August 1896

1 August 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, August 1, 1896

Various items of business came up this morning. President Woodruff was not at the office. I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

2 August 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, August 2, 1896

President Jos. F. Smith and myself and Brother Arthur Winter started for Logan this morning on the 8 o’clock train. We were met at Logan by Brother Isaac Smith, who took us to his residence, as we arrived just as the forenoon services were about to close.

In the afternoon we attended meeting at the Tabernacle, which was comfortably filled. Brother Brigham Young had preceded us and he had occupied the forenoon. President Smith spoke first this afternoon, and I followed. A good spirit prevailed and much instruction was given.

In the evening there was a meeting held at 7:30, at which Elder Brigham Young and myself were present. President Smith had gone north to see some of his family, accompanied by Brother M. W. Merrill, who had attended the forenoon and afternoon meetings. Brother Young occupied 30 mins., and I spoke for the same length of time.

I was entertained by Brother Isaac Smith.

3 August 1896 • Monday

Monday, August 3, 1896

Brother Orson Smith, the President of the Stake, came with his buggy at 8 o’clock and took me up the Logan Canon as far as the electric power plant that they have here. It is a very interesting drive. I felt great regret that our people should have allowed strangers from the east to come in here and take possession of this water and use it for power purposes. There is an apathy among our people that I think very reprehensible in regard to making use of the advantages which we have in this country. It seems as if we were blind and stupid. There is no reason why our people should not have appropriated this magnificent stream for power purposes, living as they have been now for 36 years and upwards in this valley. The very light that they use is produced by this power and yielding profit to non-Mormons and strangers.

I telephoned this morning with Mr. Bannister and my son Frank concerning a meeting they wished to hold and which they desired President Smith and myself to be at. I found that they had arranged the matter so that they could have the business attended to as we passed through, the train staying there long enough to admit of this being done. I requested them to have Brother Winder brought from Salt Lake to join with us in our action.

Considering the busy times, there was a very good attendance this morning at the Tabernacle. Brother Brigham Young, Brother M. W. Merrill and President Jos. F. Smith occupied the forenoon.

In the afternoon we attended to the selection of two new High Councilors in the place of Brothers Aaron Farr, Jr. and Seth Langton, who had been dropped from the High Council because of their refusal to accept the Declaration that was issued by the authorities of the Church at the last Conference. Brothers Geo. O. Pitkin and C. B. Robbins were chosen to fill the vacancies, and an Elder by the name of Anderson was chosen as an Alternate. Brother Robbins was not present, but the other brethren were set apart, I being mouth in the case of Brother Pitkin and President Jos. F. Smith mouth in the case of Brother Anderson. The remainder of the time – about 45 mins. – I occupied in speaking to the saints.

We commenced our afternoon meeting at 1:15, so as to admit of our leaving at 3, to take the train at 3:30.

We held our meeting of the Pioneer Company on the car at Ogden as we passed through, and attended to various matters of business.

We reached the city at 7:15.

4 August 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 4, 1896

My nephew, Eugene M. Cannon, who has been absent on a mission to the Society Islands for upwards of three years, made a call upon the First Presidency this morning, accompanied by his father. I was very pleased to see Eugene. He has performed a good mission and has returned, as I believe, with a good spirit. He is a pleasing young man.

We had an informal meeting of the Pioneer Electric Company this morning, and attended to several items of business.

There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank held to-day at 1 o’clock. It was held to-day instead of to-morrow because Geo. M. Cannon, the cashier, intends to leave on business to the eastern states.

I attended a meeting of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co., at which the business of closing up the sale of the Company’s store was attended to. The reason I attended this meeting is in consequence of the death of my son Abraham. Abraham, by virtue of holding in trust my stock, was Vice President, Assist. Manager and Director, and at the last meeting I was elected to fill the vacancy created by his death. It seems that Mr. McCornick, who is on the Board because he has advanced money to John Beck, and is himself not a stockholder, had the design to have his son, whom he has also succeeded in getting on the Board, appointed to the position of Assistant Manager. His son, I understand, voted against my appointment, but afterwards withdrew his vote and the appointment was made unanimous. Nothing more clearly illustrates the wrongfulness of any arrangement that admits of one man on a Board handling property of other men in which he himself is not directly interested. There are seven men on this Board. Only three of them are bona fide owners of stock – that is, John Beck, H. B. Clawson and myself. Mr. Bamberger represents some interests connected with John Beck, as does the two McCornicks, and Walter J. Beatie was put on the Board because he was the Secretary. It is to the interest of Mr. McCornick to keep John Beck in debt, because by doing so he perpetuates his power. A dividend of 15% was declared; but this, I could see, was done very reluctantly, although the Company is to receive $17,000 to-morrow for the store and they have $40,000 in the treasury. Mr. McCornick does not like dividends declared, because it lessens the money in his bank.

5 August 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 5, 1896

We held a meeting this morning of Cannon, Grant & Co. I have been very much exercised about the affairs of this Company, and I talked with exceeding plainness to Brother Webber and Geo. M. Cannon yesterday on the subject. The purpose of the meeting to-day was to devise some method of meeting a note for $9000 held by Sister Best.

