September 1887

1 September 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 1/87. As the deputy marshals were seen near the office yesterday, President Woodruff felt uneasy about our remaining longer here and proposed that we should leave this evening and go to my house. I sent for my son Abraham and informed him, so that he might tell Mary Alice and my family of our intended visit. We met in Council at 10 o’clock. It was Fast day, and we continued until half past one attending to various items of business. The officers of Z. C. M. I. were selected, and a committee of two, consisting of H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor, was appointed to investigate the condition of the Gardo House, Bernhisel and Cannon houses, and recommend the uses they shall be put to. Bro. Moses Thatcher asked a question if there were any objections to members of the Church establishing a bank in this city. This brought up considerable discussion, in which the affairs of Zions’ Savings Bank were spoken very freely about and some hard remarks were made concerning its condition. After considerable discussion pro. and con. concerning banking, I moved “that any one, or more, <of the> Latter-day Saints who wished to start a bank in Salt Lake City or any part of this Territory, so far as this Council is concerned, have a perfect right to do so.” Bro. F. M. Lyman seconded the motion. A question was asked by Bro. Grant respecting taking in those who were not of us as partners, and mentioned the case of his brother Joshua and Mr. Odell who are partners with him in the wagon and machinery business. President Woodruff seemed to express himself in favor of their being admitted; but respecting others, or gentiles generally, there was no response from the Council or any member of it in favor of such a proposition, excepting Bro. Thatcher and Bro. Grant himself.

A report was made by Bros. Lyman and Smith, who had visited [the] Manti Temple, of the condition of the Temple and of what was needed to finish it, and the cost up to the present time. In round numbers, it had cost $890,000.00/, $429,000.00/ of which was subscribed by the Trustee-in-Trust.

There was considerable discussion in regard to the Presidents of Stakes holding the office of Bishop’s Agent, and this was referred to a committee. Help was extended to John W. Hess and R. L. Bybee, $40000/ to the first and $20000/ to the second. A proposition from L. C. Trent to buy the Deseret Telegraph line was read, and it was decided to decline it. The recent letters and telegrams from John W. Young on the subject of the movement to obtain a State, were read. The Council adjourned, to meet next Wednesday, at 10 o’clock. We moved down to my place and found Sister Davy in quite poor health. She was compelled to go to bed.

2 September 1887 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 2/87. Sister Davy is still sick. Bro. Wilcken, Mayor Armstrong and Marshal Solomon called upon us. The Mayor wished to get the Tabernacle for the use of the New York Veteran Fireman in giving their concert. We informed him that the Twelve were opposed to letting it go for any purpose for which pay should be charged. If it were a free concert, and nothing objectionable in its character, we would have no objection, but some of the other brethren might have. Brother Woodruff and myself, had some conversation with Major Armstrong respecting Zions’ Savings Bank & Trust Co., and we expressed our desire to have him come in and take stock in the bank. I dictated considerable correspondence to-day. The following dispatch was received from Bro. John W. Young:

“Strong recommendation sent Four by the San Francisco parties twenty eighth. Five says he will respect my recommendation favor San Francisco party. Trying to find Broadhead by telegraph. All things considered we suggest Senator McDonald as best to arrange receiver matter. Will he do? Answer at once.”

The following reply was sent to him:

“If arrangement cannot be done more direct, we know of no objections to McDonald being entrusted to arrange receiver matter.”

3 September 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept 3/87. I was busy out of doors to-day

with my boys. William and Lewis were working at the grain house, to get it into a condition that it can be repaired. The other boys were whitewashing. Sister Woodruff came down to my house, being brought there by my wife Sarah Jane. We administered to Sister Davy, who has considerable fever.1

4 September 1887 • Sunday

Bro. Sperry’s wife is nearly confined and is also a sister of Sister Naomi’s. The labor of cooking to-day fell on my daughter Mary Alice. I sent for Eda Dehlin, who is visiting with my wife Eliza, and asked her if she would help, which she did. We had a very good meeting in the afternoon; administer[ed] the sacrament; and President Woodruff, Bro. Nuttall, and myself spoke. There was a very good spirit. In the evening, after family prayer had been attended to, I accompanied Bro. C. H. Wilcken, who called for me, to Bro. William White’s, in the 17th Ward. His son William and wife, Corilla Egbert White, had had a son born to them, and they were desirous that I should bless it. I found Bro. Jos. F. Smith there, and with him and the child’s father and grandfather and three uncles, I took the child in my arms and blessed it and gave it the name of Egbert White. It received a very comprehensive blessing. Afterwards, Sister White, the grandmother of the babe, was desirous that she should be administered to. Bro. Jos. F. Smith anointed with oil and I was mouth in blessing her. She has been very sick. The mother of the babe, Sister Corilla E. White, then desired to be administered to. I anointed her with oil, and Bro. Jos. F. Smith was mouth in blessing. After this I returned home with Bro. Wilcken, and President Woodruff, myself, and Bro. Nuttall administered to Sister Davy.

5 September 1887 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 5/87.2 affairs out of doors. In the afternoon I had a visit from my wife Carlie and son, who were brought down by Bro. C. H. Wilcken. I enjoyed the visit. They ate a late dinner with us and left at dusk for the city. The following dispatch was received from Bro. C. Williams:

“B. wants twenty hundred, Utah Court only. Likes case. Will start Wednesday if wanted. Telegraph me your decision New York. I return to-night.”

Which was answered as follows:

“Better close with Broadhead. Does the twenty hundred include his traveling expenses? He had better start here soon. Must plead October 1st.”

