May 1882

1 May 1882 • Monday

Monday, May 1st, 1882. Preparing to go to Philadelphia. At the House. Judge Belford presented my Petition asking for my salary, mileage, &c as a Member. Calkins told me he was in favor of paying me up to the date of the action of the House on my case. I do not want a cent unless the Lord is pleased that it should be paid. They have done us a grievous wrong, and I do not the idea to prevail that it can be condoned with money. Met Gen. Kane at 8 p.m. He had two interviews with Judge Black. The latter’s ideas were crude and he had advanced some reckless views. He wanted a retainer and to be counsel in the cases to be carried up to test the Edmunds’ Bill; Gen. Kane but spoke of not being known in the case. Gen. Kane said he was a strong man and could do considerable good; but not to be concealed. The advantage of his name, “that our counsel, Judge Black advises so and so.” “We are acting in accordance with the suggestions of our Counsel, Judge Black,” &c. I told the General that I would have to consult parties at home before anything could be done in retaining Judge B. as counsel. We had an interview with Judge B. at the Girard House, the General having thought that it would be more non-committal for us to call upon him there than for him to meet us at the General’s house, and having so arranged before I got there. Before we met the Judge, the General outlined the nature of our conversation to be had with him. It was arranged for us to meet again on Tuesday, the 9th inst. I returned to the cars.

2 May 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 2/82. Reached Washington at 6 o’clock a. m. Mr. Landers wrote me as follows: “I saw our friend Wait (Member from Connecticut on Com. on Elections) Friday morning and am more than ever satisfied the vote against your admission was a forced vote — A manufactured home sentiment and party exigencies compelled many to vote against their honest views.” At the House. Busied myself also in procuring vouchers of expenditures to carry on contest for seat. Dictated a long letter to Pres. Taylor, (which see)[.] In the evening Brother Irvine and myself went to see Barnum’s Circus — the performance was fine and the Menagerie interesting. Jumbo, the Elephant just brought over from England, is a monstrous beast, the largest living animal I ever saw.

3 May 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March <May> 3/82. Had a call from Secretary A. L. Thomas of Utah, who left there one week ago yesterday. At the House.

4 May 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, May 4/82. Received a copy of Circular of Instructions written by Pres. Taylor. He had written to me <some time since> that he was preparing this, and if I wished my name to be attached to it to telegraph him, which I did. It was <is> not so clear and well-put a document as he can write. I would like it to be clearer and fuller upon some points than it is, and would have been pleased to have been present at its preparation. Wrote a letter to H. G. Howard, Esq., Detroit, Mich., the author of letters by “Agnostic” in Herald (Salt Lake City) I telegraphed to Pres. Taylor, through L. John Nuttall, “Look Sunday evening’s mail for letter about KaneBlack interview. Important should have dispatch Monday.” The italics I sent in cipher. I also telegraphed Jas. Jack: “Need immediately expense vouchers including full printing and costs hunting contestee.” Dictated letters to my brother Angus, to John Hoagland, Bro. Jas. Jack, Bro. T. G. Webber, to Pres. A. Carrington and Bro. M. McCune.

5 May 1882 • Friday

Friday, May 5/82. Dictated letters to Pres. Jos F. Smith, to Bro’s. Moses Thatcher and John Hy. Smith and Milando Pratt. Received a letter from Bro. Jos. F. Smith, in which he alluded to Pres. Taylor’s feeling that I should remain here for the present. Received a dispatch from Bro. Jas. Jack that the vouchers had been mailed me on Tuesday. At the House.

6 May 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, May 6th, 1882. Busy all day sorting clippings from Congressional Record referring to us and pasting them in scrap book and also other scraps on various subjects of interest. Storming heavily and I did not go out.

7 May 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, May 7th, 1882. Storming till middle of afternoon. After which took walk with Bro. Irvine to Oak Hill Cemetry and through Georgetown. Reading. Had call from Judge Geo. P. Stiles. News of frightful assassination of Lord Fredrick Cavendish, Chief Secretary for Ireland and Mr. Thos H. Burke, Under Secretary, reached the public in this morning papers. It was an unprovoked and horrid attack upon unarmed, and in the case of Cavendish at least, inoffensive men.

