December 1884

1 December 1884 • Monday

Monday December 1st 1884. Dictated “Editorial Thoughts” To Bro. John Irvine for the Juvenile. Attended meeting of the Officers of the Sunday School Union at 2 p.m. and transacted some business. In the evening met in the Assembly Hall. Had an interesting meeting. Between the meetings I drove out in company with my wife Caroline. We had selected as Teachers at the request made by Bishop Thomas Taylor, George Romney (whose name he had mentioned) John Sharp and Abraham O. Smoot. He had been notified to that effect and had acquiesced in the arrangement, Bro. George Reynolds being the messenger who conveyed the intelligence to him. Today he wrote a letter to Prest. Taylor saying, among other things, that George Romney was going away and could not act, and requiring him (Prest. Taylor) to do certain things, among others to pay him $5000, and that unless the Teachers decision agreed with this and other things he had suggested in his letter, he would not abide by the decision. In other words it amounted to this: that if they decided to suit him, all right; if they did not, it was all wrong, he would have nothing to do with it.

A number of brethren were in the Office today on business of a varied character. Considerable time was spent in conversation by myself with Bro. Junis <Junius> F. Wells respecting his father’s financial affairs. This was in view of his father’s departure for England on a mission, Prest. Taylor and myself on Wednesday last having intimated to him that for the purpose of Safety he had better take his departure to England as speedily as possible. The privilege was given him of taking a wife with him if he so wished. We also decided that Bro. Joseph F. Smith should go to the Islands for a season, and if he wished to <he could> take a wife with him. I notified him in a letter written in Hawwaiian to this effect.

2 December 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 2, 1884. At the Office. Afterwards had a meeting with my sons at the house of my son Abraham talking over our business affairs.

Busily engaged during the afternoon with Prest. Taylor, listening to correspondence of his. Some cases were brought to our notice of transgression which were very painful. Letters from a man who signed himself Omega, who had been a long time member of the Church, in fact one of the camp of Zion, in which he gave details of his conduct with women under a misapprehension that he was justified in so doing, but which now, in the light of recent teachings, he saw were exceedingly wrong, and he was in doubt about his salvation. A letter also from Mrs [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted], the wife of the late [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted], with accompanying documents which had been received by Prest. Taylor sometime ago were again read. These gave details of the seduction of her sister by her husband and <their> subsequent marriage. It gave rise in her mind to questions respecting the propriety of her remaining connected with him, or seeking salvation through being sealed to some more faithful and worthy man.

3 December 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 3, 1884. At the office. Very busy during the forenoon. Bro. David M. Stewart desired me to use my influence with Bro. Sharp to obtain a position on the railroad, which I did, and received the promise that it would be favorably considered.

In the afternoon met with the Apostles at the Endowment House

4 December 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 4, 1884. At the office. At 10 oclock Prest. Taylor and myself met with John Sharp, John R. Winder, and J. C. Cutler at the Gardo House Office. Bro. Reynolds was also present. This meeting was to take into consideration the affairs of the Iron Company, Bishop Taylor having demanded of Prest. Taylor and myself that he should have the privilege that other members of the church have, that of being heard before the Teachers. Prest. Taylor said he would send him word about it, and did to the effect that as he had selected George Romney we would select John Sharp and Prest A. O. Smoot. In this arrangement <he> acquiesced, telling Bro. George Reynolds, who bore him the message, that it would be satisfactory to him. He afterwards wrote a letter making certain propositions and stating if they were not complied with it was of no use to meet with the Teachers, for he would not submit to any decision they would make. Prest. Taylor felt, however, that we ought to meet with the Teachers, and as Bro. Romney was away and Bro. Smoot sick, he had Bro. Winder and Bro. Cutler meet with us. We <made> full explanation of the affairs to these brethren. They were satisfied therewith and so expressed themselves. Afterwards I called a meeting of the Iron Company at 3 p.m. Bishop Taylor was invited to attend. He did so. But during the meeting when asked some questions respecting the business he declined to answer, and arose to his feet and said he would not answer any questions and he would not meet with us; that we had discharged him as superintendent, therefore he would have nothing to do with our meetings. I asked him in the kindest manner before he withdrew to wait a few minutes as I wished to speak to him. He replied he would not and walked off. We continued our business.

