January 1892

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1892

2 January ff.

The matter of B. H. Schettler and the Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Company

7 January

Discussion of “a fusion between the Literary & Scientific Association and Young University”

8 January

Desire to “sustain myself and give all my time to the Church, and then contribute as well to the Church’s advancement”

30 January

Opinion of Robert N. Baskin, nominated by the “Liberals” for Mayor

5 February

“Our safety, as the First Presidency believed from the testimony of the Spirit to them, was in dividing upon national [party] lines”

17 February ff.

In New York on business

12 March ff.

In Washington DC seeking amnesty

15 March

“We spoke to him [President Benjamin Harrison] upon the question of amnesty.”

21 March

“Confidential Memorandum, relating to the forfeited bonds of George Q. Cannon”

22 March ff.

Cannon’s efforts to get his bond cases dismissed

4 April

A copy of the engraving to be placed “with other articles in the cap-stone of the Temple”

6 April

Events in regard to laying the capstone of the Salt Lake temple

9 April

Son David left on his mission

11 April

“Planning of the work yet to be done on the Temple, in order that it may be finished for dedication by the 6th of April, 1893”

13 April

“I had the pleasure . . . of sealing Miss [Miriam Lavinia] Hawkins to [my son] Angus for time and all eternity.”

15 April

Family gathering for the wedding reception of Miriam and Angus Cannon

19 April

Plans to construct a railroad named the Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railway

21 April

“My son Abraham brought to the First Presidency this morning the first bound copy of Brother Orson F. Whitney’s History of Utah.”

27 April

“I married my son William and Ada [Emily Ada Young].”

3 May

A question “concerning the propriety of the Church attorneys defending brethren who were arrested for violations of the Edmunds law”

4 May

Funeral services of my brother-in-law, Charles Lambert”

6 May

Alfred Lambourne proposed painting a landscape of the Hill Cumorah for the Salt Lake temple

11 May ff.

“Arbitration of a difficulty that had arisen between Brother B. Y. Hampton and wife and the Brigham Young Trust Co.”

14 May ff.

Meetings in Manti, Utah, and other parts south

31 May

Explained to his son John Q. “the position of the First Presidency and our action in political matters”

7 June ff.

Meetings with President Wilford Woodruff and others in various southern Utah towns

11 June

Reasoned with “Father Edward Bunker” about the procreation of man

24 June

Financial indebtedness of the Brigham Young Academy

26 June

“Interview with Brother Wm. H. Shearman” about the will of the Lord for him

3 July ff.

Journey to meet with Saints “from four stakes—the Snowflake, St. Johns, St. Joseph, and the Maricopa”

9 July ff.

Travel in California and then on to Portland; descriptions of industry and scenery in Oregon

16 July

Return to Utah

21 July

Discussion with John W. Taylor about purchases of land in Alberta

27 July

Letter from son David who was serving a mission in Germany and asked about travel without purse and scrip

30 July

Cannon wrongfully accused by brethren

4 August

Conflict with Moses Thatcher

9 August

Counsel regarding political parties in Idaho

18 August ff.

Visit to a camp on the upper waters of the Weber

27 August

Letter from son David, who bore his “testimony in regard to traveling without purse and scrip”

3 September

Discussions regarding affiliations with national political parties

5 September

On son Lewis entering the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “I have been desirous to give Lewis the full advantage of education.”

7 September ff.

Plans and problems pertaining to “having the Temple ready for dedication by the 6th of next April”

13 September

Discussions about son Frank J. Cannon running as a congressional candidate

16 September

Examined “a statue of President Young which Mr. Dallin had nearly finished”

18 September

“The Lord’s hand has been over my father’s family in a remarkable manner.”

21 September

View that incorporation could give “our sisters . . . some voice in the national and international conventions”

28 September ff.

Met with the chairman of the Republican National Committee

2 October

Received “a visit from President [Charles William] Eliot, of Harvard University”

10 October

Meeting of priesthood leaders in the upper room of the Salt Lake temple

17 October

Learned of son David’s death; feelings about his son; letter from David

24 October

Letters from David “dated October 8th, being nine days before his death”

26 October

Response to accusations against son Frank’s character

3 November

Response to J. L. Rawlins’s “very caustic and contemptuous reference to George Q. Cannon’s plight when he was arraigned and held in bonds before Judge Zane”

4 November

Conversation with B. H. Roberts on political matters

7 November

“A discussion took place in the theater between Frank J. Cannon and J. L. Rawlins”

12 November

Responses to David Cannon’s death

13 November

David Hoagland Cannon’s funeral

16 November

Suggestions for changes in Alfred Lambourne’s paintings of the Hill Cumorah and Adam-ondi-Ahman

2 December

“I feel very much exercised over this [the Bullion-Beck] property.”

6 December

Saltair Beach Company property

11 December

While Mary Alice wanted her deceased brother David to have a wife and posterity, such a thing would not be possible “under the present circumstances.”

14 December ff.

Turned over his interest in the Bullion-Beck mine to P. T. Farnsworth

15 December ff.

Help sought by Hedrickites regarding Independence, Missouri, property

22 December

Misuse of the title “Apostle”

1 January 1892 • Friday

Friday, January 1st, 1892.

The funeral of Franklin M. Anderson, who was killed by the train, was appointed for this morning at 10:30.

My son David and myself went in my sleigh to President Woodruff’s, as I desired to pay my respects to him on this new year’s morning and to wish him many happy returns of the day. I found him in excellent health, busy at work on his journal, making a summary for the year—a practice that he has followed for fifty years—so that he can tell how many miles he has traveled, how many letters he has written, how many recommends he has signed, how long he has preached and how often, and other details.

From there we drove to the 8th Ward meeting house to attend the funeral. It was very much crowded, a great many people being unable to obtain seats. Brothers John Nicholson, C. W. Penrose, my brother Angus and myself spoke. The other brethren occupied about 15 mins. apiece, and I occupied about half an hour. The two first spoke of Brother Anderson’s life, he having been employed in the Deseret News office, and the tribute they bore to his memory was excellent, and this seemed to be the universal feeling. I was almost surprised at the manifestations of love and affection which were exhibited on every hand to his memory. He undoubtedly was a young man of considerable promise. His pallbearers were the missionaries of the Indian Mission with whom he had labored. There were resolutions of respect also read by Brother John Hayes which had been adopted by the Sunday School Supt. and teachers and the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association.

I borrowed President Woodruff’s carriage for my wife Sarah Jane and my daughter Rosannah to ride in. Rosannah is in a very low condition. My son Angus drove the carriage, and my son Frank rode with them to the grave, and Rosannah then accompanied him to Ogden. I thought the change would be beneficial to her.

After the services were over, I took my brother Angus in my sleigh and drove out to my brother-in-law, Charles Lambert’s, to see him and my sister Mary Alice. We had heard they were sick, and I was desirous to make this visit. We had a very serious time getting out. The roads were bad in places, and returning, the horse “Rattler” broke through the snow and ice and cut his leg quite seriously. We wrapped it up in a handkerchief and drove home as fast as we could; but before we reached home, in passing through one of the snowdrifts our sleigh was overturned and we all went down in the snow. The horse<s> did not run away, however. I sent the horse with my son Lewis to find a veterinary surgeon to sew up his leg. He left him at Grant Bros. stable for Dr. A. C. Young to attend to.

We found my sister Mary Alice much better than she had been; but her husband, Charles Lambert, was quite sick, though he was sitting in a chair.

I never saw him look so bad before.

I had a good new year’s dinner with my family. My wife Elizabeth’s children were invited by Abraham to his house.

2 January 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Jany. 2nd, 1892.

I came up to the office, and on my way attended to some business at the savings bank.

