September 1853

1 September 1853 • Thursday

Bro. Hawkins started this morning to Kula as it was fast day. We met to day and enjoyed the spirit. There were two baptized this afternoon married a couple.

2 September 1853 • Friday

Revising &c. Attended to officer meeting and enjoyed it much. Bros. Keeler and Kaelepulu returned from Bro. K’s field and they report the baptism of 28—they enjoyed the spirit—small pox was in that region but not raging to a very great extent—they had administered to one who had it very bad & he had recovered. Bro. McBride arrived from Makawao on his way to Lahaina; his health was not very good.

3 September 1853 • Saturday

Transcribing. In afternoon attended meeting, Bro. Keeler spoke and I followed—we were blessed with the spirit.

4 September 1853 • Sunday

Bible Class this morning. Bro. Lawson arrived from Makawao—he was well. Bro. Keeler preached and I followed and we had a good time—the house was well filled and good attention paid to what was said.1 During intermission there were 12 twelve baptised whom we confirmed in afternoon with five more that had been previously baptised. We also administered the Lord’s supper—we had an excellent meeting, some excellent speaking being done by Bros. Keeler, Napela & Kaelepulu and Cannon.

5 September 1853 • Monday

Transcribing &c. Bro. R. [Reddin] A. Allred arrived from Lahaina by the way of Honokohau; he spent the Sunday in company with Bros. [George] Raymond & Kanahunahupu at Hononana, where they had baptised 6 [who] belonged partly to Kahakuloa. I received a letter from Bro. Hammond—all was well.

6 September 1853 • Tuesday

Transcribing & Revising. I am troubled with a pain in my breast.

7 September 1853 • Wednesday

Did not sleep much last night being unable to lie on my left side. All day passed in pain; I was administered to by the brethren & experienced some relief. I was unable to work. Attended to meeting this afternoon Bros. Allred, Keeler, Napela & I spoke, and we had a good meeting—some brethren commenced paying a little towards the Book of Mormon.

8 September 1853 • Thursday

I started this morning in company with Bro. Reddin A. Allred on horseback to Makawao in hopes that it would be a benefit to me.2 We found Bro. Rice at Bro. Winchester’s—they were all well.

9 September 1853 • Friday

Reading &c. Bro. Hawkins arrived from Kula; there was one that wanted to be baptised—Bro. Allred officiated. I afterwards baptised two, one young man and a young woman.

10 September 1853 • Saturday

We started (Bro. Allred and I.) for Kula; Bro. Hawkins for Hamakua, and Bro. Rice for Waiehu. We arrived in Kula and held meeting; Bro. A. & I spoke.

11 September 1853 • Sunday

Meeting was to be held in the lower meeting house at Omaopio [Oma‘opio]; we went down and I preached on the Book of Mormon & was blessed. In afternoon had sacrament and confirmed four, three of whom had been baptised this morning, and one before. We had a good meeting in afternoon, Bro. Allred and I spoke and was followed by Bro. Kaleohano. I gave the saints considerable instruction in regard to their modes of living, and the rules that they must necessarily observe in order to please the Lord. We had abundance of Cactus fruit—it being now ripe; they are splendid eating. We went over to Makawao and slept.

12 September 1853 • Monday

We started for Wailuku and found Bro. Hammond from Lahaina and Bros. Lawson & Snider, who were all well.3 Bro. H. left Lahaina on Saturday and spent Sunday in Kaanapali [Ka‘anapali] and baptised one; Sis. H. and children were well. He bro’t me a letter from Bro. Johnson, Honolulu, acknowledging the receipt of my letter and writing and as though he would like us to volunteer to stay another year and finish up the work and all go home together.

13 September 1853 • Tuesday

Conversing &c. Bros. Allred & Snider started to go on the North West side of the island.

14 September 1853 • Wednesday

Bro. Hammond started this morning from Lahaina. Engaged part of the day revising. In afternoon held meeting and was much blessed in teaching.

15 September 1853 • Thursday

Revising and also transcribed some little. Fasted today. In afternoon Bro. Lawson accompanied Bro. Rice over to Waiehu with intention of staying over night.

16 September 1853 • Friday

Revising and also transcribing. Attended officer meeting in afternoon and was much blessed in instructing them in relation to their duty as officers in the Church of Jesus Christ. Spent the evening in conversing with Dr. Rae.

17 September 1853 • Saturday

Copying some little and revising. In afternoon attended meeting Bro. Pelio and I spoke and was blessed.—I feel that it is more blessed to be able to give or impart than it is to receive, for it is the most delightful feeling that I ever experienced, that of teaching &c. the children of men the way of life and salvation.

18 September 1853 • Sunday

Took a ride early this morning in company with Bro. Napela to the sea and drank some sea water, in hopes that it would be beneficial to me. Had Bible Class and afterwards held public meeting when I preached upon the renewal of the covenant showing that in order that the prophecies may be fulfilled, the Lord of necessity must again speak to man and reveal his will unto him; I was blessed with utterance and the spirit to a goodly extent. There were several whites in attendance and Bro. Lawson spoke in English—I afterwards made a few remarks and we then closed the meeting.

Sunday In afternoon held meeting again and Bro. Napela & I spoke.

19 September 1853 • Monday

Rode again to the sea this morning. While eating breakfast a man brought some letters from Lahaina, by way of Kahului among them there was one from Bro. Hammond for me and one from Bro. Joseph Cain, Great Salt Lake City—Bro. Lawson also received one from there, and Bro. Snider two, and one also for Bro. R. A. Allred. I felt gratified in receiving this letter it being the first that I have received from Joseph since last Nov.; it contained some good advice & counselling me in regard to many things and [I] felt to thank him for the interest he has always manifested toward me. Bro. Hammond writes that Bro. Lewis had baptised 400; Bro. Mc Bride is still unwell and is anxious together with Sis. H. to have conference in Lahaina. We talked the matter over and thought it would be better to hold it here. Revising &c.

