December 1882

1 December 1882 • Friday

Friday, December 1st 1882. I did not feel well during the night and went without breakfast. Reached Chicago at 2.30 p.m. Not being able to get berths on the limited express, I secured them for the party on the slow train. We waited in the station till nearly ten oclock before we could get on to the sleeper.

2 December 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 2 1882. We had to rise at 5.30 this morning to get breakfast at Fort Wayne. The day was stormy and unpleasant, snowing all day. As a consequence the train was delayed and was an hour and a half late at Pittsburg, where we had to change sleeper

3 December 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec 3 1882. Several members of Congress aboard. Ford of Missouri, Hoar, of Michigan, & Pierce, of Indiana; and Senator Salter, of Oregan, and Senator Sanders, of Nebraska. Reached Washington at noon. Put up at the Riggs House. Bro. Caine walked through the city in the afternoon.

4 December 1882 • Monday

Monday, Dec 4, 1882. Arose early so as to make preparation to get Bro. Caine’s papers properly before the House. Called upon General Kane my attorney, and talked over the situation with him. Then went to the House and had quite a levee of handshaking. I introduced Bro. Caine to a great number of members. I laid his case before Mr Randall, Mr Carlisle, Mr. Converse, and Mr Knowlton. Mr Randall suggested that Mr. Knowlton, who had charge of my case from the Comtee on Elections, should present Bro. Caine’s petition and papers. I saw him and he consented to do so. They were ordered printed and referred to Comtee on Elections. We waited with interest to hear the President’s message. Very little reference was made to Utah. This was a wet blanket in the hopes of our enemies. I feel very thankful. It seems that the Commissioners and Secretary Teller are in accord.

I went in the evening to see the Hanlon’s in the “Voyage en Suis[s]e”. I wrote to my last wife and to Angus, and also to Bro. Hart.

5 December 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 5 1882. At the House. Van Zile was in the gallery. If he has come by appointment of the Governor for the unexpired term I think he would try and claim the privilege of the floor. His not doing so makes me think that he does not have it, or else is afraid to try it. If he has any sensible friends they certainly ought to discourage him from making such an attempt. The House adjourned early in consequence of the announcement of the death of Senator B. H. Hill.

I called with Bro Caine at the new quarters of Bros Peery and Richards, they having left the Riggs House.

6 December 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 6th 1882. At the House. Wrote to my wives and to Elizabeth’s children, Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, in one letter, and to Bro. John Hoagland

7 December 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 7 1882. At the House. The Comtee on Elections will meet tomorrow morning. Bro. Caine is looking for rooms. We decided to take some that he saw with Mrs Sarmiento’s, 917 — 16th Street. I like them very much. Paid a visit to Bros Richards & Peery. Bro. Caine and I had quite a remarkable conversation this evening with Mr Scoville, M. C. of New York, in which he gave some ideas respecting the condition of society. As he describes society — and he is a very wealthy man and well acquainted with the inside operations — the picture is a very dark and gloomy one. A respectable exterior, but a rotten interior.

8 December 1882 • Friday

Friday Dec 8 1882. At the House. After dinner left the Riggs House and went to our new lodgings. Agreed to pay at the rate of $85 per month for two bedrooms and parlor. Bro. Richards spent the evening with us.

9 December 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 9 1882. At the House. Took a Turkish bath. In the evening went with Bro. Caine and Bro. Richard’s and wife and Sister Peery to the Theatre to see Modjeska in the Twel[f]th Night. The performance was good.

10 December 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 10 1882. Twenty eight years ago this day my wife Elizabeth and I were married. I was filled with reflections upon that event and saddened with the thought that she was no longer with me. Called upon Bros Richards and Peery. It is a rainy day. Wrote a long letter to John Q.

11 December 1882 • Monday

Monday Dec 11 1882. I received bad news this morning, about my son Louis. His leg had been caught in the carriage wheel and he had been thrown round one revolution. The leg was badly fractured. The consequences are likely to be serious. His leg at best, the doctors say, will be stiff. My feelings are very acute concerning this accident, and my sympathies are drawn out for him and his mother, who will feel my absence very much. I telegraphed home to my brother Angus concerning him and to learn how he was. I also wrote to him, to Abraham, and to my wife Martha.

I have had it in my mind to have one of my wives come down on a visit, if possible, to be with me while here; but just now it would expose me too much. Have written however to my brother Angus to have her make preparations. Today I telegraphed as follows: — “My suggestions letters third and fourth impracticable at present. Circumstances here unfavorable. Do not stop preparing. I still hope.” At the House. Had an interview with [blank] and Mr Converse of the Judiciary Committee. Beside myself and Bro. Caine, Bros Richards and Peery were present. We talked over the best plan to take in relation to asking for admission. Mr Converse was very kindly disposed and will do everything in his power to aid us in securing a state government. Afterwards Bro. Caine and myself went to the Theatre and saw the “Rivals.”