The First Presidency had a call to-day from Charles Dudley Warner, who was brought to the office by Mr. Wadleigh of the Rio Grande R.R. Our conversation was not very lengthy, but quite interesting.

A great surprise awaited me this evening. After I got home, my wife Carlie came over and told me that she had a surprise for me over at her house; so I went over, accompanied by two or three children, and I was greatly surprised at finding a magnificent full length portrait of myself hanging on the parlor wall. In the frame I found a note addressed to me, signed by Brothers Hiram B. Clawson and Spencer Clawson, which read as follows:

Salt Lake City, August 5, 1896.

President George Q. Cannon,

Dear Brother:-

Appreciating the many favors done by you for us and other members of our family, we have had J. W. Clawson paint this portrait, which we ask you to accept with sentiments of our warm regard.


Your Brethren,

(Signed) H. B. Clawson

Spencer Clawson.

It seems that this portrait was brought down by them while my wife Carlie was absent and hung in the parlor. It was a very great surprise to me – something entirely unexpected, and it is the finest present I ever received. Everyone who looked at it appeared greatly pleased with it and thought it a masterpiece. While I myself am not in a position to judge of its merits as a likeness, still I am better pleased with it than any portrait I ever had. It is not only a good portrait, but it is a fine work of art, as J. W. Clawson is an artist of great excellence.

6 August 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, August 6, 1896.

After reaching the office this morning I addressed a note to Brothers H. B. & Spencer Clawson acknowledging the receipt of the portrait and the pleasure it had given me, &c.

I was greatly pleased to meet with Brother Harmon and his wife and two children, who had just returned from the Sandwich Islands, in company with Brother Scholes and his wife and child. These brethren and sisters have been absent upwards of three years on this mission. They have not acquired the language perfectly because their labors were not in the ministry. Sister Harmon is a daughter of my sister Annie. Her name is Alice. She is a very sweet girl and resembles her mother very much in her manner.

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency went to the Temple and met with Brothers F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J H. Smith, G. Teasdale, H. J. Grant and J. W. Taylor, of the Twelve. We attended to considerable business, and afterwards partook of the sacrament together, it being fast day.

My health is not good to-day; in fact, I have felt that the strain has been very heavy on me of late, in consequence of Abraham’s sickness and death and the financial obligations which have been thrown upon me.

President Woodruff has talked about going to the Yellowstone National Park. On Tuesday morning, when I came to the office I had some conversation with him concerning this trip. I have felt impressed that it would not be a suitable trip for him to make because of the elevation of the country through which he would have to travel. He feels at times it painful to get his breath at this altitude, but in that country he would be about twice as high, and I fear he would not be able to breathe lying down. I called this to his attention, and he agreed with me that it would be a great risk to go there with the expectation of enjoying himself. I said I thought the best course for him to take would be to go to the coast, where the air would be denser and he be able to breathe easier. In this he agreed. Brother Brigham Young has been arranging for all the First Presidency to go on this trip, and had prepared dispatches and letters to send north to get a party to accompany us. President Woodruff’s decision to-day upset all this; but still President Woodruff expected that President Smith and myself would go. On Wednesday morning, however, when he asked me about it, I told him I could not think of going north if he went to California. I said I should be ashamed to have our people know that I had permitted him to go off in one direction while I had gone off in another. He then told me that he had partly made up his mind not to go anywhere. I insisted that he ought to take a trip for relaxation in some direction, preferably, of course, to the sea. When he learned that I would not go north, he then said he would like to go to California and have me go with him, and it was arranged that that should be. Brother Jos. F. Smith has just returned from a trip there, and he agreed to stay at home and look after affairs.

I signed a good many Pioneer Electric Power Co’s bonds to-day.

7 August 1896 • Friday

Friday, August 7, 1896

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

President Woodruff and myself were at the office, and I was busy attending to various matters.

8 August 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, August 8, 1896

At 8 o’clock this morning I went to Ogden for the purpose of opening bids. As there were only two we did not open them, but proceeded with our other business. There were present, beside President Smith and myself, Mr. Bannister and my son Frank.

We returned to Salt Lake on the train which reached there about 4 o’clock.

I spent some little time at the office after my return.

9 August 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, August 9, 1896

Attended meeting in the Tabernacle. There was a large company of fire chiefs present. They are holding a convention in this city. Presidents Woodruff and Smith were there, and we called upon Brother C. W. Penrose to speak. He addressed the congregation in a most effective manner, explaining the first principles of the Gospel. I never heard Brother Penrose speak better than he did to-day. The choir sang very sweetly, and the services must have made an impression on the visitors.

In the evening I attended Ward meeting and partook of the sacrament. My son Angus and myself addressed the meeting.

10 August 1896 • Monday

Monday, August 10, 1896

There was a meeting of the Electric Power Co. to-day, at which we attended to considerable business.

The First Presidency had a meeting with my son Frank and Brothers Clayton and Jack, at which the following letter from Mr. Carr was read and the subject was discussed:

Boston, August 4, 1896.

Hon. George Q. Cannon,

Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dear Sir:

As a result of our recent negotiations with your son, Senator Cannon, Mr. Nichols drew up a form of agreement to be submitted to you, covering the transfer of the Garfield Beach property and the Tintic Extension. This agreement was sent out to Senator Cannon yesterday.

