June 1885

1 June 1885 • Monday

Monday, June 1st, 1885. Attended to the usual business. A letter from Bro. John Morgan was referred to me to consider its contents when I went to town. In the evening I drove in to the City in company with Brother C. H. Wilcken. Stopped at the house of my wife Emily. Sad in my feelings to-day from yesterday’s discoveries.

2 June 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 2nd, 1885. Arose about 4 o’clock and went to the Tithing Office. At 10 o’clock held meeting with eight apostles — Erastus Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, A. Carrington, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor — and Bishop W. B. Preston and his counselors, Robt. T. Burton and John Q. Cannon, and Attorneys F. S. Richards and A. Miner, <Chief Clerk K James Jack> and Reporter Arthur Winters. Our meeting was for the purpose of hearing the reports of the Committees which had been appointed at our last meeting to examine into the condition of the real estate belonging to the Church. We remained in session till 1.45 p.m. then till 2.30 p.m. adjourned for the purpose of meeting to attend to some business with the Apostles alone. A letter from Bro. F. A. Hammond at San Juan was read. He asked for more families to strengthen them there. This was referred to the Twelve to see to. He also claimed the representative to the coming Legislative Assembly for San Juan county — Garfield and Iron counties having each had a representative, one in the last Assembly and the other in the preceding one, and now it was San Juan’s turn. He had been spoken of for this position, and he would like to be elected. Bro. E. Snow promised to see the people of Iron and Garfield upon the subject and make the arrangement if it could be made. The brethren felt that a guarantee should be given, as asked for by Bro. John Morgan, to the lawyers who had given bail for the brethren arrested in Tennessee on the charge of teaching polygamy — the bail bond was for $1,000. At President Taylor’s request I had investigated the question as to what Bro. Morgan had done with the rebates upon the fares of emigrants sent from that mission to the gathering place in Colorado, and had found that they were not paid into the Trustee-in-Trust as other rebates are, but have been kept for the use of the Southern States Mission. This President Taylor says is contrary to his direct counsel and he does not favor sending the guarantee asked for therefore. I suggested to him that these two brethren arrested — Garner and Christainsen — might be again consigned to prison for want of bail if a guarantee were not sent; but he thought not, as $400 had been sent from here a few days ago and Bro. Morgan said he had $500 on hand of Mission Fund, and he <(President Taylor)> thought the remaining $100 might be raised there. While in to-day I intrusted Bro. James Jack to have the expense of President Taylor and party charged to a separate account, entitled: “Board and Guard account, being expenses incurred by Presidents Taylor and Cannon and companions in Keeping out of the way of their enemies.”

Had conversation with my sons John Q. and Abraham H. respecting various matters of business and particularly concerning the affair of money being abstracted which came to my knowledge last Sunday. Went to the house of Bro. H. B. Clawson and wife Emily and took supper with Wahine hou <my wife Caroline.> At 9 p.m. returned to the Tithing Office and went off with Bro. C. H. Wilcken. I was much pleased to-day at meeting Bro. Brigham Young, who with Bro. Moses Thatcher had returned from Mexico bringing a favorable report. Bro. Thatcher had gone to Logan.

