July 1881

1 July 1881 • Friday

Friday, July 1st, 1881 We breakfasted early this morning, and the party started for Ogden, accompanied by Bishop Hammond, who drove one team. I rode with Bro. Richards in his buggy. We stopped at his house for a short time before taking the 9:40 train for the city[.] On arriving at Salt Lake, at 11:40 a m I went to John Q’s and had a bath. After spending sometime in the office, I was driven down home by him; and after supper returned to the meeting of the Gen. Committee, at 7:30 in the City Hall. My son Angus’ eye is better and Sis Pratt thinks the cornia will not be damaged. The eye is much swollen, however, and the cheek scorched. We had a very lively meeting of the Gen. Committee. I had an interview afterwards with ke kaikaina o ka’u wahine mua [the younger sister of my first wife] and stopped at my brother in law’s Bro. Chas Lambert, who, with my sister Mary Alice, made me very welcome.

2 July 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, July 2nd, 1881 At the office all day. The startling news came this morning from Washington that Gen Garfield, Prest of the U.S., had been shot by an assassin in the Ladies Waiting room of the Baltimore and Patomac R’y depot[.] From the information received, the assassin thought himself justified in attempting to kill him, as he deemed it necessary to unite the Republican party. It appears from all of the dispatches that his wounds are likely to be mortal. It is a most shocking occurrence, and affords food for very serious reflection. Gen. Garfield was a man who knew more about us than any other man in public life. He has been one of my allies in Congress. I have appealed to him a number of times when I have needed help, and I thought that we might reasonably look for fair treatment from him when he became President, as he had made two visits to this city, and was well acquainted with our circumstances. But in his inaugural he stepped aside and that too, without provocation, — for it was not necessary at that time to say a word about us—and dealt us a severe blow. If he had been a Latter-day Saint, I should have said “he had apostatized.” I was very much grieved at his course. I had two interviews with him before I left Washington, at which I told him respecting Murray’s corrupt course in Kentucky, and informed him where the evidence was which would substantiate that which I had stated. The Chief of the Dep’t of Justice, G .K. Chase, told me that Prest Hayes sent for him and told him to keep this evidence off the files, for he wanted Eli H. Murray to be confirmed as Governor of Utah. Mr. Chase made Prest Hayes the promise that he would keep the testimony off the files; but, he said, now he felt himself released from that promise, and he told me that I might say to Prest Garfield that he (Chase) would wait upon the President with the evidence, if he desired it. And Mr. Chase told me that Murray never would have been confirmed Governor of Utah if that evidence had been known to the Senate; and he said further, it was enough to oust Murray now. Notwithstanding I told Prest Garfield this, he has taken no action in Murray’s case, though his outrageous conduct in giving Campbell the certificate of election was of itself sufficient ground. But Prest Garfield has not gained anything by his course. The Lord has seemed to raise up adversaries against him, and he has had trouble from the commencement; and now he lies stricken down in his gore, a terrible fate for one who started out with such high hopes, and concerning whose election and inauguration the whole nation, it may be said, felt to rejoice. I feel exceedingly sorry for him. It is a terrible condition of affairs when a man such as he is cannot escape the bullets of the assassin. He had done nothing to diserve such revenge. It is simply horrible that a man in his station should meet such a fate in a land like ours under such a form of government such as we have.

In view of his tragic affair, I conversed with a few members of the Gen. Committee of the Celebration of the 4th, and also got Prest Taylor’s views, and issued the following circular to the public

[Newspaper article]

“At a special meeting of members of the General Committee for the celebration of Independence Day called after the reception of the sad news of the wounding of General Garfield, President of the United States, it was decided that in view of the peril in which the life of the Nation’s Chief Executive is placed by the act of an assassin, the proposed celebration of Independence Day by the Citizens of Salt Lake City, at Liberty Park, be abandoned and that public notice to this effect be given to citizens and committees engaged in making preparations for the celebration of the Day and for the proposed amusements and general rejoicings arranged for the occasion.

On behalf of the General Committee.”