12 December 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec. 12 1882. Called to see Mr Atherton, one of the Committee on Elections, to talk over Bro. Caine’s case, but he had gone. I afterwards saw him at the House. I spent considerable time in the Law Library hunting up cases analogous to Bro. Caine’s. In the evening, Bro. Caine and myself went and heard the Rev. John Hall lecture upon the “Scripture and Science”. Considering his reputation I thought it a very poor affair.

13 December 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 13 1882. I wrote a long letter to President Taylor, which see. I also wrote to my son Abraham. At the House.

14 December 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 14 1882. Commenced to write “Topic of the Times” for the Juvenile Instructor. I afterwards went to the House. Bros W. D. Johnson, Senr and Junr and their wives and Bro. Nephi Johnson called upon us this evening and had an interesting visit. I afterwards went with Bro. Caine to see the play of the [blank] with Jefferson as Dr. Ollapod. It was excellently played and I enjoyed it. Every character was good.

I saw Senator Saunders of Nebraska, Chairman of the Committee on Territories, about gaining a hearing of the brethren respecting admission as a State. He promised to lay it before the Committee in the morning. I wrote a letter to my brother Angus as to whether my wife should go to Chicago in case she came down.

15 December 1882 • Friday

Friday Dec 15 1882. The Bros Johnson and wives, Bros Peery, Richards and wives, Bro. Caine and myself went to Mount Vernon today. The day was cold but we enjoyed the trip. I afterwards saw Senator Saunders, who told me that the Committee could not consider the question of admission without a bill was before them. He said he would introduce one as by request if I would prepare it. I accompanied the whole party above named to see the play “As you like it,” with Margaurette Mather as Rosalind.

16 December 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 16th — 1882. I finished articles for the Juvenile Instructor and then went to the House. Spent sometime in searching for a suitable form for the bill of admission for Senator Saunders to introduce.

17 December 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 17th — 1882. I finished reading Thomsons Volumes describing his travels to the Central African lakes and back in the expedition which started out under the leadership of Kieth Johnson.

Had a visit from Bro. Richards and wife and Sister Peery. I afterwards called upon the Brothers Johnson and their wives.

18 December 1882 • Monday

Monday Dec 18, 1882. Mr Calkins appointed Wednesday for the hearing of Bro. Caine’s case by the sub-Committee. Had conversation with Bros Richards and W. D. Johnson about the kind of bill we wanted and where it ought to differ from the Kansas bill of admission, a copy of which I had obtained. I afterwards went to the House. In the evening called upon Bro. and Sister Richards at Mrs Belva A Lockwoods. All our folks in town were present. We had a pleasant evening. Mrs Lockwood’s niece, Mrs Harrison, played on the piano and sang.

19 December 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec 19, 1882. Had conversation with Bros Caine and Richard’s about who should remain here. I said that I had thought that if he (Bro Caine) got his seat I might be spared to go home, for after that and the argument respecting admission had been made it would only be waste of time and money for all of us to stay. We all agreed on this. Bro. Caine expressed himself strongly in favor of my remaining. Everybody at home he said would feel better if I would stay, and in view of the proposed legislation he felt that if I could consent to do so it would be best for him and for all; the other brethren could return. In all of this Bro Richards agreed. I talked with Bro. Caine in the evening about sending for my wife. He thought I had better do so. I was at the House of Representatives today. Cassidy of Nevada introduced a bill similar to that introduced by Edmunds of Vermont into the Senate in the 13th inst. Cassidy is full of hatred venom. The Lord will deal with him. Judge Black sent me his address and expressed a wish to see me. Bro. Caine and I called upon him in the evening and we had a free conversation.

20 December 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 20 1882. I wrote Judge Black the following letter:— “Washington D.C. Dec 20/82. “My Dear Judge: Since our meeting yesterday evening it has occurred to us that much good might result from such an interview as you suggested having with Senators Bayard, Garland and Lamar of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate. They have before them the bill which I showed you last evening, and which I enclose. This and probably other measures, the Federal Officials now here, Van Zile and the Secretary, are pushing. Besides this there will doubtless be efforts made to have the blundering amendment of the Judiciary Committee which Mr Hoar presented, which Mr Bayard favors, and which was fastened upon the appropriation Bill — I mean that giving the Governor the authority to fill up all the Offices — amended and strengthened in some way to effect the ends it was intended to reach. A few words from you to these Senators or others of the Committee who are evidently ignorant of the true condition of affairs in the Territory, would show them the iniquity of such legislation, and at least perhaps make them pause before proposing or recommending it. The names of the Committee at the last session were: Edmunds, Logan, Ingalls, McMillan, of Minn.[,] Hoar, Garland, Davis, of Ill, Bayard and Lamar. If they wish to make an amendment that would lead to a peaceful and republican solution of the present difficulty in which the Territory is involved through the Hoar amendment, they would provide for holding an election for the offices which they have sought to vacate. But the danger in our asking such an amendment is, our opponents would be likely to connect with it some hateful and oppressive provisions.” I afterwards attended a meeting of the Committee on Elections with Bro. Caine. We called at Bro. Richards’ as we went down and he accompanied us. Pettibone and Jones, of Tenn, were present. It was agreed that the case should be reported favorably and that Pettibone should make the report. I talked with a number of members of the Committee upon the subject. I have found by conversation that seven or eight are favorable to seating Bro. Caine, and I hope for an unanimous report.

