August 1888

1 August 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 1/88 Attended to correspondence and other business.

2 August 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug 2/88. I attended to public correspondence and did some private writing.

In the evening Bro. Lehi Pratt called for me and carried me to my wife Carlie’s.

My son Frank came down from Ogden this morning and was accompanied by my sons Abraham & Hugh to my place. I had a very long and interesting conversation with him concerning affairs in Washington. He reported to me his labors in behalf of those who are accused of violations of the Edmunds-Tucker law. I think he has been very successful, considering all things. President Cleveland promised to instruct the new judges, and there is every reason to believe that he did so. Franklin had a conversation with Solicitor General Jenks, and it was easy to perceive that this official had been conversing with President Cleveland and had been instructed by him. He requested Frank to see Mr. Peters about my case, and he said Mr. Peters would talk right; and if he did not, he wanted Frank to come back and tell him; but Frank thought that as Judge Henderson and Dyer were there, he had better not converse with him there, because they might take advantage of it. He told Mr. Jenks that he would prefer waiting till he got home, to which Mr. Jenks assented. Frank’s idea was that if Peters did not do right here, it would be easy to communicate with the Department of Justice and with the President.

My case is to receive some special attention. As I understand, they are to nolle all the indictments against me, excepting one, or perhaps all, and then find a new indictment, and I can go in and plead guilty, or not guilty, as I chose, and have a trial. But the Judge has been expressly instructed as to what he is to do. Mr. Jenks conveyed the idea to Frank that if I should do this it would prepare the way, probably, for an amnesty, if it should be wisdom to prepare such a bill in Congress in view of the pending State question.

Frank went to New York and paid his respects to Abram. H. Hewitt, the Mayor of New York, and in conversation with him Mr. Hewitt asked him if he intended to see the new judge, Mr. Sandford. Frank told him he intended to call and pay his respects. Mr. Hewitt said, in reply, “You must do more than this”, and told him that while he did not know Mr. Sandford personally, he would be glad to send his private secretary with Frank to see him, and he told the private secretary, in Frank’s presence, what he should say to Judge Sandford. He spoke in the highest terms of me. To hear is expressions made me blush, they were so laudatory, calling me a statesman, and a representative in Congress who would have been creditable to any constituency, and a great many expressions of this character, for him to convey to Judge Sandford and his views as to the manner in which I should be treated. Frank had the private secretary modify some of these, because he thought Sandford might take exception to having his policy dictated to him. But he had a delightful interview with Sandford. Sandford evidently had been instructed by President Cleveland, Frank said, and understood the case thoroughly.

My great desire in this matter is not for my own welfare or benefit; but if anything can be done in my case that will make it easier for the rest or bring about a solution of our present troubles, I should be delighted. I will gladly go to prison if such an end as this can be achieved. I have prayed earnestly about this and leave this matter in the hands of the Lord for him to order. What policy will be adopted by us, I cannot say. I shall do whatever the brethren feel is best, after we examine the whole subject and get all the information we can respecting it. Judge Sandford will probably reach here by the 15th of Aug. District Attorney Peters will be here before then. The opinion seems to be in Washington that if I should go into court and should be dealt with, it would have quite an effect, as they give me much more credit for prominence than I think, belongs to me.

3 August 1888 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 3/88. Bro. A Winter called with the mail and I dictated considerable correspondence to him. Brother Lehi Pratt called for me this evening and I requested him to take me to President Woodruff’s. President Woodruff appeared to be very glad to see me. He was in trouble over a difficulty which had arisen between his son Asahel and his partner, H. E. Hall, who had a lease of the Valley House. He was also in trouble over the condition of his brother Azmen and his wife. They are in a very deplorable condition. She is 87 years old, and he is nearly as old, and they are living in a very filthy condition, so as to create a scandal in the neighborhood, and apostates had got hold of it and were likely to make use of it in circulating slander. He was very glad to see me, as he desired to lay these matters before me and get any suggestions that I might have to make. I gave him my views of the case.

4 August 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 4/88. Attended to mail matter to-day and engaged in working on my private writings.

5 August 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 5/88. Held Sunday School and Sacrament meeting as usual and had a good flow of the Spirit.

In the evening Bro. Wilcken called for me and took me to the Gardo House.

6 August 1888 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 6/88. Busily employed in public affairs, also in reading proof of the Life of Joseph Smith and in preparing manuscript for the press.

7 August 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 7/88. I dictated answers to a number of letters to Bro. A. Winter, who took them down in shorthand.

In the evening Bro. Moses Thatcher came in, having arrived at 2 o’clock this morning from Mexico. He had a short interview with President Woodruff, also a private interview with President Woodruff, and afterwards with myself, in which he related to me the case of a young lady who has been sealed to a man in Ogden. She is at Deming, and he is afraid that she is falling under bad influences, and that her conduct is likely to create a public scandal.

