October 1885

1 October 1885 • Thursday

[Thursday, Oct. 1/85. Fast day

In evening drove to town and had meeting with Mr. Clements and Bro’s. E. Snow, F D Richards, B. Young, F M Lyman, J H Smith & H J Grant of twelve apos. & J. W. Young Counselor. Talked over Mex business. He proposed to get a concession and would write terms on which Mr Rubio & himself would act. As I expected to be very busy and also to go to Logan I referred him to Bro’s. S. Y & L. to converse farther upon subject. Arranged with Bishop Preston for transportation to Logan on Sat. eve. Sent word to Bro. Alfred Solomon asking him to accompany me as guard. Returned to our quarters with Bro. C H A.]1

Thursday, Oct. 1/85. This is fast day. We met at 10 a.m. and held meeting. Bro. Nuttall was placed in charge. He, Bros. Wilcken and Barrell and President Taylor and myself spoke. We had an excellent meeting and a goodly portion of the Spirit. Sister Carlisle and daughter were present. Afterwards attended to the usual business. I have felt impressed for some little time to go to Logan at the Conference and, if possible, meet with the Priesthood and speak to them upon some subjects which weigh heavily upon my mind and which, I think, should be dwelt upon in their hearing. I feel that I can do so with some degree of safety by taking such precautions as I have in my mind. I laid the matter before President Taylor, but he has given me no positive answer. He feels that it might be too much risk and expresses himself to the effect that he would as soon be taken himself as to have me arrested. I told him that I would not go unless I had his consent. If he felt that it was not right I would not attempt to go, and if I did go I should be very careful not to incur any known danger. This afternoon he said he thought I might go. In the evening I drove to town and had a meeting with Mr Clements, and Bros. E. Snow, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, of the Mexican Mission, and Bros. F. D. Richards, J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant, of the Twelve, and J. W. Young, Counselor to the Twelve. We talked freely over the Mexican business. Mr Clements proposed to get a concession and said he would write the terms upon which Mr Rubio and himself would act. As I expect to be very busy in preparing the Epistle and also in getting ready for Logan, I referred him to Bros. Snow[,] Young and Lyman to converse farther upon the subject. I also arranged with Bp. Preston for transportation to Logan on Saturday evening and sent word to Bro. Alfred Solomon to the effect that I would like him to accompany me as a guard if he could make it convenient. After which I returned with Bro. Wilcken to our quarters.

2 October 1885 • Friday

[Friday, Oct. 2/85. Busy with correspondence & afterwards in preparing epistle. Read what I had written to Pres T. who appeared pleased with it and made no alterations.]

Friday, Oct. 2/85. Busy with correspondence, dictating answers, &c, and afterwards worked for several hours upon the Epistle; after which I read what I had written to President Taylor, who appeared pleased with it and suggested no alterations to it. Bro. Wm A. Rossiter was found guilty of unlawful cohabitation. John J. Daynes went into Court, agreed to the terms of the Court, and was released with a fine only. Such conduct as this causes me to blush for his fellows. This man has a young wife whom he wishes to retain and to discard his first wife. He was warned by the Judge of the danger of such a proceeding. One cannot help but feel unutterable contempt for such a poltroon. The day that Bro. Clawson was convicted he made a noble defense, which drew forth the admiration of all his friends. But S. W. Sears and T. O. Angell, Jr., on the same day, played a most craven part, both of them agreeing to comply with the law and discard their plural wives. Sears, I understand, intends to leave here and go to Chicago to live, having some idea of entering into business as a grain merchant, so I understand. This sounds as though he was intending to apostatize and cut loose entirely from the Church. This evening we returned to our old quarters, the threshers having got through.

3 October 1885 • Saturday

[Saturday, Oct. 3/85 ditto, ditto. At ½ past 8 I started for city going by way of my house for clean linen &c. Found David bur[n]ing with fever & sore throat. Administered to him with Bro. C H W. At the city arranged with Bro’s. G R & G F G about copying Epis. also with J N. about print. Bish P. & F D R. represented dangers on route Bridges at Og. guarded also road at W. S. They felt duty to inform me. I deb thought it over a few min. decided to go. Nearly midnight started. John Lee drove team. At Kay’s ward Bish. B. & Bro B waiting changed team Bish accomp. Daylight breaking had to crowd to reach before broad daylight[.] Met R J T. this side of bridge all clear[.] Reached Pres. S. at grey daylight[.] <Sunday> slept about 4 hours. Saw John Q, spent day there. At 7.15 started fresh team Bish B reld [relieved] with other. Dark night[.] Passed W. S. in safety told driver to not be stopped whip up horses. At Brig. found Bish N waiting[.] Changed team[.] Bro. Jos. Jensen and team took us to Wells. Good team skillful driving in dark rough roads[.] At Wellsville changed horses Evan Owens[.] J. J ret’d. Reached Logan 3.45 Put up at Jude J. Z S.]