There is one very important consideration which seriously affects me as chairman of the committee. It is the very unsettled state of financial affairs in the country and the dubious prospect of things, as it appears to us, if the country, in the election to take place in November, shall declare against the gold standard and in favor of silver.

I write to you on this matter at the present time, being well aware of your great influence on public sentiment in Utah, and especially in its relations to our negotiations with you for the Garfield Beach property.

If the country is to declare for a silver basis and the practical repudiation of gold contracts, I am afraid we shall have difficulty in bringing our committee to a final execution of a contract covering our trade with you, except for cash, as gold bonds would present no special attraction, and such will, we think, be the general unsettlement of everything that the feeling will be that it is better to remain still rather than trade at all except for cash.

I am in hopes that you can reassure me somewhat upon this question as, if we felt sure that the prevailing sentiment in Utah was such as to lead it to go for sound money and honest payment of debts, we should regard this as indicating largely the prevailing sentiment in the West and should feel very much encouraged in our minds in making this deal with you, and, indeed, in all our transactions connected with the reorganization of the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern Railway Company.

Knowing that you are in a position to understand, probably better than any one else, the sentiment of Utah in this respect, some assurances from you on this subject would be very thankfully received.

Yours very truly,

(Signed) Samuel Carr1

11 August 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 11, 1896

At 9 o’clock I met with the Brigham Young Trust Co. and attended to considerable business.

An associated Press dispatch was received yesterday to the effect that Mr. Joseph Banigan had been sued by the Woonsocket Rubber Co. and all his property and funds attached. This dispatch created a little ripple of excitement among some parties, but as I had received yesterday a check for $72,000 from Mr. Banigan, I attached no importance to it, because I knew a suit for half a million would not affect him to any serious extent. I requested Brother Campbell to take it to Wells, Fargo’s Bank and deposit it, and we wanted $12,000 advanced, which Mr. Dooly consented for me to draw. This morning Brother Campbell was told by Mr. Dooly that he had received advices from the east that Mr. Banigan’s check would not be paid. It seems that last night he telegraphed to Wells, Fargo’s Agent in New York and had received this information from him. Mr. Marshall, who is Mr. Banigan’s lawyer, sent a dispatch to Mr. Banigan, we learn confidentially, to the effect that his (Mr. Banigan’s) friends were very uneasy and were anxious to know whether the $72,000 would be met, &C. I was very much displeased when I heard this, because it would be easy for Mr. Banigan to suppose that “his friends” were ourselves, and I immediately called a meeting of the Company to lay the matter before them. We met, and I told them that I shared in no such fears as Mr. Marshall’s dispatch had expressed. I had entire confidence in Mr. Banigan’s ability to carry out his contract with us and to meet all his opponents. After hearing my expressions, my son Frank framed the following dispatch, which the First Presidency signed:

“We understand with great regret that dispatches have been sent from Salt Lake stating that friends here are alarmed because of press reports. We are among your friends, but have not shared such alleged alarms, and are not aware of any such. We extend our sympathy to you because of the annoyances and we earnestly trust that you will be victorious in all your just controversies. We banked your check yesterday, and shall await further advices from you with perfect confidence.”

In the evening I went with a number of my family to the lake to see the Carnival of Madrid, which was a very fine performance.

12 August 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 12, 1896

I attended meeting of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. at 8:30.

At 11 I met with the Wonder Mining Company, and just had attended a part of the meeting of Z C.M.I. directors.

I received the following dispatch from Mr. Banigan:

“Wire received. Have no fear. Banigan is all right and on top.”

This dispatch is characteristic of the man. I was pleased to receive it.

13 August 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, August 13, 1896

Very busy making preparations for our departure by this evening’s train. My son Frank came down from Ogden, also Mr. Bannister.

I received notice from Mr. Dooly, Cashier of Wells, Fargo & Co., that he had been requested by the House at San Francisco to ask for the payment of the $65,000 note signed by my son Abraham and myself, and which is due on the 15th inst. Though I signed this note with Abraham, I did not know when it would be due, as I had left all the Cannon, Grant & Co’s business to him to manage, and this is a part of the $100,000 notes which we had assumed. I had a meeting with Mr. Dooly to-day about this. He explained how powerless he is to do anything in the business, but he requested me to write him a letter setting forth the reasons which I had assigned for an extension of the loan. I wrote him this letter.

I signed a letter which Frank had prepared for me for Mr. Samuel Carr, Chairman of the Reorganization Committee of the Oregon Short Line, in answer to the one he had written to me.

At 7 o’clock this evening President Woodruff and wife and son Asahel and myself and wife started for Portland, Oregon, with the purpose of there taking steamship for San Francisco. We shall probably then visit the lower part of the State of California. I have felt the need of a change and relaxation such as a trip of this kind will be likely to bring. My friends and my family have urged me to break way from business and take a rest. My sons Frank, Lewis and Joseph met me on the cars at Ogden.

