August 1881

1 August 1881 • Monday

Monday, August 1st, 1881 We went to the temple this morning accompanying Prest Taylor; I climbed on to the roof. Bro. James is engaged putting on the tin roof, which is nearly finished, and is a very excellent job, and I think will be very satisfactory. My sister-in-law climbed to the roof, but my wife felt unequal to the task. We called on Bro. Preston, and after staying awhile went to Bro. Thatcher’s where we stopped after a pressing invitation to lunch, and then returned to Bro. Preston’s, and visited there a few hours. As we expected to start in the morning at 5 o’clock, we returned to bed early.

2 August 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 2, 1881 Bro. M. W. Merrill, Jr. drove around to Bro. Card’s this morning and took us aboard and we commenced our journey to Bear Lake. I was exceedingly well pleased with the trip through Logan Canon. The road was in a much better condition than I expected to find it; and the scenery was most magnificent. This was the first time I ever passed through this canon. We reached the Temple saw-mill between twelve and 1 o’clock, and remained there about three hours. I had eaten a light breakfast, and the ride made me very hungry. Ate the heartiest meal today at the mill that I have eaten for months. The large party that ate was abundantly provided for with excellent food. The woman employed to do the cooking is a widow sister, and Prest Taylor and I decided to give her $2. for her trouble[.] Secretary Thomas accompanied us up the canon; he had his son and his brother-in-law with him in the buggy. At Prest Taylor’s instance he had oats for his team and food for himself without charge. From the mill we drove for four miles, climbing all the time. The scenery was very grand, and we passed through beautiful woods, but this part of the road was very trying on our teams as the ascent was rapid. From the top of the divide down to Meadowville it was pleasant riding, the grade being not quite so steep as it is on the other side. We met Prest Budge, and Bro Osmond, his counselor, Bishop Price and Brother Stucki at the foot of the hill, also Bp Kimball, son of Prest Heber C. and Prescinda Kimball, and Bro. Joshua Eldridge, both of whom, at the request of Prest Taylor, preceded us to Meadowville. We were assigned quarters at Bro. Joshua Eldridge’s, whose wife is a daughter of Bro. John R. Winder. They welcomed us very cordially, and we enjoyed ourselves exceedingly at their place. They are in moderate circumstances, but there was a very sweet spirit in the house[.] The night was cool. There has been considerable sickness here in the form of Cholera Morbus, also in many other settlements in Bear Lake

3 August 1881 • Wednesday

August 3rd, 1881/Wednesday Last night, either through drinking excessively of water, or eating a very hearty meal at noon yesterday, I was sick through the night, had a slight touch of the disease prevalent here. Do not feel very well this morning. We met with the Saints at 10 o’clock. The speakers were Presidents Preston, Taylor and myself. A very good spirit prevailed in the meeting.

We drove from here to Garden City in time to fill our appointment; the congregation had assembled. Prest Taylor and I spoke. The congregation was generally composed of sisters, the brethren being absent on the railroad and others engaged haying. My remarks were chiefly addressed to the sisters on the care and training of their children. From here we drove to Fish Haven, and stopped a short time at Bro. Stork’s; and went through his garden; it is the finest in Bear Lake. Some of the apple trees were well loaded with fruit, which looked as though it would ripen. His bed of peas seemed to thrive as well as any I have ever seen, and their flower garden is quite an attraction.

Shortly after leaving this place, at a point where the bluffs come down close to the fence, I saw in the lake, which I had been observing, quite closely, an object moving with considerable swiftness. I looked at it a few seconds before I said anything thinking that probably my eyes deceived me; but when I had satisfied myself, I told Bro. Merrill, who was driving to stop the team, which he did, but it took him a little longer to do so than usual. I then exclaimed, “There is something in the lake,” and directed his attention and that of my wife and her sister to it. They all caught sight of it, with the exception of my wife, very readily; she however did not see it for a few second[s] after the others. In the meantime it was travelling with very great swiftness, as fast, I should judge, if not faster, as a railroad train would travel on land. The object was, as near as we could judge, about thirty feet long, and might have taken it to be, if it had not moved, for a large saw log, its appearance being somewhat of that shape, and its color that of a log stripped of its bark[.] There seemed to be an undulating motion connected with it; but while whether that was due to the waves or the object itself I could not discover. I had heard of others seeing something of this kind before, and some in endeavoring to explain it had said it was doubtless birds flying, and knowing this I scrutinized it very closely to see if it could be possible that birds could have this appearance. As from where we saw it I should judge it was one and a half miles or two miles distant, I became satisfied that it was not birds, but that it was a solid object. We could see no head or tail, and after looking at it until it had gone considerably down the lake, it disappeared under the water. Bro Preston and some of the brethren we hailed, and told them what we had seen, and while talking with them Bro. Merrill saw it re-appear and make a commotion in the water, and then disappear again. What this was I do not pretend to say, whether a monster in the shape of a large serpent or not I cannot decide[.] All I know is that we four saw this object travelling down the lake from north to south with the incredible swiftness I have described. Our recital of it created some little excitement among the members of our party, also among the settlers, and it afforded some amusement, as this talk about the monster has been a well ventilated topic throughout this country, and those who have pretended to have seen anything have been laughed at.

We reached St. Charles, and I was invited by Bishop John A. Hunt to stop at his house. His wife, who was Sister Elizabeth Tilt, I had known in New York, and she emigrated when I was on my mission. They entertained us very kindly. The house is a new one, well furnished for a settlement so far from the center as this is. Sister Hunt is an excellent cook, and her table is very well supplied.

