March 1862

1 March 1862 • Saturday

Saturday March 1st 1862. Went off up the river with the brethren on the steam-tender to the Steamship Africa on which they had taken second-class<Cabin> passage. Bro. Lyman and myself saw them on board, hoist anchor and Steam down the river. Wrote a letter to my Father and Mother-in-law

2 March 1862 • Sunday

Sunday 2d Attended meeting this morning and spoke to the Saints. Enjoyed myself very much. In the evening Br. Amasa Lyman preached.

3 March 1862 • Monday

Monday 3d Variously engaged. Wrote to Br. Rich.

4 March 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday. 4th Variously engaged.

5 March 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday 5th Wrote an editorial entitled “The Wicked policy of the past towards Utah — Prospects for the future.[”] Br. James S. Brown arrived on a visit from Nottingham.

6 March 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 6th of March, 1862. Received a letter from President Young. The news from the Valley is very gratifying. The delegates from various parts of the Territory met in Convention in Great Salt Lake City on the 20th of January. On the 22d they unanimously adopted the “Constitution of the State of Deseret” to be voted upon by the people on the 1st Monday in March (last Monday) and unanimously recomended, at said election for Governor, Brigham Young; for Lieutenant Governor, Heber C. Kimball, for Representative to Congress John M. Bernhisel; and adjourned on the 24th of January. The people will <were> also, on the first Monday in March, to elect 13 Senators and 26 Representatives to constitute the General Assembly of the State, who are now expected to be convened by proclamation of the Governor elect, soon after the April Conference, or on the 2d Monday in April. It is expected that the General Assembly will elect two Senators to Congress, who will immediately start for Washington with the Constitution and a memorial for the admission of Utah into the family of States. This news is exceedingly gratifying and I sincerely trust that our attemt at emancipation from Territorial bondage may, this time, be successful. Accompanied Brs. Lyman and Sloan to the Steamer Heron, in the Clarence dock, on which they took passage for Glasgow. Br Brown went with me.

7 March 1862 • Friday

Friday, March 7th, ’62. Received a telegram from Bro. Van Cott, stating that he had an offer of the Steamer Tynemouth, 2500 tons to carry our people from Copenhagen to New York for £3200. He had 1213 passengers including 35 infants. He wished to know if it would answer. After making some calculations and consulting with Mr. Smith of Tapscott, Smith & Co., who has had considerable business in Chartering, I replied that if she were staunch and perfectly seaworthy it would answer.

8 March 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 8th. Wrote a letter to President Young

9 March 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, 9th of March ’62. Attended meeting this morning in company of <Br> James S. Brown[.] I addressed the people. In the evening he occupied the time.

10 March 1862 • Monday

Monday. 10th Went out to the Botanic Gardens in company of Brs. Jas. S. Brown[,] G. J. Taylor and J. M. Kay, the latter having just arrived in Town.

11 March 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday. 11th. Variously engaged. Received a letter from President Young principally on business. I was much shocked to hear from the Valley that a man with whom I was acquainted in California, a native of Venice by the name of John Baptiste, had been proved to be a robber of graves, having been in the practice for about three years and a half of stripping the dead of their clothes &c and putting them back in their coffins naked. He had worn the clothes of some who had been buried. The linen &c of others he had made into window curtains and other articles and sold. It is said that he even paid his tithing in some of these things. Public indignation has been terribly aroused against him, his conduct has been so revolting and inhuman. He did not respect sex nor age, but desecrated all alike[.] A chest full of clothing of all kinds being found in his house. The first body that he stripped was that of Br. Wm Cook, an estimable man, who while acting as a policeman in G. S. L. City, was murdered by a ruffian. Bro. Cook was the man who baptised him in Australia. His dredful practices were brought to light by the friends of Moroni Clawson (who had been lately shot by the officers of justice while attempting while attempting to escape after having been arrested for horse stealing and other misdemeanors) obtaining permission to exhume and remove his body. Upon opening the coffin they found him naked, though he had been decently interred a few days before in clothes paid for by the county. Suspicion fell upon the grave-digger, and an inquiry was instituted when he confessed all. Such a crime is the most of any that I have heard of among the Saints from the beginning. Of course, it bears no comparison in its consequenses with the shedding of <innocent> blood, but a man, professing to be a Saint and to believe as we do, who would be guilty of robbing the bodies of his deceased brethren and sisters to gratify his devilish cupidity and avarice, when the kind and provident care of their friends had clothed them for ressurrection according to order, would not hesitate to murder if he thought he could make anything by it and not be discovered.

