July 1890

1 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 1st, 1890. The weather is very hot. We attended to considerable business at the office, and had under consideration the condition of the various missions and the appointment of Presidents for several. We also had conversation with Brother John R. Winder concerning the formation of an incorporated company which should purchase and own land and erect buildings for the convenience of the Church, which the Church would agree to rent and pay a fixed rental for, so that investors would be sure of receiving 8% per annum. We are under the necessity of devising some means to get buildings suitable for us; for the Church, as the law now stands, cannot hold property without incurring the risk of its being escheated.

2 July 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 2nd, 1890. Came up to the office this morning. I found Presidents Woodruff and Smith in good health, and we were joined by Elder Lorenzo Snow. After his arrival we took up the subject of a President for the European Mission; and after conversing some time, I suggested to Brother Snow that he make a motion, as Brother Brigham belonged to his quorum, – if it was his feeling that he should go there to preside over the European Mission – to that effect, which he did. We got a letter from Brother Brigham, informing us that he reached town last night.

At 1 o’clock the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank met. Afterwards a meeting was held of the General Board of Education.

3 July 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, July 3rd, 1890. My son Frank sent me an invitation to go up to Ogden and witness the Carnival this afternoon or tomorrow; but my engagements are such that I cannot get away, and I requested my son Abraham to telegraph to that effect in my name.

Elders L. Snow, B. Young, F. M. Lyman and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve, were in the office with the First Presidency this morning.

The First Presidency had an interview with Brother Brigham Young, in which we communicated to him the intelligence of his selection to preside over the European Mission. Had he been informed of our conversation concerning the importance of impressing him with the necessity of economy in the management of the affairs of that Mission, he could not have answered us better than he did, without a word being said to him. I was greatly pleased at the manner in which he met the proposition and the apparent thankfulness that he had in being granted the privilege of going to Europe. I am sure that he has felt that he has been put in a wrong light by former transactions there, during his father’s lifetime, for which he was not fully responsible. He anticipated by his remarks all the caution that we desired to give him.

We afterwards had a meeting with Elder Edward H. Anderson and informed him that we would like him to prepare to go to Scandinavia and take charge of the Mission there. He thought he could get ready to leave here by the beginning of September.

I dictated a letter to Brother Geo. Teasdale, which President Smith and myself signed (President Woodruff having gone off this morning, with his family and some friends, to enjoy a two weeks’ out in the mountains, fishing &c.[)]

At 2 o’clock we had our usual prayer meeting. Besides President Smith and myself, there were Elders Snow, Young, Lyman and A. H. Cannon.

The weather is very hot.

4 July 1890 • Friday

Friday, July 4th, 1890. I spent the day quietly at home. My family went up to the city to see the procession.

It was announced that in the evening there would be a grand display of fireworks from Arsenal Hill, and I had arranged to get entrance to one of the upper floors in the Bank building for myself and family, and I accompanied them there. The display was very good, and we had an excellent view.

5 July 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, July 5th, 1890. Brother Brigham Young and myself had an interview with the committee of the heirs of the Estate, and with Le Grand Young, in relation to the settlement of the Estate. It was decided that if possible we should get Sheeks & Rawlins interested with us, as they had been our lawyers from the beginning and we would like to have their names connected with the entire settlement.

Brother Jos. F. Smith was not at the office today. I attended to considerable business.

6 July 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, July 6th, 1890. The most of my family, with myself, attended meeting at Farmers Ward. I have desired to go to this meeting house for some time; but circumstances have prevented. My son Abraham came down to see me and informed me he was going to the city. That being the case I thought I would take this opportunity of going to Farmers Ward. My son Angus was called upon to speak, which he did, in English, and spoke quite well, though he has a hesitation in speaking, in consequence of having spoken German so long. I requested that he speak a little in German, which he did for a few minutes, and seemed to speak with greater freedom than in English. I followed, occupying about three quarters of an hour.

7 July 1890 • Monday

Monday, July 7th, 1890. At the Gardo house this morning with Brother Jos. F. Smith. Attended to business of various kinds. Listened to the reading of letters and I signed the recommends in place of President Woodruff. Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

Brother F. A. Hammond, President of the San Juan Stake, called and represented the irritated condition which existed among the Indians concerning their proposed new reservation. They had got the idea that San Juan Co. was to be made a reservation for them, and they felt that our people ought to move off. He asked counsel what should be done, under the circumstances. He feared it might lead to bloodshed, through the liberties that they would take with our people’s property. I suggested to him that he make a grand feast and hold a council with the Indians, and have Brother Thales Haskell and any other good interpreters they had with them and lay the condition of affairs in plainness before the Indians. I suggested that the Church would furnish any reasonable amount that would be needed to make such a feast. Brother Jos. F. Smith supported this idea, and it pleased Brother Hammond. He said he would take immediate steps to carry it out. He would furnish the beef himself, he said, and it would <not> require over 1000 pounds of flour.

In the afternoon had a meeting of the Sunday School Union, to decide upon paintings which have been prepared by one and another as illustrations of scenes in the life of Nephi. We selected 12 for this purpose. They were mainly painted by Brother C. C. A. Christenson of Sanpete, and those of his that did not suit us we concluded to have him alter. We appropriated $140. to pay him on account, and $100. to pay a Mr. Darling, who had made some pictures also.

