April 1852

1 April 1852 • Thursday

The day appointed as conference day;1 it looked much like rain and did rain a little—we had consented to pray last night to the Almighty to bless us with a fine day; but as it was likely to be wet and disagreeable outside; we concluded it best to hold meeting in the shop[.] as we were about to enter [Jonathan] Napela and a few more of the native brethren came up as we were going and he asked if we were going in the house to meet after asking the Lord to bless us with fine weather; he said it did not manifest faith; he appeared much surprised—and we felt to be rebuked for our lack of faith and we started for a grove a short distance knowing that we would feel better out than we would in a dirty shop. <Present 4 Seventies; 4 elders 3; 1 Priest; 4 Teachers; 1 Deacon>2 I was chosen by the brethren as Pres. & after singing and prayer I proceeded to lay before the brethren the object of our meeting &c. and the progress of the Church &c. also the object of meeting business to be transacted and also that we had appointed it as a day of fasting and prayer for the gifts of the Church. I enlarged somewhat upon the progress of the work upon these lands; we had landed in our weakness a year and a little more ago upon the islands with a total ignorance of the language and now there were hundreds rejoicing in the truth of the work &c. Bro. [Francis] Hammond followed and spoke well and with power as also Bro. [James] Hawkins; Bro. [William] Perkins bore his testimony to the truth of the work. We ordained Bro. [David] Rice an Elder; and I also laid before the brethren the propriety of ordaining some of the Native brethren to the Aaronic priesthood; the conference had nor knew of any objection. It was also laid before the conference the propriety of sending for a fresh supply of elders and th as Bro. [Philip] Lewis wished to get our minds on the subject—it was motioned and seconded that we acquiesce in Bro. Lewis sending for more—that we thought nine could be employed in the field to good advantage. It was motioned and seconded that we adjourn for one hour.

In afternoon we again met and after blessing Bro. [John] Davis’ child, the meeting was given in to the hands of the brethren an to pray, sing or speak as the spirit gave them utterance—the brethren were much drawn out in prayer, some prophesied and some spoke and all enjoyed an excellent flow of the spirit—it will be a day and time that will be long remembered by me—for I felt to be cheered and encouraged and had an abundance of the spirit.3

2 April 1852 • Friday

We stayed until evening as Mrs. [Mary] Burnham wished to be baptised. In afternoon we went up to Bro. [Judson] Gaston’s and eat supper and returned to meeting at Bro. [Albion] Burnham’s Mrs. G. accompanying us with the intention of being baptised. We went down to <the> water and we attended to the baptism of the two white women and one boy [William Henry] the son of Mrs. B. and another native women <Bro. Hawkins officiating>. We returned to the house and attended to the confirmation—it is seldom that I have enjoyed myself as I did this evening. I seemed to be filled and I never spoke as powerfully in English before—I had the spirit of prophecy upon me and felt to prophesy in relation to the progress of the work &c. and that our enemies would yet tremble at the power of God that would be yet manifested in our midst &c. &c. The brethren all felt the spirit and spoke Bros. Hawkins and Hammond spoke excellently—the room seemed to be and was filled with the spirit.

3 April 1852 • Saturday

Left Makawao for Wailuku—all the brethren being along as well as Sis. H [Mary Jane Hammond]—and Bro. [John] Winchester and wife [Louisa]. In afternoon had meeting at Wailuku and enjoyed much of the spirit.

4 April 1852 • Sunday4

Held meeting this morning and spoke upon the gifts and was followed by Bro. Hawkins. In afternoon had an excellent meeting; we all spoke and several of the native brethren also and we had a good time. We returned to the house of Bro.5 Napela and spent an hour in singing &c. A good many natives crowded into the house to hear and admired our singing and tunes. Bros. Hammond, Hawkins, Perkins & Keeler returned to Wai<e>hu leaving Bro. Winchester and me at Wailuku.

