February 1888

1 February 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 1/88. The Council met at 10 o’clock and listened to Elder John H. Smith give a report of the condition of affairs in Arizona and of Bro. B. Young’s and his labors in the organization of the Stakes. His remarks were quite lengthy and extended until nearly one o’clock. His remarks concerning the manner in which the officers for the Snowflake Stake had been selected called forth some comments from Bro. M. Thatcher, who was very desirous that there should be an understanding arrived at among the brethren of the Council as to the proper method of selecting officers. He made some remarks upon this subject; but after considerable conversation and explanation he said that he saw now that Brother Smith’s methods were not different to what he thought was right, and he thought we all saw alike on the subject.

It was decided that if the Legislative Assembly wished to purchase the buildings of Camp Cameron for $25,000.00/ for an Industrial School, that we consent to the arrangement.

Brother John H. Smith, in his report, brought to the attention of the Council the precarious condition of the settlements in Snowflake Stake and in a portion of St. John’s Stake, in Arizona. The settlement of St. John itself had established its right to its land; but all the rest of the places were covered by the Government grant to the railroad, and they were in danger of losing all their homes unless they paid the railroad company a high price for their lands. It has been suggested that this matter be brought to the attention of our attorneys here; but I suggested that the better way would be for the people to make their representation to their Delegate and have it brought directly before the Secretary of the Interior. It was thought wise for Bro. Jesse N. Smith to try to get an entry made so as to have an issue raised with the railroad company, and then, if necessary, he could go to Washington and have the matter brought before the Commissioner of the General Land Office. $500.00/ were appropriated to pay his expenses in the event of his having to go. As there were likely to be complications arise between the different Presidents of Stakes upon political matters in Arizona, it was decided that the better way for the Presidents to do would be to communicate directly with President Woodruff concerning counsel that they might require in regard to any movements they wished to make.

Brother C. W. Penrose, at the request of President Woodruff, then made a report of the situation of affairs in Washington, which was listened to with great interest.

We took a short time for recess, and upon re-assembling the following dispatches were read:

“Republicans (Stewart and Cullom) on sub-committee, yesterday morning presented to Senate Committee on Territories a report opposed to statehood for Utah, filled with bitter anti-Mormon statements, very damaging. Democrats refused to take action until our side is heard in refutation. Hearing set for Friday. Efforts to postpone failing, anything other friends can do to stay report should be done immediately.

(Signed) J. T. Caine.”

The question came up concerning the “ticket” which had been prepared for the pending election of the City Council. Bro. H. J. Grant spoke on the subject, also Bros. M. Thatcher and J. H. Smith. They were told that the “ticket” had not been prepared here, neither had it gone out with the sanction of the Council of the Twelve. There is not that spirit of kindness and forbearance that formerly prevailed in our Council. There are reasons for this; but I shall not attempt to give them. President Woodruff feels the same concerning this. There is a disposition to thorn and to be severe in remarks. I was speaking to Bro. Franklin D. Richards; he also said there was a spirit which he did not like in this respect. I hope most sincerely that we shall get rid of this and have more love and harmony in our midst and have greater respect for each other’s feelings. I felt very sorrowful in consequence of what had been said.

The Presiding Bishopric, with Bro. Grant, report in favor of assisting Grant Bros. Livery Stables to $10,000.00/, and $600000/ more if they should make a purchase of real estate. This matter was talked over considerably by the brethren and the advantage of such a Stable was dwelt upon. The livery stable is one of the agencies that has been used against us to a great extent. Tourists have been stuffed with falsehood by carriage drivers and create a great deal of prejudice against us. It has been felt that this should be corrected and this appropriation was made with the hope that it would sustain this livery stable and that they might be able to get this business. There will also have to be a hotel established by us sooner or later, in order that we may not have tourists’ minds poisoned as they are now, at the various hotels, which are all, excepting the Valley House, in the hands of our enemies.

The case of N. V. Jones, who is now in prison, was discussed and the proper steps to take to effect his release therefrom. A committee was also appointed, consisting of Bros. L. Snow, F. D. Richards and J. H. Smith, to consider the best selections for Probate Judges, so that suitable steps shall be taken towards preparing recommendations to lay before President Cleveland, that our enemies might not secure the appointments. After the present term expires our Probate Judges will be appointed by the President, under the Edmunds-Tucker law.

I was very much pained to hear that many of our postmasters had made affidavits to the Post Office Department which were untrue concerning cancelled stamps, and that they were likely to be prosecuted vigorously by the Government. This is so general that Mormon postmasters have got a very bad name in the Department of Justice. The editor of the Deseret News was instructed to ventilate this subject and to speak in proper condemnatory terms of such practices, and it was suggested that if there were cases that came to light of parties doing this, which were of a flagrant character, they should be dealt with by the Church.

The propriety of somebody going down to Washington to take charge of affairs there, according to the request of the brethren who are laboring there, was conversed upon at some length. Much feeling was manifested by the brethren in regard to Bro. John W. Young’s expenditure of funds, and all felt that he was not a safe person, and that he would bring discredit on all of us who are concerned if he were permitted to disburse the funds. I spoke upon the subject and told my feelings as one of the committee – that I could not consent to act as a member of the committee if we were expected to give funds into his hands without having them accounted for. I related what action we had taken in regard to the last amount we had sent to him – that we had sent it reluctantly; and had so advised him by telegram, and also had written quite plainly on the subject, telling him that we could not send him money without being advised as to the disposition that was to be made of it. It was proper to us, as a committee, that we should be consulted in the first place, and if we approved of the direction in which the money was to be expended, we could then forward it to him. But for him to do as he pleased with money would be improper. We would be merely agents in handing money over to him, and our judgment, whatever it may be worth, would be of no benefit to him nor to the cause. The brethren seemed pleased with what I said on this subject, as they all felt similarly. Bro. Lorenzo Snow proposed that Bro. Jos. F. Smith go down. President Woodruff protested and said he could not spare him. The Council adjourned.

In the evening President Woodruff got Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself together and we conversed about the propriety of sending an agent down. We all felt that it was absolutely necessary that someone should go down, and after conversation, President Woodruff asked for my views. I told him I could not see who could go down and do as well there as Bro. Jos. F. Smith. I pitied him in going and personally I regretted he had to go and leave us; but it seemed as though there was no one else that would be likely to have the influence there that he would. President Woodruff seemed very much inclined the same way, and after considerable conversation it was left for us to sleep upon.

Just as our Council dismissed I found Bro. Armstrong outside the door and took him and Bro. Winder to one side to speak about John Q.’s case. I told him that I wished it understood that John Q. could not be a candidate. He replied that he had had a long conversation with John to-day on the subject of his candidacy as a member of the City Council and expressed to him how much he wished him to act in that capacity, because of his usefulness and the help he had been to him. If he were going to be Mayor, he would insist upon his running. They had made enquiries and found that the Bishop and Counselors of the Ward in which John resided, and the leading men through the district, all wanted him to be returned to the Council. John Q. had replied to him that, of course, if he were commanded to do so, he would run; but if his own wishes were consulted, he would rather not run. He did not wish to be exposed to animadversion and would not like to be put up as a candidate for election and have his name scratched by any. He appreciated the kindness and confidence of the brethren; but so far as his own feelings were concerned, he would much rather not run. I was much gratified to hear this, because it showed how unnecessary were the remarks which had been made upon this question.

2 February 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 2/88.

Council met at 10 o’clock this morning and the following dispatch, which was received this morning from Washington, was read:

These questions will be asked by Senate Committee Friday morning. How shall we answer? Will delay do, or shall we evade or equivocate? First: Do you think it is the honest intention of your people or of the majority of the people to abolish and suppress polygamy? Second: When you say your people acted in good faith in adopting Constitution, do you mean that it is their intention to abolish and suppress polygamy, or that it is merely their intention to prosecute those who violate the provision of the Constitution on that subject? Must be answered by Thursday sure.

(Signed) F. S. Richards,

J. T. Caine.”

To the latter the following reply was sent:

“You know the situation. Answer as guided by Spirit at the time. Be firm and courageous. If by suppression of polygamy is meant the outrages now committed, answer should be No. If full enforcement of the law against future polygamy is meant, the answer is Yes. Intentions can only be deduced from actions and guarantees. Make interrogators define their questions, then your replies can be made suitable. You have our faith and support. You represent monogamous and voting citizens and can speak as we cannot. Go as far as may be necessary consistently and you will not be censured. Preserve political as distinct from Church attitude. Penrose says desired head will come sure.”