3 June 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 3/85. Attended to usual business. Reported proceedings of yesterday’s meetings to President Taylor and asked him to place a price upon the City Creek land owned by the Church with the view of the offering it to the City Corporation for it to purchase. We selected a list of names as incorporators to hold the Council House and Museum (now owned by the Church though they stand in other names) for Literary and Scientific purposes. At 9.30 this morevening a meeting was held at my house on the river Jordan at which President Taylor, myself and nine of the Twelve Apostles — E. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, A. Carrington, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor — were present; also Secretaries L. J. Nuttall and Geo. Reynolds and Reporter John Q. Cannon. We had the following named brethren as a guard, to keep off any who might be disposed to disturb us: Brigham Hampton, Wm Salmon, Samuel Bateman, N. V. Jones, Alfred Solomon, Andrew Smith, Charles Crow, and my son Abraham H. Cannon. Bro. Thatcher made the report of the mission of Bro. B. Young and himself to the City of Mexico. They had seen Senor Mariscal, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Senor Pacheco Secretary of the Interior, and President Diaz. The order of the Governor of Chihuahua <expelling our people> was disapproved of and countermanded as being contrary to law. They all expressed themselves favorably respecting our settling in Mexico and the President offered to give letters of introduction, to a Committee we might appoint, to the Governor of each State in the Republic who would furnish guides, and escort where needed, so that all the Government lands might be examined with a view to settlement by our people. The brethren learned also that in Chihuahua the Government lands were in the hands of an Agent named Campo. To obtain the benefits of the colonization laws, which are very liberal, one half of a Zone at least would have to be purchased. This would be 100 leagues, as Bro. Thatcher states, or 500,000 acres of land. Senor Campo will meet any Committee we may send to examine these lands on July 15th in Chihuahua.

We separated at 12.15 midnight.

4 June 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, June 4th, 1885. Fast day. We held meeting. President Taylor requested me to speak and I had a good flow of the Spirit. He and Bro’s. Wilcken and Nuttall followed. Afterwards attended to usual business. President Taylor and myself conversed upon the prospects now before us if this opening in Mexico should be as good as it appears at present. There seems to be a rift in that direction in the clouds which surround us.

At 9.30 met at my house with the same brethren as were together last night and the same guard. Conversed upon Mexican and other business and decided to send a Committee to meet Senor Campo at Chihuahua and another to the City of Mexico to accept President Diaz’ offer. Before we separated at 1 p.m. my family served the company with ice cream and cake.

5 June 1885 • Friday

Friday, June 5th, 1885. Attended to usual business. We met this evening with the same brethren that we did last night and with the same guard, with the addition of Bro. Lehi Pratt, at Bro. Peter Hansen’s, it being thought more prudent not to meet too often at my house, for fear of attracting attention.

Last night and this morning it stormed heavily, and while we were on the road to Bro. Hansen’s the <rain> poured down with great violence, this with the pitch-black darkness made our journey a memorable one. Elder F. M. Lyman was appointed to go to Chihuahua, and with the aid of brethren already there, accompany Senor Campo in the examination and selection of lands for purchase and settlement. Elders Erastus Snow and Brigham Young and Helaman Pratt were appointed to go to Mexico and avail themselves of the offer of President Diaz. Bro. Pratt is already in Mexico and in charge of the mission there. The question of sending his wife to him was discussed, but the decision thereon was deferred. Bro. M. Thatcher proposed that my son John Q. should also go with the brethren. He would be of great use as a Reporter and for other purposes. President Taylor preferred to have action upon this deferred.

It was nearly 2 o’clock in the morning when we separated. The night was lighter and the rain had ceased when we returned.

6 June 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, June 6th, 1885. Attended to usual business. Wrote a letter to Bro. Wm Budge and another to Bro. T. W. Brookbank. In the evening was taken by Bro’s. C. H. Wilcken and L. John Nuttall, who were going to the City, to my house on the river.

7 June 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, June 7th, 1885. The river Jordan is very high and my place is in great danger of inundation. Met with my children this morning in Sunday School. I gave them much instruction and felt exceedingly well in doing so. I find it necessary to look after children with great care. Since coming here I have learned of vulgar language and acts of the little boys who are too young to know how wrong such things are. In response to my inquiry as to where they learned such language — separated as they are from other children — I was informed that they had heard of these acts and this language while herding. I spoke very severely to them about such expressions and conduct, and the feeling exhibited by my wife Martha and myself will, I hope, leave a lasting impression upon them. I also talked about what I had heard before all the children. Just as we were ready to commence our sacrament meeting in the afternoon Bro. Brigham Young and his wife Lizzie and his sister Caroline, formerly the wife of Mark Croxall, drove up. They joined us in our meeting. We had an interesting time and an interesting and excellent visit afterwards. They remained to our dinner, about 6 o’clock. We all enjoyed this visit. Bro. Wilcken called for me in the evening and I returned.

