June 1889

1 June 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, June 1st, 1889.

I took Brother Woodruff in my buggy to the city. We spent the morning and afternoon in conference with the Y.M.M.I.A [.] I enjoyed the proceedings with one exception. I did not like the fashion that they have fallen into of reading their productions. I think it is bad training for young men as public speakers, and as elders in the Church. I believe if I had started out in that way in my public career that I should have been spoiled as a public speaker, for notwithstanding my long experience I have great timidity in arising to speak, and had I been accustomed in the beginning to relying on writing my thoughts, I would naturally have been inclined to make preparation before hand, or to have felt unfitted for speaking. As it is I am forced to lean upon the Lord instead of myself. I brought Brother Woodruff home this evening.

2 June 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, June 2nd, 1889.

I took Brother Woodruff again this morning. I spoke for about forty minutes, this morning, in the Tabernacle, but did not free myself, as there were many things in my mind that I wished to speak upon, but time would not permit. Brother Woodruff made some excellent remarks. The evening meeting was also The afternoon meeting was very crowded. Brother Woodruff made some very excellent remarks. The evening meeting was also crowded, and President Woodruff added some corrections to his afternoon remarks. I carried him <home> this evening after the evening meeting.

3 June 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, June 3rd, 1889.

I started early this morning to Provo, as I had promised to attend conference there, which was yesterday and today. I received word yesterday evening that my wife Carlie and children would be in from San Francisco this morning, and I made arrangements for them to be met at the depot and carried to the residence which I had had prepared for her. I have prepared rooms in what is known as the Cannon House, a large house that I have built in the city. Brothers Richards and Grant of the Twelve were at Provo. The attendance was not very large this morning, but there was a good spirit prevailed. I occupied nearly an hour, and felt very free in talking to the people. Brother William M. Palmer spoke also to the people for about twenty minutes. I took dinner with Brother Smoot and family. In the afternoon Brothers Jacob Gates, Grant, Richards and myself occupied the time, and there was much liberty in speaking, and I enjoyed the meetings very much. We returned to the city by the train that left at 20 minutes past 4. I met my sons Abraham and Frank at the depot and conversed with them about business affairs. Afterwards held a meeting of the Deseret News Company, which lasted till after ten o’clock.

4 June 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, June 4th, 1889.

Had a busy day today. I dictated a letter authorising the committee, whom we had selected to find a suitable place for the Hawaiian Saints to settle upon, to carry with them to show to the Presidents of Stakes and Bishops where they might be the object of their visit, so that they might aid them. At two o’clock had a call from Judge Sandford and wife, accompanied by Brother F .S. Richards and wife. Brother H. B. Clawson was there also. We had a very enjoyable visit for about an hour. He expects to leave in a few days for the east, having been dismissed from office by President Harrison. Judge Sandford has been on the bench about nine months and has manifested a spirit of fairness, and a courage such as we have not seen for many years. It is with great regret that we see him leave his position. I dictated answers to public correspondence. we had an interview with Mayor Armstrong concerning the waters of Parley’s Canyon Creek, also with William D. Black and my son Abraham concerning the land of Deseret. We had an interview also with Sisters Elmira Taylor, Maria Y. Dougall and Susie Young Gates about the publication of a ladies Magazine. They desired Sister Gates blessed for this labor, and Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself laid our hands upon her head and he was mouth in blessing her. I expressed to these ladies my fear concerning the financial success of this enterprise, in view of the “Woman’s Exponent” being published. I fear that the two journals cannot receive patronage enough to support them, and I think it likely that the “Exponent” will go down. I desire to have it understood that I do not counsel the publication of this magazine, though we do not object to it. I am willing personally that they should make the experiment, but not have it go out that we are requiring the publication of the magazine.

5 June 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, June 5th, 1889.

I attended to the listening of public correspondence, and I dictated answers to Brother Arthur Winter. At one o’clock a meeting of the Zion’s Savings Bank Board of Directors was held. We sent for Brother Watson, who had contracted to do the mason work of the cellar, and urged him to push business through. Brother Jack had arranged the stock for the various stock-holders yesterday, and this morning it was divided among the brethren, that is, the Church portion, according to Brother Woodruff’s wish. There was a meeting of the Sunday School Union held. My son Franklin desired Abraham and myself to go to Ogden this evening, and he came down to the city and returned with us. He was very desirous that I should advance some money to assist him and his partner in a land scheme which they had thought promised to be very remunerative, and of which I was to receive full share of the profits. Upon reaching Ogden we found that we had only thirty minutes to remain there, if we returned this evening, and Mr. Nelson carried us to Frank’s house, and we had some lemonade. Abraham and myself returned to the city in the evening, and he drove me down in David’s cart to his place, and I then drove over alone to my place.

