December 1880

1 December 1880 • Wednesday

A gentleman by the name of Stevens with his wife and two sons were on the car with us. We had considerable conversation. He is an inventor and has a new and superior furnace for which he has patents.

The usual curiosity was manifested respecting myself when it was known who I was. I was stared at and scrutinized, especially by the women.

Col. Bee of Cal. whom I met at Cheyenne, introduced me to a Dr. Hunter, an English professor, who is examining the climates of Colaroda, Utah and California with reference to their sanitary effects upon those afflicted with pulmonary affections. Our conversation was very interesting to me.

2 December 1880 • Thursday

We ate out of our lunch baskets till this morning. Bro’s. Smoot, Camp and myself breakfasted at Grand Island. We reached Omaha on time and I separated from the Elders. I took the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R.R. to Chicago. An excellent meal was served on the Dining Car for 75 cents.

I got the following clipping from the Chicago Times. Newman has deliberately lied if he said what is here reported. If he did not know he lied, there is no excuse, for before making such an attack he should have been sure of his facts; but if he is not a liar and a lecherous hypocrite as well, then I did not take his proper measure when I saw <him> on one occasion talking to a woman in the Senate ante-chamber. As I saw him then, the light of the window fell full upon him as he stood back in the room, and if I had been a painter I would have seized his portrait for a picture of lechery and hypocrisy.

[Inserted newspaper article]

In his Thanksgiving sermon the Rev. Mr. Newman wrestled with Mormonism, by way of gaining appetite for his turkey, possibly. He said: “There is a scene of nastiness—that bare-faced and brazen-faced hypocrisy known as Mormonism. In the name of religion it is the stain and stench of the nation. One president had the courage never to fail to call the attention of congress to this iniquity in his messages. It now remains to be seen what Mr. Garfield will do. We know what Mr. Hayes has done and what he has not done, and it now remains to be seen what that other Ohio man will do; whether he will enforce to the last degree a law which protects the sanctity of the family under our flag. We want to see whether Morton and McCook, the republican congressmen from this city, and Mr. Hewitt, a democrat, and both a scholar and a gentleman—whether they will consent to sit in the house with Elder Cannon, who had six wives when he took his seat, and has since taken two others. Something must be done, and if this congress and administration do not do something to put down this curse, this stench, this stain, this school of hypocrisy, we will have a congress and an administration that will.” President Garfield will now understand his duty, and must not shirk it, as Mr. Hayes has shirked. Congress does not need do anything more in this Mormon business. It has passed all needful legislation, the constitutionality of which has been affirmed by the supreme court. The delinquent has been Mr. Hayes, the good, the moral Mr. Hayes. It was his sworn duty to take care that the laws shall be faithfully executed, and he has taken no care of the kind in this matter of Mormonism. He was too placid, too easy-going, to fond of his bucolic excursions to charge himself with a disagreeable duty. He let the matter drop from his shoulders. It is not easy to see how congressmen can refuse to sit with Elder Cannon, unless in consistency they carry their moral scruples to a length which might thin the house below a quorum. If it is wrong to sit with a man who has more than one wife, will it not be wrong, also, to sit with a congressman who, having a wife, has a mistress as well? If congressmen go into [torn; approx. 3 words missing] the bidding of reverend gentle

3 December 1880 • Friday

Reached Chicago at 2.30 p.m. and at 3.30 p.m. I rolled out on the Pittsburg <&> Fort Wayne Rail Road. A hotel car was attached to the train, I did not like the system as well as I did that of the C. R. I. & P. R. R.

Senators Windom <& McMillen> of Minn. and Member Poehler of that State and Mr. Aldrich of Ill. were on board.

4 December 1880 • Saturday

We <I> breakfasted on the Hotel car. Mr. Hatch of Ill. Mo. joined the train at Fort Wayne and Mr. Stevenson of Ill. at Pittsburgh. We were a little late, yet we reached Washington at about 9 p.m. – a trip nine hours shorter than I ever made between home and this point before. I left my baggage at the Depot and went to Mrs. Ritchie’s with whom we stopped last Session and for several sessions. She has a new house rented. I took the rooms on the second floor at $50. They were cheerful, but meagerly furnished. I felt very tired with the journey and was glad to get to bed.

My quarters are at 503 – 13th St. N.W.

5 December 1880 • Sunday

Had a severe head-ache – an unusual thing for me – the greater part of the day. I felt wretchedly. I suppose it is an attack of cold in the head. Had only one meal, took that at Welcker’s. I felt lonely and somewhat inclined to be homesick to-day.

6 December 1880 • Monday

<Ua pale malu ay i keia kakahiaka> [I prayed in secret this morning]

Suffering from the cold with which I was attacked. Passed a feverish night. Mrs. Ritchie furnished me cracked wheat for breakfast. One of my teeth in front was a little loose and the gum at the root was inflamed and sore. I went to a dentist – Dr. Waters – who bored a hole in it – it was sound – to let out the gas at the root. The Hall of the House was a busy scene this morning. The Members met and exchanged salutations on both sides in considerable good humor. Hayes message was read. He dealt severely with polygamy and advocated the disfranchisement, the excluding from juries and <the> exclusion from Office of all who practice and who uphold polygamy. He suggests that the form of the government of the Territory be changed and the control be given to a Governor and Judges or Commissioners to be appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. The Lord deal with this man as seemeth good to him. I cannot express the contempt I have for his character.

