November 1900

1 November 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, November 1, 1900

Meeting at the Temple at 11 o’clock, at which the First Presidency and seven of the Twelve were present. President Snow wished me to take charge of the circle.

After this meeting I was very busily engaged with my son John Q. in preparing the Church History.

At 3 p.m. met with the Sunday School Union Board.

2 November 1900 • Friday

Friday, November 2, 1900

Busy most of the day with the History. I am very desirous to have the work pushed ahead, so that we shall have copy on hand for the printers to proceed with without delay.

Attended stockholders meeting of the Deseret & Salt Lake Agricultural and Manufacturing Company.

I had an interview with Colonel Trumbo and one with Le Grand Young. Col. Trumbo gave me a warm invitation to visit his place at Yuma, where is has some very valuable gold property. He dwelt very much on the advantages of the climate.

3 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, November 3, 1900

First Presidency at the office to-day.

There was an organ recital at the Tabernacle at 11 o’clock, which I attended, and it was very fine.

Busy the rest of the day with John Q. on Church History.

President Snow received dispatches to-day from Governor Steunenberg, Judge Joseph C. Rich and Mr. Pugmire, Chairman of the Democratic Committee, all of Idaho, stating that Brother William Budge, at a meeting of some of the Priesthood held at Paris, Bear Lake Co., yesterday, had conveyed the idea to those assembled that the Church, or rather that “the brethren” were anxious that the McKinley ticket should be elected, and wishing the Democrats present to vote in that way. He himself is a candidate for the State Senate on the Republican ticket. Brother James E. Hart, who was present at this meeting, came down and had an interview with us on the subject. He related to us what occurred, which was in exact conformity with the dispatches received. He said how repugnant it was to the Democrats present, and he had come down to represent matters. President Snow was very emphatic in his expressions that nothing of that kind was said with authority and was false. I also spoke condemnatory of it, because, I said, it would destroy the very thing that we were anxious to effect, that is, to have the two parties distinct, Democrats be Democrats and Republicans be Republicans, according to their convictions.

4 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, November 4, 1900

The First Presidency met at the office this morning to consider the Budge affair. Telephone messages passed between Brother Budge and our office, and we embodied Brother Budge’s denial in a dispatch which was sent to all of the persons who had sent messages to President Snow. It appeared evident, however, from all that we learned, that Brother Budge had allowed his zeal to carry him a little too far in this matter.

This business prevented us from going to the fast meeting at the Temple. In the afternoon I attended meeting in the Ward and partook of the sacrament.

5 November 1900 • Monday

Monday, November 5, 1900

When I arrived at the office this morning President Snow was not well and his little girl, he was afraid, had the scarlet fever.

It seems that Judge Powers and D. C. Dunbar had sent in a request to see him, and as soon as I entered the door he told me what they wanted and he said, I will let you have the interview with them, which I did. Their desire was to relate what we had learned through these dispatches of yesterday and to get some information from us as to the truth of these things. I have avoided talking upon politics thus far in this campaign, and would rather not had any conversation with them; but I stated to them very plainly our position; that we had taken no steps as a First Presidency to favor any candidate; we all had our individual preferences and no doubt had acted upon them, but no counsel had gone from us as a First Presidency in relation to these matters. We had abstained, I said, from taking any part in that way, and William Budge and everybody else who asserted that we wished any such thing done or who spoke in our name in favor of a party, did so without the least authority. The conversation was quite a lengthy one, and I talked very frankly to them. They went down street and had a bulletin issued at the Herald, stating what I had said in part and using for the advantage of their own party those words that would suit their purpose. It created some excitement among my Republican friends, for they thought it a Democratic trick, and that they ought not to have been told anything. Brother Joseph F. Smith was very much stirred up about it and manifested considerable feeling.

At 3 o’clock there was a special meeting held of the Sunday School Union Board to talk over the question of textbooks. I expressed myself very emphatically. I have perceived a disposition to introduce a great many works into the Sunday school as works of reference, to be used to an extent which I have thought improper. A resolution was adopted that we should hold the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price as the textbooks for our Sunday schools. Other works, of which there are several very good ones, may be used as books of reference; but for our textbooks, I said, we must take the inspired word of God.