A dispatch was also received from Bro. John W. Young, as follows:

“McDonald’s firm telegraphs from Washington, five has set October seventeenth receiver matter. I think McDonald would go for one thousand dollars and his expenses, and can help next Congress.”

The following answer was sent:

What is expected for McDonald to-do? Does not Court appoint receiver? If McDonald services necessary his charge is reasonable and he should be engaged.”

6 September 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 6/87. Sister Davy had gone to her sister’s, and my daughter Mary Alice having to be at the office to-day, I had my wife Sarah Jane come to the Farm house (as the residence of my deceased wife Elizabeth is called) to prepare our meals. My daughters Hester and Amelia assisted in the morning; in the afternoon Sister Eda Dehlin. I was busy most of the afternoon looking over papers, and writing. President Woodruff, myself, and Bro. Nuttall came to the city, being brought by Bro. S. Bateman.

7 September 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 7/87. At 10 o’clock this morning the Council of the Apostles met. There were present: President Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow, F. D. Richards, Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, and J. W. Taylor, and L. J. Nuttall. It was decided to hold the Semi-Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, and that the meetings should commence on Thursday, October 6th. Thursday evening was set apart for the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Associations; Friday evening for the Sunday Schools, Superintendents, Teachers, and others interested; and Saturday evening for the Priesthood. The dispatches of John W. Young and C. Williams concerning the employment of an attorney in our Church suits, were read and the subject discussed. It was finally decided that ex-Senator McDonald be employed instead of Mr. Broadhead, with whom Bro. Williams had had conversation at St. Louis. After discussing the action proposed by ex-Senator McDonald in regard to the Church suits – that is, applying to Justice Miller for a rule to show cause for a writ of prohibition against the Utah Courts taking jurisdiction of the Church case – it was decided to send Bro. Franklin S. Richards East, and, at the request of the Council, I framed the following telegram:

“To John W. Young,

Retain McDonald instead of Broadhead. Inform us definitely his terms. Defer application to Judge Miller and all action about Receiver until F. S. Richards arrives. He leaves with all papers in case on Saturday to thoroughly acquaint McDonald.”

To which an answer <was> received, as follows:

“The Senator secured; one thousand and his expenses.

(Signed) John W. Young.”

The day was spent principally in listening to reports of Bros. Erastus Snow and M. Thatcher concerning the Mexican Mission and discussion upon matters connected therewith. Bro. Thatcher appeared to be in favor of making an appropriation of $20,000.00/, to be placed in Bro. Snow’s hands, for the purchase of additional lands in Mexico; but this was not deemed expedient.

8 September 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 8/87. This morning Bro. Moses Thatcher asked me if the amount due to him from the reserve stock of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co. could not be arranged for him to receive and have it applied on his note. President Taylor and myself had received all the dividends of the Stock up to the present time in order to pay the joint note that we had given to the Church for $25,000.00/, on which we had paid in the neighborhood of $740000/ in interest. My object in taking all the dividends to pay this note was that I desired to prevent it from going into his estate and being complicated with his other affairs. But by doing so Bros. Thatcher, Merrill, and Card had been deprived of their proportion of the dividends. Bro. Thatcher’s portion would amount to a little over $170000/. I arranged with Bro. Geo. Reynolds, the Secy. & Treas. of the Company, to declare a dividend in advance so as to cover this amount, which he did. It amounted to 7¢ on the share, and he gave his I.O.U. to Bro. James Jack for the amount, so that Bro. Thatcher might get his collateral that he had placed in the hands of Bro. Jack on his note, to use for other purposes. Bro. Clawson read a letter from Arthur Brown on the subject of the “Red Bird” suit. After hearing it, we decided that he had better see Mr. Brown and talk over the matters with him, and also in regard to his payment as a lawyer. He asks $25000/ a month. I remarked that if he would insure us freedom from litigation for this amount, I thought it would be cheap; but I suppose he intends to charge in addition for his services in court.

Among other things to-day, the question of the remuneration of the brethren of the Twelve came up in consequence of a recommendation made by Bishop Preston, one of the committee to consider this and other subjects, that all the Twelve be put on an equal footing in regard to remuneration, and that those who had been put down to receive $200000/ per annum should receive $300000/. This led to considerable discussion, in the course of which Bro. Jos. F. Smith spoke with a good deal of freedom and force, and though his remarks were not approved of in some respects, and perhaps his ideas were not altogether practicable, still he struck the spirit of the affair. It is evident that the brethren who have only had $200000/ assigned them have become restive under the idea that there is a distinction drawn, through this arrangement, between themselves and the other brethren, and the more they think about the matter, the more dissatisfied they have appeared to become at the arrangement. There is a feeling to have us leveled to one plane, and while that feeling exists I am very desirous that it should be met in the proper spirit. I, therefore, said that in considering this question I thought myself that it might lead to feeling that would be improper, and inasmuch as the brethren manifested a disposition to have us all put on the same level, I was decidedly in favor of it. After considerable discussion and manifestation of some feeling, it was voted, on motion of Bro. F. D. Richards, seconded by Bro. L. Snow, that all the Twelve and their Counselors should be able to draw to the limit of $300000/ per annum. President Woodruff spoke very freely about the time that is being consumed with questions. We had been a day and a half talking over Mexican affairs and, seemingly, without reaching any conclusion upon them. I made a motion that Bro. Erastus Snow take the necessary steps towards the incorporation of a company to hold the real estate owned by the Church in Mexico. Afterwards, the question was discussed about purchasing the interests of Bro. Snow, Thatcher, and Helaman Pratt in a tract of land that they had bought. They insisted, however, on the machinery being bought also. It afterwards transpired that Bros. Snow & Thatcher were not in a position to say what should be done in this matter and did not know the feelings of the owners. It was then decided that the subject be deferred; it was no use to discuss it until there was something known definitely respecting the wishes of the owners of this property.

