September 1861

1 September 1861 • Sunday

Sunday Sept., 1st. 1861. Conference was held this morning in the Assembly Rooms, a very good hall for our purpose; but not sufficiently seated for our Congregation[.] this was partially remedied in the afternoon and evening by the procural of more seats. Being fast day, Bro. Brown and myself did not eat breakfast. When he stood up after the meeting had been opened, to make the introductory remarks and give a statement of the affairs of the Nottingham Conference he was seized with an overpowering faintness soon after he had commenced to speak, and had I not caught him one side and Bro. Chase on the other he would have fallen. Going without his breakfast in his weak condition was too much for him. He tells me that he has not stood up to speak for some time back without feeling so faint at first that he could scarcely stand, but by persevering has been enabled until this time in overcoming it, but after he would be through he would be completely exhausted. He continued bad all day; but yet attended the meetings. I counseled him positively to stop his preaching and other labors for a while and rest himself at some quiet place in the Country among the saints for a few weeks until he could recruit. He has been unwell for some time; but has had so much ambition that he would not ease up in the least upon himself as long as he could possibly go. I reported his business for him to the Conference, and then proceeded to make his remarks. I was led by the Spirit to speak upon the first principles in a manner that was new and interesting to myself and to the people. I had no intention of alluding to these principles when I stood up; but being led by the Spirit I followed. It proved that there were a good many strangers present, who expressed themselves (as I afterwards understood) well pleased with what they heard, and thought they would come again. In the afternoon Bro. Adams addressed the congregation and I followed. In the evening there was a very large attendance, and the people paid excellent attention while I spoke to them upon the reasons why we as a people gather, tracing the establishment of the work of God in ancient days by various men of God, and their failure to make it permanent; but that they saw by the spirit of prophecy that God would at some time in the future establish his kingdom and it should stand forever. I traced its establishment in these days, pointing out the circumstances which surrounded its organization at the present time were so favorable as to ensure its perpetuity. That a land had been kept hid from the nations, that it might not be overrun until the time for its discovery. That it was settled by a people who loved liberty, especially religious liberty having fled thither to obtain it, who hated oppression; they had established and been successful in maintaining a free form of government. That under their government the kingdom of God could be established without infringing upon any other person’s powers, sights &c. And now all who obeyed the laws of God, could remove thither and identify themselves with that kingdom, while God’s judgements and calamities would be poured out upon the nations and they be broken in pieces and overthrown. I had a great freedom and enjoyed myself, being much edified in what I said. The people rejoiced in what they heard.

2 September 1861 • Monday

Monday Sept. 2. 1861. I intended returning to Liverpool this morning; but Bro. Brown wished to have a meeting of the priesthood this evening and he thought all the officers who were at the Conference would stop and attend it, if I would stay and meet with them. I consented to do so. I omitted to mention that yesterday I nominated Bro. Chase as President of the Nottingham Conference before the people and he was unanimously accepted. It has been our policy to avoid appointing any of the Elders lately come from Zion to the charge of Conferences or Districts, thinking it better for them to labor as Travelling Elders until they get acquainted with the people and the manner of doing business in this Country. In the present instance Bro. Brown’s health is so poor and the Conference having no President, to relieve him I thought it would be wisdom to appoint Bro. Chase, Pres’t of the Conference

18 September 1861 • Wednesday1

Wednesday Sept. 18/61. Started this morning, on board the “Tynwald” Steam packet, for the Isle of Man. Before doing so I called on my Mother’s cousin Mrs. Turton & family, and my cousin Leonora Vale or Flowers, as her husband is called, and my Aunt Mary and Margaret (the latter I did not find at home) to see if they had any word to send as I expected to see our relatives when I reached the Island. I dreaded the trip across the water, having such a horror of sea-sickness to which I am very subject. Our passage was a remarkably fine one[,] scarcely a ripple on the water. I was surprised when about half way there, (as I calculated from the time we had been out,) upon going up onto the wheel house, to see the Island very plainly in sight. In approaching it I was reminded very much of nearing one of the Sandwich Islands, it bore a very strong resemblance to them. I took a car and went to the house of Sister Gracey, an Aunt of Bro. John T. Caines, who keeps a <very respectable> lodging house. After eating something I went in search of Ann Taubman, who is a cousin of my Father’s Father and Aunt Leonora’s Leonora. I readily found her place. She is married to a man by the name of Warburton and they keep a Tobacconist’s store on Duke St. She is quite comfortably situated and to all appearance. She has had two children but lost them both while they were young. She had four brothers,˗ John, Wm, Geo. & Thomas when we left Liverpool; they are all dead and one of them only, Wm, has left any children; he has left a son and a daughter. She of all the family is the only one left. She is <a> an very intelligent woman, and reminds <me> in many of her ways of Aunt Leonora Taylor and she resembles her somewhat in some of her features. I had a very pleasant visit and talked over family matters quite freely. We touched some little on religious matters. She, of course, is prejudiced against us in consequence of what she has heard about the people. I bore testimony of its truth and reasoned with her upon the evil name Jesus & his apostles in ancient days had to which she acquiesced.

