April 1877

1 April 1877 • Sunday

Held meeting this morning. After dinner drove to Kanarrah. Put up at the house of the late Bishop Roundy. Held meeting in the evening.

2 April 1877 • Monday

Drove to Tokerville, where we held meeting with the people. I did not speak. I put up with Brother John C. Naile [Naegle]. We notice the difference in the vegetation here and north of the Rim of the Basin. Every tree here is in full leaf, and the peaches are well formed.

3 April 1877 • Tuesday

Drove to St. George. The President was at the Temple and Bro. Erastus Snow took me there in his buggy. He brought me back to my Brother David’s where I found my wife Martha and the children well. We were glad to meet. Bro. Woodruff took me all through the Temple and gave me an interesting account of his labors during the Winter. Brother David and family gave me a hearty welcome. He has been laboring in the Temple since work commenced there and Bro. Woodruff speaks well of him, at which I am much gratified.

4 April 1877 • Wednesday

This morning the two days’ meetings preceding Conference commenced in the Temple. I was invited by President Young to take a seat in his stand. Besides me there were – Presidents J. W. Young, Dan H. Wells and Elders John Taylor and Lorenzo Snow. We sat there through the entire meetings and Conference. I shall not give any of the particulars connected with the business and the teaching as they are published. But on Saturday, the 7th, the Twelve apostles had a meeting at one of the houses of Bro. Erastus Snow for the purpose of taking steps as a quorum to lead out in the United Order.

9 April 1877 • Monday

My wife Martha received her [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] at the Temple to-day. There were several others who also received the same ordinance. Very plain talk on the part of Pres. Young in the Temple to-day to Elder Taylor on the subject of his teaching. Spent the evening with the President. Bro’s. W. Woodruff, L. Snow, Brigham Jr. and myself were present. He inquired our view respecting a change of alphabet and orthography. We agreed that a change was desirable and necessary and covenanted to sustain him in his efforts to effect it.

10 April 1877 • Tuesday

Went to the Temple this morning and receive an endowment for my Father, George Cannon. This is a blessed privilege which I desire to appreciate. It seemed that my father was near to me while going through, and I was peculiarly affected. There was a holy influence plainly felt. My brother David takes an active part in the giving of endowments in the Temple. Was present at the sealing of Bro. J. D. T. McAllister’s mother to the President Young and her [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance], his wife acting for her, and also at the adoption of the family through him to the President. “Spent the evening at the President’s.

11 April 1877 • Wednesday

This morning went to the Temple and received an endowment for my Grandfather, George Cannon. There was an holy influence felt by me, and it seemed, as on yesterday, that the dead for whom I officiated were nigh me. After passing through I officiated in the ordinance of adoption, Bro. Woodruff having two Brothers by the name of Hardy adopted in his family. I also helped in giving the [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] to several parties, some for themselves and some for the dead. Attended the funeral of Bro. Rogerson of Beaver’s child, which had died very suddenly; I went there with my brother David. Spent the evening at the President’s.

12 April 1877 • Thursday

Went through the Temple to-day and was washed and anointed and endowed for my Grandfather John Quayle, my mother’s father. Afterwards gave eight persons their [two words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] and sealed several. Elizabeth Kaighen Taylor, one of Uncle Taylor’s wives, had made out a list of her dead friends and gave to him to be officiated for. Among other names she had given some of my relatives, who were also hers, for whom myself and Sister Mary Alice were baptized. I marked these so that they would be known and be omitted when Uncle Taylor had his people baptized for. By some means one name that was <thus> marked Uncle put down for with his, and as he had a number of persons assisting and acting for him, my sister Leonora among the rest, he assigned this one to her. It Afterwards Uncle brought the case to my attention and I found that this was the wife of my Great Grandfather, David Callister, her name being Abigail Mylchreest, though the name he had was Abigail Garrett. After my Great Grandfather’s death, his wife married Thos Garrett, Sen., who was Elizabeth Kaighen Taylor’s mother’s father. I gave my brother David the name of our great grandfather, David Callister, for him to go through and be endowed for and in his behalf. Then I suggested that he get Leonora, and if not convenient for her, get Anne and have her act for Abigail Mylchreest and have them sealed.

