March 1886

1 March 1886 • Monday

Monday March 1/1886

I was taken to the President’s Office early in the morning and attended during the day to various matters of business and had interviews with a large number of brethren. Br. O. P. Arnold has returned from California, but is in danger of arrest and intends to go East for a while. In the evening I went to the residence of Br. James Solomon, where President Taylor and myself had an interview with <Bro.> James Jack and talked over business affairs and afterwards we met with Br. John Beck. We returned to Br. Alf Solomon’s, where we stopped.

2 and 5 March 1886 • Tuesday and Friday

Tuesday, March 2, 1886.

Attended to correspondence. Pr. Taylor and myself spent the afternoon in conversation and arranged for a meeting with the apostles at Br. James Solomon’s at 8 p m. There were present, besides President Taylor and myself, Elders Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor also Attorney F. S. Richards and Br. L. J. Nuttall. President Taylor reported to them the condition of the business. He felt happy in informing them, that all cash debts of the Church were paid; he also asked them to express their views in regard to my case; which they did. He then told them concerning the plan he had in mind and which the Lord had revealed to him. They expressed their gratification to hear that. Br. Richards stated that our persecutors (Dickson particularly) are determined that they would get me into prison <and keep me there> untill I either died, or <until> my power of usefulness <would be> ended. As full minutes of this meeting were taken by Br. L. J. Nuttall I will not report the proceedings in full in my journal, as they can be found in what is called the Office Journal. We were informed that Br. H. B. Clawson was released from the penitentiary this morning. I understand he is feeling excelently.1

Tuesday, March 2/86, at the house of Bro. Jas. Solomon. There were present Presidents Taylor and Cannon of the First Presidency and Elders Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor of the Twelve Apostles and Bro’s. F. S. Richards and L. J. Nuttall. [3,422 words of official minutes redacted]

Dismissed by prayer from Elder B. Young.

Friday, March 5/86. In the evening Presidents Taylor and Cannon met at the house of Bro. Jas. Solomon with Elders W. Woodruff, L. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor of the Twelve Apostles and Bro’s. F. S. Richards and L. J. Nuttall.

President Taylor explained the business of the previous meeting (Tuesday, Mar. 2/86) and explained what had been done in regard to President Cannon’s case and the plan the Lord had revealed to him to pay the bonds, and his proposal to secure the brethren who had gone his [given their?] sureties by borrowing Z. C. M. I. stock until money could be realized on the sale of the Stock which constituted the Fund he had at his unreserved disposal and from which Fund the Lord had pointed out the way for these Bonds to be paid. He then called upon Bro. F. S. Richards for the document he had been instructed to draw up for the First Presidency and Twelve to sign approving of this loan and authorizing the Trustee-in-Trust to make it for this purpose.

Bro. Richards said that he had found it difficult to draw up such an instrument and thought it would be unwise to sign it in the way proposed, as it would make every one liable to be indicted, if it were to become known, for conspiring to defeat the ends of justice.

Considerable conversation upon this subject ensued, and while all the brethren, without an exception, approved of President Taylor’s propositions and heartily sanctioned the loan of Z. C. M. I. stock for the making of the sureties on President Cannon’s bonds good, it was not thought prudent to prepare or sign an instrument to this effect, lest some advantage might be taken of it hereafter, should anything concerning this come to the knowledge of our enemies. At this meeting there were present a majority of the First Presidency and of the quorum of the Twelve, and this was what President Taylor desired, in order to have the voice of both quorums to sustain and sanction this proposed use of funds in the hands of the Trustee-in-Trust as a loan.

3 March 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 3, 1886.

My health is improving steadily. Busy as usual with correspondence and other matters.

[Newspaper article]

Mar 3/862

Another Witness Arrested. Yesterday Deputy Vandercook and an assistant went to the house of Mr. Winters, in Pleasant Grove, Utah County, and inquired for Huldah A. Winters. Miss Winters appeared, and the deputy served a subpœna upon her to appear before the grand jury and U. S. Commissioner in Salt Lake City. He then read a warrant of arrest for Miss Winters as a witness on a charge of polygamy against President George Q. Cannon, the lady being the alleged plural wife. The deputies, with their prisoner, headed for the D. & R. G. W. station, and were within about 20 rods when the train started off. Although they shouted themselves nearly hoarse, they could not attract the attention of the train men, and were compelled to return and come to this city on the Utah Central. Mrs. Winters also accompanied her daughter, who was taken to the U. S. Marshal’s office, where, after waiting some time, District Attorney Dickson arrived and fixed her bonds at $5,000. Mr. Junius F. Wells happened to be at the Utah Central depot when Miss Winters arrived, and the lady informed him of her predicament and requested that he secure bondsmen for her. When Mr. Dickson named the exorbitant sum stated, Mr. Wells was somewhat surprised and amused, not thinking for a moment that the District Attorney could be in earnest in his oppressive demand. Mr. Dickson, however, assured him that he was, so Mr. Wells and Mr. Alonzo Young signed the bond for the amount, and Miss Winters was released, to appear from day to day before the grand jury or U. S. Commissioner, as wanted. This morning she went before the grand jury, and Mrs. Winters was also summoned and was catechized by the inquisitors, in whose august presence Miss Winters was requested to again present herself this afternoon.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]


$5,000 Bonds Required for the Appearance of Miss Huldah Winters.

Herald March 3/863

The little town of Pleasant Grove was thrown into a flutter of excitement yesterday by the appearance of no less a personage than the renowned Deputy Vandercook, who proceeded to the home of Miss Huldah Winters and arrested her on no particular charge except that she was wanted in the case of the United States against George Q. Cannon. Miss Winters accompanied the deputy to town, and was conducted by him to the Court House where Mr. Dickson, seemingly in a great state of expectancy, awaited them. Miss Winters was then notified that she would have to furnish bonds for $5,000 for her appearance from time to time as she was wanted. Mr. Junius F. Wells, who had been at the depot, and who knew Miss Winters, had accompanied her to the court room; he was thunderstruck at the amount, and asked Mr. Dickson if he was serious. The prosecutor replied that he was in sober earnest, and Mr. Wells himself, with Mr. Alonzo Young, gave the necessary surety for the young lady’s appearance. She was notified that she would first be wanted at 10 o’clock this morning before the Grand Jury, and from day to day before Commissioner Critchlow. The warrant on which she was arrested is sworn to by Mr. Dickson, and states that she is wanted as a witness in the case of George Q. Cannon, charged by the same Mr. Dickson before the commissioner with the crime of polygamy. The prosecutor, it is said, is firm in the belief that he had secured in Miss Winters a wife to Mr. Cannon; this will be surprising news to the many friends of the lady and gentleman in this city, and the outcome will be awaited with peculiar interest.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

Mar 3/864


Mr. Dickson has discovered another mare’s nest. He does not conceal his great anxiety to fasten something upon President George Q. Cannon that will sentence him to protracted imprisonment. The vindictiveness exhibited in every stage of the proceedings against that gentleman is shameful in any public officer, and it is likely to lead to many mistakes. This time a lady has been brought all the way from Pleasant Grove as a witness against President Cannon, under the notion that she is a plural wife whom he has wedded since the passage of the Edmunds law. No secret has been made of the intention, if possible, to convict the gentleman on a charge of polygamy. But though juries can be had who will bring in the required verdict on the most infinitesismal point of evidence, there must be some semblance of proof, some shadow of excuse on which to predicate conviction. The arrest of Miss Winters and her conveyance to this city were accomplished in the hope that the slender thread of evidence required might be obtained. And the placing of the lady under the enormous bonds of $5,000 shows the importance attached by the Attorney to her expected testimony, and the animus he has displayed throughout this prosecution. But we are gratified to know that he has in this instance made an egregious blunder and will have nothing but his labor for his pains.

[End of newspaper article]

4 March 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Attended to correspondence and it being fast day we held our usual meeting and enjoyed it very much. At no time in my life have I been more exercised in my feelings concerning myself and the course which I ought to pursue than I have these days. My feelings are very acute and I have been almost in distress lest I should take a wrong step or fail to do that which should be done. I desire most earnestly to know the will of the Lord and to do it. If it be to go to prison, I feel quite resigned and desire to have the same pleasure in doing so that I have always had in taking missions. If it should not be His will for me to go to prison I cry unto Him from the depths of my soul that it may not endanger any of His servants, or throw any discredit upon His work, or injure any of its interests in the least degree, or be the means of casting any reflections upon me by faithful Saints or honest people, or detract from my influence as a servant of God. Thus far in my life my honor as a faithful man of God has been very dear to me. I would not knowingly do anything to sacrifice it, but if God directs a course for me to take I desire to take it and leave the result with Him. My struggles of spirit upon this subject have left me with a serene confidence in the Lord and a willingness to be submissive in His hands.

[Newspaper article]

Looking for Witnesses. Yesterday deputies appeared at the house of Mrs. Caroline Young Croxall, and inquired for the lady and her two daughters. Upon being informed that they were not in, the deputies subpœnaed Mr. and Mrs. Don Carlos Young, who reside in the house, to appear before the grand jury. The crusaders are evidently determined to hunt up a wife for President Cannon.

Mar 4/865

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

Mar 4/866

The Witness Miss Winters. After the questions propounded before the grand jury yesterday, Miss H. A. Winters and her mother were allowed to return home, which they did this morning. The first named, however, was not released from her bonds, but is required to appear before the Commissioner upon “due notice” being given. Formerly witnesses began with the Commissioner and were then sent to the grand jury. Now the order is being reversed, and in this case apparently for no other reason than to harass a woman, as Mr. Dickson must be fully aware of what evidence Miss Winters can give, and holding her to appear before the Commissioner indicates that there is nothing upon which the grand jury can act.

[End of newspaper article]

5 March 1886 • Friday

Friday, March 5th 1886

Busy listening to and dictating correspondence; also in preparing preamble and resolution for conference on the subject of the auditors’ report and the Church property. In the evening met at Br. James Solomon’s in company with Pr. Taylor and Bros. W. Woodruff, L. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor of the twelve apostles, and attorney F. S. Richards and Br. L. G. Nuttall. The business which had been attended to at the previous meeting was again transacted, there being a quorum of the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles present. The Preamble and Resolution which had been drawn up to day were read.

6 March 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, March 6th, 1886

Last evening Bro. H. J. Grant made a proposition, which we thought favorably of, for disposing of the stock that is owned by the Trustee-in-Trust in Z. C. M. I. He wrote a letter to day upon the subject which President Taylor and myself answered.

President Taylor and myself spent a considerable portion of the day in counseling together respecting the business of the Church and the steps to be taken in my case. We also took into consideration the propriety of the legislative Assembly passing the Appropriation Bill as a concurent resolution in the event of Governoer Murray refusing to sign it, which he has threatened to do. Before giving our counsel upon this subject, however, we thought it advisable to see Bros James Jack, the treasurer, and Bro. Nephi W. Clayton, the Auditor, in order to learn from them how far they were willing to go, in auditing and paying the appropriations under a bill passed in that manner. I had an interview with them this evening at the residence of Bro. Joseph F. Smith. I found them willing to take all the consequences which might follow the payment of these appropriations, if the Assembly would pass the bill in this manner; they would not flinch though it might result in their imprisonment in the penitentiary. I met my Brother Angus and my son Abraham at the same place and my brother accompanied me back to my quarters, President Taylor having expressed a desire to see him. Br. Nuttall went to town to night with the intention of staying there to morrow with a portion of his family and Bro. Wilcken did the same.

7 March 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, March 7/86

President Taylor had a visit from his wife Mary Ann who spent the day with him. In consequence of there being visitors in the house we could not hold meeting as usual. I felt very much inclined to go to the Tabernacle to day and hold meeting with the Saints, large numbers of whom I was informed would be there with the hope that I might be present to speak to them. I arranged with Bro. Alf. Solomon a plan to protect me; but President Taylor, upon mentioning it to him, thought the risks too great. He was afraid that I might be served with another process and be compelled to give more bonds. In deference to his feelings I relinquished the idea.