6 June 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, June 6th, 1889

I presented the question of raising this money for Frank to the Lord this morning, and asked His guidance in the matter. Abraham came after I got up, and we had some conversation upon the subject, and I told him that in view of all my obligations that I thought I had better not enter into this. I should be loading myself with debt, and if anything should happen it would be a very serious load for me to carry, and that under the circumstances I thought I had better not take such risk. I feel that I cannot afford to take many risks under my circumstances, even if the making of a good deal of money should make the proposition a tempting one. I felt clear in my mind after coming to this decision, and when I reached the city I wrote to Frank explaining my reasons for not acting in the way he desired. This is fast day, and as I was driving to town this morning I met Brother Wilcken, who informed me that Brother Woodruff was quite sick, having had an attack of bilious colic in the night, and he desired to see me. I drove over there, and found him in bed suffering some pain, but somewhat under the influence of morphine, a hypodermic injection of which had been given him in the night by Dr. Joseph Richards. I anointed and administered to him while I was there. At the city I attended to the signing of reccommends to the temple, and, in company with Brother Joseph F. Smith, to other business that came up. At two o’clock we met in the prayer circle, there being present besides myself, Brothers Joseph F. Smith, F. D. Richards and Heber J. Grant. Dictated “Topics of the Times” and “Editorial Thoughts” to Brother Arthur Winter, for the Juvenile Instructor. I drove around by President Woodruff’s this evening, and found him much better, thought [though] quite weak.

7 June 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, June 7th, 1889

My nephew Charles Cannon, and Annie, his sister, and Amanda Cannon, my Brother David’s daughter, breakfasted with us this morning, Mary Alice having invited them down because Amanda intended to return home this afternoon, after which I took Mary Alice to the city, going by way of Brother Woodruff’s to see him. He was much better than he was yesterday, being free from pain, but complained of weakness. Attended to public correspondence, and busied myself in various ways. Held a meeting of the Sunday School Union at three o’clock. Had an interview with Sister Emeline B. Wells at her request concerning starting this new magazine by Sister Susie Young Gates, which is being published in the interest of the young ladies in Utah. Sister Wells felt that it was likely to interfere with her publication of the “Woman’s Exponent”. Of this I have no doubt. I cannot see how the two publications will live, for there is not patronage for both. Called for my daughter Mary Alice at the Court House, and we rode to Brother Woodruff’s, whom we found feeling better and sitting up in a chair. I did not like his appearance tonight, though he said he was free from pain, and his wife said he was much better, but he was very weak. He had just awakened from sleep, and thought it was morning instead of night. I dictated my journal to my son David[.]

8 June 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, June 8th, 1889.

I was in my buggy this morning ready to start to call upon Brother Woodruff, when Brother Wilcken rode up and told me he had just come from there, and informed me that Brother Woodruff had not eaten anything for two or three days, and his strength was failing him, and he had given him an egg-nogg, which he drank greedily. While we were talking Brother Woodruff’s son Owen rode up on the fast gallop. He was crying, and told me that I must come right away, that his father was very sick. I drove over as hard as I could, followed by Brother Wilcken. I found Brother Woodruff in a bad condition, and several neighbors were in, who, with the family, evidently thought he was dying. He looked very much like death. We administered to him and he improved. I thought it proper to send a messenger to inform Brother Joseph F. Smith and those of the Twelve who were in the city that I wanted them to come down. The messenger took my team and another man took Brother Wilcken’s. They brought Brother F. D. Richards and H. J. Grant back. Brother Grant did not come for some time. In the meantime Brother Richards and myself administered to Brother Woodruff again. We stayed there until about one o’clock, and then returned to the city, leaving Brother Woodruff quite comfortable. My brother Angus came down with Brother Grant. Dr. Joseph Richards also came down, and he attributed the whole trouble to the egg-nogg. Brother Woodruff had vomited that and relieved his stomach. I dictated answers to public correspondence, also answers to private letters, to Brother Arthur Winter. Brother Joseph F. Smith was absent.

9 June 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, June 9th, 1889.

Brother Wilcken came down to my place this morning and we took my team and drove to Centreville to the Daly Stake Conference. It was held in a bowery built for the purpose. Brother Franklin D. Richards came from the north and joined us. The forenoon was occupied by President W. R. Smith of the Stake, and two Bishops who reported their wards, and the remainder of the time, about sixty-five minutes, by myself. I had remarkable freedom, and enjoyed myself very much. The people rejoiced in the teachings. In the afternoon the sacrament was administered, and Bro. Franklin D. Richards occupied the time. He spoke with his usual power. Brother Wilcken and myself drove back to the city and to the First Ward where I spoke to the people in the meeting-house for upwards of an hour. I stopped at Brother Wilcken’s all night.