President Woodruff came from home contrary to his intention, his motive being to bring to our attention a letter that had been written by Brother B. H. Schettler of the savings bank. In this letter he tenders his resignation, to take effect today, as assistant cashier, and intimated that if we wanted his services it must be in the capacity of cashier. President Woodruff was troubled over the letter, and I suggested that we hold a board meeting. At 1 o’clock we met, and after reading the letter, sent for Brother Schettler. He came and stated his reasons for his proposed action; said that we had shown a want of confidence in him. He recounted his labors, and what he had done, and that everything he had done had been for the good of the bank, and he did not wish to sit in the bank and have somebody at his elbow to watch all that he did, and he thought he had better get out of the way. He stated that the charges that had been made against him were trumped up, and there was no truth in them. These charges were read, and also his reply. They were really not charges, but a statement about the condition of affairs, and they were signed by T. G. Webber, James Jack, H. B. Clawson, W. A. Rossiter and Geo. M. Cannon. He found fault with the action in placing Brothers W. A. Rossiter and Geo. M. Cannon to act with the Board of Directors. He said they were like dogs set on his track.

President Smith stated his feelings concerning Brother Schettler; that he had confidence in him, etc., and he talked very kindly, as did President Woodruff and some of the other brethren; and there was much said by Brother Schettler that was somewhat embarrassing, because it put us in the attitude of having treated him ungratefully.

I attended the meeting with full expectation of not saying a word. Brother Schettler had intimated that I was responsible for the action that had been taken against him. This he stated to me on Thursday, and I thought that at this meeting I would refrain from saying a word. But when President Woodruff pressed for something more to be said and done in the case, I felt then that it was my duty to break the silence and put the matter in greater plainness, to show why we had acted as we had in his case. I said to President Woodruff that the kernel of the matter had not been reached, in my opinion, with all that had been said. I then proceeded to relate what we had heard about the bank now for a long period; that the bank did not stand high in public estimation among business people, on account of improper methods that were resorted to in the bank. I said to Brother Schettler, we have been told time and again that you, as our cashier, took commissions from people to whom you loaned money, and that to get a loan in close times it was necessary to give you a fee. I said the bank examiner also had a private interview with us, at his own request, to set before us the condition of the bank, which he thought very bad, and he said that as there was likely to be another examiner we would have to see to it that the bank was put in a better condition, or it would be reported against, and would thereby be ruined. I talked at some length and with some degree of plainness to Brother Schettler, and I said to him that because I did talk thus plainly it was not that I was his enemy, but it was because I loved him, and I thought he ought to know the facts. I said we stand in this position: We are told that confidence in the bank is due to the fact that the First Presidency are members of the Board. Upwards of eight hundred thousand dollars have been deposited. It would be a dreadful disaster for anything to happen to this bank. It would be disastrous to the Church, it would be disastrous to the Presidency, it would be disastrous in every direction. And it was our duty to see that no such disaster occurred, and that confidence in the bank should be maintained. I said, it was not a question as to whether we loved you, Brother Schettler, or had confidence in you, or believed you to be honest, and industrious, and watchful of the interest of the bank <(>all of which I firmly believe are qualities which you possess<)>; but we must take a course to maintain the confidence of the people; and whether you do right or not, if the public believe that things are not right in the bank it is our duty to seek by every means in our power to remedy those faults. This is the way it was forced upon us, and we have tried to get new methods adopted, but so far have failed.

I felt in talking with such plainness that I was exposed to the suspicion, if not the feeling, that I was the instigator of this action against Brother Schettler; in fact, he intimated as much. I then turned to the Board and appealed to each of them, and said, “Brethren, now you have heard all I have said here, and I appeal to all of you, individually. Is this feeling that Brother Schettler has had, that I am the instigator of this action against him, correct?” All the brethren responded that it was not; that I had not said any more than the rest of the Board, and had always spoken in the warmest, kindest and most friendly terms of Brother Schettler. I then said, “Before this meeting adjourns I want all of you to state, in Brother Schettler’s presence, if I have in my remarks overstated what has occurred, or made any misstatements concerning it.” I desired this, because I did not want it said hereafter that though I had said such and such things, others did not think as I did. All felt that I had stated it exactly as it was, and expressions were made to the effect that they were glad it had been told to Brother Schettler. This whole business has been very painful to me. I have seen that a change would have to come sooner or later. Brother Schettler is a man whom I have always liked, and still like. I think him thoroughly honest, industrious and a faithful Latter-day Saint; but of late the bank, under his management, has not been, the Directors have felt, in a satisfactory condition. I baptized Brother Schettler, and was the means, in the hands of the Lord, of making him familiar with the Gospel, and to take any action that would be unpleasant to him has been painful to me.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

3 January 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Jany. 3rd, 1892.

Attended meeting in the Tabernacle. President Jos. F. Smith was present also. I asked him to speak, but he did not feel very well and declined. Abraham H. Cannon spoke for about half an hour, and was followed by Brother John Morgan. The meeting was very interesting.

4 January 1892 • Monday

Monday, Jany. 4th, 1892.

Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself went by the morning train to Provo to attend the opening exercises of the Brigham Young Academy. President Woodruff was accompanied by his wife, and President Smith by three of his daughters.

I was met at the station by Brother S. S. Jones with a carriage and carried to Prest. Smoot’s. We breakfasted there, and were taken to the new Academy building at 11 o’clock. The building is a spacious and finely-built structure, and I think exceedingly well adapted for the purpose for which it has been erected. The architect, Brother Don Carlos Young, has displayed skill in so arranging the rooms that they will have plenty of light. The plastering and painting are not quite finished, though the committee has been crowding everything to the very uttermost in order to get the building ready, and that which they have done is exceedingly creditable to their energy.

Lieutenant Johnson, from Camp Douglas, was on the train with us and I made his acquaintance. He has been selected as the military instructor. He seems very favorably disposed and made some cutting remarks concerning the “Liberals” and their operations, showing that his sympathies were not at all with them in their attacks upon our people.

The main hall of the building has a seating capacity of about 750; but I think there must have been considerably over a thousand persons present. Gov. Thomas was present, also Judge Blackburn. Capt. Willard Young also came down with other members of President Young’s family. There was a choir, glee club, and an orchestra, all of which were led by Brother Giles, and they rendered appropriate selections.

After the choir had sung, Brother F. M. Lyman made the opening prayer, and the choir again sang. I was requested by President Woodruff to offer the dedicatory prayer. His own health, he said, did not admit of his praying.

Dr. Karl G. Maeser made the opening adress, and as he was afraid that he could not control his feelings, it being his farewell address in the capacity of Principal, he had written it. Prest. Smoot spoke, followed by Architect Don Carlos Young, Governor Thomas, Prof. B. Cluff, who is the new Principal, and President Woodruff. I also made a few remarks, as did Prest. Jos. F. Smith.

The exercises were quite interesting and passed off very pleasantly.

A repast had been prepared by the sisters, to which all the visitors were invited. It was a most excellent meal.

We were carried to the train—those of us who returned—which left Provo at 3:20. President Woodruff remained to make a visit with his wife.

I was met at the depot by my nephew, Lewis M. Cannon.

5 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jany. 5th, 1892.

President Smith and myself were at the office this morning.

There was a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co at 10 o’clock, at which I presided. The business kept us engaged until a little after 12. The meeting was held in the Lion House, and an appointment was made for a meeting at the close of this of the Board of Directors and other prominent members of the Literary & Scientific Association. Capt. Willard Young, at my invitation, was present at this meeting. It was there proposed that we should amalgamate the interests of the Literary & Scientific Association with Young University. The objects of the two institutions are similar, and it seems in reflecting upon the matter, that if there could be a fusion of interests the ends to be attained would be much easier reached than by maintaining two distinct organizations. At a recent meeting of the Board of Education, on my motion, Dr. J. E. Talmage had been released from the Principalship of the Latter-day Saint College, and Capt. Willard Young, who is President of Young University, had been instructed to endeavor to commence a department of the university, under Dr. Talmage. It was thought by commencing in this manner we should soon have a university course, and that this was a better way than to wait until we would be prepared to commence all the departments at once. In order to make this department efficient, it would be necessary for Dr. Talmage to have the Museum placed at his disposal, and this suggestion led to the further suggestion, why not endeavor to create a union between the Literary & Scientific Association and the University. There were present at our meeting today, three attorneys, F. S. Richards, A. Miner and R. W. Young. The idea was a new one to them, and they saw some legal difficulties in the way, which, however, they did not seem to thank insurmountable. After a discussion upon the subject, it was finally decided to appoint a committee to take this business into consideration, and I therefore appointed F. S. Richards, A. Miner, Willard Young, J. E. Talmage and R. W. Young, with instructions to report their conclusions as soon as practicable My son John Q., who is the secretary of the Association, had come down from Ogden to attend the meeting.