Saturday, Oct. 3/85. After disposing of the correspondence as usual, I continued my labors on the Epistle, which kept me very busy all day. After preparing it, and reading it to President Taylor, about half past 5 in the afternoon, he suggested a number of other topics that he wished treated upon. I added them to it. At ½ past 8 I started for the city, calling at my house on the way for clean clothes, &c. I found my son David burning with fever and suffering from sore throat. Bro. Wilcken and myself administered to him. When I reached the city I arranged with Bros. George Reynolds and George F. Gibbs to copy the Epistle, and also Bro. John Nicholson to have it set in type, so that when word reached the News office that the Epistle was read, it could be inserted in the paper. Bro. F. D. Richards and Bp. Preston called in the office and represented to me the dangers that I should incur in going to Ogden. There is one bridge across the Weber going into Ogden and another bridge across the Ogden going out of Ogden, both of which have to be crossed by travelers. These bridges, they say, are watched, and some teams have to been stopped for the purpose of learning who was aboard. It is said, also, that the road at the Warm Springs, some 9 miles above Ogden, is watched. They felt it their duty to inform me of these perils, Bro. Richards being especially impressive and, as I thought, rather leaned to the idea that it was dangerous for me to go. I was unsettled for a few minutes in my feelings, but after reflecting I felt that I would go, and immediately felt clear in my mind and encouraged. It was nearly midnight when we started. A young man by the name of John Lees drove the team. Bro. Solomon accompanied me. At Kaysville Bp. Barton and Bro. Barnes were waiting for us with fresh horses. The Bishop accompanied us to Ogden. We had to crowd our team pretty lively towards the latter part of the journey in order to reach Ogden before daylight. As it was, it was gray daylight when we drove up to Prest. L. W. Shurtliff’s, where I stopped for the day. Bro. Shurtliff had kindly arranged for Bro. Richard J. Taylor to go out south of Ogden to meet us on horseback to relieve us from any apprehension respecting the bridge. There was no obstruction and nobody spying, so we crossed without any difficulty.

4 October 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 4/85. After reaching Bro. Shurtliff’s I slept about four hours. My son John Q. called upon me twice during the day — before going to Harrisville, where he went to meet with the Saints and attend to some business, and afterwards in returning from Harrisville. At 7.15 in the evening we started from Ogden, having a fresh team, Bp. Barton having returned to Kaysville with the team that he brought from there. The night was very dark. Bro. Shurtliff, accompanied by one of the other brethren, had gone over the Ogden river bridge to see that there was no obstruction and returning met us on the road. We passed on and also passed the Warm Springs without interruption. I told our driver before reaching there to keep his whip in his hand and not allow the team to stop nor be checked up in their speed by any interruption. I thought it would be an exceedingly dangerous operation for any one or two men to attempt to stop the team on the public highway. Such is the practice of road agents, and travelers might be pardoned for shooting any man or men who would thus attempt to stop them on the highway. However, I would much rather travel without interruption and without difficulty, for it is not my object to have any trouble if it could <can> be avoided. At Brigham City we found Bp. Nichols waiting for us and we soon changed our team, Bro. Joseph Jensen the owner of the team, accompanying us, and it was well for us, I think, that he did so, as his familiarity with the road enabled him, though the night was pitch dark, to take us through to Wellsville in safety. It required faith, I felt, to keep the carriage from tipping over in several places. At Wellsville we found a team belonging to Bro. Evan Owens waiting for us. We changed there at about ½ past 2 in the morning. Bro. Jensen returned from Wellsville to Brigham

5 October 1885 • Monday

[Monday, Oct. 5/85 Bros. Thatcher called, also Bro. Card[.] Reading[.] Arranged epistle in evening where additions had been made by Pres T. after I left,]

Monday, Oct. 5/85. We reached Logan at 3.45 this morning and by direction of Bro. Owen, who had been instructed to inform us, we drove to the residence of Judge J. Z. Stewart. He heard our team, got up, and made us welcome. We went to bed for several hours and was much refreshed by the rest. I had calls from Bros. Thatcher, Card and other brethren. I spent the day in reading and conversing, and in the evening Bro. George F. Gibbs came up with the Epistle, to which President Taylor had made some additions after I left. He wrote me a letter asking me to examine what he had written and to arrange it to suit me. I was under the necessity of transposing a portion of it in order to have it appear better connected.

6 October 1885 • Tuesday

[Tuesday, Oct. 6 Bro F D Richards called talked over business of Con, &c also Bro M. T. He app. to read epis. Wrote editorial Thoughts[.] In eve, met with breth of T. at house of M. T. E S. who had arrived F D S[R?].[,] M T.[,] F M L[,] J H S[,] H J G & J W T. also C O C[,] J Q C.[,] Alf Sol.[,] J Z S. attended to various matters busi Twelve voted to ask First P to ap com. of 12 who are going to Arizona, to investigate the case of Bro. Lot Smith, who, it is asserted, in settling up <the> affairs of the United Order of his Stake, had received a larger proportion of property than was due to him. Recd a letter from a Mr [blank] Nelson of Ogden writing on behalf of my son Frank[.] He praises him highly for his talents & gen good dis. Thought his reform genuine. Suggest I get him place on Des N. or to go to Wash with Hon J. T. C.]