5 April 1852 • Monday

To day had been appointed by us as a fast day, therefore I went over to Waiehu this morning to meet with the brethren.—Our object in fasting was to ask the Lord to bless us in endeavoring to lay before some of the Native brethren, that we had selected, some plan of unity or scheme of operating together that we might be able to effect more than we at the present could can, on account of want of concentration of effort. We had some idea of teaching <to> them the principle of tithing, but we wished to get the mind of the spirit in regard to it—and if right, that we might be sustained in teaching it, and that their hearts might be prepared to receive it. We knew that the way things at present were going was not pleasing in the sight of the Lord—for instances, we commenced talking about building a meeting house nearly two months ago and showing to them the necessity of commencing speedily to put one up—but altho’ there had been considerable said in regard to it, yet it did not seem to progress and there had been but little done toward it.—We went up to a retired place and offered up our prayers to our Father—that we might be blessed—and we did realize and feel that it was right to teach it; and that they would be prepared.6 After we returned the brethren assembled and we opened by singing and prayer, I then arose and told them the object we had in calling them together—but did not lay the subject of tithing at once before them. Several of them arose and told their thoughts but they did not get hold of anything near it. Bro. Hawkins also spoke a little. I then arose and cited them to us as a people & our prosperity as also the cause and went on to explain the principle of tithing from the scripture and was blest with a powerful share of the spirit—they felt it, and they were melted down several of them spoke and felt to glory in it. Bro. Hammond arose and said that we had felt afraid to preach this to them, and therefore we had fasted & prayed and desired the Lord to prepare them for it and we knew that he had answered our prayers. I told them that the spirit constrained us <to> do some thing to unite them and therefore we had told them the law that we observed for the upbuilding of the Kingdom—and now it was with them to receive or reject. I said you had better when you return from here pray to the Lord to confirm them <you> for or against the principle. We then dismissed them; all enjoying apparently an excellent spirit and we all felt it very powerfully.7

6 April 1852 • Tuesday

To day was also appointed as a fast day and we went over to Wailuku. The place of meeting was appointed up the [‘Iao] Valley in a Kukui Grove.8 It was a beautiful place—a bold mountain stream rolling down at one side of the grove. The trees afforded a delightful shade and I thought it was a spot admirably adapted for the services of the day. We called the brethren together who had met the last evening to find out what conclusion they had come to;—it was motioned by Bro. Napela and seconded by one of the other brethren—that it [I] should lay it [present the principle of tithing] before the conference, that for his part he felt to observe it &c. The vote was unanimous. The Conference was then called to order by Bro. Hawkins—and it was motioned by him and seconded by Bro. Keeler that I should be chosen Pres. of the Conference and unanimously elected voted.9 Bros. Uaua and Napela Kaleohano were chosen Clerks. I then stated the occasion of our meeting to commemorate the day that the Church was founded in these last days; and also to transact business in relation to the Church and Kingdom of God; and to fast and pray for the Gifts of the spirit. I then gave a brief account of the founding of the Church; of its progress unto the present time amid persecution and death &c. &c. yet it had rolled on and would still continue to roll until “the kingdoms of this world would become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ.”10 Officers present were, 4 of the Quorum of Seventy; 4 Elders; 7 Teachers; 3 deacons. There was a representation then called for of the different branches—which numbered in all 500.

After this was done there were several brethren proposed for ordination; Bros. Napela and Uaua to the Aaronic Priesthood, and the remainder to the offices of teachers and deacons.11 I spoke upon the priesthood and the necessity of magnifying it; if we did it would exalt us, if not, it would condemn us. The principle of tithing was then laid before the Conference and spoken by several of the brethren; Bros. Hawkins, Hammond, Keeler &c. &c. It was carried unanimously.12 Conference was then adjourned for one hour; and during intermission we attended to the ordinations, also to the confirmations of five baptized in the forenoon. Conference again convened and we attended to the Lord’s Supper—and afterwards the meeting was given up for to speak, pray or sing as the spirit manifested. We were much blessed the saints rejoiced exceedingly and some prophesied, some related dreams and some visions, and some spoke and bore powerful testimony to the work of the Last days. Our hearts were filled to overflowing in sitting & listening to their voices. I felt to praise the Lord for bestowing upon me his Holy Spirit and giving me a witness and testimony to stop here. At sundown the Conference was adjourned to the 6th of October 1852 at the same place. I returned in company with Bros. Winchester and Keeler to Bro. Napela’s & slept. Sis. Hammond attended our conference and enjoyed it much.

7 April 1852 • Wednesday

Arranging minutes &c. of conference. After which went over to Waiehu to Bro. & Sis H’s to write home, as one of the brethren (Robt. [Robert] H. Martin) was going to start [for the Salt Lake Valley].

8 April 1852 • Thursday

Writing &c. In evening returned to Wailuku.

9 April 1852 • Friday

Wrote to Bro. Lewis Honolulu; also translated a letter that Bro. Napela had written yesterday to Bro. Brigham [Young]13—it was a very good <letter> but I felt somewhat delicate about translating it as I <he> used my name several times and I was a little afraid lest a wrong impression might go out, as though I was blowing my own horn & anxious to have it known what I had done. I wrote a page to Bro. B. myself with a few explanatory lines; also a short account of the progress of the work here.14 I sent my letters by Bro. Martin this morning; one to Bro. Chas. [Charles Lambert] and one to Bro. Joseph Cain.