After my interview with him, I saw Bro. Seymour B. Young for a few minutes, and then was taken by Bro. Wilcken down to my place. My family were assembled at my wife Martha’s and I blessed our boy, he having entered upon his eighth day since his birth. Bro. Wilcken and my son David joined with me. I gave him the name of Collins Telle Cannon, and enjoyed the Spirit in blessing him. We afterwards partook of ice cream and cake and watermelon. Bro. Wilcken carried me back to the Gardo House.

8 August 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 8/88. Held a meeting of the Deseret News Co. this morning. Afterwards dictated a few letters to Bro. Winter, also my journal, and listened to a very interesting letter from Bro. Jos. H. Dean, from Aunuu, a small island of the Samoan Group, where he had landed, with his wife and babe, as a missionary to preach to that people. He has been received very warmly by the people, and though at present unable to talk their language, it being different from the Hawaiian, to which he is accustomed, still the probabilities are he will soon master the language, as his experience in the Hawaiian will be a great aid to him.

There were two Hawaiian natives whom I had baptized – one Kino Pelio and the other Manoa – who were quite familiar with our principles and had received the Melchisedec Priesthood, sent by Walter M. Gibson, when he attempted to set up a church of his own, to the Samoan Group. They were successful in baptizing quite a number of natives. The first named of these two native Elders is dead; the other still lives, and Bro. Dean had opened correspondence with him, and it was at his house where he was welcomed and entertained. He had re-baptized and re-ordained Manoa. He feels to predict that there will be many thousands brought to the knowledge of the truth, and he asks for 3 or 5 Elders to be sent to him. He describes the natives as being superior physically to the Sandwich Islanders, but living in a more uncivilized condition, having very little clothing and destitute of many of what we call comforts.

9 August 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 9/88 Attended to public correspondence; dictated answers to Bro. A. Winter.

President Woodruff concluded he would go home this evening, and as he expected to be up nearly all night attending to some business, I suggested that he had better not return to-morrow, to which he assented, if I would manage the business.

After he left, I concluded that I might as well spend a day with some of my family, and do my work there, as to remain alone at the Gardo House. Bro. Sudbury accompanied me to my wife Carlie’s. I carried my work with me, and left word for Bro. Winter to come tomorrow with the letters and I would attend to the correspondence.

10 August 1888 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 10/88. Bro. Winter came and brought the mail, and I dictated an answer to a request of the widows of President Young for an increase of their monthly allowance. I had an interview yesterday with Bro. Rossiter, and though he was not exactly in funds, I decided it would be better to allow them $100. each, in addition to their monthly allowance, and that we should commence on the 1st Sept. to give them $75. each per month. In my communication to them I stated what we had decided.

I dictated a very long letter to my son Angus, covering what items of news connected with our home and home affairs that I could think of. I know he will be greatly interested in hearing particulars of this kind.

I worked considerably on my History of the Prophet. In the evening Bro. Wilcken called for me and took me to my residence on the river.

11 August 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 11/88. Bro. Winter was brought down by Bro. Lehi Pratt to my place this morning, bringing with him the mail. I signed the recommends and attended to the correspondence.

12 August 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 12/88. Attended to Sacrament meeting in the afternoon. Before noon my son Abraham came down, and there was some business that we had which prevented me from attending the Sunday School, and I requested my son David to take the lead there. In the evening I had a very delightful meeting with my wives and children on the front porch. We had prayer, and I then accompanied Bro. Wilcken to the Gardo House.

13 August 1888 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 13/88. Very busy all day attending to public matters.

I had arranged with Bro. Woolley, of the Salt Lake Manf’g Co. to commence alterations and to finish my wife Sarah Jane’s house. I have felt very much impressed of late to get this house finished. To meet this I shall be under the necessity of parting with some Street Railroad stock that my family own[s].

14 August 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 14/88 Dictated correspondence to Bro. A. Winter, which kept me busy most of the day. I was called upon this morning, before I got out of bed, by my son Lewis, who informed me that his mother had had a bad attack of heart trouble, in the night, and was in a very bad condition. I requested him to go and see his uncle Angus and ask him to go down and administer to her.

As soon as the dusk would permit, I accompanied Bro. Wilcken down to my place. It was raining very heavily. I found my wife in a very low condition. I administered to her twice this evening. I tried to exercise faith for her all day. Her babe only being two weeks old, she is very weak. She has had a very dangerous attack, and, I should judge, had a narrow escape of her life. My wife Sarah Jane has been very assiduous in her attention to her.

15 August 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 15/88. I spent the day at home, working on the History of Joseph the principal part of the day. I administered to my wife Martha several times, and I thought I could discover an improvement, though she is very weak.