7 December 1880 • Tuesday

Suffering still from the cold. It makes me very sick. I am inclined to be homesick; Went again to the dentist’s. A windy, cold morning. Wrote to John Q. and to each of my wives.

8 December 1880 • Wednesday

Weather still cold and my health poor. Went to the dentist’s. At the House. The discussion of the Joint Rule for counting the Electoral Vote for President and Vice-President of the U. S. occupied the most of the Session. Wrote a letter to my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, who is teaching my children; also to Presidents John Taylor and Jos. F. Smith.

9 December 1880 • Thursday

Slept better last night than I have done since Saturday night and feel some better; but my lungs and other parts of my internal economy are quite sore.

The discussion of the Joint Rule was resumed.

10 December 1880 • Friday

Bought a present of china and glassware for my wife, Elizabeth, it being 26 years to-day since we were married. Went to the dentist’s. At the House. Private-Bill day. Very cold.

Had an interview with Mr. Crawford of the Chicago Times.

Wrote a letter to my wife, Elizabeth

11 December 1880 • Saturday

Not feeling well this morning; depressed in my spirit also. House not in session to-day. Went to the dentist’s. At the Library. Received a letter from my son, John Q. He writes that all are well. His mother had been low-spirited and she wished she had come with me. Wrote him a long letter. Wrote to Bro. John Irvine also to Bro. Jos. F. Smith.

12 December 1880 • Sunday

Ua hoole au i ka ai i keia la. [I fasted today.]

I thought in the night of our condition as a people, and the suggestion came to me how proper a thing it would be for our people to present Hayes’ Message concerning us before the Lord and testify to Him that we had done all in our power to pacify him and to treat him kindly and with honor, and to fast and pray and ask the Lord to turn away wrath from us. I wrote an eight page letter to President Taylor giving my feelings upon this subject (which see). Received letters from my wife Elizabeth and daughter Mary Alice. Delighted to get them. Answered Mary Alice’s.

13 December 1880 • Monday

Rained last night. Not feeling well this morning; nervous also in my feelings. This causes <prompts> me to go to the Lord for strength. Gen. Garfield’s successor was sworn in after opposition from Mr. Frank Hurd and discussion upon both sides. After the routine business resumed the discussion of the Joint Rule for counting the electoral votes. A beautiful day.

14 December 1880 • Tuesday

At the Dentist’s. The House laid over the Joint Rule for Counting the Electoral vote and took up the Funding Bill.

In evening wrote summary of Book of Mormon.

Wrote to my son John Q.

15 December 1880 • Wednesday

Received a letter from Bro. Geo. Reynolds respecting his case. I am much exercised on his account. Called at the Dep’t. of Justice to see Major Chase concerning the above case; but did not find him; he was at New York. At the dentist’s.

At the House. The Fortification Bill (appropriation) was discussed and passed. Wrote to my brother Angus. Am to enclose in the letter when I send it to-day $40 being a month’s salary for his son George in teaching my children. This is exclusive of board, &c. I also send him $40 to pay my subscription to the Assembly Hall, in accordance with a motion made by me at a Priesthood meeting that we give a day’s income each for the liquidation of the indebtedness on that building. Wrote to my wife Elizabeth, enclosing $15 to pay for Henry’s board till Jan. 3.

16 December 1880 • Thursday

It is announced in the dispatches this morning – dated Salt Lake Nov. 15th – that Gov. Murray will take my case in hand. The following is a copy of the dispatch.

I omitted to say that last evening I worked at my summary of the Book of Mormon.

(By an error I finished to-day’s items on the next page – Friday – which see)

[Inserted newspaper article]

Delegate Cannon’s Seat in Danger.

Salt Lake, Utah, Dec. 15.—It looks as if Gov. Murray had undertaken to do what Congress has not done, namely, keep G. Q. Cannon out of his seat as Delegate from Utah. The vote of the Territory was canvassed by the Governor and secretary, and the Gentile candidate for Congress gave notice of protest against a certificate being issued to Cannon. It is understood that the protest is based upon the claim that Cannon is not a citizen, having been born in Great Britain and never properly naturalized; also, that he is a polygamist, having four wives. The vote stood—Cannon, 18,568; Campbell, 1,357. It is said by Campbell’s friends that the Governor will give him the certificate, and that Cannon, being then left out, Congress will have an excuse for keeping him out.

[End of newspaper article]

Called again at the Dep’t. of Justice to see Major Chase. He had not returned. At the dentist’s. At the House; Invalid Pension Bill passed. A recess of ten minutes was taken to give Members an opportunity of shaking hands with ex-President Grant, who was on the floor. I had no spirit to shake his hand; many others kept aloof.

Worked at summary in the evening. The weather to-day has been fine.

A resolution to take a recess for the holidays from Wednesday, the 22nd inst. to Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 1881, passed the House to-day.

17 December 1880 • Friday

Friday the 17th

The Post of this morning contains the following paragraph:

[Inserted newspaper article]

Delegate Cannon’s Case.

Delegate Cannon, of Utah, said yesterday that he presumed the report telegraphed from Salt Lake City, that an effort to deprive him of the certificate of his election to the Forty-seventh Congress would be made, was true. “That is,” said Mr. Cannon, “I think the Governor will delay as long as possible in giving me the certificate. I doubt if he will give it to Campbell. He only received 1,300 votes. No one disputes my majority nor the fairness of the election. The Governor is only a ministerial officer. He cannot judge of my election. The House is the only body empowered to judge of the election and qualifications of its own members. Campbell will, in all probability, contest my seat. He claims that I am not a legally naturalized citizen of the United States. That question was settled by the Forty-fourth Congress. My seat was contested at that time, the question of citizenship being the principal one involved. While no report on that question was ever made to the House, the members of the committee were unanimously of the opinion that I had been properly naturalized.”