George Q. Cannon,


[End of newspaper article]

Afterwards I succeeded in obtaining a full meeting of the Gen Committee and they adopted the sentiments and spirit of the circular. All the proceedings were suspended at Liberty Park.

I had a call from prof. Crane, F. G. S and his daughter who brought me a letter of introduction from Prof O. G. Marsh of Yale college, New Haven.

While I have been away this week I have had my buggy repaired and varnished. Dictated my journal from June 24th to date to Bro. G. Gibbs.

At 8 o’clock in the evening I attended a meeting of the Gen’l committee, afterwards ate supper at my brother Angus’ place, and then drove down home. nearly all of my family were in bed when I got home.

3 July 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, July 3rd, 1881 I felt quite tired last night, and still have a feeling of weariness. Took my daughter Mary Alice in buggy to the city to meeting; a number of the family went in the three-seated carriage. Through some delay, I reached the meeting just as the last verse of the second hymn was being sung. Prests Taylor and Woodruff, and Elder Orson Pratt were on the stand of the First Presidency. I was glad to see Elder Pratt; his health is gradually improving. Prest Taylor desired me to speak, saying at the same time that he would follow; he thought it a proper occasion for both of us to speak, in as much as the president of the United States had been wounded. I was not in a very good frame of mind to address the people, having reached the Tabernacle so late, and feeling hurried in my mind.

I spoke about forty minutes, alluding in my remarks to the dreadful crime which had been committed at Washington in the shooting of the President. (Prests Taylor’s remarks and mine were published in full in the Deseret News of the 6th inst.) There were a large number of strangers present at the meeting. As all the brethren felt somewhat fatigued, Prest Taylor concluded not to hold a Council meeting this afternoon.

My wife Elizabeth had written a note to her sister to come down to stay with us tomorrow, over the fourth, and as my daughter Mary Alice had taken a seat in the carriage, I took her down in my buggy.

4 July 1881 • Monday

Monday, July 4th, 1881 I came up to the city to get some provisions for my family, as I had been absent all last week and they had made no preparations themselves for the day. I took down a number of articles, and we were all tolerably well supplied[.] Spent the day pleasantly at home.

5 July 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 5th, 1881 Brought my sister-in-law to town this morning. Spent the day at the office. In the afternoon listened to the reading of the minutes of an arbitration and those of a High Council trial, the parties being the People of Levan, Juab Co, and Elmer Taylor. The people of Levan had appealed from the decision of the High Council to the First Presidency. The question involved was one concerning the right to certain water[.] We sustained the decision of the High Council. Prest Taylor desired me to get out our decision in writing.

While unfastening my mare Topsey this evening in front of the office, she became excited, and plunged violently and struck me with her head on the side of the face, and knocked me as flat as though I had been felled with a club. It was an unexpected blow and made my head ring and caused me to see a great many stars. It abraded the skin on my cheek bone.

6 July 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 6th, 1881 My son Sylvester is in very poor health. The whooping cough with which he has been troubled is leaving him, but his general health is very poor. He has not a good appetite, and is changed in his appearance very much[.] Willard is also suffering dreadfully from the whooping cough; his paroxysms of coughing are very violent. My wife Elizabeth’s health is not good; she is not so well as she was a few days ago. I spent the forenoon at the office, correcting my remarks on Sunday for publication in today’s paper. Prest Taylor’s health is not very good; he complains of feeling very faint, having had an attack of faintness last night before retiring. The weather is very hot and oppressive. The news from Washington concerning Gen’l Garfield’s condition is very encouraging, and one is a[l]most led to the belief that he will recover[.] At 2 p m I met with the Council of the Apostles at the Endowment House and prayed in circle and attended to some business. Slept at my brother-in-law’s Chas. Lambert.