4 August 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, August 4th, 1881 We drove from St. Charles to Paris. I was assigned a place to stop at Bro. Stucki’s, the nearest house to Prest Budge’s, where Prest Taylor was stopping. The house was an old log house, not very inviting in its exterior, but inside is a model of neatness. I have not been in any house anywhere in any of our settlements where the interior impressed me more than did this house, everything was so clean; and the cooking of Sister Stucki is exceptional. She has no children, which she greatly mourns. Bro. Stucki has another wife who has three living children, the oldest one living being deaf and dumb, but a very interesting boy of nine or ten years of age, bright and very intelligent, but unable to hear anything. He is able, however, to communicate some of his thoughts, is very observing and his other faculties seemingly are sharpened by the loss of those of hearing and speech. Prest Taylor and I, after attending to some business with went over to Bro. Chas C. Rich and had an interview with him, I being mouth. Prest Taylor, not feeling well himself, did not join me in laying on hands, but confirmed afterwards by putting his hand on Bro. Rich’s head, confirming what has been said to him. I felt to ask the Lord, if it was his will, that he might be spared suffering and pain while he remained in the flesh. We found him better than I expected to see him in his appearance, but those who have seen him at his best since he had the paraletic stroke say that he is much more feeble than he had been. He was very much elated at seeing us, and talked with a great deal of freedom about affairs in the past.

5 August 1881 • Friday

Friday, August 5th, 1881 I had spoken to Prest Taylor about going to Montpelier to hold meeting; he thought it would be a good thing to do so. Bro Preston, Bro. Nuttall, Prest Taylor’s three sons, Bro. Gibbs and Bro. Stucki accompanied me. We reached Montpelier about 10 o’clock, the hour for which the meeting had been appointed. Bro. Chas E. Robinson is Bishop in this place. We had an excellent meeting, and the Saints turned out better than I expected they would as I had learned a great many were away. Bros. Preston, Nuttall[,] W. W. Taylor and I spoke. After meeting I went to Bro Robinson’s to dinner. Bro. Nuttall and two of Prests Taylor sons went to look at a ranche which he had purchased some eight miles from Montpelier. On returning to Paris we stopped at the outlet of the lake where Bro. Merrill and I took a bath. It was a very delightful swim[.] The water was warm and pleasant, though rather amber color—something of the color of rain water. My wife and her sister had gone to Bloomington to visit my sister Elizabeth who is married to Wm. Pigott. Bro. Merrill drove me down after our return to Paris. I remained there until nearly sundown. The visit was interesting to me because of our long separation, not having seen her nor her children for three or four years. She has three girls, Mary, Ella and Leonora

6 August 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, August 6th, 1881 Arose early this morning and paid Bro. Rich a visit. Had some conversation with him respecting his affairs. Called at his wife Harriett’s, but she was not in. Before meeting I went over to Prest Taylor’s and we attended to some business.

At one o clock conference commenced under the Bowery. We were invited to eat dinner this afternoon with Bro. Budge and his family, while there we had a violent windstorm, which shook the house, making it to tremble. It broke down the liberty pole, which in falling, broke part of the bowery.

There was a Priesthood meeting appointed at half past seven o’clock. It was with difficulty we got there, in consequence of the storm. There was a fuller attendance than I expected there would be under the circumstances. Bro. W. W. Taylor and I occupied the time in speaking to the brethren. I did not call upon any of the rest of the brethren, as I did not wish to hold the meeting after nine o’clock in view of the services on the morrow.

7 August 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, August 7th, 1881 Arose early and called upon Bro. Rich again. Also called upon Prest Taylor and then went to meeting. The morning was fine, although it blew considerably through the day. Prest Taylor occupied the whole of the forenoon in his remarks. Between the meetings I met with Prest Budge and counselor Osmond and all the bishops of the Stake and all interested in saw mills and the lumber business to take into consideration the propriety of organizing a corporation company for the purpose of furnishing ties and all kinds of lumber to parties who may wish to obtain such material, so that one or two or a few men should not reap the benefits to all the roads which have been made into the mountains, and the various facilities which have been created by the people to use for their own private benefit in filling contracts that they may make with railroad companies and others. We thought that if the Saints unite in this matter, whatever benefits may flow from contracts of this kind can thus be distributed among the people.

There was a good spirit manifested, and Bro. Hyrum Woolley, who had secured a contract with the railroads, expressed his entire willingness to join in the organization of such a company to turn over his contract to it. Prest Taylor had suggested that he should be the superintendent of the company when organized. A committee was also selected to decide upon the place where the depot for this valley should be located, the railroad company having expressed itself to the effect that there would be but one in the valley, and its agent had desired to know what the wishes of the people were as to the point where this should be.

In the afternoon I spoke, taking as the foundation of my remarks extracts from the 29th and 45th sections of the Doctrine and Covenants, concerning Zion and the predictions of the Lord respecting the gathering of the people from all nations to Zion. And that His elect should hear the voice of the Lord and gather out to Zion, and that Zion should be at peace, etc. I called attention to the fact that those revelations had been given by the Lord through the Prophet Joseph before the Saints were gathered or a place had been designated as a place of gathering; and in fact the Lord had said in a revelation given in May, 1827, the same month in which Joseph received the Aaronic Priesthood, and before any had been bestowed, that he would gather his people together. I reasoned upon this to show how mighty a work the Lord had done in fulfilling His word through His servant Joseph. Men ask for a sign of the divinity of “Mormonism.” He had thus given us a sign far greater than any miracle, even if the dead were raised it would not be as great a miracle as that which we now behold in the gathering of this people and forming Zion from all the various nations of the earth.

The wind was very high and it required a good deal of strength of lungs to make ourself heard. Prest Taylor followed in some remarks, and much of the spirit was enjoyed by all present.

After partaking of supper, we started for St. Charles. The weather was threatening, but we escaped rain. I called at Pigott’s and my sister Elizabeth and her children saw us, and bade them good-bye. We were hospitably entertained by Bishop Hunt, of St. Charles. Bro. Findley carried a portion of our baggage to relieve our carriage, which was rather heavily loaded. Bro. Stucki had hitched up his team to his carriage to take us to Evanston. Bro. M. W. Merril, who had brought us to Paris, returned to Logan with Bro. Preston, who returned also.

8 August 1881 • Monday

Monday, August 8th, 1881 This morning Prests Taylor, Budge and myself called upon the family of Bro. Wilhelminsen, late president of the Scandinavian Mission, who had recently died. We made such remarks to them as we could to console them, and Prest Taylor, as Trustee-in-Trust, gave his wives $5 each to buy a dress.

