November 1852

1 November 1852 • Monday

Transcribing the manuscript of Book of M. into the book.

2 November 1852 • Tuesday

Revising in company with N. &c. &c. do. do.

3 November 1852 • Wednesday

do do.

4 November 1852 • Thursday

do do

5 November 1852 • Friday

do do & wrote to Bro. Lewis in answer to his announcing his safe arrival and containing also good instruction—also one to Bro. Hammond and also Bro. Woodbury. Bros. Burnham & Winchester and wife [Louisa Winchester] stayed all night on their way to Lahaina and started before daylight.

6 November 1852 • Saturday

Engaged writing In evening attended meeting enjoyed it much.

7 November 1852 • Sunday

Preached this morning I did not enjoy as much of the spirit to day as I could have wished I felt weary and unwell. In afternoon held meeting again.

8 November 1852 • Monday

Busily engaged writing. My feelings are good while reading and working at the Book of Mormon—I consider it a glorious privilege that I have of translating it, and I pray unto the Lord to bless me and enable me to complete this glorious work that has been assigned to me; for I feel to rejoice while engaged in it, and my heart burns and swells while contemplating the glorious principles contained therein. O Lord preserve me from Satan’s grasp, that I may ever strictly live in accordance with <it> and thy words elsewhere written; and wilt thou grant unto me a celestial glory, for I desire my life and all that I possess to be spent in thy service and in rolling forth thy kingdom—and bless me I beseech thee O Father with humility, that I may ever be pliable and yielding in thy hands, and may my mission to these lands be an epoch in my life upon which I can look back with pleasure and thanksgiving; it has <been> so up <to> the present time I feel to adore Thy kindness and mercy to me since I landed upon these shores, and indeed since my childhood. Grant in Thy infinite mercy and goodness that the remainder of my mission upon these lands may result in the advancement of thy kingdom through my ins weak efforts, and in my growth in the things of thy kingdom. Oh1 that while I am engaged in the labor of translating thy word that my heart may be filled with the spirit of revelation and prophecy that I may <write> according to thy holy mind and will; and may the heavens be opened to my view, and I be enabled to walk so circumspectly before thee that I may be able to have intercourse with angels and holy intelligences—O that my prayer might, My Father, <be heard> in this respect, that I might attain to the faith and purity attained to by thy Saints of old and also by many in these last days; if I could attain to these things my joy would be full. My heart yearns after these things, and I desire to be mighty in my day in generation in bringing to pass much righteousness; but O <oh> the weakness of human nature, I well know that I am frail and I can cry out as some of old have done, O wretched man that I am! for when I desire in my heart to do good and keep thy commandments, evil presents itself before me; but I know thy goodness and longsuffering, O Lord, therefore I will put my trust in thee and call upon thee for help—for thou didst deliver my fathers and I also in my youth and weakness have experienced thy deliverance; thou hast guided my feet, and when I contemplate the kindness and mercy stre of thy hand stretched out to save me, I am lost in wonder at thy condescension, for I know the folly and sins which I have indulged in, and my soul shrinks with horror at the thought of the precipices of sin from which thy hand has delivered me. Thou hast granted unto me the great desire of my heart from boyhood up, to be privileged in preaching thy gospel, and hast confirmed upon my head blessings placed upon me by thy servants in years gone by—thou hast made <me> to some extent a comforter and consoler of my brethren upon these lands—thy spirit has also directed me in the right path in all my efforts to do good, and thy servants upon whom thou hast laid thy kingdom have justified me; for this and all these mercies I feel to render unto <thee> my feeble tribute of praise, adoration and love and humbly implore thee in the name of thy well beloved to bless me with a continuation and <to thee> be all the glory in worlds without end. Amen.

Bro. Keeler came from Honuala to-oday.

9 November 1852 • Tuesday

Writing &c.2 In evening held Officer’s meeting and was much blessed.

