April 1888

1 April 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, April 1/88 I had a call from Bro. Clawson this morning. He brought me a letter which he had received from “Dellie” and a short note from “Maude”. I omitted to mention that in response to the statement which I had forwarded to Washington concerning my case, the following telegram came from “Maude”:

“The matter is before Garland (the Attorney General) in good shape. He had sent to Utah for some information on points. His views of case was entirely different and was bitter. Senator Daniels, of Virginia, is handling the case; was Garland’s best friend. Be careful of Peters (District Attorney), as he may be getting anxious, as the Department want you in particular. The views of some here are, if you could be captured, all difficulty would be settled. Garland is, however, afraid of Zane, fearing anything he might do would be used by Senator Cullom politically.” In a letter on the same subject, “Dellie” wrote that Cleveland had tried to handle Garland, but he was very bitter, especially on my case. He says they never ought to have allowed me the privilege of bonds; but since reading the statement which was sent he has changed his views on the whole matter. He says he had been misinformed and seems now to be in a different state of mind. He said that Peters, knowing the feelings of the Department, doubtless, in the proposition which he had made to Le Grand Young desired to get some credit for getting me to surrender. There seems to be an impression in the Department that if I could be arrested and brought to trial, a settlement would soon be effected, as they seem to think that the resistance of the law here was through me. “Maude” wrote, under date of the 24th, that document in my case had been received, and that he got the proper influence to bear on Garland. He hoped to get a full answer before he starts home. Under date of the 30th, from Washington, he said that my case is now before Mr. Garland in fine shape, with the strongest men in Washington to press it. He hoped to get a decision to-day, although, he said, they could not hurry it. Garland had told Cleveland that he had a grudge against the people of Salt Lake, from ‘way back.

I do not know how this matter may terminate; but I have felt greatly impressed to do something to endeavor to bring about a solution of my case. My position is different from that of almost all the brethren, in the fact that I was captured and my bonds were forfeited. I would like, if it were the will of the Lord, to have the opportunity of meeting that charge in court. I do not wish, however, to be entrapped and have no desire to lose my liberty any longer than is absolutely necessary to put the thing in right shape. I feel that some effort should be made by me to regain my former liberty; for, situated as I am now, I cannot perform many of those duties which devolve upon me as a servant of God.

I spent some little time to-day writing on the Epistle. In the afternoon, Hugh & David administered the Sacrament and I spoke and had a good flow of the Spirit.

2 April 1888 • Monday

Monday, April 2/88. Bros. Wilcken & Livingstone came down to my house this morning, and I put on a disguise and rode up with Bro. Livingstone to the office, by way of Liberty Park. I am out of hay and Bro. Livingstone showed me a stack which belonged to the City which he offered to let me have for $40.00/. I promised to take it.

The Council met at 10 o’clock. There were present: President Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, Geo. Q. Cannon, B. Young, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, D. H. Wells, Bp. W. B. Preston.

I offered the opening prayer.

$20,000. was appropriated to apply on the Temple at Salt Lake.

Bro. J. W. Taylor had introduced a resolution at one of our recent meetings concerning the sale of property by the Latter-day Saints, and this was taken up. He had obtained a statement from the County Recorder which showed there were about 20 sales of real estate recorded every day, and on an average 6 of these were by Latter-day Saints to outsiders.

Elders L. Snow, M. Thatcher, D. H. Wells and myself spoke on the subject, also Bro. J. W. Taylor.

In the afternoon I read extracts from letter from Bro. Jos. F. Smith, at Washington, concerning the emigration and respecting the views of the lawyers about our attempts to get an Appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. It is very remarkable how divided our lawyers are in their views as to the treatment of this case. It seems impossible to get them to see alike and to decide upon any policy that we should adopt with hope of success.