Received a dispatch from Washington, in which Brother Caine informed us that Col. Broadhead would appear before the Senate Committee to argue against the bill of Senator Edmunds in which it is proposed to turn our property over to the common schools of the Territory. He desired to obtain from us a statement of the amounts annually appropriated by the Church for educational purposes, schoolhouses, support of the poor and other purposes. We had a visit from Elders F. A. Mitchell and H. H. Cluff, who laid before us information concerning school matters, and asked our counsel about the organization of a school at Josepa.

8 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 8th, 1890. This morning, after breakfast, I was seized with a fit of vomiting and retched violently, making me very sick. I do not know whether I swallowed a flie or what it was that caused my sickness, but it was very severe. Business at the office required my presence and I went there; but I suffered considerably all day.

In the afternoon we had a meeting of the Deseret News Co, to take into consideration a proposition for the leasing of the paper mill to two outsiders by the name of Skewes and Smith, at a rental of $5000. a year. They wanted a new boiler put in, and it was agreed that we should allow half its cost on the rent, and they wanted some $300. more expended in one way and another as well. I confess I felt reluctant in my feelings to let this property go into the hands of outsiders; but upon my making inquiries I found that at a previous meeting, while I was absent, the Executive Com. had been instructed to rent to them on these terms. My feelings were not suited with the proposition; but as all seemed to be in favor of it, and the matter had gone too far to retreat honorably, I acquiesced in the arrangement. It is urged that this is far better than anything that the mill has yet done. I cautioned the brethren to be very careful about their papers and getting proper security from these men.

9 July 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 9th, 1890. I passed a miserable night last night; suffered from fever very much; slept but little. I feel wretchedly today. I am very sore inside with retching. I should have been tempted to have stayed at home, but business at the office was of such a nature that I could not very well do so.

We held a meeting of the Deseret Telegraph Co. As President Woodruff was absent, I, as Vice President, presided.

The Presidency of the Stake called upon us, and after I found what they wanted I sent for Brother H. R. Clawson. They complained of Brother Clawson because of his absence from meetings <at different <times>> from the 12th Ward, of which he is the Bishop. The reasons for these absences the First Presidency are aware of, and after explanations had been made, the Stake Presidency appeared quite satisfied and felt to have him sustained in his position. I do not know but some of the brethren may think that Bishop Clawson is a pet of mine, because I have been zealous to defend him. But my sympathies naturally go out to men who are attacked, especially if I know them to be undeserving of censure. Brother Clawson has shown himself a true friend to President Taylor and myself; and through his shrewd management <of> the Bullion-Beck mine, and the blessings of the Lord upon his efforts, he succeeded in saving for us what there is of this property, and yet he has been treated with great ingratitude by the Bullion-Beck Co. Leading men also have shared apparently the prejudice against him. Knowing this, and knowing that his conduct has been upright, and that he has done considerable for the First Presidency of which others do not know anything, I have felt to sustain and defend him, and have done so on various occasions with considerable warmth. I told the brethren that I did not wish to gloss over any of his faults; he had faults, as we all had, and I would take pleasure in telling them to him, so that they might be corrected; but I did not believe in condemning him without cause. I was pleased that the meeting ended so pleasantly.

At 1 o’clock we had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank. Various matters were discussed, and propositions were read for lighting the building with electricity. The whole subject was referred to the building committee. Brother Schettler read the semi-annual statement, which was quite satisfactory.

I had President Smith and Elders Geo. Reynolds, Geo. F. Gibbs and C. H. Wilcken administer to me before I went home this afternoon.

Brother Wilcken took me home an hour earlier than I usually go. After I got home I laid down on the lounge and sucked broken ice for an hour or two, which had the effect to lower the fever of my body. Brother Wilcken very kindly gave me a liquor and oil bath.

10 July 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, July 10th, 1890. Brother Brigham Young was with us at the office today, and also Brothers F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and my son Abraham.

Brother F. A. Mitchell called in regard to an appropriation for the Josepa Colony.

I find myself much better in health today. I had an excellent night’s rest, which refreshed me.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and the before-mentioned brethren of the Twelve met in circle, Brother Lyman opened by prayer and Brother Grant prayed in the circle; after which the translation of the agreement with the Government of Mexico and the Del Campos was read concerning a concession of land which had been made to them by the Government of Mexico, and under which concession our people were now living in Mexico. It was decided to write a letter to Brother Moses Thatcher, the president of the company, and report to him the condition of affairs, that the company might take such steps as were necessary to make the settlers more safe than they appear to be at the present time. It is also suggested that there should be a man stationed at the Custom House, familiar with the Spanish language, and who could look after our people and their property. Brother Brigham Young, who had just returned from there, said he believed thousands of dollars would be saved by such a man being there, besides a great deal of ill-feeling averted.

After we got through this business, I gave the brethren who had not heard any report concerning our recent movements in political matters a recital of the same.