On our way to Laketown we stopped on the way at Garden City while the horses were feeding. Reached Laketown in the evening, and at four o’clock met with the people. Bro. Hyrum Taylor, Bro. Nuttall myself and Prest Taylor occupied the time. The remarks were quite spirited. We were hospitably entertained by Bp. Ira Nebeker, whose wife had come six miles from their farm to entertain us. Bro. Nebeker was suffering from cholera morbus. Bro. Peery Nebeker and I had some considerable conversation during the evening

9 August 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 9th, 1881 The morning was cool and pleasant, as we took our journey to Randolph, passing through the canon. When we reached Otter Creek we were met by Gen P. Ward, who resides here, and his wives and his children with banners to welcome us. We stopped and shook hands with them and refreshed ourselves by drinking the pure mountain water, which they handed around to the company[.] At Randolph we were entertained by Bro. George Spencer, father-in-law to Bp. Sheets, a family whom I knew many years in Philadelphia. One of the sons was named after me; he is now a young man, but was away from home while we were there. Sister Spencer did all she could to make us comfortable. Held meeting with the Saints. Bro. McKinnon presides here, and Bro. Spencer is one of his counselors. The time was occupied by Bros Nuttall, myself and Prest Taylor. The latter’s remarks were brief, as he did not feel very well.

We drove from here to Woodruff, which is the most scattered settlement I had seen in our country. The people do not follow agriculture to any extent here, but depend chiefly upon stock-raising, as they think they can carry this on on ranches; consequently they are living in a very scattered condition. Bishop W. H. Lee received us. Prest Taylor, myself and Bros Budge and Nuttall stopped at his house In the evening we held meeting, Prest Taylor after coming to the meeting-house, had to return to his quarters, in consequence of his not feeling very well. There were more people at meeting than I expected to see. We had some very interesting remarks, and the Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon speakers and hearers. The speakers were Bros. Gibbs, Nuttall and myself.

10 August 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 10th, 1881 Last night it was cool and pleasant. The place where my wife and her sister slept had been used for a granary; the bed was comfortable, but was infested much with bugs, which kept its occupants awake. Myself and Bro. Stucki slept together, and I had a good night’s rest. Our journey from this point up the Bear River was very pleasant. We rode in our carriages to the depot, where we took dinner. The train soon came along, and just as we got on board the rain came down in torrents. It also rained on the way from here to Echo. At Echo we were met by Bp Cluff with teams to carry us to Coalville. While waiting here to get away, we stopped at the house of Bro Asper. We drove to Coalville in the midst of a drenching rain, and were kindly received by Bro. and Sis Cluff. We stayed with them all night There was an evening meeting appointed, but Prest Taylor was not well enough to go out[.] I called upon Bro. Nuttall to speak, but his voice failed him, as he was suffering from hoarseness. I occupied the remainder of the time. As I was closing, Bro Erastus Snow came in, he having left the city for the purpose of interviewing Prest Taylor. He proposes returning in the morning, and will join Bro. Woodruff in attending the Sanpete Conference. He gave us a report of his doings in Arizona.

11 August 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, August 11th, 1881 Bro. Erastus Snow and I passed a pleasant night, and the morning was bright and clear. We had some conversation in relation to affairs in Arizona, and some remarks were made about the United Order and Bro. Lot Smith. I ventured to say that he deserved some credit for having done as well as he had in managing the people and holding them together. This called forth some conversation from Prest Taylor and Bro Snow respecting his tyranny. I ventured to say, there were two sides to the question; and I expressed myself more strongly in relation to the matter because I have felt that there were influences at work to create prejudices againt [against] Bro. Lot Smith. He is a man whom I value because of his integrity and his valor. Although I think he is open to the charge of tyranny, still I do not feel in the absence of a man to join in condemning him unheard. It is an easy thing, even for Apostles, to become prejudiced against a man. If I cannot say good about a man I would rather not say anything about him in discussing his conduct and condemning him while he is absent. And there is none to represent his side. There was some feeling manifested by all of us in consequence of this conversation. Meeting was held at 10 o’clock. The house was crowded. Prest Taylor and Elder Erastus Snow and myself occupied the time. There was a good spirit in the meeting, and the instructions were interesting. We returned to Bro. Cluff’s[.] Bro. Snow had considerable conversation with Prest Taylor and myself about affairs in Arizona. Prest Taylor told him that whenever he could see his way clear to withdraw himself and his labors in connection with the railroad, that he would be at liberty to do so; but that he wanted him to stay until everything was in a safe position. He got ready to start after dinner for Echo in the buggy of Bro. Edward Eldridge, who drove him down. He intended to reach the city this evening, and expected to start out for Sanpete next day, in company with Bro. Woodruff to attend conference there.

We started after dinner, and drove moderately to Wanship. Bro. Cluff had a very nice carriage, in which he took myself and wife and her sister. We drove to Bishop Jared C. Roundy’s, who is married to my wife Sarah Jane’s sister, Lovina Jenne, and they made us very welcome. Prest Taylor and wife and his sons and Bro. Nuttall put up with Bro. E. R. Young’s sons. Bro. Young is father to Prest Taylor’s wife Maggie, and his daughter Leonora is out on a visit with her grandparents.

At four o’clock we met with the Saints in their small meeting-house. The time was occupied by Bro. Nuttall, myself and Prest Taylor, who made a few remarks. I enjoyed as good a degree of freedom as any time, as did the other brethren at his meeting. There seems to be very little of the spirit of improvement in this place. Brother Roundy, who is bishop here, is an excellent man, and probably the best man in the place for the position, but there is not that enterprise shown which should be in our settlements. There are two railroads passing through here—the Utah Eastern and the Union Pacific. The Utah Eastern extends from Coalville to Kimball’s; the Union Pacific to Park City. The former is the narrow gauge; the latter the standard, or broad guage. Both do considerable business.