7 July 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, July 7th, 1881 At the office in the morning, and was invited by Prest Taylor, whose health is very poor, to accompany him in his carriage, with his wife Mary Ann, to call upon Mayor Feramorz Little, whose wife had recently died. Not finding him in, we drove to Sister Barrett’s, and called upon her, and she and her cousin Mrs. Watson (Miss Davis that was) accompanied us to Elder Wm. C. Staines. We found him much better than he has been. Then we drove to Mayor Little’s, and found him in. We stayed a short time and condoled with him in the loss of his wife. He told me that his home was broken up, and that he would now sell his house—a very elegant one—as it was no longer a home to him. Prest Taylor also invited me to accompany him to Bro. Jennings, but at [as] I had a meeting of the Sunday School Union to attend, I declined and explained my reasons. Met with the Sunday School Union and attended to a variety of business.

I received a letter from Gov T. C. Pound of Wisconsin, who is now a Member of Congress, desiring to see me at the Walker House. I called upon him and he explained his circumstances. He was in need of funds, and he wished me to advance him $300 on a draft on the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives, Washington, to be taken from his September pay. I acceded to his request. From there I drove to Davis and Howe’s, where I met Prests Taylor and Smith who had gone there with T. E. Taylor, of the Deseret News, to confer respecting the water wheel of the proposed paper mill.

8 July 1881 • Friday

Friday, July 8th, 1881 At the office, Lieutenant Willard Young, of the engineer corps, of the United States Army, now stationed at West Point, and son of Prest B. Young, called at the office this morning. He feels very well and appears very strong in the faith, and devoted to his religion. He stands very high in the army for one of his age, and has a very fine reputation for ability and skill. He expects to be made an assistant professor with the pay of captain, which will be a very honorable position for one of his age. Bro. Lorenzo Snow called, and we had some conversation respecting affairs at Box Elder, and the application of Bro Rosenbaum for permission to start a store up there. 5,000 Shares of stock in the Utah Norther[n] R’y owned by the Trustee-in-Trust was sold today to the Union Pacific people, Bro. Sharp having called to renew the offer of 40 per cent, which he had been authorized to make sometime previous. Prest Taylor desired 50 per cent, but it was found that they would not give it; and they having all the stock in their hands, it was thought to be no use to hold out against them, and it was deemed better to take 40 per cent than to have the stock in our hands without any prospect of dividends.

My brother Angus, came to the office, and had some conversation respecting the coal mines owned jointly by himself and the Church near Coalville. It was decided that he should take a trip to Omaha to confer with Mr. Poppleton, attorney of the Union Pacific Railroad Co, upon the matter. After this, Prests Taylor, Smith and myself drove to the residence of Prest Jos. Young, a brother of Prest Brigham Young, who is now 84 years of age. We administered to him, and found him in a very placid condition. I thought it probable that he might never rise from his bed of sickness.

Went through the Gardo House in company with Prests Taylor and Smith, and my brother Angus, to see what renovation and fitting up was necessary to prepare it for Prest Taylor to reside in. Took dinner and supper today with my wife Elizabeth at her sister’s and drove her down in my buggy, having brought her up to town this morning

9 July 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, July 9th, 1881 At the office. We listened to the reading of a number of letters. The Bishop’s agent of Utah County was authorized to make a variety of improvements in the various settlements for the better preservation of the tithing hay and other things. I went to Pule Malu [private prayer] did not have time therefore to get any lunch before the time for the meeting of the Stake Conference in the afternoon in the Assembly Hall. Shortly after the meeting commenced, Bro. Geo Reynolds brought me the card of the Hon. Clarkson N. Potter, of New York, a gentleman to whom I felt under many obligations for the manner in which he had assisted me at various times by active services and sympathy. He is a prominent citizen of New York State, and a very prominent member of the Democratic party; and while in the House was a member of the judiciary committee. He has always taken a warm interest in defending Utah, and personally seemed to entertain a very high regard for myself, as I certainly do for him. Bro. Reynolds informed me that he had been in the office, and was now in the Hall. I went down from the stand and met him. We spent a portion of the time in the Hall, and afterwards I took him and Hon Mr. Rockwell, a second or third cousin of our O. P. Rockwell, deceased, who is a member of the N. Y. Legislature, through the New Tabernacle and over the temple grounds; and after the meeting introduced Mr. Potter to a number of our leading brethren. I had my buggy hitched up, and drove him up to Fort Douglas, and to various points of interest, also to the Warm Springs. He expressed himself as being highly delighted with what he had seen, and the great pleasure it had afforded him to see me so well, and to have the opportunity of sitting beside me. He leaves in the morning by the 7 o’clock train, having no more time to spare to spend here.