12 March 1862 • Wednesday1

Wednesday, Mar. 12/62. My son Abraham’s birthday. He is three years old to-day[.] Started this morning, Bros. Kay, Brown, Bull, Geo. J. Taylor, Perkes and myself to Aintree in the cars to see the L’pool Spring races. I had never seen a race in my life and I was desirous of seeing one and as it promised to be an exceedingly fine day and I felt that an out in the country would do me good, I thought I would attend them. The day proved to be indeed beautiful. There were several races on the level course which were well contested and of which we had a very good view[,] and then there was a steeple chase. Artificial obstacles, stone walls, fences, hedges and ditches were formed arranged for the horses and <with their> riders to jump over. Right opposite to where we stood was a hedge with a rail on top of it and within sight was a <plain> fence and another fence with a ditch on one side of it. Thirteen horses entered to run. Before starting, they took a canter and a preliminary leap or two looking very finely in so doing. They did not get a very good start together[,] but some turning back. When they came round <opposite> to where we were standing there were only about seven running. Two of them crossed the fence opposite us in very fine style, the third horse caught the top rail with his fore feet and turned a complete somersault over the hedge, the rider going with him and striking the ground first, with the back of his neck or shoulders, the horse falling with all his weight on top of him. Two others other <men> were unhorsed at the same point; but did not seem <much> injured. When we saw this first horse and rider fall[,] a thrill of horror went through us. The sight made me feel sick and faint, it was such a shock. The horse had rolled off him and he lay with on his back with his arms stretched out without stirring as far as we could see and as if he was stone dead. {(I afterwards learned that he died the same night at 8.) his breast bone having been crushed. <The horse also was much hurt.>} Never in <my> life had I witnessed such an accident and to see <a> man killed as I thought before my eyes was almost more than I could bear. The race was soon ended and we hurried off to the train glad to get away. I afterwards learned that the man’s breast bone was crushed in, and that he lingered from the time he fell until 8 p.m. in an unconscious state, despite every effort of the doctors, and then died. The horse also was much hurt. This has been the first (and I think it will be the last) steeple chase I ever saw. I shall not soon forget the impression the sight of that accident made upon my mind. The sun shining brightly and nature wearing her sweetest smiles of beauty and loveliness and that man stretched almost lifeless on th with upturned face on the green grass where but a few moments before he was all life and energy and doubtless filled with hope. This When I looked at him I almost felt guilty as though I had contributed by my presence to some extent to his untimely end. Wrote an editorial “The new State of Deseret”

13 March 1862 • Thursday

Thursday March 13th ’62. Attending to office business. Went out with Bros. Brown and Cousin Geo. J. Taylor.

14 March 1862 • Friday

Friday, 14th Variously engaged. Elizabeth was persuaded by me to take a ride in an omnibus to Aigburth. She enjoyed the trip, but it was with difficulty she was able to change from one omnibus to another she was so weak. Ephraim Mc Millan was indentured to me to day as an apprentice for seven years. My object being to comply with the rules of the Printers’ society which requires every boy who works at the business to be apperenticed, and also that I might have a claim upon the boy for the trouble and pains taken in learning him the business. I thought that it would have a good effect upon him.

15 March 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 15th March, ’62. Wrote home to day to President Young about <Bro.> B. F. Johnson’s daughter. Elizabeth rode out with me to Garstang to-day. My cousins Fanny and Leonora Kidd spent the evening with us.

16 March 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, 16th. Attended morning and evening meetings, Bro. Brown and myself spoke and had good meetings.

17 March 1862 • Monday

Monday, 17th Attending to office business went in evening to Henglers Circus in company with Bros. Brown and Bull and Geo. J. Taylor. A silver goblet was awarded to the writer of the best con- conundrum; the audience <to be> the judges.

18 March 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday 18th Saw Mr. Smith of the firm of Tapscott, Smith & Co. about chartering a vessel. He wished me to call on Thursday, as he expected by that time to have news from N. York respecting the sailing of some vessels. In <the> evening received a telegram from br. Van Cott, Copenhagen, informing me that the Steam vessel (Tynemouth) which he had contracted for was represented in her charter, which had been presented to him, as being 1450 tons only instead of 2500 tons, as represented by the broker to him. The latter said that she had been enlarged but Bro. Van Cott, wished me to see her and telegraph the result to him. She was at Sunderland. I had just written a letter to him when his telegram came to hand.

19 March 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 19th March ’62. Started this morning for Sunderland. It became very cold and was not pleasant riding. I reached there about 4.30 p.m. Met Bro. Hapgraves who found captain Stevens and we went in search of the vessel. The Dock office was closed and we could not obtain any information from any one respecting her though we went round the docks. Slept at captain Stevens’.