14 August 1896 • Friday

Friday, August 14, 1896

Last night was cool and pleasant and in marked contrast with the oppressive heat of yesterday; but towards noon and in the afternoon the heat was very great. I perspired so freely that my garment and shirt were wet through and even my outer clothing was damp. But the dust was most disagreeable. There were times when it filled the atmosphere of the car. This with the heat made our journey to-day one of discomfort. After we passed Huntington the dust was not so bad; but the heat increased. The coolness of the evening was welcomed with great pleasure.

15 August 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, August 15, 1896

The heat during the night was greater than in our mountain country. President Woodruff endures the journey remarkably well and sleeps better as he descends toward sea level.

We reached Portland at 8:30 a.m. and took carriage to the “Portland”.

After breakfast I called upon Mr. Hurlburt, the Agent of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co., who gave me passes for Brother Asahel Woodruff and took me to Mr. McNeill’s office, the Receiver of the Co., with whom I had an interesting conversation. I met there a Mr. Benson, who is a near relative of the late Brother Ezra T. Benson.

Our party had thought of going down the Columbia River by a steamer which leaves here at 1 p.m., so as to see the river and the scenery by daylight. But upon learning that the steamship – the State of California – which is to carry us to San Francisco, and which sails from Portland at 8 p.m. to-day, would reach Astoria at 4 a.m. to-morrow morning, we changed our plan, as this is too early an hour to arouse President Woodruff from bed.

We embarked on State of California at 7 o’clock, and sailed at 8 p.m. A number of people at the wharf sung religious songs because of the departure of an “evangelist” who had been among them. The berths on this vessel were the most coffin-like places for sleeping I ever saw; what a large, fleshy man would do if required to sleep in one of them I cannot imagine.

16 August 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, August 16, 1896

We stopped at Astoria early in the morning. Afterwards, when crossing the mouth of the Columbia into the ocean the swell made me feel uncomfortable, but this soon passed off and I felt very well. The day was very fine; it was cloudy and cool. My wife was unable to go down to dinner and had to take to her berth. Notwithstanding the narrowness of the sleeping place I slept very well last night.

17 August 1896 • Monday

Monday, August 17, 1896

A beautiful morning. The sun is shining brightly and everything is pleasant. Whales and porpoises are occasionally seen. The weather has been so fine and our progress so rapid that we reached the wharf at San Francisco a little after 9 p.m. instead of Tuesday morning. We drove to the Palace Hotel.

18 August 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 18, 1896

President Woodruff has improved much since leaving home. He sleeps better and can walk easier and better when near the sea level than in our high elevation. His improvement is very marked. He stayed at the hotel to write while his wife, son and my wife and myself visited the Golden Gate Park in the morning. We returned in the afternoon and rode through the Park.

We had a call from Brother Henry Tanner, who is laboring here as a missionary and presides over this field. He was accompanied by Brother Fred Squires, son of Brother John Squires, who presides over the branch of the Church here. We learned from them that President Lorenzo Snow is here.

19 August 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 19, 1896

We had a delightful carriage ride this morning through the Presidio Reservation and around the hills bordering on the Bay near the Golden Gate, and returned through the Golden Gate Park. We stopped at the Conservatory and saw the Lily – Victoria Regia – in flower. It is a magnificent plant and the leaves are very peculiar and large. We also look at the Orchid El Spirito Santos (the Holy Ghost flower).

In the afternoon we had a visit from President Lorenzo Snow and Brother Tanner at the hotel. President Snow has been in the southern part of the State visiting his brother Samuel. He intends, with his wife and daughter, to go from here to Victoria, Vancouver Island, and cross to Vancouver on the Canadian Pacific R.R., and thence to Cardston.

In the evening we attended a testimony meeting of the saints at 612 Van Ness Avenue. Instead of the saints bearing testimony it was thought better for the time to be occupied by President Woodruff and myself. There are, three or four missionaries here from home; among them Brother and Sister Scowcroft from Ogden, two excellent singers, whose singing and music make the meetings very interesting. There were present at this meeting about 30 souls. I was requested by President Woodruff to speak first, and in doing so I had considerable freedom. Brother Asahel Woodruff spoke next for about ten minutes, and then President Woodruff addressed the congregation. The sacrament was administered. The house which is occupied here as a home by Brother Tanner and the brethren and sisters of the mission is a very respectable dwelling and is on one of the finest residence streets in the city. Besides the residence,(where meetings are held on week nights) they have a nice hall with a seating capacity of 200. Brother Tanner tells me he collects about $60 per month in tithing, which is spent here, and he receives $50 per month from us at home. He has about 25 Elders laboring with him in the mission. Forty years ago I was laboring in the ministry in this city; but there is a great contrast between the situation of affairs now and our situation then. We had to live as best we could, and for some time the Elders and myself and wife had but little more than bread and water for our living. I did not spend a cent of tithing and did not receive a dollar from home. During my mission here I published and bound and sent down to the Sandwich Islands an edition of 2000 of the Hawaiian translation of the Book of Mormon, which I had made while on my mission on the Islands, and a large edition of a pamphlet upon the subject of the Book of Mormon which I had written in Hawaiian, and for neither of these did I receive a cent from the Islands or from home; and I published a weekly paper called the Western Standard. Concerning my labors on this mission, President Young took occasion in one of his discourses, published in Vol. 4 of the Journal of Discourses, to say:

“We sent Brother George Q. Cannon, one of Brother Taylor’s nephews, to California, over a year ago last Spring, to print the Book of Mormon in the Hawaiian language. He has printed a large and handsome edition of that book; has published a weekly paper and paid for it; has paid for the press and the type, and paid his board and clothing bills, though he had not a farthing to start with, that is, he went without purse and scrip, so far as I know, as did also Brothers Bull and Wilkie, who went with him.”