8 May 1882 • Monday

Monday, May 8th, 1882. Received a satisfactory and encouraging letter from Pres. John Taylor, in which he expresses himself about my remaining here as follows: “We should be as much pleased to have you here as you would be to come home; but when all things are considered we think it would be best for you to remain in Washington for the present, to watch the movements of the enemies of God’s people and guard as much as possible the rights of the Saints. We are making history, the interests of the work of the Lord are intrusted to our care, and it is our most sacred duty to protect those interests to the best of that ability with which Heaven has endowed us. Whilst these people are operating as they are for our destruction, it needs a constant watch and eternal vigilance, and we know of none more competent than yourself to occupy the position of watchman at the gate of the enemy.” Received a letter from Bro. Jas. Jack; also one from Gen. Kane, in which he suggests that I call upon him at 8 p.m. to-morrow (Tuesday) and we then go together to see Judge Black. President Jos. F. Smith wrote to me suggesting a number of titles for the Book of Covenants in the Sandwich Islands language and asking me to designate which would be the most suitable. The object is to insert extracts from that Book in the catechism translated and about to be published, and it is desirable to get a correct title, so that when the Book should be translated it could be used for it. Received a telegram from President Taylor, per L. John Nuttall, that he would telegraph in the morning at the Girard House, Philadelphia. At the House. Busy pasting in scrap book.

9 May 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 9th, 1882. Received a letter each from my sons John Q. and Abraham, dated Berlin, April 21st. They were both well and doing well. At the House. Prepared a list of contest expenses for the Com. on Elections. At 1.30 p.m. started for Philadelphia. When about 15 miles from Baltimore the train ran off the track. We ran over the sleepers for about 150 or 200 yards, shaking us up at a lively rate, breaking the lamp chimneys and shades and creating consternation among the passengers, especially the ladies. The spreading of the rails was the cause of the accident. The engine ran off and afterwards ran on again; but its tender and all the cars remained off till the train stopped, which the engineer succeeded in effecting after the train had ran about its length. An engine and cars were sent out from Baltimore, and a lot of hands at work near by came with their engine and tools, and by their help our engine, tender and mail car were made all right for the journey; and as the accident occurred at a siding they were joined to the cars sent from Baltimore. I was thankful for the preserving care which we experienced. While running over the ties, the sensations which I had felt in the accident in California came back to me very vividly; but I was not the least excited. This accident detained us, and at Wilmington I telegraphed to Gen. Kane that I would not be able to keep my appointment punctually. Put up at the Girard House. Found telegram from Pres. Taylor (per L. John Nuttall) and was able to decipher all but one sentence. The telegraph people had it repeated from Salt Lake City for me. It rained in torrents when I went to Gen. Kane’s. He had gone to the Girard House to meet Judge Black before receiving my dispatch. When I called at the Judge’s room he came out and took me to one side and showed me what he had penned down, after some conversation with the Judge about pay. He had suggested that he (Judge B.) write me a letter in his own hand-writing stating the terms upon which he would act as counsel for us, the basis of agreement to be that of which they had talked. As it was late, and the General wished to converse with me more fully and we did not think it necessary to have much conversation until we had the Judge’s proposition in writing, we did not stay long as it was Judge Black’s bedtime. It was still raining heavily. I accompanied the General to the street car which carried him to his door.

10 May 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 10th, 1882. This day, 27 years ago, I started with my Elizabeth from Salt Lake City on my mission to California, we having married the preceding 10th of Dec. Sister Emily accompanied us to American Fork. The dispatch from President Taylor is, as follows: “For general principles see Conference discourse. Purpose contesting every inch. Plan not decided. Position must be defensive. Black excellent if can give full attention; otherwise inefficient. He must be known. Monetary matters of some importance. Will write.”