I did not go down home this evening, as I had been invited to attend a garden fete of the Woman Suffragists, at Sister Dye’s in the 20th Ward. My daughter Mary Alice brought me a change of clothes up, and Lewis and myself went there about 8 o’clock. The garden is a beautiful one. A stand had been prepared, which was festooned with flags, and seats provided in abundance for all who wished to listen to the proceedings. There was also a dancing floor and a long table that would accommodate a hundred guests, and it was evident that the ladies had made extensive preparations for this affair. My wife Sarah Jane and daughter Mary Alice were on committees. The proceedings were opened by prayer. There was music and singing, and an excellent address by Sister Emily T. Richards, wife of Brother F. S. Richards. An address was also read by Sister Tingey, a daughter of Sister Isabella M. Horne, which the latter had prepared, giving instances of women’s acts on record in the Scriptures. There was a Mrs. Bancroft from Dakota, who also made a good speech, but it was too lengthy, and the people became wearied. The evening was chilly, and being such a sudden change from the heat of yesterday, it was felt very much. Besides, many were tired and wanted to get refreshments. Some of the ladies came to where I sat at the back of the audience and insisted on my going forward and making some remarks. I tried to excuse myself, but without avail. I did finally go to the stand and I made some very brief remarks, assigning as a reason for my brevity that they were all chilly and wanted something to eat. A Mrs. Keeler, with whom myself and my son David had stopped at Washington, in February and March, came to the fete, attended by Mrs. Brown, the wife of Arthur Brown, the lawyer, and Mrs. Dyer, the wife of the ex-Marshal. She was very glad to see me. She is a daughter of Gov. Shannon of Kansas, the first Governor of the Territory and a man of some prominence. Our ladies in charge requested me to lead her to the table. We stood at the head of the table, my wife Emily on my left. I did not eat anything, but the refreshments were very excellent, and all appeared to enjoy themselves. There were some 600 present, and the eating continued till quite late. On the whole, it was a very fine affair, and I was greatly pleased at going there.

My son Sylvester called for me with my buggy and took me home, and Lewis stayed to bring Mary Alice and Emily home.

11 July 1890 • Friday

Friday, July 11th, 1890. I was busy all day in the office.

In the evening had a meeting with some of the sons and sons-in-law of President Young, to take steps looking to the preservation of what is called the Eagle Gate, a noted landmark in this city. A committee was appointed, consisting of Hiram S. Young and Spencer Clawson, to see the Mayor and City Council and converse with them upon the subject, and the meeting held last night this evening was adjourned until next Friday night at the same hour and place.

I remained in town all night.

12 July 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, July 12th, 1890. This morning I had an interview with my son William Tenny Cannon, in which he described to me the business that he had entered upon – selling lumber on commission. He had purchased of Taylor, Romney & Armstrong, who sold it to him at wholesale, and he retailed it; and he informed me that he had done very well since he had been engaged in the business. He had a clerk employed, and a boy to deliver his lumber, and a horse and wagon. I questioned him very closely as to his method of doing business, and was very much pleased with his explanations. I had the most satisfactory talk to him on business matters that I ever had. He is shrewd in his remarks and shows a comprehension that I have often said, if he could do one half as well as he could talk, he would do splendidly. He went off and returned in two or three minutes and said that he wished to be rebaptized, and asked me when I could make it convenient to attend to the ordinance. I arranged to baptize him tomorrow evening. He was much softened and cried in speaking about his faults; said that he desired to correct them; but he said no one knew but himself how hard he had struggled to overcome some of his weaknesses. I encouraged him; told him that by seeking unto the Lord he could get strength. In the afternoon I went to the Tabernacle. I suggested to Brother Penrose that he call upon Brother H. J. Grant to speak, afterwards on Brother B. H. Roberts. We had a most excellent meeting. The brethren spoke with a great deal of force and clearness, and the Spirit attended their remarks. My daughters Mary Alice and Emily and son Lewis accompanied me.

14 July 1890 • Monday

Monday, July 14th, 1890. Came to town and joined Brother Jos. F. Smith at the Gardo House. My son Frank called upon me, he having come down from Ogden.

I had an interview with Dr. John O. Williams, who is the publisher of the proposed History of Utah which is being written by Bp. O. F. Whitney. He wanted to obtain substantial support for the work – meaning thereby a subscription from the Church. I told him that I could do nothing until President Woodruff returned.

Three of the Old Folks’ Committee, Geo. Goddard, Chas. R. Savage and Wm. Naylor, called and wished us to use our influence in favor of the old folks going to participate in the amusements Old Folks excursion. It seems that there is considerable feeling in the community over the announcement which has been made that Gov. Thomas and Judge Powers and the Mayors of Salt Lake and Ogden would speak on the occasion, and only one of our brethren – Brother F. S. Richards. We talked very plainly to the brethren; told them how unwise it was to have such men as Powers, who was our bitter enemy and had done all in his power to strip us of our rights. Brother Goddard was very strong in his apologies for him, and thought it was only the spirit of the gospel that had prompted them to use him. I had partly promised to go myself to join in the exercises; but when I saw the names of these parties printed in connection with the affair, I determined I would not go.

Brothers F. S. Richards and Le Grand Young came in, and we talked over legal matters at some length.

Brother Geo. Stringfellow called upon me about 2 o’clock and informed me that he was made sick by the indifference of the voters in the First District in regard to the election that was now going on for school trustees. He called to inform me of the circumstances, so that we might get aid in getting the people out. After listening to his statement, I sent for Brother John R. Winder and F. S. Richards and explained the situation to them. We then sent for Brothers Jos. E. Taylor and C. W. Penrose, of the Presidency of the Stake, to get them to use influence with the Bishops and others to get the people out.

I drove today a white horse, “Rattler”, that I obtained from Brother Brigham Young – a very excellent horse.

This evening I attended to the baptism of my son William in the river Jordan, on my own ground. A number of my children were present. My son Abraham opened the proceedings by prayer, and after baptism I confirmed William and sealed all his former blessings and the office of teacher, which he had held, upon him at the water’s edge. My sons Abraham and Angus joined with me in laying on hands.

15 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 15th, 1890. The weather is very sultry today.

Brother Karl G. Maeser called. I had conversation with him concerning Church school affairs. He reports Brother Talmage, the principal of the Salt Lake College, as being low with typhoid fever.