Had conversation with Bro. Junius F. Wells respecting the departure of his father for Great Britain.

5 December 1884 • Friday

Friday Dec 5, 1884. Was at the office. Had quite a conversation with Captain Bedford Pym of the British Royal Navy. He spoke very warmly of our people and denounced the course taken by the Officials of the Government against us, and asked us if there was any objection to his laying the Clawson case before Prest. Arthur and <to> useusing his influence with him, to which Prest. Taylor replied there was none. In the evening I called at the residence of Daniel H. Wells and set him apart for his mission to preside offer <over> the European Mission in the place of Bro. John Henry Smith. He leaves tomorrow morning for the last in company with Bishop John Sharp.

6 December 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 6, 1884. At the Office. Had an interview with two young men of Topeka, Kansas, by the name of L. Vrooman and Prof. Stenton. I spoke with them at some length about affairs here. I afterwards attended a meeting of the Priesthood of the stake at the Assembly Hall and spoke with considerable force, feeling the Spirit rest upon me, respecting the duties of Teachers and Priests, and the iniquity that existed in the Church which should not be permitted and which if these officers did their duty would be brought to light. The brethren present felt exceedingly well. Had conversation with Bishop Taylor respecting the Iron Manufacturing Co. in the presence of Prest. Taylor. We agreed to let him offer it for sale at $150,000. I received a letter today from Bro. John B. Milner dated at Prescott, Arizona, giving a description of affairs there. I thought the letter very important. The condition of our people there is a sad one, and there seems to be a supineness manifested by the Presidents of Stakes and leading men in allowing them to be captured and convicted and imprisoned. My brother Angus and Seymour B. Young came in while the conversation was on the tapis, and Prest. Taylor selected Bro. Young to go immediately to Arizona and convey our feelings to them. He spoke very plainly and powerfully on this subject. Bro. Young said he would be ready to go on Tuesday. I sent a dispatch to Bro. Milner advising <him> that he would have a visit from a gentleman from here.

7 December 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 7 1884. Held Sunday School with my children. Afterwards rode to the City at request of Prest. Taylor spoke in the afternoon. I had an excellent flow of the spirit and spoke with considerable freedom and power. In the evening addressed a meeting in the 18th Ward Chapel. This day has been one much enjoyed by myself in the meetings which I have attended.

8 December 1884 • Monday

Monday Dec 8, 1884. A number of Elders called in this morning who had just returned from their missions. Elder David F. Davis, James A Anderson, Edmund F. Durphy, Thos S. Woodland & N. L. Lund. These were missionaries from the States. Bros. Grant & Hinckley called also, with President Ira N. Hinckley of Fillmore, they having just returned from New Zealand. This latter brother had labored among the Maoris in New Zealand. In conversing with them I found I could understand a number of phrases that they used in the Maori language. They were nearly the same as those used by the Sandwich Islanders for the same ideas.

Deseret News Co. met in the afternoon. I had meeting also with some of the Comtee on political matters and learned their ideas respecting having a defence fund for the benefit of the people assailed in Arizona, and have the saints there subscribe and consolidate with our defence fund here; but as there was not a majority of the Comtee present action was deferred. It was thought best, however, to have the saints in Arizona subscribe to the extent of their ability to help those who were assailed. I dictated to Bro. Irvine a letter to Prest. C. Layton of St. Joseph Stake Arizona, and a general letter to himself, A. F. McDonald, Jesse N. Smith, and Lot Smith Presidents of the Stakes in Arizona, in which they were addressed respecting the present crisis. Prest. Taylor and myself signed these letters which we sent by the hand of Bro. S. B. Young. The latter was set apart by Prest. Taylor and myself for his mission.