[End of newspaper clipping]

At the House. The Private Calendar, was taken up. Sent a letter containing $400 to Bro. Webber, Sec’y, of Z. C. M. I. to apply on my account there, with the request that no credit be given to any one on my account without an order from me. Also sent $38316/100 to John Q., my son, to square his Mothers a/c with the Hoagland estate for land. Wrote to my wife, Martha. In evening worked at summary of Book of Mormon.

18 December 1880 • Saturday


Had an interview with Major Chase and he promised to have a letter written to-day to the Marshal of U. S. at Salt Lake to give Bro. Reynolds the full benefit of good conduct allowance and to let him <off> without confinement, if the commitment did not prevent, without for non-payment of the fine. I wrote to Bro. Reynolds; also to my son Frank and his mother. Clipping from dispatches:

[Inserted newspaper article]

Polygamy Invading Idaho.

Francisco, Dec. 17. – Gov O’Neil, of Idaho, in his message to the Legislature; says that polygamy is being rapidly introduced from Utah. The statue is defective, as it is found impossible to prove the ceremonies. The Territory is in danger, and is becoming a second Utah, and he expresses the hope that the Legislature will adopt measures to crush out the practice. He also advises the punishment of those who counsel and preach the doctrine of polygamy, and recommends that Congress be memorialized to amend the act of 1862 so as to make polygamous cohabitation after marriage in another Territory an offense.

[End of newspaper clipping]

19 December 1880 • Sunday

Had an appointment with Mr. Ainslie of Idaho to meet Mr. Blackburn of Ken. to see if he would write to Gov. Murray of Utah respecting my Certificate of election. He was not at home.

20 December 1880 • Monday

A stormy day; snowing. My knee, which I wrenched last Summer, has been giving me much pain for a few days. Called at the Land Dep’t. upon business written to me about by Bro. Richd Ballantyne – the desert land entry of his son. On Friday last I received a very kind invitation from Hon. Geo. M. Landers, a Member of Congress from New Britain, Conn., in the 44th and 45th Congresses, to spend the holidays with himself and family at their home. I declined, and wrote him suitably, on account of the lameness of my knee, which I feel I must give rest. At the House, after the call of the States and Territories, a few Committees reported Bills, most of which passed. I received a dispatch from Bro. H. B. Clawson to the effect that he and wife would be at Willards to-night. Sent a dispatch to my son John Q. inquiring about the health of my family. He replied that his Mother and all the rest were in excellent health. This was thankfully received by me.

21 December 1880 • Tuesday

Brother and Sister Ellen S. Clawson reached before midnight last night. As I intended they should be my guests while here I breakfasted and dined with them. I hired a carriage, took them to the White House through all the apartments of the lower floor and the Conservatory they were shown, to the Capitol, to the Smithsonian Institute, the Corcoran Art Gallery, and around town. The snow fell heavily all day; but they enjoyed themselves. There was a meeting of the Com. on Ter. in the morning, which I attended for a short time. The House discussed the Funding Bill. There was a dreadful row at the close between Gen. Weaver of Iowa, candidate on the Greenback ticket for President, and Mr. Sparks of Ill. It was with difficulty they were kept from fighting. Mr. Fernando Wood, one of oldest members of the House, described the scene as the most disgraceful he <that> had ever witnessed occurred in Congress. Mr. Blackburn wrote a strong letter to Gov. Murray of Utah respecting my case and telling him he would have him to fight if he withheld the certificate of election from me. I accompanied Bro. & Sis. Clawson to the Baltimore and Ohio Depot at 10.30 p.m. I have enjoyed their visit very much.

22 December 1880 • Wednesday


The day was fine. Messrs. Weaver and Sparks, after some time spent by the House in the discussion of their case, apologized to the House for their conduct. I received this morning a letter from Brothers W. H. Hooper and John T. Caine with the protest of Campbell, the contestant for my seat in Congress, which he had filed with Gov. Murray against the certificate being issued to me. They made no reply, thinking I would have to employ an attorney here in the contest before Congress and that he would be the proper person to draw up a reply. His protest is based on the assertion that I am not naturalized, that I have four wives and that women voted. My vote is 18,568 out of a vote of 19,933 votes, of which he only got 1,357, giving me a majority of all 17,211. His position is absurd.

23 December 1880 • Thursday

Congress yesterday adjourned for the holidays to meet again Wednesday, Jan. 5th, 1881. I forgot to mention that on Tuesday evening, in company with Bro. Clawson, I called upon Mr. Ben Holladay and had a very agreeable visit with him. Had an interview with Gen. Halbert E. Paine, who was my attorney in my first contest in Congress, Maxwell being my contestant, and gave him the protest of Campbell and explained to him the case, and also asked him to be my attorney, to which he consented. He could not write the answer, however, till Monday as he had an important case on hand. Respecting his charge he could not say what it would be, it would depend on the work to be done; if he were to make a charge now it might do me injustice if the contest did not amount to much, or it might do him injustice if it should prove tedious and a heavy contest. If we differed respecting the amount we could leave it to some one else to decide what sum would be proper.

