April 1864

1 April 1864 • Friday

Friday, April 1 1864 Busy all day, attending to chartering a ship, — “The Monarch of the Seas,” Capt P. Kirkaldy. I chartered of Tapscott Smith & Co; and had to pay £52/ -- four shillings more than I had to pay last year. I did my best to get this ship on lower terms but could not. Ships are in great demand and passages are being sold at £5.0.0 per head; but at the price I have paid the tickets can be afforded at £4-5-0. I am assured that at present prices my bargain is worth £400. more than I gave. Wrote a letter to Brother Jesse N. Smith[,] dictated a letter to Bro Bertrand and wrote a letter to my wife --Elizabeth.

2 April 1864 • Saturday

Saturday April 2/64. Started at 9. Oclock A.M. for London, intending to attend to a little business there and then <go> to Bedford to meet in Conference with the Elders and Saints on the morrow. Brother Thos E. Jeremy, who arrived last night accompanied me to the Railway Station. I travelled to London, a distance of 210 miles, in 5 hours and a half. Met at the Station by Bros Bullock and Barfoot and found Brothers John L. Smith and F. C. Free at the house.

3 April 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, April 3, 1864. Arose early <and> started to Bedford. Met in Conference and had two long meetings. There was a larger attendance of Saints than had been seen for some years and the meetings were very good. There were present of the Elders:— Joseph Bull, W. S. S. Willes, Thomas O. King, David Gibson, Benjamin Stringham, and James A. Cunningham.

4 April 1864 • Monday

Monday, April 4./64 <Brother Bull and I> Took train for Birmingham, <at 7.15 A.M.> where I wished to attend to some business. Saw Brother Kay and family while there, and Brother C. S. Kimball. Left for Liverpool in the evening. leaving Brother Bull there. Upon my arrival in Liverpool I found Bros Joseph A and John W. Young sitting up awaiting my arrival, they having arrived from New York on S at four o’clock on Sunday morning. They were both well. They came <left> from home for the purpose of attending to the Emigration in the States, Brother Joseph A. having charge of that Mission. They have come to England for a short trip previous to the Emigration.

5 April 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 5.64. A miserably stormy day. Busily employed in Office.

6 April 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday. April 6./64 Brothers Joseph A and John W. Young started this morning for Birmingham. This our <is the day for holding our> General Conference. At home they are enjoying themselves, and I would like, if I could get at a peep at them. Variously engaged in the Office.

7 April 1864 • Thursday

Thursday April 7/64. Wrote several letters, and an Editorial for the “Star”:-- <“The> Preaching of the Gospel still needed.” Brother Joseph A. Young returned this evening.

8 April 1864 • Friday

Friday, March <April> 8th/64. Wrote to Brother J. N. Smith, and busy with other matters. Visited Mr Smith, of Tapscott Smith & Co, in company with Bro Joseph A. Young. <Brother Geo W. Grant came in from Manchester last night.>

9 April 1864 • Saturday

Saturday March <April> 9/64 Brother John W. Young returned from Birmingham this. Wrote a letter to my wife Sarah Jane. Started for Bradford this evening to attend Conference there to-morrow. Was met at the Station by Bro’s. Gillett and Swan. At the house of Brother Haigh <where we slept> met Brother Lee. Took supper at Bro Nichol’s.

10 April 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, April 10th/64. Met in Conference this morning with the Elders and Saints. Business was attended to & Bro’s. Gillet, Lee and Swan and I spoke. Just as meeting was being dismissed[,] Bros. Bull and Joseph A and John W. Young arrived from Liverpool. We took dinner at Brother Smith’s. In afternoon Bro’s. Bull, Joseph A and John W Young spoke in afternoon and I followed. Six persons were confirmed in afternoon and two in the evening. Bro’s. McCune, Joseph A. and myself spoke in the evening. Took supper at Sister Lugden’s.