9 December 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 9, 1884. At the Office. Bro. F. S. Richards called and I talked over with him and Bro. S. B. Young the situation of affairs in Arizona. He promised to write to Bro. Milner such legal points as would suggest themselves to him in response to Bro. Milner’s letter. Bro. S. B. Young left by the D&R.G.R.R. this morning.

Bishop Taylor called this afternoon, and, at the request of Prest. Taylor, I told him that Prest. Taylor was willing to submit the difference that existed between him and himself in the Iron Manfg Co. to three arbitrators, each of them to select one, and the two thus selected to select a third. Bishop Taylor expressed his willingness. I told him, however, that should such an arbitration be held each party should be bound to abide by the award made. To this he expressed no objection. He named Samuel H. Hill as his man, and he wished that the two should choose a man without consulting either of the parties interested in the arbitration. It was suggested also that all the affairs of the Company about which Bishop Taylor felt dissatisfied might be submitted in like manner. Elder F. S. Richards was afterwards requested to draw up a paper which should be binding on all parties.

10 December 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 10, 1884. At the office. Prest. Taylor and myself had an interview with Bishop Whitney and Bro. Parley P. Pratt respecting the latter’s conduct towards his second wife. We felt to reprove him for his want of wisdom and his treatment in general of the Bishop and his counsellors and his second wife. I spoke to him very plainly. I felt that his conduct was entirely wrong. Elder Wm Moultrie called, he having just returned from the Southern States with 15 souls who had been driven out and who had to leave their property behind.

Bishop Thomas Taylor called, and at the suggestion of Prest. Taylor I mentioned to him the propriety of having 5 arbitrators instead of three — each party to have two and the four to select the fifth, to which he agreed. He choose George Romney as his second. The First Presidency and Twelve met at the Endowment House.

Afterwards revised a discourse for publication.

11 December 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 11, 1884. At the office. Bro. F. S. Richards came in and Prest. Taylor and myself had conversation with him respecting contemplated arbitration

Busy revising discourse and dictated “Editorial Thoughts” and “Topics of the Times” for the Juvenile Instructor.

My son Lewis who was driving my team out of the tithing yard had a serious accident from which he fortunately escaped without much injury. The front axletree of my buggy and one of the wheels were wrenched off by the team running away and getting beyond his control; but he was not thrown out. I got another carriage and drove my wife to Bro. Jenning’s, where we took dinner. Had a very enjoyable evening. My wife Martha accompanied me. She spent the day with Sister Lizzie F. Young and my wife Caroline. At night, while unhitching the team, they ran away again with Lewis, and he had a very narrow escape.

12 December 1884 • Friday

Friday Dec 12, 1884. Finished the preparation of the discourse for the press.

Bishop Thos Taylor called. I presented him the paper that Bro. Richards had drawn up for both parties to sign. To my astonishment he said that he would not sign any more papers. He was willing to submit this matter to four Teachers they to select the fifth and that was all. This man’s conduct is the strangest that I ever knew. I can only account for it by his laboring under some aberration of mind. In the first place he proposed Teachers himself. Then when they were selected he refused to come to where they were, or to abide by their decision. He has proposed arbitrators, and when Prest. Taylor accepted his proposition he expressed his willingness, and now when they are chosen he refuses to have arbitrators and wants Teachers. For myself I want nothing to do with such an unstable man; and as I have remarked, though I cannot very well spare the amount of money I have paid in the Iron Works — $10,000 in cash — still I would let it go readily if I could relieve Prest. Taylor and the Church from the embarrassment they are involved <in> with this man who seems determined to bring us into trouble

13 December 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 13, 1884. At the office. Busy during the forenoon reading proof of my discourse. In the afternoon attended the Stake Conference in the Assembly Hall. I received a dispatch from Hon. John T. Caine, Washington, in response to mine asking him what McVeagh, whom he proposed to engage as Counsel to argue the habeas Corpus case (Rudger Clawson) in Washington, would charge for his services. He replied $500, and if satisfactory he would enter upon the case on Monday. I replied telling him to make the engagement; the figure was satisfactory to us.