I had a Turkish bath, for the purpose of relieving myself from the lameness in my knee, which I am inclined to think is due to rheumatism at least in part. I am using also a prescription which Sister Clawson told me was recommended by Sister Horne. Equal parts of oil of cedar, oil of hemlock and consecrated oil. Snowing this morning. Wrote a letter to President John Taylor and another to Bro’s. Hooper & Caine concerning the protest which they sent to me.

24 December 1880 • Friday

Friday, 24th Dec.

Received a letter from Sara my wife, Sarah Jane. Wrote in my life of Nephi.

25 December 1880 • Saturday


Christmas day, the first I ever spent, I think, in Washington. I went to the Turkish bath to-day. Worked on my life of Nephi. My breakfast to-day was a dish of cracked wheat with less than a tea-spoonful of sugar. My dinner cost me 25 cents at the F. St. Dining Rooms. <I had no other meal.> I have been living sparingly since I have been here. My breakfast and supper consist of cracked wheat, with a very little sugar, not a tabls dessert spoonful at a meal. For lunch, which I take at the Capitol, when the House is in session, I take a dish of vegetable soup and a little bread and butter. This has <been> my daily fare since I have been here, except on Sundays, (when I eat one meal at the restaurant in the middle of the afternoon, which cost me 50c each till last when I paid 60c) and the day Bro. & Sis. Clawson were here.

26 December 1880 • Sunday

It rained last evening, but in the night changed to snow. Snowed all day. I do not remember seeing so much snow in Washington before. Ua hole au ia’u iho i ka ai i keia la. [I fasted today.]

Received a letter from my son John Q. in which he speaks of his Mother’s health as much better; she shows some <more> of her old <fire and> snap, he says, than she has manifested of late months. All of which gave me great pleasure.

Wrote to John Q. and to my wife, Sarah Jane; also wrote an article for the Juvenile Instructor

My only meal to-day cost me 25c

27 December 1880 • Monday

Called at Gen. Paine’s. He was preparing to make my Answer to Campbell’s Protest. Called at the Departments and at the Capitol. I found letters from my wife, Elizabeth, from my daughter Mary Alice and my son David, all of which I answered there.

Writing at my life of Nephi

Sent a telegraphic dispatch to John Q. inquiring how as to the health of my family.

28 December 1880 • Tuesday

Hunting up books <&c> for Gen. Paine. Was at the Capitol. Weather very cold. Took a Turkish bath and had electricity applied to my sprained knee. Received reply from John Q. that my folks were all well.

Wrote on Life of Nephi

29 December 1880 • Wednesday

Snowing heavily. Wrote on Life of Nephi Had a Turkish bath and had electricity applied to my knee again. Stormed all day.

30 December 1880 • Thursday

A very cold night last night. Received a dispatch from Bro. Jack respecting Bro. Reynolds’ case. Went to the Dep’t. of Justice; but did not find Major Chase, whose promise to write to Marshal Shaugnessy respecting the time allowed to Bro. Reynolds, it seems had not been kept.

Had a Turkish Bath and had electricity used again. I weighed myself to-day and to my great surprise only weighed 176 lbs. On Monday last I was 181 lbs on the same scales. The Baths and my diet had pulled me down faster than I ever was reduced before, in the same length of time.

Wrote the following letter to Gov. Crittenden of Missouri, with whom I had served in Congress. He is a uterine brother of Gov. Murray of Utah. The cold still keeps up.

31 December 1880 • Friday

I think the last night must be the coldest night that Washington has had for many years. At 7 o’clock yesterday morning it was 6 deg. below zero at the Signal Office and it had been lower earlier, and from my feelings last night was still colder. It was, I find, 10 deg. below zero here this morning. Went early to see Gen. Paine to have some points in my Reply to Campbell corrected. Called at the Dep’t. of Justice and saw Major Chase, who succeeded, after some difficulty he said, in getting the Attorney-General, Mr. Devens, to sign a letter to Marshal Shaughnessy of Utah, instructing him on all the points involved in Bro. Geo Reynolds’ case, respecting the allowance for good behavior and his fine. The U. S. law gives to U. S. prisoners the benefit of the law of the States in the Penitentiaries of which they may be confined for good conduct. Our law allows 60 days for the first year and 84 for the second. It was the advantage of this that I wished to obtain for Bro. Reynolds; but the U. S. law said “States,” but nothing was said respecting Territories. The difficulty was to get Mr. Devens to rule that it should apply to Territories. This letter did that. It was a letter to apply to U. S. generally and not to Bro. R’s. particular case. My Reply is printed and I wrote a letter to Brothers Hooper & Caine, enclosing two copies which I signed; and I sent them 1/2 a doz. beside for the papers if they wished to publish it. Wrote to Bro. Geo. Reynolds and enclosed it to Bro. Jack and asked him to show the letter to Presidents Taylor and Smith.

A word about my diet: On Sunday I had one meal which cost 25¢. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and to-day, I have eaten a glass fruit dish nearly full of cracked wheat or oatmeal boiled, with nearly a tea-spoonfull of sugar sprinkled on it, in the morning and in the evening. This has constituted my only food, except to-day when I ate a piece of mince pie and some cheese in the middle of the afternoon at the Capitol. I have felt well and clear and light, though I have been hungry. This I think good for me in more ways than one. I think it of a benefit to know what sensations and feelings attend want; a man is more humble and can feel for others.

[Undated miscellaneous notes]


Hon. B. B. Lewis, Tuscaloosa, Ala.

5 gall’s Wine

Promised J. Proctor Knott


Send Chas A Davis

P O Box 912 South Bend, Ind.