6 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 6, 1900

President Snow and myself were at the office this morning.

A letter was received from Elders Lyman and Clawson, who are in Canada, reporting the progress which they are making in their labor there.

I was busy most of the day with John Q. on Church History. We had the assistance of Brother Nuttall in looking over the Doctrine and Covenants, comparing the revelations in the original with that.

7 November 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 7, 1900

The general election was held yesterday, and so far as the returns have come in they show that the Republicans have swept almost everything before them. President McKinley is re-elected, and Utah has gone Republican.

First Presidency at the office.

Engaged on the Church History.

Meeting of the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co. at one o’clock.

8 November 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, November 8, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

In order to have as correct a version of the History of the Church as possible, and especially revelations, I have adopted the plan of going to the oldest documents we have and comparing them with that which has been published. I find discrepancies occasionally. I intend to make what we now publish as correct as possible.

Before going to the Council meeting at the Temple this morning I brought two questions before Presidents Snow and Smith to be decided. The first question was, Shall I in preparing the History of the Church have the revelations appear as they are now published in the Doctrine and Covenants, that is, divided into verses, or shall they appear somewhat “solid” with occasional paragraphs, as they did originally? The next question was, Shall the history be divided into chapters with appropriate headings or shall it appear without chapters and more as a journal? On both these questions, after due consideration, we came to the decision that it would be well to have the revelations divided into verses as they now appear in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and that the History should be divided into suitable chapters with proper headings.

At 11 o’clock we went to the Temple. President Snow not feeling well, I had charge of the prayer circle.

At 3 o’clock I attended meeting of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board.

After the Council was dismissed this morning there was some conversation indulged in respecting the election of a Senator, and the brethren expressed their views as to the propriety of attempting to send an Apostle to the Senate of the United States. Brother Grant is quite strong in favor of sending Brother Reed Smoot, in which feeling he was joined by Brothers John Henry Smith and George Teasdale. Brother Lund felt that it would be inopportune at this time to send an Apostle. Brother Brigham Young said, while he favored Brother Smoot, his judgment did not approved of him going at this time. President Smith expressed himself as decidedly and emphatically opposed to sending an Apostle at this time; felt that it would be used against us if we did so. President Snow said it would be a questionable thing for us to attempt to elect an Apostle as Senator; he would like to have Brother Smoot, but doubted the propriety of sending him. I expressed the doubt whether we could elect him if we wished to. I said it was a very easy matter for us to elect a Senator in this room, but it was not so easy to get the legislature to elect him. After President Snow’s expression several of the brethren thought it would be better for Brother Smoot not to enter the race.

9 November 1900 • Friday

Friday, November 9, 1900

I went to Provo this morning to attend meeting of the Grand Central Mining Co. My wife’s uncle, Edward Partridge, President of the Utah Stake, is suffering from typhoid fever, and she accompanied me to Provo for the purpose of seeing him. We stopped at Brother Holbrook’s.

10 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, November 10, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

In the forenoon I was busy with the business of the Utah Light & Power Co.

At half past twelve I went to the cemetery to attend the dedicatory services over the monument erected in memory to President Wilford Woodruff. President Joseph F. Smith took charge of the proceedings, as the monument had been erected through contributions from the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Associations. Brothers Grant and Lund and President Smith and myself made remarks, and President Smith dedicated the monument by prayer. Bishop John R. Winder dismissed by prayer.

On returning to the office I was busily engaged with the Church History.

11 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, November 11, 1900

At ten oclock this morning the Sunday School Convention had its preliminary meeting in the theatre. Those present were superintendents and leading men of the Sunday schools. I presided. Excellent instructions were given according to a programme that had been made out.

In the afternoon a meeting was held in the Tabernacle, at which I presided, and instructions were given by President Joseph F. Smith, Brothers Brigham Young, George Teasdale and Heber J. Grant.

12 November 1900 • Monday

Monday, November 12, 1900

The First Presidency attended the Sunday School Convention this morning at the Assembly Hall, which opened at 9:30. I presided. Sessions were also held at 2 o’clock and 7 o’clock.