We had appointed another interview for 8 o’clock this evening, it being more convenient for Judge Black, who had cases in court and for Gen. Kane, who had business in New York which he could not neglect. I wrote a long letter to my son, John Q., and sent him copies of the World (New York) which contained very fair letters from its special correspondent (Philip Robinson, Esq.)[.] I called at Gen. Kane’s at ½ past 7; he had returned from New York ill and fatigued and was resting on the bed. We were at Judge Blacks at 8 o’clock and remained there till a few minutes of 11. A full and free conversation occurred in which I was drawn out at some upon various points and expressed myself with some emotion and fullness. Gen. Kane afterwards said I had carried the old gentleman with me, and he himself was so pleased at several points that he could have jumped up and hugged me. I attach herewith a copy of his proposition to me. It was decided we should await my further advices from home, and that I should telegraph Judge Black at his home when ready for another interview. I walked with Gen. Kane to his home. My feelings of gratitude to him are deep. I thank the Lord for raising up and inspiring such a true, undaunted and undeviating Friend to Zion as he has been. He is always ready to do anything and everything in his power for us. In sickness or in health, he is always the same, never appears to think of his own comfort if he can do anything to help us. He says his poor health of late is principally due to his uneasiness of mind concerning us, for he has been aware of how threatening have been our surroundings, and that in action for our relief he feels encouraged and benefitted, and if we can be relieved from peril his health will improve. Mrs. Kane and the children also feel friendly and deeply interested. I started for Washington on the midnight train.

11 May 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, May 11th, 1882. Found Bro. Irvine well. Weather cold and stormy. Do not feel well. Received letters from Jos. A. West, my wife Eliza- beth’s nephew, who has gone to England on a mission, from Bro. Hart who sent me a copy of a speech on the Constitutional and Legal Aspect of the Mormon Question by Jas. W. Stillman in Science Hall, Boston, Mass., April 2nd, 1882; also a letter from Mr. Landers; one from Bro. Le Grand Young; one from my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, and, last but not by far the least in importance and value to me, one from President Taylor. At the House. Wrote a long letter to President Taylor, also to Bro. J. H. Hart.

12 May 1882 • Friday

Friday, May 12/82. Dictated letters to Pres. Jos. F. Smith, Le Grand Young, Bro. Brigham Young, my nephew Geo. M. Cannon, Bro. Jos. E. Mullett, a missionary at Philadelphia. At the House . In the evening Bro. Irvine and I went to see “Our boys” at Ford’s Opera House. The play was a good one, and some of the parts were well played. C. E. Bishop, as the retired butterman, was very good.

13 May 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, May 13/82. Stormy and cold. I have had a fire in my room for comfort to-day, yesterday and Thursday. Dictated letters to my brother Angus, Jas. Jack, Capt. Hooper, Jas. H. Hart, Geo. C. Lambert <and to> President John Taylor, and Sister Emmeline B. Wells about the visit of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Giles to Salt Lake City. At the House. Wrote letter to my wahine hope [last wife]. I said I desired an arrangement like that of the old granary.

14 May 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, May 14th, 1882. Bro. Lewis S. Hills and Saml H. Hill and the latter’s six year old son Archie, arrived here from New York this morning. They are on their return home from New York. Had about an hour’s walk, confined to the hotel the remainder of the day on account of the rain.

15 May 1882 • Monday

Monday, May 15th/82. Received letters from Presidents Taylor, and Woodruff, my wife Sarah Jane, Angus and Hugh, Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester. These last touched me very much, they all spoke so anxiously about my return home and their desire to see me. Accompanied the brethren to various places of interest — the State, War, Navy, <Treasury and> Interior Dept’s, the White House, the Capitol, the Navy Yard and the Corcoran Art Gallery. They left on 7.30 p.m. train. The first fine day for nearly a week. Showery in evening.

16 May 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March May 16/82. Showery this morning. At the Departments and the House.

17 May 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March <May> 17/82. Went in company with Major Maginnis, Delegate from Montana, to call upon Pres. Arthur and present memorial of Legislative Assembly of Utah respecting death of Pres. Garfield to him. He was very courteous, said he had heard often concerning me, expressed pleas- ure at meeting me, &c. In conversation about the Commissioners said he did not intend to select partisans; but was awaiting action by Congress on bill to increase salary before selecting them.