11 April 1864 • Monday

Monday, April 11th/64. Start Bro’s. J A & J W Young Bull, Graham and myself started for L’pool. At 5 p.m we started for London. Reached there at 11.10 p.m. Bro Barfoot met us at the Station.

12 April 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 12/64. Visited the Crystal Palace to-day in the company of the Brothers Young. Enjoyed an excellent day; the weather was very fine and everything combined to render the trip a pleasant one. Bro Bullock, who was out of town in Kent, came out in the company with Bro Wm Sanders to meet us at the Palace. In the evening went <to Drury Lane> and saw Shakespeare’s play of Henry 4th, Mr. S. Phelps taking the part of Sir John Falstaff, Mr. Walter Montgomery as Hotspur. The scenery was very splendid and the acting very excellent. A representation of the battle of Shrewsbury excelled everything of the kind that I ever saw on the Stage.

13 April 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 13/64. Bro’s. Bullock, John L. Smith, Finley C. Free, J. S. Barfoot and Jos. A. and John W Young and myself visited and climbed the fire Tower, erected on the site (see Guide) and then visited the Thames Tunnel and the Tower and afterwards Westminster Abbey (see Guide) {This column was erected by Sir Christopher Wren, as a memorial of the Great Fire of 1666, & of the rebuilding of the city. It was commenced in 1671, and completed in 1677. Its total height from the pavement is 202 feet, the pedestal being 40 feet, the shaft 120 feet, and the terminal portion, from the gallery to the summit of the gilded urn, 42 feet. The base of the shaft is 15 feet square, the pedestal 21 feet, and the plinth (or extreme outside measurement) 27 feet. It is of the Doric order of architecture, the column fluted, the pedestal adorned on the west side with a sculptured design, in alto and basso relievo, by Cibber. In this design the artist has represented King Charles on horseback, who, it is well known, exerted himself greatly to check the progress of the flames, and to protect the wretched inhabitants. Freedom, Science and Genius are symbolised in the panel, as directing the restoration of the city. The four angles are ornamented by dragons, the work of Pierce. The other three sides of the pedestal contain suitable inscriptions.

A bird’s eye view of surpassing interest may be had from the summit of the Monument. Entering through a door in its eastern front, we ascended by a spiral staircase of 345 steps to the balcony over the abacus, which, until late years, was protected only by an iron pallisade of suitable height. The additional security, forming a barred cage over the visitor’s head, was rendered necessary by two frightful suicides — the first of a young woman, the second of a young man, who leaped from the balcony into Monument Yard, and were dashed to pieces on the pavement. From the summit of this noble column we looked with wonder on the scene spread below — at the myriads of human habitations, and the multitude of ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples, which mingle with them. There is an old story that the Monument shakes, and would have been pulled down many years ago, but that no builder had the hardihood to enter upon the task, for, if only one stone were removed, the whole fabric would fall in ruins! This delusion originated in the use once made of the Monument for astronomical observations, for which purpose it was found unfit, owing to the vibrations natural to such an erection, however secure in its build. We then visited the Thames Tunnel; it was planned in 1823, by J. K. Brunel, and commenced in March 1825, a company having been established in the interval to supply the necessary funds. During the seven years, 1828 to 1835, the works were suspended, in consequence of the irruption of the Thames; but being resumed in the latter year, the Tunnel was completed, and opened to the public on the 25th of March, 1843. The total cost of the works was about £614,000; but the approaches for carriages are not yet made. The length of the Tunnel is 1,200 feet; its width, 35 feet; its height, 20 feet; clear width of each archway and footpath, about 14 feet; thickness of earth between the crown of the Tunnel & the bed of the river, about 15 feet. Foot passengers descend by a cylindrical shaft of 100 steps, and at high tide they are 75 feet below the surface of the water. The Tunnel is lighted with gas, & is open day and night. Foot passengers are allowed to pass through either way, on payment of one penny. The yearly income, about £5,000, is but just sufficient to pay the current expenses for maintenance of works, attendance &c