13 April 1877 • Friday

Officiated to-day for my Great Grandfather Hugh Cannon. Bro. David ordained me an elder for and in his behalf. This he had done also in the case of my Grandfathers. He also officiated in anointing me for them. Bro. Philip De La Mare desired me to have one of his sisters, [blank] De La Mare, whom I had met at his father’s house, St. Heliers, Island of Jersey, and who was dead, sealed to me, she having been baptized for by Sister Maggie Taylor, Uncle Taylor’s wife. Bro. Woodruff did the sealing and Sister Shemira Young, one of President Young’s daughters, acted proxy for her. I sealed 24 persons. In the evening President Young desired me to go through and correct the lecture which is delivered to those receiving their endowments, at the vail.

[President [Young] told me that if I can take another wife unto myself, it would be a wonderful thing—if pleasing unto her and her liking; but the problem lies in the fact that this perhaps will be publicized amongst the people; and if this is heard by our enemies, they will resist me in Congress. Therefore, if a woman is sealed to me it would be best if done without the public knowing about it.]1

14 April 1877 • Saturday

Uncle Taylor, wife and son Hyrum and Bro. De La Mare started this morning for Tokerville. He and Bro. Orson Pratt and Bro’s. Lorenzo and Erastus Snow go by way of Tokerville, Virgen City, Kanab, the Sevier and Sanpete Valleys home. They will organize the Stakes of Zion as they go. Bro. Brigham, Jr., is very sick with a severe cold and some fever. Busy at the Lecture. Got it arranged to suit President Young.

15 April 1877 • Sunday

Copying the Lecture in a book to leave here for use in the Temple. This prevented me from going to meeting in the forenoon. In the afternoon attended. President Young called upon me first. I spoke only a few minutes[.] Bro. John W. Young, and the President and Bro. Preston then spoke, and he called upon me again. Bro. Junius F. Wells followed. Myself and wife Martha ate dinner with Bro. David <and> folks. In the evening called upon my Sister Anne with David and made her a visit. This afternoon went down with the President to a training of the Militia.

16 April 1877 • Monday

Started this morning for the North. Bro. Wells kindly gave me the same seat in his carriage that I had coming down. Bro. Brigham, Jr., was still quite sick, but started. We had an escort of twenty men under the command of my brother David. We reached Bellevue towards evening. It rained a little in the day and all night. Bro. Wells <and family> and myself were hospitably entertained by Bro. Birch and folks. David and I had a bed on the floor. I caught cold to-day.

17 April 1877 • Tuesday

Cold wind blowing to-day until we reached Kanarrah, very disagreeable traveling. Reached Cedar City in the afternoon. Here we met a correspondent of the New York Herald by the name of Stillson who had come here to interview President Young. He got drunk on Dixie wine, and though Bro. John W. Young kept him away from his father and engaged him in conversation in hopes the intoxication would pass away, yet at 8 o’clock when he came into the room where we sat he was so tipsey he could not ask a question straight. The interview lasted till after 11 o’clock. Bro. Geo. Gibbs, the short-hand reported [reporter] was present and took notes of all that was said. I slept at Bro. Birkbeck’s.

18 April 1877 • Wednesday

Drove to Parowan. I put up at Bro. Jesse N. Smith’s. Meeting was held at 5 p.m. The President proposed to organize the Stake with Bro. Jesse N. Smith as President. Before proposing him he asked the people whom they would have. Some mentioned Bro. Dame. There was opposition to Bro. Smith, probably one third of the people voted against him. The President concluded to defer the organization for the present. Presidents Young, Wells, John W. Young and Elders Burton and Wells addressed the people. Bro’s. John W. Young, Wells and myself had an interview with Mr. Stillson after meeting. It was nearly midnight when we separated. I forgot to mention that after the meeting at 5 p.m. a meeting of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association was held. I attended. The House was full. I was requested to speak and occupied about 15 minutes.