19 September 1861 • Thursday2

Thursday, Sept., 19th. Slept at Mrs. Gracey’s last night. After breakfast went down and secured my passage on the stage. Then took Aunt Leonora’s likeness to Cousin Ann’s; she was anxious to see it. She was much pleased with it. I visited a young man, who is in a draper’s shop in Rams Douglas, by the name of George Cannan, and found that he was of the same family with myself. His father, who is now living on the old homestead Cooil Shellagh in the parish of Kirk Michael, is the first cousin of my Grandfather, George Cannan. They are brother’s sons. The eldest brother was named John <William> Cannan. He being the heir had the farm. The younger, my Great Grandfather, Hugh Cannan, became a Cooper, but afterwards went to sea, and followed the sea until he became became a Captain. He was murdered on board his own vessel while in Douglas harbor in the night. He was killed by a blow <on the head> from a pump handle. One of his crew was suspected of killing him and underwent an examination; but nothin there was not sufficient evidence to convict. He after subsequently went crazy, which was looked upon by those who supposed him to be the murderer, as a judgement from heaven upon him. His wife, my Great Grandmother, whose maiden name was Eleanor Addy, walked the Church yard many a night, (so my cousin, Ann Taubman, <informed me,> she having heard it from her mother, who was the daughter of Hugh and Eleanor Cannan informed me) praying to see his spirit that she might be informed who his murderer was.

This George <Cannon> whom I visit The John Cannan, of the brother of my Great Grandfather Hugh, lived unmarried until he was 72 years old. My Grandfather George Cannan lived with <him> until he was some 14 or 15 years old; he being the heir thus far to the old place, his Uncle being childless. The old man, however, though old and decrepit, and, I believe I have been told, palsied, took a notion to marry his servant girl, and had an only son by her which he named John after himself. {had <two children by her> an a only son by her <and a daughter, the son> which he named <him> John. after himself.} This George Cannon whom I visited this morning is a son of this John Cannan who inherited the old farm from his father. They are, consequently, the oldest branch of the family. Owing to my Grandfather George Cannan dying while his family was yet young and the family moving away when old enough, there has been but little intercourse kept up with this <other branch of the> family. This young man scarcely knew that anything about our branch of the family. us. He appeared glad to see me and when I told him I thought of visiting Kirk Michael he said <I must call at his fathers as> he knew his father he would be glad <pleased> to see me. This young man looks like Angus somewhat.

The scenery on the road to Ramsey is beautiful. Laxey, which we passed through, is a lovely spot; it has been much improved of late. On turning a point of the hill and coming in full view of the Valley in which Laxey is situated I thought it a picture of ravishing beauty. They have a water wheel at one of the mines 72 feet in diameter. We arrived at Ramsey at 2 p.m. I dropped a note to Aunt Eleanor Venables, my father’s sister, who is living at service here, informing her of my arrival and asking <her> to let me know when I could see her. She I then went inquired for Mrs. Cowell’s and found her at home she keeps an earthen & <glass> ware store. She had living with her a daughter of her sister Maria’s, named Catherine. Mrs. Cowell and her brothers and sisters are the children of Christian Cannan, <one of> my the sisters of my Grandfather George Cannan, by her marriage with James Crawford. There are five daughters and one son living and two sons dead. The latter were named Thomas and John. The living are, – Ellen, Maria, <Christian,> Ann, James and Leonora. Ellen (Mrs Cowell) has been a widow for very many years. She has two children Wm Thomas and Annie. The <latter> died when about 19 years old. The former is still living; but has been very little comfort to his mother who has had to expend a great amount of money for him. He is now in Australia.