10 June 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, June 10th, 1889.

Drove to Brother Woodruff’s this morning after breakfast and found him much improved. We had a very violent wind-storm, in the midst of which I drove to Centreville alone. It was not practicable to meet in the bowery, so we held Conference in the meeting-house, which was well filled. Brother Seymore B. Young with <and> Brother Franklin D. Richards occupied the forenoon. The statistical report was also read in the forenoon afternoon, the authorities were presented, and I occupied the remainder of the time, and we were greatly blessed of the Lord. The brethren and Saints appeared to rejoice in these meetings. The Spirit of the Lord rested down upon all who spoke and upon the people. There has been feelings between the Bishop of the East Bountiful Ward—Chester Call—and W. R Smith. I had considerable conversation with them and arranged for Brother Call and his counselors to meet with Brother Smith and his counselors and have good fellowship and confidence restored. Brother Call has not been so attentive to his duties as a Bishop as the brethren think he should be, having been absent in the north during a good deal of the time, and this for some years. Our afternoon meeting was held at one o’clock, in order that I might get away by three. Brother John R. Barnes, of Kayesville, and myself are directors of the Z.C.M.I., and the monthly meeting had been postponed to accommodate me till half-past four today. He rode with me to the city, and we reached there at half-past four, but Brother Webber, the Secretary, was not present[.] We waited together till after five when a messenger came for me and informed me that I was wanted at the President’s Office. There I found Brother Webber and a large number of the other brethren, members of the Central Territorial Committee and the County committee. They were conversing upon political matters and desired to get my views and counsel upon some points. We find it necessary to employ hands to do city labor, and about one hundred to one hundred and fifty would be needed, and we want to bring in young men who can vote. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association in the Fourteenth Ward. The room was very nicely fitted up, and there was an assemblage of very nice people. The Association went through a number of exercises, after which different ones were called upon to speak. Sister Maria Y. Dougall, Sister Romainia B. Pratt, Brother Penrose, Brother Moses Thatcher, my brother Angus, myself and Bishop George H. Taylor, of the Ward, <each> made a few remarks, after which refreshments were served. My son William came with my buggy and took me home.

11 June 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, June, 11th, 1889.

Called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him much better, but still quite weak. I was kept very busy today. Had interviews with Brother F. A. Mitchel, of the Sandwich Island Committee for selecting lands, with Brother George O. Noble and Alfred Randall, and had a meeting with the Mayor of the city, Francis Armstrong, and with the city attorney, F. S. Richards, and the water-master C. H. Wilcken, concerning the contention which has arisen over the city’s claim of one-third of the water coming out of Utah Lake. My feelings have been much wrought upon concerning these water questions. There has been a disposition to litigate over them, and to plunge into contention before the courts. To me this is very abhorrent, because I can plainly see that we shall fasten the <a> yoke upon the necks of ourselves, and perhaps of our children which we cannot easily get rid of. I say to the brethren that we understand this irrigation question better than anyone else, and for us to go to law before a court almost entirely ignorant of the subject, and have a jury such as is selected— ignorant, corrupt, careless men—is the hight of folly. Not that all jurymen are of this character, but we have juries to whom I would not submit the value of a dog, if I could help it, and it is not necessary that our people should take this method, because by mutual agreement arbitrators of judgement familiar with the customs of the country and the rights of the people in the water can be obtained who will calmly and impartially adjudicate all these questions. The City Council have instructed the water-master to go and turn in a certain quantity of water, which it is claimed they own. This action is met with resistance on the part of the canal companies, and there has been danger of bloodshed. The water-master wanted counsel, and I have sent a message through him to our brethren that if they push this matter in this direction if no one else did so, I felt disposed to bring them before the High Council on their fellowship. There is too much of a disposition, I think, in the City Council to resort to legal methods. Already they have a difficulty with the people over Parley’s Canyon water, which would be in the court today had we not interposed, and now again the same result would follow. After some conversation I dictated a letter for Brother Wilcken to take to the representatives of the canal companies inviting them to meet with the First Presidency tomorrow afternoon at three o’clock. This Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself signed, and Brother Wilcken got Brother Woodruff’s signature to it. I invited Brothers Armstrong, Richards and Wilcken also to be present at the meeting tomorrow. A programme for a concert has been arranged in which all the musicians and principal vocalists of the city are to take part this evening in the Tabernacle. I am selected to make the opening prayer, and Mr. Iliff, of the Methodist Church, pronounces the benediction. At half-past eight I opened the meeting with prayer. The object of the concert is to give relief to the survivors of the flood in Johnstown and vicinity. The Tabernacle presented a grand sight. The body of the house was filled and the greater part of the galleries. The concert was a complete success, and I am informed will net over seven thousand dollars. I sat with Mr. Iliff and Professor Radcliffe to the right of the stand until the closing chorus was to be sung, when I went into the gallery to the extreme end and secured a seat in the front row. The sight from here was very grand, and I heard the chorus to most excellent effect. William drove me home in my buggy.

