July 1886

1 July 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, July 1/86 We did not rise very early this morning and did not hold our usual fast-meeting until in the afternoon. Bros. Nuttall and Wilcken, Sister Day and President Taylor spoke and I offered prayer. I enjoy our new quarters very much, because of the opportunity which we have of getting out of doors. The orchard furnishes us a nice shade, and it is pleasant to walk and get exercise there. The family consists of Bro. and Sis. Day, their daughters, Nancy, Tilde, Mary, Ella and Rachel; the three last named are small. There is one son at home, Andrew, age 14 years, and three unmarried sons absent, Sam, George, and John; besides these, Bro. Day has four children married, two sons and two daughters.

2 July 1886 • Friday

Friday, July 2,/86 Listened to and answered correspondence as usual. Bro. Erastus Snow wrote at some length from Mexico and gave a statement of the condition of affairs there. He expressed the wish that Bro. M. Thatcher be sent down with money to purchase the Corrales Basin. A letter was written to Bro. John H. Smith, which President Taylor and myself signed, giving our views respecting the rights of an apostle in an organized stake of Zion and in reference to the ordination by him of Bro. F. Bears of Pleasant–Grove to the office of a seventy. President Taylor and myself had conversation respecting the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Comp. affairs. Bro. Beck wants six thousand five hundred dollars with which to pay his hands. There is danger, he says, if the hands are not paid, of their taking some legal action against the Company’s property. To me the whole affair is very vexatious. One step leads to another, and we are being drawn in deeper and deeper. It was decided that President Taylor should loan the money to the Company for sixty days at ten pr. ct, and that Bro. Nuttall, as President, and Bro. George Reynolds as Secretary, should sign the note, A resolution to this effect being passed by the Company. To secure the Company Bro. J. Beck should sign a note of the same tenor to the Company and give a written guarantee that this should take the precedence in payment of every other debt, either individual or Company, incurred by him subsequent to this date.

3 July 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, July 3/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. Since we have been here I have taken considerable exercise, generally walking from one and a half to two hours a day.

4 July 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, July 4/86 We held our usual meeting this afternoon. Bro. Wilcken in charge and all the brethren present spoke.

5 July 1886 • Monday

Monday, July 5/86 This day is observed as a holyday. Bro. Nuttall and myself looked over a number of old letters, which had been laid aside for one reason or another, and I dictated answers to them. I dictated answers to a good many letters.

6 July 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 6/86 Attended to our usual correspondence. We decided to day to send Bro. Moses Thatcher on a mission to Mexico and placed ten thousand dollars at his disposal for the purchase of land there. A letter was written to him appointing him on this mission, to assist and labor in conjunction with Elders Erastus Snow, Brigham Young and George Teasdale who are already there. We decided also to appoint Bro. Samuel R. Bennion, son of the late John Bennion of North Jordan ward, as President of the Uintah stake of Zion. At the present time this country forms a part of the Wasatch stake; but is so distant that it is very inconvenient for the President of the stake (Abram Hatch) to visit it. We wrote a letter appointing him to this position. I did some writing for the Juvenile Instructor. To day is the anniversary of Bro. John Nuttall’s birth; he is fifty two years old. The evening was spent in listening to singing, and to recitations given by Sister Nancy Day.

7 July 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 7/86 Attended to correspondence.

8 July 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, July 8/86 We are having exceedingly hot weather. Listened to and answered correspondence.

9 July 1886 • Friday

Friday, July 9/86 Same as yesterday. Bro. Wilcken went in town last evening and to day visited my home on the river. He describes everything as moving all right and my family enjoying good health. My twin daughters, Hester and Amelia, appear enthusiastic over the bees. Bro. N. W. Clayton wrote me a letter, setting forth the strait in which he is placed as Territorial Auditor of public accounts, and asking me to use my influence with the Trustee in Trust to lend him about <thirty> five hundred dollars. A letter was written to Bro. James Jack authorizing him to loan the amount on ample security. The weather still continues hot.