Maria married a man named Evan Christian of the Lewaige (the name of his farm or estate)[.] She has had eigh nine children by him eight of whom are living. at home with her. Their names are Alice, Maria, Ellen, Catherine, Robert, Annie, James & Edward. Christian <and Ann and James Crawford> is are in Liverpool and what her family is I do not know. Ann also. Leonora married John Christian, (the ironmonger as he is known by in Ramsey), and had by him, Leonora[,] Martina, John, George, Isabella, Alice, Lizzy, Elizabeth or “Lizzy,” Eva and James. They are all at home excepting George, who is at a business in Liverpool. <Cousin> Leonora was left a widow by the death of her husband, Mr. Christian, last March. Herself and son John carry on the business. I went visited Mrs. Christian (Cousin Leonora) and found a hearty welcome as soon as I explained who I was. They pressed me to stop with them which I consented to do. They are living very comfortably together and have a large well-furnished house. I took tea with Mrs. Cowell and then went and saw Aunt Eleanor. Her health has been poor of late and she looks thin, and I think suffers in her feelings on account of her only son, Wm Venables, on whom she has spent considerable means to bring him up, hoping to have him to lean upon; but who ran away and enlisted for a soldier and when free from that went to the United States. I encouraged <her> as well as I was able and told her I thought she had better make up her mind to <to go with us when we> return to the Valley. I spent a very interesting evening with Cousin Leonora & her children.

20 September 1861 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 20/61. Afte Wrote a letter to Elizabeth. After breakfast accompanied by William Kidd, a second cousin, as a guide, I went out to see Cousin Maria who was living with her husband and family at the Lewaige. She was very pleased to see me, and said I looked very much like her brother John Crawford, who is dead. She had a pleasant remembrances of my father to tell me, though his <abilities, his> natural kindness and pleasant manners were marred by his fondness for company and stimulants. Dined with them and by request (it being a daily habit <at noon> she informed me) prayed with them. They are, I presume, from indications, intensely religious. She is continually giving vent to sighs which slightly border upon groans, and on the gable of the house, next the road, is painted in large letters “Prepare to Meet thy God; also upon entering the house the first object that meets your eye on the wall in the hall is a sign with bearing the same inscription. The farm is a large one and <with the house> beautifully situated. They are evidently well-to-do in the world. After taking tea with Cousin Leonora I went out again to Aunt Eleanor’s. I had some talk with her about going to the Valley. Her position is one that I think she should not occupy at her age. She has spe a likeness of Aunt Leonora, brought from the Valley by George, copied and gave a copy to Mrs. Cowell and one each to the Mrs. Christian’s. Spent the evening at Cousin Leonora’s. I had some conversation about religion but they are {evidently} much prejudiced, and it is difficult conversing with such people, though they I think changed their opinion somewhat in relation to us after my conversation with and explanations to them.

21 September 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept 21/61. Took the Coach this morning for Kirk Michael. The weather looked threatening but we had a very pleasant ride. The country and scenery was most delightful beautiful. I could <now> understand now the enthusiasm of father and Aunt Leonora respecting the Island and its scenery. My amor patriae was wonderfully revived and I was surprised at finding so many of the customs and manners of the people so familiar to me. I was only five years old when I left here, yet the smell of the gorse, which they sometimes burn, and the turf, (formerly a very great article of fuel but now being laid aside for coal) is as familiar to me as though I had only left the Island yesterday. The griddle bread also, which I saw them making and which I eat, was very natural to me. These are cakes flattened out of the dough, either barley meal, oatmeal or flour and baked on a flat plate of iron on the fire on the hearth. Passed Bishop’s Court, the residence of the Lord Bishop of the Island. He has a large estate. Reached Kirk Michael and stopped at the Mitre Hotel and took dinner. It commenced raining and blowing very heavily. I inquired the way to the Cooilshellagh, the farm of Mr. Cannon’s Cannon the first cousin of Grandfather Cannon. It was about a mile from the village to the house. I went to his son’s house (John James Cannon) instead of his, it being the most prominent, and the other, (the old man’s) being built at the foot of the hills in the valley or glen, surrounded by trees and close to the edge of the creek. The son was over at his father’s, but his wife was at home. I informed her what my name was and that I was a distant relative and she seemed very much delighted. She pressed me to sit down and stop, that her husband would be in directly and he would take me over to his father’s. She said that she was struck by my resemblance to her husband and his father about the head. She had one child, a fine little boy, named James William Cannan. Her husband soon came in and it was now my turn to be struck with the resemblance between his head and my father’s, though his complexion was different, being light. He is a small man of kind and pleasant manners, a superior man to those of his station generally. They made me stop to tea and then he took me over to his father’s. When I emerged from his house which was a large, two story stone house, which he had built about the time of his marriage, he pointed out a long, low stone building with a thatched roof to me, which he now used as a cow house and stable, and told me that was the old dwelling house of the family. It was is said to be the old<est> house in the parish of Kirk Michael and was at one time the best or finest house in the Parish. The Deemster of the Island, an officer office equivalent I believe to that of Chief Judge with us used to visit my ancestor who lived here. From what I can learn not only my Great Grandfather, Hugh Cannan, was born in it; but his father also. I entered within its walls afterwards (on the Monday morning following, upon leaving the place) and gazed upon them with peculiar feelings – feelings of reverence. The worm-eaten beams <of Curragh oak> some of which bore the marks of great age, were also viewed with great interest. There had formerly been stone stairs leading up to the upper floor but these had been replaced by the present owner of the place when I went to live in the house. There were not no vestiges of either remaining at the present; the upper floor and beams still were still there, the latter the same doubtless that had been placed there when the house was first built.

