April 1901

1 April 1901 • Monday

Monday, April 1st. 1901.

Jno. Q. sat up with me last night until two o’clock when Hugh relieved him. I rested pretty well, and have felt much better today. Jno. M. drew up some papers for me which I signed. Those who are staying with me and Bro. Nye fasted for me today, and the result has been beneficial.

2 April 1901 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 2nd 1901

We learned from a telegram from my son Angus that the family at home are fasting and praying for me. I have not felt quite so well today. Went out driving for about an hour.

3 April 1901 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 3rd

I learn from a telegram that Frank is on the way west. I went for another ride for about two hours.

4 April 1901 • Thursday

Thursday, April 4.

Jno. M. left for home today, he having an important case to argue on Monday next. Again went out riding.

5 April 1901 • Friday

Friday April 5

Had a very restless night. The doctor and Charlie were up and down all night in addition to Jno. Q and Hugh. Went out riding and was very much fatigued upon my return. I have [been] very miserable all day. The boys inform me that they have telegraphed to Dr. Hosford of Alameda to come down and bring a machine which he [uses] to reduce the swelling of limbs. One limb at a time is placed in an oven and the temperature raised to four hundred degrees. The two doctors gave me this treatment this evening.

6 April 1901 • Saturday

Saturday, April 6, 1901

Had a very bad night, the worst, I am told, that I have yet had. The baking process was repeated this morning with good effect. I received telegrams of encouragement from Pres. Snow, stating that I had the faith and prayers of the Conference, now in session at Salt Lake City.

The foregoing diary was written by Preston and Hugh. What follows is by John Q.

7 April 1901 • Sunday

On Sunday, April 7, Hugh took Aunt Carlie and the small children for a long ride, and after their return he and John Q went to the depot to meet Frank. Father seemed quite bright and cheerful, and desired to take the carriage ride, but was deterred by the physician’s advice. We administered to him several times. During the afternoon when we were surrounding his bed he took us each by the hand in the following order: John Q., Frank, Hugh and Charles H. Wilcken, and bestowed upon us a blessing in words to the following effect: “I have the right and authority from the Lord an to bless you, and I do bless you: the Lord bless you and your posterity after you with all the blessings I have in my heart for you.”

He spoke of the comfort and pleasure afforded him by our presence – the joy he felt at the promptness of Hugh and myself in coming at his request and our dutiful attention to him, and also of Frank’s affection as manifested in his coming across the continent to his bedside without solicitation. For all this he uttered blessings upon us, adding that these same blessings he felt to bestow upon all his family.

[Remainder of journal blank]

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April 1901, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1900s/1901/04-1901