The question of forming settlements by calling men as missionaries came up and was spoken upon by Bros. M. Thatcher, J. F. Smith, F. D. Richards, and E. Snow. I was much hurt and grieved in my spirit by the remarks of the latter brother. He cast reflections, which were very painful to me, on President Brigham Young and President John Taylor. I thought them very ill-timed and unnecessary, and after the meeting was over I spoke to President Woodruff with a good deal of feeling upon this subject in the presence of Bros. L. Snow, F. D. Richards and J. H. Smith, and said that if Brother Woodruff permitted such remarks to be made, the time would come, doubtless, when his policy and management would also be reflected upon by somebody else. I thought it was wrong for us to cast reflections, or to submit to listen to them made by brethren, upon the policy or the management of our deceased brethren, whom I knew to be prophets of God. Brother Woodruff and the other brethren approved of what I said, and he took occasion afterwards, in the meeting, to express himself quite freely upon this subject, without mentioning names, but alluding to the circumstance.

9 September 1887 • Friday

Friday, September 9/87. The Council of the Apostles met this morning. There were present: President W. Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, also Bps. W. B. Preston, R. T. Burton and J. R. Winder, with L. John Nuttall as Clerk. While the Council was in session Attorneys F. S. Richards and Le Grande Young came in and considerable conversation was had in relating to the condition of the Church cases. Bro. Richards was desirous to have this understood, as he intends to leave for the East in the morning, in accordance with the arrangements that had already been made. Conversation was also had respecting the amount of remuneration which they and the other attorneys receive for their services. After their departure the Council resumed the consideration of the recommendations which had been made by the Committee, and after considerable discussion the first, concerning the tithing being placed on a cash basis, was adopted. A number of other recommendations were also passed upon and voted. In one instance the amount paid to the Counselors of Bishop Preston was, on recommendation of the Committee, increased from $200000/ to $300000/ each per annum.

10 September 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 10/87. The Council met this morning at 10 o’clock. All who were present at the meeting yesterday were there to-day, with the exception of Bishops Burton and Winder. After attending to some other business, the recommendations of the committee were again taken up. The committee had recommended that the services of Ezra O. Taylor in the President’s Office, and Frank Y. Taylor at the Manti Temple, be dispensed with after the 15th of Sept., for the reason that they had got through with the work for which they had been employed. This was carried. I afterwards called the attention of the Council to this matter, when a proposition was being discussed to release Joseph J. Taylor also from laboring on the Manti Temple. I said that the notice which had been given to these brethren seemed to me too brief. I would not discharge a domestic that I employed in my family with less than a month’s notice, and it seemed to me that this would have a bad appearance, now that President Taylor had so recently died, to have two of his sons released from employment on such short notice. I thought they ought to have more time given them. The Council, upon this suggestion, changed the date to the 1st of October. There was one recommendation which did not strike me favorably, but which I saw the members of the committee favored very much, that was the recommendation to sell what are called “the underground outfit”. These were the teams used by President Taylor and myself in our seclusion to carry the mail backward and forward, and to use in our service. Some conversation took place in regard to this, and the committee said that their object was to concentrate all the expenses in one sum and not have so many small accounts. Brother Jos. F. Smith had called the matter to the attention of the Council that President Woodruff would need these teams; but the reply was made that if President Woodruff needed anything of this kind the Council would gladly vote him any increase in his salary that might be necessary to defray the additional expense; and the Presiding Bishop and his counselor were authorized to dispose of this property. I did not care about it personally, because I am able to take care of myself; but President Woodruff has expressed the wish to have some of us with him and it makes it inconvenient to go backward and forward, more so for us than it would be if we were free from such labors. The other brethren can move to and fro as they please; but I find that I am under the necessity of being with President Woodruff to do that which he desires me to do for him, and Bro. Jos F. Smith also.

We had a conversation in the Council with the architects, Bros. W. H. Folsom and T. O Angell, Jr., and Bro. Amos Howe concerning an iron roof for the Temple, which the latter had been instructed to obtain estimates for. The propriety, also, of having iron girders inside and making the building as fireproof as possible was mentioned. All agreed that a steel roof would be better than a wooden one and would not be much, if any, dearer. No decision was reached respecting the interior of the building. There are a number of articles needed for the Manti Temple, the consideration of which was taken up in the presence of Bro. Folsom, and the subject was referred to the Temple committee. A number of items of business was attended to. In relation to the Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co., Bro. H. J. Grant stated that the brethren who had means were generally in favor of taking hold of it and straightening it in preference to starting a new bank. I was pleased to hear this, because this had been the view that I had taken of this subject. I thought that, instead of having another bank, the proper way would be to take hold of this and strengthen it, add capital to it, and make it cover all the ground we wanted at the present time. After this question had been talked over, a committee was appointed, consisting of myself, Bro. Jos. F. Smith, and H. J. Grant, to take into consideration the steps necessary to increase the capital stock of the bank, with due regard to the interests of the present and prospective stockholders.

The Council adjourned until Thursday, Sept. 29th. Bro. C. H. Wilcken took me down to my home this evening; but extra care had to be taken, as six marshals had been searching the house of my wife Emily on Thursday last for me, and had examined the house from the cellar to the garret, and even opened boxes and lifted mats to find secret hiding-places. I learned afterwards that the information had been communicated by Dr. Taggart to the Marshal’s Office, that he had seen me go in there, and they immediately proceeded to the house expecting to find me there.