The question of withdrawing our elders from preaching in places where hostility was manifested and creating prejudice against us that operated against us in Congress and would be likely to deter Senators and Members from voting on our question, was discussed. A motion was made by Bro. Thatcher that a good letter be sent to the President of the Southern States Mission, requesting him to withdraw the Elders from points where great hostility was manifested; but at my suggestion Bro. Reynolds read a letter which had already been written to the President of the Mission, Wm. Spry, in which instructions of this kind were given. Bro. Thatcher said that was entirely satisfactory to him, and withdrew his motion. It was decided to charge $55. per adult for the emigration this season from Liverpool to Salt Lake City. The fare from Liverpool to Kansas, as we have obtained, is $24.00/[.] A rate from Kansas to Salt Lake has been obtained at $1900/, making it $4300/. It was felt that this profit - $12.00/ ) was heavy; but we use all the profits derived therefrom for the transportation of the missionaries from their fields of labor; and it was felt that as it was $8. or $9. less than last year, and we might not get so good a fare another year, perhaps it would be better to keep it at this rate this year, which was the cheapest fare ever obtained.

Bro. Le Grand Young came into the Council and stated that Peters had made a proposition to him that the notes for the theatre and the note for the street railroad should be surrendered and they (the representatives of the government) would acknowledge the validity of the sale of both properties, but would contend for the amount which the notes represented. Bro. Young seemed to think that perhaps it would be well to carefully consider this, as it might be an advantage not to have too many inquiries made into the sale of the theatre, and he thought if it could be done and all further investigation be stopped in regard to that, it might be a saving to the Church, even if they lost the value of the note – $25,000., because of the option which we had, which option would be worth more than the note, the property having increased in value so much. It seems that nothing is known about this option, and he thought if inquiry could be stopped entirely, it would be the better course to pursue.

As, however, Moroni Sheets has refused to testify and has been committed for contempt, it was decided best to leave this matter for a few days and see what the result of the application for habeas corpus would be.

Bishop Preston was anxious to know what our views were concerning himself – whether he should throw himself in the way to be subpoenaed as a witness or not. It was decided that he had better not do so.

The Council adjourned sine die.

I dictated answers to public correspondence to Bro. A. Winter. Bro. C. H. Wilcken made arrangements for us to go to Bro. H. M. Wells to stay to-morrow, but after he left, President Woodruff expressed a preference to go to the Gardo House, if we could be there without interruption. We sent for Bro. Sudbury, stated our wishes, and he said that we could be there and be secluded. President Woodruff’s desire was that we should have an opportunity to be together to attend to correspondence and the Epistle. We moved over there this evening.

3 April 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 3/88. I worked on the Epistle a portion of the day; dictated answers to correspondence also. In the evening my brother Angus accompanied me to my wife Carlie’s, whom I wanted to see about some business.

I forgot to mention that Bro. Thatcher, yesterday, had two conversations with me concerning an alliance between the bank owned by himself and brother and Zion’s Savings Bank, on terms which would be mutually satisfactory, we who hold stock in the “little bank” to take stock in their bank, and they in ours. I told him that this matter was referred to a committee.

President Woodruff and myself also had an interview with him on the same subject.

4 April 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 4/88. A rainy morning.

I finished writing the Epistle this morning and read it to President Woodruff, who appeared quite satisfied with it. I had asked his views yesterday morning concerning it, and I found that he entertained the same view that I had regarding the character of the Epistle, that it should be short and not deal with any special subject. There are a number of topics which are now agitating the public mind, upon which we cannot very well write – one is the State movement, another is the Church suits, another, the sale of real estate, another, the schools. These are all subjects that at present should be handled, but not through a Public Epistle. We do not appear to have the spirit to say anything that would arouse any of the old antagonisms at the present time.

I dictated my journal and answers to public correspondence to Bro. A. Winter.

I went to my wife Carlie’s this evening.