We held a meeting of the Saltair Beach Co. today.

I have been suffering all day from cold. It seems to me I never sneezed so much in my life in one day as I have done today.

6 January 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Jany. 6th, 1892.

President Woodruff returned from Provo last evening and was at the office this morning, as well as a President Smith and myself.

This morning’s “Herald” contained the text of a bill which had been introduced simultaneously into Congress, by Senator Faulkner in the Senate, and by Delegate Caine in the House, providing a new form of government for Utah. The bill proposes to do away with the Utah Commission, and to give the election of all the officers of the Territory to the people, the payment of these officers also to come from the Territory.

I was suffering very much from cold today. I suppose it is an attack of what is called la grippe. I felt wretchedly, and tried to avoid seeing company; but ex-Marshal Dyer insisted upon seeing me. He said it would only take a few minutes. He called upon me to talk about this bill and to get my views about it. He said that he had sent me word some two weeks ago that he wanted to see me upon the subject. I told him I had not heard of it. He said that he was anxious to get my views, and would like to have had me examine the bill before it was sent away, as he had more confidence in my political judgment and sagacity than anyone he knew of in the country, – all of which I received cum grano salis. He wanted to know what I thought about the best method of treating the bill by our press, and I gave him my views. He stayed a considerable time, and seemed very friendly.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co, and after other business had been done, the resignation of Brother Schettler came up. He seemed to be determined to have it acted upon. President Woodruff thought that if that were the case, we ought to do something for Brother Schettler. It seems, as I learned afterwards, that he had thought about giving him a thousand dollars. I was not aware of this feeling, however, and I proposed that, in view of the zeal and industry and faithfulness of Brother B. H. Schettler to the bank, we give him five thousand dollars as a testimonial of our appreciation of his past services and the esteem in which we held him. This was seconded by Brother T. G. Webber. There was some discussion as to how this should be paid. President Smith seemed to feel that it should be appropriated right out. Some of the rest of us had some question as to the legality of this, and the motion finally passed that each stockholder pay his proportion of it, according to the amount of stock that he held in the bank. This action of ours had a very softening effect upon Brother Schettler, and when we talked to him about remaining with the bank and told him the injury he might do himself by leaving suddenly, and perhaps the bank also, in this way: that if he were <to> leave suddenly it might be thought by the public that he had done something improper, and therefore he had been summarily dismissed. Besides, it was not in the interest of the bank to have anything done that would cause inquiry or agitation. Brother Schettler said he was willing to stay any reasonable time with us, and placed himself at our service.

I was very glad to see him feel so much better, as I would feel painful if, after his lengthy connection with the bank, he should leave our service soured in his feelings and entertaining the idea that we had treated him with ingratitude. It was this that prompted me to make the motion that he should have $5000. I felt as though I would gladly pay my proportion of it, and even twice that amount, rather than he should leave feeling that we had been ungrateful to him. I explained this to Presidents Woodruff and Smith afterwards as a reason for my making a motion for so large an amount. I said it would not do for us to place ourselves in a position where Brother Schettler could say unpleasant things concerning us and concerning the bank, and I preferred being more than liberal with him that to leave the least ground in his mind for dissatisfaction.

Geo. C. Lambert brought a list of the employes of the Deseret News who were owing tithing and wished to obtain a donation for the amount from the Church. The practice in the office has been to withhold the tithing of each employe from his wages and at the end of the year get receipts for the amounts; but the office has no funds with which to pay these amounts now, and hence Brother Lambert asked for a donation. I do not feel very well about the way the news office stands. Ostensibly it is a Church institution, owned by the Church, and yet if they send a paper to an Elder or to anyone that an Elder suggests, the Church is asked to pay for it, and does pay for it. It pays for all its work just as it would at any office, and derives no profit, direct or indirect. We are called upon from time to time, as in this instance, to help the institution, and I have felt for some time that there should be a change made. Yet, in consequence of being connected with the Juvenile Office, I have been delicate about saying much about the affairs. A company, no doubt, could be formed that would publish the Deseret News and give several thousand dollars for the privilege, and in every way be the Church organ as it is now; and this would place the valuable property now held by the News Co. in possession of the Church. I believe that I am the only one that has ever had charge of the News that has ever paid anything to the Church. It has its own property rent free, and all that rests upon it is the payment of the taxes. Formerly I was very much in favor of business being done through the Church; but after years of experience and watching affairs, I have come to the conclusion that it is not near so profitable as it is for private enterprises to do the same work.

We decided to make a donation of one half the amount of this tithing, the remaining half to be credited us on our account at the News office.

7 January 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Jany. 7th, 1892.

I am still suffering from influenza, or la grippe, and felt very much like staying at home; but I notice that when I get out in the air I feel better.

The First Presidency appropriated $500. to assist the Hedrickites in their lawsuit for the Temple Block. We have helped these people more than we intended to in the beginning. They are kindly disposed, and we have thought it might be a benefit to us hereafter. But this lawsuit is costing more than it was thought it would in the beginning.

Capt. Willard Young called upon me and reported the action of the committee to whom had been referred the question as to the best method of bringing about a fusion between the Literary & Scientific Association and Young University. The committee had decided that the proper way would be for the Literary & Scientific Association to be called together upon suitable notice for the purpose of amending its articles of association, and in this way, by making amendments, the desired end could be reached. I submitted the question to presidents Woodruff and Smith and Brother F. D. Richards, explained what we had in view, and desired to know whether they saw any objection to our pursuing this plan. They all expressed themselves favorably towards it.

In consequence of Brother Silas S. Smith’s distressed financial condition, which we have learned through letters written by him to Prest. Jos. F. Smith, we made an appropriation of $1000. to him, it being an amount that he had paid in excess of Brother F. A. Hammond towards the purchase of the Zapato ranch. We have felt that they both should stand on the same footing in regard to this transaction; but President Woodruff seemed very much opposed to the appropriation at this time, in consequence of our straitened financial condition. The matter was pressed upon him somewhat, and he partially yielded. President Smith therefore made a motion that $1000. if we could raise it, be appropriated for this purpose. President Woodruff appealed to me to know whether I was in favor of it. I told him I was not if he was opposed to it. I did not wish to carry this over his protest. If he were willing I would be in favor of it. President Woodruff withdrew his objections and the amount was appropriated.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Elders F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon met. The question came up before us as to the proper way of burying our sisters--whether the vail should be drawn over the face or the face left exposed. The general expression was that the face should be covered with the veil.

I suggested that instructions be given to the Presidents of the Temples to enforce upon the people the necessity of being more careful in exposing their dead clothed in Temple robes. The practice has become altogether too common, when people die, to expose them in their coffins, in their Temple clothing, to the gaze of all who may choose to look at them. This, I said, was contrary to the instructions given in early days. Temple clothing was considered as sacred as Temple ordinances, and was not to be shown to anyone except those who had received their endowments.

Correspondence from the Sandwich Islands concerning the case of the President of [name redacted with brief identifying information], was read to the brethren. It shows a bad condition of affairs there in consequence of his transgressions.

Prayer was offered by Abraham H. Cannon.

It was decided, as Brother Geo. M. Cannon, has been selected as cashier of Zion’s Savings Bank and will not therefore be able to attend to the duties assigned to him connected with the Free Will Offering Fund, that Brother L. John Nuttall be appointed to take his place, under the direction of Brother John W. Taylor.