Tuesday, Oct. 6/85. Bro. Franklin D. Richards called this morning and we talked over the business of the Conference. Bro. Moses Thatcher also called. I suggested that he should read the Epistle. I wrote “Editorial Thoughts” for the Juvenile, to-day, and in the evening I met with the brethren of the Twelve at the house of Bro. Moses Thatcher. Bro. Erastus Snow arrived this afternoon and was at Conference. He, Bros. F. D. Richards, Moses Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant and John W. Taylor of the Twelve, were present; also Prest. C. O. Card, of the Cache Valley Stake, my son John Q. Cannon, Bros. Alfred Solomon and J. Z. Stewart. We attended to various matters of business and had a very interesting time. A vote was taken by the Twelve to ask the First Presidency to appoint a committee of the members of the Twelve who are going to Arizona, to investigate the case of Bro. Lot Smith, who, it is asserted, in settling up <the> affairs of the United Order of his Stake, had received a larger proportion of property than was due to him, and many complaints were made concerning him. I received a letter from Mr Albert H. Nelson, of Ogden, on behalf of my son Frank. He praised him highly for his talents and general good disposition and thought his reform genuine. He suggested that I should get him a place suitable for his talents — in the Deseret News Office, or to accompany Bro. Caine to Washington.

7 October 1885 • Wednesday

[Wednesday, Oct 7 Wrote Topics &c. In evening went to Tem. Met in circle Asked beforehand from each the desires he wished expressed. Bro. E. S prayer I mouth a heavenly time. Arranged plan of priesthood meeting to-morrow eve how I shd get in & get out and depart. Bro. S took me & brought back in his carriage.]

Wednesday, Oct 7/85. I wrote the “Topics” for the Juvenile to-day. In the evening went to the Temple and met in the circle with several of the Twelve. Before we met I asked each of them the desires he wished to offer in prayer. Bro. Erastus Snow prayed, and I was mouth in the Circle. We had a most heavenly time and felt that the Lord was near to us. I felt like shouting Hallelujah! After this several of the brethren who were there came in — [blank] C. O. Card, M. W. Merrill, Samuel Roskelly, N. H. Edlefson, Alfred Solomon — and we arranged the plan of the priesthood meeting tomorrow evening — how I should get in and get away after the meeting. My plan is, to have the brethren assemble at a given hour — 7 o’clock — and have the Presidents of Stakes and Bishops stand near the door so as to see who came in and to exclude every person who is not entitled to admission; and then, after singing and prayer, have the doors locked and no one allowed to go out until all is concluded. In the meantime, after the doors are locked, I can enter the meeting, do my speaking, and as soon as I get through speaking, leave without waiting for singing or dismissal. The carriage will be in waiting on the outside for me to step in and drive off. After the singing and prayer, then the doors can be unlocked and the people separate. All present felt that this would be a good arrangement. Bro. Stewart took me to the Temple and brought me back in his carriage.

8 October 1885 • Thursday

[Thursday, Oct 8/85 Wrote journal.]

Thursday, Oct. 8/85. Engaged in reading during the day and in taking notes for my journal. In the evening my son John Q. came and I arranged with him about going to the meeting. Bro. Stewart took me in his carriage to the east side of the lot, where we were met by Bro. Card and others. I sat in the vestry with my son and Bro. Solomon until all the preparations were made, when the brethren came and informed me, and I entered the meeting. My entrance created a great sensation, for it was unexpected by the great bulk of the brethren. There were only very few who knew that I was in Logan, and if a ghost had appeared it would not, apparently, have surprised them more than my appearance on the stand. I spoke, for one hour and a half with great freedom and felt the Spirit of the Lord resting powerfully upon me, and I doubt not my remarks will do good, at least I felt relieved in having the opportunity of making them. As soon as I finished I left the meeting and got in a carriage. Bro. Orson Smith, Second Counselor to Bro. Card, drove us to Paradise to his own place, where we obtained a change of horses. The night was very dark, and it was difficult some of the time to see the horses. He took with him, from his house, a young man by the name of Frederickson to be his companion in returning. He took us by a new road over the mountain and by a very long and steep dugway down to Mantua. How he found the road or kept it was a mystery, as it was almost impossible to see anything. But he seemed to be inspired. It was a very dangerous route, for while going down the dugway there was a yawning chasm at our left, 400 ft. deep, with precipitous sides. We could not see only the pitch darkness that appeared abyssmal at our left. But the Lord was with us. I felt that it required the presence of angels to keep us from accident through the night, and it was with a great sense of relief that we, after passing through Mantua and Box Elder Cañon, emerged into Brigham City. I felt under many obligations to Bro. Orson Smith for his kindness and his skill. He <has> done admirably; and he felt greatly pleased that he had been able to bring me through without accident. At Brigham we found Bro. Jensen again waiting, with Bp. Nichols, for us. Bro. Nichols had Bro. Jensen put his <(Bishop N’s)> team on to the a carriage, and Bro. Smith returned with his carriage and team that he had brought us over with, and we started on our journey. It had been arranged for a messenger to meet us on the road on horseback to guide us, as I was told, to Plain City, so as to avoid the Warm Springs and Ogden in case any intelligence should have reached about my being on the road. At these points there was more danger of being intercepted than at any other. By going to Plain City we could avoid them; but to our disappointment when we got to the place where we supposed we had to turn off and would find the messenger, none was in sight. I debated a moment and told Bro. Jensen we would go to Plain City by that road. It was a road he had traveled some years ago, but it was unused now and he expected some interruptions; but he was as successful in taking us through in the deep darkness as Bro. Orson Smith had been on the other stage of our journey. We ran once into a wire fence in the dark, but he jumped out and found the way around. We had other interruptions, but reached Plain City before daylight.