11 September 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, September 11/87. My brother David has come up from St. George, in company with Bro. McAllister. I invited him to spend Sunday with me, which he did. We had a very interesting meeting in the afternoon; the Sacrament was administered; Bro. Wilcken and he spoke and I followed. My wife Carlie was present with our son. In the evening I returned to the office.

12 September 1887 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 12/87. I met with Bros. Smith and Grant as a committee to consider the bank question, and we came to the following conclusion:

“The Committee appointed to examine into and report the best method of adding capital to Zion’s Savings’ Bank and Trust Co., and to consider how this may be done with due regard to the interests of the present and prospective stockholders, met at the President’s Office on Monday, Sept. 12th. After considerable conversation they concluded that there should be, at least, Two hundred thousand dollars of capital in the bank, in order to insure it the share of business which such an institution should have. The method of organizing the bank with the new capital was discussed at some length. Various propositions were advanced. It was, however, finally decided by the Committee that, in their opinion, the best plan to adopt would be for the Fifty thousand dollars already subscribed as the capital stock of Zion’s Saving’s Bank and Trust Co. to be all paid up by the present stockholders. This appeared to the Committee to be a necessary preliminary step. When this has been done, then let a joint committee be formed which shall be composed in part of the present stockholders of Zion’s Saving’s Bank and Trust Co. and in part of such persons as intend to invest in the stock of the bank when its capital shall be enlarged. The duty of this committee should be to take all the loans of the bank, examine them carefully, eliminate from them those that are not considered good, or such a portion of them as would amount to what will be found to be the profit of the institution, and place them to the credit of the present stockholders, for them to collect, and to receive as dividends the money collected therefrom. The Committee were also of the opinion that to properly carry out the plan of enlarging the stock it will be necessary for the present officers and stockholders of the bank to take steps to have the capital stock enlarged to Two hundred thousand dollars, and offer the stock to Latter-day Saints in good standing who may wish to purchase stock in the institution and pay for it in cash.”

Busy in the office all day.

13 September 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 13/87. I did not sleep very much last night in consequence of a communication which was made to me concerning the feelings of some of the brethren of the Twelve in regard to myself. The communication was made in confidence and the party making it did not wish his name mentioned in connection with it. I have felt for some time that there is some influence at work which is not of the Lord. We have had more division and feelings among us than I think is profitable. In fact, I have lost confidence in the State movement, because of these manifestations of feeling that I have witnessed, and for some reason I have been made in part the object of (at least, it seemed to me so) manifestations of feeling. The acts of the First Presidency which have not been agreeable to some of the brethren of the Twelve, I find that I am blamed with. I am credited with having had great influence with President Taylor and that through this influence measures were adopted that, in some instance, were not pleasing to the brethren of the Twelve. I have learned that Bro. H. J. Grant particularly had made expressions that I considered very unsuitable for a man in his calling to make concerning another. But I learned that Bros. M. Thatcher and F. M. Lyman had also expressed themselves concerning me. I was very much grieved to hear this, because I have met with these brethren before President Taylor died and supposed that everything was pleasant and harmonious; but they have concealed their feelings from me; and even now, after we have had one meeting in which explanations were made, they seem still, so it appears, to entertain feelings that I think improper. In order to reach this matter, I took the liberty this afternoon of asking Bro. Erastus Snow several questions and had some conversation with him. From him I elicited enough to warrant me in saying to President Woodruff, in the presence of Bros. Joseph F. Smith and Erastus Snow, that I could not act as a member of the Committee who have charge of the State movement, neither could I do that which he requested me to do until these matters were cleared up, and I stated to him what I had heard. The brethren all felt that it was wrong to have these feelings and that they should be cleared up or we should displease the Lord and His favor would be withdrawn from us. President Woodruff had asked me to write the Epistle and it was to this I referred, though I did not mention it, as being part of the work which he wished me to do. After this President Woodruff and myself were left alone, and he said he desired me not to think of withdrawing from the committee; that he depended upon me in the matter, and that he hoped I would continue to act, and made other remarks which were very gratifying to my feelings, under the circumstances. I said to him that anything I could do to assist him would be a pleasure to me, and that I should comply with his wishes on this point. This seemed to please him, and he remarked that I understood all this business much better than he did and he depended upon me. We had not finished conversation on this subject when Bro. Grant came in. I happened to be out of the room when he walked in, but I afterwards went in. In the meantime President Woodruff, I suppose, had communicated to him what had been said. I drew up to him and told him my feelings and what I had heard, and that something must be done to settle this matter, for I could not suffer such feelings to exist. Some matters that have been mentioned to me as having been alluded to by him and others of the brethren are matters about which they have mistaken views and they are based on misinformation or on a partial understanding of the true condition of affairs. One matter that has been alluded to is an entirely private matter, with which no one but myself and my nephew has anything to do, and he has expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with it, and why other parties should meddle in a matter of this kind and endeavor to make that a cause of offense against me is extraordinary to me. After talking with the brethren and freeing myself I felt greatly relieved. I have felt much oppressed for several days, because I have known that there was a spirit – and this was particularly manifested last Friday in the proceedings that took place on that day concerning the books – which is not of God. I notified President Woodruff, Jos. F. Smith and Erastus Snow that the books and papers which had been taken away under my direction as one of the First Presidency, in order to prevent their seizure by our enemies, had been restored to the office and were now all in their places and my responsibility connected with them ceased. The brethren were almost dismayed to learn that everything had been returned, and considerable conversation took place on the subject, particularly between Bros. Erastus Snow and Jos. F. Smith, during which Bro. F. D. Richards came in and he expressed his feelings in a very strong manner concerning the action in requiring the return of the books. He said that he had left the Council on Friday browbeaten and feeling very badly at the action; and Bro. Jos. F. Smith spoke in somewhat the same strain. Bro. E. Snow acknowledged that he had not understood everything connected with it, and that he had not contemplated such action as I had taken. I told the brethren that I could do no less, under the circumstances. I was not anxious to restore the books or to do anything about them; in fact, I did not want anyone to know that I knew anything concerning them, so that all might be ignorant. But after what had been said, I could not, consistent with self-respect, keep them any longer.