8 January 1892 • Friday

Friday, Jany. 8th, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office. Snow still makes sleighing very pleasant. I have enjoyed this winter so far very much.

I am still suffering from la grippe.

Busy today arranging my tithing. I was afraid that I would not be able to pay as much as I did last year, but I find that by hunting up all the items I am a little ahead, which is very gratifying. It has always been a very strong desire in my heart to be able to assist the Church financially. I remember in boyhood hearing about the Prophet Joseph’s financial straits, and I shall not forget the great desire I had in my heart at that time to render him assistance. I thought of all sorts of plans and schemes by which I could do something to relieve him. That desire has never left me. I have felt for years that if I could sustain myself and give all my time to the Church, and then contribute as well to the Church’s advancement, it would be the greatest pleasure in the world to me. The Lord has heard this desire of mine and has granted it to me. It is true that I draw just as the other brethren do from the Church; but my tithing last year and this year was and will be about $3000. in excess of what I have drawn. I call this tithing, but it really is not tithing; it is more I suppose than would come under the law of tithing. I have felt, however, that I ought to be striving to prepare myself for the time when the revelations which the Lord has given will be carried out practically, when all our surplus will be turned in at stated periods into the storehouse of the Lord. I know that the Lord has blessed me in this, and that His promises have been fulfilled. I am heavily in debt, it is true, but I do not want to be in debt to the Lord, or to take liberties with that which I feel is his. When I was elected to Congress and received cash, I felt to be liberal in the payment of means, because I thought while I had the money that if I paid it, it would be an obligation discharged, and I could look back at it with pleasure; whereas if I did not and I became straitened in my finances, I would always regret that I had not paid liberally when I was in a position to do so.

I had a conversation yesterday with my sons Frank and Abraham concerning a transaction in which I had engaged at Frank’s suggestion, which he thought was going to result in considerable profit. It has not turned out profitably, and there is a note of his at Zion’s Savings Bank, which Abraham and myself have endorsed, that, from present appearances, will have to fall upon us. This is quite a disappointment to me. I try to get along as well as I can with my own burdens; but it rather falls heavily upon me, with the family I have to support, to have burdens that I have not created myself piled upon me. This remark is called forth by circumstances which have occurred in connection with my sons John Q. and William. I hope this transaction will be straitened out without it increasing my financial liabilities.

John Quayle, a native of the Isle of Man, was buried today from Farmer’s Ward. My health was such that I did not feel it prudent for me to go, though I should like to have done so out of respect for his memory. He joined the Church in the Isle of Man when President Taylor preached the Gospel there in 1840, and was one of the first emigrants to Nauvoo from Europe. He crossed the plains in the same company with us in 1847. All his family, as near as I can learn, are out of the Church, but he himself remained true to the end. He lived to an exceeding old age, being 90 years 8 months and 11 days old. Though bearing the same name as my mother, he is not at all related, that I know of, to us. The name Quayle on the Isle of Man is almost as common as the name of Jones in Wales.

I had a call from Mr. Welby and Mr. Babcock, of the Rio Grande R.R. They desired to converse with me, as the President of the Saltair Railway Co., concerning our proposed line to the Lake, and what we intended to do.

Bishops Preston and Winder came up, and the question of choosing Brother Orson Smith as Bishop’s Clerk of the Cache Valley Stake was discussed. It was decided that it would be in violation of the rule established heretofore upon that subject, he being a President of a Stake; but in order to give him employment it was decided to use him as the financial agent, in disposing of tithing as opportunities might offer. For this it was decided to give him $800. a year, which would make his pay amount to $1600, he already receiving $800. as President of the Stake.

Brother Emmett of Kanab called to see me about business that we had several conversations upon. There was an interview between him and the First Presidency, and the business was left to me to attend to.

I called for my wife Carlie at her sister’s, Maria Y. Dougall, and took her down in the sleigh with me. She had been spending the day with Sister Rhoda Chase Hinman, who is on a visit from Canada.

A gentleman by the name of Meneck was introduced to me this morning by Mr. Daly, who is the husband of my step-daughter, Georgie Little. Mr. Meneck wants to have a company organized to settle the lands in the bottoms of Green River as low down as the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers. He describes the country as being semi-tropical, and his proposition is to put a steamboat on the river, as that is the only way in which these lands can be reached. He proposes also to have a town built at the junction of the Grand and Green Rivers, and then that a tourist steamer on the river, would pay very well in carrying tourists, as Gridiron Falls, just below the junction, is the grandest scenery in America. It was very interesting listening to his description of the country.

9 January 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Jany. 9th, 1892.

I came up to the office this morning. President Smith came in towards the afternoon.

I dictated my journal and correspondence to Brother Winter.

President Smith brought in Elders Hardy and Brimhall, who are laboring in the interest of the Y.M.M.I.A. Associations, and we had a long conversation about a Manual which they are preparing for the use of the Associations. I gave my views to the brethren on the method of conducting these Associations, and suggested to them that they must try and avoid so many technicalities and not surround their methods with too many formalities.

We sent for Brother Chas. S. Burton, to learn from him whether an engagement had been made for Patti to have the use of the Tabernacle for a concert. He informed us that he had not heard from the Manager for ten days. We advised him to inform the Manager that owing to a complication that had arisen, the Tabernacle could not be obtained for that purpose. Our reason for this is, I received a dispatch upon the subject from a very prominent attorney who is connected with our cases, informing us that it was dangerous to have the Tabernacle used for traveling concerts, etc. We have decided, however, to let Brother Stephens give an informal concert to the Press League, which is expected to arrive here on Monday. This does not come within the prohibition, because there is no pay connected with it, and it is merely for the purpose of letting these people hear the organ and our choir.

10 January 1892 • Sunday

Saturday, <Sunday,> Jany. 10th, 1892.

A very stormy day.

I went to meeting at the Tabernacle in the afternoon. Brothers Wm. H. Seegmiller, of Richfield, and James A. Melville, of Fillmore, addressed the meeting; after which President Jos. F. Smith, at my request, spoke and with a good deal of power.

11 January 1892 • Monday

Monday, Jany. 11th, 1892.

This is my birthday. I feel thankful to the Lord that He has spared my life so long, and that I still am a member of His Church and have a desire to remain faithful to Him.

The First Presidency at the office.

Brother F. S. Richards called upon us to inform us concerning the appointment of a committee to consult with the Legislature concerning measures that should be enacted. He said that the committee they thought of having was, Judge Henderson, Col. Winder, Elias A. Smith, Jos. L. Rawlins and F. H. Dyer. He desired us to speak to Brother Winder, so that he would not decline acting.

I took President Smith in my sleigh to the Latter-day Saint College and took part in the exercises which were being held prior to the release of Professor Talmage from the Principalship of the College and the placing of Professor Willard Done to succeed him. The exercises were of a very interesting character and occupied about two hours. There was much feeling manifested by the pupils at parting with Dr. Talmage. He has undoubtedly endeared himself to his scholars. In my remarks I explained the object in releasing him.

On my way back I was met by Brother Clawson, who informed me that I was wanted at a meeting of the Bullion-Beck Co. While I was ascending the elevator in the Constitution building, with Brother Barlow Ferguson and two ladies, we heard awful screams and groans and a crushing of some substance which we supposed was a man’s body. I never was so horrified in my life. The elevator boy was almost distracted. I do not know how I looked myself, but the faces of the others were blanched with horror. After we had stopped, somebody shouted to the boy to pull up a little, which he did, and again the groans were heard and there was a crashing of glass and woodwork. We were between the two stories and could not get out, nor tell what was happening. We were lowered to the floor, and I got out hastily and went upstairs. I was made thoroughly sick. It seems that underneath the passenger elevator was another cage for the hoisting of goods, and some man had tried to get in there when the elevator was in motion and had been caught, and it was his screams that we heard, and it was his body that stopped the elevator. He is said to be seriously injured.

