September 1898

1 September 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, September 1, 1898

President Woodruff passed quite a restless night, and he still has difficulty in voiding urine. He was up and down a good deal this morning, and appeared to be concerned about his own condition. Still there was no feeling of alarm felt concerning him. All went away, excepting myself and Sister Woodruff, to attend to various matters. I was in and out of his room. While sitting in my own apartment, about 2 o’clock, Sister Woodruff came in and said that President Woodruff was very bad – worse, she said, than any of us thought he was. I went in immediately, and she said to him, “Here is Brother Cannon, pa.” “Yes,” he said, “I see him”. He was sitting up then. He had just been to the closet, and she had had great difficulty in getting him back into bed again. I saw that his condition was very serious. He muttered something concerning Asahel; he would like to see Asahel; and then he dropped into a condition of insensibility – a state of coma. I sat by his bedside, and held his hand. He lay in that condition till nearly 5 o’clock, when he rose up in bed and stared about him with a very wild look, as though he was looking for some one; then sank back again into a state of coma, and lay that way until about 6 o’clock, when Brother Clawson and the folks returned. Dr. Winslow Anderson, whom President Woodruff had seen and who had examined his condition, came in, having been summoned by Brother Clawson, and he examined him. I saw that he thought President Woodruff’s condition very grave. He said he would like to bring a friend to consult with him about the case. At 9 o’clock he brought Dr. Buckley, a noted specialist, and they examined President Woodruff, and succeeded in drawing, by means of the catheter, about half a pint of urine. Dr. Anderson said that was an encouraging sign; otherwise his condition was not at all favorable. After it was done, President Woodruff sank into a sleep. The doctor said he would be there again at 12 o’clock. I did not undress, but watched. At 12 o’clock the doctor came, accompanied by Dr. McNutt, a man of national reputation for diseases of the kidneys, etc. When Dr. Buckley was there I asked him and Dr. Anderson if President Woodruff’s condition was critical. They both said, very critical. I asked them whether I would be warranted in telegraphing home concerning his condition. I did not wish to create any alarm there, but I did not wish to keep quiet if there was reason to apprehend fatal results. They both urged me to send word home. After their departure and before Drs. Anderson & McNutt came, I got Brother Clawson to help me draw up the following dispatch, in cipher, to President Joseph F. Smith:

“President Woodruff’s condition very serious. It is the opinion of experts this sickness may terminate his earthly mission. He is not sensible at times. Attack very sudden; suppressed urine the cause. His advanced age against him.”

I could see from the manner of both Drs. Anderson & McNutt that they considered his sickness likely to terminate in death very soon. Acting on Dr. Anderson’s advice, we had secured the services of a professional nurse. He had urged that every effort should be made to produce perspiration, to relieve the kidneys, and a professional nurse would understand doing this, and he therefore sent one of his own special nurses. A lively perspiration was effected, but it did not seem to be sufficient. After the doctors left – in fact, while they were there, President Woodruff lay in a gentle slumber, sleeping apparently as quietly as a babe. I then lay down for a short time.

2 September 1898 • Friday

Friday, September 2, 1898

I arose about 6 o’clock. The nurse told me he had been sleeping in the same position all the time. I took hold of his wrist, felt his pulse, and I could feel that it was very faint, and while I stood there it grew fainter and fainter until it faded entirely. His head, his hands and his feet were warm, and his appearance was that of a person sleeping sweetly and quietly; not a quiver of a muscle, nor any movement of his limbs or face. And thus he passed away.

I cannot describe the feelings that I had. The event was so unexpected, so terrible, and away from home! I could not understand it. I felt that I had lost the best friend I had on earth. The suddenness of the sickness and death was like a frightful blow to all of us. I have known President Woodruff since I was a boy 12 years of age, when he came to my father’s house, and I have loved him with great affection. During my association with him as his counselor our intercourse has been of the most pleasant character. He has treated me with the greatest consideration and kindness, has honored me beyond my deserts, has deferred to me many times, when I felt that he was paying me too much respect, and has sought to know my mind upon every question of any importance that has been submitted to us. Very frequently when I have not been present he has deferred action till I could be there. No man that ever lived could have honored a counselor more than President Woodruff has honored me. He was a man entirely free from jealousy and from every feeling that would make it unpleasant for his associates. He has been angelic in his nature. A pure woman could not have been more lovely and interesting to associate with than he has been.

I framed another dispatch, in cipher, to President Smith:

“President Wilford Woodruff is dead. He left us at 6:40 this morning. Break the news to his family. He slept peacefully all night and passed away without movement.”

I feared that we should be overrun with newspaper men if the word got out that President Woodruff was dead. I therefore cautioned all to be careful not to say anything that would make it public at present; and I told all that we must make every preparation to get away to-day. I was almost prostrated; not being well it had a great effect on me; but I nerved up and took steps to get the body embalmed, which Dr. Anderson assisted in doing, and secured a casket, and the undertakers promised (although at first they said it could not be done) to get everything ready for the evening train, which leaves at 6 o’clock. We had no temple clothing with us. I therefore told the doctor we would put on his garments, shirt, socks, collar, white necktie, as we should have to change his dress when we reached home.

Dr. Winslow Anderson was a Mormon boy, who was adopted by Dr. Winslow, of Salt Lake City. The money left by Dr. Winslow at his death went to young Anderson and he educated himself with it, graduating in London. He has now the largest practice of any man in San Francisco. He formerly was a student at the Brigham Young Academy, Provo, and a teacher there. We were pleased to have him, if we had any medical man at all, and it was necessary that we should have a medical man in order to get the certificate of President Woodruff’s death in regular form. He helped me all he could in making preparations to get away.

I sent a dispatch to President Smith:

“We start to-night for Utah. Will reach Ogden Sunday morning at 6:45 mountain time. Secure transit for funeral car over the Rio Grande from Ogden to Salt Lake City and return. Have Jos. E. Taylor meet us at depot.”

Early in the day I asked Colonel Trumbo and Bishop Clawson to see the Southern Pacific people and to secure a special car. The railway people were very kind. Mr. Huntington, Jr., nephew of the President of the road, Mr. Goodman, the passenger agent, and Mr. Stubbs did all in their power to furnish us the transportation. They furnished what is called their funeral car, which is a car specially built for the carrying of remains of distinguished men in one end, and for a number of people in the other part. We did not use the car for any purpose but the transportation of the body, as we had our berths on the sleeper.

I omitted to say that on Wednesday, when President Woodruff was sick, Sister Woodruff expressed a wish to have one of her sons or sons-in-law come to meet them, because we all felt, if President Woodruff could bear the journey, he should return home. A dispatch was therefore sent to Ovando Beebe, a son-in-law, (it being the impression that Asahel Woodruff was away from the city) telling him that Asahel or himself ought to come. He telegraphed back to know whether Andrew Smith would answer, and I sent a reply to the effect that one of the family was wanted. Brother Jos. J. Daynes, Jr., another son-in-law, started. After the President’s death, I sent a dispatch to Brother Daynes to meet him on the road, so that he could stop and join us. My dispatch was: “The President is dead. We leave to-night. You stop at Reno, and meet us on train at 8 o’clock to-morrow morning. We have your transportation.”