18 May 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, May 18/82. Received a dispatch in cipher this morning from President John Taylor, per Bro. L. John Nuttall: [“]Engage Black; terms approved.” I made immediate preparations to go to Philadelphia and left on the 9.30 a.m. train — limited express — Bro. John Irvine accompanying me to the station. My object was to see Gen. Kane and, if possible, Judge J. S. Black. Gen. Kane was at New York. I put up at the Continental Hotel. At 8 p.m. met the General at his house and talked over the situation fully. It was decided I should see the Judge at whatever point he should designate, and then after a little the General would see him. This was thought to be better for our purpose than seeing him together. I telegraphed that night to Judge Black to learn where I could, most conveniently to him, meet him.

19 May 1882 • Friday

Friday, May 19/82. Judge B. replied to my dispatch that he would like to see me at York to-morrow and to advise him when I would be there. As I desired to take up some papers and pamphlets which I had with me, and it would cost me no more to return to Washington than it would to stay at the hotel in Philadelphia, I took the cars for there at 11.40 a.m. and reached there at 5.40 p.m.

20 May 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, May 20th, 1882. From Philadelphia I had telegraphed Bro. J. H. Hart at New York to know if I could borrow $200 00/100 from him until I could get a remittance from home. He telegraphed me that he would send a certificate of deposit for the amount by mail. I desired to obtain this, so that I could give Judge Black $1,000 towards his fee. I started for York at 9.30 a.m. and reached there at 1.30 p.m. Put up at the Washington House. After dinner a boy came in with a dispatch from Judge Black, whose residence was about two miles from town. He had only just received word from Washington of my having started and had not time to send his carriage, but asked me to take a carriage and come out. I hired a buggy and drove out. He met me at the front of the house and expressed regret that he had not heard sooner when I would be there. The house is a spacious one and stands on an eminence and the grounds surrounding it are beautiful and the view from the front one of the most charming landscapes I ever witnessed. The country is rolling and is covered with verdure and embellished with trees which to my eyes, accustomed to an arid, treeless region, is very grateful. The Judge has 200 acres of land here. He came here to live after being attorney-General of the U. S. under Jas. Buchanan. Though I had eaten lunch at the tavern they insisted on my sitting down to dinner at 4 p.m. with the family — Judge Black, Mrs. Black and daughter, Mrs. Clayton and her two children and two <lady> visitors by the name of Clayton. After dinner the carriage was prepared and the Judge took me around the neighborhood and showed me objects of interest. We called at his son Chauncey’s, but he was not at home. We also drove to York and called at the tavern for my valise — the family pressing me very cordially to remain with them all night and to-morrow till ready to leave.

21 May 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, May 21/82. The Judge had suffered from a head-ache yesterday, which, he said, made him feel dull. He was better this morning. The morning was a glorious one, and I enjoyed it exceedingly. My rest during the night was excellent. The bed-room assigned me was very large, being the whole size of that part or wing of the house and being over the parlor, and was elegantly furnished. I remained until afternoon and had breakfast and lunch and was taken into town in the carriage by Mrs. Black and Mrs. Cooper, who attend classes of poor people for the purpose of instructing them in the mornings and evenings of Sundays. The conversation of the Judge and myself has been very free and unrestrained and I have enjoyed it very much. I was disappointed upon learning that two volumes of our laws, which I had left at the Girard House for him, had not reached him. This prevented him from speaking with the definiteness upon many points that he would have done had he had the opportunity of examining them. But he asked me many questions, and I answered freely and fully and gave him as much information upon every point as I could. The Edmunds Law, he says, is a gross violation of constitutional rights, and he feels hopeful of finding and exposing its defects. He will get out an Opinion for us as soon as he has time after the arrival of the books. He says we must not give our enemies any advantage by conceding anything; but do all we can honorably to baffle them. He thinks that no people in this generation have had the opportunity we now have of exhibiting heroic qualities in our contest for liberty. I told him they would not be found wanting. I paid him $1,000 00/100 and took his receipt as a voucher. I have been treated very kindly by him and his family, and before parting he expressed himself as being highly pleased at my visit. Returned to Washington.

22 May 1882 • Monday

Monday, May 22st<nd>, 1882. At the House. Fillibustering, which commenced on Saturday is still proceeding. Spent the day principally in taking Bro’s. Nephi and W. D. Johnson, Jr., around the White House and Capitol and other points of interest.

