March 1894

1 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, March 1, 1894 At 9:30 this morning the First Presidency had a meeting with the members of the Legislature who belong to the Church to take into consideration the question of how much the Legislature were likely to appropriate to sustain the University of Utah. The report had reached us that it was intended by a number to have this cut down to a very small amount, and we desired, as the First Presidency, to know if possible what was contemplated in regard to this, because we did not wish Brother Talmage to be placed as the President of that institution if the intention were to have it die out. The meeting continued for nearly three hours. A great deal was said pro and con, and while no decision was reached the results without doubt will be good, as it resulted in a free interchange of opinion concerning the questions that were now pending regarding finance. The difficulty appears to be that there is not enough funds to satisfy the wants and demands that are made upon the Legislature without increasing taxation or issuing bonds, and the general feeling among the members is in opposition to both these processes.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency met with Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon, and after attending to some business, Brother Grant offered prayer and my son Abraham was mouth in the circle.

2 March 1894 • Friday

Friday, March 2, 1894 My daughter Mary Alice, the wife of Lewis M. Cannon, was safely delivered this morning of a little girl. The baby is healthy and Mary Alice is quite lively.

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency went to the art gallery of Brother C. R. Savage and sat for their portraits in a group. They desired to do this yesterday, it being President Woodruff’s birthday, but we did not have the time to spare.

After this I attended a brief meeting of the B.B.&C. Co.

At 12 o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon met at the office and we had a lengthy talk over the prospective railroad. I read the letters that I had received from G. A. Purbeck & Co. concerning this. The great difficulty with us was how to raise the money to start the railroad. We adjourned till 10 o’clock on Monday next.

The First Presidency listened to some communications read by Brother Gibbs.

3 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, March 3, 1894 I received a note this morning that President Woodruff was not well enough to come out and wished myself and President Smith to attend to business.

At 10 o’clock I went to the conference of the Salt Lake Stake in the Assembly Hall, and at 2 o’clock also. The reports which were made by the Bishops and other officers were exceedingly interesting and gave an excellent idea of the good condition of the different wards and organizations. President Lorenzo Snow spoke about half an hour in the afternoon.

I intended to have returned to the city this evening to attend meeting at the Assembly Hall; but I had caught a severe cold and decided that I had better, in view of the fact that I start early in the morning for Provo, remain at home.

4 March 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, March 4, 1894 My son Willard took me to the R.G.W. train his morning, where I found Elders Geo. Reynolds, Geo. Goddard and John M. Whitaker. We left at 8:05 for Provo. When we arrived we were taken to the Brigham Young Academy, and I spent an exceedingly interesting time in visiting the various classes and examining the method of teaching in the Sunday school there, and also the training given to the normals to qualify them as teachers. I was greatly impressed with the value of the instructions given, and I see no reason why we should not have a most excellent corps of teachers now throughout the Territory. Brother Goddard and myself spoke to the different classes, and then the whole school assembled in the upper hall and we made addresses to them. A most excellent lunch was provided for us at half past one by Sisters Keeler and Hardy. From there I drove to President Smoot’s and saw him. He is better than he has been, though he is still very feeble. I reached the meeting house after the services had commenced. Brother Geo. Reynolds was speaking. When he finished, Brother Goddard spoke for a few minutes, and I occupied the rest of the time—about one hour. From there we were taken to the train and reached the City at 5:45, where I was met by my son Willard with my buggy. There was quite a fall of snow at Provo while we were there. Snow has fallen also in this valley, though not so deep. Last night was a very windy night—one of the coldest this winter.

5 March 1894 • Monday

Monday, March 5, 1894. There was a meeting of the B.B.&C. Co stockholders this morning at 10 o’clock. The meeting was adjourned until 2 on Thursday.

Brothers Thatcher and Preston came in to see us about Mexican Colonization business, in response to a letter which we had written to Brother Thatcher concerning the defects that Brother Nuttall had found in Mexico, the company having no recognized legal standing there.

We had a call from Brother Thos. E. Ricks of the Bannock Stake.

6 March 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 6, 1894 A very windy night. It was quite cold and disagreeable this morning.