8 June 1885 • Monday

Monday, June 8th, 1885. In speaking this morning respecting the proposition to have my son John Q. accompany the brethren to Mexico, President Taylor thought that, situated as Bishops Preston and Burton are, he would be needed here. I said that Bro. Franklin Snow was there, <(at Mexico)> and he was a good long hand penman, he might perhaps answer every purpose; but President Taylor’s mind seemed to rest upon his own son, John W. Taylor, who, he said, was a good writer, and being his son, might have influence as such.

9 June 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 9th, 1885. Listened to various letters, also to an appeal case from Juab High Council, appealed by Peter Thygerson, the case being Elmer Taylor and John C. Witbeck versus Peter Thygerson. We sustained the decision of the High Council. A letter was received by President Taylor and myself from Elder John W. Young, under date of 31st inst., inclosing <copies of> a number of letters of introduction to President Diaz of Mexico and other gentlemen for Elders Brigham Young and Moses Thatcher, also a <copy of a> letter from Bro. John W. Young to them; another letter, dated 1st inst. was received from him, in which he expressed his regret that these letters of introduction had not reached them before their departure from Mexico (he having just heard that they had left). He had been at great pains to obtain these and it had taken time to get them. President Taylor desired me to write a letter in reply to him, acknowledging the receipt of these letters and thanking him for the trouble he had been at. These letters will still be of use to the brethren who go to Mexico. A note from Bro. Reynolds informed me that Bro. L. W. Shurtliff of Ogden wished to see me to communicate a message from Judge Powers respecting the admission of Utah. I had already arranged to go in this evening and meet with the brethren to-morrow in relation to Church land matters. Bro. Wilcken carried me to my house on the river. I found my daughter Emily suffering from an attack of erysipelas. Her face was swelled. I administered to her and she felt better. Mary Alice, Hester and Amelia took turns in watching her through the night. They applied cloth’s wrung out of wild sage tea to her face and gave her some to drink also.

10 June 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 10th, 1885. John Q. and myself administered to Emily this morning. I baptized Sylvester Q. Cannon, my son, in the River Jordan this morning, he being eight years old to-day. The water was cold. He appeared very glad at the privilege and was not afraid of the water, though he gave a little cry when I lifted him out of the water. Bro. S . Saunders, Jr., my school teacher, <and I> confirmed him, I being mouth. Hugh and David and Mary Alice accompanied me to town in the covered carriage. Met at Bishop Preston’s office with Elders F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, A. Carrington, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor, and H. S. Eldredge, Frank Armstrong, Theodore McKean, Bishops Preston, John Q. Cannon, John Sharp and H. B. Clawson, Attorneys F. S. Richards and A. Miner <and> Reporter Arthur Winters. Discussed situation of Church lands. All felt that as they are at present they are insecure. I gave attorneys lists of names of incorporators for Council House and Museum property to be organized into one Company and the Social Hall into another. Urged the Committees to see that their work is pushed for the better securing of the property. Afterwards met with Apostles and gave them the counsel sent by President Taylor respecting the avoidance of all vulgar and loose conversation &c. Had interviews with a number of brethren, among them <L. W. Shurtliff,> my sons John Q. and Abraham, Bro’s. Webber and John T. Caine. Took supper with Caroline at Bro. H. B. and Emily Clawson’s. Bro. John W. Taylor took me out <at> 9.30 p.m. his father having sent for him.

11 June 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, June 11th/1885. Related to Pres. Taylor the proceedings of yesterday. Read him letters which I had dictated yesterday to Bishop D. K. Udall and John W. Young. Attended to other business. Arranged to go to see my daughter Emily after dark this evening. Found her in a partially delirious condition. Her Uncle John Hoagland and wife Adelia were there to sit up with her, also my wife Sarah Jane. My son John Q., Uncle John and myself anointed and administered to her.