Mr. Ainsley, of Idaho, is in town, and he informs me that Major Maginus, of Montana, will be here in a few days. Reached home this evening quite late, faint and hungry.

10 July 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, July 10th, 1881 Meetings were held at 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock today[.] The forenoon was occupied by reports and remarks from several brethren, and the afternoon by remarks from Prest Jos. F. Smith and myself. As there were so few of us, the usual council meeting was not held this afternoon. Brought my niece Annie Cannon, daughter of my brother Angus, this morning when I came up.

11 July 1881 • Monday

Monday, July 11th, 1881 Brought my sister-in-law to town this morning. At 11 o’clock attended a meeting of the Board of directors of Z.C.M.I. When I got out, I found that Mr. Ainsley and Major Macginness and Hon. G. B. Finley of Ohio had called. I went to the Walker House and found them all, and engaged a carriage and took Mr. Finley, his wife and his wife’s sister Miss Codding, out riding. We visited the Tabernacle, and drove up City Creek, and I took them to the depot of the Utah Western for them to visit the Lake. I could not accompany them, but had them passed over the road, and arranged for a carriage to call for them when the train should return.

At 7:30 attended a meeting of the Superintendents and Teachers of the Sunday School Union at the Assembly Hall, and addressed the meeting about twenty minutes. I was then under the necessity of leaving the meeting to keep an important appointment[.] Remained in town all night. [This was an evening to be remembered by me, my daughter Mary Alice, and my new wife. It was Joseph [F. Smith] on behalf of the Lord who performed the [marriage] ordinance today.]1

12 July 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 12th, 1881 Had made an appointment to meet Mr. Finley at the hotel this morning. Took him and his ladies out in a carriage. We went to the Warm Springs and Museum, and other points of interest, and then I took them also Mr. Maginnis and Mr. Ainsley to my house, where I had had a lunch of ice cream and raspberries and other fruits with cake and wine. I had invited Prests Taylor and Smith and their wives, and Bro. L John Nuttall, also Bro. Wm Jennings, wife and daughter, and my son John Q. and his wife, and my son Abram’s wife, Sarah[.] They spent an hour and a half at my house very agreeably, everything going off in a very pleasant manner. Sister Priscilla Jennings favored us with two songs, accompanying herself on the piano, which were very finely rendered. One of the songs was sung in Italian. I drove the party back to the hotel, and then took them to the Utah Central Depot. When I reached home tonight, I felt considerably fatigued, having been very busy, and slept but little, last night was up till 4:30 this morning.

13 July 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 13th, 1881 At the office. Sister Zina D. Young called to lay before Prest Taylor the propriety of Sister Ferguson and herself taking a trip to the states, she to look up genealogies and Sister Ferguson, who is a medical graduate, to brighten herself up by attending clinics at New York, and to lecture on the public platform on our doctrines and the condition of the Saints. The emigrated company, which is expected in on Friday, has had some of its number attacked with small-pox. Conversation was had with Bps Hardy and Burton respecting the proper steps to take with regard to them when they should arrive so that contagion might not spread.

My wife Elizabeth is quite anxious, in consequence of her very poor health, to have me build her two or three rooms next to her sister Emily, her share of her father’s lot and Emily’s joining each other. They had talked about the matter, and decided on the plan of the house which they should build, the center of which will be on the division line. Both seemed very much pleased with the arrangements, and I hope it will be as agreeable as they anticipate. Elizabeth designs to spend the winter in town, where she can be near her sister, and if her health fails that she can have her company. Though my circumstances will not admit of my doing this if I could help it, still I am so desirous to preserve her health that I am willing to strain a point to make her comfortable.