10 November 1852 • Wednesday

Writing &c. In evening held meeting. Bro. Keeler spoke and I followed and was blessed with a good flow of the spirit and had the spirit of prophesy.3

11 November 1852 • Thursday

Writing. In evening Bros. Winchester and Burnham returned from Lahaina bringing me three letters from home; there had seven newspapers [Deseret News] arrived; Bro. Hammond Kept six until Bro. Napela return <will> start for here; they brought one containing as usual lots of good doctrine. The letters were excellent; two were written <by> Bro. [Joseph] Cain and one by Bro. Wm. [William] Taylor. Bro. Joseph says that the Presidency had approbated my course and I had their confidence and prayers; that they were glad I had commenced the Book of Mormon and for me not to cease until it was completed; also that there had been several elders appointed for this mission, and gave the names of five; also that Uncle [John Taylor] had arrived home and that he wished me to come home; he had spoken to Pres. [Heber C.] Kimball about it and he had said that if I wished I could; but still he (Bro. Joseph) advised me to finish the Book of Mormon before I returned. Bro. [Willard] Richards had said, if I went on with it my name should be had in everlasting remembrance among the saints. Both Bro. Wm and Bro. Joseph noticed Elizabeth [Hoagland] quite flatteringly with which I was quite pleased. Bro. Wm. was appointed to Germany. Bro. Joseph writes me bad news about my brothers Angus and David—that they are ignorant and not properly clothed and what grieves me worse that they do not pay proper attention to meetings; taking pattern in this respect after Charles [Lambert] who does not pay attention to these things—has not obeyed counsel by going to work on the public works and is decreasing in regard to property.4 Bro. Joseph got a place for Angus in the Printing office but Charles prevented from <him> taking it. This short history of the state of things grieved me and dampened much the effect of the other news. I have pictured much to myself the pleasure of meeting with my brothers and sisters after my long absence; but this5 state of things will diminish the joy of meeting very much, for although they may <be> healthy and well and <in> body, yet I desire to see something more than this; and I had fondly anticipated that their progress in Knowledge and intelligence had been greater. Anne [Cannon] is angry but dare not say much about it; she is still unmarried. How I desire to see her. Mary Alice [Lambert] has had a fine daughter [also named Mary Alice].

Bro. Hy. and I did not sleep but very little the news was too exciting.

12 November 1852 • Friday

Reading the news &c.

13 November 1852 • Saturday

Bro. Keeler returned this morning from Honua<u>la and was rejoiced to see and hear the news; he had a letter for him that had been sent by Bro. [Thomas] Callister—he spoke in high terms of the progress that things had made in the Valley in regard to buildings &c. I was engaged translating to-day. In evening had a very good meeting. This evening Bro. N. returned from Lahaina bringing the remaining papers. there had been six baptised in Lahaina; Bro. H. had had an interview with [Rev. Dwight] Baldwin the priest of Baal there, desiring the privilege of preaching in his house, but as is usual in such cases was only met received insult. I have felt to pray for and uphold Bro. H. and I believe he will be blessed. One thing that I omitted speaking about in the news I had received was a postscript in Bro. Cain’s letter dated Aug 31st; stating that the doctrine [of plural marriage] was published to the world; Bro. O. [Orson] Pratt read the revelation and preached on it Sunday, 29th Aug., and the revelation together with his sermon was to be published. This is what I have been expecting and looking for some time; it is all right and I think it will be apt to bring things to a focus—I believe it to be the proper time therefore the Lord will sustain his servants.6

14 November 1852 • Sunday

I preached on the Book of Mormon this morning and was blessed with an excellent flow of the spirit and spoke in power. There was one woman baptised by Bro. N. In afternoon had a very good meeting Bro. K. and Bro. Hy. spoke.

15 November 1852 • Monday

Reading &c. In afternoon wrote to Bro. Lewis & Bro. Farrer also to Bro. Hammond. We went over and administered to several that were sick.

16 November 1852 • Tuesday

Wrote a letter in native to David Malo; he having wrote a letter to Napela and me, in answer to one that N. had written to him in regard to truth. He commenced his letter to N. but ended and [in] fact wrote it nearly all to me <he called me the false prophet &c.> I wrote about four pages, written very fine, showing the falsity of his position and remarks and explained the gospel unto him and bore solemn testimony of its truth. Received a letter from Bro. Uaua in Lahaina stating that there had been 21 baptised last Sunday that there was considerable excitement &c. which we were all very glad to hear and to thank the Lord for.