Pratt-Newman Discussion

[The remaining transcriptions are of loose papers found in the back pocket of the journal.]

Mr. President: George Reynolds who was indicted under Sec. 5352 Rev Stat. for the crime of polygamy, by a Grand Jury, at S L City, Oct 23 1874, was tried and convicted of that crime and sentenced to one year’s imprisonment in the penitentiary. Upon appeal to the Supreme Court of the Ter, the case was dismissed, because the grand jury who found the indictment was an illegal one. He was again indicted on 30th Oct. 1875, & again tried in the Dist Court for the same offence, and was convicted &sentenced to two years’ imprisonment in the penitentiary. The Supreme Court of the Ter affirmed the decision of the inferior court on July 6th, 1876. and <The case was carried upon appeal to> the U. S. Supreme Court, and on Jan. 6, 1879, it affirmed the judgment was also affirmed by it. In conformity with this sentence of the Court George Reynolds was imprisoned in <sent to> the Penitentiary and where of which place he is an in which he is a prisoner at the present time.

The circumstances which surround this case are somewhat peculiar. For a lon Since the passage of the law of Congress of July 1st, 1862, known as the anti-polygamy law, there has prevailed a wide-spread belief among many of the citizens of Utah Ter. that that law was unconstitutional and violative of the first amendment to the Con. of the U. S. which says that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” They held that the practice of polygamy was a part of their religion, they and that as such it was protected by this amendment. It was to test the constitutionality of this law that this case was arranged for and carried up. And though we understand there have been statements to the effect that Reynolds’ attorneys made as stubborn light in good a defense in his case efforts to prevent his conviction, yet [torn sheet; word missing] are informed <it was through the consent of Reynolds to have his case made a test case> that his case <it> was brought to the attention of the public prosecutor, and that Reynolds did consent to being <having his case> made a test case and <he> did give the names of witnesses, through which information his indictment & subsequent conviction was secured. In Upwards of one-half The time for which he was sentenced at his first trial has more than expired, & upwards of half of the time for which he was sentenced at his present last trial. All the ignominy that can attach to th punishment for this crime rests upon him. The Government has shown vindicated its law has been vindicated And now it seems to us that the Government can show its magnanimity, we therefore invoke the clemency of your <appeal to your> Excellency in behalf of this prisoner and ask that you will exercise the power given you by the Constitution, and remit his sentence the remainder of his sentence. Under the circumstances of his conviction we believe that the exercise of this clemency will be well-timed and attended with good effects, and will, at least, show that the Government

[Bottom of page and upside down on sheet containing the above letter]

House of Representatives,

Washington, D. C., May 5th, 1880.

Hon. John Sharp,

President of the Utah Central R.R.,

Dear Sir:

I am desirous that you should become acquainted with Crosby S. Noyes, Esq., Editor and Proprietor of the Evening Star

[Draft letter on House of Representatives stationery]

House of Representatives United States,

Hon T. T Crittenden Washington, D. C., Dec. 2, 1880

Warrensburg, Mo.

Dear Governor

You will pardon me, I hope, for the liberty I take for <of> troubling you with matters personal to myself. but Presuming upon your kindness, <however,> I venture to do so. You may have noticed in the papers a dispatch which intimated that Gov. Murray intended to withhold the certificate of election from me, though my vote was 18,568 which <while> my opponent’s <was only> 1357. I have received the accom pany Should he do this, or even withho <give> <the certificate> <to my opponent, or not give to him and but still> refuse to issue it to me, he will do me, as I think, a great wrong, subject me to great trouble and expense in contending for my rights before a radical committee and House <organized as the next are likely to be,> and gain no Credit to himself. It <has> struck me that perhaps you might have some views upon this subject which you would not hesitate to express to him. Though of course I have no means of knowing how Gen. Garfield will view this action, I think I know him well enough to feel sure that he will disapprove of it. He will not <scarcely> want the Mormon question with its embarrassments forced upon the party <in the beginning of his administration> in that way; for his experience in Congress enables him to know that the refusal <to give> of the certificate to a candidate who obtained <with> such a vote as I did <had> cannot be defended by law or precedent. Personally my relations with Gov. Murray have been quite pleasant. The only difficulty is I am a Mormon and not a Republican. Were it a case in which I had no interest I should urge him, <for his own sake,> to issue the certificate; for I can see no possibility of his gaining anything but discredit from refusing it. The fact is, he has bad advisers there, who wish would use him to accomplish their ends, regardless of the effect it may have upon him and his <reputation and> prospects.

You may not feel like meddling in this matter. If so, it will be all rights with me. I know it is a delicate thing, <and I would not wish you to do anything that would not be pleasant to you.> If you should take sufficient interest in the case, you wi <however,> to know more about its <merits,> you will find enclosed the Protest of my opponent to the Governor and my answer which I have just <am on the point of> forwarded there. Should you write any thing to me <him,> it might be well to must not say anything about having had this from me.< you will probably consider whether your not mentioning having had this, from me will have the best effect or not.>

With kind regards, and congratulating you upon your elevation to the gubernatorial chair <so dignified an office as that which you are about to fill,> and with the heartfelt wish that you may enjoy your term of office and be a blessing to your State and people

I am with sentiments of esteem

Yours Truly

(signed) GQC

[Letter from Junius Wells]

30th June 1876

140 N. Twentieth St.

Philadelphia, Penn.