President Smith started this afternoon, in company with Elder Seymour B. Young, on a trip to visit the conferences in Mexico and Arizona.

13 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 13, 1900

President Snow did not feel well enough to be at our Convention this morning, which convened at half past nine. We held another session at 2 and another at 7 o’clock. President Snow attended the afternoon meeting and spoke for about 20 mins. on the subject of tithing.

This day’s proceedings closed the Convention. I have not given the particulars of the meetings, as they will be published in full; but the universal expression of feeling on the part of President Snow, President Smith and the different members of the Twelve who were at the meetings was that the Convention had been of the most satisfactory character. The Spirit of the Lord was abundantly poured out, and everyone present who expressed themselves were loud in their expressions of thankfulness to the Lord for His goodness and for the light and instruction that had been imparted. I felt exceedingly gratified myself at the manner in which the Convention passed off. As President of the Convention, I felt some responsibility connected therewith.

14 November 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 14, 1900

I attended a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Company this morning at half past ten.

Brother Henry P. Richards called this morning and laid before President Snow and myself the condition of the Iosepa Colony, where the Hawaiian Saints are gathered. Brother Harvey Cluff is the present Manager, but Brother Richards, who is the President of the Corporation, says that himself and other directors feel that Brother Cluff does not quite come up to expectations and is not the man at the present time to have charge of that colony. President Snow felt after hearing all that was said that there should be a suitable man looked up to take charge there and relieve Brother Cluff, who has been there several years.

Brother [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted], an attorney of Provo, had an interview with me on personal matters. He made confession to me of misconduct that had occurred some years ago, and which he felt had been a burden and a drawback to him for many years. He desired my counsel to know what course he should take to get back the good feeling that he once had. As there were some particulars known to Brother Joseph F. Smith, who is now absent in Mexico, I deferred giving him any special counsel until President Smith returned.

Brother Geo. H. Brimhall had a long conversation with me about affairs of the Provo Academy.

15 November 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, November 15, 1900

I attended meeting of the Directors of the Utah Sugar Co. at half past nine.

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve met in Council at the Temple as usual. The opening prayer was offered by Brother John W. Taylor, and Brother George Teasdale was mouth at the altar. Among other things a long conversation was had concerning the question of the United States Senator. Several of the Apostles expressed themselves as decidedly in favor of electing a member of the Church as Senator, and they favored Brother Reed Smoot. I suggested that an effort ought to be made to find out the status of the Legislature and whether any candidate had the members so pledged that there would be no chance of electing one of the brethren, and we decided in favor of doing so. President Snow suggested that we let the matter go over until our next meeting, and that the brethren make it a matter of prayer, that the Lord should show His mind and will concerning it.

President Snow and myself had a long conversation with Brother Ben E. Rich, President of the Southern States Mission.

At 3 o’clock I attended meeting of the Sunday School Union Board.

16 November 1900 • Friday

Friday, November 16, 1900

We had a call from Senator Shoup, of Idaho, in which he talked over election matters and his anxiety to have Mr. Dubois defeated for Senator.

17 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, November 17, 1900

President Snow and myself at the office.

Brothers Geo. Reynolds and J. E. Talmage brought up the question of the Museum to-day. The building in which the Museum is at present lodged has been transferred to the State University, and is now the property of the State, the University having moved to their new buildings east of the city. There will necessarily have to be new quarters provided for the Museum. Brother Talmage descanted some time on the great value of the Museum, and among other places mentioned as suitable was the upper story of the uncompleted Deseret News building on the old Council House corner. No decision was reached on the subject.

I have had a very pressing invitation to attend the Irrigation Congress at Chicago, and they have been anxious to have me down for an address on the subject of the subjugation of the desert. It is a theme which I could talk about probably as well as any, and I would like to attend the Congress; but there are various reasons to prevent me from attending. In the first place, my wife has not fully recovered her health, and I would not want to go there without her companionship. My own health is not the best at present; I have been working too hard. But one of the chief reasons is that I am not in funds to pay the expenses of such a journey. I suggested, therefore, to President Snow, in the presence of Brother John Henry Smith, that the latter go in my place, which was agreed to, and I telegraphed Mr. Maxwell, chairman of the executive committee, to that effect and that he would discuss the subject that I had been asked to speak upon.