8 March 1886 • Monday

Monday, March 8/86

Attended in listening to and answering correspondence. President Taylor and myself conversed upon the situation of affairs in the legislative Assembly. Gov. Murray has refused to sign any bills and there is a probability of his refusing to sign the Appropriation Bill. This appears a part of the conspiracy into which he and others have entered to destroy the liberties of the people of the territory, by pretending that the Auditor and Treasurer are not legal officers and assigning that as a reason for <not> signing the Appropriation Bill; he hopes to stop the wheels of goverment and reduce the territory to anarchy or to compel Congress to appoint a legislation commission. We feel that the Assembly should not sit down supinely and suffer this malicious scheme to be executed without making an effort to checkmate it. In every community of english-speaking people where representative government prevails, the representatives of the people have the right to appropriate the people’s monny, and if the Governor refuses to affix his signatur a two-third vote of the representatives will carry it over his veto. This is the case in Congress, in every state and territory except Utah, and so far as I know, in all the colonies of the British crown. In this respect Utah stands alone. Here alone does the governor possess the absolute veto, and he threatens to either veto the Appropriation Bill or to refuse his signature without assigning reasons. In such an exigency what should be done? we feel it is the bounden duty of the members of the Assembly to pass the Appropriation Bill and show the country that they are willing and anxious to furnish all the necessary funds to meet the public obligations and keep the entire machinery of government in motion. The Appropriation Bill is moderate and will bear the strictest scrutiny; it contains no jobs nor extravagant appropriations. This evening I met with Elders F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor and the following members of the Assembly: E. A. Smith, W. W. Riter, J. A. West, W. H. King, S. Thurman, Joseph Howell, J. T. Hammond, J. Sharp, L. Shurtliff, and J. Q. Cannon at the house of President J. F. Smith. We remained together until eleven oClock. I gave them our views respecting the course they had <ought> to take, having <urging> many arguments in addition to those already mentioned. The feeling of many, including two of the twelve apostles, Bros Lyman and Grant, were very strong in opposition to the plan. The two apostles mentioned said they had come there feeling very much opposed to such a method of legislation, but they were converted by what had been said. Bro. Riter also acknowledged that he looked upon the subject very differently since hearing my remarks to what he did before. It is plain to be seen that those who were opposed are the same parties in nearly every instance who had weakened and yielded to the Governor in the last legislative assembly two years ago. Bro. Riter stated that though those who were present might look favorably on the plan, they would be unable, without more help, to induce the remaining twenty four members of the Assembly to entertain it, and he, therefore, asked if I would not meet with them in caucus and give them the same reasons that I advanced in their hearing. A meeting was appointed at the County Court house for eight oClock tomorrow evening.

9 March 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 9/86

Busy as usual to day, listening to and answering correspondence. In the evening Bro. Wilcken took me to the Court House. The brethren were not very punctual, but after waiting sometime twenty nine of them gathered in, seven were absent. Bros F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor of the twelve apostles were present. Our meeting lasted until twelve oClock. I urged upon them with all the power I had the necessity of action and replied to a great many interrogatories. I did considerable talking. Bro. A. Hatch asked questions which I thought quite improper for a man in his standing, a President of Stake. He evidently thought that the Legislative Council should accept the Governor’s appointments for Auditor, Treasurer and Superintendent of public schools and should confirm them. In speaking about law and the rulings of the courts he asked me the question: “If we do not take <the> interpretation of the laws as given by the United States Supreme Court, what have we to govern us and how shall we know what the law is”? Such a question coming from a man in his station gave me great disgust; but it enabled me to speak with some vigor upon our doctrines and the rulings of the United States Supreme Court in connection therewith. He and S. Thurman of Lehi, S. Francis of Morgan Joel Grover of Juab, Joseph Barton of Davis, W. C. A. Smoot Jr, of Provo, J. F. Hammond of Logan, Ed. Andersen of Toele, Joseph Horvell of Wellsville and [blank] of [blank] were none of them in favor of the concurrent resolution, or <of> doing anything of the kind to meet the present exigency. Some of the others were not strongly in favor of it, but when a vote was called they stood up to express their willingness; but these ten declined to do so, though several of them said that perhaps they might be converted if a little time were granted to them. I told them that as the end of the session was so near they would have to be very quickly converted if they were to do anything at all in the matter. I had taken pains to say to them in the beginning of my remarks, that I had not met with them for the purpose of saying they must do so and so; but to point out the course that the First Presidency and those of the twelve Apostles, whom they had been able to meet felt to recommend, and that now, having fully stated our views, I felt relieved and the responsibility would rest with them. I said that if they would do this their names would be held in honor among the people of God. Though I stated I had not come to coerce them to take any particular line of action, still the counsel was so positive that I could not see how ten Elders in the Church could justify themselves for not accepting and carrying it out. The great lack in this Legislative Assembly is strong leading men. There are some young men who are strong, but being inexperienced in matters of legislation, they do not have the influence which they naturally will have in a few years, if they keep growing.

The men who are the oldest in years and in legislative experience are weak men and they are disposed to compromise. Many of them are the same parties who failed to carry out the counsel given at the close of the last legislative session and who cannot be relied upon in a crisis like the present. I felt ashamed of them. The young men such as: J. A. West, E. A. Smith, J. W. Taylor, Jos Kimball and my son J. Q. Cannon drew forth my admiration, for their views were clear and positive and they were willing to meet the exigency like men. There were others besides these who were willing, most of whom were older. I dictated topics of the times to day for the Juvenile Instructor to Bro. C. H. Wilcken.

10 March 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 10/86

I finished dictating topics of the times and also Editorial Thoughts. We had an interview with Br. H. J. Grant in relation to the sale of Z. C. M. I[.] stock which he was arranging to purchase. A stormy day to day, been snowing most of the day. In the evening President Taylor and myself met at Br. James Solomon’s with Elders F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, and H. J. Grant; Bro. L. J. Nuttall was also present. The principal object of this meeting was to get an expression from the Twelve respecting the proposed sale of the Z. C. M. I. Stock. All present approved of President Taylor’s action in the matter and Bro H. J. Grant was instructed to prepare a paper, approving of this sale by the Trustee, for all the Twelve who are within reach to sign. After this meeting my brother Angus accompanied us to our place of abode and had conversation with President Taylor and myself.

11 March 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, March 11/86

Br. James Jack called and brought <a> copy of a dispatch which had been sent to Bro. J. F. Caine at Washington, in response to one sent by him yesterday; I had written out for him last evening a number of suggestions to be embodied in the reply. E. A. Smith President of the Council and W. W. Riter Speaker of the House had sent the reply in which they embodied the suggestions which I made. President Taylor and myself spent considerable time to day in conversing upon our business affairs and upon the situation. Never in my life have I felt greater need of the guidance of the Lord than I do now and have done for a long time back. I feel very distrustful of myself and my own wisdom and strength and feel fully conscious of my utter inability to magnify my office and calling in our present difficult circumstances unless God is with me. In the evening Br. S. Bateman took me in a carriage down to my home on the river where I met all my family who reside there as well as John Q. and Abraham. I had a very interesting time with them and they were exceedingly glad to see me for we had not met since I left them on Saturday the 27th of February, and we never knew when we should have the privilege of beholding each other again. The occasion was in many respects a solemn one and I had to brace up considerably to keep from being overcome by my feelings, the sympathy and manifestations of grief by my family, particularly my wives, were so great; they were not noisy but one could feel by their manner how deeply they were moved. Bro. Bateman had to go out; he could not endure the sight, yet with all I had much joy and satisfaction in being with them. They were anxious to know what my intentions were concerning my trial, but whatever they may be, I thought it best not to communicate them to them. We returned to our lodgings and reached there at a quarter past two oClock.

[Newspaper article]

Mar 11/867

Searching for Witnesses.—This morning Deputy Franks and others went to the residence of Mrs. Hardy, widow of the late Bishop Hardy, and searched the premises, stating that they had “reason to believe” two witnesses wanted by them, Mrs. Caroline Y. Croxall and Miss Rhoda Hardy, were secreted there. Failing to find these, the deputies subpœnaed Mrs. L. G. Hardy to appear before the grand jury, but the lady was too ill to leave her room. The deputies then left, after going to a neighboring house and peering through the window.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

Mar 11/868

h. b. Clawson, Mrs. Emily Clawson and Mrs. Josephine Young were subpœnaed yesterday to go before the Grand Jury. The supposition is that they are wanted as witnesses in the case of polygamy sought to be made out against Mr. George Q. Cannon, on the charge of having married Mrs. Caroline Y. Croxall. Miss Ada Croxall, who was subpœnaed in the Sugarhouse Ward by the deputies who were hunting up witnesses in the Garn case, was examined by the Grand Jury yesterday. Mrs. Emily Clawson was too ill to appear.

[End of newspaper article]

12 March 1886 • Friday

Friday, March 12/86

Engaged as usual in listening to and answering correspondence. A man who acted very suspiciously in the street in front of Br. Solomon’s house was seen by Br. Bateman; he felt convinced that he was a spy, and after listening to all the particulars, President Taylor and myself decided, in which the other brethren agreed, that under the circumstances it would be better for us to move our quarters for a few days and await developments[.] I <had> previously arranged to meet my wife Emily at her niece’s, Br. S. R. Marks’, and it was decided if I did not get word to lead me to change, I should remain there untill Sunday evening or Monday morning. Bro. Wilcken took me there and afterwards arranged for President Taylor and the rest of the party to go to Br. Samul Sudbury’s in City Creek Canyon.

[Newspaper article]

Mar 12/869

The residence of Mrs. Hardy, widow of the late Bishop Hardy, was searched by deputies yesterday, the officers giving out that they had reason to believe Mrs. Croxall and a Miss Hardy were secreted there. The ladies, however, were not discovered, and the deputies then went to the residence of Mr. L. G. Hardy and served a subpœna upon the wife of that gentleman. Mrs. Hardy, however, was too ill to leave her room.

[End of newspaper article]

13–14 March 1886 • Saturday to Sunday

Saturday and Sunday March 13 & 14/86.

I spent these two days with Emily at Br. Marks’ and had a very delightful visit with her and the folks, which I enjoyed.

On Sunday evening, March 14th, I arranged for Caroline to get her [two words redacting related to a temple ordinance] at the Endowment House. I arranged for her brother, Don Carlos, to bring her in from her place of concealment where she was to avoid arrest by the Deputy Marshals who were trying to find her, and I had Bro. Saml Bateman take me in a carriage and bring me away again. We met at the Endowment House at 8.30 p.m. Bro. Wilford Woodruff, very kindly came in to officiate and he was assisted by Bro. Brigham Young. These were all that were present. I enjoyed the occasion very much and had nearly an hour’s visit with her after the ceremony. <I must see that this is properly recorded.>

[Newspaper article]

March 13/8610

Deputies’ Doings.—This morning Deputies Greenman, Vandercook, Smith and Cuddihe went to the Cannon Farm, and searched the houses of President Geo. Q. Cannon, claiming that they were looking for Mrs. Eliza Cannon, who was not there. Just as they got through, Mrs. Edna L. Smith came to the farm in company with a Hawaiian lady, and was detained by the deputies. Mrs. Smith had, at the very urgent solicitation of the Hawaiian lady, consented to take her on a visit to President Cannon’s family. When they reached the gate, they were stopped by the deputies, who demanded Mrs. Smith’s name. This she refused to give, when she was informed that she answered the description of Mrs. Eliza Cannon, for whom they were looking. She then informed them she was not Mrs. Cannon, nor a member of the family, nor did she know anything of the family affairs. She was, however, against her earnest protestations, compelled to turn back, the deputies saying they would take her along anyway. She headed her horse for the city, and on the way up the four deputies surrounded her, a[s] though they were conducting some great captive, and paid no heed to her request to ride either before or after. When she reached the street leading to her home Mrs. Smith refused to accompany the deputies farther, as no service of any paper had been made upon her. Her name was demanded, but she refused to give it except on condition that she should then be permitted to go at liberty. This was not granted, so the deputies read an improvised subpœna, inserting a fictitious name, and compelled the ladies to accompany them, while they rode on either side of the buggy. Mrs. Smith was then taken before the grand jury and severely catechized, and when she was recognized as the wife of President Joseph F. Smith she was informed that unless she furnished $2,500 bail she would have to remain in the Marshal’s custody. After some hours her friends received information of her situation, and D. L. Davis and Geo. Stringfellow were secured as bondsmen, and Mrs. Smith was released, as was also the Hawaiian lady, after she had been before the grand jury, where Mr. H. P. Richards was called to act as interpreter.

[End of newspaper article]

15 March 1886 • Monday

Monday, March 15/86

Bro. Wilcken called for me this morning a little after four oClock, and we walked over Arsenal Hill and came down in the canyon by the trail to Br. Sudbury’s. Had some conversation with President Taylor and listened to and answered correspondence. I wrote a strong impressive letter to Br. John Beck of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Company, urging upon him the importance of paying the indebtedness for which President Taylor and myself were directly and indirectly responsible, amounting with interest to upwards of $15,00000/. President Taylor and Br. Nuttall had a meeting with him this evening and President Taylor spoke on the same subject with considerable plainness. Br. Nuttall presented to him my letter, to all of which he promised to respond and do his best to clear up this indebtedness.