We had quite a protracted meeting of the Bullion-Beck.

I was kept in the office quite late, and felt faint for want of something to eat. I had had a very light breakfast and nothing through the day.

The following dispatch was sent to Brother Morgan, who has gone to Washington with Mr. Critchlow, the object being to get Gov. Thomas, Mr. Varian and Col. Sells removed from office:

“We have asked influence of Gov. Thomas to favor general amnesty; he is working zealously. Be careful not put leading Mormons in position of seeking his removal, as we must keep faith with him. You must not put yourself or us in false position. No objection your working for pressure to be brought on him to work on party lines. Will write.”

The motive in sending this dispatch is that we are afraid that we shall expose ourselves to the charge of bad faith, as Gov. Thomas is very friendly and is striving to do all he can for us in behalf of amnesty; and while we have had nothing to do with Brother Morgan going to Washington, still it is the general belief that a man of his prominence would not leave here on such a mission without it being known to us.

I went home, and had Lewis drive me to the Tabernacle, where a concert was in progress which was being given to the Press League.

I had been invited yesterday by Mr. Frank Gillespie to join in showing the members of this League some attention and in partaking of a banquet at the Knutsford Hotel, at 9 o’clock tonight; but I have been so pressed for time today that I could not do so. After the concert I drove down to the Knutsford, where there was a great crowd assembled. I partook of the banquet with them, after which there was speaking and some recitations. I was treated with a good deal of courtesy, and while standing at the end of the hall, Judge Powers, who was the master of ceremonies, arose from his chair, just after he had finished his own remarks and while Gov. Thomas was commencing his, and walked clear to the end of the hall for me and told me that there was a chair up to the other end of the hall which he wished me to occupy. This drew every eye to me as I walked up the length of the hall, and I could see a great deal of curiosity exhibited by the strangers who knew who I was. My seat was the most conspicuous next to Powers’. In my turn I was called upon to speak. I made a few remarks that were not particularly satisfactory to me, but which appeared to give pleasure to others, and I received a great many compliments. After the proceedings were over a number of the visiting gentlemen and ladies came and introduced themselves and asked for my autograph. They said they had heard of me so much and were glad to make my acquaintance. The affair passed off very pleasantly. Brother Wm. H. King spoke for the Legislature, which he did very eloquently, and made a good impression.

I did not get to bed till about 1:30.

12 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jany. 12th, 1892.

President Woodruff came to the office today, but was not well. He had been coughing a great deal in the night. He did not stay long.

The memorial which was prepared by Judge Estee for our Legislature to adopt, asking for admission to the Union, I had read to several of the brethren—President Smith, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith, John R. Winder and F. S. Richards. It is a very strong document; but it is very questionable at present whether it will be adopted by the Legislature.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

Had a call from Mr. Hooper and Mr. Shotwell, of the Denver & Rio Grande R.R.

13 January 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Jany. 13th, 1892.

President Smith and myself were at the office. President Woodruff was not there. I called at his house this evening and found that his cough had kept him awake the greater part of last night, and he thought it better not to come to the office.

Brother Reynolds read correspondence to us, and suitable answers were suggested.

The Twelve Apostles had a meeting yesterday and another today. Brother Lorenzo Snow came over to inform us of their intention to partake of the sacrament and expressed a desire to have us join with them, if we felt like it. I told him we should appreciate it very much and arranged to join with them at 12 o’clock. At that hour we went over to the Historian Office, in the upstairs room—a room that has been the scene of many important councils in old times—and there we joined in prayer and partook of bread and wine in remembrance of our Lord. The Twelve present were: Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, J. W. Taylor, M. W. Merrill, A. H. Lund, A. H. Cannon. Brother Grant is absent in California. Brother Thatcher, the brethren said, had been with them in the forenoon, but had been compelled to withdraw through ill health.

After this we returned to our office, and a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. was held. I, as Vice President, presided. Brother B. H. Schettler tendered his resignation as assistant cashier, and it was accepted. He desired it to take immediate effect. This was not according to the understanding that we had had with him at our previous meeting, as he then intimated that he was willing to stay as long as we should say. But his reasons assigned today for requesting us to release him immediately were that in response to an inquiry which he had made concerning making preparations for his own business we had said that he could do so, but I had said “not in the bank”, and this had brought him to the determination of entering on his own business straightway. I said that I supposed President Woodruff had made the remark, and not myself, but if I made it, it was because all thought it was the proper thing, to which the Directors present all assented, and said it was the feelings of all of them that if he remained he should not do his business in the bank.

I learn that the Republican Committee selected my son Frank to go to Washington to urge upon the party the propriety of introducing an enabling act for Utah as a measure to offset the Democratic bill which has been lately introduced into Congress. Brothers Jos. F. & John Henry Smith told me that the Territorial Committee had insisted on Frank going, but he had objected, as he thought it was unadvisable for any of our people to go down to urge such a measure, and they had then selected John M. Zane to go, but he would not go unless Frank went also. Zane had started this morning, and they wanted Frank to go tomorrow morning. I have not seen Frank myself, and only know what has taken place by hearing it from these brethren, both of whom are in favor of the movement, being Republicans. It would be necessary, they said, for Frank to have some means advanced to him to pay his passage, as the last trip that he took had borne heavily upon his own private funds. They said that the party proposed to pay the expenses, but they could not wait for the collection of the money now. I demurred somewhat from advancing money from our Defense Fund, because if we did so to help the Republicans, the Democrats would think we were not fair, unless we did similarly with them. After debating the matter, however, I waived my objections, in view of the fact that it was proposed to return the money and it certainly would be for the benefit of the whole people to have an enabling act introduced. I wrote Frank a letter asking him to look after my bond case while he was in Washington and find out all he could about it, and I also felt impressed, I said, to caution him in regard to his associations. He is going to mingle among people of loose morals and habits, and I wanted him to be especially careful. The letter, $300. of the money, and a cipher book were sent to him at Ogden by the hand of Brother W.C. Spence.

I dictated a letter for the First Presidency to sign, to be sent to Prest. G. Teasdale and Elders Macdonald, Pratt and Eyring, Mexico, to be carried by Brother Emmett, who is going there, and for him to deliver to either one of these brethren whom he should first meet. The object in writing is to put the people on their guard at the present time, as we hear that revolutionists are moving around near their settlements and may do some injury to our people or their property. We advise them to have the scattered saints gather in to strong settlements, and to take care of their stock, that predatory bands cannot steal it, and for the people to keep their arms and ammunition in good order, so that they can defend themselves from attack. We do not have any serious fears concerning them, but feel it to be our duty to give them this warning, that they might be on their guard.

14 January 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Jan. 14th, 1892.

As we had a meeting of the Twelve yesterday and attended to some business, it was thought unnecessary to hold our usual meeting today.

President Smith and myself were at the office, and President Woodruff came and stopped about one hour. President Smith had sickness in his family and was only in a portion of the day.

Brother Wm. H. King, President of the Legislative Council, called on behalf of himself and other members of the Legislature to express to us, as the First Presidency, their feelings concerning our counsel. They would like to have us make any suggestions that we might feel led to make regarding legislation and they would be pleased at any time to confer with us. He manifested quite a good spirit, and I felt to reciprocate and say that anything in our power which we could do to aid them we should do with pleasure. I received the following letter from my son Frank: “Echo, Utah, Jany. 14, 1892. My dear Father:

On the 11th inst I called at your office three times, hoping for a chance to offer to you in person an affectionate congratulation upon the recurrence of a day which grows ever more dear as we learn better and better to appreciate your life and all that it means of heroic accomplishment. May God bless you with continued health and increasing happiness.

No opportunity offered then to wish you many happy returns nor to inform you of this proposed trip. Tuesday night, upon the telegraphic request of Hon. John Henry, I went to Salt Lake but it was too late to see you. I feel very regretful about going away without visiting you and receiving your oral counsels; but your kind letter of yesterday is a partial compensation. Its advice and warnings will be followed, with the help of the Lord.