Elders Isaac Brockbank and Henry Wallace were blessed under the hands of Brothers Brigham Young, A. H. Cannon and myself. They are about to start to England, to search for the genealogy of their forefathers. I was mouth in blessing Brother Brockbank, and Brother Brigham was mouth in blessing Brother Wallace.

We had a long conversation on political matters with Prest. Wm. Budge of Bear Lake.

At 10:30 the regular monthly meeting of Z.C.M.I. was held, and as President Woodruff and Vice President Moses Thatcher were absent, I was elected to preside. A quarterly dividend of 3%, payable on the 5th of August, was declared.

At the election yesterday for the City Board of Education the Liberals elected a majority of the Board. Geo. D. Pyper, John N. Pike and Wm. J. Newman were the only ones elected of the People’s Party. The Board consists of ten members, with the Mayor associated.

Brother Brigham Young went down to my house this evening, intending to stay tonight and tomorrow, as it was unsafe for him to be at his own house. We had a delightful swim together in the river.

16 July 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 16th, 1890. The weather is still sultry. Busy at the office all day. At 1 o’clock had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank, at which I presided, as Vice President.

Henry W. Lawrence was appointed Receiver for our Church property, by the Supreme Court of the Territory, in place of Mr. Dyer, resigned.

We have had a proposition from what are known as the Hedrickites, whose President is a man by the name of Hall, and who have the title to the Temple Block at Independence, Jackson Co, Missouri, to mortgage six lots out of the eight that they own, for $20000. at 3% per annum. It is decided that the bank shall loan this money, and that John M. Cannon shall go down and examine the title and make the best terms he can with them.

17 July 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, July 17th, 1890. I spent the day at the office. Brothers Jos. F. Smith and B. Young were also there.

We had an interview with Brothers F. S. Richards, C. W. Penrose and John R. Winder respecting the steps to be taken in view of the next August election.

Mayor Haines of Logan, accompanied by two other brethren, called upon me as a committee to invite the First Presidency to attend the 24th of July celebration at Logan. I had already made arrangements for that day, and I was therefore unable to accept the invitation so kindly tendered.

At 2 o’clock we had our usual meeting of the Council, there being present, Brother Joseph and myself, of the First Presidency, and B. Young, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon, of the Twelve. Brother Young opened by prayer, and Brother Joseph F. Smith prayed in the circle. Arrangements were made for next Sunday, and I expressed myself desirous of attending the Conference at Nephi.

18 July 1890 • Friday

Friday, July 18th, 1890. I was at the office today.

I received a note from President Woodruff, informing me that he was crippled by an accident. He had just returned from his fishing trip. I had Brother Clawson take me down in his buggy to see him. I found that he had attempted to push a wagon on to a balky team, as they were returning home, and something had snapped in the calf of his leg, and he was unable to walk afterwards. He had traveled sixty miles and reached his residence between 12 and 1 o’clock at midnight, much fatigued and with his leg much swollen. I remained with him about an hour, and returned to the city and sent a surgeon, Dr. Jos. S. Richards, to examine the leg. In the evening I met with a number of the heirs of President Young to consider what steps should be taken to preserve the Eagle Gate. A committee was appointed, consisting of H. S. Young, Nelson Empey, Spencer Clawson and A. D. Young, to take charge of it.

19 July 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, July 19th, 1890. The train stopped for me this morning at my street and I got on board for Nephi, at about 7:15. I found Brother John Morgan there, he having been appointed by the Seventies to go there. We were met at Nephi by Brother Wm. Paxman, who took us in his buggy to the meeting house. Brother A. O. Smoot was speaking. After he had finished one of the local brethren spoke, and then I made some remarks.

In the afternoon Brother Morgan and myself occupied the time.

There was quite a heavy downpour of rain while we were in meeting.

At the close I went to Brother Cunliffe’s funeral. He is a man that I knew when I was a boy, he having joined the Church at Liverpool. I was called upon by Bishop Udall to speak. I occupied considerable time and had great freedom in speaking to the people.

In the evening we had a Priesthood meeting and attended to considerable business. I set apart two brethren as High councilors, and a number of brethren were ordained Seventies. I had great freedom in speaking to the priesthood upon the responsibilities and powers of the Priesthood. I stopped at Brother Paxman’s.

20 July 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, July 20th, 1890. At 8:45 I met with the brethren at a circle meeting, and after they had prayed I gave them some instructions concerning matters connected therewith.

At 10 o’clock there was a Conference of the Sunday School children. The house was very well filled, and there were a number of exercises rendered. I addressed the children for about 20 mins.

At noon I went to Sister Pitchforth’s and took dinner with the family. In the afternoon the authorities of the Church were presented. Brother Morgan spoke about half an hour. I followed and occupied about 45 mins. After this meeting the High Council was called together, and the missionaries, and they were instructed, and a number of other missionaries were set apart.

Brother Paxman and the people were desirous to have an evening meeting, and one was appointed. It was very well attended. I occupied about half an hour and had great freedom in speaking. I was followed by Brother Morgan.

21 July 1890 • Monday

Monday, July 21st, 1890. I was awakened by Brother Paxman this morning at 4:45 and took the train at 5:45. Reached the city about 10 o’clock. When I reached the Gardo House I found there Mr. Hall, the President of the Hedrickites, who had just come in and was in conversation with Presidents Woodruff and Smith, he having been brought there by Brother Andrew Jenson. We had quite a lengthy conversation, and free withal. I asked him a good many questions concerning the differences that exist between their views and ours, and found that they believed that Joseph lost the seer’s gift in 1834, and that all the revelations since given are erroneous. He did not seem, however, to be very firm in this view. He admitted that they might be mistaken. We spoke about the doctrine of patriarchal marriage, to which he did not seem opposed in his feelings, and also baptism for the dead, and how glorious a doctrine that was in our view. He admitted that it would be a glorious doctrine if true; but the difficulty they had was in reconciling it with other teachings in the Book of Mormon.