We met the father at his gate. He is a heavy, strongly-built man of about 5<ft>. 9 in. in height, of a florid, healthy countenance. I was invited in and when he learned who I was told me not to think of going back to the village to stop, but to remain there and if I wanted my things he would send for them. His sister, whose maiden name was Jane Cannan and who was <is> now a widow named Lewis, was <is> living with him but so palsied that she could <can> neither feed herself nor move. She has had three strokes of palsy. Her father, Wm Cannan, my Grandfather’s Uncle, was also afflicted towards the last of his days with the same ailment. Her memory and intellect were <are> unimpaired. Both her brother and herself remember my father and Aunt Leonora, and Uncles John & Thos and Aunt Ellinor. The [They] were pleased to see Aunt Nora’s likeness[.] Mr. Cannan himself is not a demonstrative <but> rather <serious or> stern in his manner to all appearance upon first acquaintance. I found him a kindly, pleasant and much more affable man than the first sight of him would warrant. A very unprejudiced, liberal man and a man of much large views for one of his station and opportunities. A religious man, but not a bigot though I should think that he would be very firm in his opinion. He inquired respecting {our religion} and I talked considerably {on that and other subjects,} and he and his wife listened with apparent interest. I have been told that he was quite wild when a young man. His father died when he was an infant and being the only son and heir he had been much indulged, never asking money of his guardians without receiving it. Getting into a quarrel and being much imposed upon <on> one occasion he stood up to fight with the man and the first blow he struck his opponent killed him. It had such an effect upon him that he renounced his former associates & habits and became a changed man in his manner, becoming very serious and scarcely ever known to indulge in any great amount of mirthfulness. He has the Cannon head also, and looks his head and hair, excepting in the color of the latter, resembles father’s very much. There is one peculiarity, rarely found among men, which they have in common, – their the teeth of the upper and lower jaw shut square upon one another. In the generality of men the upper teeth project beyond the lower. His wife was out when I reached, she afterwards came in, and she, as did many others the next day, remarked the family likeness in me.

22 September 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 22/61. They asked me this morning if I had any objection to going to a place of worship with them. He was Church warden and had to attend. I told them I did not have any I was not bigotted though I did not believe in their method of worshipping or in <many of> the doctrines they taught, and would go with them. We were joined before starting by a third cousin of mine[,] John Corjeag, his Great Grandmother and my Great Grandfather, Hugh Cannan, being brother and sister and both out of the Cooilshellagh. He went to the Methodist meeting, being a Local Preacher, while my Cousin and his girls and myself went to the Parish Church and heard the Lord Bishop preach. The Morning service was <a> tedious piece of idolatry and the sermon, moderately well delivered, was a lecture <advising> to the people about not <to> quarreling quarrel with the word of God, or <to> the cease frequenting his house because of any dislike to the minister or because he might occasionally advance incorrect ideas. I afterwards learned that these remarks were called forth in consequence of the feelings which many entertained to the Vicar, Mr. Kelly, for doctrines he advanced which they did not believe in. After the service was over I went into the Churchyard and visited the Graves of the family. My cousin informed me that there was but the one stone that he knew about. It I examined and copied. It is as follows

[7 lines left blank]

This John Cannan is my <Great> Great Grandfather and Wm is his oldest son, and brother of my Great Grandfather Hugh Cannan, and father <of> the living owner of Cooilshellagh.