In the evening I returned to the city. My wife Emily called to see me.

16 August 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 16/88. My son Lewis called this morning and informed me that his mother was no better, he thought.

I dictated answers to public letters and attended to other business.

I had Bro. Bateman take me down to my home to see my wife Martha this evening. I did not call at any of the other houses, as it was quite late. I found her very low, but, I thought, a little better than she was the night previous. I anointed her, and Bro. Bateman was mouth in administering.

17 August 1888 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 17/88. Attended to some correspondence this morning. Held a meeting of the Deseret News Co.; heard a report of the condition of the paper mill, which is very unsatisfactory. We adjourned, to meet again at 8 o’clock this evening. We met at the time appointed and canvassed the situation of the mill thoroughly. I suggested that the brethren prepare themselves for our next meeting to make such recommendations as they thought best. We appointed our next meeting to be held on Monday, at 8 P.M.

After this meeting I went, accompanied by Bro. Sudbury, to my wife Carlie’s.

18 August 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 18/88. Bro Wilcken called for me at 4:30 this morning and took me to my home on the river. I found my wife Martha somewhat improved, though still very low. I was variously employed to-day.

19 August 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 19/88. Attended to Sunday School and Sacrament meeting, and enjoyed myself very much. Had a visit from my son Abraham in the evening. My wife Martha is a little better to-day.

I was called for in the evening by Bro. Lehi Pratt, who took me in his buggy to Bro. John McDonald’s, where I was given a kind reception.

20 August 1888 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 20/88. President Woodruff and Bro. Jos. F. Smith came this morning. Bro. A. Winter brought the mail, which we examined, and I answered the accumulated public correspondence.

21–22 August 1888 • Tuesday–Wednesday

Tuesday, Aug. 21/88.

Wednesday, ″ 22/88. Attended to correspondence. The weather is very warm. Bro. & Sis. McDonald make our stay with them as pleasant as possible. Had an interview on Tuesday evening with Bp. R. T. Burton, whom we wish to accompany Bro. J. H. Smith in visiting four quarterly conferences in Arizona, and to whom we gave oral instructions concerning matters that had to be attended to there.

23 August 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 23/88. Attended to correspondence as usual.

In the evening I attended the theatre with Brothers Woodruff and Smith.

24 August 1888 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 24/88. Attended to public correspondence and dictated “topics of the Times” and “Editorial Thoughts” to Bro. Winter.

In the evening, went to the office and had an interview with Bro. S. R. Thurman and Wm. A. Rossiter. I met Bro. F. M. Lyman who had just returned from a visit to the Wasatch and Uintah Stakes. From there I was carried to my wife Carlie’s.

25 August 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug. 25/88. Bro. Wilcken called for me in the forenoon and took me down to the river. I found my wife Martha still weak, but much improved and very cheerful.

Busy on my History of Joseph. It has been my custom, whenever I could this summer, to go in swimming. I had a very delightful swim this afternoon with my boys.

26 August 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 26/88. Held meetings as usual and enjoyed a very peaceful and pleasant day. In the evening my son Abraham came down. Bro. Lehi Pratt called for me and took me to the Gardo House.

27–28 August 1888 • Monday–Tuesday

Monday, Aug. 27/88.

Tuesday, ″ 28/88 Held meetings of the Council of Apostles; and on each evening held meeting of the Deseret News Co. taking into consideration the condition of the paper mill. It was concluded, as we had been running the mill at a loss for the past 7 months, to close the mill on the last day of this month, and we contemplate opening it again under a new management. We think of having Bro. T. E. Taylor go out there. He is now Supt. of the News Co. and has had some experience, and he thinks he can perhaps run it at a profit.

On Tuesday evening, I accompanied President Woodruff to Bro. John McDonald’s.

29 August 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 29/88. I felt considerably wearied this morning; but Bro. Winter came with the mail, and the correspondence had accumulated so much that I took hold of it and kept him at work until night, dictating answers to letters.

30 August 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 30/88. I had an excellent night’s rest. Busy with my History of Joseph. I have been so busy of late that I have not had time to read the newspapers. Spent about an hour at it to-day and tried to catch up.

31 August 1888 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 31/88. Bro. Winter came and brought the mail. I dictated correspondence to him. Read proof of History of Joseph. Wrote some letters – one to my nephew, Charles Lambert, concerning his position in the News office, and one to Bro. Wm. M. Palmer respecting family affairs. In the evening Bro. Wilcken carried me to my wife Carlie’s.

I feel very grateful to Bro. John McDonald and his wife for the kindness which they have shown to us during our stay there. They have taken every pains to make our stay at their house as comfortable as possible. They are very kind and hospitable. They are quite a musical family, and I have enjoyed their singing and music.

I found some of the children at my wife’s quite sick.

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August 1888, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024