From there we went to the Tower of London which is situated close by the bank of the Thames. The space around it is called by the general name of Tower Hill. Upon this hill, was the place of execution, which is still marked by a distinct pavement. There is a tradition that Julius Cæsar first erected the Tower, by more recent antiquarians the erection of the square White Tower, is ascribed to William the Conqueror. Nevertheless, in 1777, Roman remains were found at a great depth within the walls of the fortress; and in 1852 additional remains were disinterred on Tower Hill. The question is one, perhaps, that never can be settled. It is, indeed, by no means clear what buildings were erected, either by the Conqueror, or by succeeding kings, or what condition the Tower was in, until we arrive at the period of Henry 5th who lodged two of his most illustrious prisoners here — Charles, Duke of Orleans, and his younger brother John, Count of Angoulême — taken at the battle of Agincourt.

From the iron gate by which we entered, we passed under a strong bastioned portal, named the Middle Tower, once defended by a double portcullis, the grooves of which are still visible. It commanded the bridge over the moat, which we cross to a similar gateway at its other end, called the Byward Tower. Having passed this, we find ourselves in the outer ward, or space between the exterior and interior works. We were shown the Traitor’s Gate, beneath which prisoners of state were conveyed into the interior of the fortress; also a sort of bastion on the right, surmounted by a small wooden turret containing the alarm bell of the fortress, called the Bell Tower, said to have been the prison of Bishop Fisher and of the Princess Elizabeth, and a little farther, in a line with Traitor’s Gate, the Bloody Tower, so called because the two princes are here believed to have been murdered by order of Gloucester. It was in a vaulted chamber, on our right as we entered beneath the Tower that the bones supposed to be those of the murdered princes were discovered.

When we entered the interior of the fortress, the White Tower, or Citadel, was before us. It is a quadrangular building, with a turret at each corner; its dimensions are 176 feet long (north and south) by 96 feet wide, & 92 feet high. The external walls are from 10 to 12 feet thick, and the internal walls 7 feet. The building annexed to the south side of the White Tower was erected in 1826, and is called — The Horse Armory — a handsome gallery, 150 feet long by 33 feet wide, containing a collection of mounted figures clothed in suits of mail of different periods. The mounted figures occupy the centre of the room, and are placed in chronological order, from the time of Edward 1st to James 2nd. — 1272 to 1688. Each suit of armor is assigned to a knight or king; and though it is only in some instances that they are known to have been actually worn by such persons, the representation is said to be trustworthy. From this room a narrow staircase winds up into an apartment on the first floor of the Keep itself called Queen Elizabeth’s Armory. This room, shares in the antiquity of the White Tower, and has recently been lined with wood in the Norman style. The windows are filled with stained glass, part of which is ancient; the walls are very thick. The equestrian figure of Elizabeth is dressed in a fac simile copy of the robe worn by her on going to St. Paul’s to return thanks for the victory over the Armada. Here are shields, pikes, boar-spears, bows, and instruments of torture — authentic relics of the olden time — a Lochaber axe, a matchlock arquebuse, a matchlock petronel, mace cannon carried at the saddle bow, an ancient cresset, guisarmes and glaives, partisans and halberds. Here is also the axe with which the Earl of Essex was executed, and the block on which the rebel lords — Balmerino, Kilmarnock, and Lovat — laid their doomed heads.

We were also shown a small cell made in the walls of this room in which Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned a number of years.

From the White Tower we were conducted to the Jewel Office [blank]}

14 April 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, April 14/64. In company with the Bro’s Young and Thos O. King visited the Polytechnic and listened to Professor <Pepper’s> Ghost Lecture and another on burning to death and microscopic experiments with an Oxy-hydrogen light. The experiment of burning a dress on a figure prepared for the occasion was very startling. This dress was made out of ordinary muslin. <Afterwards> A young lady, dressed in muslin &c prepared with incombustible starch walked through two rows of fire placed on the platform without her dress being in the least injured thereby. The object of this lecture, seemed to be apparently, was to impress upon the minds of the audience, the especially the female portion, the necessity of taking every method of lessening the inflammability of their clothes. Visited Kensington Museum for about an hour and a half. In the evening attended meeting at Goswell Hall, the Bro’s Young and myself spoke; the attendance was quite large.