Colonel Trumbo secured a great wealth of very beautiful flowers, with which the casket was covered.

At 6 o’clock we left for home. It was a very sad parting. Sister Woodruff especially was almost broken down.

3 September 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, September 3, 1898

Our party was joined at Reno by Jos. J. Daynes, Jr., and further on by Asahel Woodruff.

We went through without anything of note occurring.

4 September 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, September 4, 1898

At Ogden we were met by a special train, which brought President Jos. F. Smith, President Snow and all the Twelve who were within reach. Owen Woodruff and F. M. Lyman were absent. There were a great many people came up, and a number of the Ogden people desired the privilege of passing through the car to see the casket, which they did.

We reached Salt Lake City, where we found a large concourse of people at the depot. Carriages were provided, and a procession was formed behind the hearse and accompanied the remains to the Woodruff Villa, where they were taken charge of by Brother Jos. E. Taylor. The casket was opened, and though the President looked very natural, still his face was somewhat discolored, due probably to the fact that the animal heat was not out of the body when we started from California. In conversing with the brethren and telling them what had occurred, I could not control my feelings, and it seemed a great relief to be able to shed tears. If I had contributed in any way towards inducing him to go to California, I should have felt badly; but it was his own wish to go, and he seemed pleased at the thought of going, and spoke about it a number of times to Brother Spence, whom he wished to get transportation for us. He seemed to think that it would be a relief to him, though his constant remark was, “President Cannon needs rest, and he is going to California, and I am going with him”; to which remark, when he made it to me, I said it ought to be the other way – that he is going and I was going with him. On the way to Ogden he remarked to Brother Spence that he wished I was in as good health as he was! He seemed to be very much concerned about me, and had spoken a number of times about my health – how necessary he thought it was that I should take a rest. When we reached San Francisco and Brother Nye called upon him, he charged Brother Nye (who is the President of the Mission there) with great earnestness that he must not call upon me to speak; he must not tax me at all; that I had come there to rest, and he wanted me to have rest, and not to be troubled about meetings or anything of that kind.

As this is fast day, there was no Tabernacle meeting. I attended fast meeting in the afternoon in the Ward.

5 September 1898 • Monday

Monday, September 5, 1898

A meeting had been appointed for 10 o’clock this morning at the office, at which all the members of the Council of the Twelve were present, excepting Brother F. M. Lyman, who had not yet reached the city. There were present also sons and sons-in-law of President Woodruff. There were some points to be decided concerning the burial of the President. It was decided that the funeral should be held on Thursday, at 10:30. Six of President Woodruff’s grandsons will act as pallbearers. The question as to the kind of coffin he should be placed in came up in consequence of my urging that we should bury him according to his written directions. He had said that he wished to be buried in a plain coffin of native wood, and Brother Joseph E. Taylor had been instructed by me to have a coffin of that kind made. A committee, consisting of Brigham Young, Heber J. Grant and A. O. Woodruff, was appointed to arrange the details of the funeral.

My son Frank arrived from the East yesterday morning, and he was ready to report the results of his trip whenever we should be ready to hear him. It was deemed best to let this go until after the funeral services.

At this meeting of the Apostles I desired President Snow to take the lead, but he insisted on myself and Brother Smith acting in our capacity as the First Presidency until after the funeral.

6 September 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 6, 1898

There was a meeting of the Grand Central Mining Co. to-day at Provo, and myself and wife Caroline went to Provo, accompanied by Anne and Georgius. As the train was delayed, we had the opportunity after the meeting of taking dinner at Brother Holbrook’s[.] We got back to the city late in the afternoon, and I did not go to the office.

7 September 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 7, 1898

I was at the office and had some conversation as to the order of proceedings for the funeral tomorrow.

8 September 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, September 8, 1898

I arranged to have a carriage come for my wives and I went in with them to President Woodruff’s residence. My other carriages took the rest of my family to the Tabernacle. There was a carriage provided for me at the residence, in which Presidents Snow and Smith and Brother Richards were riding. A large procession was formed at the residence and accompanied the body to the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was magnificently draped, and the stands were embowered with flowers. The services were of the most solemn character, and the arrangements of the committe went through without a hitch. In front of the organ there was a portrait of President Woodruff, and over that appeared in letters of living light, produced by electricity, “Being dead yet speaketh”. I spoke to President Snow about making the first remarks, but he preferred that President Smith should do so, if I would not do so. The brethren appeared to be anxious that I should occupy the most of the time; in fact, they said they would like me to occupy all the time. This, I told them, I thought would be inappropriate. President Smith spoke about 30 mins. He was followed by President Snow, then by Brother F. D. Richards, and then by myself. I spoke 45 mins. I dwelt almost entirely on President Woodruff’s character. I almost choked down once or twice, but I contrived to control my emotions. I have felt quite nervous about this meeting, because I have not spoken in the Tabernacle for nearly four months, only a very few words; but the Lord was with me and blessed me, and my voice held out pretty well. I had proposed in the beginning that each of the Twelve should occupy five minutes, and spoke to Brother Brigham Young to that effect, and he said that he thought the older brethren of the Twelve should have more time, and it would be more satisfactory if they all occupied what time they needed. I told him I would like him to consult the rest of the Twelve about that, which he did, and they agreed that the four oldest members of the quorum should occupy the time. The procession to the grave was a very long one. Brother Lyman was called upon to dedicate the grave, and on behalf of the family I thanked the Apostles and all who had taken part in the ceremonies for the aid they had rendered.

I insert here a detailed account of the services in the Tabernacle, as published in the Deseret News:-

[Newspaper clipping:]


—Fervent and Earnest Tributes Paid to the Departed Leader.

At 10:35, the Tabernacle being then crowded to its utmost capacity, Prof. Joseph J. Daynes rendered on the organ a march composed especially for the occasion. Its rendition was the signal for reverential attention, all seeming to feel to the greatest extent the utter solemnity of the occasion.

Of the general authorities there were present on the stand:

Counselors to the late President Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith.

Of the Twelve Apostles: Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D. Richards, Brigham Young, Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, John W. Taylor, Mariner W. Merrill, Anton H. Lund, Matthias F. Cowley and Abraham O. Woodruff.

Presiding Patriarch John Smith.

Of the First Seven Presidents of Seventies: Seymour B. Young, Christian D. Fjeldsted, B. H. Roberts, George Reynolds and J. Golden Kimball.

The Presiding Bishopric: Wm. B. Preston, Robert T. Burton and John R. Winder.

The Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake of Zion.