I dictated the Editorial for the Juvenile Instructor to Bro. Winter.

14 September 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 14/87. I have been stopping in the office since Sunday night and am still here. Today we had a meeting of the Directors of Zion’s Saving’s Bank and Trust Co. and the resolution was carried for all to pay up their stock. The amounts that had been paid as interest on the notes were to be viewed as deposits and interest be paid on them, and those who paid should have the opportunity of drawing them and applying them on their payment of their notes. The feeling of the brethren was to do everything in our power to put the bank in a good condition, and that, instead of having somebody take possession of our bank and handle it, we do it ourselves, and when we had done so we could invite such capital as we needed to join us. A committee was appointed, consisting of the Executive Committee, Thomas G. Webber, James Jack, and Hiram B. Clawson, and two others – John T. Caine and Le Grand Young – to examine the loans made by the bank and to classify them, with a view to learning its true condition. Altogether, the meeting was the most satisfactory I had attended for a long time. I felt much gratified at the shape business was in. A motion was also made that the stock which was not taken up should be allotted, upon some equitable basis, to the present stockholders by the Executive Committee.

I dictated my journal to Bro. Arthur Winter. Bro. C. H. Wilcken carried me to my home in his buggy and I spent the night at home.

15 September 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 15/87. I came up this morning disguised, in company with Bro. Wilcken. The side curtains of the buggy were taken off and I rode with some feeling of security, though it was broad daylight. It is like traveling in a new world to ride out in the daylight and see everything under the light of the sun. For two years and eight months, with the exception of the time I was at Washington, I have been compelled to do all my traveling in the night, or nearly so. The country looked beautiful in daylight and I enjoyed the short ride of three miles exceedingly.

At 10 o’clock two friends with whom I was operating had an interview with President Woodruff, Jos. F. Smith and myself, and had a long and interesting conversation. Bp. Clawson was with us. They feel greatly encouraged about matters connected with the State movement and think that if we persevere and manage affairs properly we may succeed. The interview was quite interesting and they expressed great pleasure at having the opportunity of seeing us.

I dictated answers to a number of letters addressed to President Woodruff. In the evening Bro. Snow came into the office and we spent some time in conversation.

16 September 1887 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 16th/87. Had some conversation respecting the reply that should be made to the Court by our brethren who are convicted of unlawful cohabitation, and prepared something for the brethren to consider as a proper reply to be made by the brethren convicted to the court. I did this to meet President Woodruff’s feelings, as I saw that he would like to have something, if possible, prepared that would enable our friends in Congress to defend us this coming winter against any charges that might be made that were insincere in doing as we had done. It is an exceedingly difficult thing, however, to do, for there is danger of saying too much. I have had a feeling that any step that would make a distinction between the wives of a man was not a good one. I could promise, perhaps, to not associate with any of my wives; but I certainly never could consent to recognize one wife as legal and the other as not legal, when they were all taken by me as my wives and were sealed to me by the same ceremony and with a mutual understanding that they were all to occupy the same relationship to me. Naturally, I am averse to making promises of any kind. There seems, however, to be an anxiety to endeavor to deprive our enemies of all grounds for the accusations which they make against us upon these points. It is not probable that anything we could say would suit Judge Zane, unless we came to his terms, which no Latter-day Saint could consciencously do.

17 September 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 17/87. I dictated “Topics of the Times” for the Juvenile Instructor to Bro. Arthur Winter. Bro. Le Grand Young came in, and the draft which he had made of the answer for the brethren to make to the enquiries of the Court in cases of unlawful cohabitation was read, also that which I had written. He expressed his satisfaction with what I had written and said he would like to take it and, upon President Woodruff’s suggestion, endeavor to frame something that would meet all the points that had been discussed. I explained to the brethren that what I had written was not an expression of my own views; but I saw that President Woodruff was desirous to have something framed and I had prepared this so that there should be something in writing that we could consider. Bro. Isaac Waddell called on me and I signed some deeds which he had prepared to close up the business of the Hoagland estate. I concluded to go to my home on the river this evening, and Bro. Lehi Pratt called and took me down. President Woodruff was taken by Bro. Wilcken to spend Sunday at a place which he had appointed for himself and wife to meet. I found my family in good health. Sister Davy is improving.

I forgot to state that Colonel Winder brought to my attention to-day a conversation which he had had with General McClernand, of the Utah Commission, in which the latter had suggested to him the importance of having Judge Carlton, Chairman of the Commission, favorably impressed, so that a good report might be made to Congress. The Commission is to meet at St. Louis on the 26th inst., to prepare their report to Congress. I dictated a letter to Bro. John W. Young upon this subject and submitted it to President Woodruff for his signature. In that letter Bro. Young was requested to visit St. Louis, if he could, and with ex-Senator McDonald, who is employed as our attorney in the East, and who is intimate with Carlton and has influence with him, to see Carlton in time to have the proper impression made upon him. The following dispatch was also sent to Bro. Young:

“Can you and Senator McDonald meet Carlton of Utah Commission on or before 26th at St. Louis to influence favorable report. Have written you this subject to-day.”