Correspondence from Brother James E. Hart, of Bear Lake, was read to President Snow and myself concerning the conduct towards him of Prest. Wm. Budge. Prest. Budge permitted a handbill to be issued on the eve of the election, in which Brother James E. Hart was stigmatized as a traitor, etc. Brother Hart resents this and demands that he be confronted with his accusers. President Snow, after hearing this, expressed himself to the effect that all this might have been avoided had Brother Budge only taken our counsel when we suggested to him that he should not run as a candidate for the Senate of Idaho.

I had some conversation this afternoon with Brother John M. Cannon concerning my business affairs.

On Thursday last, in the Council, the brethren expressed themselves quite freely concerning the attitude of the Deseret News on the vaccination question, and all expressed their disapproval of the tone of the News on this topic; in fact, it was felt that the News had done injury by the course it had taken. President Snow told the brethren that he would like me to write an article on the subject for publication, and turning to me said, “President Cannon, whatever you write I will sign.” I was so busy yesterday that I did not get time to do this, but to-day I wrote a short article, which we both signed, counseling the people to take every precaution against the spread of smallpox; and while there was a difference of opinion as to the merits of vaccination we felt that everyone who could do so should be vaccinated.

We learned the sad intelligence to-day that Prest. Edward Partridge, of Utah Stake, died about 4 o’clock this morning.

18 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, November 18, 1900

In looking over my journal I regret that I have not kept track of the occurrences of the past week, but I have been so busy.

I was very tired this morning and thought it better to remain at home and rest. This is about the first time I can recall that I ever did such a thing when I was able to attend meeting; but it became so stormy through the day and the rest appeared so grateful to me that I congratulated myself on my decision. I felt that I was much better in the house than exposed to the stormy weather. It had been my intention to attend the Granite Stake Conference, in Farmers Ward.

19 November 1900 • Monday

Monday, November 19, 1900

Myself and wife Carlie went to Provo this morning to attend the funeral of her uncle, Prest. Edward Partridge. We put up at Brother Reed Smoot’s, who met us with a carriage at the station. The services were held in the Tabernacle, commencing at 1 o’clock. Patriarch John Smith, Elders Lorin Farr and Reed Smoot, and Brother Partridge’s two counselors, Brothers David John and S. L. Chipman, spoke, I desired that these brethren should speak respecting the character of the deceased, as they were his intimate associates, and they all joined in expressing their high appreciation of the fidelity and noble character of Brother Partridge. It was very pleasing to me to hear their testimonies and must have been pleasing to the family. After they had spoken I occupied nearly thirty minutes in speaking and had great freedom.

After the meeting myself and wife went to Brother Holbrook’s. Brother Reed Smoot was kind enough to send his carriage to take us from there to the train.

20 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 20, 1900

Attended meeting of the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co. this morning, after which I went to the office.

President Snow is at Brigham City to-day. He went there on Sunday morning.

Brother Mackay and Haigh, members of the Committee on Amusements of the Livestock Convention to be held in this city next January, called and asked whether they could get the use of the Tabernacle and the choir for a concert to be given to the delegates of the Convention. I told them there was no doubt about their obtaining the Tabernacle, but they would have to see Brother Stephens and Brother McClellan about the concert.

Brothers Lyman and Clawson have returned from Canada and they bring a very satisfactory report of the result of their labors.

Most of the day was spent by me in working on the history of the Church.

21 November 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 21, 1900

President Snow and myself at the office. President Snow’s wife Sarah is in a precarious condition of health.

We listened to Brothers Lyman and Clawson’s report.

I was engaged on the History to-day.

Governor Steuenberg, of Idaho, called upon President Snow and myself to-day, and he expressed himself very kindly concerning the feelings of the people of Idaho towards the members of our Church. He is a rival candidate to Dubois on the Democratic side for the Senatorship in Idaho.