I felt that it would be most difficult to answer these questions. My view was that they should trust to the Spirit of the Lord. There are acute lawyers on the Committee. They will press their cross-examination closely, and we cannot define in a dispatch the answers they should make. Still it might do them good to send them an answer to stiffen them in their attitude of defence.

Bro. Penrose drew up a dispatch in the line of his remarks. Before doing so he asked me as to my view which I stated to him as above. He asked me to say that much to the Council, which I did. The following is the dispatch, and it was voted for unanimously:

“You know the situation. Answer as guided by Spirit at the time. Be firm and courageous. If by suppression of polygamy is meant the outrages now committed, answer should be No. If full enforcement of the law against future polygamy is meant, the answer is Yes. Intentions can only be deduced from actions and guarantees. Make interrogators define their questions, then your replies can be made suitable. You have our faith and support. You represent monogamous and voting citizens and can speak as we cannot. Go as far as may be necessary consistently and you will not be censured. Preserve political as distinct from Church attitude. Penrose says desired head will come sure.”

A discussion upon the faith of Bro. John T. Caine was indulged in upon a suggestion made by me that he might be telegraphed to the effect that he was in a position to speak unqualifiedly in favor of the enforcement of the law, but he must be careful to not commit the Church. Bro. Jos. F. Smith thought this would not hurt Bro. Caine, as he did not have much faith in the principle. Bro. M. Thatcher thought differently. Bro. F. M. Lyman thought that Bro. Caine had full faith in the principle of plural marriage.

At this juncture, while Bro. Penrose was writing the addition to the dispatch, Bro. M. Thatcher reported to the Council a proposition of Sister Lucy D. Young to sell the Bee Hive House and property to the Church. The price last named was $30,000.00/. This question was referred to the Committee – M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and W. B. Preston.

The question of appropriating the money asked for ($25,000. for the N. Y. Star; $15,000. to carry Oregon, and $10,000. to carry Nevada) was then taken up. Bro. L. Snow did not feel prepared to say how money should be expended, that is, the particular direction in which it should go. We ought, he thought, and was willing that $150,000. should be spent in this cause. President Woodruff then stated that he had concluded to consent to let Bro. Jos. F. Smith go to Washington, as he felt that someone should be there in whom we all had confidence and to whom funds can be entrusted. Bro. F. D. Richards approved of the sending of Bro. Jos. F. Smith to Washington. He thought he it would inspire confidence in our brethren who contribute funds. Bro. John H. Smith proposed a vote; but Bro. Jos. F. Smith preferred a different vote, that the Committee’s action might be sustained by the Council. It was voted that we approve of the selection of Bro. Jos. F. Smith by President Woodruff for this duty and that we sustain him by our faith and prayers and give him our confidence.

Conversation ensued concerning the directions in which money should be expended.

Bro. John R. Winder stated the terms on which the non-Mormons would accept the overture made to them for some of their number to be put in the City Council. Our committee had met with their committee and held lengthy session and had agreed to a proposition. It was that if they could have four members they would pledge themselves and their press to sustain the Citizens’ Ticket. If they could only have three, they would make no pledge. It was voted that they be allowed four members. The names mentioned are: J. E. Dooley, R. Mackintosh, M. B. Sowles and W. N. McCornick.

After some discussion, Bro. M. Thatcher made the following motion:

“If the Committee [W. Woodruff, G. Q. Cannon and J. F. Smith] find it in their judgment proper to invest money in a Democratic organ or to influence elections in Oregon, Nevada, or elsewhere, this Council will endorse their action in the matter.”

An appropriation of $20000/ was made to relieve the wants of President T. J. Jones, of Parowan.

Discussion followed about an amendment to the U. S. Constitution prohibiting polygamy. I opposed this and gave my reasons therefor, and Bro. Jos. F. Smith made a motion that it be the sense of the Council that we do not favor such an amendment to the Constitution. Another motion was made that an Enabling Act be prepared to present whenever necessary.

President Woodruff, Brother Jos. F. Smith, myself, and Bros. Wilcken and Bateman had an invitation tendered to us by Bro. John Gallagher, through my brother Angus, to go down to Bro. John Gallagher’s house in the 2nd Ward and eat an oyster supper. As this was Fast day and I had not partaken of anything but a few figs and dates all day, I was well prepared to eat when I had the opportunity, at about 8 o’clock this evening. Bro. Gallagher keeps a restaurant here, and by diligence and good management has been quite successful in his business. He imports oysters in the shell, and President Woodruff has not tasted any for 40 years, and being very fond of them he was very desirous to eat some. My brother Angus was kept from joining us by having to attend a meeting. We had quite a treat. I do not know that I ever enjoyed oysters as I did to-night; I ate about 20 on the shell and 16 fried.

From here we each went to our homes, I being carried by Bro. Wilcken down to the River.

3 February 1888 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 3/88.

I was busy to-day preparing the Schoolhouse and getting ready for our company this evening. The first arrivals were Bro. & Sis. Roueche, and Bro. & Sis. Woolley, and their daughter Amy. The latter family took supper with us. After which the brethren and sisters came flocking in. The schoolhouse was nicely decorated. My twin daughters had prepared a motto, which was spread on the end of the wall, “Welcome The Apostles of the Lord”; and engravings had been obtained from some of my houses to adorn the walls. Bro. Wilcken brought down some seats from the City Hall, they being a little more commodious than those I had. My son Lewis had marked out four squares on the floor for four sets, and David and he put wax on the floor to make it smooth. President Woodruff called on Bro. Penrose to open the the dance by prayer. The musicians were Bros. Beesley and Thomas (violins) and two other brethren (flute and bass violin). Brothers Jos. E. Taylor and Sam. Bateman called off, and Brother Heber M. Wells was floor manager. There were present: President Woodruff and the following members of the Twelve – F. D. Richards, Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith, F. M. Lyman, John H. Smith, H. J. Grant and John W. Taylor, also D. H. Wells, who was brought by his son Junius; also Bishops Preston, Burton and Winder, my brother Angus, Jos. E. Taylor, C. W. Penrose, Bp. H. B. Clawson, Judge Elias A. Smith, Sheriff Burt, Marshal A. Solomon, C. H. Wilcken, Sam. Bateman, Lehi Pratt, H. M. Wells, Thomas F. Roueche, John N. Woolley, Albert Davis, and a son of Bro. Winder’s. In all I think there were about 60, exclusive of my own family. Bro. Jos. F. Smith brought a wife and two of his daughters. Bro. Wilcken brought my wife Carlie and Bro. B. Young’s wife Lizzie. With the exception of Bro. John W. Woolley, all the rest had only a partner each. We had a most delightful time. Refreshments were served about 10:30, consisting of sandwiches, and cake of various kinds, and lemonade. My children served the refreshments. After this had been got through with, some of the folks expressed a desire to have some speaking, and President Woodruff spoke, followed by Bro. Jos. F. Smith; and I was earnestly requested to speak, which I did and had a most excellent flow of the Spirit while I talked. At 12 the party broke up. Bro. John H. Smith dismissed by prayer. There seemed to be a universal expression of pleasure at the party. For myself, I felt as though I could weep for joy at seeing the faces of my brethren and sisters, some of whom I had not seen for several years, and to think of enjoying this opportunity on my own place, in my own house which I had built, without molestation, was a great cause of delight to me. As Brother Preston had to send Brother Richards and wife to town in his carriage, we had quite a visit with him and his wife while waiting for the return of the vehicle.

4 February 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 4/88.

Bro. Wilcken came down with the mail, accompanied by Bro. A. Winter, to whom I dictated a number of public letters, also “Topics of the Times” and “Editorial Thoughts” for the Juvenile Instructor and my journal, and a letter to my son Angus, who is in Switzerland on a mission.

In the evening I had a visit from Bro. C. W. Penrose, who brought down an argument that he had prepared in answer to R. N. Baskin, who has published a pamphlet against the admission of Utah and submitted it to the Senate Committee on Territories. The brethren in Washington were considerably exercised over this. They sent a dispatch to the effect that there was to be a hearing on Friday before the Committee and asking for suggestions. After this was received I had it immediately transmitted to our friends and asked them to do what they could towards arresting action. Subsequently this dispatch came from Bros. John T. Caine and F. S. Richards:

“Telegram received. Hearing postponed to Saturday, 11th. Examined R. N. Baskin’s argument mailed Monday. Write immediately any other suggestions or points for arguments.”