Not long since, D. H. Peery said “Frank, I’ve been compelled to throw off a good many cares and leave them for younger men. I’m and [an] older man than your Father, but he ought soon to do the same. If other people want a sugar factory, let them build it. He ought to get from under the load.” Of course, we all recognize the patriotism which prompts your business course and the ability which enables you to make such widespread use of your physical and mental powers. But for some time past, I have had a constantly growing anxiety to spare you from individual annoyances, and every time an apparent necessity has arisen for troubling you with financial affairs, it has brought poignant regret to me. I feel that you have many, many lovely years before you, and that your activity in the extended domain which your personality fills will continue to the utmost limit of those years; but, yet, dear Father, Mr. Peery’s caution is reasonable. That superb strength of mind and body should be husbanded and so apportioned to your future that your life may be a perfect cube instead of a pyramid, tapering off to nothing as so many do. Do you recall Doctor Holmes’ great poem, “The Wonderful one-hoss shay, built in such a wonderful way that it lasted a hundred years to a day?” It is humorous; but to me it has acquired a kind of proud pathos, for it seems to be an allegory of your life.

How little right to speak in this way have I whose errors have been mountains on your head! Forgive me all the wrong, and may Heaven and your own benign goodness encourage and sanctify the poor atonement yet in my power.

Accept my love for yourself, mother and all of your family. Please give my regards to your associates. I will try to do all that I can for our beloved Utah.

Excuse this scrawl. The train is swaying over the hills.

Your affectionate son,


I had a conversation with Brother M. W. Merrill concerning a difficulty that he had with Brother Fred Turner, of Cache Valley. According to Brother Merrill’s report, Brother Turner is acting very badly, and if he persists, it seems as though he will lose his standing in the Church.

At 12 o’clock I met with the Bullion-Beck Co. to consider the bond which it was proposed to give to Mr. Charles Popper. The conditions of the bond are, that on or before three months we are to receive a million and a half dollars, less 12½%, as the first payment for the property, the remaining million and half to be paid at the expiration of 12 months.

I dictated a letter to Judge Estes.

15 January 1892 • Friday

Friday, Jany. 15th, 1892.

Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself were at the office. The former’s health is much improved.

I received a note this morning from ex-Senator Alvin Saunders, who is now one of the Utah Commission, in which he requested me to call upon him, as he wanted to see me. I did so and met with him and Col. Godfrey, Chairman of the Commission, and Gen. McClernand, and had a very pleasant interview. While there, Gov. Thomas came in. When Senator Saunders and myself had the opportunity of talking, he explained to me that he had seen the letter which I had written to the East concerning my bond case, and he was much interested in it, and on account of our old acquaintance and friendship, he wanted, if he could, to aid me in this matter. I asked him if he referred to the letter which I had written to the Attorney General. He said that was it. He said the impression prevailed that I was a millionaire, and that I could pay this as well as not; but he had been making inquiries and had satisfied himself that this was not true, and he wanted to report the facts. I said to him that I did not want to pose as a poor man, nor a beggar, but I was heavily in debt—probably $60,000. to $70,000.—and all I had to show for that was some stock in the Bullion-Beck, which might be valuable or might not. I said I would esteem it as a great favor if he would use his influence in my behalf to have that case dismissed; for I thought it was a great wrong that I should be required to pay that amount, having already paid $25,000. He spoke very kindly, and intimated that he would do something in the matter. I was pleased to hear this from Saunders; for I had expected more from him when he came here than I have yet seen. We were at one time, when he was in the Senate and I in the House, somewhat intimate, and we ate for a long period at the same table in the Riggs House. But he has manifested a coolness, it seemed to me, since he has been here, and I have felt somewhat disappointed, because I thought he would view our affairs favorably. This action of his, however, shows that he has not entirely forgotten our old association and friendship, and I trust that it will result in good to me.

I dictated a letter to my son Frank, informing him of the conversation.

I dictated a letter of introduction for Col. Godfrey to Brother Matthew Noall, President of the Sandwich Islands Mission, for the First Presidency to sign. Col. Godfrey starts tonight for a five or six weeks’ trip to the Sandwich Islands, with the hope that he will receive benefit to his health, which is somewhat impaired.

At 2 o’clock President Woodruff and myself went down to Farmers Ward to participate in a reunion at the Ward which was held in the new meeting house. I carried President Woodruff home in my sleigh, and he changed his clothes and followed me down. We had lunch, after we reached there, and there were appropriate exercises. My brother Angus and Bishop R. T. Burton, myself and President Woodruff made brief addresses to the people, and there was singing by the choir and music by my band of children on the mandolin and guitar. There were eleven of my family—five mandolins and six guitars. They played very sweetly, and I was much gratified at their performance. I think that the people were not only gratified but surprised. President Woodruff in his remarks alluded to it and said that such a thing could not be seen scarcely anywhere—a land of twelve musicians, one man’s children.

16 January 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Jany. 16th, 1892.

I came up to the office this morning. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were not there.

Had a visit from Brother F. S. Richards, who told me that it was the design to have the Legislature get up a memorial to Congress favoring the home rule bill and urging its passage. Brother W. H. King was one of those who were getting this up. He asked me if I had any objection to Brother King calling. I told him, no. I had considerable conversation with Brother King upon the subject. I told him that I thought a memorial of that kind would be a very unwise step for our Legislature under present circumstances, as I thought it would have the effect to postpone Statehood and commit the Legislature to a policy that they might wish to change between now and the close of the session.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

My head troubled me today, and I went home feeling quite upset, and went early to bed.

17 January 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Jany. 17th, 1892.

I intended to have gone to the conference at Ogden today, but last evening I saw my son Abraham and asked him to go and excuse me to the people. I felt so badly that I laid in bed till nearly two o’clock, and kept very quiet all day.

I had a call from Brother Frank Armstrong, who came to tell me the attitude of Judge C. C. Goodwin upon the question of admission as a State and his willingness to go down to Washington, in company with Isadore Morris, to ask for amnesty and for admission.

18 January 1892 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 18th, 1892.

I felt very much better this morning and came to the office. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were there.

Spent considerable time relating to President Woodruff many things that had taken place connected with political movements while he had been absent, also read to him letters that I had received from Judge Estee and the Memorial for the admission of Utah which he had prepared.

I received letters from Brother H. J. Grant concerning a loan that he had made in the Fireman’s Insurance Company for $50,000. A meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank was called for the purpose of considering the matter, and I had the letters read to the brethren. There was considerable discussion upon the subject, and we felt reluctant about taking the loan, under the circumstances. A motion was made by President Jos. F. Smith that we take the loan. My brother Angus was very much opposed to it, as were some others, and I did not see my way clear to sign the note individually; but light came to me on the subject and I said I was now willing to sign the note, with this understanding—that a letter be prepared and sent to Brother Grant, setting forth the reasons we had for being reluctant, so that he would have our note and reasons with him. This proposition removed the objections, especially coupled with some remarks that I made about what Cannon, Grant & Co were willing to do in order to relieve the situation of affairs here.

I afterwards had a meeting with Cannon, Grant & Co, as Brother Grant had asked to have our company ratify his action. He had written authority to sign for us, but he preferred the ratification also of the action.

News came to us this afternoon that Senator Teller, of Colorado, had introduced a bill into the Senate for the admission of Utah as a State.

19 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jany. 19th, 1892.

The First Presidency at the office.

I related to the brethren my call upon Senator Saunders, at his request.

Brother John Henry Smith received a dispatch from my son Frank, calling his attention to the Teller bill which appeared in the “Standard”. The editorial upon the subject was written by my son John Q. It was very terse [page including January 20, 1892, is missing] make amends. We talked to him with exceeding great plainness, and it was decided by President Woodruff, after hearing all our views, that Brother [last name redacted] make a broad and humble acknowledgment of his sin, and write it in the Hawaiian language to the satisfaction of myself and President Smith, that that be sent to the Islands, and that he be rebaptized. Brother [last name redacted] accepted this decision, and said he would comply with its terms.