The change which has taken place is a very great one. Utah and the Mormons occupy a very different position in the minds of the people now to what they did then, and I am glad it is so. It is pleasing to see how well the Elders are now situated. The work here is very promising. Brother Tanner is an excellent missionary and President, and he is wielding a good influence and reaching a more influential class of people. He appears to be well adapted for the field and the position he holds. He has been here for upwards of two years, and if he is to stay longer he deserves to have his wife with him.

20 August 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, August 20, 1896.

Our passes for our further journey south were to have been here when we arrived. They are not here yet. I sent the following dispatch in cipher to Brother James Jack this morning:

“A great disappointment. We are not able to move. We have not received transportation. Ask Clayton what can be done, if anything, in the matter of tickets. Need five tickets.”

President Woodruff and the rest of us spent the afternoon at the Cliff House and had a fine view of the sea lions.

In the evening Sister Cannon and I went to the Baldwin Theatre – the other folks were all engaged elsewhere – and saw the Gay Parisians – a laughable farce.

21 August 1896 • Friday

Friday, August 21, 1896

Received the following in reply to my telegram of yesterday:

“Dickinson mailed you thirteenth Palace Hotel transportation from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Ogden via San Francisco; also asked Southern California railway furnish you transportation there from Los Angeles to San Diego and return”.

I can find no trace of any letter to President Woodruff or myself. I went to the Southern Pacific headquarters, and in the absence of Mr. Fillmore, General Manager, saw his assistant, Mr. Foster, who told me if nothing more was heard about transportation he would fix me out when I called to-morrow. He treated me very courteously.

I afterwards called upon Judge M. M. Estee. I have been desirous to see him for some time, as I feared that he had heard from General Clarkson and Colonel Trumbo such reports about our course to them – and especially about myself – as might lead him to adopt wrong conclusions about us and to think that we were ungrateful to our friends and did not place a proper value upon the services they had rendered us. I took with me to show to Judge Estee letters of General Clarkson and his receipt for the $100,000 which we had paid him. I had a conversation with the Judge for nearly an hour and a half, in which I went over with him many points and gave him a relation of what had occurred between us and General Clarkson and the manner in which we had met his demands. He told me he had never doubted our honor and never thought that we would do anything but right. He was evidently surprised when he saw General Clarkson’s receipt for the $100,000. He said he had not heard anything about this. The Judge is very careful in his expressions about people; but in reply to my explanations concerning our attitude towards Col. Trumbo in his attempts, to secure the U.S. Senatorship for Utah he said we felt just right and that Col. Trumbo would have done us no credit in that office. We could not afford, he said, to have ourselves connected with him in that capacity. He told me confidentially that there was trouble in the Trumbo household[.] There was danger of a separation of the husband and wife – all of which, however, I knew before. Bishop Clawson told me that the causes of the separation, as told him by Colonel Trumbo, was that Mrs. Trumbo demanded that the Colonel must dissolve all connection with his Mormon friends or separate from her. I told this to the Judge without mentioning the name of my informant, and he replied, “it is a lie; it is unfortunate for the Colonel that he cannot tell the truth.” This remark embodies in brief Judge Estee’s opinion of Colonel Trumbo. He has had excellent opportunities of obtaining a good knowledge of his character, and while he thinks him a man of wonderful energy and other good traits, he evidently has a low opinion of his moral character. I was careful to express to him my appreciation of the services Col. Trumbo had rendered us, and my willingness to render him any return in my power that I consistently could; we could not, however, conscientiously urge or back him for the office of U.S. Senator, even if by doing so his election could be secured. For that position we did not think him suitable, neither did we think it appropriate for us to aid him in getting such a position as a well-earned reward for his services to us. In all of this Judge Estee fully acquiesced. He expressed the pleasure this conversation had given him. I enjoyed it also. He assured me at parting that it would always be a pleasure to him to serve us and begged us to use him and without thought of pay. He promised to call and pay his respects to-morrow to President Woodruff.

22 August 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, August 22, 1896

Called upon Mr. Foster of the Southern Pacific and secured passes for Brother Asahel Woodruff over the same route we are to travel. Our passes reached me yesterday evening. I called upon Col. Fred Crocker and secured passes to Monterey and return. We had a very pleasant interview, though I think when I asked him for five, instead of for myself and wife, he was somewhat staggered. I told him not to give them, however, unless perfectly agreeable to him. It was after this that we had our conversation. He seemed to be desirous to converse. He had just returned from Europe, and on parting he expressed the pleasure it had given him to meet me.

We must return from Monterey to this point to take the train for Los Angeles.

Judge Estee made us the promised call.