I thought the reply which Bro. Penrose read to me was very able and so expressed myself to him. It had been President Woodruff’s wish that I should see it before it went away, and when we had got through with it I told Bro. Penrose he had better forward it immediately to Washington. He was desirous to know when he could return. I told him the proper way was for him to fix a date when he thought he could return and as soon as I saw Brother Jos. F. Smith, I would mention this to him, and then he could arrange for his departure either at that time or request Brother Penrose to wait a day or two till he could get ready.

5 February 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 5/88.

Held Sunday School and meeting today in the schoolhouse, and administered the Sacrament. At 7 o’clock Bro. Wilcken called and took me to town. I stopped all night at my wife Carlie’s.

6 February 1888 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 6/88.

Bro. Wilcken called for me at 6 o’clock this morning and we walked to Bro. John McDonald’s, where I found Presidents Woodruff and Jos. F. Smith. Examined public correspondence and attended to various items of business. Brother Smith went away in the evening for the purpose of getting a new set of teeth made for himself to-morrow, as he desires to get off to Washington with Brother Penrose, who wants to leave on Wednesday.

7 February 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feby. 7th

Bro. A. Winter brought our mail to-day. President Woodruff and myself examined it, and I dictated answers to letters. The following dispatch was received from F. S. Richards, Washington:

“Proposition should be made to let judgment be taken in P. E. Fund case for property in the possession of the Receiver, or, if this is refused, offer to stipulate facts in the case and let judgment be entered thereon, Church suit remaining in status quo pending appeal. If District Attorney declines to act, request him to confer with No. 5. Advise me immediately that the above propositions have been made, and the District Attorney’s answer. It would be unreasonable to expect No. 5 to instruct District Attorney to accept judgment for five thousand for property said to be worth five hundred thousand, unless there is evidence in the case, by stipulation or otherwise, of its actual value.”

A dispatch was sent to Bro. F. S. Richards, as follows:

“Council for the Church here proposed to District Attorney to stipulate to take judgment in P. E. Fund Co. case for a sum little above five thousand. From this judgment we appeal. In meantime all matters in Church suit to remain as they are until decision in P. E. Fund Co. case. District Attorney expressed himself willing to do anything he might <be> instructed from No. 5. He declined to advise or request anything himself. Attorneys know nothing of Marshal refusing to refer proposition, or having ever been consulted.”

I had a very busy day to-day. In the evening Brothers Jos. F. Smith & C. W. Penrose came in. We had some conversation. President Woodruff was anxious to go to see the opera and invited me to go with him. The performance was the “Gypsy Baron.” It was very well performed to a crowded house. The singing of some of the parts was very excellent. De Lorme, the leading tenor, was suffering from hoarseness; but Laura Bellini, the leading soprano, has an excellent voice. In the third act there was the finest display of marching by about 50 chorus girls that I ever saw on the stage. Sister Josephine Roueche was in the box with President Woodruff’s family.

8 February 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 8/88.

Corrected “Topics of the Times” for the Juvenile. Attended to public correspondence and was very busy during the greater part of the day. In the evening I had a visit from my son Frank, and made an appointment with him to see him next Saturday. I had some conversation with Presidents Woodruff and Smith about executing a long-conceived project of mine, which had been mooted lately by my son Abraham, to publish an edition, in large type, small pica, of the Book of Mormon. They both encouraged me to go ahead. I spoke about paying royalty, and President Woodruff said, “No; sell the book as cheap as possible and let the royalty go.” Brothers Jos. F. Smith and C. W. Penrose came and we had considerable conversation on political affairs and the State movement. They left about 10 o’clock.

9 February 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 9/88.

Bro. A. Winter came down and brought the mail. President Woodruff and myself attended to public correspondence, and I dictated answers to Bro. Winter, also my journal. My son Abraham called on me and I spoke to him about the edition of the Book of Mormon and other business matters. We arranged last night to have a meeting of the Twelve to-morrow to attend to some business which, we felt, should be submitted to them, and notices were sent out accordingly, also for a number of the members of the Legislature to meet with us.

10 February 1888 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 10/88.

We left our place of abode at about 6 o’clock this morning and drove to the office. At 10 o’clock we had a meeting of the Council. There were present: President Woodruff, F. D. Richards, myself, Jos. F. Smith, John H. Smith, H. J. Grant, John W. Taylor, and Bps. R. T. Burton & J. R. Winder. Of the members of the Legislature there were present: W. W. Riter, L. W. Shurtliff, E. G. Woolley, E. A. Smith, J. E. Carlisle, S. R. Thurman, W. H. King, C. C. Richards, and J. H. Moyle; also Auditor N. W. Clayton and Bro. C. W. Penrose. Bro. Jos. F. Smith opened by prayer. The subject discussed by the brethren was whether it would not be a politic measure at the present time to have Gov. West nominate the present Auditor and Treasurer, or some others who would be acceptable to our people and concede to him the right to do so, which we have heretofore strenuously contended against. In case this was decided upon, it would be necessary for the Council to reject the present nominees of the Governor – Arthur Pratt and Bolivar Roberts. The cases of these two officers are on appeal at the present time to the Supreme Court of the United States, they having been nominated at the last Legislature by Gov. Murray. The District and Supreme Courts of the Territory decided in their favor. Brother John T. Caine has urged that in the event of the U. S. Supreme Court deciding against our view of the case, by nominating these men at the present time they would be in office and would continue until suitable successors could be nominated and confirmed by the Council; that we had everything to gain and nothing to lose by this movement. A number of the brethren discussed this question, Bro. Penrose explaining Bro. Caine’s views and the advantages that would result from taking this action. Bros. Woolley, E. A. Smith and W. W. Riter advocated the measure; thought it would be attended with good effects. Bro. Riter, however, thought that Bolivar Roberts might be retained. He spoke very highly of him as an honest man, and that he really could not be called an apostate, as he had been baptized when he was eight years of age and had never professed to belong to the Church. This Brother <J. F.> Smith did not think correct, because he had been present at the baptism of his brother, Dr. Roberts and he then professed to be a member of the Church and expressed the gratification that he felt at seeing his brother baptized into the Church. Several of the brethren spoke about conceding one of these offices to the Governor. They seemed to be ready to give up the whole question. I expressed my views upon the question. It was well known that I had been very obstinate in regard to this point; that I had urged the Legislature to resist the Governor and had stood firmly for the right of the people to elect these officers, according to the law that had been enacted. I felt, however, that now was a good time to make a compromise on this of advantage to ourselves, and I therefore was in favor of it. I protested against the view that some of them entertained, that we should only expect to get one of these offices. I told them that there were many eminent lawyers in Washington who take the view that we had the right which we claim, and that it was not the right of the Governor to nominate. I understood that the lawyers who had the cases of Bros. Jack and Clayton – the Treasurer and Auditor – in their hands felt very sure that they had a good and strong case before the Supreme Court. I therefore did not believe in going into a compromise with a feeling to concede all that was asked for to begin with. I felt that the Auditor and Treasurer had done well and had stood by that which was entrusted to them manfully and had endured a good deal of risk, and I did not feel now like deserting them. I thought that we should make every effort to contend for their occupancy of the offices. It was felt that care should be taken not to go beyond conceding his right to nominate these officers and the Sealer of Weights and Measures, and Librarian, and the Recorder of Marks and Brands.

After this business was finished, a resolution of the Judiciary Committee on the polygamy bill introduced by W. H. King, was read by Bro. S. R. Thurman, chairman of that committee, and there was considerable conversation on the form which it should take. The resolution, with a few amendments, was approved. He had attached to it a recommendation for the adoption of an amendment to the U. S. Constitution concerning polygamy. It was generally felt that this should not be mentioned.

After this business was finished, we adjourned. The Twelve and the Presiding Bishopric who were present, and Bro. C. W. Penrose, met again in a few minutes, with Bro. Geo. Reynolds as Secretary. Bro. Stucki had written a letter to Bro. Franklin D. Richards which was read, signifying his willingness to accept the mission to which he had been appointed, but asking till some time in April in order to prepare himself for the mission.

An appropriation to the Manti Temple, to the amount of $2100.00/, asked for by Bro. W. H. Folsom, was made. A letter from Brother Geo. Teasdale concerning missionaries was read.

Bro. B. H. Roberts’ family was assisted by an appropriation of $40.00/ per month, to be divided between his families, and $100.00/ to defray overdrafts that may have been made by them at the Tithing Office. Bro. Jacob Gates has written us to have some money paid to him out of the appropriation that had been made in his behalf. It was decided to refer him to the Presiding Bishopric, for them to arrange with him.

