November 1880

5 November 1880 • Friday

Prest. Taylor said that we would defer taking any action upon this for the present and the council adjourned to attend the priesthood meeting at the Assembly Hall. At that meeting I read the article on priesthood prepared by Prest. Taylor and Bro. Pratt at the request of Prest. Taylor presented the subject of the organization of the First Presidency to the priesthood meeting and proposed the names of the First Presidency and the two new members of the Twelve to the meeting for their votes. They were sustained unanimously and so far as known there was a universal expression of satisfaction among the elders and all the priesthood of and the saints at the organization of the quorum and at the appointments of the two new members of the quorum of the Twelve.

22 November 1880 • Monday

My nephew George M. Cannon commenced teaching school today for me. I afterwards saw his father and arranged with him as to the salary I should pay him for this service. I agreed to give him $40 a month and his board lodging and washing. I settled with Sister Elizabeth H. Cannon for George’s board from this date up to the 3d of Jany at the rate of 300 per week. I also paid her for Dan Jones’ dinners from Dec 1st to Jany 3d at the rate of 100 per week.

28 November 1880 • Sunday

Went up early this morning to the President’s office with the design of writing an introductory chapter for Bro. Daniel Tyler’s Battalion History; but upon an examination of the documents I found myself unable to write it as I wished. Went to the Assembly Hall and spoke to the congregation. Had excellent liberty. My nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, rode down home with me.

Called my wives and children together and gave them counsel upon many points and then we prayed together. A good, kind, loving spirit prevailed.

29 November 1880 • Monday

Monday, 29th

I called upon Gov. Murray this morning and spent two hours discussing many points connected with our views and peculiarities. I informed him that when the returns of the election should come in I desired Capt. Hooper and Mr. J. T. Caine to act for me. He intimated that the point would arise respecting my naturalization. I told him Baskin had contested my seat for 8 months in Washington on that point and the decision was in my favor.

A very busy day for me. I had attended to office business up till to-day and had done nothing at my private business. With Bros Woodruff and O. Pratt we again went through (that is, the First Presidency) with the minutes of our meetings as a council at the times the question of organizing the First Presidency was discussed. These minutes were revised and approved; some expressions were stricken out. I had an interview with Marshal Shaunessy respecting Geo. Reynold’s case. He told me that in his opinion, formed upon what he had heard, the design of Gov. Murray was to refuse me the certificate. Speaking of the Gentile population, he said that more infamous scoundrels he had never met than he had found among them.

It was after 10 p. m. when I got away from the Office. I had not had time to eat dinner or supper. John Q. was at the house waiting to help me and to take notes respecting business to be attended to. It was after midnight when we got through.

30 November 1880 • Tuesday

My wife Elizabeth and myself slept but little, as we were afraid of oversleeping ourselves. At 1/2 past 3 she aroused the help to get breakfast ready. I had bade all the rest of my family farewell last night. It was painful to tear away. I felt like a man going forth to battle. Mary Alice cried very bitterly. She has done so every time my departure has been mentioned for several days.

John Q. drove me up in his buggy. I called upon his wife Annie. We could not get in. We called upon John Hoagland and Emily; also upon Bro. Rich who expressed his joy at seeing me before my departure.

Bro. A. O. Smoot, John W. Taylor, Richard Camp, Jas. Eardley, Jr. and Isaac Riddle were going East on missions. Gov. Murray was going to Echo. He and I conversed sometime. My brother Angus came down from Ogden to Farmington and then returned with us. He was going with the Gov. to examine a part of a coal mine which Angus had for sale.

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November 1880, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 9, 2025