9 October 1885 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 9/85. I was puzzled here. I did not know the Bishop’s name, and I knew how distrustful our folks were of strangers making inquiries for prominent men. However, we succeeded in arousing a man who directed us to the Bishop’s house. We awakened him and after dressing he came out to the carriage, spoke to me, but to our disappointment he had heard nothing about a team or vehicle. He willingly loaned us his horses, and Bro. Jensen kindly consented to continue the journey with us. The Bishop took us down to the river to find a crossing. It had been upwards of a year since he had been down there and the appearance of things was very much changed. We wandered around there till daylight without finding a crossing. He then took us back to a house where there was a trustworthy young man living, who got on his horse and we bade good-bye to the Bishop, and the young man piloted us to Slaterville, where we crossed a slough and, about 2 miles further, the river. He accompanied us, I should think, about 12 miles through devious roads that would have been difficult for us to have found without a guide, and when we were in sight of the main road he bade us good-bye. I felt greatly obliged to him for his kindness and the great care that he had taken of us. When we struck the main road Bro. Jensen felt that it was too public to travel on and he concluded to find a road further east on the bench. After traveling over two or three [hours] we finally reached Kaysville and found that Bp. Barton and Bro. Barnes had given us up for to-day. However, I had traveled with such safety in the vehicle, leaning down in the seat behind Bro. Jensen and Bro. Solomon when in sight of anybody, that I thought I would risk traveling to the City in the daylight. Bro. Barnes kindly loaned us his team, and Bro. Jensen, tired though he was expressed great willingness to drive us to the city. We reached Salt Lake City about ½ past 2. I drove into the Tithing Office yard and spoke to Bp. Preston about going home, thinking that I could rest better there, and asked him about a team to take me down. Bro. Jensen said he might as well go down as not, so he, accompanied by Bro. Bassett (Bro. Solomon having gone to his home) took me down to my residence. I found all well. I was glad to get to bed, for we have traveled not less than 100 miles since leaving Logan and over a very rough jolting road. I slept till about 9, when Bro. Wilcken called for me, but I was so heavy in slumber that he entreated me to lie in bed and he would call for me in the morning before daylight.

10 October 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 10/85. Bro. Wilcken called a little before 5 and I accompanied him to our place of residence. President Taylor was very glad to see me safely returned. We had considerable conversation today about the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co’s property. He read me a letter which he had written upon the subject, and which he wished me to submit to the Twelve at the earliest opportunity. A proposition had been made by Bro. John A. Groesbeck to bond the mine for $175,00000/100 and he and his partners would then fight the law suit. After examining it in all its lights we concluded that this was not an advantage to us; that it would be all on one side, as if we gained the suit they would take the mine, which was confessedly worth much more than they offer for it; if the suit was lost they would not be bound to take the mine. The advantages, therefore, would all be on their side, and the only advantage that we should get in the transaction would be their influence in helping us fight the law suit, which we scarcely think worth enough to accept upon the terms offered. It was decided that Bro. Nuttall go in town this evening and see Arthur Brown, the attorney, and learn from him how much is involved in these suits in the event of our losing them. Bro. Nuttall started in with Bro. Wilcken.

11 October 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 11/85. Bro. Wilcken brought Sister Mary Ann Oakley Taylor to the house and she spent the day with her husband, President Taylor. We had meeting at half past two, partook of the sacrament and had a very interesting time. In the evening Bro. Nuttall again went to town to finish his business with Mr Brown, the attorney.

12 October 1885 • Monday

[<Insert letter ref Bish Sharp>

Monday letter from Bro Woodruff

Wrote tel respecting 500 dolls & instructed J J.

saw Wahine hou [my new wife]]

Monday, Oct. 12/85. A large amount of correspondence had accumulated during my absence, answers to which were required. I dictated answers to Bro. Nuttall. I attended to various other items of business. In the evening it was decided that I should go to the city and endeavor to obtain interview with the Twelve with the Twelve and attend to some other business, and submit the question to them respecting the course to be taken about the offer which had been received by President Taylor from Bro. Groesbeck for this mining property. Bro. Wilcken drove me to my home, where I remained all night.