12 June 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, June 12th, 1889.

I was exceedingly busy again today. A number of brethren were in, among them Brother George Farnworth, who gave us a description of the late visit of the Indians to Thistle Valley. He had written a report for Brother Canute Petersen, who was also there, which Brother Farnworth presented to us. The meeting and our letter, we are informed, has had a most excellent effect upon the Indians who are chiefs. Bishop Preston reported the condition in which he found what is known as the Roscoe Ranche in Idaho, and the claims which other parties had to the water. I had agreed with him that the best thing we could do was to buy the claims out. Brother John T. Caine called, and I had considerable conversation with him about political affairs. At three o’clock Bishop Rawlins and Brothers Summerhays, Peter Reid, John Mackey, Jr., and Charles Haun, representatives of the canal companies, and Brother C. H. Wilcken, the city water-master, and Mayor Armstrong met Brother Smith and myself according to appointment. Brother F. S. Richards was sick and could not be present. We remained in session a little over two hours and listened to all their statements. The brethren were very strong in their expressions, and it was plainly seen that there was a very deep and almost fierce feeling upon this water question. They reported that the people were ready to take up their guns and defend their rights. To me it was evident from the expressions of these brethren, who are the leading men, that it would take very little to precipitate action that would be most serious in its consequences. Some of those present said that they would never yield, that they would fight to the end, and nothing would reach them but their fellowship. They became quite personal in some of their remarks, and as Brother Armstrong himself is a man of a good deal of temper I thought for a while we might have warm words, but when he arose to speak I cautioned him to be cool, and he was very temperate in his remarks, though some of the brethren had been quite personal to himself. I desired Brother Joseph F. to speak, but he had very little to say beyond asking a few questions. In my closing remarks I described what the result would be of such a spirit, if it were yielded to, and expressed myself very emphatically that it must not be that our people should quarrel over such matters. I feared the anger of the Lord, if it were to be permitted. It was bad enough for the Gentiles to be fighting us, but for us to quarrel ourselves would be dreadful, and it must be avoided. I therefore suggested that a meeting be held at an early date at which all who were now present should be present, and the members of the City Council who are Latter-day Saints, and the city attorney should be invited to meet us and have a calm and temperate investigation of the whole subject, and see if we could not arrive at some peaceable solution of this difficulty. Brother Joseph F. agreed with me that this was the best thing which could be done, and a meeting was appointed for tomorrow at ten o’clock. After the meeting I carried my daughter Mary Alice home and we returned to a lawn party at Sister William Jennings’, at which there was a large gathering. The evening was very pleasantly spent.