We held a meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

Brother Frank. Armstrong, who is working with some outsiders, said Judge C. C. Goodwin, editor of the Tribune, and Mr. Isadore Morris had proposed to go to Washington to work in favor of amnesty and the admission of Utah as a State, and it was a question whether we should assist them or not. It was decided to render them some pecuniary assistance in doing this.

Judge Colborn called upon Brother Webber and myself and explained his friendship for a gentleman by the name of Leonard, who is a candidate for Assessor of our city. He spoke in the highest terms of him and the obligations he was under to him for past services. But he wanted to know from us if we had any objection to his becoming a delegate in the Liberal Convention, for he desired to be there to work for Leonard’s nomination. He felt, in consequence of his association with us in the World’s Fair Co, that he ought not to do this without consulting us. We told him that we were decidedly in favor of his doing all in his power to elect a decent, respectable man such as he represented Mr. Leonard to be, for so important an office.

The First Presidency had an interview with Brother Lovendahl and associates who were called the Utah Colonization Co. They have secured a hundred thousand acres of land in Mexico, and Brother Macdonald had written up to Brother John Henry Smith, the vice Prest. of the other company, setting forth the advantages that would accrue to both companies if there could be union of action. After listening to the statements of the brethren, we felt to approve of the suggestion that the two companies work in each other’s interest and for the promotion of the ends that they had in view, viz., the benefit of the people, and in carrying out the contract which had been made by Brother Macdonald with the Mexican government.

21 January 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Jany. 21st, 1892.

I had an interview with Brother F. S. Richards on political matters, and told him that I wished him to use his influence to keep Democratic politicians from becoming too confidential with me, as I did not want to be put in a false position by them. There was a disposition, I noticed, to communicate to me their plans, with the hope probably of getting Church aid, and I did not wish to occupy that relationship, as I desired to stand aloof from all partisan movements. I thought that my office, as one of the First Presidency, required that at my hands, so that I could act for the good of the whole people, without regard to either party.

I had a similar conversation with Brother Penrose yesterday afternoon.

I kept my appointment with Mr. Dyer and met Judge Henderson and him at Brother Richards’ office. I listened to their statements about the home rule bill and the objects they had in view concerning it, and expressed my satisfaction afterwards for the information which they gave me concerning it

After some conversation with John Q. Cannon and Bp. O. F. Whitney, it was decided to request Brother Andrew Jenson to go south to obtain all the information he could concerning the Mountain Meadow Massacre—information which had not been published, and which there was some danger of it passing out of reach by the death of parties who now knew something about that affair. Bp. Whitney finds himself in a position where he cannot complete the first volume of the History of Utah by the time that has been announced, viz., the beginning of March, and as it involves very serious financial consequences to Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., as well as a loss of reputation through broken promises, we have made an arrangement with John Q., whom Bp. Whitney is pleased to accept, to help in writing some portion of the remaining part of the volume. This Mountain Meadow Massacre was assigned to him by the Bishop. But John Q. finds, on examination, that there is nothing except what has already been printed, and he has learned that there is some information procurable, if we take the right steps to secure it, and hence the selection of Brother Jenson for this purpose.

Brother [last name redacted] prepared his confession in the native language, which President Smith and myself read and made some suggestions concerning it. He added the points and we approved of what he had written.

22 January 1892 • Friday

Friday, Jany. 22nd, 1892.

President Woodruff was not at the office this morning. His health is reported to be poor. He and Brother Smith and myself were out last night at Brother Stevenson’s and took dinner. I suspect he has taken cold. I enjoyed the party very much. I had my wife Martha with me.

At 11 o’clock the funeral of Talula Young Wood, a daughter of President Young, took place. I attended. Brother Orson F. Whitney spoke. Her husband, who is not a member of the Church, gave way to considerable grief, or at least its outward appearance. Those who have traced his career say that he has a very bad record, and that he is a libertine of the worst character. I understand that her sisters feel that it is a relief to have her pass away and get out of his power, as they have feared the worst results.

On the invitation of my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, I took lunch with him at the Templeton Hotel; and with J. L. Rawlins, who is President of the Union Club, went to the club rooms, which are situated on the third floor. I think they are very fine.

At 2 o’clock I had an interview with Francis Armstrong, Brothers Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman and John H. Smith being present, the object being to take into consideration the question of Judge C. C. Goodwin going down to Washington, accompanied by Isadore Morris, to urge amnesty and the admission of Utah. The fear that we have entertained was that if we were to employ this man to urge admission, and his friends should break with him, he would fall on our hands. He himself has made inquiry as to whether our brethren who talk with him would stand by him in case his friends should turn against him on account of his advocacy of admission. We talked about this very freely. Brother John H. Smith moved that we employ him to go down to Washington for this purpose. I suggested that it might be well to employ him to go for amnesty and to caution him against committing himself against the admission of the Territory and to do what he could in favor of admission. The evident purpose of the Liberal party, as we learn it, is to send a delegation to Washington to fight the home rule bill and the bill for admission; but in the event of not being able to kill the home rule bill without some other measure, then to favor the admission as a State as the lesser of two evils.

Co-op Wagon & Machine Co. held a meeting in the office, at which I was present, and did considerable business.

In the evening, at home, I had a long conversation with my sons William and Abraham concerning William’s business, which to me is very unsatisfactory. I talked with exceeding plainness and yet with kindness to him, and showed him that he must change his course in regard to his work or he would amount to nothing and not be able to make even a decent living.

23 January 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Jany. 23rd, 1892.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him quite sick. He looked worse than I have seen him for a long time. He had had a very bad night and he said he was very much troubled with some sort of vertigo. I administered to him and felt well in doing so.

President Smith and myself went through the accounts of the Sandwich Islands Mission which had been brought home by Brother Ward E. Pack.

After this, I attended the funeral of Sister Fanny Young Thatcher, and upon the request of Brother Geo. W. Thatcher, communicated to me by Bishop Whitney, I addressed the congregation, which was very large. I was followed by Bishop Whitney.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

Dr. Jos. S. Richards telephoned to the office that President Woodruff’s situation was critical. His stomach had refused to retain nourishment, and his kidneys and liver were very much affected. I consulted with President Smith and a dispatch was sent to Brother Lorenzo Snow and one to Brother Franklin D. Richards, informing them of President Woodruff’s condition and asking them to come down. I felt that at President Woodruff’s advanced age his sickness might prove fatal. I immediately drove down to his house and was greatly relieved to find him much better than I expected. Injections had been administered to him and these had brought relief, and I saw that there was no danger. I drove back to the city and sent dispatches to the brethren above named, advising them of his improvement and saying to them not to come down.

I went to the theatre this evening and saw “The Middleman” performed, Mr. Willard the principal actor. A very fine performance.

24 January 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Jany. 24th, 1892.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him improving. I then drove to meeting. Elders Wm. H. King, one of the members of the Legislature, and Fred Stauffer, who has just returned from Asia Minor, addressed the congregation. I enjoyed the meeting very much.

Brother Gibbs took a message from me to send to Brothers Snow and Richards concerning President Woodruff’s condition.

25 January 1892 • Monday

Monday, Jany. 25th, 1892.

I called at President Woodruff’s and found him still improving.

President Smith and myself had a call from Brother F. D. Richards, who came down from Ogden.

Brother Co. O. Card also called upon us and gave us a report of the condition of the property in his charge at Cardston, Canada, also a copy of a lease that he had made with the brothers Billing of the Church ranch and stock.

At 2 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Deseret News Co. This company is in very embarrassed circumstances, and it is a very grave question what course to take to relieve it.

At 4 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Co-op Wagon & Machine Co. stockholders, at which I was re-elected a director.

26 January 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jany. 26th, 1892.

Brothers F. S. Richards and John R. Winder came to see me early this morning and we had a long conversation over the political situation. Afterwards President Jos. F. Smith came in, and I laid before him the subject of the conversation, and Bishop Clawson read to us extracts from a letter that he had received from Judge Estee concerning our political affairs.