A letter was received to-day from my son Frank, dated the 15th inst at New York, informing President Snow that he had called, as had been suggested, on Hon. James K. Jones, Chairman of the National Democratic Committee, at Chicago, and found him feeling very well about our attitude in the recent election. Mr. Jones had sent a telegram to President Snow which had a veiled threat in it, and it did not please President Snow. In relation to this, Frank says that he is confident that the message was framed by somebody else, as Jones’ tone was very different to that message, and on parting he expressed himself in this way: “I am very much gratified to receive the statements which have been made to me; I am satisfied concerning the attitude of the Mormon Church, and I beg you to present my personal regards to President Snow and his counselors.”

Mr. Nat M. Brigham, who was formerly U.S. Marshal here, has made application for the use of the Assembly Hall in which to deliver a lecture with stereopticon views and has asked the price that will be charged for the hall. We decided to-day not to make any charge, but to give him the use of the hall for two nights. free.

22 November 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, November 22, 1900

President Snow and myself at the office this morning.

At 11 o’clock our usual Council meeting was held at the temple. The brethren of the Twelve were very desirous that President Snow and myself should go to Honolulu to attend the Semi-Centennial celebration there, which will be on the 12th of December. It is fifty years ago on that date since the first Elders landed there. I was the youngest of the party of ten, and,–I may say this without vanity–was the means of the Mission being opened, because all were willing to return after remaining there a short time and seeing that there was no field for labor among the whites; but I announced my decision to stay there if all the rest should leave, for there was a nation living there ignorant of the principles of the Gospel and we were there with the priesthood and the authority to deliver the message of salvation to them, and I was thoroughly in favor of doing so. I felt that I could not leave while they were unwarned. The result was that five of us remained. I was the first to preach the Gospel in that language and was the means of bringing many thousands of people to the knowledge of the truth. I also translated the Book of Mormon into the Hawaiian language. I have always felt very thankful to the Lord for impressing me to do what I did. I might mention here what to me has always appeared very remarkable. I do not mention it, however, because I think the brethren who met the fate which they did were punished in this way for leaving the Islands, but refer to it as a strange and remarkable fact. The President of that mission, Hiram Clark, died by his own hands afterwards, at San Bernardino; Thomas Morris, another of the five, also died by his own hands, in Salt Lake City; John Dixon was killed by the Indians; Thomas Whittle was killed by a threshing machine; and Hiram Blackwell, though a young, vigorous man, and probably the best educated among us, never seemed to prosper afterwards and died prematurely and unmarried. These were the five who left. Of the five who remained, Henry W. Bigler is living at the ripe age of 86 years; James Keeler is about the same age and still living; James Hawkins died a short time ago well advanced in years; William Farrer is probably 80 years of age and still living; and I am now 73 years of age. It seems as though the Lord was well pleased with our action in remaining there and endeavoring to open up that mission.

President Snow, though he dreaded the sea voyage, did not say while in Council whether he would go or not, but afterwards in conversation with me he expressed himself to the effect that he thought it would not be proper for him to go, as his wife Sarah was near the point of death, but he thought that I ought to go and he would have Brother W. W. Cluff go with me, as he can talk the language and he might be of assistance to me in traveling. I would not choose to go there voluntarily at the present time, but I said if it was his wish I would prepare to go and leave here in time to catch the outgoing steamer the 1st of December. My reasons for being reluctant about going are: I have a great dread of sea-sickness, to which I am very subject, and the voyage on that account is not desirable to me. Then when I left the Islands I had such a perfect mastery of the Hawaiian tongue that I felt thoroughly at home in it and could use it better than I could my mother tongue, either in speaking or writing. My fame became widespread; I was known all over the Islands, and was greatly gifted in preaching to the people, and they have their traditions concerning me. But now, going down there after an absence of 45 or 46 years, and having lost my familiarity with the language, I feel that my visit would dispel many illusions which prevail there concerning me, and which would detract from the pleasure of my visit. Still I never have hesitated about obeying any call made of me, and cannot on this occasion.