19 April 1877 • Thursday

Last evening Brother Brigham, Jun., was so sick that he concluded to stop here and rest. President Young expressed his intention to stop also. This, of course, would stop the whole company. Upon learning his intention last evening I proposed to him that if it would answer the purpose I would stop with pleasure with Bro. Brigham, Jr., and he and the company could go on and fill their appointments. I told him that in his condition, having as much as he could do to stand up under his own bodily weaknesses, I did not think it prudent for him to be roun with Brigham very much as he sympathized with him very much. He appeared pleased at my proposition, and said if I would stay he would go on feeling well. The company started about 9 o’clock. Bro. Brigham, Jr., is in a bad condition. I attended meeting in the evening and spoke with considerable feeling freedom.

To-day my son John Q. is 20 years old. I trust and pray that he grow to be an honorable, faithful servant of the Lord, whose chief aim will be to magnify the priesthood. He is an industrious boy.

20 April 1877 • Friday

Brigham, Jr., is a little better to-day, though his breathing is very short. I dined at Bro. Wm C. Mitchell’s with Bro’s. Dame, Jesse N. Smith and Edwd Dalton and their families. This evening about 10 o’clock Brother Brigham, Jr., had a very bad spell. He had great difficulty to breath, and for half an hour it seemed as if he must die.

21 April 1877 • Saturday

Brother Brigham, Jr., was much better to-day.

22 April 1877 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and Circle Meeting. Addressed the children. Attended meeting of people in the afternoon and spoke to them. Called upon Aunt <Sister> Mary Smith, mother of Jesse and Silas, and Sister Zilpha Smith, a widow of Bro. Geo. A. Smith’s, both of whom were sick. Brother Brigham, Jr., still improves.

23 April 1877 • Monday

Brother Brigham, Jr., is not so well to-day. Wrote an article “Jonah thrown into the sea” for the “Juvenile Instructor” and wrote to my wife Elizabeth and to my brother David and wife Martha.

24 April 1877 • Tuesday

Brother Brigham, Jr., rode out twice to-day for a little distance, which had a good effect upon him. I wrote two articles for “Juvenile Instructor” – editorial thoughts. We concluded to start tomorrow if weather should prove favorable and so telegraphed the President. Bro. Dame and his wives have been very kind to us and have done all in their power to make us comfortable. The Lord bless them. Sister West, mother of Bro. John A. West, is an excellent nurse and Thompsonian Doctress, and she has waited upon Brother Brigham with great care.

25 April 1877 • Wednesday

Brother Brigham, Jr., is much better this morning. When I got up I had none of the spirit of going. This was explained by 10 o’clock for the clouds began to gather and by noon it was raining and afterwards snowing.

26 April 1877 • Thursday

Brother Brigham, Jr., had, for him, a good night’s rest and he feels well this morning. We would start for Beaver if it were fine and clear; but the air is heavy and damp, the clouds hang around in a way to make me think the storm is not yet over, yet there are occasional gleams of sunshine. I now begin to feel that I shall be pleased when we can start, as Brother Brigham, Jun., is in a condition that I think will enable him to endure the journey.

I received a dispatch from home a few days ago informing me that my son David was sick with cold and fever and that his mother (my wife Elizabeth) was not in good health. This news caused me some anxiety; but more recent advices inform me they are better.2

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April 1877, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1870s/1877/04-1877


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua hai mai oia (Ua presidena) ia’u, ina ua hiki ia’u ke lawe i wahine <hou> na’u iho he mea maikai <ia> i kona manao a oluolu ia ia; aka eia ka pilikia, imu e hoolahaia <paha> mawaena o na kanaka; a ina e loheia e na enemi e ku e mai lakou ia’u ma ke aha nui o ke aupuni. Nolaila, ina e silaia kekahi wahine ia’u pono ke hana lawe ia ia me ke ike ole o ua kanaka

  2. [2]Pages preprinted April 27-August 24 are blank.