The First Presidency met this morning with Brothers L. Snow, F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon to consider the subject of the building of the railroad. We had not proceeded very long in the consideration of this business when President Woodruff called me aside and took me in the back room, and said to me that in his present condition, sick as he was and with his mind affected by his sickness, his memory failed him and he felt as though it was too much for him to have this labor upon him. He said he could go so far, but beyond that it was not wise to proceed at his advanced years, and in this matter he was confused and did not feel as though he ought to take upon him any more connected with it. He wished me to get the brethren together and talk the matter over, and whatever we decided would be right with him. President Woodruff has been quite under the weather since last Friday night, and I have seen that he is not himself exactly. He really does too much work for one of his years. He attends to his own private correspondence and to his journal with the greatest regularity, and will not call upon anybody to do this for him, and I think he over-taxes himself in this way. I afterwards explained to President Smith and the brethren of the Twelve what President Woodruff had said to me. Before making any explanation, however, I made a motion that the Council be adjourned subject to call.

At 3 o’clock there was a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. I remained there nearly an hour, and then excused myself to attend a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co.

7 March 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 7, 1894 Brother Thomas E. Ricks, Prest. of the Bannock Stake, was desirous to make an arrangement for me to visit the Stake Conference two weeks from now. I promised him I would do so yesterday, and today he wanted to know if I would have any companions, and Brother Jos. F. Smith agreed to go with me. He described his situation to us. He is in danger of being ruined through debts that he cannot meet, and he appealed very strongly to us to aid him in saving his property. His pressing indebtedness amounts to about $1500. It seemed very difficult to do anything in this direction, but he was instructed to see the Presiding Bishops and learn from them what property there was in his Stake belonging to the Church that might be disposed of for money. A list was obtained, but the Presiding Bishop did not seem to favor the idea, as Brother Ricks seemed to be, in his opinion, always in debt.

At the meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve this morning President Woodruff desired to be present. I had arranged for a meeting to be held in the Temple. so that he might be freed from agitation on the subject, and then we could report to him; but when he came up he expressed a desire to meet with us, so I had the brethren telephoned for and they came to the office, as it was more convenient for President Woodruff than going to the Temple. I again read the letters of G. A. Purbeck & Co., and we talked freely about the business. My son Abraham yesterday had said that he was prepared to move that we should go ahead with the work, but did not say anything more today on the subject, as he had already expressed himself. Brothers Snow and Richards both spoke. Brother Grant also spoke, but said he could not see the way for this to be done. He did not seem to have any faith in the result, although he was naturally of a hopeful nature. He said it all appeared dark to him, although he had prayed the light of the Spirit upon the subject. He said, however, that whatever President Woodruff decided on the matter would be right with him. He cited the establishment of the sugar works as an illustration of how the Lord would sustain whatever the First Presidency decided to do, and he was determined to sustain their decision and action. He bore testimony that the Lord had been with the First Presidency in all their movements thus far. President Jos. F. Smith also spoke favorably about the work, but did not seem to know what should be done about it in the absence of funds. This seemed to be the case with all of us. After they had all spoken the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me, and I said to the brethren that I could promise them, as sure as the Lord lived, that if we would go ahead with this unitedly we should be prospered and succeed. I felt the Spirit very strongly upon me, and they all seemed to feel it. President Woodruff expressed his pleasure at hearing this, and said that he certainly was in favor of it. President Smith then moved that we go ahead with the work, which was carried unanimously. I trembled very much afterwards in thinking about it; but my only comfort is that I have faith that the Lord will sustain us in our efforts to carry this work through.

We held a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. at 1 o’clock.

Brother James T. Woods called upon me in relation to having adoptions. He desired to have his mother sealed to me as a wife. She died in England. She had been a member of the Church 35 years, but his father had left the Church.

8 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, March 8, 1894. The First Presidency attended the funeral services, at the 14th Ward Hall, of Sister Foss, whose maiden name was Carter. She was a sister of President Woodruff’s first wife, and was born in the year 1800, which makes her nearly 94 years of age. She has left 42 living grandchildren and 82 great grandchildren. She has been a woman of estimable character. There was a good congregation, and it was addressed by President Woodruff, President Jos. F. Smith, Brothers F. D. Richards and John W. Hess.