At 12 o’clock today the Chancellor and Board of Regents met at the office of Prest Taylor, and transacted considerable business. I took dinner with my wife at her sister’s, and then attended a meeting of the Council of the Apostles, where considerable business was transacted connected with the Brigham City Co-operative Institution; and much plain talk was indulged in, and counsel given. I administered today to Sister Clara Horn, daughter of Bro. Jos. Horn, who was suffering very much from quinsy

14 July 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, July 14th, 1881 The Council of the Apostles adjourned last night to meet at 10 o’clock this morning at the office. Considerable business of various kinds was attended to. Lieutenant Willard Young came in and stated his circumstances, wishing to get counsel of the Apostles concerning his future movements, whether he should retain his position in the army or not. It was the general feeling that he should do so. $600 was appropriated to Bro. John Smith Patriarch, in repairing his house; and the same amount was appropriated for the benefit of Bro. Orson Pratt, to be used as he should dictate, the application having been made by his wife Juliet. A committee was appointed, consisting of Prest Jos. F. Smith and Apostles F. M. Lyman and J. H. Smith to investigate the condition of the Historian office, and the method of keeping the records. Elder Lyman reported the condition of affairs in Goose Creek, which he represented as a very fine country. There was a great need for some reliable leading men to go there. He was instructed to look around and find suitable ones. He proposed going out there, after the August election, and desired that Bro. John Henry Smith should accompany him.

Lunched at my sister-in-law’s. Busy writing up nearly two weeks of my journal, dictating it to Bro. G. Gibbs[.] Went to Pule Malu [private prayer]. Spent the evening at my son’s and staid in town all night.

15 July 1881 • Friday

Friday, July 15th, 1881 It was very hot last night, but I enjoyed the night exceedingly, maka hale ka’u wahine hope [at the house of my last wife]. This morning arose early and drove home. My wife Martha was getting ready to go to the lake, taking all her children with her. I assisted them off, believing the change of air will be good for them. Sylvester was quite sick yesterday, but is better this morning.

Called twice at the Continental Hotel to see the Hon John R. Thomas, of Illinois, but failed to see him. I requested my son John Q. to call upon him and to show him any attention he could. Spent the day in office, dictating several letters. Administered, with prest Jos. F. Smith, to Sister Mary Sterne Winters, at Bro. Pratt’s. She was suffering from mountain fever, and was very low-spirited. I suggested that she get some elder to baptize her for the remission of her sins, and seven times for her health. In the afternoon dictated some letters[.]

16 July 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, July 16th, 1881 I arranged yesterday for the train going south to stop at the street leading to my house. I got on board this morning and found Bro. Woodruff who, with myself expect to attend the conference at Nephi today and tomorrow. We reached Nephi a little before twelve and were met by Bro. George Teasdale at the depot. Bro Bailey and others and were driven to Bro. Teasdale’s house where we took dinner. In the afternoon attended meeting; the attendance was tolerably good for Saturday. I spoke and was followed by Bro. Woodruff in the evening held a joint meeting with the Young Men and Young Ladies Improvement Associations[.] I spoke to them at some length; and Bro. Woodruff made a few remarks. The meeting was very interesting. Sister Pitchforth had made arrangements for me to stop with that family while I remained. The night was very hot, but I passed it quite comfortably.

17 July 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, July 17th, 1881 At half-past eight we attended a meeting of the circle, the members of which were the leading elders of the settlements, and gave them some instruction. The circle however, is well instructed by Prest George Teasdale, who is quite bright in everything connected with the order of prayer. At 10 o’clock the Sunday School met, and I addressed the children. Bro. Woodruff also made some remarks. We dined at Sister Pitchforth’s. In the afternoon met with the Saints in conference. The house was well filled, a great improvement has been made in this meeting house by the taking down of the partition wall that made a vestibule and by throwing the whole space open for seats which adds very much to the capacity of the house. The inside has been renovated thoroughly presenting a very attractive appearance. I spoke with great freedom in the afternoon, and Bro. Woodruff also. We took supper at Sister Ockey’s, the widow of Brother Edward Ockey, whom I knew intimately in the early settlement of the valley, as I also did his wife. In the evening attended meeting again. We both addressed the congregation, I occupying most of the time[.]