12 August 1881 • Friday

Friday, August 12th, 1881 I enjoyed a very good night’ rest. My wife and sister-in-law occupied the bedroom; I slept on a lounge which my sister-in-law arranged. Prest Taylor and Sister Mary, his wife, came over and called upon the Bishop and his wife. Myself and wife and Sister Little accompanied them to call upon Bro. E. R. Young and his wife and his daughter-in-law. We also made a visit to the hall which he has built over the store, which is large and commodious, well adapted for parties and amusements. The Relief Societies hold their meetings here. One of Bro. Young’s daughters-in-law is a daughter of Sister Shreeve, a grand daughter to Bro. Wykoff of Cream Ridge, New Jersey. I knew her mother very well. She left all to come to the valley, and died two months after reaching here, a faithful, good woman. The grand parents have recently died. Bro. Roundy did not wish to accompany the party if he could be excused, but it was found necessary for him to hitch up his team to take some part of the company. Prest Taylor, I think, did not like it when he heard that Bro. Roundy had shown such reluctance; and when we got to Three-Mile Creek he arranged with Bro. Gibbons to take his team and accompany us. My sister-in-law Lovisa was anxious that her husband should accompany us, and she told him if he stayed at home he would not accomplish anything.

On reaching Peoa we went to the house of Bro. Marchant, and ate dinner, and afterwards attended meeting. Bro. Nuttall and myself and Prest Taylor occupied the time. There is one noticeable thing in this place—I do not think there is more than one privy in the entire town; and I took occasion to allude to this in my remarks in as delicate a way as I could. I think it shameful that Latter-day Saints should thus expose their wives and daughters to the necessity of finding places of retreat wherever they can obtain them. Such exposure destroys delicacy, and has a tendency to injure health; for if conveniences of this kind are not provided, people are apt to fall into a habit of neglecting the calls of nature.

After meeting we drove over a new road, recently made, to Kamas, Bro. Gibbons relieving Bro. Roundy of his company[.] We all drove up to Bishop Samuel Atwood’s, and he invited us to stop, but he informed us he only had one bed. I told him that as our party was large, and as Bro. Cluff was with us, we had better go somewhere else. At this, Bro. Cluff suggested our going to Bro. Ward Pack’s, and as he was an old Sandwich Island missionary, it was agreeable to me. We therefore went and were received very hospitably by himself and wife, who is a sister to Horace K. Whitney’s second wife. Bro Pack’ has lost his second wife, and all of his children are living together with his first wife. One of his children was quite sick with flux, but was improving. After supper Bro. L. D. Young called in, and Bro. Cluff, Bro. Pack and myself went to the Bishop’s and stayed half or three quarters of an hour conversing with Prest Taylor and other brethren.

13 August 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, August 13th, 1881 I was taken this morning by Bro. Pack among his cows; he has a large number of stock, but does not milk many. Some of them show the effect of good breeding, but I should judge they are going back to the common stock; sufficient pains are not taken to keep up the grade. He had some very fine marino bucks, which he keeps separately from the sheep until the proper time of breeding. He also has a cheese factory. He says it pays better during the heated terms to make cheese than butter[.] Five quarts of milk will make two pounds of cheese[.] This brings in the market about 12½ cents. He is building a frame house adjoining his log house, and is filling the space inside with concrete, which will add very much to its warmth in this very cold country. Last night a warm night for this valley, but I would think it quite cool in Salt Lake Valley. Myself and wife and her sister Emily walked up to the Bishop’s to pay our respects to Prest Taylor and wife and the Bishop and family. We had some conversation with Sister Atwood, upon the subject of plural marriage. She described being at Bro. Abram Hatch’s at Heber City when Bro. Joseph Murdock came in to rave, as she said, about plural marriage, and she silenced him by reminding him that Bro. Brigham sealed her to her husband, and that he did not say in the sealing prayer that he (her husband) was to receive the blessing on condition of his taking another wife. I did not enter into any argument with her, thinking it was useless to do so; but I find in this place considerable feeling upon this subject; in fact in this entire stake there is a feeling on the part of those who have more than one wife because most of the officers including the president and one of his counselors who are monogamists. Most of the Bishops are in the same condition. I did not like the tone of Sister Atwood’s remarks upon this subject.

We met with the people at half past 10 o’clock. I spoke upon the improvements they should make and of the facilities they had within their reach, that they should put up good houses, attend to their educational interests and employ their winter days and nights to good advantage and instanced the success and efficiency the Icelanders had attained through improving their long winter days and nights. I then spoke upon plural marriage, and reasoned upon it; and showed that it was a law obligatory upon all; and that while some men may receive the celestial glory who had only one wife and who had no wife at all even, still there must be a willingness on the part of all to receive and put in practice that doctrine and law. Prest Taylor followed and gave his experience. He related how Joseph had commanded him to obey this doctrine, and at one time had met him and told him that unless the command was received and obeyed the keys would be turned. At his request I read the revelation on plural marriage. Our meeting occupied over three hours. Bro. Lorenzo D. Young has a ranche here, and he pressed me to go and eat with him; but my wife and sister not feeling well, I returned from the Bishop’s to Bro. Packs who was expecting me to dinner, so I declined his invitation.

At half-past three o’clock we left here. Bro. Hatch and Bro Clyde had come over the mountain just before meeting to join us; and Bro. Cluff having business which required his presence at Coalville excused himself and returned. Myself, wife and sister rode in Bro. Hatch’s carriage, which was very comfortable, the remainder of the party rode in Bro. Clyde’s carriage. After leaving Kamas we climbed about six miles gradually, and then we descended a steep mountain. Bro. Hatch had a good brake on his carriage, and a good team[.] We went down with case and with a feeling of security. The view from the top of this mountain and canon was very beautiful. The hills in this region are covered with verdure in the shape of undergrowth, which makes them appear dry, barren very grateful to the eye in contrast with our dry, barren mountains in Salt Lake and other valleys. On our way, we stopped at the house of Bro. Morton, who has a very fine stone house with well arranged surroundings, to administer to his sister, who was very sick with a fever, and seemed to be threatened with inflammatory rheumatism. Bro. Nuttall anointed her and I was mouth, Bro. Hatch and Gibbs joining in the administration.