13 October 1885 • Tuesday


Correspondence as usual[.] Sent app for 12 those who could come with Mex. Mission, to meet us at Forest Farm

state who was there

also talk with J Beck

12 authorized investigate Lot Smith


Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1885. My wife Martha is quite sick and I administered to her. My son William, accompanied by my wife Sarah Jane, brought me to Town in the carriage. I had interviews with Bro. Jack, Bps. Preston and Burton, and Bp. Sharp. He related to me all that he had done and the views that he had taken of his action from his standpoint, to which I listened patiently and with a kind feeling, for I deeply sympathize <pity> with Bp. Sharp. He seems almost broken-hearted and is very humble and penitent. He says if we should say that he should be cut off from the Church, he would not rest till he asked us to baptize him again, and seemed perfectly willing to do everything that may be required. I dictated my journal to Bro. Winter, and a letter to Bro. Joseph F. Smith to Bro. John Irvine. Had interviews with a number of brethren and a very interesting one with Bro. A. M. Musser, who was released yesterday from the Penitentiary. Met with several of the Twelve — E. Snow, F. D. Richards, A. Carrington, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant — and Bishop W. B. Preston in the evening, and laid before them our position in connection with Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co. They were unanimous in the expression that we had better not bond the property or dispose of it in any manner except for cash down, but to rather take the chances of the lawsuit. I had an hour’s visit between 7 and 8 o’clock with Wahine hou, <Caroline,> much to my pleasure and satisfaction. She thinks of going into the country towards the last of the week. Bro. Sudbury took me to near our place of retreat, then I got out and walked the remainder of the way.

14 October 1885 • Wednesday

[Wed. Correspondence as usual[.] Read Bancroft[.] Letters of Mac donald & Teasdale[.] Visit to wahine hou [my new wife]]

Wednesday, Oct. 14/85. Busy as usual listening to correspondence and afterwards dictating replies to the same. In evening accompanied President Taylor to Bro. John R. Winder’s where we met Bro. John A. Groesbeck who had come to converse upon the purchase of the Mining property. He offered to give a bond of $200.000 for it.

15 October 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 15/85. Attended to usual business. In evening President Taylor and myself and Bro’s. Nuttall and Wilcken drove to Bishop Bennion’s where we met Bishop John Sharp and Bro. Jos. E. Taylor. We read minutes of High Council and listened to Bishop Sharp’s statement and decided to sustain the decision of the High Council to the effect that the Bishop should resign his bishopric. We had some plain talk, but in a spirit of kindness. This was a painful business to us, for Bro. Sharp’s relations and ours have always been of an intimate and kindly character. For particulars of this action see office journal of this date.

16 October 1885 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 16/85. Busy as usual to-day.

17 October 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 17, 1885. Attending to usual business. Dictated a number of letters in answer to correspondence. In evening went into City to meet Bro. John Beck. He did not come. Met with Bro. Tho’s. E. Taylor. Bro. Wilcken took me to my house. Found all well. [Six Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family]

18 October 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 18, 1885. Had Sunday School, and also Sacrament meeting. Bro. B. Young and his wife Lizzie came down in the forenoon and spent the day with me. I spoke for about an hour in our meeting and felt free and Bro. Young also spoke. The day was a very delightful one to us all. My wife Martha was not in good health. But she joined us at evening prayers. I had as guards Bro’s. Sam. Bateman and Alex. Burt. Bro. Godfrey came for me in the evening.

19 October 1885 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 19/85. Bro. Winder was here last evening when I arrived. He had brought a telegram from Arizona which informed us that the decision of lower Court had been confirmed by Supreme Court of Ter. in cases of brethren at Detroit and asking if steps should be taken for a re-hearing. A rehearing, if granted would cost $500. Dictated a number of letters. Wrote to High Council respecting a statement submitted to me by Bishop Sharp to which allusion was made in minutes of Council. The Bishop had stated in the High Council that he had summitted [submitted] his statement which was of similar import to that which he had read in court, to me, leaving the inference to be drawn that I had approved of it. It was true that he did submit a statement to me which I afterwards showed to some of the Twelve, but it differed very materially in several important points from that which he read in Court, and I so told him in our hearing of the case. I said too that if he had read in the Court the statement which he gave to me to read, I believed he would have gone to the Penitentiary. As his statement in the High Council, as recorded in its minutes, might be referred to in future days, I deem it just to myself for the purpose of historical accuracy that the original statement should be spread upon its minutes, and in writing to them sent them a copy and made that request. Prest. Taylor and myself received a letter to-day from Bro. Woodruff in which he described his feelings and situation and expresses the utmost confidence in the work of the Lord and its final triumph. We wrote a despatch for Bro. Jack to send to Lawyer Rush <of Prescott, Arizona,> asking him if the 50000/ would cover all the expenses, lawyers’ fees included; also if a re-hearing were not granted, what the cost would be. We instructed Bro. Jack that if $50000/ would cover all expenses to remit that amount to Mr Rush. <This was to pay for a rehearing of the cases of Bro’s. Tenney, Kempe and Christoferson now in prison at Detroit, Mich.> I rode out in the evening with Bro Wilcken, and called at the place where Wahine hou <Caroline> is; spent about 2 hours there. She was exceedingly glad to see me, as I was to see her.

20 October 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1885.

Attended to our usual business, and dictated to Bro. Nuttall, answers to letters. We sent an appointment to town to-day to meet the brethren of the Mexican Mission — Elders Snow, Young and Lyman, and any others of the Twelve who desire to come to meet us this evening, at 8 O’clock. at Bro. B. Young’s Forest Farm. Besides the three brethren named, Brothers F. D. Richards and H. J Grant also came. We had a most interesting meeting, and counsel was given to the brethren respecting the course to be taken in Mexico, also the general management of affairs. The Spirit of the Lord was in our midst; President Taylor felt excellently, as did all the brethren; and he expressed pleasure at the course the Twelve were taking, and blessed them. An appointment had also been made with Bro. John Beck to meet him there. While the Brethren were talking I had an interview with him about selling the mining property; and afterwards Prest. Taylor had an interview with him. The brethren who are going to Mexico will probably visit Arizona.