18 July 1881 • Monday

Monday, July 18th, 1881 We held meeting at 10 o’clock with the Priesthood, but everyone was invited to attend. A number of questions were asked upon points of doctrine, which Bro. Woodruff expressed a wish that I should answer. I occupied about an hour and a half in making explanations, and he bore testimony to the correctness of my explanations. They were in regard to Celestial Marriage and other points of our faith of an intricate character. The Spirit of the Lord was poured out upon us and upon the people, as it has been in each meeting. Bro. Woodruff pressed me to occupy most of the time, as he had been here a number of times holding meetings with them, and he felt that he would prefer me to speak than to speak himself. This is the reason why I occupied so much of the time.

At twenty minutes to two o’clock we took the train for home. I got off at the street leading down to my place, where my son Angus awaited my arrival with a buggy. I found my family improved somewhat in health.

As we had received news on Saturday that Prest Jos. Young, brother of the late Prest Brigham Young, had died at 4 o’clock that morning, I was desirous to see that Prest Taylor respecting the funeral which was to take place tomorrow in the large tabernacle. I therefore, after supper, drove to town and met my brother, Angus, who had just returned from Omaha, where he had been on business on the joint claim of the Church and himself to coal lands, which is being contested by the Union Pacific Railroad; he accompanied me to Prest Taylor’s residence. Prest Taylor had retired. He sent word, however, that we were to come to his bed-chamber, but I preferred not to disturb him. Had an interview during the evening with a particular friend ka’u wahine hope [my last wife] after which I went to my son John Q.’s to lodge for the night.

19 July 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 19th, 1881 My brother Angus accompanied me to my home this morning, and I brought him back to the city[.] At 11 o’clock repaired to the Tabernacle where Bro. Jos. Young’s corpse was laid out for the people to look upon. The Tabernacle had been open for this purpose from 9:30 o’clock and a continuous stream had passed by for an hour and a half to look upon his beloved face. He was 84 years of age on the 7th of last April. The ceremonies were conducted under the direction of his colleagues of the First Seven Presidents of the Seventies, Horace S. Eldridge presiding[.] Remarks were made by Prests Woodruff, myself and Taylor. A peaceful, calm, heavenly influence prevailed. Prest Taylor did not go to the grave, but loaned his carriage to Prest Jos. F. Smith, Elders Woodruff, F. D. Richards and myself to use. We drove in the procession, Bro. Nuttall accompanying us there and back.

I received an invitation to attend a lawn party at Bro. Jennings this evening, which I did, accompanied by my wife Elizabeth. There were a good many outsiders present, making what I termed to the brethren an alla podrida. Everything was very elegant. There was dancing on the lawn, on a floor arranged under the trees; and a very fine supper prepared for the guests, which we ate standing. Prest Taylor kindly carried me and my wife to and from there in his carriage. Myself and wife lodged at our son’s.

20 July 1881 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 20th, 1881 I accompanied my wife to her Sister Emily’s, and left her there. They arranged to go on a visit to their niece, Olive Marks, wife of Stephen Marks.

At ten o’clock I met with a committee of Apostles and my brother Angus and Bros Dusenberry and Miner, to consider the writings of incorporation and by-laws for the Church property in the various Wards. We were engaged in this business until ten minutes to two o’clock. From there I proceeded to the Council at the Endowment House, not having time to get anything to eat. We remained in council, attending in the meantime to prayer, until after five o’clock, discussing a variety of matters. I made a report as chairman of the committee on the Articles of Incorporation, etc, which was accepted[.] From there I went to my wife’s niece, and took supper with the folks; after which my wife and I drove home. While I was there I was called upon by Sister Duncan McAllister to come in to administer to her husband, who was very ill. I did so.

21 July 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, July 21st, 1881 I was taken sick last night with an attack of bowel complaint, and while perspiring, having to get up, I think I must have taken cold. The greater part of the night I was quite ill. This morning I had no inclination to get out of bed, but I threw off the feeling, dressed myself and drove to town. After reaching the office, I was taken very sick.