16 March 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 16/86

A long letter was received from Bro. Snow dated the 6th of March at the City of Mexico, in which he described the steps that had been taken to secure the land and that the deeds had been made out in the name of A. P. McDonald and Co. This had been done before Br. Snow reached. There appeared to be no better atternity <alternative> than for Br. Snow to pay the money and take Br. McDonald’s obligation therefor. President Taylor was not satisfied with this method of doing business. My sons John Q and Abraham called upon me and we had a very tender interview. As Abraham would <will> probably be sentenced to the penitentiary to morrow, and I may not see him again for some time, I gave them many instructions, particularly to John Q. on business and laid my hands upon them and blessed them, in doing which I had a goodly portion of the spirit of the Lord. President Taylor was visited to day by his daughter Ida and his wife Sophia and his sister Agnes, from all of whom I kept out of sight, as I did not wish them to know I was here, in case any step should be taken to call them up as witnesses. I have enjoyed myself in this family during the short time I have been in the house. My respect for a man and woman is greatly increased when I see them standing at the head of a kind, loving, well trained and well ordered family. This seems to be a family of this character; the girls especially seem to be superior women. We had some delightful singing this evening before leaving. President Taylor gave great gratification to all by singing the Seer, a song of his own composition, also the mormon car.

At about ten oClock, it being cloudy weather, President Taylor[,] Br. Nuttall and myself were taken in a carriage by Br Wilcken to our new stopping place, which had been selected as well adapted for us to be concealed in during the search that we expected might be made after to morrow’s proceedings in the Court of the third judicial district. We were received by Bro and Sister White and family with the greatest cordiality; they said and did everything to make us feel welcome and at home. The house is large, elegantly furnished and fitted up with all the modern conveniences. I felt after reaching here, that with proper care and the exercise of caution, this would be a safe place of concealment

17 March 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 17/86.

Attended to correspondence as usual. This being the day which had been fixed for my appearance in Court under penalty of a forfeiture of $4500000/ bonds. I naturally felt considerably desirous to know what shape affairs would take in the Court. I had decided not to go, through <in consequence of> the communication which President Taylor had received from the Lord upon this subject. I had besought the Lord to make plain to His servant the course which I ought to pursue. I felt ready if it was His will to go to prison for as long a period as I might be sentenced for, or if it was not His will that I should go there, to do anything else He should require. The dread of my action being misconstrued by my brethren and sisters, whose love and confidence I so highly value, has been very great. To be suspected of cowardice, or to have any act of mine bring discredit upon the work, or jeopardize its intrests, or endanger any of my brethren, would be a great cause of grief to me. Still having done as I have, my conscience is clear, for the Lord knows my heart and I trust to Him to defend and vindicate me. The report is that an immense throng crowded the Court room. The most of my family were there as witnesses, being under bond to appear. My son Abraham’s case came up first, and in response to the question of the Court, he spoke as follows: “I would like to state, your honor, that I have always endevored to keep the laws of the United-States, because I have been taught by my parents that the Constitution was a sacred instrument. That I have failed in this respect, and now stand before you convicted of the crime of unlawful cohabitation, is due to the fact that I acknowlege a higher law than that of man, which is the law of God; And that law being a part of my religion, sir, I have attempted to obey it.

When I embraced this religion, I promised to place all that I had, even life itself, upon the altar, and I expect to abide by that covenant which I made. And, sir, I hope the day will never come when I must sacrifice principle, even to procure life or liberty. Honor, sir, to me, is higher than anything else upon the earth; and my religion is dearer to me than anything else that I have yet seen. I am prepared sir, for the judgment of the Court.”

After which Lane delivered his usual tirade and sentenced Abraham to the full penalty of the law—imprisonment for six months and three hundred dollars fine and <the> costs of court. After this was disposed of my name was called three times. The enclosed is the report of the Deseret News of the proceedings[.] In the afternoon the same scene was repeated. The two bonds of ten thousand dollars each was were decided forfeited and the witnesses were released until the next term of court. My action, I hear, is variously commented upon, the faithful saints justify me; a certain class question the propriety of it and are inclined to condem it, while the anti-mormons, of course, are angry about it and spare no abuse. The Deseret Evening News contains excellent editorial matter, defending and justifying me. One thing that has divided the interest and excitement to-day has been the demand, by the President through the Secretary of the Interior Mr. Lamar, of Governor Murray’s resignation. This latter and Murray’s reply thereto, in which he states that he has sent his resignation to Washington, appeared in his organ this morning. Every honest man and every Latter day Saint feels relieved.

[Newspaper article]

March 17/8611

The Cannon Trial This Morning— Will the Distinguished Prisoner Appear?

There was almost as much conjecture yesterday on the theme as to whether or not Geo. Q. Cannon will appear today as there was a month ago as to whether or not it was he who had been captured. To a Herald reporter who asked him for information, Mr. F. S. Richards, last evening, said: “Mr. Cannon’s counsel will be Sheeks & Rawlins, Legrande Young and myself. We shall be in court to-morrow morning ready for the case. We were busily engaged last evening in examining our witnesses, and that is all I know in relation to the matter.”

Our reporter questioned numberless people in regard to the matter, but could find no one who would positively say that Mr. Cannon would or would not appear for trial this morning. In the meantime, the air is filled with conflicting rumors. In some quarters it is thought that a physician’s certificate will be produced stating that he is unable to appear, and a continuance asked for.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]


He does not appear for trial, and the bonds are hurriedly Forfeited.

The “courageous officers” so frightened that they search citizens who come to view the proceedings.

To-day, March 17th, being the date on which President George Q. Cannon was to appear for trial in the Third District Court, on a charge of unlawful cohabitation with his wives, more interest seemed awakened than by any occurrence since the arrest was made, and everyone seemed to be on the alert for some unusual developments. Shortly after the court room was opened, people begen to flock in through the doors, which were carefully and strongly guarded by a large force of deputy marshals. At the inner door several deputies were engaged in searching those who entered, to find whether any of them were armed, and when inquiry was made as to the cause of such an unusual proceeding in a quiet and peaceable community, one replied that it had been considered probably that something desperate might be attempted, and as it was not known what might occur, this precaution had been ordered taken. The court room was soon jammed to overflowing, and ingress stopped.

The first business before the Court was the sentencing of A. H. Cannon, an account of which will be found in another article.

When this was completed, District Attorney Dickson called out that the trial of the United States vs. George Q. Cannon, indicted for unlawful cohabitation, was set for to-day.

The Court asked the attorneys for the defense, F. S. Richards, LeGrand Young and Sheeks & Rawlins, if they were ready, and a few moments’ delay was asked.

Mr. Rawlins reminded the Court that an argument in a case continued from yesterday was to have been made, and asked whether he should proceed, but this the Court was not disposed to permit.

Mr. Dickson then impatiently demanded that the witnesses in the Cannon case be called, and the following answered to their names: Martha Tellie Cannon, Emily Little, Mary Little, Sarah Jane Cannon, Ella Little, Georgiana Little, Abraham Little, Mary Alice Cannon, Hester Cannon and Sarah Ann Butterworth.

The Court then ordered that the name of the defendant be called, and “George Q. Cannon” was shouted three times by the bailiff, but there was no response.

Mr. Dickson then eagerly demanded, “Call the sureties.”

Mr. Rawlins arose and stated that the counsel for the defendant did not know where their client was, and that they had not seen him since the bond was given.

Mr. Richards said he had last visited Mr. Cannon with the Commissioner, at his home, on Feb. 27th, when the last bonds were given.

Mr. Young suggested that a continuance be had until 2 p.m., as the defendant’s residence was out of town, and the weather and roads being very bad, he might have been delayed. This provoked a burst of laughter among the “officers of the court,” and a glance around the officials and deputies present was enough to convince one that there was sufficient malice in the ring to make a “Mormon’s” life of but little worth, should any opportunity arise.

Mr. Dickson insisted that the bonds should be declared forfeited, and the names of the bondsmen, John Sharp and Feramorz Little, were each called three times, but no answer was made.

After some discussion, lasting about five minutes, on the matter, by the attorneys, the Court granted the order asked for by Mr. Dickson, forfeiting the bond of $25,000, with the provision that if President Cannon was in Court at 2 p.m., the forfeiture should be set aside. The witnesses were then excused until 2 p.m., and the large audience fled out of the court room.

A few moments afterward Mr. Dickson entered the U. S. Marshal’s office, and on getting inside of the door exclaimed, viciously, “The cur! G— d—n him! He hasn’t got the courage to stand his trial.” Then suddenly discovering that John Q. and Abram H. Cannon and a number of their friends were in the room, he hastily retreated.

At 2 p.m. the court room was again crowded, and many were in the street, unable to gain admission. When the court was called to order, Mr. Dickson asked the attorneys for the defense, with a sneer, “Is your client here?” To this Mr. Sheeks replied, “Not that I know of; I haven’t seen or spoken to him.”

The Court then instructed the bailiff to call the defendant, and the arm of the court shouted, “George Q. Cannon! George Q. Cannon! George—”

The Court, hastily interrupting— “That is all. I don’t think he is here.”

After a short pause, the Court remarked to Mr. Dickson that there was no necessity for the witnesses remaining, and the District Attorney replied, “No, I presume not. They may be excused for the term.” Then he added, jeeringly, “He may, as the defense suggests, get here in a day or two.”

Just then Marshal Ireland relieved himself of a loud “guffaw,” and [a] larger portion of the audience departed, the Court taking up the usual routine of business.

When it became finally known that President Cannon had not appeared, the event was the subject of general comment. It has been freely rumored that the District Attorney boasted that he had enough against President Cannon to keep him in prison for life, and in connection with this it may be said that it is understood the officers from Nevada are now here, prepared to swear that an attempt was made to bribe them.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]


Published Daily, Sundays Excepted,







Wednesday • March 17, 1886



The chief topic of conversation for several days has been the trial of President George Q. Cannon, on the charge of unlawful cohabitation, set for today in the Third District Court. Opinion has been divided as to the probability of his appearing, also as to the wisest course for him to pursue in view of all the circumstances. A very large number of people have expressed their conviction that if he was once in the hands of those who have manifested such an eager desire to single him out for the law’s vengeance, he would be kept, on one pretext or another, until his life would be worn out; and they have openly said they hoped he would not be so foolish as to place himself in the power of his enemies. Others have taken the view that he ought to run all the risks because he was under bonds, and that his non-appearance would be taken advantage of by the enemies of the people to still further inflame the public mind against the “Mormons.” And it has been thought by others, that, in the bodily condition of the defendant, it would be imprudent for him to undertake to stand his trial for the present, and that on proper certificates from medical men he would obtain a continuance.

His non-appearance in Court this morning when his name was called settled the dispute and indicated that the defendant intended to wait until he could have a fair trial. The haste to declare his bonds forfeit showed the animus of the Prosecuting Attorney and that he had anticipated the result, and his subsequent remarks as related elsewhere in this paper were tokens of the personal spleen which he indulged in against the defendant, and of the vindictive spirit in which the prosecution was instituted.

We have no knowledge of President Cannon’s whereabouts, reasons or intentions. But we can form some idea of what may have influenced him, by reflecting upon the peculiar circumstances of his case. It is well known that every possible effort has been made to fasten upon him a number of charges, with a view to the destruction of his influence among the “Mormon” people. He has been looked upon as the most powerful of the “Mormon” leaders. Not understanding the organization of our Church or the real causes of the faith, unity and devotion of its members, the mistake has been made of taking him for its head and directing mind. And it has been openly declared that if he could be removed out of the way, the “Mormon” Church could be subdued with comparative facility.

A reward of Five Hundred Dollars was set upon his head, although he was only indicted for a simple misdemeanor, and that on such slender evidence that it would not hold for a moment against any one but a “Mormon.” When he was arrested, while on his way to perform a mission to which he had been appointed by proper authority, extraordinary and unlawful measures were adopted to make his capture appear like a triumph over some formidable and dangerous malefactor. A body of troops was sent to escort him to this city, and he was placed under military surveillance as a prisoner of war, the United States Marshal surrendering him to the custody of soldiers, who surrounded him with loaded weapons and thrust his friends from his presence.

When brought into court, although maimed and wounded from his accident and sick with a prostrating bodily infirmity, an attempt was made by the Prosecuting Attorney to hurry on his trial in spite of his feeble condition; and when thirty days’ time was demanded, the unheard of bail in the sum of $25,000 was required for his appearance, and two other complaints on the same charge having been trumped up against him, he was compelled to give bonds of $10,000 for each to appear before the U. S. Commissioner.

His alleged offense was unlawful cohabitation with his wives, the full penalty for which is a fine of $300 and six months’ imprisonment, and his bonds, to answer to this, amounted to the enormous sum of $45,000. Nothing of the kind can be found in the annals of jurisprudence. The witnesses wanted in his case were placed under arrest on the Sabbath day, and bonds required of them in the sum of $2,500 each, which in some instances were raised to $5,000. Desperate attempts were made, by scouring the country for witnesses, to fix upon him a charge of polygamy. This failing in two different cases, another was fabricated, and the intention was clearly displayed to indict him, if possible, no matter how groundless was the allegation.