15 April 1864 • Friday

Friday, April 15/64. Started for L’pool, and found Bro’s. Shearman, Bull and Sears all complaining and somewhat affected as I have been of late. Busy during evening in the Office.

16-17 April 1864 • Saturday to Sunday

Saturday, April 16/64. Had a visit from Mr. Grant and Mr. Hickson, representatives of the Grand Trunk Railroad, Canada, on the subject of sending our passengers by their line. Met Mr. Smith of Tapscott & Co about a ship from London. Bro. Jas. Townsend and wife & two grandchildren with Brother Brigham W. Kimball, son of Pres. H. C. Kimball, arrived to-day from the Valley; they left there on the 9th March. The two brethren have come here on missions. Started to Manchester to meet with the Saints there in Conference to-morrow. Went to the Temperance Hall and found Bro’s. Geo W Grant, Wilford Woodruff, Elnathan Eldredge, Jas. Lythgoe and Joseph Machin with many of the Saints at a Tea Party. Spent a very pleasant evening. Expecting Bro. Joseph A. Young and his brother John W. I went to the from London[.] I went to the Station to meet them; but but they did not arrive but Bro’s. Jesse N. Smith, Thos Taylor and John E Evans came into the Station from Hull. We <were> very glad to meet one another. Bro’s. Smith and Taylor stopped in Manchester to attend the Conference. Bro’s. Joseph A & John W Young stopped arrived at ¼ to 3 A.M. on Sunday, April 17th/64. Stopped at Bro. Boardman’s last night with Bro. Jesse N Smith. Met in Conference to-day and had excellent meetings; the congregation was large. Bro’s. Taylor, Grant, All the Elders whose names I have mentioned and myself spoke and had good freedom. Started for Liverpool Monday, April 18th/64. in company with the Brothers Young, Smith, and Taylor.

18 April 1864 • Monday

Monday, April 18th/64. Bro. Brigham W. Kimball underwent an operation this morning for strabismus, which promises to be quite successful. Busy in Office all day. A Bro. Timothy Metts arrived to-day to settle u from Rotterdam, Holland, to settle up and arrange for <the> emigration of himself and the Saints there.

19 April 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 19/64. Bro. Shearman started for B’ham, his field of labor. Chartered the ship Hudson, Capt. Pratt, to sail from London on the 16th of May and to carry 750 Statute Adults, at the same price that I did the “Monarch of the Sea.” I feel to thank the Lord for the success which has attended my efforts to secure ships for our people. Our prayers have been answered thus far & I pray that we may find favor with the Lord to have our way continually open before us. While our passengers are receiving their tickets to New York at £4.5.0; they are selling them in other Offices in town at £5.5. and £5.10.0.

Wrote to President Young and to my wife Elizabeth. The Brothers Joseph A. & John W Young started this evening for London.

20 April 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 20th/54. Transacting business with Mr. Geo. Urie respecting the carriage of goods for his <son> (of Cedar City) from Liverpool to Wyoming. Bro. David P. Kimball arrived here with his emigrating Saints from Southampton. Bro’s. G. W. Grant and Robt Pixton, the former from Manchester and the latter from Coventry, arrived to-day. Busy in Office with business connected with the emigration of the Saints. Telegraphed to Bro. Kay, who was at Grimsby with the Scandinavian Saints[,] to keep them back another day as the Ship was not ready to receive them. Received a reply that it was too late to stop them and that they would be down soon after noon to-morrow.