It has been snowing lightly all day; rather a disagreeable day.

14 December 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 14, 1884. Drove up in a snow storm with a number of my family to the Conference at 10 oclock in the large tabernacle. Rather a thin attendance. Most excellent discourses were delivered by Bishop R. T. Burton, and Presiding Bishop, Wm B. Preston on temporal matters to which I listened with great interest. Dined with Prest. Taylor; and after the Officers were presented in the afternoon for the Conference to sustain, at the request of Prest. Taylor I addressed the people and had considerable liberty. I felt very well in speaking, The afternoon meeting, the body of the house was crowded. At ½ past 6 oclock we met again, and the time was occupied by Prests. Woodruff and Taylor, who were listened to with close attention by the large audience present.

15 December 1884 • Monday

Monday Dec 15, 1884. At the office. Found Bro. Moses Thatcher here, he having arrived last night from Logan in response to a request of Prest. Taylor to come. Prest. Taylor had spoken to me about having Bro. Thatcher come down from Logan to assist us in our duties which were somewhat onerous of late, and increasedly so because of the absence of Bro. Jos. F. Smith. We thought it better to have him come and assist at any labor that might be needed while Prest. Jos. F. Smith was absent. I took him over to the Gardo House and Prest. Taylor explained to him what was desired, and Bro. Thatcher willingly assented to come and do all he could.

Wrote a letter of introduction for Bishop Hammond to the people at San Juan; also a letter to the Presidents of Stakes in Arizona, in response to one written by Lot Smith to Prest. Woodruff.

16 December 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 16, 1884. At the Office. Busy part of the time arranging for Bro. Joseph F. Smith and wife’s passage to the Islands. They intend to sail on the last of this month, accompanied by Elder Albert W. Davis. I arranged for them to go by rail over the Oregon Short Line to Portland, thence by steamship to San Francisco. Rather round about, but a new road, and one that I thought would be interesting to them and would be less liable to attract attention <Pres. Taylor and self> had conversation with Bro. W. M. Johnson of Lee’s Ferry, and made an arrangement with him for future compensation; also for him to have $800 with which to build a house.

At 3 p.m. held a meeting of the Iron Manfs. Co.

17 December 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 17, 1884. At the Office. A number of the brethren called in. Among others my brother Angus, who gave a description of the trial of Dr Benedict last evening before the High Council for marrying Lizzie Evans to John Irons.

At 2 oclock held the usual meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve.

Bro. Sears wrote me that he thought he could employ my neice Mary Little in the Co.op. if she was competent to fill a place at the cash desk. I called upon them, her <she> and her mother, and advised them of this.

18 December 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 18, 1884. At the office this morning. Dictated a letter to Bro. Joseph F. Smith, and a letter from Prest. Taylor and myself to Elder S. B. Young who is now on a mission visiting the Stakes in Arizona.

Bro. F. S. Richards called in, and I had considerable conversation with him respecting the <Rudger Clawson> habeas Corpus case. The time set for trial is the 5th proxi. We arranged for him to leave next Sunday morning, and to call as he returned at Detrôit and find out the condition of the prisoners (our brethren) there. I drove down home this evening very violently in the storm, <which was very violent,> and came back and stayed in town all night. I was accompanied by my son Hugh.

19 December 1884 • Friday

Friday Dec 19, 1884. At the Office. Elders Sol. Hale & Jenkins Jones, of Oneida County, Idaho, called in and laid before us the condition of affairs and asked counsel <as to> what should be done in regard to contesting for the offices to which several of the brethren had been elected and of which they have been wrongfully deprived by fraudulent votes. They were referred to F. S. Richards, who, as an attorney, would give them legal advice.

Bro. Isaac M. Waddell also called in and laid before us a system of book-keeping for the corporations and the additional bye law. He was selected to go round and visit the various wards and make every organization as perfect as possible.

I wrote a letter to Hon. John T. Caine and to my nephew <Geo.> J. Woodbury. Also to John B. Milner,

Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine.