At 3 p.m. I attended a meeting of the Directors of the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co., and afterwards met with the Deseret Sunday School Union Board.

23 November 1900 • Friday

Friday, November 23, 1900

President Snow and myself at the office.

A number of the Directors of the newly organized railroad came in and expressed a wish to obtain all the benefits they can from our former organization, and after the withdrawal of some of them to go and see the Inland Crystal Salt Co’s works, Mr. Wittemore and Mr. McCornick stayed.

24 November 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, November 24, 1900

President Snow and myself at the office. We had a meeting to consider the proposition of the Directors of this new railroad company, and referred the whole business to Franklin S. Richards and Robert S. Campbell. I do not wish to have my time taken up with it, as I am now very busy getting ready to leave for Honolulu.

An extraordinary proposition was made afterwards, confidentially, to Brother F. S. Richards by Mr. Clark of Kansas City, the banker, who is connected with us in the Inland Crystal Salt Co. He wished to take [talk] with me confidentially on some matters and I referred him to Brother F. S. Richards. Mr. Clark wanted to know from us what we would take for all our papers and everything we had connected with our old organization that would be of benefit to the new railroad. When Brother Richards presented his proposition, I suggested that we ask $5000. Mr. Clark demurred to this; thought it was too high, and proffered $2000. President Snow did not wish to take anything in stock; whatever was done he wanted it should be a cash transaction. Mr. Clark was willing to pay the cash if he could make a suitable arrangement. After considerable talk between Brother Richards and Mr. Clark, and then between Brother Richards and us, we agreed to the $2000. President Snow, in passing through the back room, came in contact with Mr. Clark, and he confirmed what had been said, and Brother Richards proceeded with the business. He and Brother Campbell came back and informed us that Mr. Clark wished us to ask $10,000 shares of stock for the things that the railroad needed of us. He did not wish to appear in the matter at all himself, but for us to ask for the 10,000 shares and he would take them in lieu of the $2000 in cash that he proposed to pay. The proposition appalled us. Ten thousand shares of stock means one million dollars in money, as each share is one hundred dollars on its face value. He claimed that he had a verbal agreement with President Snow and expected us to comply with it. President said to me, You are as much interested now in this as I am; what are your feelings about it? I said, My feelings are that I never could consent to such a proposition. It is downright robbery, and we cannot afford to put ourselves in such a light and be considered the authors of such an infamous attempt at robbery as this would imply. One million dollars! What have we to offer that is at all worth that? I had looked upon Mr. Clark as a pretty shrewd banker, but I was not prepared for such a coldblooded proposition as this. He told Brother Richards that these people would pay that for what we had, but even if they did pay it, what a light for us to stand in as being the takers of ten thousand shares of stock for that which we were willing to part to him for at $2000!

25 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, November 25, 1900

I did not go to the Tabernacle to-day, as I had considerable work to do on the Juvenile Instructor in the shape of preparing articles, and I eased my conscience in doing this work by reflecting that I was really preaching the Gospel in these articles which I dictated to my daughter Grace.

26 November 1900 • Monday

Monday, November 26, 1900

Having so much better opportunity of working free from interruption at my own house than at the office, I asked Brother Arthur Winter to come down and I dictated to him my journal, which was very much behindhand. We spent some time doing that.

I have failed to mention that on Thursday last my daughter Emily, whom I have always thought to be one of the healthiest of my children, was attacked with internal hemorrhage of some kind and vomited a great deal of blood, to the great alarm of all. I administered to her myself several times, her brothers administered to her, and my brother Angus came down and administered to her, and she had the attendance of Sister Van, who is a homeopathist and a very good nurse. From reports I should think that she could not have vomited less than two gallons of blood at various times! It has reduced her to a state of great weakness. Emily is naturally a very cheerful, hopeful girl, and has always manifested great faith. She never has had any sickness before, except when she was 13 years old and had an attack of erysipelas, at which time she would not listen to any doctor being sent for, but expressed her wish to be administered to by the Elders. She has the same feeling now–a feeling in which I fully share, for I have never been a patron of doctors nor encouraged my family in the least to do more than to have careful and skillful nursing and the benefit of the ordinances. I have felt to say to my daughter that she would get well–the Lord would heal her. This morning I feel very favorably impressed with her condition. We have a very good nurse in the person of Sister Edmunds, and I am doing all that can be done. Emily feels quite cheerful, except when overcome by faintness and the nausea which precedes the vomiting.