President George Q. Cannon announced the opening hymn on page 357 of the L. D. S. hymn book, commencing as follows:

Thou dost not weep, to weep alone;

The broad bereavement seems to fall Unheeded and unfelt by none;

He was beloved, beloved by all.

The hymn was sung with much pathos and feeling by the Tabernacle choir, after which Elder F. D. Richards, of the Quorum of the Apostles, offered prayer. It was a fervent offering, replete with thankfulness to God the Father for His many blessings unto the Latter-day Saints; for His having raised up such a faithful and devoted servant as President Wilford Woodruff, and for the great good that he was enabled to do while sojourning here upon earth. Elder Richards invoked the blessings of God upon the bereaved family and especially upon President Woodruff’s son Owen who had been called to the holy Apostleship, and asked that he might be a man of God, like his father, unto the family.

Elder George D. Pyper and the choir sang the hymn:

O my Father, Thou that dwellest

In the high and glorious place,

When shall I regain Thy presence,

And again behold Thy face?

In Thy holy habitation

Did my spirit once reside,

In my first primeval childhood

Was I nurtured near Thy side?

During the musical exercises, the inscription, Being Dead Yet Speaketh, was displayed by means of electric lights, the same appearing just over a life-size likeness of President Woodruff and having an excellent effect.


was the first speaker. He said in substance: It would be superfluous for him to attempt to enter into an historical relation of the great events of the life of our own great President, Wilford Woodruff. It would also seem unnecessary for him to attempt to eulogize his character and labors as a husband, a father, and a servant of God, because his life was so well known to the people. President Woodruff was the fourth in succession who had occupied the exalted position of President, Seer and Revelator to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints upon the earth. It was the speaker’s privilege, when a child, to witness the funeral services over the remains of the first President, Joseph Smith, and to know him as a child may know a man. He was absent in England on a mission at the death of President Young, and was unable to attend the services of John Taylor. But he was glad to be present on this occasion, and to have the privilege of mingling his words and tears with those of his brethren over one of the late Presidents, whose labors had been so blessed to the people of God. He was thankful for the privilege of associating with the four Presidents of the Church, from his youth to his manhood. He was intimately associated with Brigham Young, and had the benefit of his wise counsel; and in his intimate associations with Presidents Taylor and Woodruff, he had experienced great joy, and had found them to be all that the people of God held them up to be before the world. Those who thought that these men had sinister motives and were not actuated by the purest desires, had been greatly deceived, or exceedingly ignorant[.] No men with whom he had been associated had lived purer lives. They had not sought to build themselves up, but to save souls and to establish truth in the earth. They had been sincere in their convictions, and in the inspiration they had received from God. Of this, he was a living witness that Joseph Smith had been raised up to usher in the dispensation of the fullness of times. President Woodruff had shown his greatness in giving out his life’s labor to the establishment of this testimony in the earth. The day would soon be passed when infidel tongues would ridicule the claims of the Church of Christ, and the work of such men as President Woodruff would soon be established and acknowledged in the world; for he had exemplified all its truths and principles in his life, manifesting his faith and knowledge by his works, For he had recognized the fact that in the light of this knowledge, his whole trust and duty was to show his faithfulness to it.

Joseph Smith the Prophet was misunderstood by the world, and was not permitted to live beyond his young manhood, but his name was worthy of all honor, for he was raised up of God, and was not an imposter, a deceiver, or deceived. Men might imagine what they would but there were many thousands of people who could testify of their own knowledge, through the testimony of the Holy Ghost, that he was raised up by the Lord to usher in the glorious coming of the kingdom of God[.] This in order that men might be enlightened, for the glory of God is intelligence; that men and women might be brought to a knowledge of the truth[.] This perfect knowledge was to be brought to their souls through the ministration of the Holy Spirit, which bears record of the things of God; by which even the ignorant fishermen who followed our Lord, might know that Jesus is the Christ. Only by this means could such a knowledge be obtained.

The speaker paid a strong tribute to President George Q. Cannon, Lorenzo Snow and Franklin D. Richards, and their faithfulness to the Presidents who had passed away. Of President Woodruff, he said he did not think he had any feeling in his heart to injure any man, but he had labored to do good in the world. No greater work had he done than in the exemplification. In his life, of all the principles he had espoused, and in his integrity to his brethren in all conditions. He was made of the material of which martyrs are made; for he faced death many times for the sake of his brethren and the cause of Zion, and never quailed in the face of danger, no matter who of his associates may have proved themselves traitors.

President Smith hoped that he and all others might follow in all their lives the path marked out by our deceased President. He prayed for the blessings of God on the bereaved family, that they might follow the life work of their great leader, in which case their salvation would be sure.

A solo and chorus entitled, Beautiful City, was then sung by Sister Maggie C. Hull and the Temple choir, under the leadership of Prof. C. J. Thomas.


President Lorenzo Snow then spoke. He said he was very much pleased and delighted to see such a vast multitude assembled for the purpose of honoring President Woodruff. He had been acquainted with President Woodruff for 62 years, a good portion of the time quite intimately. All that has been said of him was fully worthy of the life which he had led. President Snow did not feel as some perhaps felt, that the passing of one into another sphere of action, was a disaster. Such a change had been decreed from the beginning. There were periods in the lives of people that were highly important and one was the preparation for entrance upon this sphere of action and to discharge certain duties so as to gain for themselves an exaltation in the kingdom of God. President Woodruff had fulfilled his calling. His sojourn here upon earth had been as near perfection as it was possible for mankind to make it so. It was the duty of every individual to do all they could to rectify the mistakes prone to humanity. All were born subject to error and therefore perfection could not be expected of the human family. But it was possible for mankind to so order their lives as to gain for themselves an exaltation in the kingdom of God, and to be proud of the record made, when they were called into another world. President Woodruff had had such an object in view from his early manhood. He had became [become] acquainted with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and sought to live a life such as would entitle him to all the blessings in store for the faithful. This was a satisfaction to his family as he had left behind him an example that to follow after, would make of them honored and useful instruments in the hands of God.

President Snow spoke of the vacancy in the Presidency caused by the death of President Woodruff. Many people said he, had been led to wonder and imagine how the affairs of the Church were to be carried on. The Gospel in its completeness, said the speaker, made provision for these changes. The work would roll on uninterruptedly as it had done, succeeding the death of the Prophet Joseph and those of Presidents Brigham Young and John Taylor. On the death of the President of the Church, the responsibility fell upon the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and so it was on this occasion and ever would be. The Quorum of Apostles, said President Snow, was never as able to handle such a responsibility as it was at the present time. It was fully organized, and the brethren were in perfect union and accord with each other, and faithful and devoted to the trust reposed in them. Presidents Cannon and Smith were men of God, full of faith and devotion to the cause, and their work in rolling on the kingdom would be greatly appreciated and felt. There was no danger as to the outcome of the work of God. It had been established for a purpose and that purpose would be accomplished, and the Church progress and increase in the earth, no matter how many of the authorities were called to another sphere.