10 April 1852 • Saturday15

Reading &c. In evening went over the Waiehu to Bro. and Sis. Hammonds—they have treated me as if I were one of their family at all times. Sis. H. sewing &c. &c. for me whenever I needed it.16

11 April 1852 • Sunday

We <(the Elders)> had concluded to fast every Sunday to be blessed with the gift of the language. We went over to Wailuku and held meeting there—I preached and enjoyed a very good flow of the spirit—In afternoon confirmed 8; that had been baptised by Bros. Napela and Uaua & had an excellent meeting.17

12 April 1852 • Monday

Engaged at Waiehu in writing journal &c.

13 April 1852 • Tuesday

Reading &c. In evening quite unwell.18

14 April 1852 • Wednesday

Arose this morning still unwell. Started before breakfast to Wailuku. Bro. Napela Baptised 9[.]

15 April 1852 • Thursday

Transcribing the translation of the Book of Mormon &c.

16 April 1852 • Friday

do. do. Baptised Uaua’s wife and confirmed her; afterwards attended meeting and had an excellent meeting; confirmed several that Bro. N. had baptised on Wednesday.

17 April 1852 • Saturday

Writing &c. to Elizabeth [Hoagland].

18 April 1852 • Sunday

Rained last evening; very cloudy this morning and showery. Held meeting but few in attendance. I spoke and we had a good time. We had half an hours intermission and met again for afternoon meeting, the people not being able to return home at noon, and the time was occupied in speaking and bearing testimony &c. &c. Rained very heavily all the evening accompanied with a strong wind.

19 April 1852 • Monday

Raining all day I was quite unwell. I <have> had poor health since last Tuesday

20 April 1852 • Tuesday

Showery. Still unwell. Bro. Hammond rode over from Waiehu; we met with the officers this evening and had a good time. I returned to W. in company with Bro. H.

21 April 1852 • Wednesday

Bro. H. calculated to go to Makawao to-day—I thought a ride would benefit me and accompanied him. We met a man by the name of Wm. [William] Freeman a half Indian, who accosted us asking us if we had author<i>ty to marry. Upon our informing him that we had; he asked us if it would be too much of a burthen for us to stay at his house and marry him. We told him it would <not> as it woul was on our way. I married him and he presented us with $5. We had been talking before we left the house of our want of money to obtain garments &c. &c., and the Lord had opened our way and blessed us in this respect. He was evidently on his way to Wailuku with his wife to be married by Mr. C. [Rev. Daniel Conde.]19

22 April 1852 • Thursday

Bro. Hawkins had been in Makawao preaching upwards of a week—there had been 12 baptised. He and I went up to Bro. Gaston’s—his wife had lately been confined—a little girl and she was unwell; we laid hands on her. In evening held meeting the fore part for the Whites and the latter part for the Natives. And afterwards baptised and confirmed 4.

23 April 1852 • Friday

Bro H. and myself <returned,> Bro. Hawkins going to Kula.

24 April 1852 • Saturday

Bro. H. returned to Makawao in company with Bro. Burnham to fill an appointment for to-morrow. I started for Wailuku.

25 April 1852 • Sunday

I preached this morning; and we had a good time all day.

26 April 1852 • Monday

On Saturday last, Bro. N. bought me a pair of shoes. To day, translating &c.

27 April 1852 • Tuesday

do. do. do. at Council meeting.

28 April 1852 • Wednesday

do. do. do.

29 April 1852 • Thursday

do. do. do.

30 April 1852 • Friday

Friday, April 30, 1852. at Waiehu.

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April 1852, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1850s/1852/04-1852


  1. [1]The April 1–2 meetings were English-language meetings, while April 6 was scheduled for a “native conference” (Hammond journal, Mar. 31, 1852).

  2. [2]This line was written in the left margin and included a “†” before present, but no corresponding “†” appears in the text. This section was placed at this point in Cannon’s journal entry since the minutes indicate that the roll was taken at the beginning of the meeting. The minutes of the two-day conference are included as Appendix 3, Item 1.

  3. [3]Hammond recorded additional details about the day’s activities: “Repared to a nice grove of Koa trees whare we selected one of the largest to hold our meeting under. . . . Br C. made some very able remarks upon the organising of the Church in 1830, with 6 members, the Spread of the Gospel upon these Islands only about a year or a little more since the landing of the Elders upon these Islands, & we now number about 600 Native members also a thriveing little branch of whites numbering about 16 or 18 members. . . . [During the afternoon meeting] the Native Brethern what few ware thare ware filled with the Spirit & propheside by the power of the Spirit” (Hammond journal, Apr. 1, 1852).