Dear Brother Cannon:

Your favor of 28th was received this morning. I am delighted at the prospect of seeing you here. Mrs. Price who keeps the house in which I am located, can give you a room with childs bed in it for Mary Alice, If the sit location suits you. I think you will be as comfortable here as any where. The charges are $2 pr day.

I heard from Brother Staines of the arrival of Bros. Young & Sharp, but have not yet learned if they have left New York, or whether they are coming here. The distance to Independence Hall is about 1½ miles, and from Market St. two squares.

With love to yourself

Sister Cannon &Mary Alice,

I am Your Brother

Junius T. Wells

P.S. The sudden illness of my cousin’s wife restrained me from going to his house to stay, hence you will address as above. Yours J. T. W.

[The following names and figures are on loose papers. While in several instances the original material was in multiple columns or in random fashion, the notations are presented here in single columns.]

[This sheet is crossed out with an X.]

Feb. 22

√poor 1.05

√earrings 18.00

√pills [.]65

√candy [.]30

√pnuts [.]10


S-at-arms 60.00

√Mrs.C. 5.25

√Fare .35

√lunch .50

√ ″ .20

√ ″ .40

√minstrels 6.00

√Car .30

√Vichy .40

√Catalogue .25

√Car 1.25

√Mrs. C. 13.00

√ ″ 1.00

√Lemonade .30

√Lunch 3.25

√Strat 2.50


√Mrs. C. 5.27

√ ″ ″ 15.00

√″ ″ 1.00

√ Fare [.]10

√paper [.]3


S. at Arms 120.00

√Rent 95.00

√Milner do 25.00

√″ 9.00

√lunch .60

√fare .10

√ ″ .25

S-at-arms 50.00

″ ″ ″ 35.00

√W H B [blotted; illegible]

for Dem. aid 50.00

papers [.]70√

diner 4.10√

fare .10√

Mrs. C. 6.00√


Peacock’s ret ltr 4.00

Mrs. C 2.00√

Porter 2.50√

Lunch .20√

Stamps .50√

[illegible] .30√

[illegible] .75√

Mrs. C. 11.00√

Papers .55√

lunch .20√

paper [.]3√

— 10.07

S. at a. 75.00

dinner .50√

fare .5√

Mrs. C. 9.00√

″ ″ 5.00√

Lunch .10√

Paper .03√

— 70.39

Fruit &c. 0.95√

Mrs. C. 14.32√

— 55.09

Lunch .15√

Stamps 1.50√

— 53.44

lunch .10√

paper [.]6√

Stout 2.50√

lunch .20√

″ .20√

fare .30√

Mrs. C. 20.00√

Bro. Milner 10.00√

— 20.08

S. at a. 40.00

Henderson 10.00√

Fruit &c. 1.00√

Poor [.]3√

lunch .45√

Mrs. C. 2.00√

Stamps 1.12√

paper [.]6√

dispatch 2.50√

— 42.92

haircutting .45√

Mrs. C. 21.00√

medicine 1.00√

lunch .20√

paper [.]2√

fare .10√


lunch [.]20√

papers [.]43√

Ice cream [.]25√

fare [.]5√

″ [.]25√

lunch [.]10√

paper [.]2√


Stout 2.50√

Mrs. C. 1.25√

″ ″ 7.00√

Bro. Milner 5.00√

Fruit .70√

J N. Y. [.]75√

barber .30√

fares .20√

papers .30√

Ice cream .25√


S. at a. 75.00

Mrs. C. 6.00√

fare [.]5√

″ .25√

stamps ◊.50√

Milner 20..00√


S at a 120.00

Mrs. C. 16.00√

papers .50√

fare .45√

fruit &c. 1.10√

Rent 120.00√


S-at a. 50.00

fare [.]30√

[illegible] C. 20.00√

[illegible] 5.00√ expense a/c

Trip to

Phil &back 15.27√

Lacham 5.50√

Cong. Directory

Mary Alice 2.85√


lunch .10√

boots .10√

fare .15√

paper [.]3√

missing [.].8√

S a A 14.00

boots 14.00√


Mrs. C. 5.00√

Expense 4.00√

a/c Peached

stamps 1.00√

lunch [.]10√

fare [.]30√

paper [.]3√



[This sheet is crossed out with a single diagonal line.]


April 12 35.00

Mrs. C. 5.00√

Expres ) 1.15√

chge on )

document )

lunch .30√

page .20√

papers [.]9√

fare .40√

missing .12√


Mrs. C 10.00√

Porter 15.00√

Lunch .10√

Copy book .15√

Doctor 5.00

S-at.A 55.00

Ousley 5.00√

Mrs. C. 1.00√

″ 15.00√

″ 10.00√

Stamps .75√

fruit .50√

papers [.]35√

″ [.]5√

lunch .20√

alcohol 2.00


SaA 30.00

Gen K. 30.00

Ring 8.00√

brooch .25√

Mrs. C. 1.00√

fare .55√

fruit .45√

stamps 1.50√

lunch .25√

″ .15√

paper .5√

poor .5√__


SaA 49.00

Mrs. C. 7.00

″ ″ 4.00√

″ ″ 5.15√

″ ″ 20.00√

Fruit .55√

Fare .5√


Emerson 2.00√

Silver 3.00√

fare [.]5√

Mrs. C. 10.00—


S.a.a 15◊.00

Clothing 100.00√

Goods 148.40√


Gen. K 30.00

Ice cream .25√

Lunch .45√

Fare .45√

Stamps 1.00√

Purse 5.00√

Soap 1.00√

Mrs. C. 6.00√

Saa 22.25


Mrs. C. 20.00√

″ ″ 15.00√

Ice cream .50√

fare .15√

papers .75√

Fruit 1.00√

Tickets 6.25 expense

lunch .25√

Sundries .35√


Rent 95.00√

Bro. Milner 25.00√

Faire from Phil 6.25√)