Just before reaching Heber City a storm broke upon us, the rain poured down in torrents, the short time it lasted. The roads down this canon are good. I am told that the income of the county is only $1,500, out of which all county expenditures have to be paid, Judging from what I saw, the funds must be very wisely managed in order to produce the results. The contrast of roads of this county with those of Summit Co is very marked, those of the latter in many places being very wretched, which showed evidences of neglect on the part of the road commissioners of Summit Co[.] There is a fine stone courthouse at Heber which would be a creditable building in any county; and the buildings in Heber City are, many of them, of a very superior quality. A good stone quarry is situated within two miles of this town, out of which rock can be got any size, and it quarries very evenly in thickness; so that if care be taken, houses may be built in uniform layers, which, in some instances, has been done. This quarry, which is red sandstone, has been secured by the city and cannot be jumped by any private party, and any citizen may go there and get all the stone he wishes without cost

Prest Taylor and wife, and myself <&> wife and sister stopped at Bro. Hatchs’ who gave us a very warm welcome

14 August 1881 • Sunday

August 14th, 1881 Sunday The morning was showery but the people came to meeting from all directions, and the house was crowded. My wife thought it better, in consequence of poor health, not to go to meeting this morning, so her sister remained with her

There has been considerable talk here respecting the doctrine of plural marriage in consequence of Bishop Atwood, of Kamas, having preached a discourse here last Sunday, before the Saints at the Stake Conference, upon this subject, to which some of the brethren who were polygamists, took exceptions; and one of them Bishop Benjamin Cluff, replied to Bro. Atwood’s remarks. Bro. Hatch tells us that he saw no way of settling the matter only by trying to pass it off humorously, which he did, remarking that Bro. Atwood had been trained in Summit Co, while Bro. Cluff had been trained in Wasatch Co. In this way, he said, he could only account for the difference in the understanding of the brethren. Bro. Atwood, it seems, from Bro. Hatch’s remarks, had preached a discourse that made it very easy for monogamists to be landed safely in the celestial Kingdom, provided they had been married and sealed over the altar; while Bishop Cluff had landed all the monogamists in hell. It was thought best by Prest Taylor and Bro. Hatch that I in my remarks, should treat upon this subject, which I did at some length. In the afternoon Prest Taylor occupied the time, speaking two hours lacking five minutes, upon the same subject. In the evening a number of the brethren called, and considerable conversation was had upon various topics of interest.

15 August 1881 • Monday

Monday, August 15th, 1881 I arose early this morning, with the expectation of starting from Heber City at 8 o’clock. The weather was very pleasant, and clouds upon the Battle Creek mountains threatened rain. After breakfast we started for Midway, a beautiful little town lying on the opposite side of the valley, which presents a charming picture, the landscape, I thought, very beautiful. It reminds me very much, this town and its adjacent surroundings, of a place I had seen on the Sandwich Islands. Bishop David Van Wagenor presides at Midway—a man of considerable enterprise and very ingenious, who is capable of turning his hand to almost anything. He introduced me to his wife, whom he called his “one talent”, by way of referring to my remarks yesterday on the parable of the talents. She has borne him twelve children, ten of whom are living. He led the party around to a cone, which had arisen in the valley, in which there had been a boiling spring. There is a number of these remarkable formations in this valley; the water flows over some of them. They are called “The Pots”, and as they overflow, the water forms a stony substance with which most of this country is covered. Some of these have been formed by the water, until they flow out no longer, and the tops of them are covered over with stone formed from the deposit of the carbonated water. The temperature of some of these is 90 degrees. There is one beautiful little pool which they call the bathtub, in which the people frequently bathe. It is about five or 6 feet deep. After viewing the curiosities, we drove to the store, and Bro. Van Wagenor distributed a lot of candy and apples, also provided some bread and cheese, thinking we might need some refreshments before we reached the place of destination. The soil of this place is shallow, the rocks frequently prot[r]uding above the ground, and at no place is it more than two feet deep, and it varies from that depth to four inches; but by managing it and manuring it, the Bishop told us it yielded excellent crops, and the red-top hay is especially very heavy. There is a thrifty look about the place, there being a number of very excellent buildings, and their fencing is good, which is made out of the rock they dig out of their gardens and farms. They have the walls laid of their new meeting-house, which is being built out of this material; it is soft, readily chopped with an ax, but hardens by exposure to the air.

From this point we drove to Bishop Nympus Murdock’s, which is about seven miles distant from Heber City. Arrangements had been made for the party to dine here. We were accompanied by Prest Hatch, Bishop Van Wagoner and others. As we reached Bishop Murdock’s a rain storm set in, but it soon passed off. It was near this point some six years ago, when I was passing down from Heber—The last time, I think that I visited that place—a she bear climbed into the corral and killed a large number of sheep belonging to Bro. [underlined blank] And the boys got after her the next morning, and found her with two cubs, which they killed, as well as herself. The same day a cinnamon bear was killed down the canon. The bears at that time were very troublesome in this canon.

After dining at Bro. Murdock’s we separated with the brethren and sisters who had accompanied us from Midway thus far, and took our journey down the canon. It rained in torrents part of the distance. The mountains presented a very grand spectacle. Sheets of falling water with the mountains as a background, made a very beautiful sight, and as our carriage was well covered we could enjoy it, without much discomfort. Provo Canon is one of the finest in the mountains, and there was a very fine water fall facing the mountains on our left as we came down the canon, which presented a very beautiful appearance. The volume of water which was falling over this afternoon was much greater than usual in consequence of the heavy rains. We enjoyed the scenery very much and especially when we came through the gateway where we beheld Utah Lake and the valley in the distance. It was a very beautiful sight.