At 2:30 p.m. we left for Hotel Del Monte, and reached there at 6:15 p.m. This hotel is the most charmingly situated of any I know. The grounds here are very extensive and beautifully kept. Grand trees, fine lawns, profusion of flowers, large lake, splendid walks and drives, an intricate maze, a fine club house and bowling alley, billiard tables, elegant parlors, a fine string band, and in addition – a feature which I appreciate most of all – a delightfully cool climate. The price is much less than the Palace Hotel.

23 August 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, August 23, 1896

Spent the day very quietly.

24 August 1896 • Monday

Monday, August 24, 1896.

There is one of the finest drives in the country here; it is 18 miles in length. The scenery is very fine; part of the distance along the edge of the ocean with fine views of the bays, indentations and islands and rocky points on the coast, and part through splendid groves of Cypress, some of the trees of which are, it is claimed, older than the cedars of Lebanon, and which are peculiar to Monterey, none being found anywhere else; and part also through forests of live oak and pines. We took this drive this morning and we all enjoyed it very much.

25 August 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, August 25, 1896

President Woodruff has been a great fisherman. On the subject of catching fish he is most enthusiastic; but the toil of walking is now too much for him. But on the Bay of Monterey he might sit in a boat and fish. The proposal of his son Asahel’s to hire a boat and boatman to take us out on the water, was accepted by President Woodruff with great pleasure. Sister Woodruff was sick and could not go, and my wife would not leave her alone and she would not go. We three fishermen went to Monterey by street car and there took boat. I did not expect to fish, for I am no fisherman; but after we got to where the boatman thought best to anchor the boat and he got the tackle ready I let my line drop over the side with but little or no interest. The fish bit greedily and I became interested. We were on the water nearly five hours and caught upwards of 200 rock fish, of which I caught nearly one-third. Brother Asahel caught a large halibut, which, however, succeeded in breaking away from him. He caught also a rock cod. President Woodruff enjoyed the fishing, as we all did. But oh! my face, how it is burned; it is as red as a boiled lobster and so tender I can scarcely touch it. The wind and the little sun we had on the water did this for all of us, but I believe I am more burned than the rest.

This evening the grounds and the hotel, the clubhouse and the music stand were brilliantly lit up with electric lights and 500 chinese lanterns. The scene was dazzlingly brilliant, and it might be described as fairy land. A magnificent band, as large in numbers and as fine players as I ever saw or heard, was here from San Francisco and played all the evening. We have come here at a gay time. It is race week. The “gilded youth” of both sexes are here in force, and the ladies with their elegant toilets add greatly to the beauty of the scene.

26 August 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 26, 1896

My face is so sore this morning that I found it painful to shave.

Since I left home I have written to my folks, Sarah Jane, Eliza and Martha, to my daughter Emily, to John Q., Frank, Angus and Hugh.

The grounds here were again illuminated this evening, and the guests enjoyed the music and the beautiful scene.

27 August 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, August 27, 1896

We left Hotel del Monte this morning for San Francisco. In all my travels I have never seen a more beautiful place than this. The climate suits my present condition exactly, and I have enjoyed my stay here very much. We reached San Francisco about 1:30 p.m.

After arranging for our sleeping berths and baggage, I called upon Judge Estee and had half an hour’s visit with him.

We then went to see Sutro’s Baths near Sutro’s Heights, and left San Francisco at 4:30 p.m. for Oakland, where we took the Los Angeles train.

Brother W. C. Spence was with us part of the time to-day. He was at the ferry house when we left to cross the Bay.

28 August 1896 • Friday

Friday, August 28, 1896

We reached Los Angeles at 1:30 to-day, and at 2 p.m. we took train for San Diego. We crossed in a bus the ferry to the Island on which Coronado Hotel is erected and took our quarters. This is a magnificent house, and the surf beats almost to the edge of the building. The hotel is owned by Mr. Babcock and Mr. Spreckels.

29 August 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, August 29, 1896

A very hot day. I suffered from the heat. I did not feel well and did not eat anything till nearly two o’clock in the afternoon.

We went out on the Pier this morning and were joined by Elders P. T. Wright, of Ogden, Bushman, of Lehi, and Berry, of Kanarra, who are here as missionaries. Brother Wright has his wife and two children with him. They feel much encouraged with their prospects and are striving to make the people acquainted with the principles of the Gospel. A Brother Olaf Hammer, who formerly lived at Salt Lake City, is living here with his wife and keeping a boarding and lodging house, close to the Coronado Hotel. They have been here ten years. We had a very pleasant visit with the brethren, though I was not very lively in consequence of the heat and my poor health.

I had a telephone message from ex-Governor Eli H. Murray, formerly Governor of Utah, expressing his regrets that he was unable to call and pay his respects to us in consequence of his ill health. Afterwards, Mr. Jesse Grant, one of the sons of the late General U. S Grant, called upon me at the hotel, having seen from the paper that I was here, and after a conversation of some length he told me about Gov. Murray’s condition. He is quite sick, and Mr. Grant said he was desirous to see me, and he rather pressed me to call upon him, as he knew he would be greatly pleased if I would. He asked me if he would be authorized to say that I would call to-morrow. I told him that he might say so.

Nineteen years ago to-day President Young departed this life.