23 May 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 22nd 3rd/82. The proprietors of the Girard House, in reply to my letter, advised me they had sent books of Utah laws by express to Judge Black. The Brothers Johnson, Irvine and myself went down the river to Mount Vernon to-day and had a very enjoyable time. A Mr. Adams, editor of the Newcastle (England) Chronicle, an acquaintance of Bro. Irvine, was also at Mount Vernon.

24 May 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 23rd<24th>, 1882. At the House; filibustering still going on. Received a long letter from President Taylor, in which he spoke approvingly of the employment of Judge Black and asking some questions of a legal character for his consideration. Wrote to Bro. Hart, in reply to his intimation that my son Abraham would be on the vessel with the company of Saints expected on Sunday next, and inquired if he knew that Abraham was coming with the company. Wrote to Gen. Kane and Judge Black and expressed to Judge B. a volume of Revised Laws of Utah.

25 May 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, May 25th, 1882. Received dispatch from home that draft had been sent me. (To pay Judge Black his retainer.) Received a letter from Gen. Kane. Dictated letters to Bro’s. Jack, Webber, W. Woodruff, John Hy. Smith, to my nephew Geo. M. Cannon and to Mr. Lum. At the House; fillibustering still continues. Received letter from my nephew, Geo. C. Lambert.

26 May 1882 • Friday

Friday, May 26th, 1882. Dictated “Editorial Thoughts” for Juvenile Instructor. Wrote to Gen. Kane. In reply to my dispatch of this morning to Bro. Hart, he telegraphed that <he had> nothing positive about Abraham coming in this company; but as soon as he learned would telegraph me. At the House; noisy scenes; still fillibustering.

27 May 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, May 27/82. Had conversations while at the House with leading Democrats respecting a member of Utah Commission. I suggested ex-Senator Eaton. Spoke with Messrs. House, Mills, Carlisle, Moulton, Hewitt and Randall. ex-Senator Eaton was not in the city. They generally thought he would be an excellent choice. Mr. Hewitt was cross. He spoke petulantly about our cause. Public opinion was against us, and it was no use for us to expect otherwise. The Democratic party could not befriend us without injuring itself; it could not carry such a load. When I expressed a different view, He replied that he knew how unpopular appearing to favor us was, for he had received bushels of letters concerning the vote he had cast for <against> the Edmunds’ Bill. (He was one of the 42 who voted against that Bill.) It would not <do> for the Democratic party to recommend any-one for a position on the Commission, for Arthur would not appoint him. He spoke so testily about us and our position that I think I should have given him a very plain talk, even if I had not got angry, had I not kept in view the fact of his peculiar temperament and that, with his organization, he had done a bold act in refusing to vote for the Edmunds’ Bill. I did combat his views, but in a mild, pleasant way which made him feel better. Of what use is an organization which cannot face unpopular popular clamor to maintain and defend principle? Of what value is a man who will not boldly stand and endure the consequences of resisting oppression and tyranny? Mr. Hewitt is a man of culture and ability; but he is not a man of nerve; he is timid and exceedingly sensitive respecting the opinions of the circle in which he moves, and is not the stuff of which martyrs are made. As I told him, if men had not been willing in past times to face popular odium for the sake of principle, what would have become of liberty and human rights?

The leading men, as they are called, of this nation cannot be compared (at least many of them) with the Latter-day Saints. The love of truth and right is so strong in them as a people that they think no sacrifice too great for its sake. They possess more of the heroic love of the principles of true liberty than any people of whom I know any thing upon the earth. It is plain to be seen that through such a people they Lord will preserve the Constitution and Republican form of government upon this land, as has been predicted.

Mr. Randall thought ex-Senator Eaton would be an excellent choice for Commissioner and said if I would address him a letter upon the subject he would ask sign it. Fillibustering still continues. Received a dispatch from Bro. Hart that the company of Saints would land at 7 p.m.; but he said nothing respecting Abraham; he said the company would go West to-morrow.