Busy making my preparations for my journey.

At the office this afternoon dictated correspondence.

27 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 27, 1900

Held a meeting of the Utah Light & Power Co. this morning at 10 o’clock.

At 11 o’clock the regular Council meeting was held in the Temple, instead of meeting on Thursday next, which is Thanksgiving Day. President Snow and myself and several of the Twelve were there. The conversation turned principally to the selection of a Senator. President Snow related a conversation he had had with Mr. Perry Heath and Mr. R. C. Kerens, both prominent Republicans in the nation. They urged strongly that a Mormon should not be elected to the Senate in the present condition of the public mind. They thought it would have a tendency to placate feelings if a non-Mormon were elected.

During this conversation I expressed myself to the effect that in my opinion all our leading men, such as Apostles, Presidents of Stakes and men holding prominent ecclesiastical positions, should keep off the stump; that while I believed they ought to have and did have a perfect right to express themselves as they wished with regard to politics I did not think they should do any active canvassing. It hurts our influence to do so. I talked at some length on this, and President Snow said he felt exactly the same way.

My wife Caroline’s son, Mark Y., was married to-day in the Temple. His bride was Gertrude Winder, the daughter of Bishop J. R. Winder. He spoke to me about performing the ceremony, but I thought it would be more pleasing to his daughter to have him perform it, which he did. There was quite a gathering of relatives and friends at the Temple.

President Snow and myself had a long talk with Brother Budge about affairs in Bear Lake connected with the recent election. I thought he had acted unwisely in publishing attacks on Brother James E. Hart, a strong Democrat. I said that whatever he may have been guilty of I did not think it proper for Brother Budge to suffer anything of that kind to be published about one of his brethren. We had some very plain talk, which I think will do good. Several matters were cleared up by him concerning which misapprehensions existed.

At 3 o’clock I met with the Sunday School Union Board for a short time, and then got excused to go down to eat the wedding dinner at Brother Winder’s. We had a very enjoyable time there. A most excellent meal was prepared. The guests were all relatives of the bride and bridegroom, excepting one or two.

29 November 1900 • Thursday1

Thur, Nov. 29, 1900

At 9.45 o’cloak [o’clock] this morning we took our departure from home for the Sanwich [Sandwich] Islands. We took [a] sleeping car on the Denver and Rio Grande. Our party consisted of my wife Carlie and three sons— Clawson, Espy and Georgius—and my wife’s sister Emily Y. Clawson and her son Scott Clawson and Bro. William W. Cluff and wife all of us for the Sanwich Islands. Bro. William C. Spence and son Lesly who are going to San Francisco. I felt very sleepy and tire[d] and enjoyed the rest. I have been working very hard for the past few days.

30 November 1900 • Friday

Fri. Nove. 30, 1900

Nothing of importance occured on our journey to San Francisco. We lost about an hour and arrive[d] at San Francisco about 5:30 P. M. and put up at the Palace Hotel. The rest of the folks, including my sons Clawson and Espy stoped at the Grand Hotel.

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November 1900, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]The segment from November 29, 1900, to January 16, 1901, comes from the original journal which is located at Brigham Young University. It is simply headed on a flyleaf, “Journal of George Q. Cannon,” and was dictated by Cannon to his son Clawson Y. Cannon while on his trip to Honolulu, Hawaii, on the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Hawaiian Mission. The following entries come from the first page:

    San. F. to Honululu


    Tuesday. Dec. 4, 1900=-


    Wensday. Dec. 5, 1900=-


    Thursday, Dec. 6, 1900=-


    Friday, Dec. 7, 1900=-


    Saturday, Dec. 8, 1900=-


    Lorenzo Bush, recommended by his Brother Chas. C. Bush for Mission to Hawaii

    $100 tithing from Adelaide Fernandez. per Brother Wooley.