As we had concluded not to go to Provo, and to save distance by going to Pleasant Grove, we had to ford the Provo River; and as the water was muddy and high we deemed it best before venturing in—especially as my wife was quite nervous—to have one of the young men unhitch a horse from the team and cross the ford on horseback. We found no obstacles. The rocks were rough, but we had no difficulty in getting over. We passed through Pleasant Grove without stopping, though we thought of stopping there when we started, but as no notice of arrival had been sent, and we saw no leading people, we concluded to drive on to American Fork[.] At the latter place Prest Taylor stopped with his usual host, Bro. Robinson, who is said to be the first conductor of a railroad train now living, he having run the first train on the Liverpool and Manchester railroad, when it was first constructed. But as the Bishop was away from home and also his family, I concluded to accompany Bro. Hatch to Lehi, where we had friends whom we wished to see. Upon arriving at Lehi, we called upon the Bishop and propositions were made to hold a meeting that evening, which was quite agreeable to me. Bro. Hatch took us to Sister Naile’s and though in trouble in consequence of the breaking of the leg of one of her little grandsons, the son of her daughter Rachel, she received us very hospitably and with her daughter-in-law made our stay a very agreeable one.

I was surprised this evening at the large audience which assembled in the hall, who listened very attentively to Bro. Abraham Hatch, who spoke for about fifteen minutes, and to myself who followed for about forty-five minutes. We were quite fatigued with our day’s journey, the ride down the canon being very rough.

16 August 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug 16th, 1881 Bishop Thomas Cutler was so kind as to send a conveyance for ourselves and baggage to take us this morning to the railroad train, which left for the city at 19 minutes past 8 o’clock in the morning. Before leaving, I called to pay my respects to the ex-Bishop, Bro. David Evans, who is quite advanced in years, and though I called at three of his houses I could not find him. Hence, being limited for time, had to be satisfied with sending my respects to him. We found Prest Taylor and wife and the other members of our party on the train, also Bishop Edward Hunter (Who was coming up from American Fork) Prest Woodruff and wife, Bro. George Teasdale of Nephi and sister Minerva Snow, the wife of Bro. Erastus. These last named had been attending conference at Manti, and were returning therefrom. Bro. Z. Jacobs, the conductor, was so kind as to stop the train for us at the point nearest my house. I was met by my sons Angus and David and Lewis in a carriage. We found all at home in the enjoyment of good health much improved since we left, and my wife Elizabeth’s children, as all were, delighted to see us. I afterwards drove my sister-in-law to town in my buggy. Spent the afternoon at the office attending to various matters of business.

Met my son John Q.’s wife and took her down home, where I saw George Q., their son. They were both well; and she described to me how John Q. felt on leaving, and related the word she had had from him since his departure. I took Sister Ellen Winters down to my wife Eliza’s house. They were intending to go to Payson Thursday.

17 August 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 17th, 1881 Did not get to town as early as usual, in consequence of having to take my wife Martha around to try and find help, which is very scarce at the present time. Met my father-in-law, Bro. Beeby, walking to his daughter’s, Sister Pratt, and returned with him in the buggy. Took lunch at my sister-in-law’s, and at 2 o’clock met with the brethren in the Council. Some conversation was had respecting the painting of the telestial room in the temple at Logan. It was decided to have it white. Brother Woodruff reported that 6,000 bushels of grain had been subscribed by the various settlements in Sanpete towards the Temple[.] Bro. Fred Goss, of this city, and Jacob J. Walser, of Payson, were proposed and sustained as missionaries to Switzerland, the latter to take the place of my son Abraham, whose <health> has become somewhat impaired. Rob’t R. Anderson was also named for a mission to Great Britain to labor in the ministry and in the Star office as book-keeper. It was suggested that Bro. Jos. F. Smith take the necessary steps to secure the organization of a branch at Rock Springs, Wy Territory, and Bro. Smoot was designated to organize a branch of the Church in Pleasant Valley, with David Williams as presiding officer

18 August 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, August 18th, 1881 Prest Taylor and myself set apart Sister Zina D. Young and Ellen B. Ferguson this morning to go to the states, the former to get her genealogy, the latter to perfect herself she being a medical graduate, in the latest improvements in medical science, and of opportunity offered to deliver public lectures

Bro. Truman O. Angel, Jr. had questions to ask concerning the arrangement of the celestial room in the Logan Temple. Requested him to make draughts, so that we could see the best plan to adopt.

Very showery today, and we had considerable hail.

We went over to the Gardo House, and suggested changes and repairs.

My wife Elizabeth and the children being up, she wished me to take lunch with her at her sister’s.

19 August 1881 • Friday

Friday, August 19th, 1881 My wife Sarah Jane and her three youngest children and my daughter Mary Alice accompanied by her cousin Georgina Little, went to the Lake today, in company with my wife’s brother-in-law, Bro. Peter Hansen, and his family, also a young woman who is living with my wife Sarah Jane, by the name of E. Maud Baugh, by the Utah Western Railroad.

At the office, attending to various matters of business. The question regarding the Iron Springs in Cedar City, came up, and at Prest Taylor’s suggestion I dictated a letter to Bro. John Irvine, short hard [hand] reporter, to Bishop C. J. Arthur on this subject. There were various other items of business attended to.

While I was sitting in the office today/ Bro. H. S. Eldridge came into the room and sat down. He enquired for Bro. Jos. F. Smith I told him he was not in. Upon his making this enquiry, the Spirit of the Lord told me what his object was in coming into the office. I had not heard of his wife’s death, but I knew she was dead and that he had come in to ask Bro. Smith to go to the funeral, and for fear he would ask me, without his saying a word, or giving the slightest intimation of what his object was—although I was as well aware of it as if he had spoken it, I put on my hat and went out the back way, for I did not want to go to the funeral, and I did not like to refuse him. I have understood she has been an apostate in her feelings and her sympathy has been with what are called the “Josephites.” I went and attended Pule Malu [private prayer]. Upon my return, I found a note lying on my desk written by Bro. Nuttall to the effect that Bro. Eldridge desired me to attend the funeral of his wife, who had died this morning. In conversation with Bro. Nuttall, I learned that Bro. Eldridge admitted that she was a “Josephite”, but that he did not want any of them around his house, and he wanted the funeral attended to by the Elders. The statement he made reconciled me to the thought of going. Stayed in town all night.

20 August 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, August 20th, 1881 Breakfasted with my sister Mary Alice. Had been invited to attend the conference of the Davis County Stake, at Farmington, but Prest Taylor desired me to stay in town over Sunday and arrange for Bro. Jos. F. Smith to go. He was suffering from Cholera Morbus, and could not go. Remained in town all night, and put up at my sister Mary Alices.