17 November 1852 • Wednesday

Translating &c. In evening held meeting.

18 November 1852 • Thursday

Translating &c.

19 November 1852 • Friday

“ “

20 November 1852 • Saturday

“ “ In evening held meeting.

21 November 1852 • Sunday

Bro. Hy. started for Kealia yesterday with the intention of holding meeting. I preached this morning and was blessed with the spirit. In afternoon walked over to Waihee [Waihe‘e] in company with Napela’s brother Kanahunapu [Kanahunahupu] and preached in his house to about 12 that came to hear. I warned them seriously to examine into our doctrines and be baptised and bore a strong testimony to them of the truth of this gospel. He loaned me a horse to return I stopped at Mr. White’s where Bro [Judson] & Sis Gaston was living and ate supper and spent the evening pleasantly. Returned to Bro. N’s and found Bro. Hy. had returned.

22 November 1852 • Monday

Writing Journal &c.

23 November 1852 • Tuesday

Translating &c. In evening held council meeting and enjoyed the spirit very much, and had the spirit of teaching. Grant O Lord that the labors of thy servants may be exceedingly profitable that we may rejoice with many of this people in the enjoyment of a celestial kingdom. I desire to see them <saved> for I know the labors, faith and prayers of their forefathers, of their wrestlings before thee in behalf of these, that they might be permitted to hear and enjoy the blessings of thy gospel pure and unadulterated as it proceeds from thy mouth. Oh7 that my feeble faith and prayers might also be heard in their behalf; thou knowest O Father the desires of my heart in this thing and that it has been stimulating to me to think of thy covenants recorded by thy servants in their favor, that thou would have mercy on them in the last days. May priestcraft be destroyed in their midst and may no power in earth or hell have power to keep the honest in heart from embracing thy gospel and believing the testimony of thy servants. Have mercy on thy Israel O my Father and may they hearken unto the voice of the true shepherd—and may every one who attempteth to oppose thy truth be confounded and their influence destroyed—but may thy truth go forth as the morning until all the honest in heart be gathered out, and thy servants have cause to rejoice in beholding them returning to the knowledge of their fathers; I ask these things in the name of thy only begotten even so. Amen.

24 November 1852 • Wednesday

Translating &c. In afternoon held meeting Bro. Napela spoke first and I followed and was blessed with the spirit very much.

25 November 1852 • Thursday


26 November 1852 • Friday


27 November 1852 • Saturday

Writing to Bro. Hammond, Lahaina. In evening held meeting and had a good time. In evening received a letter from Bro. Hammond written by Bro. Wm Farrer, Honolulu, they were getting out timber for a meeting house on the back part of the Island. Sis. Lewis had received a letter from Sis. [Louisa B.] Pratt & [Catherine B.] Crosby, San F. <dated Sept. 18>, stating that a lot of natives had arrived from Tahiti; they appeared satisfied. Bros. [Benjamin] Grouard & [Julian] Moses had started for San Bernardino. Bros. Amasa [Lyman] & [Charles] Rich were to start in Nov. home. They were expecting the rest of the brethren from the Islands.

28 November 1852 • Sunday

One of the brethren came down last night from Kula with a horse for me to go up there and preach according to previous appointment. We started in morning very early and arrived about sunrise. I had a regular feast of Cactus fruit and enjoyed it much.8 I preached this morning and did not enjoy as much of the spirit as I would have wished. Held meeting in afternoon and enjoyed the spirit much. I was told by the man of the house (a brother in the church) where I stopped upon my arrival, a singular fact in regard to his wife, she had had a child, their first born and had carried <it> three months longer than the usual time, when the child was due, (hanau mai la oia i ka mea pahee)9 she bro’t parted with the ammonia [amniotic fluid] and kept on three months longer. Two or three months after the child was born <it> had teeth. She was now in a state of pregnancy and the child was due; last Wendesday she parted with the ammonia, as I understood him, always the accompaniment of child birth, and he did not know but she would carry this as long as the other. In afternoon went up with Bro. Kaleohano to his place to stay.