I telegraphed my brother Angus to have my wife start.

21 December 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 21 1882. I wrote “Topic of the Times” for the Juvenile Instructor. Received a dispatch from my brother Angus who informs me that he is sick, but had sent my wife to Ogden with Abraham today.

I was at the House. In the evening called at Bro. Peery’s. Was introduced there to a young lady acquaintance of his and his wife who is visiting Washington — Miss Mattie Stras.

I afterwards called at Bro. Richards and Bros Johnson.

22 December 1882 • Friday

Friday Dec 22, 1882. Bro. Caine took train to New York today to make a visit during the holidays. I was at the House. It was agreed to adjourn till Wednesday. I sent a dispatch to Bro. Caine informing him of the fact. It has been very rainy for two days. I wrote letters home to each of the folks, and to my son Abraham. I have learned that there will be no meetings of the Committees, and this makes me feel safe in going away; so I started for Chicago at 7.30 this evening, but could only get sleeper as far as Pittsburg. Bro. Caine and myself before he left engaged rooms of Mrs Siementoes for the session.

23 December 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec 23, 1882. I had to stop in Pittsburg until 3 oclock in the afternoon

24 December 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 24, 1882. A beautiful morning. I reach Chicago in good shape, and met my wife at the Rock Island Station. We drove to the Windsor Hotel. The meeting was a happy one.

25 December 1882 • Monday

Monday Dec 25 1882. Called upon Dr Stennett of the C & N. W. who gave me letters of introduction to Mr Ruggles of the Michigan Central, Mr Porter of the Canada Southern and Mr Stanley of the New York & Erie. Mr Douglas gave me pass for myself and one to Detroit and return. Did not meet the other gentleman. Went and seen “Esmeralda” in the evening, played by the Maddison Square Company. Though it is Christmas it has been a dreary day on account of the weather. It has been snowing and raining from early in the morning.

26 December 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 26, 1882. Mr Stanley telegraphed to Mr Abbot and told me I should find the passes at Niagara Falls. I failed to see Mr Porter. We started on the Michigan Central at 9.10 p.m. Before doing so, I wrote an article for the Juvenile Instructor.

27 December 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 27 1882. We reached Detroit early in the morning where we stopped. Had a walk through the town. Breakfasted at the Wabash Hotel, which was not very styleish. We thought of going to Royal Oak, the birth place of my first wife, but afterwards changed our minds, and took train by the Canada Southern at noon for Niagara Falls. We changed cars at Buffalo and reached the Falls at 10 p.m. Put up at the Spencer House.

28 December 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 28, 1882. I found the passes here for myself and wife to New York and return. I hired a sleigh and we viewed all the points of interest — Prospect Park, descended in the car, and then under the American falls, before doing which we had to dress in rubber as the spray would soon drench us. The sight was a very grand one. We also had to wear spiked shoes to keep from slipping on the ice. We afterwards drove to the bridge and crossed and then descended to the whirlpool rapids, after which we drove to the house at Table Rock, from which the view of the falls is exceedingly grand. We then descended circular stairway and went under the fall clothed in oil cloth suits. It was very slippery, but the view amply repaid us for the risk. It was magnificent. We then drove to the [blank] well and from there back across the new Suspension Bridge to the hotel. I enjoyed this visit very much, particularly on my wife’s account. I have not been here since before the war, and then did not take in all these points as I have today. But it is costly. You have to pay money at every turn. This place is noted all over the Union for its extortionate charges. It seems as though they were determined to get all the money a traveler has.

I got a letter from Bro. Caine saying that there were lots of Salt Lake people at New York. We took Sleeping Car which we found very roomy and comfortable to New York.

29 December 1882 • Friday

Friday Dec 29, 1882. Reached New York City at 11.30 a. m and put up at the Cosmopolitan Hotel (European) Chambers Street. After eating dinner we went down the bay as far as Statten Island. Upon our return we found Bro. Caine waiting for us.

30 December 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec 30, 1882. Bro. Caine called this morning. After his departure we took the Elevated Railroad to Central Park and had a delightful drive through it, spending some little time in the Muesum which is very interesting. We visited Wallacks at the matinee and saw the play “Old heads and young hearts.” Was not much pleased with it. Returned to the hotel and in the evening saw “Young Mrs Winthrope” at the Madison Square Theatre — A most delightful performance. My wife and self enjoyed two drives in Broadway. This has been a most delightful day.

31 December 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 31, 1882. Bro. Caine called in the morning. Myself and wife took the Elevated Railroad to South Ferry and crossed by the Ferryboat to Brooklyn, thence by car to Greenwood Cemetery, and drove through it, a most magnificent burying place, many of the monuments being of an exceedingly costly character. We spent the evening at our room.

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December 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025