From there I went to the meeting of the B.B.&C. Co, which convened at 2 o’clock. There was not such an array of lawyers on this occasion as was present on Monday last, and affairs passed along quite smoothly. There were upwards of 95,000 shares represented, and upwards of 93,000 were cast for the ticket elected, which was as follows: Philo T. Farnsworth, President and Director; John Beck, Vice President and Director; Chas. S. Burton, Treasurer and Director; Geo. Q. Cannon, Simon Bamberger, Hyrum S. Young and J. A. Cunningham, directors; Walter J. Beatie, Secretary. This makes a board of seven members. I had been solicited to act as President; but I preferred not to do so, as I think Brother Farnsworth is in a better position to control the property and to see that it is properly managed than I would be. Besides, I did not wish to be it to appear in the changed conditions that I had any aspirations to succeed the ex-President. Brother Thatcher presided at the meeting.

From that meeting I proceeded to the Temple, but was not in time to dress with the brethren. There were present, besides the First Presidency, Brothers L. Snow, F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon.

After returning from the Temple, we found Brother Budge here, who had something to say about political matters, but we postponed consideration until tomorrow.

I had two tickets tendered me by Brother C. S. Burton for the theatre, the performance being “Damon and Pythias”. As my wife Carlie happened to be in town, I invited her to accompany me. We went to her sister’s and got dinner, so as to save the necessity of driving home and back again. We enjoyed the performance very much. Mr. Ward took the character of Pythias and Mr. James that of Damon. It is not often, I suppose, that two “stars” play this.

9 March 1894 • Friday

Friday, March 9, 1894 Brothers Budge and Ricks came in this morning to see the First Presidency in regard to political matters, and we had considerable talk on the subject; and afterwards there was conversation concerning Brother Ricks’ financial situation.

At 11 o’clock I attended a meeting of the B.B.&C. Co. The board was organized. Philo T. Farnsworth was empowered to act in an executive capacity in all matters pertaining to the mine and have everything under his direction. John Beck was appointed Manager, with a salary of $300 a month, $100 less than the former Manager had. It was moved also that instead of the directors receiving a salary they should receive $5 for each meeting which they attend. Walter J. Beatie’s salary was fixed at $2000 a year. It is a wonderful change which has been effected within a few weeks in relation to this property. Brother Farnsworth has pursued a very prudent, determined and successful course. He has shown admirable qualities in achieving the results that have been brought about, and has done so at some personal sacrifice and risk. He came up to the office this morning, and I said to Presidents Woodruff and Smith that I wished to say to them that Brother Farnsworth had carried out the mission that had been assigned him by President Woodruff in looking after my interests in the Bullion-Beck property. He had worked faithfully and had taken a good deal of responsibility on himself and relieved me from many unpleasant things connected with it, and through his management the property was now under control of those who hold the largest interest in it and would no doubt be managed in such a manner as to give greater satisfaction than it had done. President Woodruff blessed Brother Farnsworth for what he had done and expressed the pleasure that he had had in learning of the results that he had brought about. I feel very thankful to the Lord myself for what has been achieved, and I hope that everything will go along smoothly now, and that we shall have safeguards around the management that will prevent the undue exercise of power which I have felt was the case in the hands of the late Manager.

We had a tremendous wind and snow storm this evening.

My little granddaughter, Mary Alice’s daughter, was blessed this evening by her father, myself and my brother Angus, I being mouth. The name given to her is Elizabeth Hoagland Cannon. She is named after my wife. My brother Angus and his wife and daughter Mary and my wife Emily were down and took dinner with us.

10 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, March 10, 1894 Brother C. H. Wilcken and myself went to the Hot Springs, and I spent the remainder of the day at the office attending to various matters of business.

11 March 1894 • Sunday

Sunday, March 11, 1894. At 1:30 I came up to the office and had an interview with Brother Barnett, of Richmond.