21 April 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, April 21st/64. Went down and saw Mr Smith this morning and visited the “Monarch of the Sea.” Found her quite unprepared to receive passengers, only part of the berths being up and men busily engaged unloading her cargo. Made arrangements with the mate for the people to go on board at 5 p.m. and go to bed out of the way as the men would be working all night. The Scandinavian Saints arrived and went down to the vessel. There was considerable inconvenience resulted from the ship not being ready according to contract.

22 April 1864 • Friday

Friday, April 22/64. Busy all day with matters connected with the ship. Visited her in the afternoon and sent a sick child up to the hospital.

23 April 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, 23rd. Most of the day at the ship and very busy. Served out provisions to the Saints. A child of Danish parents had died on Thursday last, and I had considerable trouble, in consequence of its burial being deferred, to obtain a Certificate to inter it. Very tired to-day.

24 April 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, 24th. Held a meeting on board the Ship with the Saints to-day. Bro’s. Jesse N. Smith and J P R Johnson spoke in Danish and Bro. Thos Taylor and myself in English to the people. I intended to avoid talking, as my lungs are still very tender, and therefore requested the brethren to speak; but there were so many things to be said that I could not refrain. I organized the company and placed Bro. John Smith (Patriarch) to as President, and Bro’s. John D. Chase, J. P R Johnson and Parley P Pratt as Counsellors. The feeling at the meeting was excellent. In evening attended meeting with the Saints at the Chapel. Bros Chase & M P Romney spoke and I followed. Had considerable freedom.

25 April 1864 • Monday

Monday, April 25/64. Busy at the Office all day. Several brethren left to-day for their fields of labor.

26 April 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 26th. Cleared the Ship for sea to-day. The Ship and passengers all being examined by Capt. Saunders, R. N., <one of the> Emigration Commissioners and Dr. [blank] The people were generally healthy and presented a very creditable appearance, far ahead of the most of passengers. There were two children sick and they were stopped and the families to which they belonged went ashore. <Bro J. M. Smith & myself> Dined on board with the Captain and the above named gentlemen and Mr. Smith. Found Bro. Joseph A. Young here upon my return to the Office, he having arrived from Birmingham. Went out with him & Bro J N Smith in the evening to see Mr. Alfred Wigan as Shylock in the Merchant of Venice and a burlesque “Rumpstiltskin” or the “Woman at the Wheel.”

27 April 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 27th/64. Busy in getting off a few more passengers to make up for those stopped yesterday. Settled for “Monarch of the Sea,” paying £2 [blank] and £9 [blank] for provisions. There were 973 souls of our people on board this vessel, including a number who went as sailors. Sailors are very hard to obtain at this Port. The inducements are <so> strong for men to enter the American Navy, through the enormous bounty they receive, that seamen are very scarce. Brother M McCune arrived to-day from the Isle of Man and Bro. John W. Young from Birmingham.

28 April 1864 • Thursday

Thursday, April 28th/64. Received a letter from my wife Sarah Jane, <dated> March 18th. She wrote cheerfully. She and Franklin were both well. Busy in Office and went down with Bro. Joseph A Young and secured a passage for him on the Steam ship “Africa,” to sail on Saturday for Boston. In evening went to Sister Spencer’s in company with the Brothers Young, J. N Smith, & Bull. Spent a pleasant evening; Sister McManus was there.

29 April 1864 • Friday

Friday, April 29th/64. Wrote and dictated articles for the Star: “Departure of [“]Monarch of the Sea” and “Modern Worship and its Fruits.” Arranging for business items for the departure of Bro. Joseph A. Young to the States New York to-morrow.

30 April 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, April 30th/64. Went down to see Mr. Smith about ships. He despairs of obtaining ships in Liverpool and I urged him to write to London. <Yesterday> He offered 8/- per adult yesterday for more for a ship than I gave for the “Monarch of the Sea” but was refused her. With Bro. John W. Young up the river accompanied Bro Joseph A Young up the river to the Africa[,] on which steamer he embarked for New York. Bro. Townsend arrived to-day from Birmingham and Bro Bull took his departure for that point. Wrote some letters.

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April 1864, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1864/04-1864