21 October 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1885.

Attended to the usual business, corresponding, etc. Listened, with President Taylor, to the reading of proofs of Mr Bancroft’s history which have been forwarded to us for criticism. In listening to this history one realizes how imperfectly people are informed concerning real events and the actors therein from history such as this. It has been written with great care; but in attempting to be fair and give both sides, great injustice is done to us in many particulars, because the sources are false. But because statements have been made through the columns of newspapers, which are utterly without foundation in fact, but merely because they are printed and go into circulation, there is a disposition to attach credence to them. In the matter of biographics also, it is difficult to form a true estimate of men from that which is written concerning them. The case of Patriarch John Smith is one in point. One would not imagine in reading his biography, as published in Bancroft’s history that he really is the man it represents him to be. Bro. Smith is a man that means to be a good man, but he is not a great man; yet, this would be the impression one would derive from this biography.

Letters from Bros McDonald and Teasdale were read to-day. Bro. McDonald appears to have got information that marshals and deputies were intending to go over the line of Mexico and find out the whereabouts of those who left Arizona, Utah and Idaho, as polygamists, with the intention of arresting them when the extradition treaty shall be ratified by Mexico. While I know nothing about this it strikes me as being very improbable, and I think is only intended as a scare. In the evening I paid Wahine hou <Caroline> a visit

22 October 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 22, 1885.

Attended to the usual business. This morning in company with Prest. Taylor went through letters which had accumulated and arranged for them to be answered. It was thought better for me to come to town this evening, and I accordingly left, calling at Bro. Winder’s on the way. We waited a little while for him, as he had left word to this effect. When he came he informed us that Marshal Ireland, and two or three deputies had made a descent upon the residence of B. Young’s Forest Farm ransacking the house from the basement to the roof, examining every corner, even taking a lantern to examine the upper part next to the roof to see that no one was concealed there. They stated in answer to the question, Whom they wanted to find, that they wished to arrest me or any one else whom they might find there. This visit, made so soon after our meeting at this house, caused me to suspect that somebody leaked, or that we were seen by some enemy. One marshal stated that they had been informed a very short time before they started from the City that I was there, and that they lost no time in coming down. Bro. Winder also informed me that Prest. Taylor had received a letter from his son, John W., and that he desired me, when I reached the City, to see him. I had Bro. Wilcken call at my wife, Emily’s, and he went to find Bro. John W. Taylor while I drove around a little, and then went to our neice, Olive’s, where we stayed that night. In the meantime Bro. Wilcken found Bro. Taylor. I went to his house and had an interview with him upon the subject that he wished brought to our attention. He showed me a letter from a young man which stated that his wife had been seduced by a very prominent man in the Church while she was in England, and their criminal intercourse continued after their arrival in the Valley, and even after her marriage to him. He also handed me a report that he had written of a conversation that he had had with the husband, in which he gave the name of the Elder, and further details. I was very much shocked at the intelligence, for it has the appearance of probability. I arranged with him to secure me an interview with the husband and wife at his house, tomorrow evening; also requested him, if any of the Twelve were in Town, to have them meet there also. I wished to learn for myself, from the wife herself all the particulars of this wretched affair; and to learn how much value to place upon her testimony, and also if there is any corroborative testimony.

23 October 1885 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 23, 1885.

Early this morning I went to Bp. Preston’s private office, and remained there during the day. Dictated “Topics”, also “Editorial Thoughts”, for the Juvenile. Bro. Winter took the notes. Also dictated my Journal to Bro. Geo. F. Gibbs. Had an interview with Brother F. A. Hammond, president of the San Juan Stake. He asked me a good many questions as to the proper course to pursue; and before leaving, he desired me to bless him, which I did. I felt the Spirit very powerfully, and he was melted to tears. We were old fellow-laberors on the Sandwich Islands; and it forceably brought to my mind scenes through which we passed. How often we had gone out together in times of difficulty, and in fact every day, when together, and prayed to the Lord, and blessed each other, as was the custom with us Elders on (that mission)