5 April 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, April 5/88. Met with the Council and attended to various items of business. Among other things, a report was read from the committee on remuneration of Presidents of Stakes and their Counselors, and the various amounts were adopted. A proposition was also made by Bro. John W. Taylor to appropriate certain amounts for the Seven Presidents of Seventies. I objected to this and said that the brethren who stood in need were already receiving assistance. While it is necessary that those who are engaged in the work of the ministry should receive assistance, I do not feel altogether satisfied with the present tendency in giving our officers salaries. I feel myself that I could not, if called upon, defend the action we have already taken upon this point in regard to the Twelve Apostles and their Counselors and the Presiding Bishopric. I should have protested against it had it not been for certain circumstances which have made me feel that the less I said in the way of objecting to propositions, the better. Besides, I have not been in a position to decline the help that has been tendered. There are 13 Apostles, with their 2 Counselors, and 3 of the Presiding Bishopric, making 18. 17 of these receive $3000. a year, in cash, and President Woodruff receives $5000., making $56.000. a year, all in cash. Now, the proposition is to give the Presidents of Stakes certain sums, amounting altogether to not far from $30,000. Bishops also receive 10% of the tithing, which is divided among them. I feel that this is a great change, and whether it is a beneficial one or not is very questionable in my mind. President Young was utterly opposed to giving officers fixed amounts. While perhaps some of the brethren might have almost suffered under the system that he maintained, still it did keep down the tendency that was frequently manifested on the part of some individuals to get at what may be called the “public crib.”

Conference commenced this morning at 10 o’clock. Bro. L. Snow presided.

6 April 1888 • Friday

Friday, April 6/88. The Council met at 9 o’clock. The Epistle of President Woodruff to the Saints was read this morning and was accepted. There were but two changes made from what I wrote.

I had said, during the investigation of the feelings of the brethren concerning myself, that I hoped when we got through with these meetings that we would be able to meet together and eat of the bread and drink of the wine in remembrance of our Lord. Bro. J. H. Smith came to me a day or two ago and asked me if I was intending to renew that proposition. I told him that having made it I now would prefer somebody else taking it up. So to-day he proposed it, and it was accepted by the Council. Bread and wine were procured, and after the afternoon meeting the Twelve, Bro. D. H. Wells and Bps. Preston and Winder, and Geo. Reynolds, met in the President’s Office. The table was spread with a cloth, and loaves of bread were broken in three and homemade wine was procured, and we partook of the Sacrament, President Woodruff offering the prayer, and Bros. L. & E. Snow breaking the bread and pouring out the wine. As the brethren were ready to partake of the bread and wine, I arose and said that I did not wish to eat and drink without, in the first place, stating my feelings to my brethren. I said that I felt I could fellowship all my brethren who were present, and could partake freely and worthily of the bread and wine, in remembrance of the death and sufferings of our Lord, without a feeling in my heart against any of my brethren who were present, or, indeed, against <any> of my brethren and Sisters in the Church. I said if there was anything that I had ever done, either in my manner, or by my words, or by any of my acts, to in any manner offend or grieve my brethren, I humbly asked their forgiveness. When I sat down, Bro. E. Snow followed in the same spirit, and then Bro. L. Snow, and all the rest in their regular order, President Woodruff speaking last, excepting Bro. G. Reynolds, who made the closing remarks.

My feelings were very much touched by the remarks that were made and by the Spirit of the Lord which rested down upon us, softening our hearts and filling us with peace and joy. We enjoyed the Sacrament very much.