Some remarks were made concerning the Tithing lot at Ogden which had been transferred to the Weber Stake Association, and I made a motion that Bro. John R. Winder communicate with Prest. L. W. Shurtliff, of the Church Association of that Stake, and tell him that so far as we are concerned the Association should not sell the property for less than Twenty thousand dollars.

Bro. C. V. Spencer described his circumstances in a letter to President Woodruff and also the offer which he had for his lot, and asked counsel concerning the same. The sum that had been offered was Twenty-five thousand dollars. It was felt that he himself must take the responsibility of deciding this question, and that we as a Council could not do so.

A letter from Bro. O. W. Warner, of Moab, was read, in which he complains of the Bishop. This Bishop resigned some time ago. Bros. Lyman and Grant were appointed to look around for a suitable person to appoint as Bishop of Moab.

Brother John Henry Smith described the visit of himself and Brother H. J. Grant to the Tooele Stake, and that the High Council were in favor of choosing Bro. Charles Anderson, who is Counselor to the President of the Stake, as Bishop of Grantsville, in place of Brother Edward Hunter, who desired to be relieved from the duties of that position. It was felt that this was not a proper thing, to take a man who was Counselor to the President of the Stake and make a Bishop of him; and W. G. Collett was, on motion, nominated for that position.

This concluded the business, and the Council adjourned. I was kept very busy attending to public correspondence and other matters, and holding a meeting with the Deseret News Co. in the evening. I dictated to Bro. A. Winter the following letter:

“February 10th, 1888.

To whom it may concern:

Elder Joseph F. Smith, one of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and a tried and faithful servant of God, has been selected and appointed by the Council of the Apostles to proceed to the Eastern States and to take charge of all business connected with said Church and its affairs in that region, to preside over the Elders laboring in the ministry and all the branches of the Church, and to examine into and superintend, so far as he may have time and opportunity, the business of the emigration, and to give counsel concerning the same. He is also fully authorized to act as our Agent in political matters, and to control and supervise all financial transactions connected therewith, and to give counsel and manage everything pertaining to the labors of those who have been selected, or who may hereafter be selected, to assist in bringing the claims of Utah to be admitted into the Union as a State before the country and before Congress.

We earnestly hope that all the Elders and members of The Church engaged in any business belonging to the Church, or to its varied interests, will listen to and accept his counsel and direction, as we have fully entrusted him with all the authority necessary to preside and to give instructions and direction concerning these affairs.

Praying the Lord to bless him in the discharge of his responsible duties, as well as all those who labor in conjunction with him, and to crown his and their labors with abundant success,

I remain

Your Brother,

Wilford Woodruff,

President of the Twelve Apostles.”

We then adjourned to a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z. C. M. I. at the office of the institution, and attended to business. It being the regular monthly meeting. Bro. T. G. Webber read his report, which was quite satisfactory. From there I was taken to my home on the river by Bro. Wilcken. The night was very dark, the roads very muddy. He stayed with me all night.

11 February 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 11/88.

I felt very badly this morning, suffering from a severe cold; my sleep was feverish and disturbed. I attended to the mail which Bro. Wilcken brought down in the afternoon, and visited my folks and also took some exercise in pitching manure.

12 February 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 12/88.

Held Sunday School with my children and sacrament meeting in my schoolhouse, and had a good flow of the Spirit in talking to them. Several of my children are sick with colds. Bro. Alfred Solomon came down for me in the evening, and after visiting my wife Sarah Jane and administering to Preston, and visiting my wife Eliza, we started for town. It was very dark, and the roads were bad. He left me at my wife Carlie’s. I found Bro. H. B. Clawson there awaiting my arrival and had considerable conversation with him concerning political matters and cases before the courts.

[Two-page document placed between pages of journal]

The Committee appointed to examine into and report the best method of adding capital to Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co., and to consider how this may be done with due regard to the interests of the present and prospective Stockholders, met at the President’s Office on Monday, Sept. 12th. After considerable conversation they concluded that there should be, at least, Two hundred thousand dollars of capital in the bank, in order to insure it the share of business which such an institution would have. The method of organizing the bank with the new capital was discussed at some length. Various propositions were advanced. It was, however, finally decided by the Committee that, in their opinion, the best plan to adopt would be for the Fifty Thousand dollars already subscribed as the capital stock of Zion’s Savings’ Bank and Trust Co. to be all paid up by the present stockholders. This appeared to the Committee to be a necessary preliminary step. When this has been done, then let a joint committee be formed which shall be composed in part of the present stockholders of Zion’s Savings’ Bank and Trust Co. and in part of such persons as intend to invest in the stock of the bank when its capital shall be enlarged. The duty of this committee should be to take all the loans of the bank, examine them carefully, eliminate from them those that are not considered good, or such a portion of them as would amount to what will be found to be the profit of the institution, and place them to the credit of the present stockholders, for them to collect, and to receive as dividends the money collected therefrom. The Committee were also of the opinion that to properly carry out the plan of enlarging the stock it will be necessary for the present officers and stockholders of the bank to take steps to have the capital stock enlarged to Two hundred thousand dollars, and offer the stock to Latter-day Saints in good standing who may wish to purchase stock in the institution and pay for it in cash.

[End of document]

13 February 1888 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 13/88.

Bro. John Pickett called for me at 5:45 this morning and accompanied me to the office. It was muddy walking, but I enjoyed it very much. To-day has been a busy day with me, attending to correspondence, dictating letters, holding a meeting of the Deseret News Co. (which occupied three or four hours) and listening to answers to questions concerning divorce which had been propounded by [blank] to Brother F. D. Richards. I made a number of suggestions respecting the answers, changing some and writing new answers to some of the questions. We suppose this will be published among the Government documents, and we wish the answers to be such as we all can approve of. We did not finish them, however, and Bro. Richards desires to come where we are to-morrow with them.

We had an interview with Bro. Le Grand Young concerning the Church suit before the court and asked his counsel respecting the disposition of funds realized by the Weber Stake Association in the sale of the Tithing Office property there. We understand that parties have attempted to jump Arsenal Hill to-day and their fence was torn down by the City Marshal and police, and some of them have been arrested in consequence.

The election has been somewhat excited, we understand to-day, and it is reported that Alfred Solomon, who is candidate for City Marshal, has been scratched by a good many. Concerning this, however, we do not know anything definite.

We received the following telegrams from Bro. John W. Young:

“Telegram 13th received. Matters chrystalized to-day so that we must place, by Wednesday afternoon without fail, 15,000 to keep Cullom silent and Davis to vote with us in Committee and another Republican Senator advocate and vote openly. Amount contingent on faithful performance. Other ten needed to make sure of the majority of the committee to be successful. Telegraph money for Wednesday morning. Answer.”

“You have defined the policy and character of utterance for the representatives of monogamy here, separate and distinct from the polygamous class. The time has arrived when we must put in our friends’ hands here (all of whom urge me to do it) some sort of an expression as to our acceptance in good faith of the constitution in its legal aspect. I have prepared a most carefully and conscientiously (?) guarded individual petition, reinforced by historical facts, signed only by myself, which I think covers the point completely. It ought to be presented to Senate not later than Friday, to be printed in Record for influence with Committee on Saturday. The same spirit that has been with me throughout this longdrawn struggle inspires the necessity of this action. The question is whether my individual petition, so carefully guarded, may be construed as a general expression from our class. I think and judge but in a political light only, as it leaves out entirely the question of belief. Am anxiously awaiting answer. Will be glad to see Bro. Jos F. Smith.”

We made the follow reply:

“We think better await arrival friends who left here eleventh before you present any document to Senate or its Committee or doing anything about twenty-five thousand.”

We drove this evening to Brother McDonald’s and met with a kind reception. I felt so badly to-night, having had such a busy, exciting day, that the brethren thought a good hot bath would do me good. Bro. Wilcken came down with me and gave me a hot bath in liquor.