Of the Council of the Apostles, followed. So far as one man could enter into the feelings of another, he felt to adopt as his own the words of his brethren regarding the greatness and goodness of our late President. He spoke of the first time he met Wilford Woodruff, and stated that he was impressed very strongly with the directness and simplicity of his character, and his perfect guilelessness. He had been a great exemplar of the work in which he had been engaged, in his implicit obedience to the dictates of the Spirit. This had been one of the great features of his life. Another had been the keeping of a diary of his actions and the history of the Church, from his first connection with it to the day before his death, which would be most valuable as a compendium of the progress of the work. Elder Richards urged the Elders to follow the example of President Woodruff in this regard. His healing power had been strongly manifested on many occasions, one striking instance being related by the speaker.

Although at the death of the three former Presidents, not all the Apostles had been permitted to be present, yet on this occasion, the speaker was pleased to announce, all the members of the quorum were present.

President Woodruff’s enemies had been led to become his friends. He had assisted in the building and dedication of Temples, had established an honorable family in the earth and had performed great missionary labors in different parts of the world[.] He had been a mighty fisher of men bringing into the Church almost 2,000 persons. He and Heber C. Kimball had established the greatest records in this respect, in the Church. The speaker closed expressing the hope that the Saints would emulate the worthy example of the departed, and that their works might be as honorable and their end as blessed as his.


President George Q. Cannon began his remarks by reading a portion of the 76th section of the Doctrine and Covenants concerning the resurrection of the just. In standing up to address the Saints, said he, it was only because he knew he would have the faith and prayers of those assembled. In the passing of President Woodruff, a man had gone from our midst whose character was probably as angelical as that of any person who had ever lived upon the earth. We shall ever miss him, said President Cannon. His family will ever miss him, as to them he was all in all, an honored and respected husband and father.

In the death of such men, said President Cannon, it was a consolation to know that they left behind them the keys of the Priesthood which they held, thus permitting the rolling on of the work of God. President Woodruff was an unassuming man, very unaffected and childlike in his demeanor. He did no man an injury, nor was he too proud, even in his Apostolic calling, to toil as other men toiled. His traits and characteristics were ennobling, and so energetic was he that nothing was too burdensome for him even in his advanced years.

President Cannon felt that too much could not be said in praise of President Woodruff. He was of a sweet disposition and possessed a character so lovely as to draw unto him friends in every walk of life. He would no more do a wrong than he would commit suicide. He was straightforward in all his dealings with his fellow man, and never shirked an obligation. He was free, sociable and amiable in every respect. No jealousy lurked in his bosom. He looked upon all mankind as his equals and was one who cherished the most profound respect for all with whom he associated. He was gentle as a woman and his purity was like unto that of the angels themselves. In spite of his high and holy calling, he displayed no dignity, was unpretentious, unassuming and his character and life were as transparent as glass. He hid nothing from his brethren, but was candid, outspoken and free to all.

President Cannon spoke of a remark made by President Woodruff some time ago. In his office one morning he remarked, “I’m growing old,” the statement being occasioned through the greater ability of a strong, wiry grandson in hoeing potatoes. So industrious was President Woodruff, that he felt he was growing old because those stronger and younger could outdo him in cultivating the garden. President Woodruff labored freely and gratuitously in the ministry. With him it was a labor of love, his only hope of reward being in the hereafter when he would be called upon to give an account of his stewardship. For years he lived on his 20-acre farm and took pleasure in beautifying his surroundings and wresting from the earth, the elements to sustain life. He was a great correspondent, and his children and grandchildren loved to write to him. He kept a complete account of his life’s doings, and even up to the day he was stricken down, his journal told of his work of the day before.

In the ministry, said President Cannon, President Woodruff had accomplished a great deal. He had traveled thousands of miles, preached the Gospel to thousands of people, and succeeded in bringing a great many into the Church. He had left behind him a monument of good that time could not efface or obliterate. His was a life well spent, fraught with good deeds, actuated by a noble purpose.

President Cannon referred to the last days of President Woodruff on the earth. He was pleasant and cheerful to the end. With the speaker he attended a banquet given by the Bohemian club of San Francisco to one of its members. At it he was asked to speak and did so. This was on

Saturday, the 27th inst. On Sunday he attended meeting in San Francisco, and Monday went out riding. Tuesday and Wednesday he spent writing, and on Thursday the fatal attack came on, which ended in his death on Friday morning. His end was calm and peaceful. He passed away as one sleeping.

Referring to the death of President Woodruff away from home, President Cannon stated that it was his desire to go away. He was so concerned in the speaker’s health that he thought such an outing was necessary. He himself had been benefitted previously in going to the seacoast, and it was his desire to accompany President Cannon on this occasion. His passing away, though quite unexpected, was a gradual sinking into an eternal sleep.

President Woodruff was a man of God. He had finished the fight and had been called hence to mingle with his brethren, and to receive his well-earned reward. He was a heavenly being. It was heaven to be in his company, and his departure from this sphere of action, robs the community of a great and good man, and one who fully merited all the blessings promised to those who remain true and steadfast unto the end. The speaker had been privileged to witness the departure from earth of Presidents Young and Taylor. They, too, were righteous men, entitled to a full bestowal of heavenly blessings.

Concluding, President Cannon invoked the blessings of God upon the Twelve Apostles and upon all who held responsible positions in the Church, that their lives might be fraught with good deeds and noble examples, such as those characterizing the life and labors of President Wilford Woodruff.

The choir sang President Woodruff’s favorite hymn:

God moves in a mysterious way.

The closing prayer was offered by Elder Brigham Young of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and the immense audience dispersed to take up their places in the order of procession, the congregation marching out in order to a selection on the organ by Prof. J. J. Daynes.


—Moved Slowly Eastward on South Temple Which Was Filled With Humanity.

The ceremonies in the Tabernacle ended, the great audience filed out into the street and, diverging in all directions, a vast host, mingling with those who had lingered outside, sought their carriages and other conveyances ready to fall into line when the procession to the grave should be formed. Thousands thronged the streets in anticipation of witnessing the departure, and yet everything was orderly and all arrangements skillfully carried out. The marshal of the day, with his numerous efficient aids, and the detachment of police, rendered signal service in executing the plans so carefully arranged. Hundreds of conveyances lined the adjacent streets and were brought up in line in seemly order, and, in fact, everything attested the prevalent reverence in which the occasion was held, so that nothing might occur to mar or delay the marshaling of order out of seeming chaos. The services in the Tabernacle being finished at 1:30, the formation of the procession was begun on the west and north sides of Temple square, and at 1:45 p. m. the order was given to advance on the way to the beloved President’s last resting place. Slowly and impressively the journey to the grave was begun.