This man has come here to see if he can get the $20000. which I have previously mentioned. After we had informed him that John M. Cannon had gone down for the purpose of attending to this business, he concluded to leave this evening for Independence.

There is a very different spirit in this man to that which is generally manifested by those who have branched off from the true church; he does not seem to be agressive and has no hostility towards us, but feels very kindly disposed and manifests a liberal spirit.

Brother M. W. Merrill came in and we had considerable conversation with him concerning the organization of the Presidency of Cache Stake. I was somewhat surprised to hear him state that Brother Card was not a popular man and there was feeling in the Stake against him as the President, especially on the part of Bishops. It was felt that he was a harsh man. The name of Brother Orson Smith, one of Brother Card’s Counselors, was favorably mentioned as the new President. Brother Pitkin, the acting President, Brother Merrill thinks, has more influence than Brother Card, but he might not be acceptable to the people because of his uncouth ways and his vulgar habits, though he is known to be a very good man.

Brothers Lyman and A. H. Cannon were in during a part of this conversation. President Woodruff seemed clear in his mind that Brother Card should remain in charge at Lees Creek, Alberta.

I had quite a lengthy conversation with Colonel Kalowsky, a Republican politician from San Francisco. He is considered a very shrewd politician, and in talking over our situation here he seemed very confident that if proper steps were taken we could retain control of affairs here. His methods would be the methods of the politician, not the methods that we had pursued. It begins to appear evident to me that we shall have to take some steps in regard to political matters that we have not yet taken. My mind leans very much to the Republican party as being the party just now that can bring us relief. They have fought us heretofore under the impression that we were all Democrats. The Democrats have not had the courage that they should have had in our case, or we might now be in a far better condition. Whether the Republicans would do fairly by us if they became convinced that we were favorable to their party, is a question. But it is well known that the Republicans are very courageous, and if they thought it would be to the party’s interest to favor the admission of Utah, the general feeling is that they would not hesitate to urge and vote for it. At the present time we are like a shuttlecock between the two parties, who combine under the anti-Mormon flag. The worst men of the country belong to that organization, and they browbeat and overawe and intimidate the better Gentile element and compel it to join with them; so that we have men of all classes who are Gentiles arrayed against us, and this under the anti-Mormon cry. If affairs should be so shaped that we should have votes and they should seek for our votes, and they be divided on party lines, it would seem as though we might get relief, because whenever the Republican party find that our strength can be thrown in their favor they will take care of us, and stop this persecution, or at least the most odious features of it. Whether this questio can be accomplished or not is a grave question. I feel impressed that there is deliverance in this direction, if it be the Lord’s will that it should come. Certainly, getting this idea into the minds of politicians in Washington – that they might gain Republican strength by pursuing a proper course towards us – had a remarkable effect upon their feelings and their actions in connection with the Cullom and Struble bills.

22 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 22nd, 1890. Alfred Lambourne called upon me this morning to show me 15 sketches of various scenes in the Territory, which were beautifully taken by him. They were painted in water colors. The First Presidency and Brother Young admired them very much.

We afterwards had an interview with Dr. Williams and Bp. Whitney in relation to the History of Utah which the latter is writing, and which the former is to publish. The object of the interview was to secure a subscription. After they had retired we agreed to take 200 copies, which amounts in the aggregate to $6000., it being $30. for 3 vols.

I arranged with Brother Wilcken concerning making purchases, so as to prepare for the 24th, which I intend to celebrate at my West Jordan farm with a number of friends.

In the afternoon Brother F. S. Richards called and we had conversation concerning the approaching County election, and names were canvassed for officers.

23 July 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 23rd, 1890. At one o’clock the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank held its regular weekly meeting.

President Woodruff handed me a letter today, signed by my brother Angus, Wm. B. Dougall and W. A. Rossiter, of the Salt Lake Stake Board of Education, in which they stated that as the Social Hall, which the Salt Lake College had occupied for educational purposes, had been condemned and was likely to be turned torn down to open a street through the block, they felt it necessary to try and secure some other place in which to commence the sessions of the College, and they thought that the Cannon House would be very suitable for this purpose. They spoke in very laudatory terms about my generosity and the interest that I had taken in the cause of education, and did not appear to doubt but I would be very glad to let them have the house for this purpose.

After reading this letter, I felt that it was time some decision were reached concerning this property. At the death of President Young I had felt that I would have all the amounts that I had ever had paid to me for services up to that time, paid back to the Church. I had been credited with amounts for services, but I had them charged to me again, and turned in that house and property to offset this, as far as it would go, in order that I might be equal with my brethren in regard to services for the Church. I had expressed a willingness to deed the property to the Church; but some of the brethren had protested against it and thought it ought not to be done, and the matter has stood in that condition until now. I took this opportunity of talking to the brethren upon the subject. I told them I did not care what was done with the property; but I thought some action should be taken one way or the other. As it now stood, it was a disgrace. I have felt ashamed of it for years. I said to them that I was willing to pay to the Church the full amount for it; but I wanted them to understand that I did not want it, if they had any use for it. I would just as soon ask for Brother Reynolds pantaloons that he wore as for that place. But if the Church was not going to use it for some purpose, I was willing to take it and resume possession of it, upon the condition that I could satisfy them.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brother Brigham Young each expressed himself to the effect that I ought to have it; but Brother Smith suggested that to save feeling, nothing had better be decided at the present time concerning the terms. I told him I agreed with him on that. I thought it would be most unwise for me and for them to come to any decision about the terms until the question had been submitted to the Council of the Apostles. In the meantime I desired to get a copy of my account from the books, so that whatever was done could be done understandingly.

