June 1898

1 June 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 1, 1898

Frank’s wife called on us this morning and took us [for] a ride through the Soldiers Home grounds.

I had a call to-day from several Senators, who left their cards. In the evening Senator J. K. Jones called on me. In his conversation he spoke in the very highest terms to me of my son Frank; said there was no man of his age in public life that was more influential or more capable, and that he had influence far beyond that usually exercised by so new a Senator.

I had a very interesting conversation also with Senator Teller also, who called on me last Sunday. He spoke in the warmest terms of Frank, whom he esteemed very highly, and hoped that he would be re-elected. He seems to be a very great friend of Frank’s[.]

This evening we had a long visit with Frank and Willard Young.

I have been anxious that my sons Sylvester and Willard should return with us if possible. Frank telegraphed to learn whether this was feasible, but they could not reach Chicago in time to join us.

2 June 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, June 2, 1898

Dr. Crook gave me a dietary he wants me to observe. He tells me that I have the diabetes, and described my case to Frank; but I do not believe this myself. Still I thought it would do no harm to conform to his dietary.

Colonel Willard Young brought me word that I ought to call and see the President, for Senator Elkins had impressed very much upon him the propriety and necessity of my calling on the President to thank him for his (Colonel Young’s) appointment. As Senator Elkins said, they had used my name very freely with the President in securing the appointment.

Although my health was so poor, I called at the White House to-day, but was unable to see the President. He made an engagement for me to call to-morrow at 10 o’clock.

3 June 1898 • Friday

Friday, June 3, 1898

I was feeling very wretchedly, but I thought it was of great importance that I should see the President and thank him, and I accordingly went, taking my son Georgius with me. The room was full of prominent men – Senators, Representatives &c. – and I had a very pleasant conversation with the President, in which I thanked him for the interest he had shown in Utah and in appointing Colonel Willard Young to a regiment. He expressed great pleasure that he was able to gratify me in this. I introduced Georgius to him, and he took a carnation out of his buttonhole and pinned it on the little boy’s breast.

I was very glad to get through with this interview, as I felt very sick.

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June 1898, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1898/06-1898