [15]Woodbury wrote that “Cannon Spoke of returning to to [sic] the Valley, and that after his departure with his brethren that false reports and lies [would continue to be spread] he exhorted them to stand firm and remember the pit from whence they wer dug. he made some farewell remarks to the Saints” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 9 [10], 1854).

  16. [16]Kaauwai likewise impressed the other missionaries. Woodbury wrote: “David Kaauai (an inteligant native, and of Some Chief blood) was baptised, and ordained an Elder, he was going to to [sic] Honolulu to attend parliment, and I hope he will be [the] means of doing good among the higher class of Natives. . . . If faithful, [he] will no doubt become a mighty man in this Kingdom, and an instrument of doing mutch good among his nation. We gave him mutch good instruction and council preveous to ordaining him” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 10, 1854). Reddin Allred penned: “David has been a great roudy, and was called a very bad man; but that is no sign but what he will make a good man; he is a man of tallent. . . . We went down to the water the moon shone bright—it was about eight in the eavning Elder Cannon baptised him we returned to the house and Elder C. . . . spoak at conside[r]able length on the ordinence of laying on of hands & temtations that would be in the way, and shewing the way for escape” (Reddin Allred journal, Apr. 10, 1854).

  17. [17]This sentence is in smaller handwriting and appears to be a later insertion. Kamakakao’s donation moved Woodbury. “A young man who had given in a horse the day before for the pres[s] and to assist the Elders to return home, now came forward & gave in a cow or heifer he had very little property but a big soul, and was filled with the love of the truth, and seemed willing to dedicate and concicrate himself and all that he had for the Kingdom of God, and I felt to bless him in the name of the Lord, and to say that he should be blest an hundred fold, and with life everlasting if he continued to the end” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 8, 1854). Hammond provided an evaluation of the conference: “The saints have manifested a good spiret all through the conference. We have received over one hundred dollars for the ‘press’ in cash; and two horses and three head of cattle. I think this conference has thus far done more than all the others put together” (Hammond journal, Apr. 8, 1854).

  18. [18]Cannon originally wrote April 12 but corrected it.

  19. [19]Hammond also recounted the visit of Snow and Allen:

    “Capt. Snow came to see us. . . . We soon got into conversation concerning the God-head, he believed in a God without body parts or passions. . . . Capt. Allen soon came in and broke our conversation, this is not our old friend Capt. Allen, he sailed to day, but this is another one by the same name, and half as good a man Judging from appearences, a dead opposer to ‘Mormonism.’ He and Capt. Snow took a walk down to the beach to see about getting off the sailors to the ship that had been on liberty, but said they would return to tea which they did. . . . We got on to Mormonism again and kept it with much till past 10 o’clock. Capt. Allen was full of prejudice as he could well be, and very insulting in his language but the spiret of the Lord assisted me and I was enabled to confound him in all his atempts to put down the truth. . . .

    “Capt. Snow was the exact opposite of Allen, a perfect gentelman in his carriage and deportment, and set and listened with heart felt interest manifesting great sympathy for us as a people, and is evidently desirious of obtaining the truth, which I pray God my Heavenly Father to help him to find and that speedily” (Hammond journal, Apr. 10, 1854).

  20. [20]During a stop at Koloa, Kaua‘i, to load a cargo of potatoes and livestock before continuing on to San Francisco, the John Wesley was dislodged from its moorings by a substantial wind and sent into a nearby reef, rendering it unseaworthy. Within a few days the vessel had been dashed to pieces, but not before the greater portion of the passengers’ baggage was rescued. Most of the cargo was lost (“The Wreck of the ‘John Wesley,’” Polynesian, Apr. 15, 1854).

  21. [21]This sentence is in smaller handwriting and appears to be a later insertion.

  22. [22]In 1848 Pratt published a sixteen-page pamphlet titled Divine Authority, or the Question, Was Joseph Smith Sent of God?, which was subsequently reprinted with the title Was Joseph Smith Sent of God? For additional information, see Flake and Draper, Mormon Bibliography, 2:102; Crawley, Descriptive Bibliography, 2:48–52, 78.

  23. [23]This sentence is in smaller handwriting and appears to be a later insertion. Hammond and Woodbury were also favorably impressed with Snow. Woodbury recounted that he “believed our doctrines & that we had all the good belonging to all the other Churches concentrated in our cystem, but he could not see through it all, but as for the prophet, he could not see why it could not be Joseph Smith as well as any other man. We told him if he could not see through it all at once, if he would obey the first, the rest would come in its time” (Woodbury diary, Apr. 12, 1854). Hammond concluded, “I think he must make a Mormon some day, but there is some things yet that he cannot understand and wants to take time to study and reflect upon them” (Hammond journal, Apr. 12, 1854). On April 17, Snow sailed from the islands for home, but not before making at least three more visits to Woodbury and Hammond to discuss the gospel and receive additional material to read on his trip (Woodbury diary, Apr. 15–17, 1854; Hammond journal, Apr. 15–17, 1854). There is no record of his becoming a Latter-day Saint.

  24. [24]Both Cannon and Woodbury preached during the meeting (Reddin Allred journal, Apr. 13, 1854).