I dictated a letter to <be sent to> Brother Heber J. Grant.

My son Frank called. He has just returned from Washington. He reported the condition of affairs there.

I have received a letter from Brother Heber J. Grant and I take pleasure in entering in my journal his closing remarks. They did me much good and produced a feeling of thankfulness in my heart to the Lord for His goodness in turning the hearts of my brethren towards me. He says:

“Always praying the Lord to bless you and your associates, and thanking Him with all my heart that you have my unbounded love and confidence, and also praying forgiveness for the many things I have said and done in the past which have so wounded your feelings, I remain, with great affection.”

In answer to letters of Judge Estee in which he urged the propriety and the necessity of the Legislature expressing itself in favor of admission as a State, through a memorial, I prepared the following dispatch which was sent to him:

“Have to proceed carefully about Statehood Memorial. Many of Legislature committed to Home Rule Bill. Liberal Democrats pressing Legislature for endorsement of latter. Fears are entertained if Home Rule not endorsed and Statehood asked for instead, Liberal Democrats will go back into Liberal party and fight admission. We are asked how it would do to endorse both. If this be done we would prefer they ask for Statehood with alternative of Home Rule in event of Congress refusing to favor admission.”

27 January 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Jany. 27th, 1892.

I called upon President Woodruff and found him somewhat improved. He is able to sit up part of the day.

Sister Anderson, the mother of Franklin M. Anderson, who was killed, called to get counsel concerning the propriety of entering suit against the railroad company for damages for the killing of her son. She herself said that she was not favorably impressed with the idea, but some of her children and the neighbors thought it ought to be done, and that it was due to the public that the railroad should be made to smart for carelessness. I told her to call tomorrow and I would converse with some of the brethren about it.

We had a very interesting letter read to us this morning from Elder Geo. Teasdale, in which he described the conflict that had occurred at La Ascencion, a town four miles from our settlement of Diaz, in which three of the government officials were killed. Our people were called upon to go up there, which they did. It seems that they had not received, when they wrote, our letter that we had written to him; but it is evident, from the tenor of his letter, that they had taken the precautions themselves which our letter had suggested should be taken for the safety of themselves and their stock.

Brother F. S. Richards, through whom we have been working with the Democrats, informed us this morning that the Democrats had agreed to ask for both home rule and the admission of Utah as a State, with the preference for the admission.

I had some conversation with Capt. Willard Young and Dr. Talmage concerning Young University affairs. They were both in favor of changing the name of Young University to Deseret University, if the Legislature should call the Deseret University the University of Utah, as was now proposed in a bill before the Legislative Assembly. There seems to be an aversion in the minds of people of means to doing anything to contribute to swell the importance of any other individual whose name a university or college might bear.

28 January 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Jany. 28th, 1892.

I called at President Woodruff’s this morning and found him still improving.

I had a call from Brother Wm. H. King, who has been appointed to prepare a memorial to be adopted by the Legislature. I handed him the memorial which Judge Estee had prepared, as it contained a great deal of valuable information.

There was a meeting of the Sugar Company at 10 o’clock.

President Smith and myself listened to a report of <by> Brother Penrose of a conversation which he had had with Governor Thomas concerning the election bill. He repeated to us the arguments that he had <used> with the Governor to induce him to sign the bill; but the Governor did not appear willing to make it law by giving it his signature.

Brother Andrew Jenson, whom we sent south to gather up information for the Mountain Meadow Massacre part of the History of Utah, telegraphed that Elliot Wilden had important information that could be obtained by giving him a copy of the forthcoming History and $50. My son Abraham came up and we talked the mater over. He did not feel that he could afford to give $50., or that the matter would be worth that amount, and President Smith did not seem inclined to have it appropriated by the Church.

I had a conversation with Brother Franklin D. Richards concerning the reading of the History of Utah. He and Brothers Robert T. Burton and John Jaques were selected as a committee to listen to the reading of the History as prepared by Bishop Whitney; and I gathered from Brother Richards’ remarks that he was under the impression that the publishers, Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co, were perhaps making a good thing out of this publication. I took occasion to explain to him why Abraham had consented to take hold of this work.

We had a conversation with Brother Wm. King concerning reports that had reached us about his first wife and one of her sons who was with him at Josepa. The young man is said to be profane in his language and occasionally drinks and indulges in card playing, and the example is having a very bad effect, we are told, on the Hawaiian saints. It seems from Brother King’s conversation that his first wife is almost unmanageable, and he is striving his best to save his children, and has hoped that this boy could be brought to see the error of his ways, and in fact he says he has promised to do better.

At 2 o’clock Presidents Smith and myself and Brothers F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and A. H. Cannon met, Brother F. D. Richards having expressed a desire to be excused. We had prayer together, Brother Jos. F. Smith being mouth.

29 January 1892 • Friday

Friday, Jany. 29th, 1892.

I called upon President Woodruff again this morning and found him still improving.

After reaching the office I was called upon by Mr. Allen, of the Chamber of Commerce, who wished to converse about the proposed line of railroad to Saltair, and also in connection with that the Deep Creek project. As I was not in a position to say anything definite, I desired that he would call when Brother Nephi W. Clayton should return from the East.

I had an appointment with Mr. A. R. Heywood, of Ogden, who called upon me to speak with me concerning using my influence in favor of an appropriation for the World’s Fair. He set forth his reasons for thinking it a desirable matter, in which I agreed. The question, however, as <to> who should expend the money came up, and we both agreed that it would be very proper for some Latter-day Saints to be on the commission.

President Jos. F. Smith went to Provo today in company with Brother Lyman.

I had conversation with Prests. Wm. Budge and Geo. C. Parkinson concerning the division of the Latter-day Saints in Idaho on party lines. I gave my views concerning this movement, and urged upon them the importance of taking early action in the matter, and it was suggested that Brother F. M. Lyman should visit those Stakes, as he intended to do Bear Lake, and especially that he should go to Bannock.

I have been very much in need of a buggy. I had one of the Miller Concord buggies offered to me at a very reasonable price by the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co, that is, $210.00, the selling price being $325.; but I could not purchase it, not having the means. My son Abraham heard of the offer, and he insisted on purchasing it and giving it to me. I accepted it, because I need it, but with the understanding on my part that I would return the sum to him when I get in easier circumstances.

30 January 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Jany. 30th, 1892.

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter this morning.

Had a letter from Judge Estee, informing me that he would leave for Washington today, passing through Ogden.

Had interviews with Prests. Wm. Budge and Geo. C. Parkinson.

I had thought of going to Logan to Conference, but in view of having to meet Judge Estee on Monday morning at Ogden, I concluded not to do so.

The nomination by the “Liberals” of R. N. Baskin for Mayor has caused deep feeling in me. This man came here almost a fugitive, having killed a man in Ohio. He has been a low desperado, and particularly inimical to the Latter-day Saints. It is painful to think of such a creature representing this city and occupying the highest office in the gift of the people. If the President of the United States or any dignitary were to come here, this man would stand as the representative of the people!

My son John Q. informs us this morning that Brother O. F. Whitney had assigned him the treatment of the Mountain Meadow Massacre, the Morrisite trouble, the Black Hawk war, and the laying of the last rail of the Union Pacific, for his portion of the History of Utah. We were gratified to learn that he had prepared the Mountain Meadow and Morrisite matters for the press. He has shown a good deal of expedition in preparing these.

31 January 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Jany. 31st, 1892.

The day was quite stormy.

My daughter Anne has been quite sick for some days and is threatened with pneumonia. I administered to her several times, also to Wilford, who is also sick.

At 5:15 I had my son David drive me in the sleigh to the train for Ogden. Brother H. B. Clawson accompanied me. He stopped at my son Frank’s, and I stopped at John Q’s. Both the boys met us at the train.

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January 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1892/01-1892