June 1878

1 June 1878 • Saturday

Dictating letters and journal. At the House the Judiciary Committee made reports and the Revenue bill occupied the remainder of the day.

The Senate agreed to the House amendment to their resolution making June 17th the date for adjournment.

Considerable excitement in the House this afternoon in consequence of evidence obtained by the Committee investigating the Presidential frauds. Jas. E. Anderson was the witness and his testimony was said to be very straightforward remaining unshaken by cross-examination. He produced copies of correspondence between him and Sherman. The latter was placed on the stand, and while he did not positively deny having written such a letter, he would not acknowledge it, and rather thought he had not written it. Still he admitted that if he has written such a letter he would be likely to use the language contained in that letter

2 June 1878 • Sunday

Sunday 2

At home. A very dark cloudy day.

3 June 1878 • Monday

Dictating correspondence and journal.

At the House. The internal revenue bill came up. Had an evening session

4 June 1878 • Tuesday

In the morning hour, the Committee on Judiciary made reports. In afternoon the tariff bill was up and it was agreed to vote upon it at 12 o’clock to-morrow. An evening session was held, devoted to the discussion of the Mexican award.

5 June 1878 • Wednesday

Bro. Richard W. Young cadet to West Point, arrived from Salt Lake City this morning on his way to the academy. Called at the White House; the Prest was not at home.

At the House the internal revenue bill was taken up till 12 o’clock when a motion was made to strike out the enacting clause <of the tariff bill> which was carried by a vote of 134 to 120, after which the internal revenue bill was resumed.

6 June 1878 • Thursday

After about an hour’s discussion of the internal revenue bill the appropriation committee reported the deficiency bill.

The committee investigating the frauds in the Presidential election still keep up their sessions. The Republicans are considerably demoralized. Testimony has been given which it is thought will compel Jno. Sherman Secretary of the Treasury to step out of his position, and which will prevent Senator Stanley Matthews from getting a seat on the Supreme Bench, there having been a rumor that his appointment to the Supreme Court was contemplated by Mr. Hayes.

7 June 1878 • Friday

Dictating journal. I receive no word from Gen. Kane and I fear his wife is worse, though his last letter gave an encouraging account. His silence, however, causes me some alarm

At the House the deficiency bill was discussed[.] An evening session was appointed for discussion of the letter carriers bill. After one speech upon this bill an attempt was made to go on with the deficiency bill, and after some noisy scenes and a waste of time this attempt was defeated at about 9.30 p.m. The House was then deserted by all except those who had speeches to make on that subject.

Today I called upon the President in relation to the Ogden postmastership and presented a petition from citizens asking for the appointment of Bro. Jos. Hall. went also to the War Dep’t in regard to conflict of jurisdiction at Beaver between Justice Tyler and Col. Douglass[.] I wrote a letter to the Secy on subject see letter book June 8.

8 June 1878 • Saturday

Had an interview with Sec’y Schurz about land matters. House still on deficiency bill. I have been trying to have an item inserted for the payment of A Hatch for beef cattle sold to the Indian Agt. Was unsuccessful, though the com. allowed the claim was a meritorious one, but if that was inserted many others would have to be also. Senator Sargent promised to do what he could in the case in the Senate.

I saw Senator Saunders about Utah Northern bill. I prepared a substitute for the bill left by Bro. Legrand Young and had also drawn up a report so as to save him all the labor possible. He however, introduced Legrand’s bill amended. This would be subject to a point of order in the House, and he promised to try and get my substitute passed.

I wrote to Mr. Richardson telling him what I had done.

9 June 1878 • Sunday

In the house all day.

10 June 1878 • Monday

Called at the Land Dep’t. After the morning hour the sundry civil bill came up. In the bill there is appropriated $20,000 for judicial expenses in Utah, including marshal, district attorney, and juror’s fees. This sum they say must be fully re-imbursed by the Territorial Treasury and until it is the members of the Legislature are to receive no pay. I have been busy in the afternoon and evening talking with members of the com. upon this feature and showing its injustice. At the evening session the judiciary committee made reports.

11 June 1878 • Tuesday

Called at the Department of Justice in relation to Dr. Taggart’s business. The House resumed discussion of the sundry civil appropriation bill, until 4.30 when a recess was taken to 7.30. The evening was devoted to reports from the naval committee[.] Adjourned at 10.30[.]

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June 1878, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1870s/1878/06-1878