Boasts were made, freely stated as having come from the Prosecuting Attorney, that President Cannon would be held for the term of his natural life. Also that he would be sent to a distant prison and his condition be made perfectly unbearable. At the time when the extraordinary bonds were demanded for his appearance, the Prosecuting Attorney claimed that the defendant attempted to bribe a Nevada official to allow him to escape, something of which the Attorney had no personal knowledge and which was improper to allege at that time under any circumstances. And it became common talk that the intention of President Cannon’s persecutors was, by segregating cohabitation cases, by charges of polygamy, and by getting up a case of attempted bribery in Nevada, to wear him out and ruin him in person, property and influence.

The power to condemn an innocent parson to the penitentiary for a protracted term has been exemplified in more than one actual case. We need refer to no other than that of Apostle Lorenzo Snow. Although the evidence for the prosecution was clear and positive that the defendant had only lived with one woman as his wife since the passage of the Edmunds Act, he was convicted under that act in face of the evidence and sentenced to three penalties, aggregating nine hundred dollars’ fine and eighteen months’ imprisonment, and is now in the penitentiary.

When juries are selected for the purpose of convicting; when the law is rendered so as to catch every accused person, common rumor being received as proof; when the dictum of the Prosecuting Attorney is echoed by the Judge as a ruling; when the whole forces of the courts are directed to secure conviction; when the determination to make a special case against the defendant is known; when the statement, attributed to the Prosecuting officer, is heard, that indictments would be found enough to send the prisoner up for thirty years and he would be dead before the time was out; when indictment is now to be equivalent to conviction; is it any wonder that the object of these special proceedings should hesitate about placing himself in the hands of those who seek his destruction?

The sentiment expressed by many persons here has been shared by eminent and thoughtful men in the East, that if George Q. Cannon ever placed himself in the power of his persecutors, he would be very unwise, for they would never permit him to regain his liberty. And we are not deaf to the threat, made in this city, by individuals who have the will to do what they declared, that if either of the Presidency was secured he should not escape with his life.

The justification for President Cannon’s course is in the special and peculiar circumstances of his case. Weighed against his life, or his prolonged incarceration with the design of wearing out his life, the money value of his bonds is not to be counted as a feather in the scales. Hundreds of poor people during the past few weeks have expressed their willingness to help raise the money to liquidate them. And let those who think that he ought to have come forward in accordance with those bonds, ask themselves, what benefit would have resulted from his surrender, either to him or to the people? Does any one imagine that he would have been fairly tried for the offense with which he was charged? Has there been any indication of fairness in his case from the beginning? Does not the whole course of the prosecution show a determination to run him down as the one special object of hatred and vengeance? Have we not had enough evidence of the “honor” of our enemies? Does not the blood of Joseph and Hyrum stain the soil of Illinois as proof of the trust to be placed in the pledged word of anti-“Mormon[”] officials? Are not the scars on the body of President Taylor indisputable tokens of the good faith of Government dignitaries? Who wants to see repeated the acts of Carthage jail?

Our experience should teach us an ever memorable lesson. The darts of our foes are always aimed towards the head. Justice, law, mercy and truth are cast to the winds when the emissaries of Satan, fired by bigotry, inspired by malice and bent on revenge, rush forward to destroy our leaders and trample upon our rights. They have marked George Q. Cannon for their prey. Let every good man and woman rejoice that at present they have not succeeded. All who are acquainted with the man know that he is no coward. He is both morally and physically courageous. He is as ready as any of his brethren to brave and endure all things when necessary. His friends will be sure that he is not acting without the best of advice. And they know that when he is satisfied he is right he will not fail to go-a-head, no matter what may be the consequences. The rage of his adversaries that he is not in their grasp is evidence that he ought not to be in their clutches and many a heart will beat with gratitude to-night, when the news is received that President George Q. Cannon is not in the hands of his implacable and unprincipled foes.

A fair trial for a “Mormon” is not to be expected under present conditions. Until packed juries, prejudiced judges, spiteful attorneys, and special arrangements for the conviction of the innocent and the multiplication of penalties upon persons only technically guilty, are things of the past in Utah, our fervent prayer will be that President George Q. Cannon may be safe from contact with the minions of the law whose hearts are closed against the pleadings of justice.


We emphatically inform Mr. W. H. Dickson that President George Q. Cannon is no “cur,” and that he has courage such as the Prosecuting Attorney never conceived of, as he may yet discover. Also that the rage of Mr. Dickson because his victim has not walked forward to be sacrificed, does not justify the language he is reported to have used concerning the gentleman to-day.

If places were changed by the two individuals, it would be found that Mr. Cannon would not be “cur” enough to bark and yelp over a respected gentleman who had fallen into his power. That he would not be “cur” enough to try and force to immediate trial an invalid, bruised and maimed, and seriously sick. That he would not be “cur” enough to shut a lady up in a room with a debauched and beastly deputy, armed with a gun, to be insulted and berated at his mercy. That he would not be “cur” enough to force a respectable woman into a room with fifteen other jeering, tobacco-smoking males, and try to make her tell them how often her husband slept in the same bed with her. That he would not be “cur” enough to force a fourteen years old girl to disclose her thoughts and ideas about her own mother. That he would not be “cur” enough to twist and strain and stretch the law, in order to break up happy families and to let vile and filthy and bestial libertines go free.

When we think of the doings of creatures who curse and berate good and noble men, the mud on whose boots they are not worthy to brush off, we conclude that “cur” is so vastly too honorable a name to bestow upon them, that the mangiest canine would be libeled by its application to such unworthy bipeds.

Mr. Dickson desires to be considered pretty much of a gentleman. No one with any approach to a claim to that title would use the language that reliable witnesses quite as his, in relation to a gentleman with whom many of the proudest men of this nation have been delighted to associate.

[End of newspaper article]

18 March 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, March 18/86

Listening to and answering correspondence[.] President Taylor and myself had conversation respecting the steps to be taken with the property held in trust by him for the Church, as the near approach of the general conference makes it necessary that preparations be made for such reports as may be deemed prudent to make. The Herald of this City had an excellent editorial article this morning upon my case, in which strong ground was taken in favor of my action. My sureties, we learn to day, are enclined to pay the bonds without contest. We feel that this will be improper. The bonds being excessive and prompted by a vindictive spirit should be fought to the end of the law. Dictated Journal to C. H. Wilcken.

[Newspaper article]


Herald 18/8612

The failure of President George Q. Cannon to respond when his name was called in the Third District Court on Wednesday morning to answer the charge and enter upon a trial for unlawful cohabitation, was more of a surprise to the gentleman’s friends and associates of a life-time than to his enemies. Vague rumors had been in circulation for ten days or two weeks that the defendant had left the city and would not appear for trial on the day appointed for opening the case, but the stories were regarded generally as idle tales, without foundation. People did not pay enough attention to them to consider whether or not the rumors were probably based on facts. Yesterday’s developments, however, proved how well grounded were those stories. It is not overstating the case to say that the announcement that Mr. Cannon had not responded to the court’s call was a shock to the community. It was a new thing here, and that the departure should have been made by a gentleman occupying the position that Mr. Cannon holds in the community, was for the moment startling. Long before night, however, there was a complete change in public feeling and sentiment. When people got over their surprise and could look at matters coolly and intelligently, they could understand why Mr. Cannon had taken this course, and could approve of his conduct. We believe that the more they think of it the stronger will be their commendation of his wisdom and of the propriety of his departure.

The great effort of the court’s officers was to capture George Q. Cannon. He was regarded as the leading spirit in the Mormon church, and to his influence was charged the fact that the church remains intact and unyielding notwithstanding the vigorous assaults against it. The enmity and venom of the Federal representatives towards Mormons in general were intensified in the case of Mr. Cannon. After the vain efforts of a year to arrest him, a price was put upon his head, and he was finally run down and caught. The vindictiveness that had hitherto shown itself, chiefly in words, was now displayed in deeds. From the moment of his arrest the malicious purpose of his prosecutors and persecutors was apparent. It was to deprive him of liberty for the remainder of his natural life, and if possible to hasten his death. Arrested on the charge of a petty misdemeanor, he was treated as if he were guilty of the most if not of all the crimes in the calendar. The civil power even abdicated its authority to the military in order to heap indignity upon the prisoner. The court also treated the case as if it were in sympathy with the scheme. It could not deny bail, but it fixed the bond at a higher figure than had ever before been asked in a case of common misdemeanor. It was the common talk on the street and in official circles that of years imprisonment were awaiting the accused, and it was asserted by officials and published in newspapers that after the courts here had expended their authority over him, he would be turned over to the tender mercies of Nevada for a few years of penal servitude. If Mr. Cannon had gone to prison, we do not believe he would have come out alive. If he realized this, and his action says that he did, his course was simply that of any sane, intelligent man who loves the two great considerations in this world—life and liberty. Mr. Cannon’s people will not blame or condemn him for his effort towards self-preservation, and his enemies have no right to censure him. He has broken no law in fleeing; he has violated no promise. Until justice can be had by him, until he can be fairly tried for what he has done, and will not be subjected to punishment for what he has not done; until hate and malice have no power to exert themselves to his injury, he will be wise to avoid falling into the hands of those who seek to punish him because of his position and influence rather than on account of his violations of law.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

Thursday • March 18, 1886



From what we can learn, the news of President George Q. Cannon’s non-appearance in court and the rage of those who had planned for his destruction, has been received with general satisfaction. Very few, comparitely [comparatively] retain the opinion that it would have been better for him to stand his trial and meet his doom. When all the circumstances are considered, the wisdom of his course is conceded. No one believes he would have had a fair trial. What we mean by a fair trial is, a presentation of the facts before an impartial jury, and a just and unbiased explanation of the law by the court. Is there any one with the slightest regard for truth, who would pretend to say that the defendant would have had these rights granted to him?

The special proceedings in his case, the extraordinary measures taken to gather up everything that could be manipulated into the semblance of evidence against him, the determination to multiply the indictments and consequently the penalties, the anxiety to fabricate more serious charges than the offense for which he was indicted, the threats which were freely uttered, the exultation expressed by officials at their power to make his imprisonment practically a life sentence, the concentrated animosity of all connected with the prosecution, directed towards him as the supposed head and chief of “Mormon” power, are considered as fully justifying his conclusion to “wait till the clouds roll by” before coming forth to face his accusers.

There was some dubiety and considerable discussion over what ought to be done, before the court convened on Wednesday. But when the matter was decided, the doubts entertained by many were cleared away, and the feeling of rest and satisfaction which ensued when the fact of his present safety was realized, overcame all other sentiments and there are very few persons to be found who will now say they wish he had put himself into the hands of his malignant enemies. It would have looked like courting conviction and inviting destruction. If his case had been likely to be treated as other charges of infraction of the law, we have no doubt that President Cannon would have been on hand, to take his share of the persecutions that are being waged against the people because of a principle of their religion. But proofs that it would not have been so treated were abundant. No reasonable man could close his eyes against them. The whole community felt them. His surrender meant his doom. It was so intended, and the extraordinary circumstances justified extraordinary action.

The baffled hunters for his life want to make out that he has broken a covenant and dishonored himself in not appearing in court. The very terms of the bond disprove the accusation. He was to appear or forfeit so much money. He did not appear and the bond was declared forfeit. When it is paid the obligation will be discharged. But will not his bondsmen suffer loss? Not at all likely. Those who know George Q. Cannon will not ask such a question. If he had not seen some way to indemnify them we are certain that he would not have put them in the gap. And our slandering enemies need not talk about Church funds being used for this purpose, either. It is none of their business, anyhow. But they will not have occasion to fret themselves on that account. If it is needful to raise the cash it can be had with little difficulty outside of Church money, which is not designed for any such purpose.

There is a lawful way in which to collect the bond money. This is a contention in law. Unusual and excessive bail was required. In our opinion the right to collect it ought to be tested. Let those who imposed it in the spirit of persecution, be placed in a position to show themselves on this question. When citizens are forced into making an obligation they have a legal and constitutional right to contest it. We hope this will be done. If the money is obtained it should be collected by due process of law, and this question of excessive bail ought to be brought before a competent court. This case will give a fair opportunity to try it. If the bond money is handed over on demand, the chance to test this question will be thrown away. Therefore we desire that nothing hasty will be done in the matter.

