November 1875

24 November 1875 • Wednesday

Busy packing up and getting ready for my journey to Washington. At President Young’s office a good part of the day. Was set apart by himself, Bro. Wells and Bro. John Taylor, the latter being mouth. An excellent blessing.

25 November 1875 • Thursday

Started this morning alone to Ogden. Met by Bro. F. D. Richards and my son Franklin there. My pass for which Bro. Sharp had sent did not arrive until the last minute. How difficult to travel without being recognized! No sooner did I enter the sleeping car than I overheard a lady say to her family and company, “that’s Mr. Cannon.” I afterwards learned that she had seen me at Washington. Lieut. Birney was on the train returning from an exploration of Panamint and vicinity under Lieut. Wheeler. Gov. Walker of Va. and wife, a member of the present Congress, was also on the train. Snow was deep in the mountains.

27 November 1875 • Saturday

Reached Omaha; crossed to the Bluffs. Received a pass by Rock Island & Chicago road to Chicago

28 November 1875 • Sunday

Reached Chicago and put up at the Clifton House.

29 November 1875 • Monday

Last night was very cold and to-day also. Called upon Mr. Cleland of Pittsburgh & Fort Wayne R.R. He had resigned.

Started in evening on that Road to Washington. Gen. Rusk, of this Congress & Mr. Philetus Sawyer of last were on the train

30 November 1875 • Tuesday

Mr. Stone of Mo. joined us at Pittsburgh.

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November 1875, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024