In the afternoon I had considerable talk with my Cousin and he listened attentively. He manifests a good spirit. I feel at home in his house and have asked the Lord to let peace abide here and to bless the farm. He has had me pray with them every night and morning. Attended Methodist (Primitive) meeting with him this evening. A man named Cannell preached. The sermon set forth the advantages of being converted and living near to God and the horrors of backsliding. Such groans and exclamations as many of them uttered during prayers I never <before> heard.

23 September 1861 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 22 23/6. I started after breakfast this morning over to see my Cousin’s son before leaving the place. In parting with the family they manifested a good friendly feeling which I also felt for towards them. My cousin invited me to visit them again whenever I could. In passing over the ground farm while I have been here my feelings have been such that I find them difficult to describe. This was the home of my ancestors for generations; here they had lived and died, treading this ground and looking around upon all the <natural> objects which I now beheld. I their descendant <from a foreign land> had visited their dwelling place to learn all I could respecting them and to prepare myself as far as I possibly could to render them every aid in my power and to be a savior to them. Do they not look down upon [me] and feel an interest in my movements and efforts. Truly has the Lord said through his prophet that before the coming of that great & terrible day he would send Elijah, the prophet &c. My heart is turned to them with feelings which to this people are unaccountable and doubtless theirs are in like manner turned to me. What a world of wealth feelings feeling rich abounding in wealth and beauty does the gospel in its revelations open up to the human mind!

I bid John James’ wife farewell[;] he was not at home. I went to see a Mr. Brown son of the old <deceased> parson to learn from him respecting the records of the parish which I understood he kept. He informed me that the Vicar had them and they were kept in a safe in the Church vestry. Mr. Brown in my conversation with him told me that he knew that the Cannans of Cooilshellagh were an old family as he was familiar with the old records and he thought that they had been one of the first families of the parish. He said that he remembered seeing the names of the <a> parson and his wife as sponsors for one of the children of the Cooilshellagh. I suspect this must have been one of my Great <Great> Grandfather John Cannan’s family. I repaired to the vicarage and informed him {informed the vicar} of the object of my visit. He very kindly proffered to go with me and assist me in my search through the records. He afterwards remarked to me that when he heard my name he knew from my resemblance to Mr. Cannon of the Cooilshellagh that I was a connection of that family. I found the names of Cannans <on the Records> who were buried in the Church yard in 1619 and 1622 but could not learn from the Record whether they were of our family or not. They were both named Mariad Cannan and were buried Dec. 12, 1619 Old and April 13, 1622 Old Style. Their ages were not stated. The first name ended with something like a d but I thought it might be the old fashioned way of writing that would cause it to have that appearance. In looking for the birth of my Great Great Grandfather John Cannan in 1691 I found two of the name whose birth or christening was recorded that year one the son of Wm Cannan without his wife’s name being mentioned and the other the son of John & Christian Cannan which latter I thought were his parents as Christian is a family name. If this was the record of his birth he was born on the January 19th, 1691 Old Style. I found the name spelled on the records “Cannan” and “Cannon”, though the former mode was that most frequently followed and the oldest record of the name was spelt in that manner. The oldest record in the parish safe commenced in the year 1610, and I think they are by no {means} perfect as I notice gaps in marriages, births and death; but this might be owing in consequence of some being married and others buried in some other parish. I found no record of my Great Great Grandfather’s marriage with his wife. I had heard that his wife was an Englishwoman, a parson’s daughter or neice (I think a daughter) and <as if> to confirm this tradition I found that <according to the record> her name was Anne Smith. John Cannan’s children’s chris names by her and the date of their christening are as follows, –