20 September 1853 • Tuesday

Revising &c. This morning took a ride and bathed [swam] in the ocean in company with Bro. Napela. Bro. Keeler arrived from Honuaula [Honua‘ula].

21 September 1853 • Wednesday

Took a ride & bathe again early this morning in company with Bro. N. Revising &c. Held meeting in afternoon Bro. Keeler spoke and I followed. Revising in evening in company with Bro. Pelio. I have been revising lately altogether with Bro. Kanahunahupu a brother of Bro. Napela’s.

22 September 1853 • Thursday

Revising to-day. Took our ride and bathe this morning. In evening revising in company with Bro. Pelio.

23 September 1853 • Friday

Rode and bathed again this morning—I think I experience benefit from this exercise. Revising to-day in company with Bro. Napela, & was prospered. Attended officer meeting and enjoyed it much—Bro. Napela to illustrate a subject that we alluded gave a sketch of his experience in monetary matters since joining the church. When I first came to his house he was in debt over $2000 and the day had been appointed to sell him out but the Lord had blessed him and delivered him putting the means in his hands the day before the time expired to liquidate the debt for which he was sued, and that quite providentially; and <he felt> that it was in realization of what I told him that he should be blessed—he had since paid all this up & kept the servants of the Lord &c., with the exception of $160. It was his debts that had caused him to drink to drown thought and he was almost driven to desperation at times; he felt tha to thank the Lord that he was a living man this and in the possession of truth with the knowledge of the Church of Christ. Bro. Lawson started for Lahaina this morning. I received a paper from home [Deseret News, July 10, 1853] via Lahaina, with a note from Bro. Hammond stating their good health. The paper contained part of the proceedings of the 4th of July, a speech, a very excellent one, delivered by Bro. [James] Ferguson, &c. &c.

24 September 1853 • Saturday

Revising part of day. Bros. Maiola & Kahiki arrived from Molokai and several brethren and sisters with them—they were all well. They brought me a letter from Bros. Woodbury & Hammond, Lahaina, and also a letter written to the elders by Bro. Tanner who suggested the propriety of our buying a vessel and advanced cogent reasons in its favor—we have a good deal of sailing to do and it is likely to increase and it is outlay now and no income, and those who are able and willing to help us have a very heavy burthen to bear, as the <native> saints are generally very poor. I liked his suggestions much and feel like adopting any feasible plan to benefit us and the saints in this respect.—Bros. Green and Woodbury are both in Lahaina; Bro. W. has been unwell but is some better. Held meeting in afternoon.

25 September 1853 • Sunday

Held Bible Class in morning and afterwards held public meeting Bro. Maiola spoke and was followed by Bros. Kahiki and Napela and I. We had an excellent meeting and it did me good to hear the brethren, Maiola & K., speak—they having just returned from a mission of from two to three months duration. In afternoon also had an excellent meeting—several brethren from Molokai and I was delighted with their remarks and in witnessing the progress they had made in acquiring principle.

26 September 1853 • Monday

Revising &c. Bro. Snider plastering our room to make things comfortable for conference.

27 September 1853 • Tuesday

Revising &c. The brethren were busy whitewashing. Bro. Lawson arrived from Kula Lahaina and brought a letter from Bro. Ephraim Green for me. They were well. I wrote this afternoon by a young man by whom I sent a horse for the brethren. Bros. Rice, Snider & Lawson went to Haliimaile [Hali‘imaile].4 This evening Bro. Napela and I finished the Book reading of the Book of Mormon for which I felt to rejoice and thank the Lord for his goodness.5

28 September 1853 • Wednesday

Writing &c. Finished whitewashing the room.6 Wrote a letter to Lahaina & sent animals for the brethren [horses for Woodbury and Green]. Held meeting this evening and preached a funeral sermon on the death of two children; was blessed with the spirit. Bros. Lawson & Snider arrived from Makawao.

29 September 1853 • Thursday

Variously engaged. In evening afternoon attended meeting at Waiehu and preached and afterwards cut off three on good testimony.

30 September 1853 • Friday

Bros. Green & Woodbury arrived from Lahaina—Bro. G. was unwell. In afternoon held officer meeting, Bros. Woodbury & Redick N. Allred spoke and I followed—we had a very good meeting. Bro. Allred arrived from Kula.

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September 1853, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Both Keeler and Cannon used 1 Corinthians 12 as the basis for their sermons (Keeler journal, Sept. 4, 1853).

  2. [2]Hammond later explained the reason for Cannon’s trip: “Bro. C. had gone for his health as he was quite poorly with a pain in his left side, caused by sitting so steadily at the ‘Book of Mormon’” (Hammond journal, Sept. 12, 1853).

  3. [3]Cannon was also better, the pain in his side having subsided (Hammond journal, Sept. 12, 1853).

  4. [4]Cannon started to write the next day’s date following this sentence, but after writing Wednesday crossed it out.

  5. [5]In his reminiscences, Cannon later clarified this statement: “The translation was finished on July the 22nd, 1853. . . . But it was not until the 27th of the succeeding September that we completed the revision” (Cannon, My First Mission, 61).

  6. [6]Cannon originally started to write the following day’s date at this point but crossed it out after writing Thursday, 29.