We have merely expressed our view of this qustion [question]. We do not know how it is looked upon by the gentlemen who secured the bond nor the principal, who will, we are sure, hold himself good for the amount, and see that his friends lose nothing by the precautions he has taken for his own safety. And when the full results appear, we believe that the wisdom and propriety of President Cannon’s course will be admitted by all, and there will be universal rejoicing at the outcome.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]


March 18/8613

The attention of the Grand Jury now in session has been directed to the alleged malfeasance in office of Marshal E. A. Ireland, in procuring United States troops to act as a posse in conducting President George Q. Cannon from Promontory to this city. A well written letter in the Herald of Wednesday morning, signed Publius, and evidently written by a lawyer of ability, presented the legal aspects of the case. By quotations from the United States statutes bearing on the question, it was shown that the action of the Marshal was not only unjustifiable by law, but constitutes a penal offense, rendering him liable to the maximum penalty of $10,000 fine and two years’ imprisonment.

At the time of the outrage, Marshal Ireland disclaimed any connection with the movement for the sending of the troops. But it has since leaked out that he and Governor Murray were the main-springs of the movement. It is said that he applied to the Governor and the Governor to the commanding officer, and thus the troops were obtained. If this is true, the Marshal has violated the laws of the United States, and whether it be true or not it is a proper subject for the grand jury to investigate. It is not right that the attention of that body should be engrossed on one class of offenses to the exclusion of others that are perhaps of more importance. The grand jury are empowered to enquire into the conduct of all officials. Just by way of variety, if for no other reason, they might for once investigate the acts of one United States official.

The doings of his deputies ought to be inquired into. He is responsible for them. Their excesses are a public scandal. They affect society and are inimical to the liberty and welfare of citizens. And the outrage of employing the military in defiance of law should not be passed over. Will District Attorney Dickson bring this case to the attention of the Grand Jury? If not, will Judge Zane make a note of it and charge the Grand Jury to investigate?

The employment of the military in the work of peace officers, and the surrendering of the civil power into martial hands, are dangerous to the peace of society and are matters of public moment, which are a thousand-fold more important than a case of unlawful cohabitation. And the heavy punishment provided by the law shows the gravity with which the offense is regarded by the government. This matter ought not to be allowed to slide by unnoticed, and the attention of the authorities at Washington should be called to the lawless manner of enforcing the law in Utah.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

New Herald Mar 18/8614

It would fill a volume were we to attempt to quote even the substance of all the varied opinions that were encountered by our reporter on the street. It goes without saying that the sentiment among non-Mormons was universally condemnatory of Mr. Cannon’s action in failing to appear. Among Mormons there was a diversity of opinion; many were inclined to think the action unwise for several reasons. One was, that it would cause hardship on those to come after—their bonds would be placed high, and men would feel reluctant about going security for anyone; a prominent bishop said regretfully: “The moral effects of President Cannon’s going to the Penitentiary would have been very great; his avoiding imprisonment would have as great an effect the other way.” “If President Taylor should now be apprehended,” said one gentleman “his bonds would be placed at $100,000, and I believe nothing but the coin deposited in court would be accepted.” On the other hand there was a wide and pronounced feeling—and this seemed to be the prevailing sentiment—that in view of all he had to expect from his enemies Mr. Cannon was justified in not making his appearance. A representative business man said: “If I were worth $100,000, and by forfeiting $45,000 could escape what Geo. Q. Cannon might expect in the Penitentiary, I think I should cheerfully forfeit it.” Another gentleman said that it was well known that if Mr. Cannon once got in the Penitentiary he would never be allowed to come out till he came out feet foremost. It has also been rumored that he would not be sent to the Penitentiary at all, but that he would be confined in prison at Detroit. The presence of Sheriff Fellows was thought to mean that some steps would be taken against him on the bribery charge; and for these and other reasons his friends urge that he was justified in taking the course he did.

Mr. Dickson states positively that he knew two weeks ago that Mr. Cannon had gone and left the country. Whether another reward will be offered for his apprehension is as yet unknown.

[End of newspaper article]

19 March 1886 • Friday

Friday, March 19/86.

Considerable snow has fallen lately and the weather is disagreeable. To day the sun shines brightly and the snow is rapidly disappearing. There are rumors afloat respecting the where abouts of President Taylor and myself. Some of our enemies appear to have the impression we have left the territory. Listened to and attended to correspondence as usual.

Br. F. S. Richards informed us that Bros John Sharp, F. Little and H. S. Eldridge who are my sureties feel that it is their duty to pay the the amount of bonds, without contesting it in the courts. President Taylor dictated yesterday the following letter, which Br. L. J. Nuttall signed and sent to Br. F. S. Richards.

“Will you please say to the sureties that the payment of these bonds is not a matter of personal honor alone. Its importance goes beyond this. This is excessive bail and should be fought through the courts as of public importance. Let the facts be known and personal honor is lost sight of in the importance of the principle involved. There are parties who will meet the cost of the bonds if the issue be raised and contested in the courts. But they will not feel like paying the money without a contest. The principle referred to is, that if the sureties pay the money the opportunity is lost for contesting it; but if they are willing to stand up to the contest in the interest of this whole community, such assistance will be rendered as is required. If they shrink from their duty, and will pay the money without contest, they must do it on their own responsibility, as they throw away the opportunity that now present itself to obtain redress. It is important that this should be attended to without delay.

Very respectfully

L John Nuttall

P.S. Of course you will not let this nor a copy of it go out of your hands. L J. N.

Bro. F. Armstrong who is the other surety has said all in his power to them against the course which they thought of taking, and said they ought to fight it to the very end. Bro. J. T. Caine telegraphed to day from Washington to know whether he should sustain Colonel S. Merritt for Governor or some one else. This came in cipher to Br. F. S. Richards. A letter was written to Br. John Sharp, signed by Bro. L. J. Nuttall, asking him to sound Mr. Merritt as to his views respecting the duties of the Governor, and as to the course he would pursue if he were elected Governor. We decided to day to hold the general conference at Provo and notices were written to this effect to the Deseret News and Herald for publication.

[Newspaper article]



Editor Deseret News: Herald 19/8615

For one I do hope President Cannon’s bondsmen will refuse to pay the “excessive bail” exacted by Dickson unless they are forced to by the court of last resort. That the bail was unlawfully excessive is clear from the constitutional inhibition which says excessive bonds shall not be exacted from any criminal, no matter the character of the alleged crime, while President Cannon is charged with a simple misdemeanor only, the maximum penalty for which is but $300 fine and six months’ imprisonment.

The excessive bail demanded by the local crusaders and the cases where, from a spirit of spite and cruelty, they refuse to let “Mormon” men and women give bonds pending appeals, etc., proves beyond cavil that their proceedings are pure persecutions, revolutionary, illegal, altogether uncalled for and unprecedented.

The idea of a Federal officer exacting a $45,000 bond from a person charged with a simple misdemeanor, which in the concrete is no offense whatever! Had President Cannon appeared for trial there is not the least doubt but that he would have been sent up for life, for every one in Utah knows that the spite, vindictiveness and malevolence of the Federal pap-suckers are equal to any infamous and monstrous undertaking.

Did not one of their chiefs say months ago that if the[y] could lay their hands on the s— of a b—, Taylor and Cannon, that they would jerk them bald? And did not another one say thay [that] if the “Mormon” problem was left to him to solve that he would cut every G— d— polygamist’s throat from ear to ear? I think that some affidavits might be gotten up by parties to whom these endearing and chaste remarks were made, if it is thought worth while to go to the trouble. Iconoclast.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper articles]

“An unsuccessful search is being made for George Q. Cannon, who is thought to have jumped his bail.”— Sacramento Record-Union 14th inst.

The telegraphing of this news to the west on Saturday last explains the reason for the search made at the Cannon farm that day when Mrs. Edna Smith and the Hawaiian lady were “arrested.” [In pencil:] March 19/86

[Newspaper article]

mr. armstrong’s reasons.

March 19/8616

He Only Furnished Bail for One Charge, and Not the Whole Category of Crimes.

“I have decided that for my part I will stand fight on the Cannon bonds before I will pay,” said Mayor Armstrong in response to the queries of a Herald reporter yesterday. “My reasons are these: I signed those bonds guaranteeing that George Q. Cannon should appear to answer to two charges of unlawful cohabitation before the Commissioner. As soon as the bonds were secured, the officials at once commenced to make out a case of polygamy against him. From what Mr. Cannon heard from people subpœnaed as witnesses, he was convinced that that they were piling up enough cohabitation counts to ensure a twenty years’ term of imprisonment, to say nothing of their having brought the sheriff over from Nevada to work the bribery charge. All this was being done, mark you, on the strength of my bond—the exhorbitant surety they had made me furnish for the two cohabitation counts, but which they had fixed so high that with my name for security they were dredging all the adjoining counties to work up other cases against him and thinking they were sure of him. It’s just as if you were to steal a horse, and you were required to furnish a $5,000 bond. When they have you under good surety, a man is found dead, and they at once say, ‘lay it on the horsethief—he did it.’ In all probability you would run away to escape hanging, though this they hoped to prevent by placing so high a bond on you for stealing the horse. I shall pay my $10,000 when I have to, not before.”

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

March 19/8617


We are in receipt of a well-written letter signed “Young Mormon.” giving his views on the non-appearance in court of President George Q. Cannon, and offering a suggestion in regard to the payment of the bonds. The opinions expressed, which we have no doubt, as he says, are the sentiments of the masses of the people, are similar to those of the Deseret News. He also says: “I trust now, Mr. Editor, that the bondsmen of Hon. George Q. Cannon will, as liberty-loving American citizens, test the power of the government under the Constitution, to impose such an amount of bail which, to all fair-minded people, cannot be considered in any other light than excessive and exorbitant.”

He then proposes that a subscription be taken up, no one to pay more than one dollar, so that those who contest this point may be indemnified.

We refer to this letter because we have heard of similar suggestions in regard to a subscription. And it has been stated, with how much truth we know not, that some parties have al[r]eady solicited sums of money for this purpose. We do not believe this would be approved by President Cannon. No such a movement is authorized, so far as we are aware. We do not think it advisable. Certainly it ought not to be attempted by unauthorized persons.

We do not believe that the bondsmen will suffer any loss. We know too much of the honor and integrity of the gentleman who has wisely considered his personal safety under the extraordinary circumstances of his case, to imagine for a moment that he will allow other men to pay anything which he ought rightly to pay himself. When a competent court, not biased by local influences and controlled by the views of a rabid prosecuting officer, decides that the defendant is lawfully required to pay the enormous forfeit money inscribed on the bond, we are as certain as we can be of anything beneath the sun that it will be on hand, and the bondsmen will not have to furnish it out of their own pockets either.

But first, for principle’s sake, for the good of the Territory, for the sake of the defendant whose money will be really at stake, let the question of the imposition of this extortionate bond, the like of which was never known in any age or either hemisphere, be lawfully decided after a full and impartial hearing. This is a matter of more than passing importance.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

Mar. 19/8618

Mr. Dickson was asked yesterday by a reporter whether any further reward would be offered for the apprehension of George Q. Cannon. “Not that I am aware of,” he said. “Forty-five thousand dollars is about as much as I consider him worth.”

[End of newspaper article]

20 March 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, March 20/86.

It was decided to allow Bro. F. S. Richards $50000/ towards defraying expences incurred by him going to Washington during the past year; also to send <Bro.> Jos. A. West to Washington to represent and defend the action of the Legislative Assembly and to assist as well as he could in defeating the schemes of our enemies who had sent C. C. Goodwin, Editor of the Tribune, and R. N. Baskin Attorney, down to Washington to work for them. Bro. F. S. Richards communicated a proposition made by Bro. F. Little, respecting the bond which he and Bro. Sharp had signed. He wished, before consenting to make a fight in the Courts, to have twenty five thousand dollars deposited, with interest, and money to cover legal expences for him and Bro. Sharp to draw, whenever the suit <shall> be decided <against them.> In reply to this President Taylor dictated the following answer, which Bro. Nuttall signed and sent to Br. F. S. Richards.

“The proposition respecting the putting of the twenty five thousand dollars in the Deseret National Bank is not viewed with favor, because it shows a lack of confidence, after the assurances which have been given. It was never intended that they should bear this, but it was expected they would not as Latterday Saints throw away an opportunity of helping to defend the rights of the people. My brother Angus sent to President Taylor a copy of a letter which he addressed to Bros Sharp and Little. As they may be of interest some time in the future, I insert a copy of his letter and their answer. Messrs John Sharp and Feramorz Little, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 20/86.

My dear Brethren: I am just informed it is your intention to pay the bond, you so kindly gave in my brother George Q. Cannon’s case, with out contesting it. I beg of you, my brethren, that you will not do this, as it will defeat our object as a people, wherein we desire to test this question of excessive bail and etc. etc. and you will throw money into their hands to further persecute him and his brethren. I know paying this money will give you fairer standing with them,—but is it right to pay money that my brother, in the long run, will have to refund you, while you cut him off from all redress, while laying under so terrible a grievance?

I appeal again to you, my brethren, to reflect before you take a step so important to him and to the people.