As the procession passed into public view, many an eye became dim with tears and a last farewell was breathed from many a life-time friend and uncovered head as all that remained of him whose life and work had crystalized into the brightest gem of immortal setting had passed them by, and yet thousands more made up the cavalcade and retinue which followed at the shrine of death. This was the order formed and maintained on the way to the grave:


1. Marshal of day and aides.

2. Held’s bands.

3. Harmony Glee club.

4. Pall-bearers.

5. Hearse.

6. Flowers

7. Carriages one to twelve inclusive—family

8. Carriages thirteen to eighteen inclusive, General Church Authorities.

9. Ogden band.

10. Presidents of Stakes and counselors.

11. General organization Relief Societies.

12. Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement associations.

13. Young Men’s Mutual Improvement associations.

14. Deseret Sunday School Union.

14. Primary associations.

16. Church Board of Education.

17. Faculty and students of Brigham Young academy and representatives of different Church colleges and academies.

18. First Regimental band and Utah National Guard.

19. State and city officials.

20. General public.


—Consignment of the Remains to Mother Earth – Dedication of the Grave.

The line of march all along South Temple street was densely packed with a mass of humanity, as far as M street, and from there to the cemetery people were out in hundreds waiting the approach of the procession. Thousands of people also accompanied the remains of the dead Prophet to the place of interment, and it was a spectacle long to be remembered. “The Dead March in Saul,” by Held’s band, and other funeral dirges, were played, while the Ogden and First Regimental bands discoursed their sweet, sad music all the way. A wave of harmony rolled down the line from beginning to end, and surely it must have risen as sweet incense to the spheres above. Slowly and stately the procession moved on its solemn way, and when the cemetery was reached a great concourse of people was already there. The various organizations and representative bodies disbanded at the gates of the cemetery and the simple white hearse bearing the remains of the departed leader was driven to the side of the grave, where it was followed by the private carriages of the members of the deceased’s family and the general authorities of the Church. At 2:45 p.m. the casket was taken from the hearse and carried by the pall-bearers to the grave into which it was consigned while all the people stood with uncovered heads. Countless flowers in bouquets and designs of exquisite beauty were laid upon the sward by sorrowing friends, and when all was ready the members of the President’s family and other friends gently laid some floral tokens upon the departed’s bier in last farewell. Then the authorities of the Church, who had gathered on the northwest corner of the plot of ground[,] signified that the final ceremonies begin, and the Harmony Glee club sang with exquisite pathos and tenderness, the selection: “Not Dead but Sleepeth.” President Cannon then called upon Apostle F. M. Lyman to offer the dedicatory prayer.

In opening his invocation Apostle Lyman asked that grace and strength be vouchsafed to those who were bereaved, to bear up under the burden of grief their loss had entailed, and asked the blessings of the Almighty upon the duty which had devolved upon him in dedicating the last resting place of him who for so many years had been identified with the work of the Lord in the earth. He prayed that President Woodruff’s life and record might stand as an example to the hosts of Israel throughout the world, one they would emulate if possible, and further asked that the widows and children might be comforted in the knowledge that their beloved father had gone to a glorious reward. It was his desire that the Almighty bless the ground where so many had tender hopes and affection laid away, that it would ever be sacred and holy to the people. He prayed for the prosperity of the work of building up Zion in the earth; for the blessings of the Lord to rest upon the Church and the authorities upon whom its guidance would now devolve upon, and in conclusion asked that the dedication might be accepted of the Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ.

At the close of the prayer, flowers were laid upon the grave by loving hands, and the vast concourse of people dispersed to their homes and various pursuits, feeling that this day would be accounted, while time and memory should last, as one of the most notable in the present dispensation, and would be hallowed forever.

[End of newspaper clippings]

After the services at the grave, we drove to Brother Charles E. Johnson’s photograph gallery, he having made a request that we should do so, and we stood in a group and had our picture taken.

9 September 1898 • Friday

Friday, September 9, 1898

There was a meeting of the Quorum of the Twelve in the Temple at 10 a.m. All were present. President Snow had us seated according to our order, Brother Richards at his right hand, I next, and so on around until the last Apostle sat on his left.

President Lorenzo Snow addressed the Council, and in feeling terms described the responsibilities which now devolved upon him, and how unequal he was to them, and how he shrunk from them, and he offered to step aside and let anyone else be appointed that might be chosen to fill the position.

I spoke to the effect that such a thing could not be thought of; it was his right and place; everybody expected it, and I knew it was the will of the Lord that he should stand in that position.

A motion was made to sustain him in his position, and it was carried with great unanimity.

At the request of President Snow, President Smith and myself had an interview with him in regard to the situation of affairs. He expressed himself very freely to us to the effect that he should depend upon us and should be glad to consult with us; that we were familiar with the affairs as none of the others were, and he should expect us to assist him, and he would be glad to apply to us for our views about matters, etc. We had a very satisfactory conversation, and I felt greatly relieved, because he assured us that he would not allow such scenes, if he could prevent them, as had occurred at previous times, say, for instance, after the death of President Taylor. I have been troubled in mind these few days past; for I did not know what shape things would take, and I plead most earnestly with the Lord that I might be delivered from being a sharer in such scenes and conversation as we had had after President Taylor’s death; and this interview with President Snow brought peace to me, because I saw that he was disposed to not allow any spirit of fault-finding, censure or condemnation to prevail. I told him that as far as I was individually concerned I did not mind; I was quite willing that there should be the fullest investigation (in this President Smith joined); there was nothing that would not bear investigation; but I said I thought it ought to be recognized as a fundamental principle that it was not the province of the Twelve Apostles to call the First Presidency to account and to pronounce censure or condemnation upon them. Another thing, I thought that no one of the First Presidency should be selected and blamed or censured apart from the others; that what we had done we had done unitedly and we had stood together – in all of which President Snow acquiesced. He thought, however, that we ought, at the meeting of the Twelve, to make a statement of the affairs of the Church, so that the brethren of the Twelve would know what our condition was.

At this meeting in the Temple, I spoke of the situation in a general way, and said, as I had been sick and away from business a good deal of late, probably Brother Joseph F. Smith could make a better statement than I could. He did make a statement, and there being some things that I understood better than he did, I followed him, making such explanations as I deemed necessary to give the brethren a thorough understanding of affairs.

As I saw the brethren jotting down figures to put in their journals, a suggestion that Brother John Henry Smith made concerning having a report struck me with a good deal of force, and I proposed that President Smith and myself make a regular report to the Council of the condition of affairs and make a transfer of the affairs from the First Presidency to the Twelve. I said this would prevent erroneous matter getting into the journals and would be something reliable, which suggested [suggestion] was carried by motion.

President Smith had a favor, he said, to ask of the Council, and that was, that the desk he had used in the office be sold to him. He was willing to give a certain price for it. The brethren all protested against selling it to him, and a motion was made to give it to him, and to give me my desk also. I said, however, that my desk might be of use to President Snow, as President Woodruff’s desk was given to his son Owen; but Brother Grant suggested that the Twelve had a very fine desk in the room there, which he thought would be very appropriate for President Snow, and that I should keep my desk. The matter was arranged in that way.