20 March 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, March 20th/62. Capt. Stevens went down to the Dock Office and learned that the “Tynemouth” was not at Sunderland. She had gone round to Hartlepool for her engines to be fixed. I went up to Mr. Laing’s place, where she had been having her repairs done, thinking I could learn from him, or from some of his men, respecting her size &c. and by that means save the necessity of a journey to Hartlepool. I did not see Mr. Laing; he was absent; but I saw the Captain of the “Tynemouth.” When he learned the object of my inquiries he was very non-committal. He would not answer scarcely a question and my interview with him was anything but satisfactory. I made up my mind to go to Hartlepool and see the vessel myself. I started at 2 p.m. Bro. Stephens accompanied me to the Station. I found her and measured her, and ascertained that she was not near so large as represented. I estimated that she could probably carry 700 or 725 statute adults. I telegraphed to Bro. Van Cott all the information I had gained, and then started to Liverpool. I had no time to get a mouthful to eat before starting and was hungry. Traveled all night, making frequent changes, and arrived at home at 4 a. m. I was chilled through, having suffered very much from the cold.

21 March 1862 • Friday

Friday, March 21st, 1862. Waited upon Mr. Smith of Tapscott, Smith & Co. He offered me the ship John J. Boyd for £2,, 3,, 0 per adult. They to find everything, excepting provisions, and to furnish the Conductor of the company a Cabin passage. I offered him £2 per head; but he would not accept. I told him I would think of it for a few days.

22 March 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 22nd. Elizabeth and Georgiana started this morning in company with Bro. Jas. S. Brown for Nottingham. Elizabeth’s health is improving, but rather slowly. I thought a change of air would have a beneficial effect upon her. Went to Messrs. Sabel and Searle’s and had an interview with the latter. Our conversation was quite lengthy. He professed to be desirous of doing our business. But gave me no tangible offer that I thought acceptable, though he wished me to write to Bro. Van Cott respecting a steam-vessel that they could let him have and also the Great Eastern, on board of which they could take 400 or 500 Statute Adults. I wrote to Bro. Van Cott on the subject.

23 March 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, March 23rd, 1862. Attended meeting this morning and spoke to the people and enjoyed the Spirit very much. It rained and snowed and was so very inclement out of doors, and having a very severe cold resulting from my night ride on Thursday night, I thought it wise to stay at-home. Bro. Bull attended meeting and spoke.

24 March 1862 • Monday

Monday, 24th. Called to see Mr. Smith respecting a <the> ship. but did not <and> see <saw> him, he was absent. After a lengthy conversation we parted without coming to any conclusion with the understanding that we should talk the matter over again after the mail came in from the States. Bro. Staines arrived from London on business.

25 March 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 25th. Variously engaged.

26 March 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 26th. Called to see Mr. Smith but he was absent.

27 March 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 27th. Called again to-day and finding that I could get no abatement and vessels were scarce. I accepted the “John J. Boyd” at the price he offered her to me on Friday last.

28 March 1862 • Friday

Friday, March 28th, 1862. Busily engaged about Office business.

29 March 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 29th. Had a Turkish bath this morning. For this entire week I have been troubled with pains in my knees, pains that have been very acute, and which I think must be rheumatic. These I think have been brought on by my ride to Sunderland and back. I took a bath yesterday and repeated it to-day hoping to experience benefit from it. When I returned to the Office I found Mr. Morwick awaiting my return <me>. We had a lengthy conversation upon the principles of the gospel. He had been investigating the principles. His education is very good, being the principal of an academy. But he does not seem to have a right or correct comprehension of the work. He spoke about being baptized in the morning and promised to call again to see what time he could be attended to in the morning. But he did not call.

30 March 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, March 30th, 1862. Mr. Morwick called this morning; but I saw the moment he <I> entered <where he was> that he had a very different spirit to what he had last night. He had been in company with some apostates and they had told him the usual stories and terrified him about going to the Valley. The right to dispose of property and to write letters could not be exercised, they told him, in the Valley, and all personal freedom of action was withheld. I talked with him at some length, and he confessed that he felt well when listening to the principles and had every reason to believe that they were true. He ate breakfast with us and then went to meeting. We held a testimony meeting; I followed in a few remarks. In evening I spoke to the people on the Second Coming of Jesus and the fulfilment of prophecy.

31 March 1862 • Monday

Monday, 31st. Bro. Amasa and Bro. Sloan arrived this day from Sunderland in good health. Busy with business in the Office. <Wrote to Elizabeth this evening.>

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March 1862, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024


  1. [1]Daybook entry for 12 March 1862.