I am your brother in the New and everlasting Covenant

Angus M. Cannon.

Salt Lake City, U.T. March 20/86.

A. M. Cannon, Esqu

Dear Brother: Your favor of even date herewith received and contents noted. In reply have to say that in the matter of the payment of the Bail given in the case of Brother George Q. Cannon, our attorneys inform us that we have no legal grounds to stand upon in Court when the Bail is legally due. We have ascertained that our right to refuse payment in the premises extends to the opening of Court for the next term which will be on Monday the 12 day of April next — at which time we have agreed to pay the Bail, as we can find no honorable way, for ourselves or the people, to further refuse to meet our obligations.

Your Brethren in the covenant of Peace

Sharp and Little

[Approx. 5 pasted-over and thus illegible words] Angus’s letter, it was a manly appeal, to which I think, they should have listened. Br. S. F. Richards wrote a letter to us in which he expressed his great surprise and disappointment at the course of these brethren; In conversation with them yesterday he said they led him to believe that they would make a fight, but to day they had changed.

[Newspaper article]


March 20/8619

The Latter-day Saints who realize the peculiar circumstances of President George Q. Cannon’s case, the dangers that beset him, the threats uttered against him, the determination to render him useless for life to the Church and people which recognize him as a leading spirit, will rejoice, in their Sunday reflections, that he is not in the grasp of his relentless enemies. Weak-kneed and spineless “Mormons” who have become purblind from looking through or into “Gentile” glasses, will fear the consequences and fail to discern any difference between his case and that of others. We are sorry for their condition.

Let any man or woman of faith inquire of the Lord as to the right and prudence of the courage taken, and we have no fears for the answer. The spirit of truth and peace will testify of the right to every honest Saint’s heart, and light from above is not to be compared with speculations from beneath. And in the matter of the payment of the bonds as well as of the surrender of the defendant to the mercy of his implacable and deadly foes, what the enemy wants, in both instances, ought to be plain indications of the policy to be pursued. Just what they so strongly desire is what President Cannon and his true friends will not aid in effecting. In times like these, small things show where each professing Latter-day Saint stands before heaven and in the light of the Lord.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]



Salt Lake City,

March 20, 1886.

Editor Deseret News:

Much has been said and written the last two or three days in relation to President Geo. Q. Cannon not responding to the bond given for his appearance in court on the 17th inst. To my mind this is not extraordinary when we take into consideration the axiom that “self-preservation is the first law of nature,” and those who have been most rabid in their denunciation of him for not appearing, were the first to doubt that he would, thereby showing most conclusively and giving him the benefit of their ideas in advance that if they were in his place they would not place themselves in jeopardy under the circumstances that seem to control. The District Attorney, in the remarks which his organ said he made, showed his venom towards the man in part only. To a person who has observed the motives and actions of Dickson, Zane & Co., in their endeavor to get hold of him—the reward offered, the extra precaution taken in securing the arrest in a neighboring State after the Judas had earned his 30 or more pieces of silver, the military display, the seventeen times greater sum required for bail from him than from any other person for the same offense, and the still further demand of the usual bond, THIRTEEN times multiplied on two more trumped-up charges for similar offenses, together with the extra heavy bonds of the witnesses, the full import of their animus is apparent. These facts would seem to indicate that his persecutors were not acquainted with the fact that the law knows no distinction between citizens, but that all are guaranteed alike a fair trial before a fair judge and jury, and would not justify them in following the bent of their prejudice against him and forcing him to trial under such circumstances that accusation would be tantamount to conviction.

I am much pleased that he has taken the course he has, and I hope that a fair, square fight will be made against the collecting of such excessive bonds, that every feature and point that can be legally raised will be, and that it be carried up to the court of last resort and make them face squarely every issue raised.

I am inclined to the belief that the arrest, in the first place, was illegal, and that every proceeding had since has been void. In this connection I will state that a complaint should be sworn to in due form, charging Marshal Ireland, E. H. Murray and the officer of the post (who ordered the portion of the U. S. army to go to Promontory as a posse) with a violation of the statutes of the United States, demanding that warrants be issued for their arrest, and asking that the Judge of this District instruct the grand jury to summon the witnesses; and if they find that the statutes have been violated, to promptly indict the guilty parties. If all this is refused (which no doubt it will be), let the facts be certified to and sent up to the President of the United States, and let us see if any one else in the Territory of Utah except the “Mormons” are to account for their misdeeds.

By the bye, what has become of the virtuous Yearian, and his case in the Territorial Supreme Court? Yearian, where art thou? Let his champion “Boreman” answer to

Justice Unsatisfied.

[End of newspaper article]

21 March 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, March 21/86.

We held Sacrament and Testimony meeting at half past two oClock at which Bro. White and three sons John H, William and David[,] Bros Wilcken, Nuttall, Bateman and Barrell and President Taylor and myself spoke, also Sister White. The meeting was pleasant and interesting. In the evening President Taylor gave to the assembled family of Bro. White and to us, his companions, a recital of the massacre of Joseph and Hyrum in Carthage Jail and the events which preceded that horrid affair, to which all listened with rapt attention.

[Newspaper article]

March 21/8620

Messrs. John Sharp and Feramorz Little yesterday, through their attorney, notified Judge Zane that the $25,000 bonds signed by them guaranteeing the presence of George Q. Cannon in court on Wednesday last, and which were forfeited by reason of the non-appearance of the gentleman, would be paid over to the proper officer at the beginning of the April term of the court. This, of course, is in accordance with the statements of the gentlemen recently published in The Herald, that they did not propose to fight the matter.

[End of newspaper article]

22 March 1886 • Monday

Monday, March 22/86

I listened to and dictated correspondence to day. Also my personal Journal to Br. Wilcken. The weather is beautiful. We decided to send twenty five hundred dollars to Hon. John T. Caine at Washington to expend in getting our side of the case before the public through the public Journals. Our enemies are making herculean efforts to get the Territory into their power through hostile Legislation by Congress. They <have> send sent delegations of men and women to Washington to push this Legislation through and to urge the retention of Murray as Governor.

[Newspaper article]

Prest. Cannon’s Bonds.—President Cannon’s attorneys were notified this morning that their client would be wanted in court to-morrow morning, to plead to additional indictments found against him. It is safe to say he will not be there, and that the additional $20,000 will be declared forfeited. [Handwritten:] March 22/86

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]


And Hypocritical Praise of the Deposed Governor.

The “Liberal” Demagogues of this City Hold an Adulation Meeting, at which they Laud Murray to the Skies and Berate and Abuse the “Mormons.”

March 22/8621

The Opera House was crowded last evening on the occasion of the meeting called to approve the course of Governor Murray, and to bedaub with fulsome praise the gubernatorial nullifier and obstructionist. The “Liberals” were out in full force, a large number of ladies were present, and a very considerable proportion of the audience was composed of those who disapproved of the Governor’s course, but attended out of curiosity. On the stage were the Fort Douglas band (who during the evening discoursed some fine music), Judge Zane, C. W. Bennett, W. F. James, W. S. Godbe, Arthur Pratt, H. W. Lawrence, C. S. Varian, Marshal Ireland, Isadore Morris, W. M. Ferry, Ransford Smith, W. P. Noble, C. P. Mason, Rev. Mr. Jackson, Rev. T. C. Iliff, and a few others.

H. W. Lawrence called the meeting to order and nominated Ransford Smith for chairman. He was elected, their being a few negative votes.

R. Smith took the chair, and in a rasping voice said he would not have the meeting unanimous, and asked for a secretary. Adam Patterson was chosen.

The chairman then stated that the object of the meeting was to honor the Governor who had served so faithfully during the last six years, and especially during the last 90 days. Those present had assembled without reference to past party affiliations, but as Gentiles, to express their approval of the course of the Governor, who had struck the first effective blow at the “Mormons,” and while he bade adieu to the office he had held, those present would move forward where he had led. The speaker then asked for a committee of five on resolutions.

At this request an echo came from W. F. James that the chair appoint the committee to carry in the cut and dried resolutions, and the following were named. H. W. Lawrence, W. M. Ferry, J. M. Goodwin, C. S. Varian and W. S. Godbe. The committee quickly hied themselves outside, and after they had gone the chairman, in an absent-minded way, gave them permission to retire.

Judge C. W. Bennett was the first speaker. He made a short speech, declaring that American government was at a discount in Utah, and maligning the majority by charging that they were not loyal to their country. He eulogized Governor Murray, and strongly approved of sending R. N. Baskin to Washington to secure further adverse legislation against the “Mormon” people.

After music by the band, the apostate H. W. Lawrence read the following resolutions:

Whereas, The following letter of resignation of Governor Eli H. Murray has been forwarded to His Excellency, the President of the United States, namely:

“Territory of Utah, Executive Office,

March 17, 1886.

To the President:

“I hereby tender my resignation of the office of Governor of the Territory of Utah, to take effect upon the appointment of my successor. In common with every citizen who is in sympathy with the Constitution and the enforcement of the laws in Utah, I am thankful for your utterances in support of them, and am not unmindful of the consideration implied by my retention in office since the incoming of your administration, at which time I placed my resignation at your disposal. I had heretofore placed my resignation in the hands of Hon. R. N. Baskin, who was elected to represent the non-Mormons of Utah, and who will place this in your hands. With the earnest hope that you will give to us a Governor who will see that the laws are in good faith executed and do his utmost to secure, and to further extend good government in Utah, in the establishment of which I have given over six years of faithful service.

“I have the honor to be,

Most respectfully,

Eli H. Murray.”

And Whereas, The course of Eli H. Murray has been such as to earn for him the emphatic approval of all loyal people; therefore be it

Resolved, by this mass meeting of loyal citizens of Utah, irrespective of party, that we tender to Governor Murray our best wishes for his future welfare and success, and express our hearty approval of his official course in Utah, and his patriotic endeavors to enforce the laws of our country, and to establish good government, and to ameliorate the unhappy condition of our Territory.

Resolved, further, That we approve the action of a meeting of citizens held at the Walker House, Salt Lake City, on the 15th day of March, 1886, in appointing the Hon. R. N. Baskin as the representative of the non Mormons of Utah, to proceed to Washington and use his influence in procuring from Congress further needed legislation.

Resolved, That in President Cleveland we recognize a faithful and conscientious public servant, whose fidelity to duty has given him the respect and esteem of citizens generally without respect to party affiliations; and we confidently rely upon his wise patriotism and patriotic judgment to lift and lead struggling Utah into unity with the Republic.

The chairman then commenced to speak, but his attention was called by W. M. Ferry, who, after a whispered consultation with the chairman, proceeded to address the audience. He first referred to a St. Patrick’s Day parade had in Pittsburg, then turned to his acquaintance with the Governor before the latter came to Utah. In a long and rambling speech (of which the audience were tired, many remarking that his struggle for the Marshalship was having a bad effect on him) he endeavored to explain that the President had cogent reasons for removing Murray, and asked, “What are you going to do about it?” Nobody seemed to have an answer, and the speaker advanced the proposition that the expressed will of the President was the end of all controversy. He bedaubed the Governor over for his “heroic” conduct, and offered a sop to President Cleveland, to the effect that he who had gone through “the turmoil of of Buffalo, and the agony and iniquity of New York,” would not be stalled by the situation in Utah. He declared that the Governor’s successor would be his equal in “courage,” and exclaimed that “at Fort Douglas the martial law lies slumbering for any emergency!” He thought there was just as good men in one party as in another.

Rev. T. C. Iliff, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who arrived last evening from Idaho, was next called, and made the only fair and sensible speech of the evening, and paid little attention to the “object” of the meeting. He felt that his presence there had no political significance, but he was acting in his capacity of an American citizen. He had joined the army in defense of the flag, which he loved. He also had a profound interest in the welfare of the majority in Utah, and had always received kind treatment at their hands.