Afterwards the condition of President Woodruff’s family was brought up, and $50 a month was allowed each of his wives until the affairs of the estate were settled up.

10 September 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, September 10, 1898

I attended meeting of the Salt Lake Stake Conference this morning, in the Assembly Hall. I spoke about 15 mins.

In the afternoon I attended a Bullion-Beck meeting at 3 o’clock.

11 September 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, September 11, 1898

It was very blustery this morning, and though I had promised to attend the conference at Farmington, if possible, I feared the strong east wind that is frequently felt in Davis County; but it grew calmer towards noon, and at 1 o’clock I took the Salt Lake & Ogden train for Farmington. I was met at the station by Brother Clark, one of the Counselors to President Hess, who took me to the meeting, which was held in a grove. After the authorities were presented and sacrament served, I called on Brother Cowley to speak, which he did for a little over half an hour. I followed, and enjoyed good liberty in talking to the people.

Brother Hess was very anxious that I should stop at his house a while, which I did, and took some bread and milk, and then returned home.

12 September 1898 • Monday

Monday, September 12, 1898

Nothing of importance to-day.

13 September 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 13, 1898

A meeting of the Twelve Apostles was called for 10 o’clock this morning. All were present – 14 in number. The object of the meeting was to listen to a report from my son Frank concerning his trip east on financial matters. I listened with great pleasure, as I think all did, to his statement, which was very lucid and straightforward and set forth his labor in a very satisfactory manner.

The question arose as to what should be done under the changed conditions. The brethren were called upon by President Snow for remarks. As no one spoke for a little while, I stated that the thing which appeared plain to me was for the council to put itself in a position to carry on this business by appointing a Trustee-in-Trust and announcing to the parties east that the presidency of the Church was now assumed by the Twelve Apostles.

Further remarks were made, and Frank was asked if delay would injure the situation. He said they might get cool if nothing were done or said before Conference. After answering some other questions, he withdrew, and left the Twelve to deliberate upon the course they would pursue.

All felt, I think, that there was a necessity for the appointment of a Trustee-in-Trust.

Brother Heber J. Grant, in some remarks, threw out the idea (he was sitting down at the time) that it might be well to organize the First Presidency; but he did not follow this up by any other remarks. Brother F. M. Lyman, however, after a little arose and advocated the organization of the First Presidency. He alluded to the feelings that had arisen after the death of President Taylor, and to President Woodruff’s anxiety to organize the First Presidency at that time, and he thought that the First Presidency would undoubtedly have been organized before it was at that time if we had all seen eye to eye, and he took the ground that we ought to make the organization now! He referred to President Woodruff’s expressions upon that subject – that he hoped the First Presidency would be organized immediately after his death.

Brother Grant followed in the same strain, and Brother Brigham Young spoke favorably of it also.

President Snow arose and stated his feelings. He told how he had felt very depressed, almost discouraged in his feelings, in view of the load that rested upon him, and he had gone before the Lord, clothed in his temple robes, and sought the mind of the Lord. In answer to his prayer, the Lord had revealed to him that the First Presidency should be organized, and who his counselors should be, and he had felt thankful for this.

The feeling to organize the First Presidency appeared to be a spontaneous one among the Apostles. I said nothing on this point. I felt very much surprised, however, at the unanimity that was displayed; for I had a very keen recollection of the scenes that had taken place after the death of President Young and after the death of President Taylor when this question had been discussed.

A motion was made and seconded that we organize the First Presidency of the Church, which was unanimously carried, and that President Snow be President of the Church, with the liberty of selecting his own counselors.

After this was carried, President Snow stated who his counselors were – George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith – which met the hearty approval of all present.

I was very much overcome by emotion; for I have been very much exercised in my feelings, dreading to some extent a repetition of former scenes, and I had prayed most earnestly to the Lord that I might be delivered from censure or condemnation. I did not expect to be called as a counselor, and President Snow was about to put the motion to vote when I arose and requested the privilege of saying a few words. I could not talk for some little time, being choked with emotion, and what I did say was interrupted by my feelings; for I could not restrain my tears. I told the brethren that I was willing in my heart to act in any position, however humble. I did wish to retain my Apostleship, but as to station or place I had no choice, only what the Lord chose. I was deeply honored by this, and I trusted I would have the love and confidence of my brethren, and I would endeavor to the best of my ability to discharge the duties of the office and to sustain President Snow.

Brother Joseph F. Smith followed in remarks which were very appropriate.

Then the motion was put and carried.

A proposition then was made to elect the President of the Twelve. Brother Franklin D. Richards was nominated by Brother Lyman, and was sustained in that capacity.

I ought to say that before President Snow was sustained as President of the Church he was sustained as Trustee-in-Trust for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I felt wonderfully joyful at this result. My prayers have been answered, and I felt to give glory to the Lord for His goodness and mercy. I think all were exceedingly gratified at the result, and all felt that it was right.

We had appointed 2 o’clock as the time that we should go to the art gallery of Brother C. R. Savage, and we sat as a group – 14 Apostles – for our likenesses to be taken.

We had a surprise party at my wife Caroline’s last night, on Tracy, who is the leader of the ward choir, and who is thinking of going to Ann Arbor to study music. It was a delightful gathering.

14 September 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 14, 1898

There was a meeting of the Deseret News Co. at 9 o’clock, at which some business was transacted.

I had some talk with my son Frank.

At 11 o’clock the Board of Directors of the Union Light & Power Co. met[.]

At 1 o’clock the Twelve had a meeting to listen to an article written by Brother Penrose in reply to some resolutions adopted by the Presbytery of Utah at Manti. It was a very able article. The question before us was whether this article should be printed in pamphlet form and 3000 copies of it given to a Mr. Rankin, who is a Presbyterian minister, and who wants to obtain that number of copies to circulate, as he says, among the Presbyteries of the United States. Coming from such a source, the proposition has inspired some question in our minds as to what use they wish to put this to, and on this account we wished to hear it and deliberate upon it.

After the article was read, President Snow conveyed the idea that there was a good deal of a challenge in this, and though he did not express himself, still I could see that his feelings were averse to its publication in pamphlet form.

Different brethren were called upon for their views, and generally they expressed themselves in favor of its publication. I expressed myself as very favorable to the article itself; thought it was a very able reply; but I said I could not conscientiously vote for its publication in pamphlet form. I then proceeded to state my reasons, which were that we challenged these people, and while we could truthfully say – I could particularly – that there had been no polygamous marriages in the State of Utah since the issuance of the Manifesto, still they could make it very troublesome for us if they proceeded with detectives, etc.; and I did not like the idea of provoking their wrath by the publication of that article, because there were some serious attacks made upon them, &c. I spoke so convincingly that Brother Grant, who withdrew before the meeting ended, said he had changed his views and would vote against it if he stayed.