We had a call today from Elder Joshua Terry and his son George, who is a half breed Shoshone, and who has married a half breed Indian. They called to know whether he should go back there or not. George did not seem to think that he had accomplished much, and I expressed myself to the effect that if he had not, after living as he had described, part of the time on wild onions and prairie dogs, I thought he had better stay at home and live more comfortably.

Brother M. F. Farnsworth, the recorder of the Manti Temple, called and represented his circumstances, and we appropriated $300. for his relief. President Woodruff’s limb has been troubling him today, and he has not felt well.

I have been making preparations as well as I could to entertain my family and some friends at my farm at West Jordan tomorrow.

24 July 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, July 24th, 1890. My family started in vehicles about 6 o’clock this morning for my farm at West Jordan. My wife Emily was brought down last night by Sylvester. She and John Q.’s wife and two children occupied the carriage with Mary Alice. In the victorine there were my wives Eliza and Martha, their little children, Martha’s hired help, and Lewis. In the carriage which I had borrowed of Brother John W. Young I drove my four daughters, Hester, Amelia, Emily and Grace. Espey also rode with us. My wife Sarah Jane and daughter Rose Annie and son Preston rode in her vehicle. Angus and Joseph rode in Hugh’s cart, Hugh having gone on a visit to May Wilcken in the mountains. Brigham and Sylvester rode horseback, and Reed and Willard and my little boys rode in the lumber wagon. My wife Carlie was taken down yesterday by Brother Wilcken. Brother Joseph F. Smith and two daughters, Brother Brigham Young, President Woodruff and wife, and Owen and Alice, and my nephew, Lewis Cannon comprised the company. My son John Q. came down by rail and joined us about noon. Frank was detained by business in Ogden, and his wife Mattie was in poor health. Abraham was there with two of his wives, Sarah and Mamie, and their children. Mina did not wish to be with us. All my family were there, excepting Frank, Hugh and David. We had a most delightful time. We had an abundance of food, ice cream and other things to satisfy our appetites. The boys and girls ran races in sacks, and indulged in a variety of games.

All returned, excepting my wife Carlie. She stayed to go back next day. I returned by rail.

25 July 1890 • Friday

Friday, July 25th, 1890. Brothers Winder and F. S. Richards came in this morning and reported the result of a meeting which they had had with the Workingmen’s Committee. A ticket had been agreed upon that the workingmen would support, and they wished to know concerning our people supporting it. These brethren had told the Committee that they could not pledge the party to support it, but they themselves were in favor of it. There were some names on the ticket that we were quite suited with; others that did not strike us favorably. One of the latter was Fergus Ferguson for County Clerk, and a man by the name of Hurd for Attorney.

I remarked that the first question to be decided was, it seemed to me, Can we as a People’s Party hope to carry the election with our own ticket? The reply was that it was a forgone conclusion that we had not registered voters enough to do this, and that we could not possibly carry the election. The next question then, I said, was, Is it better to take some names that we want and others that are not so favorable, but still better men than the other party has put up, and run the chance of electing them? I asked, Have we any assurance that we can carry the election by coalescing with the Labor party?. The brethren said that they did not know; there was a chance of doing so. Then, I said, the question to be decided would be whether it was worth taking that chance and accepting a ticket that, in some respects, would be objectionable, but not so objectionable by any means as our enemies.

President Woodruff expressed himself in favor of our adopting the ticket. This was done, after considerable conversation.

Brother Richards urged that I should go to the caucus tonight, thinking that my presence would have the effect to unite the brethren, if I would advocate the ticket. I told him I was not clear in my mind about the ticket. I could not advocate it. The better course, I thought, was for the brethren themselves to seek for the Spirit of the Lord and decide, as they were the people’s representatives, whether this was a politic thing or not. If it was, then they could sustain it among the people whom they were chosen to represent. If it was not, they could explain their action in rejecting it. It seemed to me that this was clearly the right thing, instead of piling the responsibility upon one or two men. President Smith was not here today. He had written to know if he could not be spared to take a trip over to Skull Valley, to see the Sandwich Island people there. We had replied that we saw no objection to his doing so.

Bp. W. D. Johnson, Jr, of Mexico, and his brother Homer, called and had conversation with us on Mexican matters.

26 July 1890 • Saturday

Saturday, July 26th, 1890. President Woodruff did not come in to the office this morning.

At 11 o’clock I went to the Assembly Hall to meet with the Bishops and Counselors and other brethren interested in political matters, which meeting had been called by the Presidency of the Stake. The object was to endeavor to impress upon our people the necessity of union. Since the organization of political clubs we are informed that the Bishops and ecclesiastical officers have relaxed their efforts and felt that the business of politics had been taken out of their hands, and where they did interfere, some of the presidents of clubs felt that they were meddling, and this was producing bad results. Several of the brethren spoke, and then I followed. I spoke upon the necessity of union, and especially against the feeling that was indulged in by some that it was useless for us to make any effort, because we were fated to go into bondage. I said that I had besought the Lord, if it was His will that such a doctrine should be taught, to give me the spirit of it; but up to the present I had not received that spirit, and I did not believe such an idea was from God. The teaching of it produced a dry rot among the people and paralyzed their efforts. I said that even if we knew we were going to lose this approaching election, it was our duty to use our utmost endeavors to win. There should be no division among the people; but all should work unitedly and energetically for the accomplishment of the end we had in view. Bishops should unite with the club officers, and the club officers should counsel with the Bishops, that harmony and unity of action might be secured. In no other way could we hope to achieve success.