7 April 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, April 7/88. We met again this morning at 9 o’clock. The subject of the Board of Education was talked of and some names were decided upon. Two or three brethren then withdrew to attend the Conference. I brought before the brethren, there being a full quorum present, the interest of $10,000. that I had in the mortgage which Bp. Preston held on the Iron Manf’g. Co’s property to secure notes for $55,000. which had been given by Thomas Taylor. $35,000. of this $55.000. belonged to the Church; the remainder belonged to President Taylor and myself. For its interest the Church had paid cash, stock, grain, and labor tithing. My interest consisted of $10,000. in cash, which I had paid to Thomas Taylor. I do not know what President Taylor paid for his interest. I had no evidence in my hand of my interest in these notes and mortgage. I now proposed to take up a note of my son Abraham H. Cannon’s, which he had given for $10,425 and pay on that note whatever the brethren would think was right, and in lieu thereof give them this claim of $10,000., with the guarantee that in the event of the Church not collecting these notes and mortgage I would be responsible for the amount. After some little conversation the brethren agreed to do this. I afterwards paid $425. and will give my note and guaranty to cover the remaining $10,000. upon the surrender of A. H. Cannon’s note to me.

President Woodruff expressed himself as desirous that myself and Bro. L. Snow should be on the Board of Education. He also mentioned Bro. Thatcher’s name; but as it had been stated that only three of the Twelve should be on the Board, Bro. Thatcher said that he was quite willing to have his name omitted. Various names were proposed. There was a disposition to put educators on the Board. I expressed the view that one educator, Bro. Karl G. Maeser, deserved recognition for the labor which he had performed, and that, aside from him, I scarcely thought it would be wise to put others of his class upon the Board. The brethren were desirous to hear my views concerning the nature of this Board and its duties, inasmuch as I had proposed its organization. I said that the view which I entertained was, that we should get influential men to form the Board, who would be able to collect funds and use an influence in that direction among the Saints – men in whose management the Saints would have confidence – and that they should take under their Supervision the condition of all our settlements, not only in Utah, but in Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and Nevada; and as fast as possible organize a system of denominational schools and, as means increase, academies and colleges, until every child of the Latter-day Saints should have the opportunity of obtaining a thoroughly sound education in all branches of school training as well as in the principles of the Gospel. Such a Board could call to their assistance, to aid them in their deliberations and decisions, all the educators in the country. They could have the benefit of their experience, and still be able, through their influential positions in the community, to collect means for the accomplishment of the purpose they had in view. The Board was finally selected, and these are the names of those comprising it: President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City; Lorenzo Snow, Brigham City; Geo. Q. Cannon, Salt Lake City; Karl G. Maeser, Provo; H. S. Eldredge, Salt Lake City; Willard Young, Salt Lake City; Geo. W. Thatcher, Logan; Anton H. Lund, Ephraim; Amos Howe, Salt Lake City.

The condition of the Church land in St. John, Arizona, was taken into consideration, in connection with a letter written by President Udall, of that Stake. It was decided to have Bro. Jesse N. Smith, who is the President of the Snowflake Stake, proceed to St. John, and that Bro. Udall employ an attorney to effect a suitable organization of that Ward, which form of organization, it was thought, would answer for all the Wards in both Stakes. I dictated to Bro. Winter letters to these brethren concerning this.

In revising the list of the General authorities that was to be read to the Conference, it was decided to not present the names of the Church Architects or Church Reporters, but to present the name of Sister Zina D. H. Young as the head of the Relief Societies. It was decided also to appoint Elder Wm. H. Seegmiller as President of the Sevier Stake. After dinner, Bro. Thatcher read a statement which had been prepared by the Presidency of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association. The object in reading it to the Council was to obtain aid from the Church in the erection of a building of a very elaborate character, in which there should be a library, a museum, a gymnasium, &c. under the control of the Y. M. I A., on what is known as the Council House corner – at least 5 rods square – and $25,000. in cash.

This proposition did not strike me favorably. While I am desirous that that corner should be put to some use, and I fear, if some steps are not taken towards securing it, it may be seized by the Receiver, at the same time I do not feel that granting the request of the Y. M. I. A. would have the effect to save it, or that it would be the best method of expending the amount of money required. I said in my remarks that while these Associations, no doubt, would do a great deal of good, yet this money could be better expended in establishing schools for the education of our children in the principles of our religion, under the direction of the Board of Education. Bros. Lyman, Taylor and Grant spoke in the same strain. It was evident that the proposition did not strike all the members of the Council favorably.