20 December 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 20, 1884. At the Office. Bro. Sol. Hale and Jenkins Jones called in this morning, and I arranged for them to bring up Jos. L. Rawlins, the Attorney, when Prest. Taylor would be in when we would talk over the affairs of Idaho and decide whether it would be best for them to make a contest. According to appointment they came up and we went over the whole ground. I was very pleased at the decision being reached that they were to contest; for, however hopeless the prospect may be from a human stand point, I think it is a duty devolving upon us to contend steadfastly and unfalteringly for the liberties of the people and not sit down supinely and allow fraud to triumph without even a remonstrance; because if this be submitted to they will feel emboldened to go farther next time and rivet the chains which they are seeking to fasten upon the people.

Bro. <Edson> D. Whipple came up from Arizona, having fled to escape arrest, there being an indictment out against him — a man who will be 80 years old in six weeks! No better illustration can be given than this case of the persecuting spirit of those scoundrels who are seeking to make profit out of the infernal laws which Congress has passed. They, themselves, steeped to their eyes in iniquity of every kind, are seeking to deprive an aged man of his liberty and consign him to the Penitentiary for unlawful cohabitation.

I wrote a letter to my sister Annie <(St. George)> in regard to her son Frank coming up here to be a printer.

Called at the Lion House upon the invitation of Zina D. H. Young to see the grandchildren there assembled — quite a large company of very interesting people.

F. S. Richards was set apart today to go to attend to the habeas Corpus case of Bro. Rudger Clawson which is to be heard on the 5th of January, 1885, before the U. S. Supreme Court. Prest. Taylor was mouth. Some money was given to him also to be placed to the credit of the brethren who are at Detrôit, upon whom he is to call as he returns.

On my way home this evening I passed Bros Brigham Young and Heber J. Grant who were coming up from the Depôt, they having just returned from a mission to the Yaki Indians in Mexico.

21 December 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 21, 1884. Held Sunday School meeting in the morning with my children.

Drove to town in time for the afternoon meeting. Elder Jos. E. Taylor, first counselor to the President of the Stake, spoke to the people and delivered an excellent discourse.

I went to the residence of Bro. Brigham Young <to learn> respecting his condition, he having been very sick. I was delighted with his account of the trip that they had taken. They had formed a party of brethren and traveled over the two stakes of St. Joseph and Maricopa and joined at Nogales, a border town in Mexico. They had been furnished with letters of introduction to the leading officials and merchants thro’ the assistance of Hon. Thomas Fitch. Everywhere they had been warned of the danger of going into the Yaki country, many of the Mexican Officials taking the special pains to describe to them the danger that they were incurred, and the impossibility of the government to protect<ing> them. They had selected <several> lrg Indians to accompany them. Four of them became so frightened that they would not go with them. One of the four had started, and they had purchased him some shoes and other articles, but after being out a few days he left everything behind and ran home. One only of the Indians stayed with them. At Hermisillo they had found it impracticable to go over land to the Yaki country without danger of losing their teams and being robbed, and it was there resolved for Brigham to take a few brethren with him and go by rail to Guaymas, while Heber J. Grant remained at Hermisillo with the men and the teams. Bros A. F. McDonald, B. F. Johnson, M. S. Reay (who was interpreter)