13 June 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, June 13th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. I called for <at> Brother Woodruff’s and found him much better. He had intended to go to the city this morning, but upon hearing concerning the meeting to be held, he thought he was not strong enough to take part in it, and therefore stayed at home. At ten O’clock all the parties who were present yesterday met again, and in addition the following members of the City Counsell James Sharp, George D. Piper, Thomas G. Webber, Le Grande Young, and W. W. Riter, A. W. Carlson, John Clark and Thomas Jeremy. Brother Summerhays also brought his partner Robert Morris. I invited the brethren of the Twelve who were within reach to be present. There were Brothers F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, Moses Thatcher part of the time, and Heber J. Grant. I requested Brother Joseph F. Smith to state the object of the meeting, and Bishop Rawlins followed with a statement of the position of the canal companies and their claims. James Sharp then followed in behalf of the city. In this manner the case was explained and discussed on both sides until half-past twelve. when the meeting was adjourned for about two hours, and met again. We remained in session until about seven o’clock. In the afternoon we sent for Brother Elias A. Smith, who had been judge of Probate, and who was one of the county court who made the deed to the city of the last one-sixth of the water. Upon comparison of the deeds we found that the county had di court had divided the water flowing out of Utah Lake into the Jordan River into six parts. They had deeded five of these parts to four canal companies in the country, and one part of <to> the city canal, reserving one-sixth for purposes which might arise here after, or be considered beneficial. The testimony given was that in thus dividing the water the old county court had intended the sixth which was reserved in the county to supply the ditches below the dam on the river and the mills, all of whom held prior rights to any of the canal companies. A hydrolic company had been organised and had petitioned the county court in ‘84-5 to grant it this one-sixth which had been reserved, and we found that such a grant had been made on condition that the company be incorporated. The company, however, never had been incorporated, but had petitioned the county court to grant this sixth of the water to Salt Lake City. The members of this hydraulic company had been to trouble and expense, and the city had agreed to reimburse the members of the company to an amount close on to ten thousand dollars, and the county court had deeded one-sixth of the dam and one-sixth of the water to Salt Lake City for one dollar’s consideration. By this action all the water flowing out of Utah Lake had been appropriated, and the old claimants on the river had been left without any water, except such as should seep through, or should arise from springs. I asked Judge Smith what the county court had intended to do for these people who held prior rights. He said their rights had not been considered nor thought of. It appeared in evidence that up to within a week the water had been divided on the basis that one-sixth belonged to the ditches and mills below the dam, and that the remaining five-sixths belonged to the canals—each receiving one-sixth. It is the action of the city in attempting to appropriate another sixth of this water that is creating the contention. After all had spoken I requested the Twelve to express themselves. Brother Thatcher spoke quite briefly, also Brother Grant. Brother Grant took the position that the city was entitled to the water, and that the county had the right to deed it as it had. He based this view on the fact that the county had bourne one-sixth of the expense connected with the maintenance of the dam and the dredging of the river, etc. Brothers Richards and Young did not make any remarks. Brother Joseph spoke at some length, but his remarks were based on a miss-apprehension of the position of the canals, and the manner in which they received the water. In my remarks I said that we were not there as arbitrators, for the case had not been submitted to us; we could not, therefore, render any decision, but we could give our views looking to a peaceable settlement. I referred to the deeds which had been made by the county court, by which all the water coming out of the lake had been actually deeded to these different parties, and which left the people on the river below, who had the first right to the water, without any water, only such as might come to them by seepage, or arise in the river from springs. To my mind this was not right, as these people’s prior rights could not be ignored. I said to my mind, while the statements of the brethren concerning the design of the old county court in dividing the water was not altogether borne out in the words of the deeds to the canal companies, still it seemed to me the most plausible thing and equitable manner of dividing the water. The attempt of the county court to afterwards deed this water to the hydraulic company and then to the city I thought was not right[.] I asked the members of the City Council the question as to what their action would have been had the county deeded this water to some outside company, instead of to the city. Would they have felt like giving up a portion of their water to satisfy such claims? I did not think they would have quietly submitted to such a thing. I made many more remarks, showing up the various points, and said that it was clear to me that if the ten thousand dollars were repaid to the city the water should stand as it had done, the five canals receiving one-sixth each, and the people on the river receiving the remaining sixth. In giving this opinion I knew that I was not pleasing many present, but it seemed to me very clear that this was the correct view to take of the matter, and Brother Brigham Young and others who did not speak, expressed themselves as being quite satisfied that this was the right course to take. The position that was taken latterly in the meeting by Brother Sharp and others who spoke, was to let one-sixth go down the river the <to> supply the prior claims, and for the remaining five-sixths to be divided into six parts, one sixth of the whole to go to the city and the remaining four parts to go to each of the canals. It was this that the canal companies were averse to. It divided their water into seven parts instead of six. I thought I could understand why the county court was willing that the hydraulic company should have water, for living on the river as I did there was such an immense body of water in the river some time ago that I suppose no one objected to any company taking out all the water that they wanted. My complaint was that the canal companies did not take out enough, but suffered the water to remain in the river-bed to the detriment of those living on the river. Brother Grant was quite tenacious in his view, and he proceeded to argue after I got through with my remarks, his position, and that the courts would sustain the city against the canal companies. He thought the county court had a right to deed this water. He was proceeding in this strain at some length and I interrupted him, and said that I did not wish the Twelve or any of us to get into argument upon this question, especially to argue with one another. There was difference of views and we could let them stand. I was afraid that I would hurt his feelings, but I afterwards explained to him, and he seemed to feel perfectly satisfied. Brother Joseph F. Smith suggested the appointment of a committee to investigate this whole question and see if some basis of settlement could not be reached. Some of the brethren were averse to this on the part of the canal companies, as they were not willing to have the question submitted to arbitration. I explained that this was not to be arbitration, and they were not bound to accept the conclusions of the committee. This being understood they agreed to the condition. We wished the canal companies and the city to select a committee, but it was urged that I should make the selection. I suggested, however, that they should leave it with the First Presidency. After this we adjourned.

14 June 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, June 14th, 1889.

Called at Brother Woodruff’s this morning, whom I found much better, and took him to town. We spent considerable time in listening to public correspondence, and had an interview with Brother Arthur Stayner on the organisation of a sugar company. I attended a meeting of the Sunday School Union. In the evening I called at the Continental Hotel to see Hon. E. R. Mead of N. Y., Who was in Congress when I was, and who is here on a visit. He leaves for the east in the morning.

15 June 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, June 15th, 1889.

Dictated my journal.. Brother David James came down, and I went with him around examining the pluming [plumbing] of the outside of the houses (I said I did not care to go into any of them) and also getting his views concerning putting the water into the farm house. President Woodruff and Brother Joseph F. Smith were absent today from the office, and I employed myself dictating answers to correspondence. I carried my daughter Mary Alice down home in my buggy. Before eating supper I took a swim in the river with my sons David and Lewis.

16 June 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, June 16th, 1889.

Had a meeting of my children this morning, and talked plainly to them concerning their duties. My son William took me to the Tabernacle. Brother Wm. M. Palmer and myself occupied the time. He spoke about forty or forty five minutes. I spoke about thirty. Returned home and after supper drove again to the city and went to the 6th Ward, where I found Brother Palmer also. I spoke for about forty minutes and enjoyed excellent freedom, and he followed for about twenty-five minutes. I then called upon my sister Mary Alice, who has been very sick, and found her, greatly to my joy, much improved. I afterwards joined with the brethren in administering to a son of the late Samuel Evans, who has a tumer in his head, nose and throat.