30 August 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, August 30,1896

Brother Asahel Woodruff and his mother and my wife crossed to San Diego this morning and took rail to Old Mexico, expecting me to join them at the Sweetwater Dam as they returned. I crossed to San Diego later and called upon Gov. Murray. He and his wife and son were sitting on the verandah when I entered the gate. He recognized me immediately and welcomed me with some warmth and introduced me to his wife and son. He expressed much pleasure at seeing me, and apologized for not calling upon me. He has changed very much in his appearance. He does not look as though he would remain much longer in this life. His disease is diabetes. He did not ask my forgiveness for the great wrong he had done me and through me to the people of Utah; but while he did not do this in words, his manner clearly conveyed the idea that he desired my forgiveness. We talked some time on the piazza, and then the carriage was brought around and he insisted on taking me for a ride through the newly built part of the city, and would have taken me over to the old town and mission, but I plead that I did not have time, and besides, I thought he was not in a condition to ride very long. His son was with us, and I charged him not to let us be out one minute longer than he thought would be good for his father. When we parted he expressed his regret that the shortness of our proposed stay would not permit him to introduce me to leading people here. From information I have received he has been living here an impecunious life. For years he was in no profitable business; in fact, it is said his life was one of idleness, and he was heavily in debt in every direction – to the butcher, grocer, &c, &c. He was also a constant drinker. He made some $10,000 in a mining deal, and this enabled him to pay at least some of his debts. He was made a Receiver for a bank, and when settlement was made he was $2000 behind, which his bondsmen had to meet. This information was given me by Judge Kinney, who dislikes him not only because of his course here, but on account of the manner in which he acted in Utah. Mr. Babcock, the proprietor of the Coronado, and with whom I had a number of very pleasant conversations, in speaking of Gov. Murray, did so in a commiserating tone, and said “Gen. Murray was his own worst enemy”, referring, as I understood him, to his habits. From what I saw myself I thought he was short of means. Some men do not live to see the cause in which they are engaged, or even themselves, triumph over their bitter foes. But in my case the Lord has spared me to see a great change take place, and to have deadly enemies bow to me to seek my friendship and good will. I refer particularly to four men – Gen. Maxwell, Mr. R. N. Baskin, Mr. Allen G. Campbell, and now ex-Governor Murray. The first named contested my seat in Congress after my election as Delegate in 1872. He was very vindictive. He was a drunken, noisy, free-talking man, low bred, and not scrupulous, and used every means that a man of his type could use to disgrace and scandalize me in the eyes of the public. Having been a gallant soldier, and badly wounded and disabled in the civil war, he could appeal with great force to the sympathy of Members of Congress and others, and used his heroic services for all they were worth; he extolled himself and his deeds and patriotism and loyalty, and contrasted these with the alleged disloyalty of the Mormons. He stirred up Members who disliked us to have committee charged to investigate me, and gave no end of trouble, even going so far as to have me dogged by his creatures to see if they could get evidence of improper association in any quarter. In this he was aided by the District Attorney of the Territory, a man by the name of Carey. But notwithstanding his villainous and desperate efforts to get my seat, he signally failed. He did his best to hurt me and to destroy me, but brought himself into contempt and disgrace. He was the U.S. Marshal of the Territory, and in the next Congress he sought to get an appropriation of $30,000 to cover the expenses of his office. Mr. Charles Foster, since Governor of Ohio and Secretary of the Treasury, during President Harrison’s administration, and Judge Durham, members of the Committee on Appropriations, knowing how Maxwell had treated me, spoke to me about this claim, and had I given them the least encouragement would not have permitted it to have gone into the Appropriation bill; but I preferred to do good to him rather than evil – though there was a time when he dug into my family relations and did all he could to expose them and me and to hold us up to be scoffed at, that I felt I never could forgive him – and I said to these gentlemen, who were my friends, that I believed an appropriation ought to be made for his relief, and I suggested how it might be guarded so as to protect the Government from its misuse; and the amount was appropriated and guarded as I suggested. Maxwell learned of my action and he came to me in the most humble style and thanked me and expressed his gratitude for the manner in which I had returned good for evil. This was on the eve of the adjournment, and the train that went out when Congress adjourned was filled with Members who knew him and the course he had taken against me. He was on the train and drunk, and he went through the cars, relating to all who would listen how fairly and handsomely I had treated him, and praising me in language more forcible than elegant. I had the opportunity afterwards of showing him kindness, and up to his death he never failed to speak highly of me, especially when under the influence of intoxicants.

The next was R. N. Baskin, who also afterwards contested my seat and made a very bitter fight against me and against our whole people. He did all in his power to get my seat and to secure inimical and destructive legislation against the Mormon people. So vindictive and angry did he feel toward me that on one occasion as he was leaving Washington for home, and before he ran against me for Congress, he slapped me on the shoulder as he was going out of a street car, and said: “I am going home, and when you get there, I’ll see what you are made of. I’ll take you on your own dunghill.” This was said in so threatening a manner, there could be no mistaking the intent, especially from him who was credited with having killed a man before he left Ohio. Yet this man has for several years past sought my friendship and good will. Though we had met in argument on several occasions before committees of both Houses of Congress, he urging and I opposing the enactment of special legislation for Utah, I had always treated him as I thought Latter-day Saints should treat even their enemies, and this has had its effect. He has been raising thoroughbred horses and has had a number of fine animals. He sent me word that he wished me to accept a very fine blooded stallion that he had. I sent my thanks, but said I did not care to accept gifts. A year or two passed and he proffered me another very fine animal, and said that as he knew I would not accept it as a gift, I could pay him what he paid for the service of the sire of the colt. On these terms I took the stallion; but not satisfied, apparently, that I should have to pay that amount ($250) for the horse, he insisted upon sending me a mate, a stallion, as finely-bred as the other one. In this way he has done what he could to show his good feelings to me, and he never sees me without exhibiting the most friendly disposition towards me.