Lunch. .95√) expense

Porter &c .17√)

Book .40√)


SaA 53.00

Stamps 2.00√

Photo’s 25.00

Mrs. C. .10√

Milk .5√

lunch .25√

S.a.a. 26.20


Mrs. C. 13.00√

″ ″ 20.25√

overpaid 10√

poor 3

fare .25√

Mrs. C. 1.35√

[illegible] .24√


Trunk 10.00√

Patent fee for 18.00√

Taylor Bros

Loaned page 1.00√

lunch .40√

fruit 1.03√

papers .53√


S. a A 300.00

Mrs. C 58.00√

Hkchief 2.25√

Porter .50√

ice cream .25√

pa◊◊◊◊ fare 1.00√

hair cutting .15√

milk .04√

Dispatch .88√

Mrs. C. 1.25√


p.nuts .25√

fruit .25√

bus 1.50√

″ 1.50√

fare .25√

″ .22√

hack 3.25√

fare .60√

″ .23√

perfume .75√

lunch .45√

″ .65√

beverages .70√

photos .30√

collars .45√

papers .13√

fare .21√

lunch .50√

fruit .50√

badges .50√

porter .65√

camphor .25√

dispatch .25√

Canfield ) 5.00√ gold & silver

children )

Mrs. C. 20.00√

boots .10√



Ice cream [.]25√

Fares 1.00√


gratuities .75√

wormwood &c .20√

poor 7√

H of R porter .50√

fare .50√

W J 35√

flowers .75√

views .75√

lemons .38√

papers 6√

musicians 35√

Homepage 25√

lunch 20√

boy 14√

Mrs. C. 13.00√



fare [.]10√

paper [.]3√

Mrs. C. 16.25



May 28


photos 15.00√

Bro. Milner 5.00√

Mrs. C. 2.74√

copy book .15√

Ice cream .50√

papers .6√

Hack 1.00 expence



poor 7√

paper 3√

lunch 10√

fare 5√

S-a-a 150.00

Rent 95.00√

Milner 25.00√




Eldredge 300.00√

O Taylor 200.00√

Mrs. C. 20.00√




books .25√



printer’s .25√


paper .3√

″ [.]3√

little girl [.]25√

bananas [.]10√

poor [.]2√






Schuly 40.00√

fare .5√

paper .3√

lunch .25√

Mrs. C. 4.00√



lunch [.]30√

Mrs. C 2.00√

Vests 12.00√

Candy .78√ fare .25√

papers .26√





Milner 60.00√




for Milner a/c 1.00√

lunch for do. 2.05

milk √.20

lunch √.15

fare √[0.]5



Mrs. C. √20.00

″ ″ √5.00

″ ″ √3.00

lunch √.50

″ √.15

″ √.20

ice cream √.25

Key √.10

fare √.25



stamps 1.50√

fare .30√

Mrs. C. .50√

paper √[.]2




S.a.a. 62.60

″ ″ ″ 35.00



Gibson Bro’s. 62.60√

Mrs. C. √20.00

″ ″ √10.00

″ ″ √.50

milk .10√

fruit .25√

fare .30√



Mrs. C. 4.90√

lunch .25√

fruit .78



R. C. Lund 4.00

Mrs. C. 2.50√

Barber .35√

Walton 5.80X√

fare [.]25√

papers [.]9√



S.a.a. 40.00

J. F Mills

bed 5.00√

Mrs. C. 4.00√

″ ″ 20.00√

lemons .20√

Fare .25√

poor .7√

pie .10√

paper [.]3√

pills [.]25√



Mrs. C. 10.00√

for Bro.


Board √ J.F.W.

lodging 2.00√

washing 2.50

Mrs. C. 2.25√

fruit .65√

fare .25√

Vichy .25√

papers .10√



Mrs. C. 18.00√

fruit .40√

fa [.]10√

paper [.]5√

fare [.]50√




pamphlet 1.50√

telegraph [.]90√

stamps .40√ expense



Rent 95.00√

Mrs. C. 11.00√

[This sheet is crossed out with a diagonal line.]

on hand (19th) 21.17

lunch [.]75√

″ [.]40√

fare [.]10√

″ [.]25√

″ [.]10√

″ [.]5√

papers [.]18√

Vichy [.]10√

Cox speech [.]66√

Stamps 1.51√

Mrs. Kimball 1.25√

Mrs. G. Q. C 9.00√


50.00 S-at-a.

55.97 (22nd)

″ 20.00√

Cor. of Des. News 20.00√

umbrella 3.25√

alcohol 1.75√

fruit 1.00√

collar & tie .90√

Vichy .10√

Perfume .50√

Record .15√

lunch .25√

stamps [.]6√

—8.00 (22nd)

papers .35√

Mrs. C. .25√

″ ″ 4.00√

stamps 2.00√

lunch .50√

tickets .25√

fruit .60√


postage .30√ S. at-Arms

Revised )

Statues )

Geo. Bean ) 9.00√

Geo. Peacock )

Jas. Lewis )

Uncle Taylor )

Amazon ) 2.50√

exploration )