We finally adjourned without coming to any conclusion, to meet the Presidents of Stakes at 4:30 to-morrow afternoon, in the office.

Bro. Wilcken carried me to my home on the river.

8 April 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, April 8/88. I urged all of my family who could to go to Conference this morning, and a carriage load, containing some 10 or 12, started off. I had a very quiet time at home. Bro. Wilcken came down for me about 3 o’clock with a large covered carriage. He brought with him two daughters to ride on the front seat, so that President Woodruff and myself could ride behind with safety. We called at President Woodruff’s, and we rode together to the city, to the Tithing Office Yard.

The Presidents of Stakes met and we had a very interesting interview with them and gave them a variety of instruction. I was so choked with emotion when I rose to speak that it was with difficulty I could control my feelings; but after I had overcome my emotions I spoke with considerable freedom. I returned to my home this evening.

9 April 1888 • Monday

Monday, April 9/88. Bro. Chas. Livingstone called for me this morning. I put on my disguise and rode up with him in daylight.

The Council convened at 10:30.

We were greatly saddened to-day by hearing a communication from Prest. C. Layton, of St. Joseph Stake, informing us of the lewd conduct of Bro. [first and last name with middle initial redacted] in taking liberties with some girls, [13 words redacted relationg to description of immoral conduct], which he ([last name redacted]) confessed was true in a written acknowledgment. After some conversation, it was decided to write to Bro. Layton for more particulars and for a copy of Bro. [initial of last name redacted]’s. acknowledgment, so that when Bro. E. Snow should proceed to that region he could take the case up, if it were necessary to do so.

The question of granting the petition of the Y. M. M. I. A. was again taken up, and the remarks of the brethren were generally unfavorable, Bros. Wells & Thatcher being the only ones who seemed to advocate the proposition, and Bro. Thatcher finally withdrew the matter, as he saw the brethren were not in favor of it.

A letter from Bro. Geo. L. Farrell, from Alberta Ter., Canada, was read. It was very interesting. An appropriation of $75000/ was made for Paragoonah Ward, and several appropriations for the Indian Mission, on the report of the Com. on Indian affairs.

It was decided to dedicate the Manti Temple on the 17th May. The programme, as arranged, is as follows: We who are on the “underground” leave this city on Sunday evening, May 13th, and go to Nephi, where we remain on Monday. Leave Nephi Monday evening, after dark, and proceed to Manti. Remain in the Temple on Tuesday & Wednesday, attending to organization of affairs, and on Thursday, dedicate the Temple. Leave Manti after dark on Thursday and proceed to Nephi, where we rest on Friday, and return to the city on Friday night.

It is decided to have the public dedication on the Monday, following the Sanpete Stake Conference on Saturday and Sunday.

President Woodruff nominated the following committees: M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman and H. J. Grant, to arrange the manner in which the business of the Church shall be conducted in the future; L. Snow, B. Young and M. Thatcher, to audit the books of President Taylor’s administration.

The Council then adjourned.

I had thought of going home this evening, but I learned that our friends “Maude” and Dellie” had returned from the East and were desirous to have an interview. It was arranged that we should meet them to-morrow, at 11 o’clock, at the Gardo House. I concluded that I would remain in town.

We have received dispatches concerning some of the discourses in the Tabernacle, which are being made use of by those who are unfavorable to us to our disadvantage. Bros. S. B. Young and Rudger Clawson spoke unwisely concerning plural marriage; Bro. John Nicholson also concerning the land movement; and these remarks have been sent East by telegraph, for the purpose of creating public opinion against us. We sent for Bro. Clawson and instructed him to go and see Byron Groo and have him write a dispatch to the Associated Press that would counteract any misstatements that were made and endeavor to allay public opinion.