Clements & Brinkerhoff accompanied Brigham, and they proceeded to Guaymas, taking no arms, nothing beyond their pocket knives. When they reached that port they hired a boat of a woman <a boat> with two sailors and their wives to take them to the Yaki villages. The master of the port came to them saying that it was his duty to warn them as strangers of the dangers that they would encounter if they pursued their enterprise. Some of the Yaki’s who were there were heard to say that these fellows had better confess to their priests before they left as they would never come back alive. These remarks had such an effect upon the Indian who had accompanied them thus far (he understanding Spanish) that he became terrified and refused to go any further with them. For four days and nights they were in the open boat, and it stormed on them very heavily, and the food was very poor. They could not proceed up the river and had to turn into a Lagoon, and then had to carry their effects through a swamp five miles in extent into which they sank every step over their boot tops. Brigham was here taken with malarial fever and prostrated, and he believes he would have died had he been on any other business than this, and had it not been for the faith of the brethren. They had an interview with one of the chiefs of the Yaki tribe, and successfully accomplished that which they had undertaken. They returned in one day, having made the promise to the chief that they would send somebody within three months who could read the Book of Mormon to them, which is now being printed in Spanish, and he (the Chief) also promised, after that, that they would send a delegation of Indians to Salt Lake City. He (Brigham) asked the brethren before proceeding on this journey at Guaymas how they felt about going any further. They said that they had been praying for him, that he might have the spirit. He told them that he was going to the Yaki country; there’s where his mind lay. They said they would accompany him. He was in such a condition, however, when he got back to camp that the brethren united in the feeling that Bro. Grant should return with him home, instead of proceeding overland and making further explorations. I was greatly gratified at the perseverance and courage shown by Bro. Brigham in this affair. I thought he had performed a heroic journey, one worthy of his name and his parentage. I remained in town at the house of my wife Caroline.

22 December 1884 • Monday

Monday Dec 22, 1884. At the Office. Bro. Brigham Young spent considerable time, also Bro. Grant, with us in the Office reporting their journey. Elder S. B. Young also called in, having just returned from a mission to which he had been sent to Southern Arizona. He had not seen the brethren to whom he was sent, several of them having taken their flight, because of a determination which they had learned had been expressed to get them in prison.

I went to Ogden this evening accompanied by my son Abraham and stopped at my son Frank’s. I had some very plain talk with the latter respecting company. He is naturally sociable, and I think from what I saw that there is danger, if he does not be more select in the company, of his falling into his old habits. I told him that if he did not pursue a straight forward course what the consequences would be, and that in justice to myself, if he intended to deviate at all he ought to make known his intentions to me. I did not ask him to make any promise, but I want him to do right. I think what I said will have a good effect.

23 December 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 23, 1884. Returned to the city this morning. I met George C. Lambert in the city as I was going to the Office, he being in company with Elder Geo. Wilson, of Summit Co., who also returned with him from a mission to Great Britain. They accompanied me up to the President’s Office and reported themselves to him.

I have had information from a man who is not a memer of the Church which convinces me that a corps of spies is being employed here by our enemies to watch men and to get evidence against them. I have long been convinced that I have been under espionage myself; but facts that came to my knowledge this morning convince me more than ever of this. I am informed that the design is, if possible, to get evidence against Prest. Taylor and myself. I have felt considerably concerned about this, and at a meeting of the Twelve yesterday I suggested the idea of our having a corps of detectives ourselves to watch those people. I remarked that we could very well afford to be watched, but they could not be, for their conduct was too vile to bear watching, and exposure will be shameful. Prest. Taylor is impressed with the same idea, and today he sent for Bishop Preston for the purpose of suggesting to him the organization of a police force, and asked him to call the Bishops together and lay the subject before them. We had some conversation with Elder Chas. H. Wilcken on the same subject.

24 December 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1884. [Blank lines]

25 December 1884 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 25th 1884. Spent the day with my family at home. We had a dinner to which I invited my sons John Q.[,] Frank and Abraham with their wives, and which we all attended except Frank who was detained by the sickness of his child at Ogden, but promised to be down in the evening. He failed, however, for the same reason to be here.

In the evening attended the Theatre with my wife Sarah Jane, Angus & David, and saw the opera “Bohemian Girl”, and enjoyed it very much

26 December 1884 • Friday

Friday Dec 26, 1884. [Blank lines]

27 December 1884 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 27, 1884. At the Office early. Prest. Taylor read me a revelation that he had received enforcing upon his attention the necessity of setting our houses in order in all matters; to all of which I heartily subscribed. He spoke of the families of some of the Twelve, and said that he would be under the necessity of talking plainly to them about them in order to discharge his duty.