17 June 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, June 17th, 1889.

Accompanied by Brother Wilcken I drove to Brother Christophersen’s nursery, where my son Hugh is working. He has been employed there for upwards of three months past, with the intention of going into partnership with Brother Christophersen, if everything should be agreeable. They are both satisfied with each other, and we walked through the nursery. Brother Christophersen considers that he has seventy-five thousand trees of various kinds, the value of which he has put down as low as ten cents each, taking old and young together. If Hugh goes in as partner his share would be three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. He proposes to let the land go at a yearly rental of a hundred dollars a year. Hugh would be out fifty dollars for this, and Brother Christophersen credited that amount. I told him I would consider the matter and give him an answer. My idea is that if Hugh marries I will let him have a thousand dollars and that Cannon and Sons Co. will take the remainder of the interest in this if we conclude to enter into partnership. I carried President Woodruff to the city. We had a good many callers today. I had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. at six o’clock in the evening, after which I drove to Farmer’s Ward to a meeting of those interested in the waters of Parley’s Canyon. Homer Duncan was chairman and Martin Garn was secretary. The remarks were quite temperate and of a good spirit. The meeting agreed to have a committee of Harrison Sperry, James Johnson and A. S. Gabbot to look after the water interests, and they selected as arbitrators on their part, if the question could be submitted to arbitrators, Bishop Joseph S. Ralins [Rawlins] and Bishop James Hamilton. I reached home about half-past ten.

18 June 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, June 18th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Took President Woodruff to town this morning. Had an interview with Donald McLain, a railroad magnate, who was desirous to have an interview with me. He was brought by Brother H. B. Clawson. Afterwards had interviews in succession with William Budge, F. S. Richards and H. B. Clawson. Dictated answers to public correspondence. I have not felt well today. Carried Brother Woodruff to his home in my buggy.

19 June 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, June 19th, 1889.

Called for Brother Woodruff this morning. The First Presidency had an interview with my son Frank, he having been sent down by the Presidency of the Weber Stake to submit the water question to us, whether the city council should sell its water works to a company or not. I had been opposed to the proposition, as I had labored very hard some years since to induce parties who owned the water system to sell to the city corporation, and considered it a good achievement; but Frank set forth the position of affairs in Ogden City in such a manner that Brother Woodruff and myself were heartily in favor of disposing of it, as we thought it would be better for our people, and Brother Joseph F. also agreed, but not so heartily. Had an interview with Brother Franklin S. Richards and John R. Winder concerning the Roscoe stock ranch, and the best way of securing a purchase to us. I spent about two hours in Brother Fred Clawson’s dentist rooms today, having my teeth cleaned and fixed. Sister Ruesche, of Kaysville, and her adopted daughter came down to visit us. I brought my daughter Mary Alice down from town with me. Dictated my journal.

20 June 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, June 20th, 1889.

Called for President Woodruff this morning at his home and took him to the city. The First Presidency listened to public correspondence and attended to various items of business, after which I went to the Co-operative store and bought a dress for each of my wives, and each of my daughters. At two o’clock the First Presidency and Franklin D. Richards and Heber J. Grant of the Twelve met and prayed according to holy order; afterwards had a meeting with the Presiding Bishops and the attorneys F. S. Richards and Le Grande Young to decide upon the best steps to take for the securing of the Roscoe ranche. It was decided to purchase the House (?) ranche adjoining it and have the whole organized into one company. The First Presidency afterwards had a meeting with the brethren of the committee who had been selected to try and find a suitable place for the Sandwich Islanders to settle on. The committee consisted of Brothers William W. Cluff, F. A. Mitchel and Harvey H. Cluff. They reported on the various places they had visited, and decided that the best place was in Scull Valley, where property owned by John T. Rich could be obtained on more advantageous terms than any other. The natives who are on the committee thought it a little too far off from head quarters, and too much out at one side, but the brethren felt this was not a serious objection under the circumstances. It was decided that the committee should continue their labors by learning from the natives whether they would be willing to exchange their city property for this place, and also how much money they could raise towards this purchase. The committee thought that the Hawaiians would like to hear from the First Presidency concerning this matter before they would be able to come to any conclusion, so we appointed ten o’clock to meet the three natives of the committee, and half-past ten tomorrow to meet the entire committee—both whites and natives. I took President Woodruff to the Ninth Ward meeting-house this evening at eight-o’clock, an appointment having been made to dedicate a new meeting-house in this ward. President Woodruff desired me to offer the dedicatory prayer, which he prefaced by making a few remarks. He also called upon me to speak to the people afterwards, which I did for about three-quarters of an hour. My brother Angus and his counselor Brother Penrose followed in a few remarks, each occupying about six or seven minutes. Before making the closing prayer President Woodruff made remarks for about fifteen minutes. There was an excellent spirit at the meeting, and the house was very well filled. It is a very neat, tasteful meeting-house, well finished, not very large but sufficient, doubtless, for the population of the Ward. Sister Woodruff came to the meeting and took President Woodruff home in their buggy. I reached home about a quarter past ten.

21 June 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, June 21st, 1889.

I dictated my journal to my son David. The committee to consider the difficulty which had arisen between the City Council and the members of the canal companies I had postponed appointing until today. The meeting was disposed to have me selected, but I had changed that to the First Presidency. We appointed Brother John Fewsen Smith and George D. Piper, Joseph W. Summerhays and Peter Reid from the city. Isaac M. Stewart, from Draper, Samuel Bennion and Isaac Wardel of the companies. These men represented the various interests involved, and we hope by selecting them they might be able to reach a satisfactory conclusion. I carried President Woodruff home.