12 June 1885 • Friday

Friday, June 12th/85. Slept but little. The folks thought Emily’s condition dangerous. I <and John Q.> administered to her this morning. I saw an improvement in her. Her Aunt Emily came down this morning. Towards noon I was taken to town by Hugh, his mother accom- panied us. Went to the President’s Office. Attended to various matters of business. Met with seven of Twelve Apostles. Dictated a letter to President Jos. F. Smith on the Sandwich Islands; also an editorial article for the Juvenile Instructor. Left town at 10 p.m. Drove to my house on the River. Bro. C. H. Wilcken, John Q. and myself administered to Emily who seemed better. Her Aunt Emily was still with her. Bro. Wilcken took me to my place of retreat.

13 June 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, June 13th, 1885. Attended to usual business. Studying Spanish. Bro. Wilcken called at my house to learn concerning Emily’s condition. He carried her a bouquet made up by Miss Haidee Carlisle; also one dollars from President Taylor as a birthday present, she being eleven years old to-day. He reported that she was much improved and greatly pleased with her presents.

14 June 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, June 14th, 1885. Held meeting and partook of the Sacrament. Bro’s. Wilcken, Nuttall, Barrell and Phil. Carlisle and Sister Haidee Carlisle spoke; also myself and Pres. Taylor.

15 June 1885 • Monday

Monday, June 15th, 1885. Attended to usual business. Studied Spanish. In the evening Bro. C. H. Wilcken drove me in a carriage to the corner of my place. I found Emily much improved.

16 June 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 16/85. Had conversation with my little boys — Brigham, Sylvester and Willard — upon the importance of truthfulness. Was taken in a carriage in company with my wife Sarah Jane to the City by my son William. In the Office till six o’clock and very busy. Had interviews with <Bro’s. B. Young,> F. D. and F. S. Richards, Judge Dusenberry, John Sharp, Bishops Preston, Burton and John Q. Cannon. H. B. Clawson, Bro’s, Jas. Jack <and T. E. Taylor> and had meeting with Street R. R. Stockholders and Directors, I acting as proxy for the Trustee-in-Trust. Dictated <two> articles for Juvenile Instructor. Took supper with and remained with Caroline at her sister’s. At 9 p.m. left town with Bro’s. M. Thatcher and John W. Taylor. President Taylor and the brethren and <Bro. L. John Nuttall and> myself remained together till 12.45 midnight (when they (M. T. and J. W. T — returned to the City) Bro. Thatcher explaining the position of the land which he had examined in Mexico and we explaining the condition of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining property to him and describing to him that which we desired him to do about examining and thoroughly familiarizing himself with the affairs of the mine and its liabilities.

17 June 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 17/85. Arose early this morning and sent messenger into town with letters we had prepared for Bro. Thatcher and a letter <which> I wrote for President Taylor to sign to Bro. F. Jacobsen of Logan. Studying Spanish. In evening wrot rode with President Taylor to meet his wife and Mary Ann and son John W. We did not go to bed till about 1 oclock.

18 June 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, June 18, 1885. Had full and free conversation with President Taylor this morning respecting the Church real estate. I had thought, I told him, that he felt I was too zealous and anxious upon this subject. All I desire is to do my duty. The meetings we have had have been very unanimous, and the brethren all felt that the real estate not used for Church purposes should be sold. We might defend the title to the property which is devoted to Church uses; but that from which we derive income and is not used for any but secular purposes they thought ought to be disposed of. I think that a better understanding will result from this conversation; for I expressed my views very plainly respecting the danger some of the Church property was in. President Taylor desired every step taken that could be in safety to preserve this property, but he did feel to suffer advantage to be taken of the present position of the Church. x x Articles of Association for the Social Hall Society and for the Salt Lake Literary and Scientific Association — the former to cover the Social Hall property, the latter to cover the Council House corner and the Museum — were read. President Taylor signed the deed for the Logan Temple property. I studied Spanish a portion of to-day. Bro. Charles Carlisle took me over the river in a carriage and I traveled on that road to my home to escape observation. Reached there a little before eight p.m.; but was disappointed in finding that the examination of my children at the close of the School season by the Teacher was not to be held this evening. It had been postponed till next week.