Bro. John W. Taylor sent Bro. J. F. Wells with a buggy to take me to his house to keep the appointment I had made. I arranged to have Brothers F. D. Richards, H. J. Grant — the only members of the Twelve in the City, excepting Bro. Carrington, to be present; I also requested Bro. Geo. F. Gibbs to be present also to take down whatever might be thought important. Before I went I submitted the documents to Bro. Richards, but Bro. Grant knew nothing of the business which called us together, until after we reached the house. I may as well state here that the person accused of this criminality is Bro. Albert Carrington, one of the Twelve Apostles, a man upward of 72 years of age, and who is so decreped decrepit through Rheumatism that I have not been prepared to believe that he was physically competent for such conduct with women, as reported. There have been a good many stories afloat concerning his conduct. Grave accusations have been made against him and at one time not long ago the Twelve felt it to be their duty to investigate the charges which were current against him. He acknowledged to them, as they reported to the First Presidency, that he had been guilty of foolishness with women, the extent of which the First Presidency had not learned the particulars of; but the impression left on my mind was that he had probably been acting foolishly, as a silly old man might do whose desires had outlived his capacity. But I had not thought for a moment that he had gone beyond that. Bro. [first and last names redacted] and his wife were present. I stated to all present the object of the meeting; and asked Bro. [last name redacted] to make such statements as he felt like doing. He requested that the written statement that had been taken down by Bro. John W. Taylor, be read. This was done by Bro. Gibbs, also his letter to Bro. Taylor. After this was done I interrogated Bro. and Sis. [last name redacted]. She said that all that was in the statement was true; [73 words redacted]. The husband had felt very uneasy and suspicious; <tho’> for a long time he thought Bro. Carrington one of the best of friends, and felt honored by the interest he had taken in him and his wife. Something, however, that he afterwards saw aroused in him a feeling of suspicion, and he became so troubled that he determined to make it a subject of prayer; and the Lord, through His Spirit, he says, told him to ask his wife. He did so; and she confessed the whole. This confession, was made to him about one week after Bro. Carrington made his last advances to his wife, [291 words redacted]. The whole recital was of so sickening a character that we were almost dumfounded, and could say little beyond asking questions. I told the witnesses that they would hear further about this in a short time; and then I returned with Bro. Wilcken to our quarters.

My object in seeing these people was to know the character and the extent of the evidence and to learn, if possible, if there were any corroborative evidence connected with it. She said, their operations were conducted so cunningly that, while there was considerable chaffing in the Office about Brother Carrington, no one saw anything of a criminal character. Of course Bro. Carrington’s admission to her husband make him a witness to a certain extent; but I was desirous of learning whether there could be any witness procured who could sustain her statements as to their criminal intercourse.

To contemplate the condition of a man at his time of life who has been guilty of such acts is exceedingly saddening. It is only a day or two ago, in speaking to Bro. Nuttall about Bro. Carrington’s failing health, I said, I hoped he would pull through and die faithful; to which he replied, “You speak as though you had doubts about it.” I made no reply to this remark; but I have had a great desire that he might die faithful in the Church and retain his standing as an apostle. Probably this feeling had its origin in serious doubts which I entertained concerning him.

24 October 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 24th, 1885.

Busy with correspondence. Dictated a number of answers to letters, to Bro. Nuttall. Sent a circular letter to several of the Presidents of Stakes, asking them to see that the Bishops made more complete reports respecting the Fast Offerings for the poor, Contributions to the Relief Societies and Donations from other sources, as in consequence of the reports being incomplete the statistics on this subject, instead of being a benefit were better calculated to mislead. I explained to Prest. Taylor what had occurred in the investigation last night at which he was considerably shocked.

25 October 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 25, 1885.

Bro. George Godfrey took me home in a buggy early this morning. I found my family in usually good health. I held Sunday School, and Sacrament meeting in the Evening, and had a very delightful time with my family. I spoke to them with exceedingly great plainness concerning the duties that devolve upon them, and the course which they ought to take. I told them the responsibility would rest with them, for I had done my duty to them as a husband and father in teaching them the way of life and salvation and warn<ing> them concerning evils which they should resist. I felt that not a drop of their blood would rest on my garments if they should turn to wickedness. I did not know when I would have an opportunity of seeing them again, as our enemies were very active, and I could not visit them without exposing myself to peril. In fact, I came to-day with some considerable risk. I had a great desire to see them, and to talk to them upon these subjects. We had a very solemn and interesting time, and the Spirit of the Lord rested in power upon all present. I trust the effect will be a lasting one. Bro. Wilcken and his daughter called for me in the evening. I had for guards to-day Bros. Bateman and Burt. I feel under many obligations to the brethren for their kindness in spending time in caring for my safety.

26 October 1885 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 26, 1885.

Attended to business as usual. Dictated a number of replies in answer to correspondence. I wrote a letter to Bro. Albert Jones of London, giving him some particulars concerning my genealogy, and asking him if he would look up a book concerning lands and their owners in Galloway, Scotland, in which my family name is mentioned. I also wrote several private letters, and arranged for a meeting with Bro. Ben E. Rich, at Bro. Winder’s, this evening. I accompanied Bro. Wilcken there, and had a conversation with Bro. Rich concerning some family affairs of his own, also about my son, Frank, of whom he speaks very highly. He says, he thinks his reformation is genuine, and is trying to do as well as anybody he knows. They are associated together in business in the Recorder’s Office. I told him, I did not doubt Frank’s capability; but I wished him to be very strict with him; and I should feel greatly obliged to him if he would use all the influence possible to help him in carrying out his good resolutions. Sister Maggie Y. Taylor returned with us from Bro. Winder’s to our quarters.