22 June 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, June 1889. June 22nd

President Woodruff and wife and young son and daughter Owen and Alice drove down to my place this morning for the purpose of spending the day fishing in my pond. The carp have increased there very much, and I invited them down as President Woodruff is very fond of fishing. Brother Brigham Young came here this morning early, and he also joined Brother Woodruff in fishing. They sailed in the boat to different parts of the pond and caught a great many chubs, but were not very successful in catching carp. Owen Woodruff caught one good sized one and my son William caught two good sized ones, which I gave to President Woodruff to take home with him. The day was spent very pleasantly, and was quite a recreation for us from our serious cares at the office. My brother Angus has been desirous that I should accompany him to Bluff Dale, a Ward near his farm at the southern part of the County. The intention is to hold a conference in the Ward tomorrow. My son Preston took me to the train where I met my son Abraham and my brother. I slept at my brother’s house.

23 June 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, June 23rd, 1889

Spent the morning in conversation with my son and my brother upon the principles of the Gospel. In the afternoon we met with the Saints. Angus presented the officers of the Ward to the people, who sustained them by their votes. He also made some instructive remarks and was followed by Abraham, after which I Occupied about three quarters of an hour. In order to get back to the city my brother took us up to the tank at the Jordan narrows, where we got on the D. and R.G. railroad and reached the city a little after seven. We were met at the station by my son William with my team.

24 June 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, June 24th, 1889.

Abraham and myself went to Brother Christophersen’s Nursery this morning for the purpose of arranging for the partnership which he and my son Hugh are going to enter into. We took down the points and when we reached the city had an interview with Brother F. S. Richards, who agreed to draw up the articles of partnership, and to have them ready by the time that Brother Christophersen and Hugh and Abraham and myself should call. We went at five o’clock, and they were acceptable, and were signed by Brother Martin Christophersen and Hugh. The partnership is to exsist for ten years, unless sooner dissolved, by mutual consent. They are to be equal partners in the business, Hugh giving Brother C. thirty-five hunderd dollars for the half interest in the stock, consisting of trees, plants, etc. The land is owned by Brother C., but he agrees to rent it to the firm for one hundred dollars a year and he to bear all expenses, such as taxes, etc. I paid him seventeen hundred and fifty in cash, and gave him a note for one thousand more payable on the first of Jan., 1890, and seven hundred and fifty dollars payable on the first of April. Hugh expects to marry, and I gave him one thousand dollars of this thirty-five hundred, and I take his obligation for the remaining twenty-five hundred. He is to pay me all the profits of the twenty-five hundred, and I am to allow him a reasonable compensation for the care he will have to take of this interest. I take this plan of arranging this in this way because it agrees with the purpose I have had to have my children interested in various branches of business to be under the control of Cannon and Sons Company, but for the present I take this in my own name until it can be arranged for Cannon and Sons Co. to hold it. Had an interview with Mr. Badlam concerning Dyer continuing to act as receiver. I was pleased to learn this morning that Brother Winder’s bid for the Farm which the receiver had offered to lease, had been accepted. His bid was four hundred and one dollars per month, and was only fifty dollars higher than the highest bid, which had been made by S. H. B. Smith. I took President Woodruff to the city this morning in my buggy, and carried him down home in the evening, after which I went to a meeting in the Farmer’s Ward School-house which was held by those interested in the waters of Parley’s Canyon creek. I am endeavoring to use all my influence in favor of settlement of water disputes by arbitration rather than to have recourse to law. It was half-past ten when I reached home.

25 June 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, June 25th, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Called for Brother Woodruff this morning and took him in my buggy to the city. The First Presidency met with Mr. Badlam at ten o’clock, who was accompanied by Bishop Clawson. We had considerable conversation concerning the situation, and Dyer’s resignation as receiver. At ten o’clock met with the Deseret Telegraph Company. The receiver was present, also attorneys Le Grande Young and F. S. Richards. The meeting was adjourned until the 6th of July at the request of Mr. Dyer, the receiver. I took President Woodruff home in my buggy. Mr. Badlam and Bishop Clawson called on me at my house in the evening, and I had a very pleasant visit with them[.]

I afterwards, on the invitation of Sister Mamie Young Hardy, wife of Leonard G. Hardy, called at their house and spent the evening[.] It is the anniversary of his birth. My wife Carlie was there, but I saw her in the lobby. I returned home about half-past ten. Brother John Beck called upon the First Presidency, this morning, having just returned from Germany.

26 June 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, June 26th, 1889.

President Woodruff went to Ogden with the old folks excursion. I carried my daughter Mary Alice to town in my buggy. Had a meeting with Brother James McGee, in company with Brother Brigham Young and Brother Rossiter, concerning an old claim which he had against the estate of President Brigham Young. At one o’clock held a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co. Had a long conversation with Brothers H. B. Clawson and George Renolds over the Bullion Beck affairs. My son Abraham and Brother C. H. Wilcken went to Deseret today to look at some land. Dictated my journal to my son David.