The third is Allen G. Campbell to whom Governor Murray gave the certificate of election in 1881 instead of to me. I had received 18,568 votes and Campbell had received 1,357 votes. This was the opening move of the dreadful crusade which was organized against the Latter-day Saints and which led to long years of misery, imprisonment of hundreds and the most severe and unrelenting persecution and oppression. When all shall be known concerning this, it will be found, I feel confident, that a conspiracy was entered into by our enemies in Utah, and which was connived at by influential enemies outside of Utah; and if my one-time friend, General Garfield – President-elect of the United States – was not cognizant of, if not a participant in it, I shall be very happy. Murray did his part by forcing the fight. He raised the issue, with what result is now a matter of history. Campbell had money. I have no doubt that Murray got his help, if not directly with money, with mining stocks. Campbell made the fight; but while he was the tool used to bring about the action of Congress in the Edmunds law of 1882, by means of which I was deprived of the seat to which I had been elected, Campbell got neither glory nor seat. Of late years I have heard from friends, to whom he has talked upon the subject, how much he respected and esteemed me and how gladly he would do anything he could for me. He has large mining interests, and he is a successful miner, and he has sent me word that he would like me to take an interest, on bed-rock terms, in valuable property that he owns. When the Railroad Company was organized to go South and to California he subscribed liberally, through my son Abraham, and expressed the confidence he had in any enterprise I would take hold of.

Now comes the last of the four I have mentioned – ex-Governor Murray. These four have literally come bending unto us. How literally the words of Isaiah have been fulfilled! The conduct of the Latter-day Saints towards them has been the conduct which the Gospel teaches us to extend to our enemies, and how literally coals of fire have been heaped upon their heads! What their future course may be, time will tell. Whether they turn again and become bitter enemies, the future will reveal; but it is interesting, to me at least, to make record of these facts. They may of interest to others who may read this record. I should be pleased to have these enemies continue as they have been of late and feel kindly disposed to Zion; but whether they do or do not, they have up to the present illustrated and fulfilled the word and promises of the Lord to Zion. I am glad to be alive and witness that which has come to pass, for I feel that these cases are but a sample of that which will be witnessed in the not distant future on a very large scale. It will not then be individuals alone, it will be communities and nations.

At 1:30 p.m. I went to the train in San Diego which runs to the Sweetwater Dam. As I have heard much about this structure I was desirous of seeing it. Brother Bushman joined me at the train. We met Brother Asahel Woodruff, his mother and my wife there. The Dam is very strong and impounds water covering 1000 acres of land. It gathers the storm waters and is not fed by living water to any extent. It is low now.

Upon my return to the Hotel I was accosted by Judge Kinney, twice appointed Chief Justice of Utah and once Delegate to Congress from the Territory. He had a long conversation with President Woodruff and afterwards with myself. He dined with us and spent the evening with us and the occasion was most interesting. He has always been very friendly to the Mormon people and has defended them. He is 80 years old and is remarkably well preserved. He was greatly pleased to meet my wife as the daughter of his old and highly esteemed friend, President Young.

31 August 1896 • Monday

Monday, August 31, 1896

A party of us, consisting of President Woodruff, wife and son; myself and wife; Brother Wright and wife; Elders Bushman and Berry; Olaf Hammer and wife, and a Sister Cooper, embarked on a naptha launch (which with the fruit and provisions and ice we took on board cost President Woodruff and myself $12.40) at San Diego to go on a fishing excursion in the ocean outside the Bay. In going out the water was quite smooth; but after we sailed outside the water got lumpy, and Brother & Sister Wright, Sister Hammer and Sister Cooper were all seasick. The man in charge of the launch had us stop fishing and he let the launch rest while he made some changes. The vessel tossed about considerably at this time and the heat was great, and I came very near being sick myself. If we had remained stationary much longer I should have been down. At this time my wife became seasick, though she had been qualmish before. Our fishing was done by trolling. Six lines were out at the stern. President Woodruff and I and Asahel had one each, and sometimes one and sometimes another had the others. Sister Woodruff used her son’s line for a little while. The sport was most exciting, and I entered into it with all my might. The fish bit freely and sometimes we were hauling in three and four at a time, and they were big ones – yellow-tail, barracuda, mackerel, and a few rock bass. They were splendid fish. President Woodruff was delighted. He entered into the sport as eagerly as a boy. He caught a yellow-tail – the largest caught – that must have weighed close on to 25 lbs. Our boatman estimated our catch as upwards of 600 lbs. We all thought how highly appreciated these fish would be at home. From the time we left till we returned was about six hours; but we were not more than half that time on the fishing grounds.

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August 1896, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


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