At 2 o’clock attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Presidents Woodruff and Snow were also present. Both expressed a desire to have me speak. I read from the Book of Mormon concerning secret combinations, and spoke for about an hour, enjoying excellent freedom.

My son Abraham and his wife Mamie spent the evening with us at my wife Carlie’s.

12 March 1894 • Monday

Monday, March 12, 1894 This is my son Abraham’s birthday—35 years old. President Smith was not in the office, being in the north. President Woodruff was there, and he and I attended to considerable business. Among other things we called for the members of the City Council who belong to the Church to meet us at 1 o’clock with Brothers Clayton, Jack, H. B. Clawson and C. W. Hardy, to converse upon the best method of obtaining a franchise from the City Council for our proposed railroad. Only Brothers Le Grand Young and Spencer Clawson came, and we had a very interesting interview that lasted nearly two hours. I was much gratified with the result. Brother Le Grand Young is thoroughly familiar with the condition of what is called the John W. Young railroad and also of the Union Pacific system, he having been its attorney for a number of years. We obtained much information from him, and among other things learned that it might be possible for us to secure the franchises which the John W. Young road held, as he thought they would soon be sold.

Dictated my journal.

13 March 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 13, 1894 Brother Darius Race, who was baptized by Warren A. Cowdery in 1834, and who has been living in Michigan, called upon us. He has had his endowments since coming here. He is a very aged man, and I thought it quite a sight to see two such men as he and President Woodruff—the former 89 years old and the latter 87—sitting together. Like President Woodruff, he has been a hardworking man, and they are much alike in figure. He is suffering some from deafness, but his mind is very bright. We ordained him a High Priest and a Patriarch, I being mouth.

14 March 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 14, 1894 The First Presidency listened to correspondence this morning, and afterwards had conversation with Brothers Jesse W. Fox, Jr., and Abraham H. Cannon concerning a coal mine at Upton.

A letter was received from Professor J. T. Kingsbury, requesting our views as to the former letter which we had written. He wished to know whether our propositions there made would be still maintained, or were we inclined to change because of the action of the Legislature in not appropriating a sufficiently large amount to sustain the University properly. It was decided to stand by our former views, but that before proceeding further in the matter we should have a consultation with the Chancellor and Prof. Kingsbury. A letter was written to the latter to this effect. We decided to do all in our power to sustain the University of Utah, as it would be a great pity to see such an old and valued institution go down now. I have felt that perhaps it might yet come into our hands again.

15 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, March 15, 1894 The First Presidency listened to correspondence again this morning.

At 11 o’clock there was a meeting of the directors of Z.C.M.I[.] A 4% dividend was declared. Afterwards a meeting of the Sugar Co.

At 2 o’clock we went to the Temple. There were present, besides the First Presidency, Brothers L. Snow, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon. The question of adoption came up, and it was decided to have a full examination of this subject during Conference time, when the Presidents of the Temples and the brethren of the Twelve would be present. There were some parties that wished to be adopted to me today, and I sent word to them that I wished the ordinance deferred until some questions which had arisen should be decided. I have felt for years a dread of the manner in which adoptions were practiced in Nauvoo and the results which followed after leaving Nauvoo. Although I was quite young I saw that it led to a species of clannishness, and the idea was fully expressed by Amasa Lyman in a remark which he made to his cousin, Geo. A. Smith, when he said, “If it comes to the game of kingdoms, I can play at that with anybody”, and he had a large following of people who were supposed to belong to his family. When the settlement of San Bernardino was decided upon, he led off a large number of people contrary to the feelings of President Young and his counselors. Since the ordinance of adoption has been permitted in the Temples the disposition is manifested on the part of those who are officiating as recorders in some of the Temples to have people adopted into their families, and I have feared myself the growth of a disposition to form clans, each man having his own following and being looked up to by that following for counsel and direction. President Lorenzo Snow came in a week or two ago to ask about the course to be pursued in relation to his own family and his immediate ancestors. I took the liberty of making some remarks to President Woodruff and him on the subject. I said, why not have his father and his brothers sealed to his grandfather, whom President Snow said was a good man and lived up to the knowledge that he had, and then have his grandfather and his brothers and sisters sealed to their parents, and so on back as far as possible, and then have the last one that they could reach whose name they knew adopted to the Prophet Joseph, and thus make the connecting link with the head of the dispensation. The suggestion struck President Snow very favorably. Afterwards President Jos. F. Smith came in and it was repeated to him, and he said that was his mind and he had felt it for a long time. President Woodruff appeared to be pleased with it, but still did not endorse it in a manner to have it put into practice. I desire exceedingly that the Lord shall manifest His will upon this point. The fact is, there has not been much known about this doctrine of adoption, and we have gone along performing the ordinance as best we could. There has not been much adoption, and none whatever in relation to the dead, unless they were members of the Church. It is our privilege to know concerning these things, and I trust the Lord will be kind to us and give us knowledge that will be satisfactory.