The following answer was received:

“Commissioner Carlton reports to our friend he and Commissioner McClernand solid on good report, and they say Commissioner Williams promises join them. Commissioner Thomas should be influenced against minority report. Have you any answer to my telegram of fourteenth.

(Signed) John W. Young.”

18 September 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 18/87. I wrote on the fly leaf of a fine edition of La Fontaine’s Fables which are rendered in poetry by Walter Thornbury and illustrated by Gustave Doré, a few lines expressive of the esteem and affection which my children had for Elder Joshua B. Stewart, for the loving care he had taken in their instruction in the Sunday School during my enforced absence from home. My son Angus and daughter Mary Alice presented the book to him at the class of the Sunday School this morning. The book is quite an elegant work. My brother Angus and my son Abraham called upon me and conversed with me upon some matters connected with the brethren’s defense at Court to-morrow. I referred my brother Angus to President Woodruff and Le Grand Young, as I do not wish to take any responsibility connected with the character of the reply that the brethren would make to the Court more than that which belonged to me as one of the Quorum of the Twelve. In the afternoon we had Sacrament meeting and had a very interesting time. In the evening, after my family had assembled for prayers, Bros. S. Bateman and O. P. Arnold called in and joined with us. Bro. Wilcken had previously come and I returned with him to the office. I met with my wife Carlie this evening. I had a long conversation with my son John Q. this afternoon concerning his pecuniary affairs and situation.

19 September 1887 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 19/87. President Woodruff returned to the office this morning. Bro. Jos. F. Smith has been absent since Thursday evening. I have been busy attending to various public matters through the day and in dictating my journal and answers to public correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter. This evening I was very much gratified at meeting Elder Brigham Young, who had just arrived in the city. He had been in the San Juan Stake for some time, having been detained there by the poor condition of his team. He had come by team all the way from there and the journey is a hard one. I never saw him look so rough as he did this evening; but his health is good, though he is reduced in flesh considerably and feels better for it. We have felt some anxiety concerning him, though since learning that he was at San Juan we have felt relieved. We feared that some accident had befallen him.

20 September 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 20/87. I dictated answers to correspondence and was quite busy through the day in attending to business matters. Bro. Brigham Young came in in the evening and spent some time in conversation with President Woodruff and myself.

21 September 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 21/87. Bro. Franklin S. Richards, who had been sent East for the purpose of engaging eminent counsel to defend the confiscation suits instituted by the Government, returned last night and came into the office with his father this morning. He made a statement concerning his trip. He had met with ex-Senator McDonald at Indianapolis, also Bro. C. W. Penrose. Mr. Fay, who is a member of Senator McDonald’s firm was also present, as also Mr. Butler, of the same firm. The whole case was thoroughly discussed. To the surprise of Bros. Richards & Penrose, it was learned that Senator McDonald had been engaged only to come out and argue the case of the appointment of a Receiver and not for the entire case, and for this he was paid $100000/, and the expenses of himself and wife were also to be paid. The impression that we had received from the dispatches was, that he had been engaged for the entire case. He, himself, and partners, at Bros. Richards and Penrose’s request, wrote a proposition in which they stated the terms upon which they would undertake the defense of the suit. They were to have $750000/ as a certain fee, half of this sum to be paid when the cases were appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the remainder afterwards; and they were to have a contingent fee of $17,50000/, if they substantially succeeded in preserving the property of the Church. I thought myself the fee very exorbitant.

My son Angus Jenne Cannon, who has been called to go on a mission to Germany, came into the office this afternoon, bringing the recommend of his Bishop, which had been countersigned by the President of the Stake, recommending him to be ordained to the office of an Elder. President Woodruff, my brother Angus, and myself laid hands upon him. I was mouth in ordaining him.

I dictated a number of letters to-day. In the evening the Council of the Apostles met at the office. There were present: President Woodruff, F. D. Richards, myself, Jos. F. Smith, Brigham Young, John H. Smith and H. J. Grant, and the attorneys F. S. Richards and Le Grande Young. Bro. Richards made his report. Bro. Le Grande Young did not agree with the theory of the defense adopted by McDonald, Butler & Co., and after the question had been considerably discussed, it was finally determined to adjourn a decision until Friday evening, which would give the attorneys time to consult together and enable Bro. Le Grande Young to ascertain the arguments in favor of the theory which they proposed upon which to defend the Church suit, and which was not in accordance with his theory. After this business was ended, there was considerable conversation upon the subject of the restoration of the books and papers which had been taken away. Bro. Grant expressed himself as not thinking it right that they should have been returned and made several remarks upon this subject. Bros. Woodruff, Jos. F. Smith and John H. Smith thought that I had taken the right course and that I could not have taken any other course under the circumstances. Bro. Richards seemed to be also of the same opinion. The case of [first and last name redacted] and Mrs. [last name redacted], which had been tried before the High Council of [location redacted] Stake and decided against them, in which they were pronounced guilty of adultery and had been ex-communicated from the Church, was then examined and the decision of the Council was that no case of adultery had been proved, and that we do not concur in the action of the High Council.