19 June 1885 • Friday

Friday, June 19th/85. Drove to the City early this morning. Held meetings with a number of the brethren and attended to a variety of business. In evening I drove to Bro. Carlisle’s in company with Bro’s. Erastus Snow, Brigham Young, Moses Thatcher and John W. Taylor. Talked over Mexican affairs and President Taylor and myself set apart and blessed Bro’s Snow, Young and Taylor for their mission to Mexico, Pres. T. being mouth in blessing Bro’s. S. and T. and I mouth in blessing Bro. Young. As I had business to attend to on the morrow in the City I returned there with the brethren, and through the kindness of Bro. H. B. and Sister Emily Clawson I had a good bed in their house, to which I retired at 2.30 a.m. considerably fatigued.

20 June 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, June 20/85. Breakfasted at Bro. Clawson’s. At 10 a.m. met with and organized Social Hall Society. Attended to a variety of business. In afternoon met Caroline, as I did yesterday; at Bro. Clawson’s and took supper together. At 10 p.m. returned with Bro. Wilcken to our Retreat, calling at the farm of Bro. Brigham Young’s on the way to warn him of a proposed attempt to arrest him by the U. S. Marshal. I counseled him as to the course to take and he thought he could get on the train to-morrow morning at Draper. This would be one day ahead of the Bro’s. Snow and Taylor and he could wait for them on the road.

21 June 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, June 21/85. I have been so much deprived of sleep through the past week that I felt very drowsy this morning. After breakfast I took some rest. We held meeting in the afternoon and partook of the Sacrament — eight of us being present. All spoke except the young lady and the Spirit of the Lord was poured out.

22 June 1885 • Monday

Monday, June 22/84. Bro. Nuttall having gone to Ogden I attended to his duties as Secretary. Wrote several letters, one of them to Bro. F. D. Richards, correcting a Visit of his to Independence, Carthage, Nauvoo, &c, which President Taylor and myself signed. Went to my home on the river in the evening. My son Willard Telle Cannon was eight years old on the 20th, and according to my custom, should have been baptized on that day. As I was not at home it was not attended to. I baptized him this evening in the river Jordan and Bro. S. Saunders, Jr., and myself confirmed him, I being mouth.

23 June 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 23/1885. Drove to the city. Held meeting of Social Hall Society. The Directors and other officers elected were: Joseph F. Smith, Hiram B. Clawson, James Jack, D. McKenzie, W. B. Preston, Brigham Young and Orson F. Whitney. The first four were elected President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Salt Lake Literary and Scientific Association was organized with Directors and Officers as follows: George Q. Cannon, Director and President; Moses Thatcher, Director and Vice-President; Jas. Jack, Director and Secretary; John Q. Cannon[,] Director and Secretary; John W. Taylor, Don Carlos Young and Franklin S. Richards Directors. From 2 p.m. till after 5 p.m. engaged with Bishop Tho’s. Taylor and F. S. Richards trying to arrange some plan of settlement of the Iron Manufacturing Co. as between Bishop Taylor on the one hand and the Church, President Taylor and myself on the other; but without any apparent result. I never was more tired and disgusted with any business with which I have been connected than this. From 6 till 9 p.m. spent in company of Caroline and had supper together ma Ka hale o Kona KaiKuana <at the house of her sister>. Bro. Wilcken brought me in company with Bro. Nuttall to our place of abode.

24 June 1885 • Wednesday

Tuesday, Wednesday, June 24/85. Attended to usual business and wrote up my journal.