16 March 1894 • Friday

Friday, March 16, 1894 The First Presidency listened to the reading of letters this morning by Brother Reynolds. Among them was a letter from Brothers J. Z. Stewart and J. Golden Kimball and Elias Kimball concerning moneys that they had advanced on the solicitation of Brother John W. Taylor in connection with Canada investments. They are now in danger of losing all in the company that was then formed, unless they can take steps in the court to preserve their rights, as the company will soon be defunct. President Woodruff decided, in which President Smith and myself agreed, that these brethren should be at liberty to take the necessary legal steps to protect themselves from loss.

Brother Albert Merrill called to see me about having a small yacht at the Saltair Beach during the summer months for visitors. He thought it would be a paying investment, and if there could be two there and a yacht race occasionally, it would make the place interesting and popular.

We had quite a lengthy conversation with Brother T. R. Cutler about the Sugar Co’s condition and the loan that they proposed to obtain if the Trustee-in-Trust and the First Presidency would endorse their paper.

After this we had an interview with Chancellor Harkness, of the Deseret University, and Professor J. T. Kingsbury, the acting President. We set forth our views to them concerning that institution and our willingness to give it our moral support. We did not have any means at hand to render it financial assistance, but desired it to be kept up.

Brother Benjamin Cluff, Principal of the B.Y.Academy at Provo, called upon us and we had a conversation with him concerning his visit East and the visits he had made to educational institutions there. He has received the degree of Master of Arts from Harvard University.

Dr. Talmage came in and read his lecture today.

17 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, March 17, 1894 The rain of yesterday turned into snow during the night, and the country wore a wintry aspect this morning.

Brother Wilcken and myself went to the Hot Springs for a bath. I spent the remainder of the day in the office, busy with various matters. President Smith was there part of the time, but left for the north in the afternoon.

26 March 1894 • Monday

Monday, March 26, 1894 The last entry in my journal was on Saturday, March 17. During that night I was attacked with vertigo, and I have felt the effect of it ever since, though I am greatly improved. For four days I was not able to leave my bed, and up till today I have not attempted to do anything like work, though I attended the council of the First Presidency and Twelve on Thursday last and shared in the business of the meeting. I also, on Saturday evening, attended a party at Brother John McDonald’s. My reason for doing so was the anxiety of Brother & Sister McDonald to have me present, and they were so exceedingly kind to us when we were on the “underground” at their house that I felt that I ought to put myself to some inconvenience to gratify them. I think this is the longest confinement to my room that I have had since the days of Nauvoo. I am led to believe that the cause of this attack is due to my drinking what is known as Idanha water. When I returned from the East I ordered a case of this water and I have drunk it steadily, it being my only beverage, until I had this attack. My son Frank told me he thought it would be good for an inward fever, which I was then troubled with. It has had a good effect in that respect; but I learned from one and another that other persons had been affected similarly to myself through drinking this water, notably Brother Brigham Young, who lost all power to control himself or to walk through it. I have read a book called “My Water Cure”, written by a Bavarian priest who has been performing wonderful cures through the application of cold water. I have thought the system so good that I have been practicing some of the suggestions he makes in relation to the application of cold water. Up to within a recent period I have been a great believer in cold water as a means of hardening the system and making it capable of resisting disease; but for some years past, owing to my life in Washington, I have fallen out of the habit of using cold water. There are two points that I have learned from this man’s book concerning the use of cold water which I feel to be of benefit: one is, not to remain in the water too long. He makes local application of water through pouring it on different parts of the body, and not having the body immersed all at once. This is for the cure of ailments. He recognizes though the use of water for the whole person when people are healthy. Another point is, that after having cold water applied according to his methods, to take active exercise for at least fifteen minutes. I have adopted these suggestions and have realized considerable benefit from them.