I returned home this afternoon and made preparations to leave for Grantsville to attend the quarterly conference. Lewis took me to the train, and I left at 6:45. I was met at Garfield Beach by Brother Charles Anderson, one of the Presidency of the Stake, who carried me to Grantsville. He had as another passenger a Mr. Kinney, a real estate speculator, who kept us amused by his talk. He is a remarkable talker, and blows his own horn very well. He it was who laid out No[r]th Salt Lake and spent a great deal of means there. He has now bought 3000 acres of land not far from Grantsville, from a man by the name of Burmester. He calls the place Carlton and Stansbury Beach, and expects to make a great deal of money out of this by selling it out as a summer resort. He claims to be a nephew of Edward Everett, of Boston. He himself was born in New Brunswick.

I put up at Brother Anderson’s and was very kindly treated.

27 July 1890 • Sunday

Sunday, July 27th, 1890. We held our Conference in the Pavilion, about 3 miles distant from Brother Anderson’s. We heard some reports from Bishops in the morning, and I made a few remarks.

In the afternoon, Brother Andrew Jenson spoke about 45 minutes, and I followed for about 40 minutes, and had excellent freedom in talking to the people.

After this meeting we took into consideration the subject of selecting a Bishop for Grantsville, to succeed Brother Collett, who has resigned his position. The subject was laid before the High Council, and a meeting appointed for 9 o’clock tomorrow.

Brother Samuel W. Woolley whispered to me that Brother Jos. F. Smith would be at his house during the night.

I made some calls this evening on some of my acquaintances.

28 July 1890 • Monday

Monday, July 28th, 1890. I arose early this morning, and Brother Charles Anderson took me in his buggy to Brother Woolley’s, where I met Brother Jos. F. Smith. We talked over the situation of affairs in Skull Valley, and I reported to him a number of things that I had heard concerning affairs there, and expressed a wish that he would devote some time in examining them. There is much dissatisfaction there, and I should judge from what I hear that there is cause for it, and we both thought that it would be well probably for Brother William King to take charge, as he is a practical farmer, while Brother H. H. Cluff, who is now in charge, is not, and the latter is needed in his position as one of the Presidency of Utah Stake. Prest. Smoot is very anxious for him to go back there.

After breakfast I met with the Presidency and High Council of the Stake at the Pavilion, and the brethren of the High Council gave in names of men whom they would like to act as Bishop. We did not get through, however, with the business before the regular meeting and we adjourned till after the forenoon meeting.

The forenoon meeting was mostly occupied in hearing reports from Bishops, from Supt. of Sunday Schools and from the Presidency of the Stake. There were about 15 minutes left, which I occupied in speaking upon the subject of amusements, and the necessity of furnishing our young people with amusements, and controlling them ourselves, and not leaving them to go to Garfield Beach, which is the resort of vile people, in search of amusements that they might have at home.

The Presidency of the Stake and High Council again met, and after some conversation we joined in prayer, I being mouth. Brother Gowans said that his feelings were that Brother James L. Wrathall should be the Bishop. He said he had been impressed with this from the beginning, and he found that there were more brethren mentioned his name than any other. The great majority were in favor of Brother Wrathall.

In the afternoon, the general and local authorities were presented by Brother Gowans. He presented James L. Wrathall as Bishop of the Grantsville Ward. He was accepted by the people, and was ordained, I being mouth.

After we got through with this business, I occupied the remainder of the time, and had an excellent flow of the Spirit.

As soon as meeting had closed, I stepped into Brother Anderson’s carriage and was driven by him to Garfield Beach. Reached there about half past six and left on the train at quarter to seven for home.

My son Lewis met me at the train with my team and drove me home.

29 July 1890 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 29th, 1890. On meeting with president Woodruff at the Gardo House this morning, I found him in much better health than he had been.

Had some conversation with Brother F. S. Richards concerning political matters.

Brother F. Armstrong and A. W. McCune called upon me, the latter having brought some word from Marcus Daly, a very important person in Montana. He is anxious to have the Mormons vote cast in favor of the Democratic party <in Idaho>. I went on and gave a recital of the treatment that ne [we] had received from the Democrats of that Territory, and told him I could not see how it was possible that our people could vote, as the penitentiary doors stood open to receive them if they attempted it. He thought that if our people would vote, the State would be made Democratic, and everything would be arranged. This was Mr. Daly’s view. I asked, But suppose it does not become Democratic, what then? He laughingly replied, You know. Well, says I, it means the penitentiary; and we have done so much already for the Democratic party and have found them either helpless or utterly disinclined to help us, that I do not think it will be prudent for our folks to assume any further risks in connection with politics in that State at the present time.

Had an interview with Col. Isaac Trumbo, who is desirous to learn concerning the voters that were needed in Ogden to carry the county election, and suggested a way by which they could be obtained.

I had an interview with a Mr. Ellis, a freethinker, who had prepared some lectures, which we had read in manuscript, describing the situation here and holding it up to ridicule.