In regard to the dispatches received to-day from Bro. John W. Young, President Woodruff and myself feel that we cannot comply with his wishes in sending him this money. I am very reluctant to say anything disapprovingly of Bro. John W. Young’s course; but justice to myself and to my fellow-committeemen requires that I should do so. It was the distinct understanding with the committee and him, as I supposed, when he was home, that he would not take any steps towards the expending of money, except upon consultation with us. The people do not have confidence in him; and in subscribing money to assist in the State movement, it has been with the distinct understanding that the committee should have this money in their charge and not him. A short time since he telegraphed for ten thousand dollars to be sent to him. He did not give us any clear idea what he wanted this money for. We sent it, but in our dispatch told him we did so reluctantly in the absence of fuller information concerning the disposition to be made of it. At the same time we wrote to him, informing him that we could not send money to him without being advised as to how it was to be spend [spent], and impressing upon him the importance of our being advised before engagements of that character were made. After receiving that letter he wrote two letters to us without mentioning the subject of his accounts. In the letter which Bro. Penrose brought he spoke in the beginning as though he would complete his account and send it enclosed in the letter. Before he closed the letter, however, he said that he had found it impossible to get the account out, but would do so. Weeks have elapsed since then and we have never had a word from him respecting the disposition of the money we sent him, and now he asks for twenty-five thousand dollars. We cannot grant his request. He has complained that we have other avenues through which we operate and that it does him injustice. He does not seem to think, however, that his reticence and secretiveness are any injustice to us. We might as well not be a committee and have nothing to do with the matter as be in the position he places us. Whatever experience and judgment and counsel we may have are of no avail, because he gives us no opportunity to pronounce upon any plan that we have or any movement that he may make. In this instance he is playing at cross-purposes. The man he is endeavoring to reach we can reach easier than he can and at less cost, through our friends. But through his meddling in this matter without consulting us, he cuts us off from all this opportunity.

14 February 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 14/88.

I was feverish through the night and slept heavily, but arose this morning feeling quite badly. My cold was very heavy this morning.

President Woodruff advised me to go to the theatre with him this evening in his box, to see the Carleton troupe of opera singers. The opera was “Dorothy”. Though quite unwell I enjoyed it very much.

I forgot to say that in the afternoon I did some writing for the History of Joseph, correcting some chapters and making some changes, and had an interview with my son Frank. My wife Carlie was with me at the theatre. My wife Emily was in my box.

15 February 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 15/88.

Attended to public correspondence: Wrote a circular for my son Abraham to send to our agents throughout the Territory concerning the History of Joseph. I also wrote a letter of introduction to Judge Elias Smith for my son Frank, asking the Judge to give him some details concerning his grandfather, who had received a manifestation that there would be a remarkable personage or prophet born in his family. I desire to get these particulars for use, if it should be agreeable to the Judge. Brother Winder was sent for and we had an interview with him concerning the sale of land at Ogden, and in the evening he and Mayor Armstrong and Brother James Jack came and conversed with us concerning the bond which Mayor Armstrong, J. R. Winder, Geo. Romney and John C. Cutler had given to enable Bro. Jack, as Territorial Treasurer, to appeal his case from the Supreme Court of the Territory to the U. S. Supreme Court. In order to secure these brethren in giving the bond, he had placed in their hands Fifty-five thousand dollars. He needed this money now to meet the drafts made upon him, and they were reluctant to give it up, as it was their security for the amount for which they had given the bond.

After their departure Brother Clawson came. We had some conversation with him. I forgot to mention that last night, while at the theatre, I drafted a dispatch to send to our friends in California. We found it necessary, in conversation with the brethren, to make an appointment to go to the office, as two or three members of the Legislature desired to have interviews with us.

16 February 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 16/88.

We were driven to the office this morning at six o’clock.

At 10 o’clock, besides President Woodruff, there were, of the Twelve, Brothers F. D. Richards, myself, Heber J. Grant, and part of the time, D. H. Wells. Bros. Elias A. Smith and W. W. Riter were there also and reported the result of their interview with the Governor, with the view to conceding the right to him to nominate Territorial officers, if he would nominate the present incumbents. They waited upon him, not in a public capacity, but as private citizens, to sound him upon this question, to see whether he would consent to accept a compromise of this kind. It was felt by us all that if he would, it was worth the concession that we would make to him; for in the event of the decision of the Supreme Court being against us it would keep our incumbents in office. They reported that he was very stiff, and although they conversed with him for a long period, he was determined to maintain what he called his prerogative, that is, the right to nominate, and threatened to not sign the Reform School bill if the Legislature did not concede the right to him to nominate the directors. President Woodruff called on Bros. Smith and Riter to state their views. Bro. Smith’s view was to take up the appointments and reject Arthur Pratt as Auditor, and leave Bolivar Roberts until a new appointment was made. Bro. Riter was in favor of rejecting Arthur Pratt, but confirm Bolivar Roberts as Territorial Treasurer. Brother Grant expresses himself as opposed to doing anything, but to let the matter stand as it was and maintain our ground. This was Brother F. D. Richards’ view – a view which I also held. I told them that if any compromise came it would be from the Governor hereafter, if I had anything to do with it; but there was a query in my mind whether the Council would stand up for this. I said it was very well for us to conclude on such a matter here, but would our brethren in whose hands these cases were, take the same view that we had, or would they weaken and confirm these appointees. It was felt by the brethren that it would be necessary to see them and strengthen them. President Woodruff felt as we all did, that this was the right course. After this, conversation ensued concerning the vacancies in the Board of Directors of the Asylum, and also the names of persons were considered for the Board of Regents. A motion was made by Brother Grant that we give the minority three members on the Board of Regents, and that Frank Jennings be counted as one of our own men and be nominated, and that one “outsider” from Utah County be nominated on the Board of Directors of the Asylum. Preference seemed to lean for a young man named Geo. Sutherland, who resides in Provo. The following are the names of the Chancellor and Board of Regents: O. F. Whitney, Chancellor, James Sharp, W. W. Riter, E. A. Smith, A. W. Carlson, W. M. Stewart, John T. Caine, Frank Jennings, C. C. Richards, S. R. Thurman. C. E. Allen was talked of as a suitable man from the non-Mormon party, and S. R. Lynn. We afterwards learned that Judge Sutherland was thought a suitable one for the third “outsider.”

Brother Thomas E. Ricks, President of the Bannock Stake, had an interview with us concerning the affairs of his Stake, and as he wished some of the authorities to visit the Stake at their next conference, which would be on the 25th and 26th, Bros. John Henry Smith & John Morgan were mentioned as suitable to go.

President John R. Murdock also called and had a conversation respecting Fort Cameron buildings, of which he and the Church are the joint purchasers. It was decided that he should be permitted to lobby with the Members of the Legislature to see if they would not purchase that property to use for a Reform School or Agricultural College, or both. I felt that it would be a very cheap property for them to get at $25,000.00/ and would be of exceeding value to the Territory. It is true, the land is not yet in market, but it can be secured. The buildings upon it are exceedingly valuable and are said to have cost over two hundred thousand dollars.