They <John Cannan & she> might have been married in the parish in which her relative was parson as he nobody of that name had acted as minister of the parish of Kirk Michael, so the present minister informed me. Her death or burial was not recorded either and she probably was buried with her father as tradition says he {she} died before he had built his a house in the Cooilshellagh which he had in contemplation to build. I found two of their children christened Hugh, one 4½ years before the other and yet we could find no record of the former’s death, though without doubt he died before the birth of the younger Hugh who was my Great Grandfather. What <information> I obtained from these records only whetted my curiosity to know more. Mr. Kelly informed me that it would be difficult to obtain anything older than these, though there were records at Bishop’s Court; but it would require a great deal of time, labor and patience to obtain anything definite and even then might not be successful in obtaining anything more than I now had. If I knew any suitable person whom I could employ I would not mind any reasonable expense. Took dinner at the hotel and then started afoot, having requested them to send my valise by the coach to Peel[,] visiting on the way Mr John Cannan of “Ballanay” and Mrs. Cannell of Ballcinanebeg to learn something more respecting the family. The former is no connection so far as known to our family. I gained nothing of moment from either. Mrs. Cannell the wife of the heir of the latter place is from Gleneadle where my mother’s family originally came from. The scenery on the road to Peel was beautiful and I passed some very beautiful farms and houses admirably situated. The first sight of Peel Castle is very romantic being built on a promontory which projects into the sea. I made my way through Peel and readily found the house my Great Grandfather Henry Quayle built and where my Grandfather John Quayle his son had lived and where my Uncle Charles’ widow now lived. I had lived there two years when a child of from three to five years. They were very glad to see me. Charles Quayle, my cousin, was better than I expected to see him. He has two boys, Charles & Wm. Charley[,] the eldest[,] is a very promising boy, resembling Mary Alices boys. After tea we visited my Mother’s cousin, Ann Quayle. She is a widow and has three children, – Robert, Wm and Anne. Robert is married. Her mother was Alice Callister, a sister of my Grandmother Quayle. She married a man by the name of Kneale. This daughter and two sons, – Robert & Chas – were all of the family I knew. She was my Godmother when I was christened. She was very kind to me when a child and I was pleased to see her. Stopped with Aunt Hetty. <In evening wrote to Elizabeth.>

24 September 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 24/61 Visited Thos Wattleworth’s; he was from home; his wife was pleased to see us. They are both related to me through the Callister’s. <One of> My father’s Grand <mother’s> fathers father was named David Callister and my mother’s mother’s father was named Sylvester; they were brothers. Their eldest brother John was by the same father but another Mother, Mrs. Wattleworth is a Granddaughter of his. One of their own Sisters was married to Ceasar Wattleworth, this Thomas was their Grandson and a second Cousin of his wife’s. We next visited Mrs. Hutchinson, whose maiden name was Eliza Munn. Her Grandfather Angus Munn obtained another of the Callister girls, <a> sister to these of whom I have just been speaking. She pressed us to drink a glass of wine and eat some <sweet> wine cakes with her and wished me to take tea with her and when I visited the Island again to <be sure &> visit her. We next visited the house of a brother of Thos Wattleworth, Saml by name. He and two sons are in Illinois. His wife is a first cousin and a granddaughter of the same sister Callister girl that married Ceasar Wattleworth. She pressed us to return and take tea with her <and her girls, Leonora & Emily would go with us to the Castle>[.] We did so and spent a very pleasant <afternoon viewing the ruins of the Castle and in the> evening and had an opportunity of talking with them about us and our principles. <They are all well informed intelligent women> We then visited for a few minutes Cousin Ann Quayle[.] This afternoon I called in the house of John Callister, the <Great> Grandson of the oldest brother of my two Great Grandfather’s and saw him and his sister. Edward Callister of Great Salt Lake City, is a brother of theirs. It was interesting to me to visit this house as it was the house of my Great {<Great> Great} Grandfather John Callister and his wife Leonora Radcliffe, whether he was born in it or not I cannot say; but my two Great Grandfathers, Sylvester and David Callister were doubtless born in this house. I have now visited and stood within the walls <of the houses> where my four Great Grandfathers lived and where three of them were born and one of them where without <doubt,> at least <if no farther back> my Great Great Grandfather was born.