25 June 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, June 25/85. Spent considerable time in listening to correspondence and deciding upon matters submitted for answers and counsel. Studied Spanish for a little while. Went to the city in the evening with Bro. Wilcken. Stopped at my wife Emily’s.

26 June 1885 • Friday

Friday, June 26/85. Attended meeting of the Social Hall Society and had considerable other business before me. In the afternoon was taken to my residence. There was an exhibition given by the children, under the direction of their teacher, Bro. Sondra Sanders, Jr., in the School House. Besides my family on my place, there were present: My wife Emily, my sister Mary Alice, my brother Angus’ two wives Amanda and Clara, his son Geo. M. and wife, Bro. John Hoagland and wife, my wife Eliza’s sister, Jane Simons, my sons John Q. and Abraham and wives and a number of young people. Bro. C. H. Wilcken came after they had commenced their exercises. My wife Martha was absent in consequence of her Mother’s (Aunt’s) sickness at Provo. The examination was very creditable and all appeared to enjoy it very much. After this ice-cream and cake were handed around. The children then gave us an Opera. I was both surprised and delighted at this performance. I had no idea that they could do so well. Emily had been sick. In this Opera she took the part of a discarded lover and her singing, acting and appearance captivated everyone. Rose Annie did excellently also, as did Hester (as the father) and Amelia (as the mother) and Charley Davey as the King. The company present were delighted with the performance. Bro. Wilcken said he had given a dollar many a time to see a performance that he had not enjoyed half as much as this. I accompanied Bro. Wilcken back.

27 June 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, June 27/1885. The anniversary of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph and patriarch Hyrum Smith. Busy with various items of business. President Taylor desired me to go to the City and try and arrange through the attorneys, F. S. Richards and A. Miner, with Bishop Thos Taylor for a settlement of the disputed matters between him and Pres. Taylor. Upon reaching the City sent for Bro’s. R. & M. and conversed with them till 10 p.m. From the Office went to Bishop Clawson’s and remained the night.

28 June 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, June 28/85. Bishop Taylor was not seen last night by the attorneys. This morning he was gone South. Being telegraphed to he returned. They met him and after considerable conversation he wrote a proposition as a basis of settlement. <In morning had lengthy interview with Bro’s Budge and Nibley, the latter just from Washington.> The afternoon and evening I spent with my wife Caroline. At 10 p.m. went out with Bro. Charles Carlisle.

29 June 1885 • Monday

Monday, June 29/85. Attended to various matters of business, correspondence &c. About midday Bro. M. W. Merrill and Bishops W. B. Preston and John Q. Cannon came to where we were and spent the afternoon with us. Bro. Merrill was instructed to have classes formed and lectures delivered by competent men at stated times in the Temple. Much business was attended to and counsel given concerning Temple affairs. After supper President Taylor decided that I had better go <to> the City and advise the attorneys to close with Bishop Taylor, though we thought his demands unfair; but rather than have a lawsuit at the present time, we thought it better to wind the business up. I shall be heartily glad to be relieved from business connection with him. Bro. Wilcken took me into the City. Slept at Bro. Clawson’s.

30 June 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 30/85. Spent the day in Council with five of twelve apostles and Bishop Preston. They agreed to sustain the Trustee-in-Trust in settling with Bishop Taylor on terms proposed. After this business was attended to counseled about political affairs. I was led to speak with considerable plainness on this subject. I requested Bro’s. J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant to visit the Stakes of Davis, Morgan, Summit, Wahsatch, Utah and Juab and counsel with the authorities respecting the kind of men they should send to the Legislature. Bro. Lyman promised he would write to Millard and Beaver Stakes. Spotters watching around the Offices and Tithing Yard this afternoon and evening. I did not go out to our Retreat as there was no one who knew where we were and I did not wish to show any one the way. Slept the same as last night.

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June 1885, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1885/06-1885