10 July 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, July 10/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. Bro. Reynolds sent us copies of the supersedeas bond in the appeal case “the Eureka Hill Mining Comp. vs. the Bullion Beck and Champion Mining Comp.” The latter Comp. has appealed from the decision of the Territorial Supreme Court to the U. S. Supreme Court. One bond is for ten thousand dollars and another bond for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. President Taylor and myself felt that we could not possibly ask anybody to sign such a bond and that Bro. Beck must do the best he can, having all the property at his control in securing bonds. Bro. Moroni Sheets had been suggested as an assistant to his father in looking after the Church Stock interest, while his father has to conceal himself to escape arrest. A letter was written to Bishop Preston authorizing his employment in this capacity.

11 July 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, July 11/86 The heat still continues. We held our usual sacrament meeting to day and we all spoke. Bro. Bateman presided. Bro. Wilcken made a visit this evening to the temple stone-quarry to see if we could be accommodated in safety there for a few days while an apostate nephew (Alma Cunningham) should visit Bro. Day. He described the place as charming and quite safe. My brother Angus came here this evening.

12 July 1886 • Monday

Monday, July 12/86 Attended to correspondence as usual. President Taylor and my brother Angus had considerable conversation to day, and I had occasion to correct some impressions made upon President Taylor’s mind in regard to the action of Bro. Beck in the case of a man named Ed. Johnson, who had been recommended very highly by my brother Angus. Angus had strong feeling against Bro. Beck for the manner in which he had talked about him and his counselor Jos. E. Taylor and President Taylor and myself in connection with this affair. I explained that, after receiving the letter of introduction from Angus, in which he endorsed the man Johnson so strongly, Bro. Beck had learned he was a disreputable character. I did not justify Beck for what he had said; but this was the reason for those expressions. Doubtless Johnsons report of what had taken place was highly colored, for he had threatened to ruin Beck. I told Angus I thought the letter an unfortunate one under the circumstances. He justified it, however, that Johnson was all he represented him to be so far as he knew, though he had not known much about him of late years. We started this evening for Little Cottenwood canyon and Angus returned to the City. President Taylor and Bro. Wilcken rode together. Bro. Bateman drove the carriage in which myself, Bros. Nuttall and Barrell rode. We reached there before eleven oClock after a very pleasant ride. A vacant tent of Bro. R. T. Burton’s had been arranged as our place to live and President Taylor slept in it. My daughter-in-law Annie, John Q’s wife, was here with two of her children, and a bed was arranged in her tent for me. The other brethren slept on the porch in front of President Taylor’s tent. Bishop Preston and his wife Harriet and a daughter are here.

13 July 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 13/86 This is a very delightful place. The quarrymen who live here, under the foremanship of Bro. James Livingston, have arranged beautiful gardens and walks and the place is very handsome, though there is not much room. Bro. Joseph F. Smith has a tent here, and his wife Edna and ten children are here. President Taylor and myself had a delightful visit with her and John Q’s wife and Brother and Sister Preston in the latter’s tent this morning. These Sisters, with the exception of my daughter-in-law, had no idea where I was, whether I was in the country or not. We took our meals together at the tent which had been assigned us, Sisters Preston and Annie Cannon furnishing the table. I notice that the air here increases my appetite, and I eat my food with a relish which I have not known for some time. Listened to correspondence and dictated answers. We received a letter from Bro. Joseph F. Smith, dated the 22d of June on the Sandwish Islands. It was an excellent letter, and he feels well in spirit[.] We also heard from Bro. W. Woodruff, from whom we have heard nothing for some time. He is on a visit to Ashley-Fork, where he has some children living. He described the condition of affairs there as being unsatisfactory. A President of stake is greatly needed, he says. Political rings have been formed and if their schemes are successful the country will be greatly injured. We wrote to him to do all in his power to checkmate the political rings and to see that good men were elected to office. We informed him of the appointment of Bro. Samuel R. Bennion as President of the new stake. A document was received through Bro. F. D. Richards, which had been forwarded by Bishop [last name redacted] of [location redacted], containing evidence against Bishop [first and last names and location redacted], that had been obtained in a hearing at which the President of the stake, [name redacted] and Bishop’s agent [name redacted] were present. The witnesses were examined and the testimony was that he had been guilty of conduct which was lewd and most disgusting. These papers were sent to President A. M. Cannon and Counselors of this stake.

We had a heavy thunder storm this afternoon, and for a little while the rain poured down in torrents. This cooled the atmosphere considerably. The quarrymen and their wives have a dance this evening.