Gen. Manning, a member of Congress from Mississippi, an intimate acquaintance of mine to whom I wished to show respect, was in town; but in consequence of my sickness I was compelled to request Bro. Musser to call upon him and do all he could for him, also to apologize for my illness. I started to drive home in my open buggy, and was met by Bro. Hiram B. Clawson, who, perceiving that I was sick, insisted on sending for his phaeton to convey me home, as he thought the sun would have an injurious effect upon me. His kindness touched me[.] I found it a very great advantage to me. I felt so badly that I stopped at my sister-in-law’s and laid down while she made me some composition tea. Remained half an hour, then drove home and kept as quiet as I could the remainder of the day.

22 July 1881 • Friday

Friday, July 22nd, 1881 Feel some better this morning though not well. Drove to town, bringing my wife Martha with me[.]

Bro. Crane called to pay Prests Taylor, Woodruff and myself our dividends on sheep herd of which he had charge. Mine amounted to $77.07[.] These sheep for very many years paid me no profit; the man having them in charge gave me no increase, and only gave me 2½ pounds of wool per year. When I took them out of his hands and put them into the hands of Brother Crane they commenced to increase, and have done well ever since

23 July 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, July 23rd, 1881 Drove my wife Elizabeth up to town. Busily engaged in Gardo House, selecting furniture and other things for the furnishing of the House. Bros. David J. Taylor and S. P. Neve were with me. In evening went to theater with my wife and her sister[.] The play was “Hazel Kirk”, which was admirably played, the company having performed it upwards of 250 nights.

24 July 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, July 24th, 1881 Drove down home, taking my wife with me, and came back again to the 15th Ward, today having been appointed as the day for the dedication of the new Ward Meetinghouse, which the Saints had erected at a cost of upwards of $10,000[.] The house is one of the most elegant I have seen in the Territory, and is built of brick, the interior and exterior corresponding in finish. The building was crowded with people. Prest Taylor and my brother Angus did not arrive in time for the opening services, and the bishop desired me to offer the dedicatory services, which I did, and enjoyed much of the Spirit in doing so. Prest Taylor occupied most of the time afterwards, and I followed and enjoyed a good flow of the Spirit. A report was read by the committee which revealed the pleasing fact that the entire house had been built and paid for by the donations of the people of the Ward A meeting was appointed in the evening to continue the dedicatory services, as a number of the brethren were present who had not spoken.

In the afternoon I attended meeting in the Tabernacle, and addressed the congregation, taking for the basis of my remarks [underlined blank] chapter of Revelations. A large number of strangers were present. In the evening attended the 15th Ward meeting. Bros John Henry Smith, H. W. Naisbitt, C. W. Penrose and my brother Angus and I spoke. The meeting was a spirited one, each speaker occupying about twenty minutes.

My wife Martha had come up with me, and she stayed to return with me. The night was intensely dark, so dark that I could not see the bridges, and therefore I had to get out at such places where there were bridges and lead the horse across. We are well pleased when we reached home without accident.

25 July 1881 • Monday

Monday, July 25th, 1881 Went to town this morning and remained there all day, stopping at the house of a friend; also stayed there the evening and night.

26 July 1881 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 26th, 1881 Engaged in Gardo House with Bro. David James looking through with a view of furnishing it with chandeliers and other things in his line of business

27 July 1881• Wednesday

Wednesday, July 27th, 1881 The same, then at 2 o’clock went to the Council. Bro. George W. Hill called and had a conversation about the Indians at the Uintah Reservation.

28 July 1881 • Thursday

Thursday, July 28th, 1881 Prest Taylor tendered his resignation today of the nomination which he had received as Territorial Supt. of District Schools. It was handed to Bro. John Sharp, chairman of the Territorial Committee. He suggested L. J. Nuttall as nominee. I prepared a dispatch for Prest Preston of Cache Stake informing him how many persons would be in Prest Taylor’s party[.] We had a call from Indian Joe, and other Indians and had some conversation with them.