I went over to the Gardo House and passed the night.

10 April 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 10/88. Bro. Clawson called this morning and informed me that our friends could not come till evening. President Woodruff came up this morning from his farm, where he spent the night.

I employed myself today dictating answers to all our public correspondence. I also dictated “Editorial Thoughts” for the Juvenile Instructor. I had interviews with my sons Frank and Abraham.

In the evening had a very lengthy interview with “Maude” and “Dellie”. They reported the result of their labors, which were very satisfactory; but they appeared to feel quite discouraged at the effect of the reports which had gone East respecting our Conference and the utterances of the brethren. They appeared to feel that these utterances had done us great injury in regard to the State movement. Of course, they do not take the view that we do of these matters, and judge more by appearances than we do, because we take into account the overruling providence of our Father. “Maude” explained to me the efforts they had made in regard to my case. He said that there was much misapprehension existing concerning it. I was looked upon at Washington as being the head and front of the opposition, and that if I could be secured it would go a long way towards settling the question of plural marriage, and perhaps close it entirely. He informed me, however, that Garland had read the statement which had been sent regarding my case and his feelings were much mollified; but he could not see any way to reach my case while Zane was on the bench. Garland appears to be afraid of Zane and of his influence. He says that he is not his friend, political or otherwise, and he dare not ask any favors from him, or do anything that would have the appearance of compromise with us, as it would be used against the Administration. It was considerably after 10 o’clock when we got through. I was carried to my home on the river by Bro. Wilcken. My brain was very tired, the nerves of my head being considerably affected.

11 April 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 11/88. I was very glad to have the opportunity of being out of doors to-day and taking exercise. It seemed to be a great relief to me, for my brain appears to be overtaxed with work and with confinement to the bad air that we have been breathing.

12 April 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, April 12/88. I did considerable outdoor work again to-day. I got a note from my wife Carlie, stating that she wanted to see me on business. Bro. Wilcken took me there this evening. Had an interview with “Maude” and Bro. Clawson concerning the proposed compromise between our opponents, the Eureka mine, and the B. B. & C. Co. He described an interview with “Maude” and Bro. Clawson concerning the proposed compromise between our opponents, the Eureka mine, and the B. B. & C. Co. He described an interview which he had had with Judge Harkness, President of the Eureka Co., which was very amusing to me, the manner in which he bluffed Harkness and exposed their operations. He brought Harkness to terms; he appeared anxious to have a compromise.

13 April 1888 • Friday

Friday, April 13/88. I spent the day writing and reading. In the evening Bro. Malin called for me and took me down to my home on the river.

14 April 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, April 14/88. I did about as hard a day’s work to-day as I have done for many years. I got the boys to assist and we planted the river bank with willows. I was very tired as well as my little sons.

15 April 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, April 15/88. Held Sunday School and Sacrament meeting. Hugh and David administered the Sacrament. While I was speaking this afternoon, Bro. B. Young and wife and several daughters drove up. I had to break off and clear out of the house, so that I could secrete myself in the brush, not knowing who they were.

Had a very pleasant evening with my family.

16 April 1888 • Monday

Monday, April 16/88. Was driven to the office in disguise by Bro. Wilcken. Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. Was busy at the office with President Woodruff all day.

17 April 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 17/88. Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. and of the Bank today. Dictated answers to correspondence.

Had a visit from Dr. Edward Isaacson, a jew, who is converted to a belief in Christ, and who has received the Prophet Joseph Smith as a prophet, and the Book of Mormon, and the Gospel as taught [3 leaves removed from journal]

Senators and Members, enlightening them upon our subject. I tried to get from him an explanation of what he meant by exhausting “political” resources, but his replies were not of a very definite character. I inferred, however, that the idea appeared to be to spend money, gain social influence over Senators and have them labor for the conversion of their fellow Members to the idea of our admission. I told him I could not see how the present labors of the brethren would interfere with this – why the two plans could not work successfully together. Well, he said, there was a want of system; he must have a system about all these matters. He dwelt upon the power of money, and how necessary it was, in language that I was not altogether satisfied with.