In the morning we went with a freight train to Ogden for the purpose of meeting Brother Joseph F. Smith for whom I had telegraphed, he having been detained in the blockade and prevented from going through to Portland (by way of the Oregon Short Line) to San Francisco, thence to the Sandwich Islands. Prest. Taylor and myself talked the matter over and concluded it would be better for him to go South, and for this purpose we went to Ogden thinking to meet him; but after reaching there and finding that it was uncertain about his coming down we told his relative, W. W. Burton, who intended to meet him, to tell <him> that he had better make his way to the City. We stopped a while in Ogden at the house of Richard J. Taylor, and I called a few minutes at the store and saw my son Frank as I was on my way to the train. We learned just as we were leaving Ogden that the train from the north had just arrived with Bro. Jos. F. Smith on board.

[The following paragraph is on a separate sheet.] On the 27th of December, 1884, President Taylor and myself, accompanied by Bro. George Reynolds, took the freight train on the U. C. R. R. which left here at 11.30 a.m. for Ogden, for the purpose of meeting with President Joseph F. Smith, who had been prevented by the blockade on the O. S. Line from proceeding on his journey to the Sandwich Islands, via Portland, Oregon. While on the Caboose President Taylor asked me how I got along in regard to means. I told him that affairs had closed around me in such a way that I was much cramped. He asked me what I had drawn. I replied that I had drawn about the same as Bro. Joseph F. Smith had. I had felt that as my family was as large as his, I might do this; but I had not been credited with the sums that he had, and I had thought of speaking to him (Pres. T.) about it. He then asked what my Credit had been. I informed him. He said that I should have the same Credits that Bro. Joseph F. had [upside down on verso of double-sided sheet:] John M Stukci

28 December 1884 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 28, 1884. Was so hurried this morning to get to town to attend a meeting of Sunday School Teachers and Superintendents that I did not hold Sunday School with my children but left it with Bro. Saunders and my wife Sarah Jane to attend to. My son Angus drove me to town, and I met with a crowded assemblage at the 13th Ward Assembly rooms. Bros Goddard, Morgan, B. Young, H. J. Grant and myself addressed the assemblage. Our addresses were short but spirited, and I think good will result therefrom. I took dinner at my sister-in - lawswife’s, Emily Hoagland, and attended meeting at the tabernacle in the afternoon. Bro. Brigham Young spoke first and in a very spirited manner, giving some excellent instructions. Was followed by Prest. Taylor, who also spoke excellently.

29 December 1884 • Monday

Monday Dec 29, 1884. At the Office. Bro. Burton brought us word of the safe arrival of Prest. Jos. F. Smith, and we arranged for him to come up to the Endowment House, where we had an interview with him. He is in excellent health and spirits. Prest. Taylor told him our views respecting his going south, and that he himself was considerably impressed with the feeling to go there and seek out a place for a city of refuge in Mexico. The failures of the brethren to carry out our instructions on this point seemed to make it necessary for him to do this, but his mind was not clear upon this point yet.

I had a call from a person who informed me respecting the movement of certain parties, and he gave me such information concerning Bro. Penrose, and described the means that were being used to trap him, (which he said I could prove by Bro. Penrose) that I thought something had better be done. He said that there was a boy watching Bro. Penrose’s house a short time ago who they thought was stealing coal, and they had run him off. He afterwards went away, changed his clothes, and came back like an old <another> person. He was a spy on Bro. Penrose’s movements, employed by United States Officials; and a detective had gone to Ogden and bought a Christmas present and paid a little over $400 for it, and had got a woman to write a letter addressed to Bro. Penrose’s second wife (as though she was a friend, and signed the name of “Nellie”) making her the present. This had been sent by express for the purpose of getting her signature. I sent for Bro. Penrose and asked him if he had received such a package, and he said he had. “With a letter?” “Yes”. “Do you know where it came from?” “No, they could not imagine who had sent this present”. I asked him about the boy. He said there had been a boy around who, they thought, had been stealing coal. I then told him that these were all traps, that the boy was a spy, and the present was a trap, and told him that he had better keep himself out of the way for they intended to arrest him. He promised to do so immediately.