27 June 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, June 27th, 1889.

Called for Brother Woodruff and took him to the city. He complained of being tired from his fatigues yesterday in going to Ogden and return. We listened to public correspondence, and I dictated answers thereto to Brother Arthur Winter.

I took some negatives that I had received from Mr. Brady, the eminent photographer of Washington, to Brother Savage to have some likenesses of myself struck off. While there Brother Ralph Savage pressed me very much to sit and have my likeness taken. I was dressed in light clothes, and thought it would not be well to have them taken, but he insisted, so I had three sittings taken. I was served by Mr. Sprague, deputy marshal, with two rites of attachment to garnishee any funds in my hands belonging to John Beck, restraining me from paying anything out until T. R. Jones, the banker, and the Germania Sampling Works had been paid, as he is owing each of them. I took President Woodruff home and went around by my own place, had a swim in the river with some of my boys, which I find exceedingly refreshing [in] this hot weather, and after eating my dinner about seven o’clock, I drove back to the city, in company with my son Lewis to attend a political caucus in the Assembly Hall. The meeting held until about half-past ten. Complaints were made by many of the brethren that the people were dissatisfied because their delegates were interfered with, and had cut and dried tickets given to them, thus depriving them of their rights. A resolution was introduced by John M. Dyke (?) and seconded by Brother Alford “giving <according> to the people the right to have their choice.” There were a great many remarks made about this, and just as the chairman was about to call a vote on it I arose from the back of the house, where I was sitting, and called for the reading of the first part of the resolution. I thought that by voting for this it would imply that the people heretofore had not been accorded their rights in this respect. I also made other remarks defending our past action in these matters, and showing how well our Territory and counties had been governed in contrast with other places. Brother Penrose endeavored to remedy my objections, and then another amendment was offered that we repel as an insult the <charge> that our elections had not been conducted properly. This brought out other remarks, and finally the original motion with its amendments was laid upon the table, it being thought that sufficient had been said to show that the people had full rights, without restraint, to make their nominations. The spirit of some of the remarks I did not like.

28 June 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, June 28th, 1889

Dictated my journal to my son David. I took President Woodruff to the city this morning. I dictated answers to letters today. We decided to grant the Sunday School Union one thousand dollars to assist publishing works that they have in contemplation. I was much shocked this morning to learn of the death of Bishop James Watson, of the Ninteenth Ward. His sickness has been brief. His death is caused by inflammation of the bowels accompanied by typhoid fever symptoms. It is only a few days since I saw him. He and his brother were doing the work on the new bank building. His death will be a great loss to the Ward by the people of which he was greatly beloved. I spent considerable time today conversing with Brother John Beck concerning the affairs of the Bullion, Beck and Champion mining company. I find him full of extravigant expectations concerning the indebtedness of the company to him, and thinks evidently <and it is evident> that he wants his dedicated stock and its proceeds returned to him. He is ready, as others have been before him, to break his covenant in relation to this dedicated stock. At three o’clock I attended the funeral of the wife of Brother Jesse W. Fox. The house was crowded, as was also the outside. My brother Angus occupied a short time, after which I followed, reading from Alma’s words concerning resurrection. Took Pres. Woodruff home.

29 June 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, June, 29th, 1889.

My Son Abraham and Brother Wilcken came down this morning according to appointment, and we drove across Jordan to Brother Charles D. Haun’s place. He took us all over and showed us his orchard, and all his growing crops. He asked seven thousand dollars for the place. I told him if he would say six thousand I would take it. After conversation with his wife he said six thousand would not meet his wants. He was selling to pay his debts. He remarked that if I would say six thousand five hundred dollars he would take it. In view of his situation I consented to give him that, though six thousand I thought was all that ought to be paid for it, but it is going to be a great trial for him and his family to part with the place which they have built up at the cost of a great deal of labor. I said to him that I would not for the world buy his place if his folks did not feel perfectly free about it. I did not want them to feel that I and my family were occupying a place that they had made, and which they ought not to have sold. In reply he said that there was no alternative—he must sell the place—and I was doing him a favor by buying. On my return home I took a swim in the river and started for Ogden. Was met at the depot by my son Frank, who took me to his home. I spent the night there.

30 June 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, June 30th, 1889.

Frank drove me to John Q.’s, and called again and took me to meeting. I returned to John Q.’s and he drove me to meeting in the afternoon, and Annie, his wife, carried Brother and Sister Richards and myself back to their house, and we took dinner before we <I> started for the city. The occasion that brought me to Ogden was the gathering together of the Sunday School children of Ogden under Brother Ballantyne as Supt. The exercises were very fine, and gave all gratification. Brothers Willis, Goddard, F. D. Richards and myself each spoke to the children. My son William met me at the train and took me home.

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June 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1889/06-1889