Colonel Broadhead called, accompanied by Brother F. S. Richards. President Woodruff and myself had a long conversation with him concerning our legal affairs and the condition of the Church property suit. He had been to Washington and had argued against the bill introduced by Edmunds, which provides that our property should be turned over to the common schools of Utah. He informed us that if that bill should pass that would end the matter, because the Supreme Court would obey the law.

Brother Wilcken took me down home in his buggy, and we examined the best place for obtaining soil to fill in my ground. We afterwards went in swimming.

After supper this evening I gathered my boys together and talked to them about the work to be done, and how necessary it was that they should be industrious. I assigned each of them the work I wished him to do.

30 July 1890 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 30th, 1890. I drove round by Brother John R. Winder’s farm and found him somewhat feeble and in a bad condition for want of sleep. He cheered up very much when I got there, and before I left I administered to him and promised him that he should live for some time yet.

I had another interview with Mr. Ellis this morning, on the subject of his lectures. I promised him I would do what I could towards securing the theatre for him.

Brother C. O. Card called in yesterday, and we explained to him the feeling that we had concerning his remaining at Cardston in Canada and his being released from the Presidency of the Cache Valley Stake of Zion.

Brother F. S. Richards was in and talked over political matters.

Brothers F. D. Richards, Moses Thatcher, John Henry Smith, A. H. Cannon and W. B. Preston called in at different times.

I had the pleasure of paying today to President Woodruff $15000., being the balance due on the money which the Church advanced to pay my bond. This was a matter of great satisfaction to me, as at one time I almost despaired of ever being able to raise it. The Lord has been very kind to me in enabling me to do this.

At one o’clock we held our usual meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

31 July 1890 • Thursday

Thursday, July 31st, 1890. I have been troubled for two nights concerning our political situations. This morning, at one O’clock I awoke and became quite anxious for daylight, as I felt something should be done. Attempts have been made by Democrats to induce our people to vote the Democratic ticket in Idaho. This would lead to very grave results, and might be the means of consigning many of them to the penitentiary. The Democrats are active, too, in endeavoring to get our people to vote their ticket in Wyoming.

I drove to town early this morning and sent for the Twelve who were in town – J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, and A. H. Cannon; and for F. S. Richards, C. W. Penrose and R. W. Young. I had them gathered together by the time President Woodruff arrived. I described to them the anxiety which I had upon these points, and told them it would be most disastrous to us to allow our people in Wyoming to be induced to vote the Democratic ticket and to make that State Democratic. It would amount to a betrayal; for although no pledge had been made by myself or anyone else that I knew of, to Judge Carey or the Republicans of that State, nevertheless they had acted in the most honorable manner, and Judge Carey had taken a high stand against his State being admitted with the test oath in the constitution. Dubois of Idaho had labored with him to have this done, but he had emphatically opposed it. He had succeeded in getting Wyoming admitted with woman suffrage, and with the Mormon people free to vote. He had laid us under a debt of gratitude to him, and at this juncture I felt it was of the highest importance that we should make that State a Republican State, so far as our votes could do so. I explained my views also concerning Idaho; that our people ought to stand aloof, and let the parties contend without their interference; because if they voted the Democratic ticket, or perhaps any ticket, they might be put in the penitentiary. Another thing that suggested itself to my mind, I said, was that we ought to try to bring some influence to bear on the Commissioners, in view of the fact that we had it in our power to do something for the Republican party, though we had been solicited (as I had personally) to use our influence to make Wyoming and Idaho Democratic. I was of the opinion that if this were communicated to them in a proper manner, and they should be told that the Mormon people had the votes to make Wyoming either Democratic or Republican, and that if they loved their party they could see that we were well treated in this pending election, it would have some effect upon them.

The brethren seemed to take my view of the case and felt that it was proper.

A letter, addressed to F. S. Richards, from a gentleman by the name of Wright, of Arizona, was read. He proposes to be a candidate for Delegate from Arizona if he can be assured of our votes. I promised to learn what I could concerning his standing.

Brother John Henry Smith was appointed to go and see Brother W. W. Cluff, who presides over our people residing in Wyoming, and give him our views regarding the political situation. I have been afraid that Brother Cluff might commit himself to the Democratic party without understanding the position; for we had a visit from Brother Budge, who came to see us about our people voting the Democratic ticket in that portion of Wyoming that was in his Stake. Mr. Beckwith, a prominent man and Democrat, had solicited him to use his influence for the Democratic party. It was these movements that caused me to feel as anxious as I had.

My son Frank came down from Ogden and had an interview with us in regard to the condition of political affairs in Ogden. Colonel Fred Crocker had sent us word that anything they could do to help us in Ogden, the railroad company would willingly do. He appeared determined that the railroad hands should not be used for improper purposes, as they had been under the management of the so-called liberal party at the City election.

I sent for Colonel Trumbo and laid before him a plan that I had in mind concerning the Commissioners, and told him that as a Republican politician, in the neighboring State of California, he could talk plainly to the Commissioners about the importance of not offending us by any partiality shown to our opponents; that if we were treated well in this pending election, and treated with the fairness due to us, it would cause us to feel grateful; but if our rights were trampled upon, there would be danger of our being soured.

He had an interview with the Commissioners and had a very frank talk with them, and no doubt made an impression upon them; for they issued an order shortly afterwards much more liberal than usual, instructing the registrars to put voters on the list who had been stricken off.

At 2 o’clock today we held our usual meeting. There were present: President Woodruff and myself, and Brothers Smith, Grant and my son Abraham, of the Twelve.

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July 1890, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1890/07-1890