  4. [4]Cannon initially wrote the date as April 5 but corrected it.

  5. [5]Written over Mr.

  6. [6]Regarding the missionaries’ desire to introduce the principle of tithing, Hammond wrote: “Without something to unite their efforts they will never make a smart people” (Hammond journal, Apr. 5, 1852). Keeler specified that the missionaries desired wisdom “in astablishing some sistom to Build [meeting] houses” (Keeler journal, Apr. 5, 1852).

  7. [7]Keeler provided additional information regarding the meeting: “Called the officers to gether to Concult them on the subject Brother Cannon laid before them the Law of Tithing they fell in with it as soon as it was Laid before them we was blessed wit the spirit of the Lord in layin the subject before them” (Keeler journal, Apr. 5, 1852).

  8. [8]The kukui tree, also known as the candlenut tree, is a large tree with wide-spreading branches. It regularly grows in clusters in lower mountain valleys and is easily identified by its pale green foliage, the result of its leaves being covered with hairs. The kukui nut is white in color, about the size of a walnut, very oily, and was widely used as a source of light by the natives. The shell of the kukui nut is dark and is frequently used today in making non-flower leis (Krauss, Plants in Hawaiian Culture, 206; Mitchell, Resource Units in Hawaiian Culture, 119–20). Latter-day Saint missionary Thomas Karren wrote that the kukui nut “is a good Substitute for Candles. these Nuts are very oiley and Makes a Most Exlent light[.] the Natives run a small Stick through them and then hold them in their hands like a torch while burning” (Karren journal, June 5, 1854). The kukui nut was also eaten, but as John Woodbury noted, “They are not wholesome to eat more than one at a meal” (Woodbury diary, Feb. 20, 1853).

  9. [9]See Appendix 3, Item 2, for minutes of the day’s meetings.

  10. [10]Scriptural references include Revelation 11:15 and Doctrine and Covenants 105:32.

  11. [11]Hammond reported that they “chose 2 of the Natives to be ordained as Priests, Napela & Uaua” (Hammond journal, Apr. 6, 1852).

  12. [12]Keeler reported that it was Cannon who introduced the law of tithing during the meeting (Keeler journal, Apr. 6, 1852). Hammond wrote that “Br C. had a large portion of the Spirit” while preaching (Hammond journal, Apr. 6, 1852).

  13. [13]See Appendix 2, Item 14.

  14. [14]See Appendix 2, Item 15.

  15. [15]Beginning with his April 10 entry and continuing through April 24, Cannon initially identified events taking place one day earlier than they did. For example, April 10 was originally written as April 9, April 11 as April 10, and so on. This misidentification was corrected by him in pen.

  16. [16]Cannon fondly recalled Francis and Mary Jane Hammond in his reminiscences: “All the Elders who labored in that field have reason to remember their kindness to them. Under their roof we always found a warm welcome, and it was home—a home which men who were constantly speaking the native language, living in the native houses and having to conform, to some extent at least, to their modes of eating, could appreciate. Sister Hammond’s unvarying kindness, her patience and cheerfulness in the midst of privation, and her unsparing labors in our behalf, to sew and do other work for us, which among such a people we had need to have done, as well as his constant efforts for our comfort, will never be forgotten by those who enjoyed their hospitality” (Cannon, My First Mission, 43).

  17. [17]Hammond reported that Napela and Uaua baptized seven. He noted that following the meetings at Wailuku, he and Cannon “returned to Waiehu & held a meeting” (Hammond journal, Apr. 11, 1852).

  18. [18]Cannon was suffering from “a bad head ake” (Hammond journal, Apr. 13, 1852).

  19. [19]Cannon later described this event in greater detail:

    “We were very much in need of some means to buy stuff for garments, etc. The natives were very poor, and we felt delicate about asking them for anything; but we knew that the Lord would hear and answer our prayers; so we . . . prayed to the Lord to open our way so that we might obtain what we wanted. We had traveled from the house about three miles, when in passing some houses which were on the beach, we met a man by the name of Freeman, an American, who accosted us and inquired if we had authority to marry. . . . I performed the ceremony, and at his request addressed the people who had assembled at the house. . . . We had married many before that, but this was the first money which had ever been given to us. His five-dollars supplied our necessities, for in those days we were content with very little. I have always looked upon this as a direct answer to our prayers. . . . The [Congregationalist] missionary missed the fee, but as he knew nothing respecting it, he was no poorer. I do not suppose he needed it as badly as we did” (Cannon, My First Mission, 53–54).