August 1860

1 August 1860 • Wednesday

Wednesday, August 1st/60. Crossed Rawhide Creek, which was full of water; there had been a terrible storm or storms in this neighborhood; the evidences of it are to be seen for 20 miles back in the flooded roads and the traces of streams which have washed through every low place and the vegetation which has been cut down as though with a scythe by the hail. This morning I found a large pile, at least two bushels, of hail stones, some of which when I found them were larger than pigeon’s eggs, though they <had> fallen at least 36 hours and been exposed to yesterday’s sun, which was extremely hot; they were covered with the trash that had been washed with them to the spot where I found them accumulated. Breakfasted a short distance from the crossing of the Platte opposite Fort Laramie. Found the river too high to ford. Sent a man to the Fort on a mule for the Ferryman. He could not be found and we attempted to ferry ourselves and crossed with Bro. Eldredge’s carriage and four mules when the man rode up. We all crossed in safety. His charge for the three wagons was $7.50. Stopped at the Fort and bought some provisions. Camped about 8 miles from the Fort on the Platte. Cool, pleasant night. It feels good to get in the mountains once more.

2 August 1860 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 2nd. Started early. Road rolling. Watered at Cottonwood Creek and stopped for breakfast about a mile further at feed. I wrote by the Poney Express to the President from the Fort yesterday, informing him about ourselves and the companies. Traveled until ½ past 4 p.m. and camped without water, having watered the animals at Horse Shoe Creek. Started at ½ past 6 and traveled until about 8 and found some water standing in Creek bed, watered and drove on to La Bonte, camped without feed for mules.

3 August 1860 • Friday

Friday, 3rd. Five mules were gone, we did not get started therefore until about 7 a.m. Crossed the creek and stopped to feed the mules and breakfast about a mile from crossing. Traveled on to A La Prele, watered, filled our kegs and camped for dinner at feed about 1½ miles beyond. Road rolling, struck the Platte and camped near it and about 2 miles from Deer Creek. Day’s travel about 35 miles.

4 August 1860 • Saturday

Saturday, After starting this morning saw a camp on the North side of river nearly opposite <mouth of> Deer Creek. Went down & hailed some of the people and learned that it was Capt. Ross’ company. I crossed the river to them on a mule and found them all well. They had had, so far, a pleasant & prosperous trip, had lost only two oxen. Bro. Smith (the Patriarch) was below them with his company; he had had some sickness among his people. We did not see his company. I was pleased to see the people feeling so well and progressing so finely. Stopped for breakfast two miles west of Deer Creek. I obtained two sacks of corn from Bro. Ross’ company that they had brought for me from Florence, I taking some luggage of them to send through for them to the Valley by one of the teams in its stead. Nooned near the Upper Bridge over the Platte, which we crossed paying $1 per wagon. This bridge has been put up at an expense of $40,000. Ascending for a few miles, then rolling to the Mineral Springs, (1◊½) miles from Bridge, where we camped; feed tolerable. Day’s travel 39 miles.

5 August 1860 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 5th/60. Travelled over rolling land to Clear, spring creek, 13 ½ miles from Mineral Spring. After starting again was met by a very violent wind. The sand and gravel were blown with such force in our and the animal’s faces that we had to turn our backs to it until it subsided. Arrived at Greaswood Creek just as Capt. Murphy’s company had rolled out. While the brethren stopped to noon I went on afoot after the company. I found them all well and their cattle looking finely. They had not lost a hoof since they started. We camped at Independence Rock together and in evening held meeting. I spoke and was followed by Bro’s. Eldredge & Hooper. I made arrangements for with Capt. Murphy for him to leave 15 sacks of Flour with Louis Silver at the Three crossings of the Sweetwater for the last hand-cart company for fear they should be short; the first <hand-cart> company having consumed much more than we calculated they would and I thought it might be so with the last. Capt. M. has to be met with the same amount at Bridger in place of that left by him. Had several mules shod at the station here.

6 August 1860 • Monday

Monday, 6th. Started before <after> breakfast stopped near split rock about 20 miles. Overtook Bro. Franklin Brown’s company and the hand-cart company; they were camped near the Three Crossings of Sweetwater. They were generally in good health and spirits and their cattle looked well. They had had an increase of two births, but no deaths. I was much grieved to learn that four or five of the brethren and some of the sisters had ruptured themselves in pulling. It saddened me much to think of this, and my prayer to the Lord is that He will bless them and overrule every thing in such a manner that this may never prove a detriment to them. I know that His is the power to control every circumstance of a man’s life, and He can bless and prosper or can curse and destroy as seemeth good in His sight. We held meeting in the evening, an excellent spirit prevailed and myself and Bro. Hooper had considerable freedom in speaking.

7 August 1860 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 7th/60. Breakfasted at 4th crossing. Found the Seminoe cut-off rutted up by teams that had traveled while the ground was wet. Concluded to go the old road. Nooned at Fifth Crossing and stopped to bait in the evening near in the hills near the Rocky Ridge, which we crossed after the Moon rose and camped at Quaking Aspen grove. Day’s travel 46 miles. We found this a delightful place to camp.

8 August 1860 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 8th. Breakfasted before starting. Went through the Pass and nooned on Pacific Creek. Crossed the Dry Sandy and baited near the junction of the Utah & Oregon roads. Next drive took us to Little Sandy. Days travel 47 miles.

9 August 1860 • Thursday

Thursday, 9th. Breakfasted at Big Sandy. One of my mules was very sick to-day with the Cholic; I never saw an animal suffer so much. I doctored him and finally administered to him, he became much better. We ferried Green River at our ferry; it was in charge of a mountaineer. We came this side some distance and camped without water; feed excellent. We stopped at ¼ of 12 p.m. Days travel about 50 miles.

10 August 1860 • Friday

Friday, 10th. Breakfasted at Black’s fork near junction with Ham’s fork.1

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August 1860, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Remainder of this page and an additional nine pages blank.