21 August 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, August 21st, 1881 We decided last evening to take a trip through Utah County Stake and hold meeting in the various settlements; and on Saturday and Sunday next to attend the quarterly conference of the Stake to be held at Provo. As we had not given any notice to the people of these meetings, I got up early this morning and called at Prest Taylor’s and found him in bed, and talked over with him the programme of travel, so that we could apprise Prest Smoot and that the several bishops might be able to inform the people of their several wards today. I had some trouble in finding an operator to send the message; but I left it at the principal office while I went and hitched up my buggy and afterwards came back and found an operator—Bro. Hill, who promised to do his best to get the despatches off. I then drove home, feeling very faint for the want of my breakfast. Had some conversation with my brother-in-law, John Hoagland, whom I have employed to take charge of my affairs now that my son John Q. has gone on his mission. I pay him $1,200 a year out of which he pays for one hired man, who I board and lodge. My brother-in-law also is to get dinner at my house, it being inconvenient for him to go home for that meal. Took my wife Sarah Jane with me in the buggy to meeting. Prest Taylor was not at the meeting, Bros Woodruff, Wells and myself being the only ones of the Council present. Bro. Naisbitt occupied three-quarters of an hour, and I followed him, speaking about forty minutes, enjoying a good flow of the Spirit. I took supper at Bro. Woodruff’s, at his invitation and had a very pleasant visit with him and his wife Phoebe. After supper I attended the 14th Ward meeting, where I spoke and was followed by Bro Woodruff. The house was crowded, the people having been invited by Bro. H. P: Richards, the Sunday School Supt. to take Sunday School matters into consideration. Stayed in town all night.

22 August 1881 • Monday

Monday, August 22nd, 1881 Attended to Pule malu [private prayer] at the Endowment House

24 August 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 24th, 1881 Drove to town this morning and attended, in company with Prest Taylor, the meeting of a few individuals of Bro. Jennings, Bro. Sharp, Bro. Lunt, Prest Taylor and myself at the office of Z.C.M.I. to consider the purchase of the Iron Springs from the Cedar Co-operative Company for the use of the Iron Company which Prest Taylor thought should be organized today. He subscribed fifty shares, $100 each, as Trustee-in-Trust, and I subscribed for ten. Bro. Sharp kindly consented to have the train stop for me at the street leading from my place, and I drove down home. My son Angus had started with my carriage at seven o’clock this morning for Lehi, and I had arranged with Prest Taylor’s man to overtake him on the road, so that he would have company. I expect to take my wife Eliza with me (who had been on a visit to Payson) but she could not get any one to stop with her mother, whose health was delicate, and she felt that she could not leave. My wife Martha was tired, having had sickness with her two younger children, who are yet suffering from summer complaint. Sarah Jane, also, was occupied with her children, and Elizabeth, who did not receive word in time, could not go with me, so I had to go alone. At Lehi we were met by Bro. Cutler, the bishop, also found our carriages there to carry us to meeting.

The people had assembled when we arrived, and had commenced the opening exercises. Prest Taylor immediately arose and spoke, and was followed by Bro. Woodruff and myself. After meeting we straightway proceeded to Alpine; Bishop T. J. McCollough carried Bro. David John, Counsellor to Prest Smoot, and Bro. Gibbs in his spring wagon, and was our guide; and Bishop Cutler carried Bro. Woodruff and wife in his vehicle. Bro. Reynolds rode in Prest Taylor’s carriage, who had with him his wife Sophia. These comprised the party, with myself and my son Angus. They had not been expecting us for supper at Alpine, and we had to wait until Sister McCullough cooked it. After supper I was taken by Bro. Strong, counselor to the Bishop, to his house, and Bro. John and I slept together.

25 August 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 25th, 1881 We called around this morning and examined the various objects of interest. Bro. John and myself climbed to the high hill, where the graveyard is situated, from which point under the guidance of Bro. Strong, we had a very fine view of the valley. This is a charming little place, surrounded by mountains which tower up all around nearly making an amphitheater in which the settlement is located. It is a much secluded place, and certainly it is a very delightful place for Latter-day Saints. Bro. Devey showed us a model of a hay press, which he has invented, and which enables him to press small bales weighing about 25 pounds. We held meeting at 10 o’clock. The speakers were prests Taylor, Woodruff and myself. Prest Taylor and wife and I took dinner with Bro. Strong. After dinner Bro. McCullough gave us a feast of water-melons, which were very fine. We drove to American Fork and reached there in time for meeting at 4 o’clock. Prest Taylor called upon me to speak first, Bro. Woodruff following and I closed. I enjoyed the meeting very much. Myself and son stopped at Bro. Hindley’s.

26 August 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 26th, 1881 Engaged with Prest Taylor arranging dispatches to send to Cedar City respecting the Iron Springs. The other brethren, with Bro. Woodruff. were desired to go on and hold meeting, and we would follow to hold meeting at one o’clock. Bro. Smoot, who joined us last night, and Bros John, Harrington Woodruff and Gibbs and I drove on, and we reached Pleasant Grove in time to eat dinner before the meeting, which we did at Bro. John Brown’s, who, with part of his family, was absent in consequence of the death of his daughter at Park City. The meeting-house was very crowded. Prest Taylor spoke first and I followed[.] Prest Woodruff was unable to attend meeting today, in consequence of sickness[.] The folks here have abundance of fruit, which they pressed upon us, and of which we partook freely. We sent our carriages on to Provo from here, and after the meeting we took train, reaching Provo at 4:30[.] Judge W. N. Dusenberry had caused my son to drive my carriage and team to his place, and met us at the depot and pressed me to stop with him, which I did. I telegraphed from American Fork to my wife Elizabeth, asking her if she possibly could, to join me, as Prest Taylor thought that I ought to have a wife with me.

The news from Gen. Garfield is that he is sinking, and I think that dissolution cannot be far off.