Bishop Preston came in and talked over business matters. He also expressed his desire to emerge from his hiding and appear in court next Saturday to answer in the Church suit, Brother Winder having been summoned to appear. He was only an agent and Brother Preston was the was the custodian, and he thought he ought not to place Brother Winder in the position where he would have to assume any responsibility connected with it. We asked him concerning the action of the courts against him. He said he was assured that there was no indictment and he did not think they could get evidence against him. So it was left for him to do as he felt. He also recommended Bro. James Moyle to be Supt. of the Temple Block. There were present at the time, Brothers Woodruff, Grant, Wells, Preston and myself. We all voted in favor of Brother Moyle but Brother Wells, who said he did not like to vote on this in too great a hurry. Brother Richards afterwards came in and expressed his willingness to join with us. Considerable conversation then took place concerning the Church Architect. Brother Preston said he and his counselors were decidedly in favor of selecting Don Carlos Young, son of President Young, a very capable young man to be Church Architect, with Brother W. H. Folsom as assistant, and, if thought best, T. O. Angell. After hearing all that was to be said on the matter, President Woodruff said he did not know Bro. Don Carlos Young, but he was quite willing to vote for him and from the suggestions of the brethren thought he would be very suitable. We all voted in favor of him for that position. This action pleased me very much. I should have urged it if I had not been restrained by the fact of his relationship. I have felt for some time that it was a position he was well qualified to fill, though he is of a desponding nature and is apt to get low-spirited and think very little of himself, and does not display that energy which he should. Perhaps this is due to his peculiar organization, which, I think, he derives from his grandfather, Bishop Edward Partridge. This evening President Woodruff, Brothers F. D. Richards, John Henry Smith, H. J. Grant and myself, of the Twelve, and Brother D. H. Wells, met in the office with several members of the Legislature, viz., Elias A. Smith, J. P. Wimmer, C. F. Olsen, A. O. Smoot, Jr., J. E. Carlisle, E. G. Woolley, W. A. C. Bryan. We thought it proper to meet with these brethren to arrive at an understanding with them concerning their action on the nominations of the Auditor and Treasurer which had been sent in by the Governor. Brother Elias A. Smith related to them the results of the interview which Brother Riter and himself had had with Gov. West, and the subject was canvassed very thoroughly. In my remarks I told the brethren that I had been quite firm in my determination to not yield to the Governor the right to appoint. They knew where I stood on this matter; but I had felt that if he were disposed to appoint the present incumbents – that is, Nephi W. Clayton as Auditor and James Jack as Treasurer – I did not have any particular objections to our conceding to him the appointive power, as it would be an advantage to us just at present, especially if the decision of the U. S. Supreme Court were to go against us. I thought such an arrangement might be entered into by him that would be alike honorable to both parties; but I was utterly opposed to yielding, if by yielding were meant to give up the entire question. I certainly would not yield, no matter what he might propose, if he did not allow us to have some voice in the matter. I said there were good reasons for us maintaining our ground. In the first place, there was a law on the Statute book, that was signed by one of his predecessors, giving the people the right to elect these officers. In asking the Council to confirm nominations which he had made for these offices, he asked them to violate a law that had stood unrepealed and unquestioned by the Congress of the United States from the time of its enactment. Another point was, that Congress, knowing the contention between the Governor and the people respecting those offices, in the passage of the Edmunds-Tucker law had taken from the people the election of the Supt. of public schools, the Probate Judges and other offices, but had not disturbed these. Now, is it not reasonable to suppose that if they had disapproved of this law and had thought that the people should not have this right, they would have inserted in the bill the right of appointment by some other power than the election of the people? Is it not a fair presumption to think that they considered these officers, having the people’s money in their hands, ought of right to be elected by the people and in accordance with usage that has come down from colonial days. A number of the brethren expressed themselves and all in favor of not yielding, and it was voted that we should maintain the ground that we had always taken. After this meeting was dismissed, W. H. Dusenberry, Mayor of Provo, John F. Turner, City Marshal, and S. R. Thurman, City Attorney, had an interview with us upon the subject of prohibition at Provo, or high license. The Mayor gave a lengthy description of the situation of affairs there. They had seven drug stores which peddled liquor. Drunkenness was common and nothing could be done with these stores, as it was hateful to the people to inform of them. There was considerable feeling in the community and things were going to the bad. After considerable conversation, President Woodruff spoke exceedingly plain concerning the duty of Brother Smoot as President of that Stake and what he should do. He had a son who had a drug store and who sold liquor; he should stop that, and not permit such an example to be set to the people by any member of his family. President Woodruff spoke with a good deal of energy and power. He had previously asked us our views. The general feeling on the part of the brethren was in favor of high license. My views were that if we could get the local option law passed which is now before the Legislature, I was in favor of every Ward having the right to say whether they would have liquor sold in their Ward or not. If I lived in a Ward, I would endeavor to exclude it; and though it was said that by crossing the street into a contiguous Ward which would vote for high license the children of that Ward might be able to secure the drink they wanted, I still thought that this would not be so great an evil as to have it in one’s own Ward. But by means of local option and high license together, it might be that we could control it and beat the evil back.

After we got through I went down to the theatre with Sheriff Andrew Burt. I found my wife Carlie in the upper box and my son Abraham, and Brother Wilcken and two daughters. The opera was Fra Diavolo. From there I went to my wife Carlie’s for the night.

17 February 1888 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 17/88.

Brother Clawson called on me to-day and showed me a dispatch which he had received from “Maude”, to which I wrote an answer, and requested him to telegraph the substance to Brother Jos. F. Smith at Washington. I felt much benefited by my rest to-day. I have been on a strain all week and have not been well, and it did me good to have a little relaxation. I spent the day very quietly and enjoyed myself very much.

18 February 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 18/88.

Bro. Wilcken called for me a little after six this morning and took me down to Cannon’s Home. He afterwards brought Bro. A. Winter down. I attended to public correspondence, answered letters and dictated “Topics of the Times” and “Editorial Thoughts” for the Juvenile Instructor. There was a very disagreeable storm broke upon us this morning from the Northwest, accompanied by considerable snow. I found that during the week a well had been sunk close to my wife Elizabeth’s old home; at a depth of 164 ft. a fine stream of water was struck, which is said to flow at the rate of 30 gals. a minute, though I have not measured it. My intention is to push the other pipe, (which is 1½ in. and very thick) down, if necessary, 300 ft., or until I can get a good stream of water. They have sunk also in my corral to the depth of 168 ft. and had not reached water this morning.

19 February 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 19/88.

Held Sunday School and Sacrament meeting in the schoolhouse with my family and I spoke to them at some length upon the principle of tithing. In the evening Bro. Wilcken called for me and took me to my son Abraham’s, where I found my wife Emily. About midnight I was awakened by Abraham, who said that he had just got word that they were intending to arrest him, and he thought it better to let me know so that I could decide what to do, whether to stay or not. I thought it imprudent to stay, so I got up, dressed myself, and got in a buggy belonging to Lehi Pratt, who drove me to the office. I then lay in an uncomfortable bed on the lounge, but slept very little.

20 February 1888 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 20/88.

I spent the day at the office. President Woodruff was not there. He sent me a note that he was quite sick and wished me to attend to the correspondence.

There was a meeting to-day of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. In the evening I drove down with Bro. S. Bateman to President Woodruff’s, and took down correspondence for him to sign and letters to read. I found him wheezing considerably, with cold on his lungs. I returned to the office where I passed the night.

21 February 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 21/88.

Bro. James Jack was on the stand to-day before the Examiner, as a witness in the Church suit. The questions which he was asked related to the Gas stock of which he was the purchaser. The line of enquiry was to find out where he got his money with which to purchase. Under this enquiry he broke down and made a number of statements which were very damaging to him and to the cause <case>. The result was that they found the note in Zion’s Savings Bank, given by him, for $44,000.00, secured by 800 shares of Gas Stock, in favor of John Taylor. This was seized. I felt very badly about this whole affair. It took away all my appetite; and it seemed to me that all our property was greatly endangered by this breaking down of our principal witness; for Bro. Jack has had the whole financial business of the Church in his hands, and if he cannot stand examination the result will be very disastrous to us. As I understood that they had been making inquiry concerning the bank stock belonging to the Church in Zion’s Savings Bank, I suggested to the brethren of the Twelve who were present that we should get together with our attorney, Le Grand Young, and Bro. Schettler, the Cashier, and decide upon our line of defense to save our property. We had a meeting in the evening for this purpose. There were present: Bros. F. D. Richards, John Henry Smith, H. J. Grant and myself, and Bro. E. Snow came in just as the meeting commenced, having just arrived from St. George. He presided at our meeting. Bro. Lyman had been with us in the afternoon when we talked this matter over. We had considerable conversation, and were all much better satisfied after the interview respecting the condition of the Stock and our ability to defend any attempt to take possession of it.

I drove down to President Woodruff’s, in company with Bro. Wilcken. I returned to the office and transacted some business, after which Bro. Wilcken drove me home, where we reached about 3:15.

This has been a very busy and exciting day with me. I was glad to get where I could be quiet.

22 February 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1888.

This is a public holiday – Washington’s Birthday. Bro. Wilcken stayed all night with me and all day to-day. I had a visit from Bro. Armstrong, the Mayor of the City, who came to see me in relation to his position as the purchaser of the Street Railroad. I told him we would meet together to talk over this matter at 12 o’clock on Thursday.

Brother Bishop and sons are driving wells for me, and I went out this morning to see them work. They are sinking one in my corral. I had cleaned up and had my best clothes on. While watching their operations and backing to get out of the way of the water, and also to get concealed from some fishermen who were coming towards the corral, I stepped backward and fell into a hole of <muddy> water which they had dug to receive the stream from their pump. To me it was most ridiculous and I laughed very heartily over it, as did those who saw me. I was not injured, however; only my clothes had to be changed entirely. Under cover of Bro. Wilcken I visited each of my houses in the daytime. Bro Allfred Solomon came down and brought the mail, and spent a short time with us.

23 February 1888 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 23/88.

I woke Bro. Wilcken at 5 o’clock this morning. He hitched up and we drove to the City. I slept very little last night, and I went to bed after reaching the office. I was very much concerned about our financial affairs.