29 July 1881 • Friday

Friday, July 29th, 1881 Engaged with Prest Taylor and a committee consisting of Sisters Barratt, Staines and Bro. Jennings and my brother Angus in deciding upon the selection of furnishing, etc., for the Gardo House. Everything was approved of, and it was decided to send David John Taylor to the States to make the necessary purchases. Drove down home and brought up my wife Elizabeth to the train at 3:40. She was also accompanied by her sister Emily. We expect to make a visit to Logan and attend conference there, and from there proceed to Bear Lake River Valley, and return by way of Evanston to Coalville, Peoa, Kamis and Heber City. Our trip will probably occupy some seventeen or eighteen days. My wife’s health has been so poor that I thought, at the suggestion of Prest Taylor, it would be a good thing to take her; but she was desirous that her sister should accompany her as she felt so feeble that she did not like to travel alone. We took dinner at the station at Ogden, Prest Taylor and wife going up to Bro. Richards’. Bro. Jos. F. Smith, Bros Woodruff, John Henry Smith and Nuttall and wife and myself and wife and Sister Little and his two of Bro. Taylor’s sons, Hyrum and Ezra, dined at the hotel at the station. We secured a sleeping berth for Prest Taylor whose health was very feeble. We reached Logan at 10:15 and were met at the depot by Prest Preston and his counselor, Bro. Chas O. Card and other brethren with vehicles. Bro. F. D. Richards joined the party at Ogden. Myself and folks were driven to Bro. Card’s where we remained.

30 July 1881 • Saturday

Saturday, July 30th, 1881 Met at ten o’clock with the Saints in the tabernacle. The attendance was rather thin, a great many of the men being absent on the railroad and busy harvesting[.] The harvest is crowding upon the people, and hay and the grain ripening together; and we hear that some men are even running mowing machines by lamp light. Reports of the condition of the stake were read, and the time was occupied by Elders [blank]

In the afternoon, Elders [blank] spoke, and a good spirit prevailed and much good instruction given. Bro. Stevens had prepared an opera, in which the juveniles were to do the singing. We were invited to attend; but as it was not to commence until 9 o’clock we thought it better to go to bed than to attend the opera.

31 July 1881 • Sunday

Sunday, July 31st, 1881 Prest Taylor was not well and was only present a short time at the forenoon meeting. I called upon Bro. Jos. F. to speak. He occupied all of the time, excepting the time consumed in submitting the authorities. At two o’clock we met again with the Saints. Prest Taylor requested me to read a portion of that revelation entitled, The Vision, describing the glory of the celestial kingdom; also a portion of the 4th Chapter of Revelations. He spoke then, occupying the time until eight minutes to four. When he sat down he called upon me to speak, quite unexpectedly, as I supposed the time had been so much occupied that he would desire to close the meeting; but he wished me to occupy all the time I wanted, making the remark that we did not come very often. I spoke about twenty-five minutes with remarkable power and freedom. The only difficulty was that my ideas crowded upon me so fast that I spoke with great rapidity.

My wife and her Sister called upon Sister Moses Thatcher to pay their respects, while I went with Bro. Card to see the widow of Joseph E. Hyde, whose oldest son had confessed to have stolen $761. from a safe belonging to the Tithing Office, the combination of which he had learned. He is now in prison, his uncle, G. L. Farrell, and other friends refuse to go his bail, fearing if they did he would run away. I said all I could to her to comfort her, and stayed about one hour with her in her house. I learned afterwards that my visit did her considerable good. She appears to be a very estimable lady, and is deeply grieved at the conduct of her son.

I then went to Bro. Thatcher’s, where my folks were, where I found Bro. Jos. F. Smith. We returned to Bro. Card’s at sundown.

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July 1881, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1881/07-1881


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: He ahiahi e hoomanaoia e au keia o wau, ko’u kaika wahine Mary Alice a me kau wahine hope; o Josepa no hoi na ke Akua o maua e hoopomaikai ma ka hana o keia la.