27 August 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, August 27th, 1881 My bowels were very loose this morning, but I attended meeting, which was held in the Grove in the meetinghouse lot. The statistics of the Stake were read, and Prest Taylor not being at the meeting, I presided. I called upon Bro. Smoot to report the condition of the Stake, and he was followed by Bro. Woodruff. Then Bishop Snell of Spanish Fork spoke, and I followed him; my remarks occupied about twenty minutes. T. W. Taylor, son of Prest Taylor, had come down by the train this morning, with the design of going to Cedar City to represent the interest of the Trustee-in-Trust and the Deseret News in the Co-operative sheepherd association there. A letter was prepared for him to take with him to the President and Directors of the Iron Company. I also gave him a written authority to act for me in the stock I own in that company In the afternoon Bro. Halliday and Maeser spoke, and they were followed by Prest Taylor and myself upon the subject of education After meeting I drove to the train and met my wife, Elizabeth, who had come to join me, and my wife Martha, who had come with three of her children to make a visit to her adopted mother, Sister Beebe and the folks. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Priesthood, held in the Tabernacle. After some business had been attended to, I addressed the congregation and enjoyed a good flow of the spirit. Bro. Jos. F. came in while I was speaking and followed me.

28 August 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, August 28, the 1881 The morning is quite cool. Am suffering from an attack of Cholera Morbus. Prest Taylor told me this morning that he wished me and Bro. Jos. F. Smith to occupy the forenoon. I suggested that Jos. F. speak first, as he was not here yesterday, in order that he might have all the time he wished. I followed, reading from the Doctrine and Covenants respecting the object of the gathering; also from the Book of Mormon concerning the words of Moroni and Alma about the blessing which God has placed upon this land, that no nation could inhabit it after they were fully ripe in iniquity. And also Moroni’s description of Esther’s [Ether’s] views and prophecies concerning the New Jerusalem being upon this land. I enjoyed a goodly degree of the Spirit. Prest Taylor occupied the afternoon.

We started at five o’clock for Springville. Judge Dusenberry, I should have mentioned, has treated us with great kindness while we stayed with him, and our team fared very well. We were invited by Bishop Wm Bringhurst to stop with him. Prest Taylor and Bro. Reynolds also stayed there. Bro. Wm. Bringhurst and his wife crossed the plains in the same company with myself and wife Elizabeth; they numbered ten, and were a young married couple then, while we were quite young[.] He has had a shock of paralysis, which affects one side considerably, though he is able to walk around very well. I could see that it has affected his whole system. He has been a man of great energy. It was sad to see him thus afflicted.

29 August 1881 • Monday

Monday, August 29th, 1881 One of the hubs of the hind axels of my carriage broke, and I took it to the blacksmith shop of Bro. Thos Parry and had a new one put on. Meeting was held in the meeting-house, at 10 o’clock. The house was full; Prest Taylor, Woodruff, myself and Smith spoke. Left Springville after dinner and drove to Spanish Fork. We found the roads very much cut up and dusty. The brass band met us outside of town escorting us to the meeting-house lot, where a bowery was erected, under which we met. I was the first speaker, and enjoyed a good flow of the Spirit, and was followed by Prests Taylor, Smith and Woodruff[.] Bro. Reynolds also made a few remarks. The singing by the choir was very fine. We held the meeting quite late, Prest Taylor occupying considerable time in his remarks. We were invited by Sister Andrus, who formerly was Sister Tuttle, to stop with her. She keeps a little hotel here, and entertained us very kindly[.] Bro. Woodruff and wife also stopped with her. She is an old acquaintance of my wife’s, and I have known her too for a long time, though I have not see much of her for many years. She crossed the planes in our company. Her first husband, Bro. Tuttle, was there living. She has one son of whom he was the father, and has some grandchildren, of his, and some children of her last husband, Milo Andrus, from whom she has been separated for some years.

30 August 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 30th, 1881 Started about nine o’clock this morning and drove to Salem, about three miles distant. Found the people assembled in the meetinghouse. Prests Taylor, Smith, Woodruff and myself occupied the time. Bro. Davis, the Postmaster of the place, invited us to stop with him, and we did so. I felt quite unwell this morning, and thought I would lie down with the impression that the company would not start for Payson until three o’clock; but Bishop C. D. Evans came over a little after one and told us they had gone. I hitched up and followed. Drove to my sister-in-law’s, Jane Simons, a sister to my wife Eliza. At four o’clock we went to meeting. Prest Taylor asked me to speak. I was followed by Prests Smith, Woodruff and Taylor

31 August 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 31st, 1881 Arranged last evening to hold a meeting at Spring Lake Villa and for Bro. Jos F. and myself to attend it; and the rest of the party to go on to Santaquin. We met with the people in their little meeting-house. Bro. Joseph occupied 35 minutes, and I thirty minutes in speaking to them. It is a very pretty little place, and B. F. Johnson is bishop, and the whole settlement is almost composed of the family of Johnson by marriage and birth. Drove from here to Santaquin, and put up with Bro. Eli Openshaw. Held meeting at this place at one o’clock. There was an excellent spirit at this meeting. The speakers were Bros. Woodruff, Smith[,] myself and Prest Taylor. I enjoyed my remarks at this meeting very much. After meeting I drew an order for Prest Taylor to sign on Bishop Tanner of Payson, asking him to raise means from his ward to pay the passage of Bro. Jacob Walser to Switzerland and to furnish fuel for his family if he could do this without crowding upon the people. Bro. Jos. F.[,] myself and Bro. Tanner administered to a son of Bro. Openshaw whose knee was terribly swollen. This detained us about half an hour behind the rest of the company, but by driving rapidly over a very rough road I succeeded in entering Goshen in company with Prests Taylor and Smoot. Bro. Joseph F. Went back to Payson with Bishop Tanner, intending to go to the city in the morning. Bro Wm. Price of Goshen, whose wife is Martha VanCott, daughter of John VanCott, and an old friend of my wife’s, invited us to stop at his house, where Prest Taylor and wife, Prest Smoot and wife were stopping. Bro and Sis Woodruff also ate there, but slept elsewhere.

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August 1881, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024