14 July 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 14/86 My son John Q came out from town by train. I was too busy to have much of a visit with him, but was glad to see him and had time to talk over some business matters with him. Listened to correspondence. Bro. M. Thatcher writes us accepting his mission and suggesting the appointment of F. Lara as missionary to Mexico. President Taylor and myself had considerable conversation with Bishops Preston and John Q concerning Church business. Among other things the selection of a suitable place at Provo for tithing premises. I accompanied Bro James Livingstone in a visit to his own tent and to Sister Edna Smith’s, and met with a number of the folks, who all expressed great pleasure at seeing me. Among others I saw Bro Albert Jones, who had just returned from a mission to England, and who is working here to be out of the way of the U. S. Officers. They have indictments against him. President Taylor felt uneasy in our present quarters. He thinks our position dangerous, as we are in a cul de sac. He has concluded to move this evening. I should have been greatly pleased to have stayed here some time longer, as I feel that, with ordinary vigilance, it will be exceedingly difficult to capture us here, as the brush and rocks on the side of the mountain furnish admirable hiding-places. But I would not stay a minute longer than necessary while President Taylor feels as he does. We parted with our friends with some regret, and drove down to Bro. James Godfrey’s on Cottenwood. It was nearly eleven oClock when we reached there, and they soon arranged sleeping quarters for us. The night was exceedingly warm.

15 July 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, July 15/86 I wrote a number of letters to my family. The weather is very hot. We left Bro. Godfrey’s in the evening and reached Bro. Day’s about half past ten oClock. His visitor had left this morning.

16 July 1886 • Friday

Friday, July 16/86 Listened to correspondence as usual.

17 July 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, July 17/86 The same as yesterday. Weather still continues very hot. Bro. S. Bateman went to town last night.

18 July 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, July 18/86 Held our usual meeting. President Taylor who was not in good health wished me to act in his place. Bro. C. H. Wilcken in charge. Bro. H. Day is uncle by marriage to Alma Cunningham, and he is expecting him to visit at his house and stop with him over night, for this reason we moved to the house of Bishop I. M. Stewart this evening and were made confortable by himself and family.

19 July 1886 • Monday

Monday, July 19/86 Attended to our usual business. We agreed to day to increase the fee of Hon. Geo. Ticknor Curtis from three to five thousand dollars, to compensate him for labors which were not contemplated by him when he was employed as general counsel. He has been doing very well in that capacity, and we thought he would be better satisfied, as he had intimated to Bro. F. S. Richards that he ought to have five thousand dollars pr. annum. We thought to split the difference and say four thousand. We wrote to him upon the subject and sent him a draft making up the last payment on past salary to this amount. The following synopsis of a discourse said to have been delivered by Elder Moses Thatcher at Lewiston, Cache Valley, was received to day. “It is my belief that every City, Precinct, county and Territorial office in this Territory will be in the hands of our enemies; that we shall be so burdened with taxes that it will be almost more than human nature can endure; that we shall cry to the Lord both by night and by day for deliverance; that when our hearts are sufficiently subdued that our entire trust will be in the Lord, then shall that man like unto Moses be raised up and raise us up and lead us out of bondage, back to Jackson County in the state of Mo. There will be no hesitation, everything will be decisive and prompt, the mountains shall tremble before him, and if there be a tree or anything else in the way of their progress it shall be plucked up by the power of God; then is the time the scripture will be fulfilled that says ‘One shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight’—it is my belief the time of our deliverance will be within five years, the time indicated being Feby. 14th 1891, (see “Millenial Star” Vol 15 page 205) and that the man raised up will be no other than the Prophet Joseph Smith in his resurrected body, the power to lead Israel in the latter days, as Moses lead him anciently, having been sealed upon his head by his father Joseph Smith, the Patriarch of the church at that time; if father Smith had the power to bless and that he had this power is most certain from the fact that he was ordained to this office and calling by his son the Prophet before the above blessing was pronounced upon the head of Joseph, no other man can perform this mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith (see “Millennial Star” Vol 15, page 620)[.] I do not say all the people of the nation will be destroyed within the time mentioned, but I do say that in consequence of the wickedness and corruption of the officers of this nation, the Government will pass into the hands of the Saints and that within five years there will not be a city in the Union that will not be in danger of disruption by the Knights of Labor who are becoming a formidable power in the land. Your people in quiet Lewiston need not be surprised if within the next four years the railroad is torn up from Ogden to the Mo. River and to San Francisco and into Montana in the north, leaving us isolated as we were when we first came to this Territory. There is a power to do this and a disposition too, meaning the Knights of Labor. A servant of God holding the power and keys of the holy apostleship does not speak in this manner for mere pastime. There is more in these utterances than we are apt to attach unless we are aided by the spirit of God; they are calculated to cheer the Saints in the time of trial and persecution,” ec

Words spoken by Moses Thatcher at Lewiston Cache County U. T. in 1886.