29 November 1852 • Monday

Arose very early this morning and Bro. Kaleohano and I rode down to meeting about two miles. Had and10 a good flow of the spirit and the spirit of teaching. Returned and eat breakfast and afterwards started for Makawao, on my way there while riding slowly along and reflecting upon the goodness and condescension <of the Lord> to me, my heart was filled with joy and <happiness> unspeakable and it seemed as tho’ I could not contain a particle more without bursting—it was indeed a fulness. My tongue & language are far too feeble to express the feelings I experience when pondering upon the work of the Lord, and upon his love and kindness to me from my earliest child hood unto the present time. O that my tongue, and my time and talents, and all I have or possess, may be employed to his honor and glory, in glorifying his name, and in spreading a knowledge of his attributes wherever my lot may be cast. I stopped at Bro. Burnham’s; they were all well and in good spirits. How refreshing and cheering it is to hear those who but a short time ago were <utter> strangers to the Lord and his requirements, speaking with hearts filled with gratitude of the loving kindness displayed by Him in bringing them to the knowledge of His glorious gospel.

30 November 1852 • Tuesday

Spent the forenoon at Bro. Burnham’s and then went down with him to Bro. [John] Winchester’s. Bros. B. & W. were both working on a plantation [Hali‘imaile] owned by a man of the name of [Stephen] Reynolds. I had thought of going on down to Wailuku to-day, but Bro. John pressed me to stay with him to night, and not to be partial with the favor of my company. Bro. B. would have me exchange the hat I had, (a California hat bought by Bro. Kipp for me in Lahaina,) for a new Leghorn hat that he had, as it was more becoming for me to wear, he said.11 May the Lord bless him and Bro. John W. also, and all the brethren for their kindness and good feelings. Bro. B. also gave me two pair of new socks, and Bro. John gave me a new shirt and some paper for the translation of the Book of M.; his wife [Louisa Winchester] also let me have a nice diaper towel.12 I spent a very agreeable evening.

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November 1852, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Changed in pencil from O.

  2. [2]Following this sentence Cannon originally started the next day’s entry, but after writing the W in Wednesday, he crossed it out and added the second sentence.

  3. [3]According to Keeler, Cannon “spoke well on the Book of Mormon” (Keeler journal, Nov. 10, 1852).

  4. [4]In January 1850 Church leaders in Salt Lake initiated a public works program that provided employment for skilled and unskilled laborers on a wide variety of projects. The program continued until 1870 and at its height employed two thousand individuals. For additional information see Andrew H. Hedges, “Public Works,” in Encyclopedia of Latter-day Saint History, 966–67.

  5. [5]Initially written as these and then corrected to this.

  6. [6]The revelation referred to, now known as Doctrine and Covenants 132, was recorded by Joseph Smith in July 1843 and pertained “to the new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant, as also plurality of wives” (Introduction to Doctrine and Covenants 132). Joseph Smith introduced the practice of plural marriage among select followers in Nauvoo in the early 1840s, including Cannon’s uncle John Taylor. Further information can be found in Bachman, “Study of the Mormon Practice of Plural Marriage before the Death of Joseph Smith”; Kathryn M. Daynes, More Wives Than One; Danel Bachman and Ronald K. Esplin, “Plural Marriage,” in Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 3:1091–95. For a discussion of the August 1852 announcement of plural marriage, see Whittaker, “Bone in the Throat.”

  7. [7]Corrected in pencil from O.

  8. [8]Scattered among the fields and pastures on the windward slopes of Haleakala in upcountry Maui are clusters of prickly pear cacti. Known in Hawaiian as panini, the prickly pear cactus was introduced to the islands prior to 1810. These cacti, which can grow to heights of twelve feet, develop small, edible, pear-shaped fruits (Pope, Manual of Wayside Plants of Hawaii, 151–55).

  9. [9]Hanau mai la oia i Ka mea pahee translates as “its birth would be smooth.”

  10. [10]Crossed out in pencil.

  11. [11]Leghorn is a fine, smooth straw plaiting or braid used for hats and bonnets, made from leghorn wheat, which grew near Leghorn, a city in the Tuscany region of Italy.

  12. [12]Diaper, a white linen or cotton cloth containing a distinctive pattern of one or more small repeated units of design, was frequently used for tablecloths, towels, and infant wear.