Chief Justice Zane, who was sent to Utah to administer justice to the people, gave vent to his bitter feelings in the following manner, which it will be well for all American citizens who differ form [from] the Judge’s religious views to note, as an example of the “justice” they may expect from one who exhibits such venom and has such a reckless disregard for truth:

The enthusiasm on this occasion far surpasses and the music far excels that to which I have been accustomed in the Third District Court. According to the civil service rules of the government existing in this country, a Federal officer, I believe, has no right to say, or even to do anything. I refer to the government known as the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. I call it a government because it assumes to discharge the functions of a government. There is a republic on this continent, and we say that it expresses the sentiments, moral convictions and will of more than fifty millions of people. In obedience to the will of the people a law has been passed by their servants and agents declaring that polygamy is wrong. But this church government says it is right, and says that its followers, or a portion of them, must practice it. When we tell them that the laws of the United States against it emanate from the sovereignty of a free people, they say that their law was communicated years ago to Joseph Smith. And when we tell them that Joseph Smith cannot prove that that law was communicated to him, and that it looks a little strange that the Infinite Author of all things, after remaining silent 1800 years, should communicate to one man that polygamy is right, and that it must be practiced, and when we tell them that it looks to us ABSURD THAT THAT INFINITE SOURCE of all should communicate in this way anything that the great mass of humanity would not believe in, they say that it was communicated to Joseph Smith, and that all must believe it, particularly the women, whether they can or not, or they must be damned forever. Fellow-citizens! We have assembled this evening to honor and approve the conduct of a wise, a brave, and a patriotic man. We have met to approve the acts of a man who came to this Territory with a conscience and a courage that had been BAPTIZED IN THE BLOOD of the late war. A man who has shown the courage of his convictions at every step since he appeared in this Territory. A man who does’t carry his conscience in his pocket—for I tell you that is a poor place for officers or statesmen to carry their consciences. It leads them into crooked and devious paths and makes them turn sharp corners. The man to whom Colonel Ferry has referred in such glowing terms, though at the noonday of life and looking toward the setting sun, if his official life should close to-day, has done more than the great mass of men who have filled public office during a long lifetime. But few men have accomplished so much at the end of three score years. When the late war broke out, and a portion of the American people determined to lay the foundation of a Confederacy upon the corner stone of human slavery, this brave man was in a State which belonged to that section, where the influential and leading men who surrounded him went with their section. But the beardless boy, who loved the society in which he lived, who loved his friends—for he is a man with a big heart, as you all know. But he said I must go with the Constitution and laws of my country. I must stand by the principles announced in the Declaratien of Independence, all men are created equal; ALL GOVERNMENTS DERIVE THEIR JUST POWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. He unsheathed his sword and went forth to battle, while the enemies of free government all over the world, predicted that the government was drooping to a fatal decay, that it was going to pieces upon the rock of disunion. But he endured the danger and hardships of the war for his country, and saw the flag come forth victorious and triumphant. When he came to this Territory he found the government to which I have referred assuming that everything must be done according to counsel. He failed to take it. He had too much respect for the law of his country. He had too much respect for that great institution, the INSTITUTION OF MONOGAMIC MARRIAGE, and the family that grows out of it, upon which the welfare, the happiness and the progress of humanity rest. He found in this country a law stating that no polygamist could hold any office; he found a man representing this Territory in Congress that everybody knew had four or five wives, and who was elected according to counsel; the Governor said he was not elected, and he has stuck to it ever since. (As a sample of the “truthfulness” of this, it will do to state that no law disfranchising polygamists had then been enacted.) And this vast audience is here to-night doing honor to him, while the man with whom he had the controversy is a fugitive from justice, an exile (as I presume) in a foreign land. And the great Seer and Revelator, who has the ear of the Infinite God, is somewhere—if God made him, he probably knows—and I presume he did, for he has all the appearances of a human being. And all this for what? Simply because they will not say they will obey the laws of their country. They admit they willfully violate them, and say they will not obey them in the future. If they would come forward, and PROMISE TO OBEY THE LAWS in good faith, and advise their followers to do it, that would be the end of it.

The gentleman who preceded me suggested the thought that whoever may follow Governor Murray will find the impress of a brave man who has gone before him. He came here when there were some good, brave men, but when most of them were afraid to speak, without counsel. They were blowing hot and cold. They had their consciences in their pockets, and were endeavoring to sail between wind and water. He tenders back his commission to the president of the United States, with the office which he has never disgraced or dishonored. He tenders it back to be sure, with LESS MONEY IN HIS POCKET than he had when he came here; but he has the richest of all consolations, the conviction that he acted in obedience to the dictates of right. The approval of a man’s own conscience is the richest of all earthly rewards, and he accomplishes more by even laying down his life for a sound principle than he who skulks through a lifetime trying to avoid responsibility. As I said before, Governor Murray has left his impress upon this country and its institutions, and has begun a work which somebody else will complete. And the day is coming when the world will see beneath our banner a united, a free, a liberty-loving and a law abiding people, even in Utah. And this man has accomplished that which cannot be compared to brass or marble, for rust may destroy the one and Time may crumble the other, but the man who has given to his country an honest, a patriotic and brave life, must live forever in the hearts of his countrymen.

The next speaker was Rev. Mr. Jackson, of Fort Douglas, whose wild, fanatical harangue was so full of the bitterness of an un-Christian spirit as to cause doubt the Mr. Jackson could ever have had the effrontery to pose as a disciple of Christianity. He related a silly story about being taken for a U. S. Marshal, and expressed his opinion that the present occasion was not Gov. Murray’s funeral (and indeed we should be sorry if it was), but his apotheosis. While engaged in inappropriate gestures and wild antics, he exclaimed “The spirit of prophecy is upon me!” and predicted the movement against the “Mormons” would be onward, “for” he said, “the President has said that Mormonism must be repressed.” He thought the President would send some one to outdo Murray, and “prophesied” that a monument would in future be built from the granite hills, and on it would stand the colossal figure of Governor Murray, carved by a Dallin, or some other child of genius, when Utah would be emancipated from polygamy and church domination.

Several dispatches were read endorsing the Governor; also the resolutions passes in Ogden, a number of whose citizens came to the meeting last night. The resolutions reported by the “committee” were again read and put to vote, the chairman not venturing to ask for the negatives, and declaring them passed unanimously.

H. W. Lawrence concluded by making a few wishy-washy remarks about the Governor’s excellent conduct, and reminding the audience that he was poor in this world’s goods, (perhaps with a view to getting up a purse).

The meeting then adjourned, and an invitation was given to those present to visit the Governor’s residence, which many availed themselves of, and where a general scene of jubilation ensued. Here again some speech-making was indulged in, and District Attorney Dickson, gave vent to some nasty flings at the “Mormons,” especially President Cannon, and gave Governor Murray credit for the success of the anti-“Mormon” crusade. This, however, was more than the Governor could stand; he had not been at the outpouring at the Opera House, and had thereby escaped the suffering, and when it came to begrime him, as Mr. Dickson was doing, he objected, and shifted the responsibility on Messrs. Zane, Dickson and Ireland, and shortly afterwards the proceedings came to a close.

Grand Jury.—The following names were drawn from the jury box to serve as grand jurors for the April term. This exhausted the list in the box. The venire is made returnable Monday, April 12th:

134 George A. Remington,

169 Wm. Marihugh,

136 Robert Skelton,

180 Nephi Sargent,

184 Wm. Crook,

192 A. E. Keeler,

168 James Fowler,

141 James McKnight,

144 Joseph Tanner,

117 J. D. Gilliland,

183 Oliver C. Lockhart,

135 Geo. W. Carter,

188 Ralph Maxwell,

172 E. H. Read,

125 James G. Thompson,

127 George Denton,

182 Wm. Boyer,

115 Richard Gundry,

176 Edmund Eldredge,

178 Robert McMichael,

138 Abraham Fawson,

137 John B. Robertson,

159 Otis L. Brown,

140 Wm. McIntosh,

174 E. H. Allison,

146 Andrew Forsyth,

121 Isaac Elkington,

90 Peter LeCheminant,

119 S. P. Laseeter,

161 F. W. Hayt,

142 John Eckert,

189 Isaac Post.

[End of newspaper article]

23 March 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 23/86

Listened to and answered correspondence as usual. Articles of association of the St. George Temple sent out by Bro. Isaac Waddell for President Taylor and myself to sign. As I wish the impression to prevail that I am not here I got Bro. L. J. Nuttall to sign my name for me. Bro. Joseph A West and Doctor Ellen B. Ferguson started for Washington to day. One to represent the Legislative Assembly and to be the bearer of its memorial to Congress and the other as a bearer of a memorial of the Ladies in mass meeting assembled. I received a very delightful letter from my wife Martha, expressive of her gratitude at finding that I did not appear in Court on the seventheenth. The spirit our enemies manifested in the Court on that occasion was such that she was exceedingly thankful I was not in their power, and she prayed that I might be able to keep out of their hands. I received a conforting [comforting] letter also from Wahine hou <Caroline>, also a letter from my wife Sarah Jane, in which she asked my counsel about our son Hugh going out to Blue-Creek, where Br. Faust has a ranch, to stay until June next. As I did not wish my family to know where I am, so that if they should be dragged before the Court and be interrogated respecting me they will have nothing to conceal, I answered her letter through Bro. Wilcken. My experience in the case of our son Franklin, in permitting him to go away in his youth from home influences, has made me determined that if I could possibly prevent it, I would not permit any more of my children to go away in their youth. I had Br Wilcken say to her that she could call upon my son John Q and he would arrange for Hugh to go to the Brigham Young Academy in Provo, the influence of which is the best, next to home influence, of any place I know.

24 March 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 24/86

Listened to and answered correspondence as usual. Bp. John Q sent out to President Taylor a memorial to Congress which had been prepared by a Committee of the Legislative Assembly for our examination and approval. It was a good document and we wrote to him we thought it would answer admirably. We suggested a paragraph be added, giving notice that Hon. Joseph A. West had been selected as the bearer of the Memorial to Washington. A long and interesting letter was received from President Joseph F. Smith. As Bro. F. S. Richards will shortly leave for Washington to attend to a case of Salt Lake City before the United States Supreme Court and to the Appeal case of Bro. Lorenzo Snow, it was thought to be fair for the City and Church to devide the expense—the City to pay his fare down and his expences until he finished the <its> business, and for the Church to pay his expenses from that time and his return fare. A letter was sent to him enclosing an order for his return fare and two hundred dollars for expenses. Bro. Tho. E. Taylor, son of President Taylor, and a second cousin of mine, was arrested to day for unlawful cohabitation.

[Newspaper article]


Herald Mar 24/8622

It is pretty generally understood that one chief reason why George Q. Cannon forfeited his bonds by failing to appear in court on the 17th instant, was the consciousness that he would not be given a fair trial. If there were ever any doubt as to the justification for such belief, the meeting on Monday evening dispelled it. The Chief Justice, before whom the defendant would have to appear for trial, went upon the platform and, with venom and bitterness of heart expressed in every word, denounced Mr. Cannon in the most scandalous manner. Were Mr. Cannon to be caught to-day, he would be forced to trial before Judge Zane, who has already declared the accused guilty. The Judge did not stop at the offense charged against the defendant and for which he is under indictment, but vulgarly and cowardly assailed him as to other matters. After that speech would Zane pretend to say that he could give Mr. Cannon a fair trial? Is there a man who has heard or read the incendiary address who believes that Zane would permit Mr. Cannon to enjoy the rights before the law which every person accused of crime is presumed to have? Men go into the jury box and swear that they will find a verdict in accordance with the evidence, but if they are members of the Mormon church, even though they declare a dislyke for polygamy, Zane will not permit them to serve as jurors in a case where the defendant is a Mormon accused of polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, holding that they must necessarily be biased, therefore are not competent to sit as jurors. The Judge himself, however, goes into a public hall and in the presence of hundreds of men and women declares his prejudice against a man on whom he hopes and expects to sit in judgment.

Mr. Cannon’s friends should certainly see that the President and Attorney-General get and read Zane’s venomous address. It would do more than anything else to enlighten those officials as to the character of the man who stands at the head of the vindictive gang that is raiding the Mormons; from its perusal the administration would be able to say whether or not the Mormons’ claim that they are not treated fairly in court, and can not obtain justice or their rights in the courts is well-founded. As to Mr. Cannon personally, the speech of Zane comes nearer to furnishing a complete vindication of the accused for forfeiting his bond than anything which has hitherto been said.

[End of newspaper article]

25 March 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, March 25/86

Listened to and answered correspondence as usual. My son John Q. informs me that my brother David H. Cannon is in town.

[Newspaper article]


March 25/8623

That a fair trial to a “Mormon” accused of infraction of the Edmunds law is impossible in Utah, has been demonstrated many times. It received another illustration in the intemperate, sneering, anti-“Mormon” harangue made by Judge Zane at the Murrayite meeting to berate the Administration last Monday evening. It was so mean, vindictive and personal and so indecorous in a judicial officer, that even avowed opponents of the “Mormon” system express their disgust or their disapproval of the Chief Justice’s tirade. If the apologists for Judge Zane cannot see the impropriety of his attack upon the faith conduct and leaders of a people on so many of whose cases he daily sits in judgment, and the wrong of pronouncing men criminals before trial, whose cases are pending in his court, we pity their obtuseness and concede that it is useless to talk to them about good taste or common decency.

Such exhibitions of spleen and personal animosity as those given by Judge Zane should be enough to act as hints to the objects of his hatred—to avoid coming to trial in his court, by all possible means. His indecent gloating over the supposed condition of President George Q. Cannon, who is under indictment in his court, would be of itself a sufficient justification for the defendant’s determination to remain absent. Who that is sensible to “the first law of nature” would wish to stand a trial before a Judge that openly declares his prejudice and prejudgment?