This morning Bro. H. B. Clawson came into my bedroom and told me that he had had an interview with Receiver Dyer, at the latter’s request, he having sent one of his deputies up to see him. He related to Bro. Clawson all that had taken place connected with Bro. James Jack’s operations and the danger to which he was exposed, and he suggested the propriety of arriving at some conclusion respecting property – for the Church to yield a certain portion of property up to the Receiver, and then have the matter appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States and the law tested. He said that the way they were going, they were bound to get the property anyhow, and he thought it would save feeling and be better in every way. As far as he was concerned, he would do all in his power to protect the property if it were turned over into his hands. I told Bro. Clawson he had better get all the Twelve together by 9 o’clock, as Mr. Dyer was anxious to have action taken upon this before 10, that being the hour for Bro. Winder to appear to be examined. A few of the Twelve came together, but as nothing could be decided upon without a full quorum, Bro. Clawson was advised to say to Mr. Dyer that he had been unable to see his friends; they had been scattered; but would do his best to get it before them.

My son Frank called on me and brought me some manuscript that I had dictated to him connected with the History of Joseph.

Bro. C. C. Richards called upon me also respecting a dispatch he had received from Bro. J. F. Smith at Washington, concerning the value of the property of the Territory.

The Council met; there were present: President Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, myself, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor, Bp. Preston and Counselors, Le Grand Young, our attorney, Francis Armstrong and Bp. Clawson. Bro. Le Grand Young stated how wide the range of inquiry before the Examiner was taking. It seemed to be one of the objects to find the haunts of the leading men and the places where they could be found. He warned us to be careful about letting the witnesses know where we are.

Bro. Clawson then stated the message that Dyer had given to him concerning accounting for the Church property. This was very fully discussed. I suggested that before we could decide upon this, we should see our attorneys and learn the legal consequences of such a stipulation as had been suggested, viz., the surrender of the Street Railroad notes, the Sheep notes, the Theatre notes, and the Gas stock which had already been seized. It was decided to hold a meeting with the attorneys this evening, at 7:30.

I also said that Bro. Armstrong’s relationship with the Street Railroad and the other financial transactions demanded that we should arrive at an understanding respecting the line of defense that he should take. We had an adjournment of half an hour and then attended to various items of business, the first being the appointment of A. P. Hardy, of St. George, as Bishop of the Indians. After some discussion, it was decided not to appoint him till more could be known concerning him, and it was suggested that Superintendents be appointed instead of Bishops. The piping of water to the St. George Temple was referred to Bro. E. Snow, to consider.

The epitaph for a monument at Mr. Pisgah was considered, a letter having been written by Brother Huntington on this subject. This was referred to Brothers L. Snow and F. D. Richards.

Mrs. Clayton’s application to have her homestead given to her, was referred to the Presiding Bishopric. An application of some of the Sandwich Islanders for help was laid on the table.

Judge Williams’ letter concerning his employment as an attorney was considered and his co employment continued until June.

Bro. Maeser’s case at Provo was considered and some talk was had of appropriating $2000.00/ to assist the B. Y. Academy; but it was decided for President Woodruff to find out the obligations under which the Board was laboring before making any appropriation.

It was decided to assist a part of the Gordon family from South Carolina, on condition that some of the Elders who had petitioned for them to be helped should assist the remainder of the family.

Considerable conversation was afterwards had upon the case of the Church funds, notes, etc., and their condition. A committee was appointed, consisting of President Woodruff, F. M. Lyman and Bp. W. B. Preston, to have an interview with Brother Jack so as to get possession of everything of value in his hands, with a view to secure it against depradations.

At 7:30 this evening we had a meeting of the Apostles and the following attorneys: Le Grand Young, Sheek & Rawlins, and Judge Sutherland. Bro. H. B. Clawson was also present. The situation of the Church suit was discussed at some length, and also the proposition which Mr. Dyer had made to Bro. Clawson. Doubts were expressed as to the motive Dyer had in making this proposition. It was feared that the other side were trying to get all the information they could and talking in this way to throw our side off their guard.

After considerable conversation, Judge Sutherland suggested the idea of getting up a suit against the Receiver; or to have some person sue the Church, and have the points which had been made in this case, or that we wished to have decision upon, carried up. This, however, would take a longer time than it would to have someone refuse to answer the questions of the prosecutor and in that way be committed for contempt. By suing out a writ of habeas corpus before the Supreme Court of the United States, the whole question of the constitutionality of the law would then come up.

We all felt after hearing what was said, that this would be the best, the shortest and quickest way of reaching the desired end.

The question arose as to who would be the proper person. Bros. John H. Smith and H. J. Grant and John W. Taylor each said he was quite willing to be put in this position and to go to the penitentiary to accomplish this end. I told Le Grand Young that I would gladly be put in that position if I could have a nolle prosequi entered on my indictment. He said he would make that proposition to the District Attorney. I told him there were two or three points that he ought to guard: one was, that I would not want to assume the attitude of <com>promising my case for the sake of giving testimony against the Church; another was, that I would not want the other side to say after awhile that I had been guilty of a trick in order to get the nolle entered in my case.

24 February 1888 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 24/88.

I received a letter from Brother Beck, giving me an account of his visits, and asking for a remittance of $2500.00/.

My son Abraham appeared before the Examiner to-day on the charge of unlawful cohabitation preferred against him last month, and I was greatly pleased to learn that his case was dismissed. Commissioner Norrell said he did not want such cases brought before him where there was so little evidence as in this instance.

The Council met, and Bro. E. Snow prayed. The question of furnishing the Manti Temple with furniture was taken up, but nothing decided concerning it. A committee was appointed, consisting of Bros. L. Snow & J. R. Winder, to go to Washakie, in accordance with the request of the brethren there, to examine into affairs. It was suggested that Bro. Geo. W. Hill go also, as he gave voice, as interpreter, to the complaints of some of the Indian brethren.

A letter from Benjamin Bennett concerning a note given to him by Lafayette Holbrook, was read. It was moved

[a section of this sheet was cut out and removed from the book]

mit our “brethren to go into litigation, especially on an ex parte statement like this. I preferred to hear the other side, at least. Considerable discussion followed. Bro. E. Snow was quite emphatic in sustaining the idea that I had advanced and said he could not vote for such a proposition on an ex parte statement. It was decided that President Woodruff should write to Bro. Holbrook and also to Bro. Bennett, advising the latter to bring his case before the Bishop or the High Council of the Stake.

An appeal case from Tooele Stake, in which Enos Stookey, John P. Bush, Jos. Tanner and R. N. Bush appealed from the decision of the High Council against them, was taken up. The High Council’s action was sustained by the following resolution:

“That we sustain the decision of the High Council of the Tooele Stake of Zion in the case of Nephi Draper vs. Enos Stookey, et al., and that a letter be written to President H. S. Gowans informing him of this decision and recommending that the defendants be given until April 1st, 1888, to comply therewith.”

It was also decided to write to the appellants, recommending them to comply with the decision. I was very busy during the remainder of the day dictating answers to public correspondence.

I forgot to mention in my last evening’s journal that I was exceedingly gratified with a conversation which I had with Bro. Daniel H. Wells. He

[verso of the excised section that was cut out and removed from the book:]

considerable conversation on the subject which to me was very pleasant, with the feeling he manifested. I was moved to tears at this decision which he had reached, and felt to thank the Lord therefor.

At 7:45 the Council again met. Bros. Francis Armstrong and Le Grand Young met with us, the object being to decide upon a line of defense to be adopted in the examination of Bro. Armstrong, who was the purchaser of the Street Railroad Stock from President John Taylor, Trustee-in-Trust. We had a very lengthy discussion on the best method of taking care of his note which he had given for $45,000.00/ and which had been secured by 2190 shares of Railroad Stock. So far as he himself was concerned, it was thought that his examination would result satisfactorily. But we were embarrassed respecting the disposition of the note. Various plans were suggested; but it was finally decided that it would be best to leave the note undisturbed and not attempt to negotiate it at the present time. This discussion convinced me that it was not the wisest course for us to take to have such large meetings as we had to-night to arrange for the disposition of our property. It struck me that one individual had better be entrusted with this whole business, and if he could be it would save a great deal of embarrassment and perhaps save our property from going into the hands of our enemies. Where so many were consulted it was impossible to conceal our plans; and if one was put on the stand he might state what he knew, and another what he knew about the same transaction, and this might produce a conflict, which would result in disaster to us.

Some of the brethren took exception to this; they preferred all knowing it, for all would be responsible.

Bro. Lorenzo Snow made similar remarks to mine. He suggested that it would be better for the Twelve to go off on missions, and hinted that we ought to have a First Presidency.