(This copy was made from one in the hands of W. S. Burton)

I was surprised to hear of this and thought [it] strange that Bro. Thatcher should have been preaching in this strain. The rules <instructions> that we have been taught <received> would require him to submit such ideas to the First Presidency or the council before teaching them in public. This ought to be done by every man who entertains new ideas of this character. If they are true, they then go out with the endorsement of the man who holds the keys; and if they are not true, the one who entertains them is advised of it, and the people are saved from false doctrine or false views.

20 July 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 20/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. Bro. Samuel R. Bennion, to whom we had written about becoming President of the Uintah Stake of Zion, wrote a letter expressing his willingness to do anything in his power, but feeling his own weakness very much. This evening we left Bishop Stewart’s and returned to Bro. Day’s.

21 July 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 21/86. Attended to correspondence.

22 July 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, July 22/86 As usual attended to correspondence. President Taylor and myself had conversation this morning respecting the teaching of Bro. Thatcher as reported to us, and we were agreed in our views that no one but the President of the Church had the right to receive revalation for the Church; and that before teaching such important matters as were contained in the synopsis of Bro. Thatcher’s discourse referred to us, he should have submitted them to us. This is our conclusion, independent of the question as to the correctness of what he had taught. I dictated Topics of the Times to day to Bro. C. H. W.

23 July 1886 • Friday

Friday, July 23/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. We learned with pleasure to day that Bro. James Jack had secured an appeal in his case as Territorial Treasurer to the U. S. Supreme Court through Justice Harlan. Bro. N. W. Clayton had already secured his appeal as Territorial Auditor to the same tribunal through Justice Miller. I wrote for the Juvenile to day. This evening Bro. Wilcken and myself left for my home on the river, going by way of Bro. S. R. Bennion’s. I found him at home and set him apart as President of the Uintah Stake of Zion. I omitted to ask him respecting his priesthood, but thought of it soon after we left his house, and called at his cousin Hyrum’s, and requested him to say to Bro. S. R. Bennion, that if he was not a High Priest that I wished he would come to my house to morrow morning and I would ordain him. We then drove to Bro John Hoagland’s, my brother-in-law’s, where I found my wife Emily and where I stopped. Bro Wilcken drove to the city with the mail.

24 July 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, July 24/86. My brother-in-law drove me over to my place about three oClock this morning. Bros. Andrew Smith jnr and Daniel Bateman were there as guards. I sent for my brother Angus to speak to him about the County Officers that were to be nominated in convention to day. We had thought of some changes; but it was too late to consider them. After Angus arrived Bro. Bennion came and I ordained him a High Priest. My brother Angus joined me in laying on hands. It appears to be fortunate that we left Bro. Bennion’s house as early as we did last evening, and that we did not return, as there were strangers seen prowling around directly after we left. I spent the day with my family and did think of stopping there over to morrow; but as I understand that John Q. had left the town, and I was not sure whether I could get a team to carry me back, I concluded to accompany Bro. Wilcken back this evening.

25 July 1886 • Sunday

Sunday, July 25/86 Bro. Wilcken called for me at two oClock this morning and we drove to Bro. Day’s in a little less than two hours. My visit with my family yesterday I enjoyed very much; but did not have the opportunity of getting them all together as usual. They were all well excepting Rose Annie. William and Lewis were absent on a trip to the canyon. We held our usual meeting to day. Bro. Nuttall in charge.

26 July 1886 • Monday

Monday, July 26/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. We wrote to Bro. W. Woodruff requesting him, if he should be still at Ashley Fork, to introduce Bro. S. R. Bennion to the people as their President. We also wrote to Bro. Jeremiah Hatch and Counselors, advising them of the appointment of Bro. Bennion, and requesting Bishop Hatch to introduce Bro. Bennion to the people if Bro. Woodruff should not be there to do so. I dictated circular letters to the Presidents of Stakes and Bishops setting forth the advantages to the Saints in having their recommends signed by President Taylor and returned to them at their homes before they start for the temple at Logan or at St George.