Mrs. C. 27.50√

Mil◊◊◊◊◊ 1.50√

Rent 85.00√

Medicine .75√

lemons .50√

papers .44√

fare .06√

stamp .03√

missing .63√

21.94 (30th)

50.00 S-at.A.

Henderson 15.00√


Bro. Milner 10.00√

Dr. Parsons 10.00√

Mrs. C. 10.00√

″ ″ 10.00√

″ ″ .75√

Pills .65√

Stout 2.50√

lunch .70√

stamps 1.05√

″ .50√

fare .25√

lunch .20√

″ .20√

Valentines 2.00√

candy .85√

nuts .10√

fare .10√

papers .60√

Stout 1.25√



3 lunch [.]70√

papers [.]9√

stamps 1.75√

Milner fare [.]25√

R. K. 9.50√

Mrs. C. 25.00√

Stout 2.50√

Col & gloves 2.65√

lunch [.]20√

fare .15√

paper [.]3√

[Another sheet]

poor [.]◊√

″ [.]3√

″ [.]3√

book 5.50√

2.85 Mary Alice


Fare√ lunch√

35 110

30 325 201.22

1.25 60 190__

40 420 7)391.22

35 20 5

70 20

5 50

55 20

15 25

30 10

75 580 40

50 45

45 40


30 Amusements



Expense a/c√

tel. 2.50

Phil. 15.27 ice cream√

peaches 4.00 √25

papers .30 √25

22.07 √25

Vichy boots

√40 10√

√30 lemonade 14.00√

√30 85√ tie


√ 8


50 186.22 Betrnum

1.50 190___ 50.00

1.12 326.22

1.50 √ Henderson

.10 10.00

4.72 5.00

Hair 45c


earrings 18.00√

pills .65√



Stout 2.50√











2.00 20.00

21.00 5.00

medicine 1.00√ .10

stout 2.50√


6.00 161.12


Rent 186.22



Milner 25.00 )

do. 9.00 )

″ 10.00 ) √

″ 5.00 )

″ 20.00 )

″ 25.00 )

candy & fruit√






















43 319




[Next sheet]

Mrs. C.


















































Phil. 6.25



Walters 5.00√

Page &c












Porter 15.00√

Ousley 5.00√

argument 1.15√

















































alcohol 2.00√

Doctor 5.00√

Ring 8.00√

Brooch .25√

Eimersor 2.00√

Silver tray 3.00√


M◊far 1.00√

Clothing 10◊.70√

Goods for 148.40√


purse 5.00√

Rent 95.00√

Mil 25.00√

Photo 25.30√

Trunk 10.00√


Bro’s fee

&c 18.75√

dispatch 1.13√

hair .15√

perfume .75√

badges .50√

camphor .25√


Canfield ) 5.00√

Children )

Sundries 1.85√

Locket 2.00√

[On a scrap of paper with the printed words Hon. G. Q. Cannon, City]































fare 25√

fruit 80√

tie .85√

poor 3√

papers 40√

Mrs. C. 10√

postage 10√

ice cream 25


41 60

2 50

41 70

41 60

41 70

41 70

96 16

306 96







[This sheet is crossed out with a diagonal line.]

lunch 10√

paper 3√

Mamie 2√


correspondent Walton 5.00 Expense√

lunch [.]50√

fare .30√

papers [.]10√


Mrs. C. 20.00√

″ ″ 8.00√

″ ″ 1.75√

Locket 2.00√

Taylor )

Bro’s pamph ) .75√

let )

poor .11√

fare .55√

Cake .25√

charity 1.00√

papers [.]9√


[Scrap of paper]









June 4/80.

[Single sheet]

July 1

Rent 95.00√

Mrs. C. 6.00√

″ ″ 5.00√

Fare 18.75√

fruit .65√

lunch [.]20√

childrens ) 8.00√

silver )

fare [.]5√

″ [.]25√

″ .25√

berths 4.00√

Wm 1.00√

Porter [.]40√

fruit .25√

soda .20√

fare .18√

Board )

& expences ) 30.00√

Phil )

Mrs. C. 30.00√

paper [.]8√

fare [.]25√

lemonade [.]20√

″ [.]50√

fare [.]20√

bath [.]25√

baggage man 1.00√

milk [.]10√


100.00 ) Saa

90.00 )


clothes ◊◊◊◊◊



2.30√ neckties

4.00√ Wm

[.]10√ washing

[.]6√ papers

33.00 Mrs. C.√

16.00 clothes√

[.]55√ fare

24.00 tricks√

[.]50√ Wm

25√ page

[.]13√ papers

Stamps 1.00√

.75√ express

.25√ fare


3.75 Mrs. C.√

-----1.50√ stamps

[.]75√ squeezer

[.]10√ fare

[.]3√ paper

7.00 books√

political conflict in America S-a-a 55.00

Mrs. C. 40.00√

Lunch .55√

Fare .55√

box 3.23√

papers [.]12√

toll .50√

saa 10.00

Carriage 5.00






July 6/76


28.04 (8th

20.48 (10th

11.10 (12th


24.12 (19

20.12 (21

[Written on a torn scrap of newspaper]





socks 3.00√

ties .50√

collar 1.50√

fruit 10.00√

duster 4.50√

◊◊◊ling .87√

fare .29√

drink .20√

fare 1.25√

mail [.]2√

Exhibition 2.00√


drink 1.50√

″ .20√

″ .10√

lunch 1.30


ice 1.00√

candy [.]30√

lemonade .60√

paper [.]5√

[Business card]

J. D. Huntington,





[End of card]

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December 1880, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024