In connection with this subject Bro. John H. Smith made some remarks and said that he was averse to this knowledge of our affairs being confined to one or two individuals, and when trouble arose for them to fall back on the Quorum to come to the rescue. In this connection he alluded to Bro. James Jack and one other individual, intimating that this trouble had come upon us and they were the only two who knew anything about it. I inferred, of course, that he referred to me, and I asked him if his remarks had reference to me. I told him that his statement was not true; that Bros. Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards and H.J. Grant were present and knew all about the transaction and the sale of the stock. He disputed my statements. I told him that what I said was correct, and I appealed to Bro. Snow and Richards to confirm what I said, which they did very emphatically, Bro. Snow especially speaking out in response to my question with great promptness. Brother Smith manifested considerable feeling on this subject, and I was deeply wounded at the remarks. I afterwards told the brethren that I had felt exceedingly hurt by the remarks which had been made, and said that I was not to blame for anything of this kind; that I had all the time advocated a different policy to that which had been pursued in regard to our property; but I had obeyed the counsel of President Taylor and carried it out strictly, even though it was contrary in some instances to my own judgment. After we adjourned, Brother Smith and myself had conversation, and I told him that in saying his statement was untrue I did not mean to say that it was a lie; for I did not believe that he had told anything intentionally that was not true; but he was not acquainted with the transaction and was mistaken in making the statement. He said, though greatly aroused at my statement that what he said was untrue, he could distinguish the difference between that and stating that he had told a lie. I regretted exceedingly this episode; for it is most painful to me to have a spirit of this kind in our Council. I remarked to Bro. Lyman and him afterwards that I had been nearly 30 years connected with the Quorum of the Twelve and during that entire time I had never had a shadow of feeling between myself and any other member of the Quorum that I knew of, only since the death of President Taylor, and I mourned exceedingly that such should be the case.

25 February 1888 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 25/88.

I slept but little last night, for my feelings were deeply wounded. This morning I had another interview with Bro. John Henry Smith, and I read to him from my private memorandum book some statements concerning my conversation with President Taylor, which I had not put in my daily journal, but had reserved for my own private use and information. These extracts had a great effect upon him, and he expressed the pleasure that he had in hearing them; for it gave him a better idea of my course than anything he had heard. These entries of mine were never designed for anyone’s information but my own. They are entirely private, and I did not expect that any human eye would see them but my own. But they stated the case so fully that I felt it due to myself, under the circumstances, that my true position should be known. I therefore read them as a matter of self-defense.

Brother Smith’s feelings were much softened and he manifested a very kind, considerate spirit.

Had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. this morning, but it was not very long. We could not very well attend to business in the absence of the Secretary, T. E. Taylor. We had a most satisfactory interview this afternoon with “Maud” and “Dellie” and went over the whole ground with them, and were greatly pleased at the information which they gave us concerning our affairs and the prospects for State Government.

President Woodruff, Bro. F. D. Richards and myself had an interview with Bro. [name redacted], President of [location redacted] Stake, concerning the case of [name redacted], Bishop of [location redacted] Ward – a most wretched and miserable case – one of the worst I have heard of for a long time. He has had a trial before the High Council, on the charge of adultery, which was not sustained; but a number of things have come to light, on his own confession, which gives his conduct a very bad appearance.

Bro. C. C. Richards called on me in regard to statistics which he had been requested by his brother, Franklin S., to prepare and send to him upon the subject of the wealth of the Territory. President Woodruff requested me to look through some accounts, which occupied several hours. While engaged in this, Brother Brigham Young came in, having just arrived from San Juan Stake. I was exceedingly glad to see him and enjoying good health.

Bro. Wilcken carried me afterwards to my wife Carlie’s. This has been a day of great labor. I have been very busy all day, had scarcly time to eat; am glad to have a chance to rest.

26 February 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 26/88.

I spent the day quietly at my wife’s to-day. I revised several chapters of my History of Joseph.

27 February 1888 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 27/88.

Brother Wilcken called for me at 6 o’clock this morning and I walked with him to the office.

The Council met this morning; there were present: President Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, and Bp. W. B. Preston.

I reported to the Council the conversation I had had with Bro. Elias A. Smith, President of the Legislative Council, and W. W. Riter, Speaker of the House, concerning the course to be taken about the Auditor and Treasurer. They felt that Gov. West was disposed to concede to us the right to name one of these officers, and perhaps one or two other Territorial officers, if he have the privilege of nominating them. He would also, they thought, concede the right of the Legislature to appoint the Board of Regents, and Directors of the Insane Asylum, Reform School, and other institutions of that kind. Nothing was decided upon by the Council in regard to this matter.

I took this opportunity of reading to the Council the extracts from my private memorandum book that I had read to Bro. John H. Smith, concerning my position in regard to the property and my conversations with President Taylor respecting these matters. Some of the brethren afterwards expressed the satisfaction they had with these explanations; for they threw a new light upon the subject; and Brother F. D. Richards thought, in justice to myself, that I ought to furnish him a transcript, that they might be put in the record.

The Council adjourned until Tuesday morning, 10 o’clock. We had a meeting of the Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co. at one o’clock.

After this, we had another interview with “Maude” and “Dollie”, and they reported to us their success with officials here, which was very satisfactory to us.

President Woodruff wished to visit the cemetery this evening to select some burial lots and desired me to accompany him. It was moonlight and we had a very pleasant ride, which I enjoyed very much after the confinement in the office. Bro. S. Bateman drove us up and Bro. Wilcken accompanied us in his buggy. I visited the grave of my wife – a mournful privilege, which I appreciated, as I had not been there for nearly four years. Bro. Joseph E. Taylor, the Sexton, was with us and pointed out the places that were vacant, which President Woodruff could secure.

To-day I dictated a long letter to Bro. F. S. Richards, for President Woodruff and myself to sign.

28 February 1888 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 28/88.

Council met. Prayer by Bro. F. M. Lyman. $1000.00/ was appropriated to satisfy the claim of S. H. B. Smith and his daughter Florence against us because of some milk transactions with the General Tithing Office.

The epitaph of the Pisgah monument was considered and decided upon.

Considerable conversation was had respecting the Governor’s right to appoint officers, and it was decided to inform the brethren of the Legislature Council of our feelings concerning this; that we should not yield this point at present.

$1500.00/ was appropriated to assist the Cedar Ward meeting-house.

It was decided that Bro. James H. Hart should have the privilege of going to New York to settle up his agency business there.

$300.00/ was appropriated to aid the Mexican Mission, to cover the quarter’s expenses.

Bro. Lor. Snow reported the organization of the Malad Stake of Zion, by the appointment of O. C. Hoskins as President, and Bros. Abraham Zundel and Wm H. Gibbs as Counselors.

Bro. F. D. Richards brought up the matter of the twenty thousand dollars which the three executors of President Young’s Estate – myself, B. Young and Albert Carrington – had paid towards the settlement of the law suit. Considerable conversation followed, explanations being given by him concerning it; and Bro. Richards stated his anxiety to have that indemnifying bond which had been given to us, taken up. He said that some of our heirs might yet, if that were left in existence, give trouble, and he was in favor of it being settled while those who were familiar with the transaction were living. I told the brethren that I did not wish any action on that subject now. Bro. Moses Thatcher was absent, and I would like all the documents to be before them, that the whole matter might be thoroughly investigated, and that nothing should be done without a full understanding of the case. I would rather never have the matter mentioned than it should be done in a way that would not be entirely satisfactory. Bro. Richards was appointed to gather up the information necessary. Several other matters came up before the Council that were not particularly important; and it was thought best for the present City Council to appropriate a portion of the Arsenal Hill as ground upon which to erect a State House.

I was kept very busy after the Council adjourned in going through the public correspondence and dictating answers to letters, and also my journal, to Bro. Winter. Brother Wilcken took me down home in his buggy and stayed all night at my house.

29 February 1888 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 29/88.

I wrote “Topics of the Times” for the Juvenile Instructor this morning. Bro. Wilcken returned to town early and brought down the mail, and also a young man named Arnold Schultess, whom I engaged as gardener. I had some conversation with him concerning the character of the labor I wished him to perform; told him I was not in a position to look after things myself and would have to depend upon a man who would keep himself at work. He comes highly recommended by Bro. Wilcken, and his father, who is the gardener at the City Park, bears a high reputation for skill and industry. He is to occupy a house belonging to me and to have the use of a cow, and will receive $3500/ a month wages.

Brother Wilcken came and stayed again with me all night.

To-day has been a very unpleasant day, snow and sleet falling, and a cold wind from the north. I addressed a letter to Sister E. B. Wells, congratulating her on her birthday. I instructed my son David to have John Q. and Abraham select a birthday present for her and send it to her. On several of my birthdays she has sent me presents, which, though not very costly, were evidences of her kind feeling; and I felt glad to reciprocate to-day.

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February 1888, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1888/02-1888