22 September 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 22/87. This morning I dictated a letter to Prest. [name redacted], giving the views of the Council upon the case against [first and last name redacted] and Mrs. [last name redacted], and also giving the decision of the Council. A letter was also written to Bro. & Sister [last name redacted] on the same subject. I dictated other letters also. This evening, upon invitation of President Woodruff, I went down to his farm, accompanied by my daughter Mary Alice. My son Angus had brought my wife Sarah Jane there also. There was a number of invited guests, and we spent a very delightful evening together. I enjoyed it exceedingly, it being the first time for a long period that I had had the privilege of mixing with a company as I had this evening. Mary Alice played several pieces on the organ and gave us some singing also. Some of the others also sang. President Woodruff and myself returned to the office about half past twelve. I dictated to-day the first portion of the Epistle for the approaching General Conference.

23 September 1887 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 23/87. Among other business attended to to-day was a conversation with Bishops Burton and Winder, of the Presiding Bishopric. I have thought there was danger of a conflict of jurisdiction between the Trustee-in-Trust’s office and the Presiding Bishop’s office, if matters should continue to go on in the direction that they have been going. Bro. Woodruff spoke very plainly to the brethren in regard to funds, and then I explained the position that President Taylor had assumed on this question. It seems that of late the money that has been derived from cash tithing and from the sale of produce and stock at the Presiding Bishop’s office has been retained there and not sent up to the Trustee-in-Trust’s office unless called for. To-day Bro. James Jack says that he has not money enough to meet the expenses of the month; that he went down to the Presiding Bishop’s office the other day and got $100000/ from them, but it was with some difficulty that he obtained it. There was very plain talk between us to-day upon this subject, and afterwards a statement was sent up to the effect that they had $238350/ on hand from the sale of produce and stock and a little over $490000/ in the Deseret Bank. I thought this an extraordinary condition of affairs. In the days of President Young, if Bishop Hunter had taken such a course he would have been reprimanded, as President Young, as the Trustee-in-Trust, felt that he was responsible for cash indebtedness and for everything of this character, and would not have permitted the Bishops to have a bank account of Church money.

I was busy during part of the afternoon writing on the Epistle. In the evening eight of the Twelve met. There were present: President Woodruff, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, myself, B. Young, Jos. F. Smith, J. H. Smith, and H. J. Grant. The attorneys, F. S. Richards and Le Grande Young, met also. After considerable discussion it was decided to employ the firm of McDonald and Butler, and McDonald, Bright and Fay, in defending the Church suits. I was not pleased in my feelings with the way this matter had been managed in the East. It seemed to me that there had been a little improper conduct on the part of the Washington firm, not on Senator McDonald’s part, but on his partners’; but it seemed that we were in a corner for time and, therefore, I was willing to vote for their employment.

24 September 1887 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 24/87. The attorneys came up to-day and we had considerable conversation about the employment of this eastern firm. President Woodruff seemed very desirous to employ them and asked me my views. I had learned, from the conversation and enquiries which I had made, that Bros. Richards and Young were not altogether in favor of the theory of the defense which had been suggested by McDonald & Co. Le Grande Young was quite opposed to it. Bro. Richards had agreed to it by, as he said, surrendering his own judgment in deference to their experience. To me this seemed a bad condition of affairs, to have our own lawyers not satisfied in their minds as to the correctness of the theory of defense. I said to them that I thought our attorneys should be responsible for the line of defense, and not appeal to us to decide upon this point. I, therefore, favored the plan of getting opinions from prominent lawyers, so that we would be sure that the best course had been adopted, and that we would not have to reproach ourselves afterwards for not having taken proper precautions in the beginning. It was plain to me that in the event of losing the suit there was danger that our attorneys would say they were not satisfied with the theory, but as we had acquiesced in it they felt justified in going ahead. I did not, for one, like to take any such responsibility. I thought, therefore, that a little money might be well spent in learning the views of eminent counsel, so that our attorneys would either be convinced of the correctness of McDonald & Co’s theory, or they would learn that it was not the best and some other firm might be employed. They went down after this conversation, at President Woodruff’s suggestion, and saw Mr. Peters, who agreed that, unless he was directed by the Department of Justice at Washington to take the case up on the 1st, to leave it until the 17th of the month. I suggested to Brother Woodruff, before he fully decided on sending these attorneys East to get the opinion of other attorneys, that he should call such members of the Quorum of the Twelve together as could be obtained. There were six of us, I supposed, that could come together, and we could talk the matter over. Notices were sent out to this effect.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I succeeded in borrowing the money necessary to pay for that which was due on my shares of stock in Zion’s Savings’ Bank & Trust Co. I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

In the evening there were present, President Woodruff, myself, B. Young, Jos. F. Smith, J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant. Bro. Woodruff was considerably wearied over this matter and appeared nervous and excited. He did not wish to be detained and he stated briefly to the meeting what had occurred, and all the brethren joined in approving of the plan to send Bro. F. D. Richards to consult with two prominent attorneys. President Woodruff arranged with Bro. James Jack to furnish him the necessary funds, and a note was dropped to Bro. Richards, through Bro. Jack, instructing him about going. After this Bro. Alfred Solomon took me down to my home. I found my daughter Grace threatened with typhoid fever, and administered to her.