30 December 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 30, 1884. At the office. Prest. Taylor and myself walked down to the Endowment House. On the way down met Dr Grooves, who took me aside and said we had better get Bro. Penrose out of the way, that deputy Marshalls were trying to find him, which made us smile. He had not got out of the way any too soon last night.

We had quite a delightful interview with Bro. Joseph F. Smith, and attended to various items of business. Prest. Taylor said that his mind was now clear respecting the journey, that he should go, and they would get off as soon as possible, say by Saturday morning, the party to consist of himself, Bro. Jos. F. Smith, Bro. Erastus Snow, Moses Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, Bishop John Sharp, Bishop John Q. Cannon, Elders George Reynolds, & C. H. Barrell. Dispatches were sent to the absent brethren, to have them get here by Friday evening. Bro. George Reynolds was present at this meeting.

After this meeting we went down to the 16th Ward upon invitation of Bishop Kesler to dine with the aged brethren and sisters of his ward and widows. Prest. Taylor took his wife Mary Ann with him. There were in all about 300 persons present, 46 of whom were widows. The dinner was a most excellent one considering the circumstances, and all enjoyed it very much. After dinner the choir sang “the Seer” and Prest. Taylor made some remarks.

A gentlemanly man — a Pole by birth — introduced himself to us today who informed us that his name was F. C. Kowski, and that he was a member of the secret service force of New York. He had been sent here by Col. Lamont, the private secretary of Gov. Cleveland, the President-elect. He told us a good many things that he said Cleveland intended to do in regard to this Mormon question, and that if Prest. Taylor could not go himself to Albany that he was to send some representative man who would not be known; that there would be a caucus on the 12th inst., of leading men and that Lamont, acting for Cleveland, wished to have our affairs so arranged that he could touch upon it in his inaugural in a proper way. He designed to put his foot on this persecution because he felt it would lead to bloodshed, and that one of two things had to be done — Utah admitted as a State, or the marriages of the past all condoned. This man is here under an assumed name (Miller). He has come as the bearer of this message he says to us. We made an appointment with him to meet at 7 oclock at the Gardo House. When we met we went over the same ground. There are some things connected with his story that with <my> knowledge of political affairs I cannot comprehend. Yet I can see no object in this man imposing upon us; I do not see what can be gained by it; and he insists that somebody should be sent back with him. Yet there is an air of sincerity about him that goes far to make us believe that there is something in his statement.

31 December 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 31, 1884. Busy today arranging for the Presidents proposed trip. I telegraphed, at the suggestion of Prest. Taylor, for Bro. Brigham Young, who had started for Logan, to return from Ogden, as we had concluded to have him accompany Mr Kowski to Albany, Elder C. W. Penrose to go with him. The latter would be under the necessity of traveling under an assumed name. I suggested, as he had dropped the pen, that he should assume the name of “Rose”.

We had a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve at the Endowment House. Prest. Taylor made a slight allusion to his proposed departure, but did not fully explain these matters. Upon our return to the Office we found Brother Brigham Young, he having returned from Ogden. We explained to him the nature of his proposed trip, and that in the event of this being an impostor, the trip would not be lost, because we had felt impressed with the propriety of some of our people seeing Governor Cleveland and laying our matters before him in an intelligent way so that he would know something about them and not be committed to any policy inimical to us. At 7 oclock this evening, Prest. Taylor and myself and George Reynolds went to the residence of Brigham Young to which Bro. C. W. Penrose had been brought, and had an interview with him and explained to him what we wished him to do in connection with Bro. Young.

After this I visited the house of my wife Caroline. This afternoon after we got through with our meeting, Prest. Taylor suggested that the other brethren should withdraw as he and I had some business to attend to. We then had an interview with Bro. Joseph F. Smith and attended to some business explaining to him what we were doing and concerning the visit of this man Kowski.

A deputy marshal served a subpœna at Bro. Wilford Woodruff’s residence this afternoon. Sister Woodruff declined to take it, and the officer through <threw> it at her, and she kicked it out of doors and told him she would have nothing to do with it.

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December 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024