27 October 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1885.

A report was received this morning from Bro. Lorenzo Snow concerning his visit to the Wind river reservation. The report was very satisfactory, and the suggestion which he made in it respecting the appointment of Bp. Amos Wright and Elder James Brown to labor as missionaries among the Indians, was attended to. Letters were written to them, appointing them to this duty, Bro. Wright to preside and Bro. Brown, who is a full blooded Indian, to be his Counselor. A letter was also written to Bro. Budge to set them apart on this mission, and to take steps to provide for Bro. Wright’s family during his absence. Steps were also taken to secure transportation for them to their field of labor. A letter was also written to Bro. L. Snow expressing the pleasure we felt at hearing his report. Bro. F. D. Richards reports Box Elder Stake as being in a bad condition, and suggests that Bros. Moses Thatcher and John Henry Smith visit that Stake, and labor among the people, a suggestion we thought worthy of notice, and decided that those brethren should go there.

This evening I drove to the City to see the brethren of the Twelve respecting the case of Bro. Carrington. Prest. Taylor and myself had talked this business over, and decided to leave it to the Twelve to investigate and deal with. I met with Elders Richards, Grant and J. W. Taylor, and suggested that as many of the Twelve as could be got together be sent for, if they could come without danger to themselves. I also saw Bro. O. F. Whitney who was in the office at the time that this criminal association, reported to us, was going on. He gave me a report of the condition of affairs there which was quite confirmatory of their bad condition of affairs, but he knew nothing about any criminal conduct. I got a better idea of the wretched condition <state>of the mission under Bro. Carrington’s presidency, from him, than I have ever had before. It seems that Bro. Carrington’s conduct was, to say the least, scandalous and utterly unworthy of any man filling the humblest office in the Priesthood.

On my way in from my retreat this evening I called on my Wahine hou <wife Caroline> and found, to my inexpressible joy, that she had been delivered safely of a son, at 3 O’clock this afternoon. She and baby were doing very well. She had an easy delivery, and the service of the woman of the house was all sufficient. The Lord has blessed me with sons; I have 17 living now.

28 October 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Oct. 28th, 1885.

A dispatch was received from Bro. F. S. Richards, at Washington, stating that the Attorney General had moved to advance my brother, Angus’ case, and the motion, was taken under advisement by the Court. Another telegram, was afterwards received stating that the case was set for trial on the 16th Nov. Attended to usual business, and accompanied Bro. Wilcken in the evening to see Wahine hou. Caroline.

29 October 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, October 29, 1885.

Attended to usual business of correspondence. Also wrote some letters to Bro. Irvine respecting Brick Pomeroy’s Democrat, also his (Bro. Irvine’s) views as to the good that could be done in Washington by having some one there who could be on familiar terms with the Reporters for the Press. Bro. Caine, our delegate, has mentioned to me that he wished to have Bro. Irvine accompany him to assist him, as secretary. Prest. Taylor and I talked the matter over, and he felt that Bro. Irvine might go there and report for the Press, and do what he could towards influencing good reports concerning us, and the suppression of bad ones; and also to assist Bro. Caine when he <should> had have leisure. I went again this evening to visit the baby and its mother, and found them both well.

30 October 1885 • Friday

Friday, Oct. 30, 1885.

We had a new guard to-day in the person of Bro. Alfred Solomon, who came out to stay with us while Bro. Wicken, accompanied by Bro. S. Bateman, went in search of another place of retreat, in case we had to change. Letters were written to Bros. John Beck and John A. Groesbeck concerning the sale of the Bullion, Beck and Champion mining property.

Bro. John T. Caine met with me last night at Bro. Winder’s, and we arranged for a dispatch to be sent to Doctor Miller in response to some conversation which he had with Bro. Caine respecting an interview with myself or some other leading Mormon. His reason for desiring an interview was that he found himself in a position where he thought he could do us good. Bro. Caine telegraphed that he would meet him at Evanstone, and we arranged for a place for him to meet me in the City, and if possible to have him entertained while here by Bro. Jennings. Attended to correspondence and other business as usual. I accompanied Bro. Wilcken again, and called to see Wahine hou <Caroline>, and found her and baby well. Her mother has been with [her] all the time she has been out.

31 October 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, Oct. 31, 1885.

Attended to business as usual. Among other letters, replied to one from Prest. H. S. Eldredge of the First Council of the Seventies, in which he asked a question respecting Presidents of Stakes breaking into the presidencys of Quorums of Seventies without consulting with the Council of the Seventies, and ordaining those presidents of Seventies, High Priests, Bishops or Bishop’s Counselors. A letter was written in reply stating that whatever the authority of Presidents of Stakes might be, courtesy would demand that they should do no such thing without consultation, etc. I was pleased to hear that the High Council of [name of stake redacted] had given [first and last names redacted], Jun., who had been cut off from the Church, permission to be re-baptized, and to have his family restored to him, if the First Presidency should sanction it and decide as to the manner in which it should be done. This is a case that appeals very strongly to my sympathies. We wrote in reply that as he had not been divorced from his family, but had separated in consequence of an action of the High Council, if that body decided that he was worthy to receive his family, and his family were agreed, there would be no objection.

I called again this evening and saw baby and its mother.

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October 1885, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1885/10-1885


  1. [1]Notes by George Q. Cannon for expansion in the journal are given in brackets at the beginning of each day’s journal entry.