25 September 1887 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 25/87. Had a very interesting Sunday School with my children, after which, in the afternoon, we had Sacrament meeting and I spoke. My sons Lewis, William, David, Angus and Hugh all spoke, as also my daughters Amelia and Rose Annie. Sylvester dismissed the meeting. Shortly after the meeting Bro. F. S. Richards and his wife drove down and conversed with me about going East and the best course to pursue. I suggested that he should go first to St. Louis and get Mr. Broadhead’s opinion, which if in agreement with ex-Senator McDonald & Co’s, he would then return to Omaha and get Mr. Woolworth’s; but if Mr. Broadhead differed from McDonald & Co., then he would proceed to Chicago and select the best attorney there familiar with Chancery and real estate practice and get his opinion; for he would have to be the umpire between the other two. He desired me to write him letters of introduction to Mr. Woolworth, of Omaha, and Mr. Broadhead, of St. Louis, which I did. In the evening Bro. Wilcken came down for me and we joined, before leaving, in administering to my daughter Grace. Bro. Wilcken took me to town. We called at my wife Carlie’s house and got her and our little son and drove down to Bro. John Carlisle’s, at Mill Creek. They have been desirous to have us make a visit there for some time and I thought this was the best opportunity I would have before Conference. I learned from Bro. Wilcken that President Woodruff had a very serious attack to-day. He seemed to have grown dizzy and fell. He was not conscious when he did fall, but in falling struck his back against the bedstead and hurt himself. The folks in the other room heard him fall and rushed in and laid him on the bed. It almost, he said, had the appearance of a slight stroke.

26 September 1887 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 26/87. I spent the day with my wife at Bro. Carlisle’s and enjoyed the visit exceedingly. It is a great pleasure to have such an opportunity of visiting as I enjoyed to-day, and also of being out in the open air taking exercise. We returned to the city in the dusk of the evening and I left my wife at her home and drove to the office, where I stayed all night.

The following dispatch was received from Bro. J. W. Young:

“I do not endorse making arrangements with Senator McDonald at any sum, unless their political services are included. The sum they name too high. I should have a chance to try to reduce it. Please answer at once.”

An answer was sent to the effect that Bro. F. S. Richards had been sent East.

27 September 1887 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 27/87. I spent to-day at the office, engaged in dictating and writing the Epistle.

28 September 1887 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 28/87. Early this morning President Woodruff came up from his place. He is quite sick, suffering from a severe attack of cholera morbus. He laid in bed all day and took such remedies as he could. I was busy writing all day.

29 September 1887 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 29/87. President Woodruff is still suffering from his bowels. He is very weak and is not able to eat much food. I spent last night at my house on the river, having gone down there for the purpose of changing my linen and also for seeing my sick daughter, to whom I administered last evening, in company with Bro. Moroni Pratt & Chas. H. Wilcken, and also this morning. I thought I saw quite an improvement in her after administering to her last night. I suppose there is no doubt that she has the typhoid fever. My son Joseph is also sick and threatened with the same disease, as also Ether Davy, the son of Sister Davy. We administered to them also. I came up in daylight this morning, in company with Sheriff Burt, who, with Bro. Wilcken, stayed at my house last night as guards to me. I was disguised and drove through the city between 8 & 9 o’clock in his buggy. I had completed so much of the Epistle that I handed it to Brother Woodruff this morning, and he had Bro. Jacques read it to him. He expressed himself pleased with it. We attended to a number of business items to-day in the Council, which was held at 10 o’clock, Bro. L. Snow presiding. All were present who were in this country, excepting Bro. John W. Taylor and Brother Woodruff, who thought it better to remain in bed. Considerable discussion was had to-day upon the question of our brethren who are accused and convicted of unlawful cohabitation making some promise that would furnish our friends in Congress who might favor the admission of the Territory as a State in the Union with grounds for defending us in regard to this matter. Bro. Le Grande Young had been of the opinion that some reply might be made to the questions of the Judge, based on the decision of the Supreme Court, delivered by Justice Blatchford, in the case of Lorenzo Snow. The general feeling, however, of the brethren appeared to be that it was dangerous ground to tread upon, and they were not in favor of it. There was only one saving clause connected with it, in my opinion, and that is the proposition to refrain from associating with any wife, legal wife included. Of course, a promise of this kind could not be made by young men, who had young wives; but in the case of aged men such a thing might barely be possible. Still I could not myself favor it unless President Woodruff were to say that it was the will of the Lord. In connection with this subject, I spoke quite strongly about the practice of selecting what are called the legal wives to live with and relegating the others into a condition akin to concubinage. I feared the effect of this practice, if carried on among us to any extent; for I thought it would have a very bad effect upon the rising generation – I mean the children of such mothers, who, seeing their mothers treated in this way, would grow up disliking the system which would produce such results, especially when they saw the first wife and her children favored and esteemed as legitimate. I thought that it was a bad condition of affairs, and that everything should be done to endeavor to correct it. For myself, if I cannot live with all my wives and treat them all alike, I did not want to live with any. I do not want to create a distinction in my family of this kind, as I have married all my wives with the same covenant and with a clear understanding and mutual agreement on their side to live in that relation. The Council adjourned until 10 o’clock on Wednesday next.

We received the following dispatch from John W. Young: “I think it advisable to keep Senator McDonald if price could be arranged. Expect to start Salt Lake City. If you do not wish me to do so advise me. You have not answered my telegram about newspapers.”

30 September 1887 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 30/87. President Woodruff is in much better health this morning; he passed a good night and the cholera morbus is checked. I was busy in the office attending to various matters to-day and dictating my journal to Bro. Winter. I drove down to my place this evening. Bro. Wilcken took me down. I found my daughter Grace quite sick and Joseph and Hugh also, and my daughter Emily complaining. Ether Davy was also sick. All were affected with fever, but not typhoid, though Hugh’s symptoms are of the typhoid character, as I understand them.

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September 1887, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]At this point, the remainder of page 37 has been removed from the journal.

  2. [2]At this point, the remainder of page 38 has been removed from the journal.