  25. [25]In the evening the missionaries “had a candy pulling, enjoyed ourselves much” (Hammond journal, Apr. 13, 1854).

  26. [26]Reddin Allred recorded additional details about the day’s events: “Bro. Cannon & I arose before it was daylight, and started for Wailuku. . . . We met a bro. and his wife on the mountain, they had some poi & fish with them, so we stoped and took breakfast with them, and then continued our journey. . . . In the afternoon we had an oficer meeting. Elder C. instructed them in their duty at considerable length, and his remarks was very appropiate. We then proceded to set apart those Elders who had been chosen to go on missions” (Reddin Allred journal, Apr. 14, 1854).

  27. [27]This sentence is in smaller handwriting and appears to be a later insertion.

  28. [28]Hammond noted that Cannon “was at Honuaula . . . from the[re] he was bound to Nuu Kaupo thence to Hana thence in a canoe perhaps across the channel to Upolu Hawaii” (Hammond journal, Apr. 22, 1854). In response to Cannon’s request, Hammond “took a walk up to the [Seamen’s] Hospital and bought $9.50 worth of thick clothing for Elder Cannon to have on his journey home” (Hammond journal, Apr. 26, 1854).

  29. [29]See Appendix 2, Item 25.

  30. [30]The preaching took place outdoors “as the house was not large enough when Elder Cannon addressed the saints” (Reddick Allred journal, Apr. 20, 1854).

  31. [31]Following nouns and pronouns, nei means “this” or “these” and frequently indicates affection.

  32. [32]The biology referred to is not the scientific study of humans, animals, and plants, but “electro-biology” or “animal magnetism,” the mystical force that Franz Mesmer claimed enabled him to hypnotize (mesmerize) individuals.

  33. [33]The missionaries also spent part of the day writing in their journals (Reddick Allred journal, Apr. 22, 1854).

  34. [34]Reddick Allred elaborated further regarding the meeting: “Preached this morning to an apparently sleeping audience. Text ‘Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Phariseis’ &c. [Matthew 5:20] Bro Cannon spoke on the same subject” (Reddick Allred journal, Apr. 24, 1854). Just like their ancient biblical counterparts, Latter-day Saints make formal covenants with God and likewise view themselves as a “covenant people.” They make these covenants when they are baptized, receive their temple endowment, and enter into eternal marriage. Additionally, men receive the Melchizedek Priesthood by covenant. For additional information see Wouter Van Beek, “Covenants,” and George S. Tate, “Covenants in Biblical Times,” in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 1:331–35.

  35. [35]Changed from was in pencil.

  36. [36]This sentence was written at the bottom of the facing page of Cannon’s journal and appears in the middle of his April 29 entry, which starts on that page but finishes on the next page. A note reading “see next page” with an asterisk was inserted into his April 26 entry at this point, directing the reader to this additional information. This voyage was prominently featured in My First Mission:

    “Money was very scarce with the Elders, and we had not the means to transport us from island to island on the regular vessels which sailed in those seas. I, therefore, in company with several of the brethren, traveled, preaching by the way, through the hilly and rough country that lay between Lahaina and Kawaipapa on eastern Maui, a point considered the best to embark at to cross the channel to Hawaii [Hawai‘i]. Our company consisted of Elder R. N. Allred, who was at that time presiding on the island of Maui; Elder J. H. Napela, and four native Elders belonging to Maui, who had been appointed to labor in the ministry on the island of Hawaii. Their names were Kaelepulu, Kapono, Hoopiiaina and Peleleu. The channel which we had to cross was at times very rough and dangerous, and many lives had been lost in it; but we had faith to believe that the Lord would preserve us in crossing, although our vessel was one that very few white men would care to venture out to sea in. It was a canoe hollowed out of a tree. . . . Lashed across the canoe, were two poles, each a little distance from the end of the canoe. These poles extended six or eight feet into the water, and fastened to their ends was a board, which ran parallel with the canoe. This we call an outrigger; it was for the purpose of keeping the canoe balanced when the sail was hoisted. On these poles, when the wind commenced to blow the islanders sat, easing up and bearing down, according to the strength of the wind, so as to keep the canoe from capsizing. The greater part of the time some portion of their bodies was in the water. But the sea has no terrors for the Sandwich Islanders. They can swim in the water for hours without being at all fatigued. . . . Had I not been familiar with the skill of the natives in managing their canoe, and had some confidence in my own powers as a swimmer, with them to aid me in the water, I should scarcely have ventured in such a craft as this was. We prayed to the Lord, before we started, to give us a pleasant and favorable voyage, and the natives said they had never had a more favorable time” (Cannon, My First Mission, 47–48).

  37. [37]Reddick Allred also recounted the day’s travel: “Preparing to go to Hilo to visit the branches and other Elders and then return to this place [Pololu] to Conference. Started on foot with 8 natives over a splendid tract of country very much resembling the clover fields of California” (Reddick Allred journal, Apr. 28, 1854). Keeler noted that Lincoln “is reading the Book of Mormon at this time & seems interested in it” (Keeler journal, Apr. 28, 1854).

  38. [38]This is in darker ink and appears to be a later insertion.