A motion was finally made that Brother Penrose be instructed to write to his correspondent and inform him that the paper containing the article – the edition was exhausted, and that he was not able to publish in pamphlet form.

President Snow and Brother Smith and myself afterwards had an interview with Brother Budge in relation to Idaho politics.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

15 September 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, September 15, 1898

Notwithstanding my wish to avoid working as heavily as I have been, I was compelled to attend four meetings to-day, and ought to have attended five. The four meetings were the Utah Sugar Co. at 9:30, meeting of the Council at the Temple at 11 o’clock, meeting of Z.C.M.I. at 2 o’clock, and meeting of the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co. at 3 p.m. There was a meeting also of the Sunday School Union Board at 3 o’clock, but I could not attend it.

Our meeting at the Temple was a very pleasant one. President Snow requested me to occupy my old seat on the sofa, where I had formerly sat by the side of President Woodruff. We attended to several matters of business, and Brother Matthias F. Cowley was mouth in prayer.

16 September 1898 • Friday

Friday, September 16, 1898

I was busy to-day, examining my papers and cleaning up my desk.

17 September 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, September 17, 1898

I walked over from my place to Sister Woodruff’s this morning and paid her a visit. She was very glad to see me. She is quite grief-stricken.

After I got to the city I found a meeting had been arranged for the farmers of Mill Creek to meet with myself and others of the Union Light & Power Co in relation to a suit which they had commenced against our company to have their rights to the waters of Big Cottonwood Creek established. I spent over three hours with these people and had the satisfaction of inducing them to have the suit suspended for two months. I learned on Wednesday that this suit had been brought, and I was very much stirred up about it, and I felt it would be a disgrace to us to allow our brethren to sue us. If they felt as they should do, there would be no necessity for it. We did not want to do them or anyone else a single wrong, and we convinced them of this to-day. President Smith, Bishop Winder and Judge Le Grand Young were also present.

18 September 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, September 18, 1898

I had a visit from my son Frank this morning.

I went to the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock and found President Snow in the stand. He addressed the congregation for about 30 mins. His remarks were excellent, and I regretted that they were not reported, but Brother Winter, our reporter, was absent at a funeral. I followed him and spoke half an hour.

I reached home about 4:15, and met with the entire family at my wife Sarah Jane’s. I have been rather pleased at the prospect of this meeting. A little thing occurred in my family a few days ago that made quite an impression upon me. My little daughter Anne, a very plain-spoken little girl, remarked to me, when I was at her mother’s, “Why don’t you take your other wives around as you do ma?” and made some further remarks of this kind. Coming from a child of eight years, I was impressed with it. I asked her where she had heard such talk – for I did not think it originated in her own mind – and she said that Collins said this to her. The next evening I called all the boys together that were on the place, including Preston, Radcliffe, Espey, Edwin and Collins. I did not ask any of my wife Carlie’s children to be present. I drew out from the children what their feelings were concerning my course, and Collins, when I mentioned his name and what he had said, burst out crying and blurted out, with such plainness as to cause the other boys to laugh, what he thought was wrong in his Aunt Carlie being favored. Among other things, she had a better house than his mother had; the children had money that he did not have, and I took her away with me instead of his mother. He said a number of things of this kind, which I listened to in an amused sort of a way, because the plainness with which the child spoke was rather amusing. I asked him a good many questions so as to draw out all the feeling there was in him on this subject. I then talked to him and to the other boys. I told them that Aunt Carlie had means of her own, which she had inherited from her father’s estate, and if she chose to live in a better house and to give her children money that my other children did not have, I could not find fault with that, and they must not. It was her own, and she could do as she liked with it. I explained to them the course I took with all their mothers. I said to Collins, Espy and Radcliffe that their mother had $1100 a year from me, while Aunt Carlie only had $600. I did not pay her anything to help her with her first children; but I gave her an allowance for my children, the same as their mothers had for them. I talked for some time on this matter. I was desirous that these children should understand me and my position, and not misjudge me.

I related this to my son Frank, and he made some remarks that made me think perhaps there was a feeling in my family that I was not aware of. He said that some of the children had been talking to him about the situation of affairs. I had told Frank that I was going to send four of the girls away to a cooking school. Emily would be one of them, and this would leave the “farmhouse” without anybody in it but myself and the hired girl. It would be an improper thing for me to live there with the hired girl, and I did not know what to do. I needed the attention of a wife, but I deprived myself of it a good deal because I respected the feelings of my wives, and to live with one woman and not with all I knew would be painful in some respects, especially as the woman with whom I could live under the law was my youngest wife. It was this remark that drew out from Frank some remarks about his mother, of whom he is very fond, and naturally very jealous of her rights. I therefore favored very much the holding of a meeting with my family.

The meeting was opened by Frank describing my situation, and how necessary it was that I should have all the comforts of home and all the attention which a man should have, and which even a common day laborer had, and he wanted the wives to say something as to their feelings, the object being to pave the way for me to have Carlie come to my house and live with me. His mother, Sarah Jane, responded first, and she did so to the effect that I could do as I pleased, she would be satisfied. Eliza made the same remark. Martha spoke a little more freely, and Carlie spoke freely also. But it was not what I think he expected; at least, it was not what would satisfy me. I talked very plainly to my family. I told them if there was any feeling in their breasts about me and my conduct, I wanted it known; for I wanted love and harmony to prevail in my family, as I believe it always had done. I said I was very greatly surprised to learn that the little folks had made such remarks as I had heard. We had a delightful meeting in many respects. I spoke with the utmost freedom. I told them I did not want to boast, and in saying what I did I hoped I was not indulging in that feeling; but I had been married to my wife Sarah Jane forty years and during that period I had never gone into her house in anything but a pleasant spirit; in other words, I had never gone into her house in a bad temper. Whatever provocation I might have had outside or inside, she had never seen me show bad temper. I had always been pleasant, and until last week I had never shown anything like ill temper, and that had been provoked by a circumstance which was very trivial, and which I had explained to her. And it was so with the rest of my family. I said I felt greatly complimented a few months ago by my sister-in-law, Jane Simons, relating what she had heard her mother, Sister Tenney (the mother of my wife Eliza), say; she had lived with me, she said, some sixteen years, and she had never seen me come into my house except in good temper. And this, I said, was so with all my wives. I had always done everything in my power for their happiness. As soon as I had a little property of my own, I divided it with them, so that they would have means of their own to handle. I had followed that up for over twenty five years. I said, you all have your own income. You do not have to ask me for anything. I have tried to give you this and make your lives happy; and to talk about your being martyrs or of making sacrifices for me, I do not want any such thing. If anyone is to make sacrifices, I am the one. The meeting resulted very pleasantly. It gave me an opportunity to feel of the disposition of my children; and if I had been fond of praise, nothing could have been more gratifying to me than to hear the expressions that were made concerning me and my course by Frank and by all. They praised me to the fullest extent.