25 September 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 25/61. Went after breakfast to the graves of my Great Grandfather, Grandfather and Grandmother, Hugh, George & Leonora Cannon and three of their children,-- Thomas, David & Thomas. I presume my Great Grandfather’s wife, my Grandfather’s mother, whose maiden name was Eleanor Addy, is also buried there; but her name has never not been put on the stone. <I also saw my G Gmother, her son Saml and son John Quayle, my Grandfather.>

I forgot to mention yesterday, that I visited my Grandfather’s youngest Sister Eleanor, who married John Cannell and had three children by him, John, Ellinor and Geo.[;] the latter is the only one now living. She is quite deaf but otherwise very well for her age. They are very poor[;] I left some money to assist them. I thought of visiting the Parson of the Parish today to see him about getting access to the records; but as I understood it was a gala day in Peel, the Governor of the Island being expected to lay the foundation of a school, and the parson would have to take part in it, I thought it better to defer it until I could make another visit and have more time. About noon my Aunt Hetty and myself got into a car and went out to see Mrs. Edward Corris, a second cousin of my mother’s, who was very intimate with and fond of her and whose kindness when I was a little boy I can distinctly remember. She was living in charge of the house of her husband’s cousin. It is a most lovely place and has had a large amount of labor and money expended upon it. I do not remember <ever> seeing any place <of so unpretending a character> more beautifully arranged than this. that She was not at home. We then went down to Aunt Hetty’s brother Philip <Kelly’s> place. He was <is> dead, and his widow and the children were <are> living on the place. They are <a> very interesting family those of them whom I saw, principally girls. They are nine in number. They g◊◊ prepared a good dinner, and after which it was made up to take the car on to Douglas and Aunt Hetty and three of the girls Jane, Anne and Alice[.] We had a very agreeable ride to Douglas. We went thro’ the grounds of Castle Mona, a hotel, but formerly the residence of the Duke of Athol who was King of Man, and were shown through the grand hall and the principal rooms. Being built fronting the bay the view <from its windows and gardens> is superb. They started back in the evening. I <I called upon George Cannon and then> went to my cousin Ann Taubman or Warburton’s and spent the evening in conversation with her, the most of the time upon our principles. I slept at her house. Called upon

26 September 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 25[26]/61. Visited Thomas Cain, a first cousin of my Father’s and a second cousin of my Mother’s; he keeps a Butcher’s shop in Douglas. His mother whose <maiden> name was Phebe <Callister> was a sister of my Grandmother Leonora Cannon’s and a first cousin of my Grandmother Quayle’s. She married Sylvester Cain and had a number of boys and one <a> girl or two by him, this Thomas being the youngest boy. He had a nephew of his, David Cain, son of his brother John living with him. I also met another nephew of his[,] Caesar Cain, son of his brother Caesar <Philip>, on board the packet as I was returning; he is a seaman on board. I embarked <at 9. A. M.> for Liverpool this morning on the “Tynwald” and had a most delightful passage, scarcely a ripple on the sea or the slightest motion of the packet. We landed at ½ past 3. P.M. I was met at the landing stage by Bros. Sloan and Graham. I found Elizabeth not very well in health and baby slightly indisposed. I was rejoiced to get house <in safety> once more, in safety for although I have been treated kindly yet it is somewhat tiresome mixing among strangers, (so far as acquaintance goes,) though relatives and having to move around and talk and eat and be agreeable and be on a continual strain. The eating itself is not <an> the easy matter for me. My stomach will not bear cramming without making its dissatisfaction with the operation <known and> felt. And to take meals often, say four times a day, and then have to eat heartily to avoid the pressing and talking to you <remonstrances> I would otherwise have to submit to, is something that I cannot stand very long. I was afraid to start to the Island for fear of sea-sickness but, the Lord has blessed me with lovely, propitious weather and the sail has been rather a pleasure than otherwise.

27 September 1861 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 27/61. Variously engaged. Also on Saturday, One of my father’s cousins, – Ann Crawford alias Kidd – <two of> whose children I had met in Ramsey called in and took dinner with us. She was intimately acquainted with our family before we sailed to Zion and was, of course, highly pleased to see me. She said we must visit her the first opportunity, and Monday being fixed upon, she said she would send her daughter down to bring us up to where they lived.

29 September 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, 29th. Held Met twice with the Saints, in the Assembly Rooms, the first meeting being a priesthood meeting, and spoke at both to the people. In evening, accompanied by Elizabeth, crossed to Birkenhead and held meeting with the Saints there. Had much freedom in speaking.

30 September 1861 • Monday

Monday 29 30th. Variously engaged. Spent the evening with <Wm Kidd and> Cousin Ann Kidd, her his husband Wm Kidd wife, and family, – Fanny, Leonora, John, and Wm. The evening was spent very agreeably.

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September 1861, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025


  1. [1]Here the daybook journal begins again.

  2. [2]The daybook serves as copy-text for this segment, with changes—primarily additions—from the subsequent journal marked with braces ({}).