President Woodruff spoke to him very pointedly about the house that he had rented, and that he should let the brethren know what amount they should pay as their share of the expenses. He explained that he intended to be credited on donation account for this. We remained together till 11 o’clock and had to close abruptly or we would have been kept for several hours; but made another appointment to meet him Thursday evening, the same hour and place.

I walked back to Bro. Arnold’s.

25 April 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 25/88. Busy with public matters. Dictated replies to letters, also a circular to the Presidency of the different Stakes.

26 April 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, April 26/88. Occupied as yesterday.

27 April 1888 • Friday

Friday, April 27/88. Attended to public correspondence. In the evening I accompanied President Woodruff to the Cemetery, to look at his lot, which had been prepared by Bro. Jos. E. Taylor. I afterwards went to my wife Carlie’s and stayed the night.

28 April 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, April 28/88. Bros. Wilcken and Solomon called for me this morning, and the former took me to my place on the river.

I arranged for my children to go to see the “New York Aquarium”, which has come here on a car. All the little folks went. Lewis, while he was up in town, saw Bro. Don Carlos Young and arranged to commence work with him in his office on Monday next. Lewis has quite a taste for mechanics, and I think, with proper training, he will become skilful. He has a desire to become an architect. I feel anxious about him because of his crippled limb. I am desirous of giving him every advantage, so that he may be able to make his living comfortably. I have proposed to President Woodruff and Don Carlos Young that he assist in the Architect’s Office for the purpose of being instructed, and that he do this gratuitiously, until he is considered worth some compensation. I proffered to remunerate Bro. Young for teaching him; but in a letter to me he declined, and said he would be glad to have him and do what he could for him.

29 April 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, April 29/88. Held Sunday School and meeting. My sons Hugh and David administered the sacrament.

Bro. Clawson called upon me in the forenoon and had considerable conversation about our affairs, and proposed to bring “Dellie” down in the evening to have an interview with me. They came about 8 o’clock and I had quite a long conversation with them concerning affairs. I was greatly pleased at “Dellie’s” labors, which, I think, will result in good.

30 April 1888 • Monday

Monday, April 30/88. Bro. Wilcken called for me at 3:45 this morning and took me to Bro. Arnold’s. I had some sleep after I reached there.

Attended to public correspondence; dictated replies to Bro. A. Winter.

I was very much shocked to-day by reading a letter which Bro. M. Thatcher had written to President Woodruff concerning the condition of Bro. Erastus Snow’s health. He informed him that Dr. H. J. Richards thought Bro. S. might die at almost any time, through failure of the kidneys to act, and that whatever business he had to do ought to be attended to. He holds some land in Mexico in his name, and President Woodruff decided that we should have a meeting of the Twelve this evening. I am informed by Bro. Winter that the doctor says he does not think Bro. Snow will ever leave his room again alive.

We met at the office. There were present: President Woodruff, F. D. Richards, myself, Brigham Young, M. Thatcher, H. J. Grant.

Among other things, the letter of my son John Q. was read. There were two of the brethren – Bros. Young & Thatcher – who had not heard of his application for baptism. After hearing the letter, they both consented for him to be rebaptized. Bro. Young said he had met John Q. and had had some conversations with him of late, and he was very much impressed that he should be baptized, if he applied for the ordinance.

It was arranged for a deed to be drawn up for Bro. E. Snow to sign, also some articles for a will, to cover property which he held in trust for the Church, in Mexico.

Several items of business were attended to, and conversation was had concerning property that we ought to dispose of in order to secure it from confiscation, and it was agreed that we should meet again on Wednesday, at 10 o’clock, at the office.

President Woodruff and myself returned to Bro. Arnold’s.

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April 1888, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1888/04-1888