I mention this in my journal, because it may be referred to some time in the future, and a little record of this will not do any harm.

Frank returned to Ogden this evening.

19 September 1898 • Monday

Monday, September 19, 1898

The First Presidency listened to correspondence this morning, and I was busy about various matters.

20 September 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 20, 1898

Busy at the office attending to various matters.

21 September 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 21, 1898

At 8:30 I drove up to Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. and held meeting, which occupied about an hour.

9:30 I went into the office of the Union Light & Power Co., and remained in my chair until 2:30. I was greatly exhausted, and felt that I had done too much. First, there was a meeting to talk over the Pioneer Electric Power Co’s business; for we had an appointment at 10 o’clock to meet with Mr. Darling and Mr. Fraser, representing the General Electric Company, who have come to ask for payment of what we owed them and to resist our claim for damages amounting in round numbers to $18,000. We talked this over for one hour, and very warmly. Brother Le Grand Young acquitted himself very well in talking over our affairs, with which he seemed to be so thoroughly familiar. As there was an executive committee meeting at 11 o’clock, we adjourned for an hour. At 12 these gentlemen came back, and we sat there till 2:30. We think that we had the best of the argument, but there is danger of a lawsuit. There is some further information that we wish to obtain to sustain our case, and an agreement was made to meet to-morrow morning.

22 September 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, September 22, 1898

President Smith and myself had a meeting with Judge Bartch yesterday afternoon, in which he represented the danger we were in, in consequence of the antipathy to Brother Roberts’ candidacy and the determination on the part of the Liberal Democrats to make war on the Mormons. An appointment was made for him to meet President Snow this morning at 9 o’clock. He was here and made the same representation to President Snow, urging that a card should be published by the First Presidency of the Church.

At 11 o’clock we met at the Temple as usual and attended to some items of business. I was mouth in prayer.

I dictated my journal and some letters to Brother Arthur Winter.

23 September 1898 • Friday

Friday, September 23, 1898

A sister called to make a most extraordinary proposition to me. She is a woman that has had several conversations with me about her condition. She is very anxious to have children, and her husband is incapable of getting her offspring. She is almost heartbroken because of this condition of things. Her husband would like her to have a child, and would consent almost to anything for that purpose. She tells me that a young man about 26 years of age has proposed to her to become a father to a child for her. She intimates that her husband would be willing to have this done; but before taking any such step as this she came to ask counsel, to see whether it would be wrong to do so. The young man that makes this proposition is a married man, but his wife is incapable of bearing children, and he would like very much, she says, to have a child of his own, and would be willing to become a father to such a child for her.

I mentioned the case to Presidents Snow and Smith as being extraordinary. Of course, we could not consent to any such thing, and when I told her what the decision was she was almost heartbroken. The case was very pitiable.

Brother L. W. Shurtliff had a long interview with President Snow and myself about politics.

24 September 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, September 24, 1898

I came up to the office to attend a meeting of the stockholders of the Deseret News Co. We elected a Board of Directors.

I returned home early.

25 September 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, September 25, 1898

Attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Elders Coulam and Ben. Goddard spoke, and I occupied about 20 mins. afterwards.

In the evening I had a talk with four of my girls who are going to Boston to attend a cooking school – Emily, Carol, Grace and Vera. I have been attending to the boys and trying to get them trained for occupations by which they can make a living, and I have felt impressed of late to do something for my girls in the same direction. They are delighted at the thought of going. When they go I shall have ten children away at school, and the expenses on me will be very heavy; but I feel that I had better spend money in education than in other directions.

26 September 1898 • Monday

Monday, September 26, 1898

At the office all day. Attended to various matters of business.

We adopted a rule to-day which, I think, will work very favorably with us and be productive of better health: we shall leave the office at 1 o’clock to get lunch, instead of having lunch served to us in the office as heretofore, which has always been to me an unsatisfactory way of doing. I have thought it would be better for all of us to take a little time in the middle of the day and get away from the office to partake of lunch. I do not eat much in the middle of the day, still I think the break will do me good.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

27 September 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, September 27, 1898

A meeting was held of the newly-elected Board of Directors of the Deseret News Co. this morning. The Board was organized by electing myself as President, Brother Franklin D. Richards as Vice President, James Jack as Treasurer, John E. Evans as Secretary, and Angus M. Cannon, Jos. W. Summerhays and D. L. Davis as executive committee.

My daughter Hester acts very strangely, and I have had occasion to reprimand her a number of times, and did so to-day with some severity. She takes into her heads to have fasts, and has now fasted the third day. I have had occasion to speak to her before on this subject and reprove her for it. I think she carries this entirely too far and is injuring herself by her vagaries in this direction. I gave her some instructions some time ago that when she wanted to fast she must let me know, and told her mother to call my attention to it if she did so. I learned this morning that she had not eaten yesterday nor the day before. I told her she must stop this disobedience; I would not permit it in my house as an example to my children; for they all knew she was doing things contrary to my expressed injunction. Hester is an excellent girl in many respects; I have great admiration for her; but she is one of the most obstinate persons I ever knew, and none of the family but myself seems to have sufficient influence to check her.

28 September 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, September 28, 1898

I had an interview with A. W. McCune this morning, at his request. He made a number of statements to me about his affairs and his association with Brothers Eccles and Nibley in the southern railroad. He seems to have imbibed a poor opinion of their methods of doing business, particularly Brother Nibley’s, and I should judge from his remarks that it is not a very happy association. He finds fault with them for their penuriousness, etc.

At 10 o’clock I met with the executive committee of the Union Light & Power Co. Mr. L. S. Hills, one of the number, was not present. We attended to some business.

We had a call this afternoon from Sister Susa Young Gates and Sister Zina Young Card respecting lecturing tour which has been spoken of. The prospects for taking it are not so good as they were, and it is now proposed that they should deliver a lecture each during Conference time or immediately after, and have the reporters of the local papers present, and see what kind of reports they make of them.

I was invited by Brother W. N. Williams to come with my wife to his house about 8 o’clock to-night, as he intended to give a reception to Dr. Parry, who has come from Wales as adjudicator in the approaching eisteddfod. He is a man of some eminence in the musical world, and our folks were desirous to show him some attention. Myself and wife Carlie, although it rained very heavily, went there and had a very interesting evening with Dr. Parry and the company present.

29 September 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, September 29, 1898

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve met in the Temple and attended to various items of business. Brother Teasdale was mouth in prayer.

I dictated some letters to Brother Arthur Winter, and at 3 o’clock I went to the meeting of the Sunday School Union Board.

30 September 1898 • Friday

Friday, September 30, 1898

Brother Andrew Jenson had conversation with President Snow and myself, in which he outlined a plan that he has in mind for the sale of his book, “Church Chronology”. We gave him our views upon the matter.

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September 1898, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 16, 2024