A fair trial in the Utah courts is not possible to a “Mormon,” because the juries which are selected for the purpose are chosen from the enemies of the accused. An impartial jury, under present arrangements, is an impossibility. The issues that have been raised are of such a nature and intensity that most of the non-“Mormons,” from which class juries are picked, are strong partisans. They are as eager to convict as the prosecuting officers, and they display an animus against all “Mormon” defendants that is truly fiendish. And then the Judges are inspired with the same spirit, exposing their vindictiveness in charges to juries, in savage and polemical attacks when passing sentence, and in rude and vulgar harangues in public assemblies. Under such circumstances what chance is there for justice? Nay, put justice aside, what hope can there be for an impartial administration of the law?

The regime of Judge Zane is a repetition of the persecuting sway of the bigoted McKean, only the latter was an intolerant sectarian, while the former affects the role of the carping cynic and the jeering infidel. The acts and speeches of the departed jurist are now but a bitter memory, dimming the fame of one who would but for that have found an honored sepulcher. The doings and sayings of the present bench-preacher and stump-declaimer are destined to the same fate. In but a little while they will sink into oblivion. And the people whom he insults will, in peace and serenity, yet look back on his vituperative and oppressive career as upon an unpleasant dream, when he has found his level among his own kind of rabid and malignant spirits. While the men whom he reviles will be honored by the good, and the principles he ignorantly assails and ridicules will spread throughout the world and give joy to millions of intelligent souls, delighting in the truths and liberties which he now thinks to trample under foot.

The firm execution of wholesome law is an honor to the officer who thus discharges a sworn duty. All worthy citizens should respect the man who so comports himself, even though his just course may work hardship to them. But when spleen, ribaldry, anger, prejudgment, merciless vengeance and gibing malice are openly exhibited in the pretended administration of justice, disgust drives out all respect and resistance takes the place of submission.

We regard the law itself, which it seems it is the special object of the Utah courts to execute, as an unworthy enactment, forced from the legislative power by sectarian and mob influence. Its administration we look upon as unspeakably despicable, and an eternal disgrace to those who make it the vehicle for the gratification of personal spite and credal animosity. We think those are wise, who, picked out for vengeance, evade pursuit and wait for a fair adjudication. And the more we think of the case of the gentleman who has avoided trial at the loss of his bond-money, the more it appears to be fully justified by the circumstances, and by the plain indications that he would have been at the mercy of a prejudiced and venomous judge as well as a packed and partial jury.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]


March 25/8624

When Rudger Clawson, convicted on the charge of violating the Edmunds law by marrying a wife, had been granted an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States he was denied the privilege of giving bail, though securities for any amount could have been furnished, and sent to the Penitentiary pending the final adjudication of his case.

When President Angus M. Cannon, convicted of a simple misdemeanor in taking his meals with his wives and children contrary to Judge Zane’s strained rendering of the Edmunds law, appealed from the decision of the Third District Court to that of the Supreme Court of the Territory, his offer of ample bail was refused and he, too, was cruelly sent to the Penitentiary.

When President George Q. Cannon was arrested on the charge of unlawfully cohabiting with his wives—nothing more than a simple misdemeanor at worst—and brought back from Nevada to this city maimed and sick, bail amounting to $45,000 was demanded for his appearance for trial.

But when the grand jury of the First District Court found an indictment against Reuben A. McBride, charging him with murder in the first degree, Judge Powers admitted him to bail in the sum of $10,000.

The inconsistency of such judicial doings must be apparent to even the most obtuse minds. Possibly the leniency of Judge Powers in the last mentioned case is not misplaced, as it may not result in defeating justice or endangering the lives of others, though it would not be a safe course to adopt as rule; but we are very sure that the harshness and partisan vindictiveness exhibited in the former cases were wrong, and Judge Zane’s injustice becomes all the more apparent by comparison with the act of the Associate Justice in the McBride matter.

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

A Murderer Admitted to Bail.

Rueben A. McBride, who killed Oliver Speed a few days ago, has been indicted for murder in the first degree, and was yesterday admitted to bail by Judge Powers, at Provo, in the sum of $10,000.

March 25/8625

[End of newspaper article]

26 March 1886 • Friday

Friday, March 26/86

Attended to the usual business. Dictated my Journal to Bro. Wilcken. A few days ago I dictated to Bro. Nuttall for the Office Journal a comprehensive statement of the steps which had been taken by President Taylor as Trustee in Trust for the sale of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of Z. C. M. I. Stock owned by the Church. This afternoon and evening the weather is very stormy.

27 March 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, March 27/86

Attended to usual business of listening to and dictating answers to letters.

28 March 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, March 28/86.

It struk me in the night, that as my son John Q. needed a short hand reporter to whom he could dictate correspondence, he having so much to do in consequence of the absence of Bishops Preston and Burton, that he might employ my son Hugh without danger of his being discovered. Hugh is just learning short hand and his progress is spoken favorably of by Bro. A. Winters, who is teaching him. I said to John in a letter this morning, that if the suggestion struk him favorably, he could take Hugh and not pay him anything until he found him of such service, that he could afford to give him moderate compensation. If he should get compensation I said I meant it to be moderate, as I am in favor of boys receiving small wages and learning to economize. We had meeting as usual to day and partook of the sacrament. Bro. Nuttall took charge. Bros. Nuttall, White, his sons John Henry and David, Bros. Wilcken, Bateman and Barrell spoke, as also myself and President Taylor. Sister White and children were present. The meeting was quite an interesting one. In the evening accompanied by Bro. Samuel Bateman I was taken in a buggy to my niece Olive’s where I meet my wife Emily and remained until four oClock in the morning when Bro. Bateman called for me again and I walked back to our place of abode. No one at Olive’s knew that I was there but Emily herself.

29 March 1886 • Monday

Monday, March 29/86

Listened to correspondence and answering the same which kept us well occupied. President Taylor and myself had a meeting in the evening with Bro. J. Jack at Br. Alf Solomon’s for the purpose of conversing upon financial affairs and other business connected with the approaching Conference.

[Newspaper article]

The Defunct Grand Jury.—Following is a list of the names of the grand jury for the February term of the Third District Court, who were discharged to-day: [handwritten:] April 10/86 M. H. Walker, foreman, vice-president Union National Bank, and of Walker Brothers Company, Salt Lake City.

C. L. Haines, of Gilmer, Salisbury & Co., Salt Lake City.

C. H. Parsons, of C. H. Parsons & Co., booksellers, Salt Lake City.

E. B. Wilder, mining engineer and U. S. deputy surveyor, Salt Lake City.

A. J. Gunnell, agent Union Pacific Ry. coal department, Salt Lake City.

Simon Woolf, of J. C. Malsh & Co., Salt Lake City.

Milt. Barratt of Barratt Brothers, furniture dealers, Salt Lake City.

F. M. Bishop, assayer, Salt Lake City.

E. W. Ruff, book-keeper, with Geo. A. Lowe, Salt Lake City.

Joseph Simon, of Simon Brothers, millinery goods, Salt Lake City.

A. R. Carter, Salt Lake City

Wm. Terhune, Salt Lake City.

R. D. McDonald, Salt Lake City.

John S. Barnes, capitalist, Salt Lake City.

Joseph Foreman, Salt Lake City.

[End of newspaper article]

30 March 1886 • Tuesday

[Newspaper article]


March 30/8626

The name of Cannon seems to act on the court officials here as a red flag on a mad bull. Any one who bears that name had better beware, or he may be pounced upon at any moment unawares. We are not sure that this may not incidentally apply to every person by the name of Gunn, which may be hastily taken for some connection of the hated cognomen.

Mr. George M. Cannon, the County Recorder, is the latest victim to this insane rage. It appears he has held a brief conversation with a man drawn as a juror, but not yet chosen to sit upon the case on which comment is said to have been made. When this fact was learned in court, Mr. Cannon was at once arrested and held in his own recognizance to show why he should not be committed for contempt. Another juror acknowledged to having had a conversation with some person in a similar way, but no action was taken on that. It was not “a party by the name of Cannon,” so it did not matter so much. Probably it was not a “Mormon,” so it did not signify at all.

Mr. Cannon is a quiet, gentlemanly young man whom no one would accuse of lawlessness. He cannot be assailed for polygamy, so this shallow pretext is taken advantage of to bring him within the lines of the law. Really, is not the Chief Justice descending a little too low in this absurd irritation at a name, and this extreme vindictiveness against a family?

[End of newspaper article]

[Newspaper article]

Bonds Declared Forfeit.—In the third District Court this morning the bailiff shouted thrice, “George Q. Cannon!” and there being no response the name of his bondsmen on two charges of unlawful cohabitation, under the segregation process, were called, but no reply was made, neither Francis Armstrong nor H. S. Eldredge being present. At the request of District Attorney Dickson, the court ordered that the two bonds of $10,000 each be declared forfeit. From what can be learned it is not probably that the bondsmen will pursue the cringing course of hastening to turn over the exorbitant bail, required under the defendant’s protest, without first having the constitutionality of the unreasonable and oppressive demand adjudicated by the proper tribunal.

[End of newspaper article]

[Back end sheet verso]

Temples as places of learning 28, 31,

Temple workers 5

Adoption 5

Tithing 77,

Maori & Hawaiian language similar 105

The flag at half mast 148,

Dedication 159

Plural marriage – 174

Account of attendance at Priesthood meeting in Logan 189,

Sister South — 4527

Tuesday, March 30/85 [86] Letters were received from Bro’s. Ira Hatch, Titjen and Lewis from Ramah, Valentia County, New Mexico, representing the condition of the Indian Mission; we felt that under the circumstances it will be well to send one of the Twelve there to regulate affairs, as it is difficult to have the business property done by letter. We decided to send Bro. Brigham Young, if he could go there in safety, and wrote to him to that effect on the 24th. Listening to and answering letters to day. There was one from Bro. T. W. Brookbank preferring a charge against Bro. John W. Young for refusing to pay him moneys which are due to him. These papers we referred to my brother Angus, President of this stake for the High-Council to consider and take action upon. These papers we referred to my brother Angus, President of this stake for the High-Council to consider and take action upon. My brother David H. Cannon is in town and I made an appointment with him and my brother Angus, to bring a carriage where I could meet them in the evening and we drove out together. I felt that I could not forego the pleasure of seeing David even at a little risk after he had come so far expressly to see me and, while up, to attend Conference. As President Taylor had an interview with my son John Q on some private business which he wished him to attend to, I arranged to have Angus and David meet him at the same time and place—Bro. F. Armstrong’s. They were both very glad to have this privilege, and President Taylor was very glad to meet David. We had about a two hours’ drive together, and I enjoyed it very much. David related to me how peculiarly he was affected before he heard anything about my arrest. He said his feelings were of the most acute character; he could not sleep nor rest. When the news of my arrest came, he then understood why he had felt as he did; but while that news gave him an explanation of the oppression which he had labored under in his feelings, it did not relieve him; he felt worse than ever. His family became alarmed at his condition and begged of him to come to this City. Br. McAllister also spoke to him several times about coming to the City and finally told him, as his President, that he must leave St. George and go to Salt Lake City. He said he was oppressed with the most indescribable dread and the feeling continued with him until, as he approached the City, he heard that I had failed to appear at Court, then all these horrible feelings left him and he felt like skipping and jumping, he rejoiced so much that I was not in the power of my enemies. I requested, through Bro. Nuttall, Bro. George Reynolds to draft out an Epistle for us to the Conference. I had mentioned this to President Taylor and he told me I could do so if I wished in my own name. The Epistle came out and I read it through to day. While there are two or three points in it which we will be able to use, the rest of the Epistle does not suit me.

31 March 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 31/86 This afternoon after attending to correspondence I commenced on the Epistle

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March 1886, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]The following entries for 2 March 1886 and 5 March 1886 come from pages that were pinned together and placed in the next journal.

  2. [2]Handwritten.

  3. [3]Handwritten.

  4. [4]Handwritten.

  5. [5]Handwritten.

  6. [6]Handwritten.

  7. [7]Handwritten.

  8. [8]Handwritten.

  9. [9]Handwritten.

  10. [10]Handwritten.

  11. [11]Handwritten.

  12. [12]Handwritten.

  13. [13]Handwritten.

  14. [14]Handwritten.

  15. [15]Handwritten.

  16. [16]In pencil.

  17. [17]Handwritten.

  18. [18]Handwritten.

  19. [19]Handwritten.

  20. [20]Handwritten.

  21. [21]Handwritten.

  22. [22]Handwritten.

  23. [23]Handwritten.

  24. [24]Handwritten.

  25. [25]Handwritten.

  26. [26]Handwritten.

  27. [27]Printed on inside back cover.