I came up to the office today about half past twelve. Found Presidents Woodruff and Smith there. I was greatly surprised and pleased to find Elders Brigham Young and George Teasdale at the office, they having just arrived from Mexico. We were not expecting them till the last of the month. They are enjoying excellent health.

We had an interview with Dr. Talmage concerning the proposed tender of the Church University building and apparatus to the University of Utah, and it was decided that we would pay the salary of Dr. Talmage, and that I, as President of the Literary & Scientific Association, should tender the building that we had erected, with the apparatus, to the Chancellor of the University of Utah for two years, Dr. Talmage to remain in charge of the building and its contents, so that they would be preserved. An appointment was made for Chancellor Harkness and myself to meet tomorrow at 12 o’clock. In making this arrangement it is tacitly understood by us at the present time that Dr. Talmage is to be elected President of the University of Utah.

I had a call from Hon. John M. Francis, ex-Minister to Greece, and his daughter, Mrs. Havermeyer. Mr. Francis’ relations with myself have been of the most pleasant character. We have known each other for a good many years, and upon his arrival at Ogden he telegraphed me that he would be down on Saturday morning. I did not receive it till late in the day. I wrote to my son John Q. to do all he could to make Mr. Francis’ stay pleasant. We had a very interesting interview with him, in which he repeatedly expressed the pleasure he had at seeing me again, and also the interest he took in our affairs. When Geo. A. Smith and party visited Athens, Mr. Francis entertained them at the Legation.

We had a visit from Brother B. Cluff, Jr., and talked over the affairs of the B.Y.Academy, Provo.

27 March 1894 • Tuesday

Tuesday, March 27, 1894 I went to the office about 10 o’clock this morning.

I had an interview with Le Grande Young upon the subject of the Utah Central R.R.

I afterwards saw Chancellor Harkness of the University of Utah and made the tender to him of the building, and also that we would pay the salary of a professor for two years. He expressed great pleasure at the tender.

28 March 1894 • Wednesday

Wednesday, March 28, 1894 Went to the office about 9:30.

Dictated some correspondence and my journal to Brother Winter, who also read to me a discourse for publication concerning secret combinations, which I delivered three weeks ago.

Bishop Clawson read to the presidency correspondence that he had received from Col. Trumbo, and also brought to our attention the condition of the affairs of the Keeley Institute.

29 March 1894 • Thursday

Thursday, March 29, 1894 The First Presidency had an interview with B. Cluff, Jr., in relation to the normal branch of the B.Y[.]Academy, and obtained from him estimates as to the cost. We are very much in favor of doing all in our power to foster normal schools and to make this at Provo equal to anything in the land. The importation of teachers from abroad is likely to work injury to our schools and to our children, and we think efforts should be made to train teachers of our own who will compare with any in the country. We see no reason why this cannot be done. We hear of non-Mormon teachers smoking cigarettes and swearing in the presence of their children—doing things of this character that are contrary to our principles and to all our teachings, and if possible we want to prevent the necessity of employing such persons.

A case was appealed to the First Presidency by John Wilkinson, counselor to Bishop McMullin of Leeds, St. George Stake. He had been tried by the Bishop, and afterwards by the High Council and in both cases they had decided against him. We sustained the decision of the High Council in this case. He has been teaching the doctrine of reincarnation and other follies, and adheres to this, despite all that the brethren have said to him. We wrote to him that we could not fellowship anyone who taught that doctrine, and that we would sustain the decision of the High Council.