27 July 1886 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 27/86 Attended to our usual correspondence. We received an interesting letter from President Joseph F. Smith, dated the 14th instant. A letter was written to him in answer to his. Mayor Armstrong sent me a copy of the history of Salt Lake. We got news to day that Bro. C. O. Card had been arrested at Logan, but had escaped from the officers by jumping from the train just as it started and mounting a horse that stood close by. Hon. John T. Caine wrote us a letter giving us details of affairs in Washington.

28 July 1886 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 28/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. My brother Angus, as President of the Stake, wrote to us concerning the action of the High Council of the Stake on the case of Bishop [first and last names redacted]. They had suspended him from his bishopric and as he and the witnesses against him are in [location redacted] County, they desire the Presidency and the High Council of that Stake to try him for his fellowship.

29 July 1886 • Thursday

Thursday, July 29/86. Listened to and answered correspondence. Bishop H. B. Clawson who had been in Arizona doing all that could be done for the aid of Bros. Tenney, Christofferson and Kempe, who are imprisoned at Detroit, wrote us encouraging reports concerning the application for their pardon. The condition of the Beck and Bullion Mining Company is such that we thought it better for Bro. Nuttall to go to the City and see if the $150, 00000/ bond, which we are required to give, could be raised by putting our stock in escrow. I wrote out a number of questions to ask the lawyers and others concerning the position of the property. Bro. Nuttall went this evening.

30 July 1886 • Friday

Friday, July 30/86. Attended as usual to our correspondence. We have been playing quoits for some time past for exercise, and we find it beneficial. President Taylor is very devoted to the sport and feels greatly benefited by it. We removed this evening to Bishop Stewart’s.

31 July 1886 • Saturday

Saturday, July 31/86 Listened to and answered correspondence. A letter was received from Bro. John T. Caine at Washington inclosing a printed report of Senator Blair of New-Hampshire, from the committee on Education, in favor of an appropriation for the establishment of a school in our territory, to be under the direction of the “Industrial Christian Home Association of Utah”. Also a printed petition of Miss Angie F. Newman, presented to the U. S. Senate June 8/86, on woman suffrage in Utah. This contains most abominable falsehoods. Bro. F. D. Richards expressed his wish to spend a little while, during the hot weather, at Soda Springs. Bro. John H. Smith or some other one of the twelve, we wrote to him, ought to take his place during his absence to see after missionary and other matters. President Taylor, Bro. Nuttall and myself had conversation concerning the Beck Mine. Bro. Nuttall made his report of his visit to the city. It seems impossible to obtain the necessary bonds, and the prospect is, that the Eureka Company will dig out all the good ore pending the appeal of the case to the U. S. Supreme Court. The prospect is that we shall lose the entire property. President Taylor thought I felt sad over the prospect and made a remark to that effect. I replied, No, that was not the case, that I had contemplated such a result for months past, as Bro. Nuttall well knew. Some time ago, while we were living at Bro. Godfrey’s, I remarked that I had been clearly impressed that we should sell. President Taylor said, Yes, that he had felt the same, and would have done so if Bro. Beck had consented. I said the difference between us was, that I was willing to give Bro. Beck the amount he wanted and take the remainder for ourselves; but he, President Taylor, would not consent for Bro. Beck to have any more in proportion than we were to have, as he thought it unjust; and we both had thought it unjust to sell out our stock, which was the majority, to other parties, and leave Bro. Beck in the minority. I have been willing in my feelings to sell this property for a less price than President Taylor has been willing to sell for. If the property, however, be a loss, I have these reflections to console myself with: I did not enter into this purchase for the purpose of making money for myself. I entered into it against all my past feelings in regard to mining in <this> country, and because President Taylor was impressed to do this and wished me to do it also. I am gratified to think that I have let him have his way respecting the management or disposal of the mine. We have talked this matter over freely, but I have submitted to his judgment respecting its affairs, though frequently <at some times> my judgment would have suggested a different course.

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July 1886, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1886/07-1886