28 May 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, May 28/82. A hot day. Received a dispatch from Bro. Hart that Abraham was there and would remain a day or two, and if I did not go to New York he would come here and see me. I decided to go to New York at 4.20 p.m. I reached there at 10.45 p.m. Bro’s. Hart and Hillam (the latter a returning missionary) and Abraham met me at Jersey City and accompanied me to the Grand Central Hotel, where they were stopping. I was greatly pleased to see my son, whom I have not seen since October, 1879 — nearly two years and eight months ago. He is well, and I find him less changed in appearance than I expected; he looks quite youthful, having but little beard and has an incipient mustache. I am much gratified with the reports which I hear concerning his labors; he has been quite successful, and, he informs me that in North Germany where he has been laboring, he was taken for a German, he spoke the language so well, and they would scarcely believe he was an American.

29 May 1882 • Monday

Monday, May 29th/82. I telegraphed to Gen. Kane asking when and where it would be convenient for me to have an interview with him, but did not reach him as he had gone to Kane. I called upon Mr. Dyer D. Lum, author of “Utah and its People.” The remainder of the day till I started for Washington (at 3.40 p.m.) was spent very pleasantly with the brethren, principally Abraham and Bro. Hillam, as Bro. Hart was busy closing up emigration accounts. I reached Washington 10.20 p.m. Abraham and Bro. Hillam will probably go West this evening. Abraham only had $12 in money and I gave him $30 to help him home.

30 May 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, May 30, 1882. Decoration day and a legal holiday; but the House did not adjourn over. As I expected Speaker Keifer broke over the rules yesterday and put an end to the fillibustering; he decided it not to be in order to entertain dilatory motions against a change of the rules, and the change of the rules put a limit upon dilatory motions when an election contest was to be decided. Keifer tramples upon rules with as much ruthlessness as a bull would on a brush fence that stood in his way; or as <a bull> he would go through a patch of brush — shut his eyes and drives through. The claim is that the majority must rule; a principle correct enough generally, but, according to my view, not so in the present instance. Governments are for the protection of the weak, for the protection of minorities; so also are the rules. Majorities can protect themselves. But, it is urged, is it right to give power to a factious major <minority> to stop all legislation and obstruct the wheels of government? My reply is, that a party who does this becomes responsible before the country for such action, and if not right can soon be rebuked at the polls. Unless some grave principle is involved no party is likely to attempt such a thing. Frequently the majority need to checked. By fillibustering a halt can be called, and the enactment of an improper and tyrannical measure may be checked and prevented. A compromise can be frequently effected which is better for both parties; therefore it is a power which the minority should have. If they use it for the purpose of a factious opposition the country can see it, and they can be condemned at the polls. But the rule of such a majority as the House now has, is but little better than mob rule. The object the leading men among them have is the achievement of their own party ends. To reach these they are ready to overstep the Constitution and the laws. The majority in the House is the rule of a few unscrupulous, bad men. They have control of the party machinery and the Members follow them and vote as they decide as blindly and submissively as a flock of sheep follow the bell-wether of the flock. Robeson of New Jersey, Keifer (the Speaker), Haskell of Kansas, Burrows of Mich. are the leading spirits — men as destitute of statesmanship as they are of political conscience; then there are Reed of Maine, Robinson of Mass., Hazleton of Wis., Calkins of Ind. and Page of Cal., who are called in to counsel with the others, and they play into each others’ hands. I never saw so plainly open intriguing going on, and the hateful action of a combination or ring of political tricksters, as I have in the conduct of these men during this Congress. They may succeed in many of their plans. But their success means ruin. A country is to be pitied which has such men for rulers; and so with the party. The fact is, a people who can be satisfied to have such men as its representatives is in a terribly bad condition.

Bro. W. D. Johnson, Jr., called; also Gov. Axtell. At the House. Dictated a <joint> letter to my daughters Hester and Amelia, in response to one from them; wrote also to <my daughter> Mary Alice, in reply to one from her, and to my wives Sarah Jane and Martha in acknowledgment of theirs.

31 May 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, May 31st, 1882. Dictated letter to Bro. Musser. Wrote to my son Abraham, to my wife Eliza and a long letter to my brother Angus. At the House. Had a long conversation with a Mr. [blank] Mills upon the subject of Positivism — or the religion of humanity. They have a church, he informs me, the head is Pere Lafitte in Paris and have 12 apostles. They worship humanity, I gather.

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May 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024