We had a long conversation today with Dr. Talmage upon the Subject of his going into the University of Utah. The proposition now is for him to take the chair of geology and mineralogy. If he should do this, it makes an entire change in his career, as he has devoted himself to chemistry, and whatever success and fame he has had has been in that line. He will change if we say so, but it would be quite a sacrifice. At the same time, he says, it would be incompatible with the teaching of chemistry for him to be President of the Faculty. Besides, Joseph Kingsbury, the present acting President, is a teacher of chemistry, and they do not need two. We had considerable conversation upon the subject, and I favored myself the idea of one of our brethren teaching geology, as I think there is no branch of science where greater care has to be used to prevent infidel ideas taking possession of the student than this. All the popular text books on this science are unfavorable to the Biblical account of creation, and Brother Talmage, I think, would be a man well suited to teach this science.

The First Presidency and Twelve met as usual at 2 o’clock in the Temple. There were present, besides the First Presidency, President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon. The question came up as to what shall be done in regard to the interest of Cannon, Grant & Co. in the Herald property. They own 49/100 of the stock. An assessment of $40,000 will be made as fast as the law will permit. $20,000 has already been made, and Cannon, Grant &Co. have not met their proportion of it. The feelings that they have is that they would let the whole thing go rather than pay this, unless the Church wish to do something to assist. We had quite a lengthy conversation on this subject, and while we do not feel that the Church can do much under present circumstances, the prevailing feeling was that it was of too important a character to allow this stock to go out of the hands of the brethren. I gave my views very plainly on this subject, being asked to do so by President Woodruff. I am opposed in my feelings to allowing any newspaper to go from under our control, even if it only be a partial control. To allow the Herald to go out of our hands now would interfere very seriously with the division movement, and would inspire the Gentile Democrats with the feeling that we were not in earnest, and this feeling of distrust would also extend to the Republicans, and the results might be serious. These views prevailed with the Council, and Brother Grant was instructed to see what could be done in the matter.

30 March 1894 • Friday

Friday, March 30, 1894 Dr. Talmage had an interview with the First Presidency upon the subject spoken of yesterday. We came to the conclusion that we would endow a chair to geology, under the recent law that has been passed, if the Board of Regents of the University would accept our chemical apparatus, which is exceedingly fine, as a part payment of the sum necessary, the rest to be paid at our convenience, and Brother Talmage was instructed to consult with Chancellor Harkness upon the subject.

I left the office early in the afternoon, as I expected to go to visit the Bannock Stake with President Smith. Before I left the office I had a visit from ex-Congressman Lewis B. Gunckel, of Ohio, and had a brief though interesting conversation with him.

I took my wife Carlie with me north, and Mr. Gunckel happened to be in a private car with his friends, and learning I was on board he came and sat with me until we reached Ogden.

We were detained at Pocatello for several hours, and on leaving Pocatello the conductor on the train was my nephew by marriage, Joseph A. West, a grandson of Bishop Hoagland’s. I had not seen him for a number of years. I was pleased with his appearance.

31 March 1894 • Saturday

Saturday, March 31, 1894 We reached Market Lake at a little after 10 this morning. Found Bishops Richard Jardine and Thos. E. Ricks, Jr., awaiting us with vehicles. We were driven to Lewisville, where the meeting was held. I have not seen so many wagons collected together since the days of our camping out as there were around the meeting house. It was estimated that there were over 200 wagons. The people had turned out in great numbers and the meeting house was entirely too small for the congregation. One of the Elders was speaking when we went in. I called upon Brother Jos. F. Smith to speak, which he did.

Myself and wife put up at Bishop Jardine’s. He introduced his wife to us, and I was prompted to ask him who his wife was after she had gone out of the room, and it proved that she was my wife Carlie’s niece, a daughter of President Young’s eldest daughter, Elizabeth. They did not know each other, but it made it very pleasant. She seems like a very fine woman. She is a daughter of the late Edmund Ellsworth, and has eleven living children.

In the afternoon I occupied the time, speaking about an hour. A great many people had to stand, and I favored not having too long meetings. In the evening we had a priesthood meeting. I proposed to divide the time between President Smith and myself; but he got warmed up and occupied a full hour, and I deemed it advisable not to detain the people any longer.

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March 1894, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025